Justins Love

By moc.loa@mrcsnlM

Published on Jun 12, 1999

  • Well, here is number 4!! Sorry this took so long, but I have been really busy with hospital stuff so... I will try to not take so long next time. I would first like to thank all of those who continue to e-mail me with all your comments and stuff. I really appreciate it and I hope they keep coming. Second, thanks to Nifty for putting this out and helping me get my writing started. I am grateful. As for the usual, this story is fake and is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of anyone mentioned. I am not saying that NSYNC or anyone else is gay. Also, the legal stuff still applies. Follow it or at least don't get caught! Now on with the story.

Justin's Love Part 4

Darkness. That was all I saw. Of course, that had been all I had seen for the past eight days. Seven days. No, I believe it was eight days. I had completely lost track. Ever since that day that I left Justin sitting at that cafe table crying, I had shut myself off to the world. By the time I had gotten home I was surprised I hadn't crashed. I had so much tears in my face that I was grateful I found my door. I went straight to my room, closed all the doors, turned off all the lights, and slipped into my bed. I must have lay there crying for God knows how long. I wouldn't answer the phone, the door, I didn't go on-line, I was completely cut off. That was the only way that I would feel better. I didn't know why I ran from him. I played it over and over again in my mind, but no logical reason came to me. I was just so scared, and happy, and... I dunno. I just ran. Even after I had crawled into bed, I felt like I was still running. Running away from Justin, family, friends, and basically life. Life had always scared the shit out of me, but all my over analyzing helped me to at least know what was going on around me. That was what kept me sane, knowing what was going on. And that perhaps was why I ran. For once in my life I had no idea were this would go, where it had started, and how it would end. That was the only reason I could come up with day after day. I got up once a day to take a shower and that was it. I hadn't eaten or had a good night sleep since Justin.

Justin was on his vacation by now. I did know that. This past week had been there week in the studio and now they had break time. That would have been great a week ago, but now it sounded cold and harsh. I hated the thought of all the things Justin and I would have done together during vacation had we still be friends. And worst yet, I hated the thought of what we would have done had I not ran at the cafe. I had the perfect guy whom I had love for the four months that we had been friends. He confessed his love, I confessed mine, and then I ran and left him crying. But even all this was not what hurt me the most. It was what Justin had said to Lance that one night. I remember the way that had felt to me and how much he had hurt me. I was so angry with him as well as hurt, and it had all been over words. Justin must have felt everything I felt when I heard him say those things, just ten times worse. I hurt him with more than just words. I had left him and our confessions of love. He must have hated me, got really depressed, and with drew himself from everybody. That's what I would have done anyway. Yet I was doing that and I was the one who had run. How ironic, huh? I slowly shook this thoughts from my mind as I headed to the shower. I had shut myself off, but I couldn't stand to live without some personal hygiene each day. And until I had gotten over the fear of dying and killed myself, I would at least take a shower. As I turned on the water I had thought to myself. `I can't keep living like this. I couldn't go to college in the fall, or even stay here without help. But nothing had helped. No friends would understand. I couldn't talk to anyone. Usually I would run to Justin, but that was a obvious no. Even my Bible reading hadn't helped me out any. And that was unusual. My reading had always helped me out with whatever I had faced. Now, it just wasn't good enough.' All these thoughts faded from my mind when I heard a loud ringing. I thought I was hearing things again, but I was wrong. The doorbell was repeating for entrance into the house. I would have treated this like all the other times I had heard the doorbell, but whoever it was seemed persistent. I angrily turned off the water and put on a robe. I stormed down stairs and went to the door. "This had better be important!" I yelled as I opened the door. I quickly regretted that statement as I saw who it was.

"Lance... um, what are you doing here?" I asked with much surprise. Lance and I hadn't really talked much. In fact, other than Justin, I didn't really know any of the guys. "Actually, I came to see you." He said while pushing his way in. "I know we haven't really talked much, but we have to start now. Whoa, nice house. This is really great." I just stood there in awe. Why was he here? And way he had just pushed his way in? "Is there something I can help you with?" Lance took the smile from his face. "Is there somewhere we can talk? This might take awhile." I knew this had to do with Justin. He would have never been so protective if it had not. "Yeah... um, follow me." I shut the door and lead him to the den. I turned on some lights and sat in a chair. Lance sat directly across from me on a couch with a table in between us. "First, what is with you and Justin? Do you love him?" Again, I was surprised. He was so blunt and easy with the issue. I could tell from that night at the Arena that Lance would not have a problem with Justin or I being gay, but he was a little to easy. "Did he tell..." I was quickly cut off. "I know what was supposed to go on that day. But since he's came back, he won't tell anyone, anything. I have tried to make him talk, but no luck. And I am really the only one who he can talk to. No one else in the group knows about him being gay, or his feelings towards you. And YOU, you are the reason I am here. Justin had told me everything that had happened between you and him after he told me about his feelings. I told him he needed to talk to you and try to save whatever it was he wanted. Then he came back like he is now. So, what happened?" I was shocked. Lance knew about Justin, about his feelings, and they had talked about our day at Virgin. I didn't know what to say. I could have said a lot of things to make things seem better for me, but I chose the truth. And even the truth had different forms to it. But, I knew that I didn't want to lose Justin. These past few days have made that painfully clear. So, I said everything I did, felt, and said since that day. "I ran. We both said how much we loved each other, we both cried, we both kissed, but I ran." I said it with much hurt in my voice. I still thought of the whole thing as a big nightmare, but Lance being here just reaffirmed my belief that this was life. Lance looked at me strangely. "Wait. You said you both said how much you love each other right?" I nodded. "Then..." I knew where this was going.

"Why? I don't know. I have tried to realize it, rationalize it, over analyze it to the point that I have gone crazy. I honestly don't know why I ran. For the four months that Justin and I had chatted, we became best friends. We told each other everything, well almost everything. We talked for hours and in those hours and in those months, I fell in love. I wished for this perfect moment that me and Justin would share. We would be like in this perfect place and say all the perfect things and then... then there would be this perfect kiss. That was all I had dreamed about since we have met. Then, I woke up. And I forced myself to push everything out of my mind. I put away all my feelings and thoughts and everything that involved Justin. I knew that there was no way anything I thought would come true. But in the cafe... in the cafe Justin made me relive all those dreams and wishes. Everything I thought would never happen happened in a single moment. I didn't know how to feel, what to say, or what to do. And now, now I have wrecked the best thing in my life." I could no longer hold back the tears. They came bursting through. Lance got up and sat next to me. "Christopher, I am sorry. Sorry for barging in here, and I have to admit I was a little mad at you when I came. Justin is one of my best friends and to see him hurt like that made me upset. It's just it was so hard on Justin and... and I never thought about how hard it was on you." I sat there and wondered. "Why... I mean, I know you are here for Justin. But none of the guys and me really know each other and all." I didn't really know what to say about what had happened. Lance had shown up, and I told him everything as if I was made to. "Listen, Justin thinks the world of you. So that means that you have a lot of good points to ya. Curly is very picky when it comes to friends. You are one of the few good ones out there. And the thing about you and us guys not spending time, that will change as soon as you and Justin make up." I couldn't help but smile when he said that. "I can't believe you are doing this for me. This means a lot. I know I screwed up big with..." Lance quickly stopped me. "I will tell you the same thing I told Just. You made a mistake and it was pretty bad. But if there is love you will get through it. Whether you save a friendship or gain a love, it will all work out." Lance gave me a hug and got up. "Now, get ready. We have things to do, and people to see. You have to go talk to Justin." I smiled as I quickly got up to get ready. I knew this was my second chance. They don't come a long often and I wouldn't pass this up. I still felt all the fear and confusion I had at the cafe, but that would not stop me this time.

Justin sat there in his hotel room. It was almost noon, yet he still had not dragged himself out of bed. He knew he had to get up soon. Today was his first day of vacation. He had two weeks of freedom... and no one to spend them with. He had his family and the guys of course, but it didn't seem as much as it once had. Joey and Chris had already gone off on their own ways for the first week. JC was going to hang around the hotel and work in the studio for the first week. the guys had all decided to spend last week together just chilling. Justin had not been able to get a hold of Lance and that had not been new. Lance had always wandered when he could, but came home when he was done. And Justin had plans to go to his families, but staying where he was seemed nice right now. He had been like this the past week and it was no mystery why. He confessed his undying devotion, and I had confessed my need to be free. That verse had run through his mind since that day. He didn't know what he did wrong, and didn't know how to fix it. He thought about calling, but knew better. It was my turn to make nice. He hurt me, we fulfilled our dreams, I hurt him. It was like a bad revenge circle that had to be completed. It was terrible. Justin missed our conversations as much as I did. And us not having one in over a week was tearing us both up. Everything had been going so right, so how did it end up so wrong? He had no more answer than me. He thought about all of this just as there was a knock at the door. Justin knew it was one of the guys. Anytime one of the guys was down, it fell to the others to make things good again. After the Arena concert, that was all they did. They all went to lunches together, went clubbing, and movie hopping. No of it had helped and they had seemed to leave Justin with his peace when they all left, so why was one here know? He got up and went over to the door. He looked through the peep and was not surprised to Lance standing there.

"Come on Justin. I know you are in there." Lance yelled through the door. Justin opened it and immediately started telling Lance to go. "Listen, I don't want to go have lunch, or a movie, I don't want to hang out and talk, I want to be left alone. Is that so wrong?!?" Justin practically yelled. He was getting tired everyone trying to tell him how he felt or he should get over it. He didn't know how to get over it. Lance's once smiling face was replaced by hurt. He knew Justin was going through a lot and all, but they were still friends right? Justin didn't act like it and the rest of the guys could only take so much. "Well, fine. You don't wanna do anything with me, that's fine. But you do need to talk..." He moved his arms past the door out of Justin's view and pulled me in front of him. "To him." Lance finished. I stood looking at the floor with tears in my eyes. By the sounds coming from Justin, he too had water works going on. I hated to see him cry, and hated knowing it was my fault. "Well, I'll let you two talk. You have a lot to talk about." Lance started to walk off while I remained where I was staring at the floor. "So, how ya been?" I asked. That was the only thing I could say. I had trouble getting out anything I had planned to say. "Don't do that!" Justin yelled at me. He had actually raised his voice to me. I was hurt beyond belief. "Don't do what?" I asked as my tears came back full force. "Don't act like nothing happened. You hurt me, and you can't make it better by acting like we are what we once were." Justin had turned and walked back into his room. The door was open still, and I guess that was his invitation to come in and get this over with. I went in after him. "All that is true. But you hurt me too." I said in somewhat of a defense. Justin looked at me blankly. "I can't believe you would bring that up again. I told you it was wrong and a mistake and..."

"And what I did I did on purpose. Is that what you are saying?" I asked more hurt than ever. Even though we had stopped talk, and he yelled at me, this was something else. "Didn't you?" He had accused me of hurting him on purpose. "Listen, I think you should go." Justin said laying down on his bed. I was determined for him to at least know how I felt. "No, I want to talk about this. We need to talk about this." I said coming closer to him. This seemed to piss him off as he stood from the bed. "All right, why?" I looked at him with confusion. "Come on, you said you wanted to talk about it. So why did you leave?" I didn't know what to say. Even all the stuff I had told Lance didn't seem right here. Not with him. "Because I love you. I have since I met you. And knowing that you felt the same, or you kissing me, or whatever happened between us that day scared the hell out of me. I was just so confused and so surprised, it got to be too much." he looked at me with understanding. Almost as if he knew how all this felt. I had forgotten that he might know where I was coming from see how we were in the same boat here. "And I was scared too. I was so scared that I thought about running away and never coming out of whatever hole I found myself in. But I didn't. I stayed. I thought of you and what you meant to me and I stayed. So, none of that is any excuse. You are gonna have to try harder than that." I looked at him. What now?

JC stepped off the elevator to see Lance pacing up and down the hallway. "Lance, you are gonna wear a hole in the carpet. What's up man?" JC's laugh faded as he saw the seriousness on Lance's face. He then heard muffled voices coming form Justin's room. "What's going on? Who's with Justin, and why does it worry you so much? This isn't like you?" JC had always had that sixth sense to know when something was going on. "Justin is getting the help he needs." That was all Lance could think of to say without revealing too much. JC would not have minded Justin being gay. Lance had had to deal with JC already. Luckily JC's coming out was not this complicated. It was hard for him, of course, but all this with Justin was way more to deal with. "What do you mean?" JC was curious now. Justin and JC were supposed to be the closet, so JC usually knew everything that went on with him. But for the past two weeks Lance had filled that spot. Lance just looked at him. "It's better if you ask Justin when he gets done." JC was getting kinda mad. He deserved to know what was up. "Why don't I just go ask him now." JC said starting towards Justin's door. "Josh, no! He needs this time." JC knew this was big. Lance had never called him Josh before. "All right Scoop. Whatever you say." JC backed off. "How long have they been..." Lance looked at his watch. "Almost three hours." They were both amazed. Lance didn't realize it had been so long. "Why don't me and you go watch some movies and all till this blows over and they come out." JC suggested. Lance wasn't sure. With JC's confession about being gay, came his confession of his love, for Lance. Lance told him he was straight and JC didn't expect more, but spending alone time with JC had grown awkward. For Lance anyway. He didn't want to say anything because of the friendship and all, and he knew it was all in his mind. He finally agreed after wining the fight with himself. There was nothing else he could do. It was all up to Christopher to help Justin now, and vice versa.

"Well, I am sorry. I don't know what else to say. You are stronger than I am. It's just I had put all those feelings I had for you since I met you out of my life, and when you said that... Everything that I had told myself was wrong and never would be came rushing back. It was just too much. Did you feel that too?" I asked that last question with sarcasm. This was not going the way I had hoped. Justin looked at me. He had to admit to himself he didn't feel that. Before he ever got that chance I was talking again. "You couldn't. You said that you had just realize you feelings for me on your way from the concert looking for me. I have had to deal with all that, everything you felt in that hour or so, for four months. Now, tell me you went through all that and still stayed." I just looked at him. This was like that day at the cafe. We were both struggling with our feelings and what to say, and all we could do was stand there and cry. I was about to turn around and leave. There was nothing else I could say or do. I had ruined it. At least I had thought that until Justin spoke up. "I'm sorry. I had no idea that... I didn't know. Everything is just so new to me, and I thought that made it harder. I never even thought about dealing with all this for so long and it still be just as hard, if not harder. This past week... I have felt what you are talking about. And I... I can't honestly say I would've acted any different than you. It's just..." He stopped and I knew why. "It made you feel like your feelings weren't returned. That you had fallen completely, head over heels, home run out of the ballpark, in love, and all you got was a bush off and a cheap shot at a friendship." I was talking about my experience with Justin somewhat. But for the most part, I was talking about my worst nightmare. That that would happen to me and I would roam the earth alone forever. Right now though, I had to stop that. And I had that chance. Right here, right now. I would have to make things clear.

I slowly started to walk towards Justin. I don't believe he saw me, his face still studying the carpet beneath him. By the time he had looked up I was inches away from him. "But they are returned. I do love you. With all my heart, you mean the world to me. And I know that we have made mistakes, and mine was a big one. But there is love here. I am more certain of that than I have ever been. Through all the denials and words and run aways, I am still in love with you. Are we still in love with each other?" I asked my voice trembling. That was it. It was all I could. I had said all I could, done all I could. It was all up to Justin and if he would forgive me. If I even deserved to be forgiven. "Let's just say I did forgive you..." Justin said still looking at the ground. "What does that mean for us?" He finally looked up and through the tears, he was smiling. I knew that we had done it. We had had our second major fight and made up, and we hadn't even started dating! The smile faded and was replaced by seriousness as we both leaned forward. I slowly tilted my head one way in unison with his head tilting towards the other. As our lips touched I knew I had to make this work. There was something there to make it work. Someone once told me that the two most important kisses happen early in the relationship. The first one, which most love, is the first kiss you share with that person. It is so new and forced by passion and lust more than love. It is something most dream about and most plan about, but it always just happens. And it is great. The second is my favorite. The second most important kiss was... the second kiss. The second kiss is so important because it is the exact opposite of the first. As the first one was fueled with passion and lust, the second is filled with love. The second one is not rushed and is not unexpected. You both want it, and you both know that there will be more. The second kiss is almost like an insurance there will be more to come. There are plenty of first kisses that were also last kisses. Whatever the reason they were only that one kiss, the point is they were only that one kiss. Second kisses made room for the third. And here was Justin and I, on that second kiss. And this was a definite insurance. We had already been through so much, it just reassured us we could with stand anything. All these thoughts ran through my mind as he explored every crevasse of our mouths. We could have quite possibly stayed there all day, coming up only for air, had not something interrupted.

KNOCK KNOCK It echoed through the room as yet another sign of our patience with the rest of the world. We were forced to stop, but Justin seemed in no hurry to get the door. I expected him to break the kiss and rush to the door. But we stayed there looking in each others eyes. He had the most stunning, piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. And they were filled with love. Of that I was certain. And I am sure we all heard that eyes are windows to the soul, so this had to last. We would have stayed like this too all day but again we were pulled from our world we were still trying to form. "HOLD ON!" Justin yelled to the side and looked back at me. "Don't go anywhere. I will be right back." With that he headed to the door. I wanted to say, I've left once, it will never happen again," but I had faith that he knew that already. He had to. "Yes." Justin said as he opened it. He was expecting Lance and was ready to rush out and think him, but he was wrong. Well, he was half right. "Hey Just, you doing OK?" JC asked as Lance stood at his side looking at Justin. He had that `I tried and I'm sorry, hope we didn't break up something important' look that Justin smiled at. "I'm fine." He said and turned to Lance. "Really." Lance smiled. He was proud that he had helped out his new friend out with his old. "Well, it's a nice change." JC smiling. "So, does that mean the party is in your room?" JC pushed his way inside. Before anyone thought about it, he saw me standing there in the middle of Justin's room. Justin and already turned around and Lance had followed not far behind JC. "Um... Christopher. What are you doing here? I thought... I thought you left. Justin said that you wouldn't be coming back after you ran off. What's up?" He looked at me briefly, but shifted his view to Lance and Justin. It wasn't that I was there that got him confused and al little mad, but more so he didn't know what was going on. "That's it. I am tired of it. Justin, you used to be my best friend, and now... I guess I can't even be trusted since I never know what is going on. First I'm replaced by Chris..." He said pointing at me. His finger did a 180 as he pointed at Lance as he continued. "Then Lance. Then, something happens at the Arena that I have no idea what, Chris goes running, you are all messed up through the whole show. You and Lance spend all night talking, you disappear the next day, you obviously lie about Chris, I mean why did you do that? And now you are still keeping secrets? What is up with that?" JC had grown from concerned with a hint of anger, to full blown pissed off.

JC was not the only one mad. Lance was getting pretty upset himself. JC was being so stubborn. He was not being the calm, understanding person he usually was. He was the level headed one of the group, this not being based on his actions now. "You have got some nerve JC. Justin has been going through a lot right now. He has had to deal with a lot of crap, and he is doing the best he can. It wasn't easy for you either so you have no room to yell or be angry at anyone." Before Lance had realized what he had said it was out. Three pairs of eyes were fixed on Lance as he felt himself begin to shrink. "You mean..." Justin and JC both said that at the same time. They both looked at each other and realized what was going on. I slumped down and the bed luckily caught me. I thought about what was happening and it wasn't really the shock of JC being gay that made me fall. It was the thought of what this meant to Justin. In all the time I had spent talking and falling in love with Justin, JC had been in many of our conversations. Either he had done something funny that day or said something cool enough that Justin had to tell me about it. If I had not of thought that Justin was straight I would have thought he had feelings for JC. It was quickly dismissed because he was straight, until a week ago anyway. And I hadn't really thought about those feelings Justin might have for JC when I found out he was gay, because so much was going on at that time. Now, everything I had thought was coming back. I couldn't handle all this. Every five seconds feelings I once had were now coming back. First, my love for Justin now this. I mean really, what's next? This was all I had on my mind as JC and Justin stood there staring at each other. Lance was trying to make amends fast. "Oh my God, Josh I am so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. You too Justin. It just slipped out, I am so sorry." Lance stopped when he realized that no one was angry. Surprised yes, but not anger. "It was an accident Lance. I was planning to tell the group one day. I didn't think it would be this early, but hey... at least it was with Justin first." JC said smiling at Justin. "You're OK with this right?" JC said looking at Justin. Justin snapped out of his trance and quickly nodded. "Of course, I mean... I obviously have no room to care. I just can't believe you never told me. I thought we were best friends. I didn't even know for sure until I met Christopher, so I was still trying to figure all this out. You have known for a lot longer I take it?" Justin said moving closer to where I was sitting. JC just stood where he was turning around only to face Justin. "I didn't tell you, because we were best friends. Not because we weren't. I was scared I might lose you. You are the last person I expected to understand. I didn't think anything you grew up with would understand it." I sat there not knowing what to do. This was personal so should I leave? But Justin had walked over and was sitting next to me on the bed, so maybe he wanted me to stay? JC and Justin continued talking with me totally oblivious to what was being said until I heard my name.

"So, does all this have anything to do with all the yelling coming out of this room?" JC had missed a lot. He was determined to know what was going on from now on. He hated being left in the dark, and he knew it had almost cost him his best friend. Justin and JC would have stilled remained friends if all this hadn't come out right now, but they had been drifting apart for a while so there wasn't much of a friendship left. Justin and I both turned to each other and smiled. I don't either of us had intended to be so loud. "Well, there was a slight mix up in how we felt. But we got it all straitened out." We all smiled and then fell silent. It was like no one had anymore to say. After five minutes JC realized they should probably leave now. He had forgotten they had just barged in here without knowing if we had finished or we had just got tired and took a break. "Well, I guess I'm gonna head to my room. I am going to the studio tonight so I need to change. You coming Lance?" JC asked while leaving. Lance too knew it was time to leave. "Yeah, I need to get packed. I wasn't gonna go home, but I'm tired of hotels. I'll be there if ya need me Justin. You too Chris. I'll c-ya later." Lance smiled at us and left. As the door shut Justin fell back on the bed and let out a loud sigh.

"What is it?" I knew that he was tired. This day and been hard on both of us, and wore us out. "I just cant believe all that has happened today. It has been so weird. First, all that stuff with us, and then JC. I am just surprised." As he said JC's name I knew we had to talk about that. "Justin, how do you feel about the thing with JC?" Justin looked at me oddly and smiled. "What do you mean? I obviously don't have a problem with it." I think Justin knew what I had meant but I humored him. I always did. "I mean..." Justin sat up and put his arms around me. "No. I meant all that stuff I said to you. Nothing changes that." I smiled. We knew each other too well. It was kinda scary. "Anything else we need to talk about?" Justin said. I knew he was mocking me. He knew that I thought too much about everything, and always had something to say about it as well. "Just one more thing, if you must know." I said pulling away from him a little. "What now?" That was a question on both our minds. He had to be thinking it too. It was an important question that neither of us had given much though to. We were to busy trying not to screw up the present, when didn't give much thought to the future. " I don't know. I hadn't really thought about us in the future. I wasn't even sure of an us until today. I do know, however, that I want my future to have you in it. In anyway, as long as you are with me. Friends, lovers, whatever. I want you with me. So, I guess you are going to have to answer your own question." Justin looked at me with such hope in his eyes. He knew I would stay. I knew I would stay. I wouldn't hurt him ever again, and I didn't want to lose him. I didn't try to think of words to say to him to let him know the answer. Words seem to muddle p too many things. I just bent over slightly and was going to finish what we had started. Our lips met for the third time, but it still felt new to me. It was as great the first time, and the second time, as it was now. His lips tasted sweet as my lips began the descent down to meet his. My lips barely grazed over his, when I felt his arms wrap around my back and pull me on top of him. He lay there with his feet hanging off the bed as my knees were on either side of his perfectly sculpted torso.

I remained over him my lips never leaving his for almost an hour. That's when I found my hand roaming up and down his sides through his shirt. I started to move my hands over his chest running over the buttons on his shirt. I slowly unbuttoned them one after another until I had his chest exposed. I started to move down from Justin's lips and onto his neck. I explored every inch of his neck with my tongue stopping occasionally to suck a sweet spot. I heard moans of pleasure come from Justin that told me not to stop. As if I would have stopped anyway. By that time I was sucking on Justin's now erect nipples, he had removed my shirt and his hands were all over my upper body. I continued to kiss my way down Justin's chest while my hands remained playing with his nipples for another hour or so. We were in so much ecstasy, we had no concept of time. I had moved back up to Justin's lips as he continued to moan. That's when I felt his hands around my waist. He had started on the back of my waist and was moving his hands around to the front. I was now the one moaning as he slowly started to undo the button to my jeans and pull down my zipper. This experience was taking me to new height, but as I felt his hand grab my cock firmly, I sat up. Justin looked at me with fear as he removed his hands. I tool a quick breath before I said anything. "Justin, this is all great. I am beyond happiness that we have gotten together. And I love you, you know that. And that is why we need to slow down. I want to be with you, and it is not like we don't know each other, but this will be both of our first times and it is not something to be rushed." I said practically begging him not to be mad at me. He shook his head and smiled. "I know. I am sorry." I smiled too. "Don't be sorry. I was enjoying it. But I am not going anywhere. Not this time. We have plenty of time together to do all this." I looked over at the clock as it real 9:30. "You know, it is getting late. Maybe we should get some sleep. We have both been through a lot today." Justin nodded and started to get up and pull back the covers on the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked smiling. "I'm getting ready for bed. I thought you would sleep in this bed with me. Is that wrong?" I hopped over the bed and put my arms around him. "Of course it is all right, it's just we won't be sleeping here." he looked at me puzzled. "I have a big, empty house waiting for us both. I want our first night together to be special. Sex or no sex, I don't want to spend our first night in a hotel. A nice hotel, but a hotel none the less." I said as persuading as I could. "Well, you are just lucky I packed." He said laughing as he grabbed his bags. "Well, come on." I got up from the bed and headed to open the door for him.

He went down to the parking lot and went to Justin's Mercedes. Good thing he had his car, because I came with Lance. As Justin was putting up his bags I quickly snatched the keys from him and bolted to the driver seat. He finished putting up his luggage and climbed in shotgun. He knew better to argue! Besides, he didn't know where to go. I started up there car and proceeded home with Justin by my side. As we pulled into my driveway, I noticed my man had turned to sleeping beauty. I knew I was boring, but I didn't know I could put ya to sleep. I hated to wake up so I parked and went over to his side. I carefully opened the door and picked him up. I closed the door and pressed the button to open the garage. I was surprised at how heavy he was. I had a swimmers build so it wasn't a problem, but he was a lot heavier than you would think. I didn't care though. He was all mine and that was the important part. I walked him up the stairs and sat him on my bed. He let out a soft moan, but did not awaken. I stripped him down to his boxers and pulled the covers over him. I watched his chest rise and fall as he slept so beautifully beside me. I sat there for a couple of minutes before getting ready for bed and joining him. I slipped into bed and looked over him. "I love you Justin. More than you will ever know." I slowly leaned down and kissed him upon the cheek and laid down. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. I was leaving my dream and I knew that nothing would ever be this good. This was as good as it gets.

TBC Hope you enjoyed. Please e-mail me at mlnscrm@aol.com and tell me if you did or not. Thanks.

Again, sorry for taking so long. I'll try to better next time. Thanks!


Next: Chapter 5

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