Keri Doll

By A. B.

Published on Dec 1, 2009


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. However, any similarities to real people is entirely purposeful as the idea for the story was inspired by a friend. (You know who you are, doll). This story involves bisexual incestuous relationships and transgender characters. It contains explicit sex scenes and if you are under age and shouldn't be reading these sorts of stories, then don't.

Part I

Keri quickly walked through the airport security check and made his way to the check-in counter in the boarding area. He (or rather "she") could feel butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't wait for the plane to take off so she could get on her way to see her step brother George and her girlfriend Sara in London. They'd moved there almost a year ago when Sara's family moved on business and Keri missed them both terribly. It had been Sara who'd first helped the young sissyboy explore his true nature. Her openess and acceptance of Keri allowed the little faggot the courage to dress up as a girl and be the woman he knew he was deep down inside. Sara had helped him hide clothes and let him change into a skirt or dress and fix his hair and make-up before school so that no one realized that she was anything other than a cute little teen girl.

From those early beginings, Keri had learned and experienced so much. She and Sara had gone shopping for clothes together and even went on an all-girls cheerleader school trip together. No one but Sara knew that the pretty, flirty dirty blond girl hid some extra special parts between her legs. They'd had such fun together on that trip rooming together. Trying on each other's clothes at night in the hotel room and giggling and laughing and doing each other's hair and make up until they began snuggling and kissing and rubbing each other until they were both naked and rolling around on the bed sucking and fucking all night. But Keri knew it was more like two lesbians making love than a boyfriend and girlfriend and she knew that as much as Sara loved her, Sara really needed a real man to fuck her pussy. That's why, when George offered to go to London with Sara as her boyfriend, Keri knew she had to let him go. For Sara's sake. So she could experience being loved and fucked by a real man. but it had still been hard to see him go. George had beent he first of Keri's step brothers that she'd come out to and he'd been so supportive and helpful, telling Keri she was beautiful and sexy, that Keri couldn't bear the thought of him leaving. Even though Keri seemed fun and outgoing, there was still a side of her, as with most girls her age, that was shy and lacking in self esteem. Try as she might, there was still a side of her that saw herself as that gawky, skinny, sissy boy whom other kids made fun of. But as a girl, she was beautiful and sexy and adorable in her lime green crop top sleeveless blouse and light flower print flip skirt that only came to about mid-thigh. Her four inch high "fuck me" pumps were hurting her feet but she bore the discomfort with a smile knowing she'd be able to rest her feet on the long flight and knowing that she was dressed this way for George.

Keri was so excited at the prospect of seeing Sara and George she was almost bouncing with joy. When Sara had left, taking George with her, Keri was depressed. Thank god for her other two step brothers, little Johnny and her older brother Jacob, who were there to console her. Johnny and Jacob pretty much knew about Keri's....situation....since the sissy boy was so effeminate at times, but when she'd finally come out to them after Sara had left they were happy she'd finally told them and were thrilled to have a new "little sister". As Keri sat in the boarding area next to a goodlooking older gentleman of about 45 dressed in a business suit, she reflected on those early days last year after Sara and George were gone.

That first night, crying in Jacob's arms as they lay together on the sofa, Keri shook her head now wondering why she'd been so scared to tell her big brother everything. He'd always been there for her. Protecting her. Sticking up for her. Letting her live with him and Johnny and basically supporting her. And that night, as she snuggled up close to him...feeling so safe and warm and protected in his big strong mechanic's arms...she couldn't help but thank him in that special way that only girls can....

Keri looked up into her big brother's loving eyes. His strong masculine face staring down at her with a sweet lopsided grin. She could see the very noticable bulge growing in his pants and she involuntarily reached for it. Caressing it outside Jacob's jeans. Jacob made a half hearted attempt to resist until Keri looked at him pleadingly and whispered, "Please...let me love you...." Realizing that this was what Keri wanted, Jacob stoppped trying to push her hand away and watched as if outside his body as the young teen sissy unzipped his fly and reached in. Her hand was cool on his hot turgid cock as she reached into his boxer briefs and grasped the shaft. He gasped as he felt her touch...pulling him out of his pants and unbuttoning the top. Jacob lifted his hips to make it easier for the little faggot to pull his pants down and as soon as they were pooled around his ankles he felt Keri's mouth on his hard 8" prick. Keri kissed her way up and down the shaft, loving the feel of a big hard man cock on her lips. Her hot breath sent shivers down Jacob's back and made the hair on his arms stand up. Keri giggled as Jacob gasped and she planted little butterfly kisses all over his cock and balls. Licking her way up the shaft to the soft pink mushroom head she flicked the tip of her tongue across Jackob's piss slit and tasted her big brother's precum as it oozed a dropplet out. Unable to control herself any longer, Keri opened her mouth wide and sawllowed Jacob's hard fuckstick till she felt it hit the back of her throat. She controlled her gag reflex by swallowing over and over as she began to suckle her big brother's tool. Feeling his pubic hair tickling her nose as she swallowed him deep and inhaling his masculine musky scent as his cock slid out till only the head remained in her slutty mouth. Caressing the pink mushroom cap with her tongue she swallowed him deep again and began to bob her head up and down on his gorgeous cock faster and faster.

"Oh shit Keri," Jacob said, "Oh shit....oh my god....that feels so fucking good. I can't believe it. You're amazing. No other girl has ever sucked my cock like you are." Jacob closed his eyes relishing the feel of Keri's throat muscles as the worked his shaft and her hot slippery tongue as it swirled around the head sucking him. Loving him with her mouth. Her slutty cunt of a mouth. Jacob couldn't hlep but thrust his hips upward in time with Keri's cocksucking. He fucked her face harder, and and out...up and down Keri worked his tool, gripping the shaft in her had as her ead came up and stroking him. She reached down and rubbed his tight wrinkled ball sack with the palm of her hand. Gently squeezing his balls as he fucked her mouth. "Shit you're gonna mke me c-cuuuuuummmmmmmmm..." And just that fast, Jacob was shooting a load of thick, salty, hot spunk into Keri's mouth and throat. the young cocksucker swallowed as much of his babyjuice as she could but some still leaked out of the corner of her mouth and dripped down her chin. Keri continued to suck Jacob's cock as he emptied his balls into her. She squeezed his sack firmly but gently and slid a finger below it and into the crack of Jacob's ass. Jacob gasped again and let fly with another spurt of creamy cum.

His balls finally emptied, Jacob's head fall back against the sofa and his body relaxed. Once his cock had soften in her mouth, Keri released it and looked up at her big brother. A drop of cum dripped down form her chin and onto her blouse and she smiled. Jacob looked down at her and smiled too and then shocked the sissy boi by leaning down and kissing her full on the lips. His tongue slid into her mouth and tasted his own spunk and he hungrily sucked Keri's tongue into his mouth and licked the drop of cream from her chin. Their lips pressed hard together, they urgently kissed and sucked each other's tongues and Keri knew she was loved...really a woman. but she ached for something more and Jacob knew what it was. He stood up and kicked away his pants and underwear and then reached down and lifted Keri in his arms as though she weighed no more than a child. Keri wrapped her arms around his neck and looked questioningly into his eyes. Jacob smiled....oh Keri could just melt in that smile....and began to carry her to his bedroom.

"Keri doll," he said softly, "tonight I'm going to make you a woman..."

Part II

"Flight 1441 for London Heathrow is now boarding" a voice said over the loudspeaker. Keri shook herself out of her reverie and stood with her carryon bag and got in line. Her face blushed with the remenants of her memory of that first night with her big brother Jacob as he carried her into his bed and made love to her as a woman. She discreetly reached under her miniskirt and pushed her semi-hard little cockette further back and up between her asscheeks since the memories of that night were begining to arouse her. The little sissy boy tried, instead, to focus on boarding the plane.

Keri smiled at the clearly effeminate flight attendant as she handed him her boarding pass and made her way down the jetway. Finding her seat towards the read of the plane, Keri settled down in the middle of the three seats of the middle section and took out the magazine from the seat back and aimlessly flipped through it. Finally, the flight attendants closed the doors and began their pre-flight duties. Keri looked around and was pleasantly surprised to find the plane only half full. One benefit to the weak economy, she thought. The well dressed businessman she'd sat next to in the boarding area sat in the same row as Keri but on the other side of the isle to her right. He had striking blond hair that was shading to silver and had bright blue eyes. Across the other isle to her left there was no one and no one sat behind them either and the closest person was two rows ahead in the middle row of seats. Keri noticed the businessman checking her out and she smiled at him. She noticed the wedding ring on his finger and thought to herself "Too bad, he's kinda cute."

Soon enough, the plane taxied downt he runway and soared into the air. As Keri watched the monitor above her begin to play some romantic comedy, she felt herself drifting off and was soon sound asleep. As the little sissy dreamed, she found herself again in the arms of her big brother. In her dream she was a real girl with a pussy and big tits and her brother was fucking her, not in his bed as they had that wonderful night, but rather outside in a field of wildflowers. They rolled around until Keri was on top riding Jacob's cock and feeling it deep inside her. Keri could feel her tits bounce up and down as she rode her brother's big cock. She could feel the weight of her tits and relished the feeling of his prick sliding in and out of her cunt - so different from the feeling of being fucked in her asspussy. Suddenly, Keri realized the setting of the dream had changed. They were no longer in a field but were now fucking in their middle of the airport boarding area. Keri was on the bottom again as Jacob thrust into her. She was momentarily embarrased about being naked in public with her legs spread but as she looked aorund and saw everyone smiling at her and cheering her on she quickly lost all inhibitions and arched her back to get her brother's cock deeper into her cunt. "Fuck me Jacob", she moaned, "Fuck me harder. Fuck my wet cunt and make me your bitch."

Keri was close to cumming and wished the dream wouldn't end. But with that thought came the realization that this WAS a dream and it all suddenly vanished like a puff of smoke. Keri awoke feeling frustrated. "If only it had continued for just a few moments longer," she thought to herself. The sissy boy opened her eyes and looked down. She was embarassed to note that her sissy clitty had slipped from between her asscheeks and was now poking up, lewdly pushing up the front of her miniskirt - her panties streatched tight. She around the airplane, realizing belatedly that she wasn't alone and hoping she hadn't cried out in her sleep. She noticed the businessman across the isle looking at her intently with a big grin on his face. Keri quickly grabbed her pillow and tried to hide the obvious bulge in her skirt. Her cheeks flamed red. Suddenly the businessman moved and slid into the seat next to her.

"Jacob is a lucky man," he said with a smirk.

"Oh my god," Keri whispered, "you heard me? I'm so embarassed." She reached under the pillow in a vain attempt to replace her obscenely stiff cockette.

"Don't worry," the businessman said, "I don't think anyone else could hear over the noise of the plane." Keri couldn't look him in the eye. She gazed downward and noticed a bulge in the man's dress pants and her boi-clitty stirred. the harder she tried to push it back between her legs, the more insistently it stuck up. "Having a little trouble there?" the businessman asked.

"Please...just...don't....I'm so embaressed," Keri said again. Her face blushed even deeper red.

The businessman chuckled. "My name's Jack by the way. And's ok. If you don't mind me saying so..." he leaned in close to whisper in Keri's ear, "I think little sissy boys like you are incredibly sexy." Keri finally looked up and looked himin the eye. She realized he was very handsome and distinguished looking. She found it hard to believe this respectable looking businessman was into sissy boys like her but as she felt his hand slide under the pillow and push it away and felt him reach under her skirt and begin to caress her boi-clit through her panties, she began to believe. Still in the throes of her erotic dream, Keri could do nothing but moan as she felt the man's gentle touch. caressing her rod and cupping her satin covered balls.

"What's you name?" the man asked.

"Keri" the sissy replied.

"And tell me my little Keri doll," he began, "who is Jacob?"

Keri was a little taken aback for a moment when she heard Jack use the same diminutive name that her brother had used. "H-he's m-my.....b-brother," she whispered.

"Ohhhhhhh so sexy." Jack cooed. "A little sissy girly/boy dreaming of fucking her brother. That's so hot Keri doll," Jack said as his index finger slid down beneath Keri's ball sack and wormed its way between her asscheeks to find her little pink rosebud.

"I-It wasn't a dream." Keri said. She didn't know what, but she wanted to tell this man everything. His blue eyes were so kind and, at the same time, filled with lust for her that she wanted to share everything with him. Her story and her body. "He fucked me for the first time last year. He and my younger brother Johnny. I'm their little fuck toy and one or the other fucks me almost every night. I love sucking my brothers' cocks and swallowing their hot cummy loads." Keri was fully aroused now. she was rocking back and forth in the seat feeling Jack's finger penetrate deeper and deeper into her asscunt. She pushed up the arm of the seat separating them and reached over and pulled the Jack's fly down. She slipped her hand into jack's pants and grabbed his hard cock thru his underwear. Jack, meanwhile, used his free hand to begin rubbing Keri's tits thru her blouse and bra. Although she didn't have implants, she'd been taking hormones for almost a year now and due to a genetic quirk of fate that left her with a very low testosterone level, the hormones had rounded her hips and given her very respectable B cup titties. Keri moaned and Jack began to stroke her prick.

Suddenly, Jack leaned over and began to nibble the sissy boy's neck. Keri moaned and squeezed Jack's cock. "You're so sexy Keri," Jack whispered. "Such a sexy pretty little sissy faggot. Such a horny little girl."

"Oh yessssss," Keri moaned.

"You know what you want Keri," Jack said as he nibbled her earlobe, "You know you want my fucking cock in that sexy little mouth of yours." Keri whimpered. She could barely speak. She was so turned on, knowing that the other passengers were only a few rows away and could walk past at any moment and see her whoring it up with this older stranger. "Do it my sexy little slut. Do it. Suck my cock." Keri leaned her head into Jack's lap and took his cock in her hands and stroked it once, twice and then aimed it at her mouth and slid it past her bright red lipstick painted lips. As Jack felt the heat of her mouth envelope his shaft he let a groan escape his lips. "Ohhhhhhh fuck yeah," he moaned. Keri was now practically laying across the two seats withher head bobbing up and down. Had someone been sitting in the lefthand set of seats they'd have had a view up keri's skirt of her panty clad ass. As luck would have it though, there was no one on either side of the middle set of seats. Jack closed his eyes and relished the feeling of Keri's hot wet mouth cunt sucking his shaft and her tongue snaking its way all around the shaft like a snake. Jack had never had a blow job as good as this before and he suddenly realized why. Keri's tongue was longer than normal. In fact, it was so long that when she stuck it out the tip ended well past the point of her chin. She used that tongue snake to good effect now. Slithering it all around Jack's shaft as she bobbed her head up and down.

Jack grabbed a handful of Keri's hair and held her head as she sucked his prick. Suddenly, Jack felt like they were being watched and he opened his eyes and nearly jumped out of his seat. In the lefhand asile stood the male flight attendant, a big grin on his pretty face. He stood close to the lefthand aisile seat as though shielding Jack and Keri from view.

"Mind if I join you?" the flight attendant whispered. Keri tried to lok up but Jack held her head down on his lap and continued to thrust his cock in the sissy's face. Keri turned her head just enough to see the flight attendant out of the corner of her eye and moved like she was going to get up. Jack pushed her head back down on his cock however and kept her in place. He slid into the middle seat where Keri had originally sat so that Keri's ass was now pressed against the flight attendant's crotch. Keri tried to say soemthing but all that came out was a muffled "Mmmmmmffffff."

The flight attendant began to caress Keri's ass thru her panties. Her skirt was now pushed up above her waistline. "You do know she's not a real girl," Jack said.

"Of course I know," the flight attendant said slightly offended. "Like I couldn't tell a sissy fag a mile away." The flight attendant leaned across Keri's back to whisper in her ear, "I saw the way you smiled at me sweety. I know what little faggots like you need." Keri closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes," she thought to herself, "Yes. I need it. I need it so bad. I need to be fucked so good," but all that came out of her was another muffled whimper. she wiggled her panty covered ass and ground it into the flight attendant's crotch. She felt her panties pulled aside and then felt a wet finger probing her boi cunt. She heard the zipper of the flight attendant's pants being pulled down and felt the heat of his big fat mushroom head pressing against her pink puckered rosebud. She tried to relax her opening and felt herself being invaded by his prick. She had to stop sucking for a moment as she felt her fuck hole being stretched. Jack thrust himself upwards again into her mouth. "Keep sucking you dirty little slut. Don't stop unless I tell you to."

Keri felt the flight attendant's hands grip her hips and then felt a sharp pain deep in her bowels as he thrust himself forcefully inside her. One stranger's cock in her mouth and another's in her asscunt. Keri felt like such a whore. Dozens of strangers, only a few feet away and here she was getting fucked at both ends. She redoubled her efforts on Jack's cock. Rubbing and squeezing his balls. Milking them of their creamy goodness. She used her snakelike tongue to flick the droplets of precum that were oozing from Jack's piss slit. Her tongue caressing the length of his shaft. Jack's cock was a nice 7" long and Keri could feel it in the back of her throat on each downward thrust. Using her mouth like the cunt it was she sucked him harder and faster as the flight attendant began to pump her asshole hard and fast. Keri wondered if anyone in the seats ahead of them could see. Jack was stroking the little faggot's cock under his skirt and felt her begin to cum. He felt her pricklett begin to twitch in his hand and he gave her nipples and firm pinch. With a muffled scream Keri began to flood Jack's hand with her cream and Jack caught it all in the palm of his hand. Some of it, he could feel, began to drip onto the seat between his fingers and when he thought Keri had finished he brought his hand up and licked some fo the sticky puddle from his palm. the flight attendant leaned down and stuck out his own tongue and Jack offered him some of Keri's nectar. The flight attendant licked Jack's fingers clean and leaned down to kiss Jack on the lips. Their tongues intertwined and Jack tasted Keri's spunk in the flight attendant's mouth. That was all it took for Jack and he let out a groan and without any warning began to flood Keri's mouth with his baby juice.

Keri squeezed Jack's balls tightly and sucked his prick hard trying to drain every drop of cum from the businessman's fleshy pole. She swallowed and swallowed over and over and the feeling of the hot sperm dripping down her throat and warming her belly nearly set her off again. The little sissy girly boy was in ecstacy as she tasted every drop of salty cream on her tongue. The flight attendant began to pound Keri's asshole harder - gripping her hips tightly and fucking her ass for all he was worth.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk..." The flight attendant groaned as he let loose a flood of cum into Keri's ass. He held her tightly and buried his prick in deep as waves of pleasure coursed through his body and erupted in jets of sticky white cum. Finally his orgasm subsided and Keri felt him softening inside her as Jack's cock also shrank in her mouth. Finally, the flight attendant pulled out of Keri but quickly replaced his cock with his mouth as he licked up his own spunk as it dribbled out of the slut's hole. Keri was now hard again and moaned as she felt the attendant's tongue worm its way into her wet sticky hole and clean her out. Finally, when no more cum was leaking out of her the flight attendant stood up and looked around. Everyone appeared to be sleeping and none the wiser about the near orgy that had just taken place. Keri sat back in her seat, her pricklett still poking up the front of her skirt. The flight attendant licked his lips and kneeled down in the aisle and pulled Keri's skirt up and began to suck him. Keri looked over at Jack and put her hand behind his head and pulled him close to her. They kissed, Keri snaking her extra long tongue into the businessman's mouth and letting him taste some of his own cum that still lingered in the slut's cunt mouth. Jack again began to pinch Keri's nipples thru her blouse and bra as the flight attendant bobbed his head up and down on the little queen's fuck pole. Keri and the businessman continued to make out like two lovers. Kissing and nibbling each other's lips and ears. Keri suddenly broke the kiss and got a wicked grin on her face. With her hand still on the back of Jack's head, she pulled him down into her lap. She wanted to see this oh-so-proper looking businessman with a sissy cock in his mouth. She gently pulled the flight attendant off her cockette and, grasping it, she aimed it towards jack's mouth. Jack seemed nervous.

"I...haven't sucked a cock since I was a teen,"

"Shut up you faggot," Keri said a bit nastily, "and suck my fucking cock you dirty old cocksucker." The flight attendant giggled as he watched Keri pull the older man down into her lap. Jack hesitantly opened his mouth and before he could make up his mind, Keri made it up for him. she pulled him quickly onto her prick andbefore Jack knew it, he had a cock in his mouth. Keri began thrusting up and down, bouncing her ass on the seat to fuck Jack's face. "That's right you fucking cocksucker. Suck my prick. like that you fucking cumslut don't you? Suck it. Suck you you fucking homo queer faggot cocksucker."

The flight attendant reached over and began to rub Keri's balls as Jack moaned around Keri's shaft. "Mmmmm...there's nothing like a nice hard cock in yourmouth is there?" The flight attendant said lewdly. Jack's head bobbed up and down on Keri's rod, occasionally he gagged when it went too deep into his throat. "Such a good girl," the flight attendant said to Jack, "such a good little cocksucker. Fuck his face good honey," he said to Keri. Keri and the flight attendant ran their fingers through Jack's hair as his head moved up and down, his cheeks caving in as he sucked Keri's prick. all too soon Keri felt her orgasm building.

"I'm gonna cum Jack. I'm gonna cum in your fucking mouth. Scuk me suck me suck meeeeee..." and suddenly Keri felt a stream of spunk erupt from her piss slit. She shot once, twice, three times flodding Jack's mouth with her juice. Jack swallowed but some still leaked out of the corners of his mouth and the flight attendant wiped the drops up with his fingers and fed them to Keri who was arched back in her seat with her eyes rolled back. Keri opened her mouth and let the flight attendant stick his fingers in and she sucked her cum from the queer's fingers. Jack was about to sit up whent he flight attendant pushed the back of his head back down and said, "Uh uh...make sure you clean her up before you pick your head up. Lick and suck that pricklett clean so she doesn't get any on her pretty skirt." Jack did as he was told and continued to suckle Keri's prick as it softened and shrank in his mouth. Finally, when Keri was all clean, Jack was allowed to lift his head and sat back in his seat. After some quick kisses all around, Jack went back to his side of the aisle and Keri curled up in the seats for a nap. A contended smile on her face. The smell of sex lingered in the back of the plane all the way to London.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 2

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