
By Kevin

Published on Feb 18, 1999


Please note that the names in this story are simply made up. The names Kevin Scott, Karen Mac, etc., are all fictional and are by no means realated to a real person. This story is completely fictional and i am not claming that nsync, bsb or any other person in this story to be gay. blah know..the basic stuff. comments are welcome at thanks!

As I was lying in bed after a very long day when I heard a slamming door downstairs. 'great' I thought 'Ian and one of his moods again'. Slowly I got up and decided I better go see what was wrong with him. I groggily walked down the stairs. Ian saw me coming and decided it was best to walk away from me.

'What's with you Ian?' I asked

'Nothing' was his only reply.

'Fuck it, im going back to bed' I said to myself starting to walk back upstairs

'Wait, I'm sorry..just having one of those days'

Ian is about 6'4 and he is 21. He has bleached blonde hair and it hangs down to about his chin with stunning blue eyes and a english accent to die for. He is in the acting business but not really that famous yet..kinda just starting out. I on the other hand, have short bright blonde bleached hair. It has a wild kinda look, some places are spikey, and others are flat with a very wet look. I also have deep blue eyes and I'm about 6'1. Im 18 yrs old and I have been in the acting business since I was 17. When I turned 16 I finally convinced my parents to move out to LA. It was 3 months till my 17th birthday when we moved into our new house. We decided on homeschooling for my last year of highschool. I went to my first acting audition 2 days after we moved in and got the part. It was a small independent commercial for a doctors office. Afterwards I got an new agent named Megan who found me a small independent movie to audition for and also got that part. Afterwards, I did a Movie that went national entitled "Behind the Fence" which was about a old man who would employ teenagers to work on his farm in the middle of no where and then sexually abuse them before killing them. Just recently, I finished up a movie that stared Katie Holmes and I, entitled "Bad Timeing." This movie is about a child who was involved with the wrong crowd, then a Christian girl came to his rescue and converted him into a better person, but when he finds out that he cheated on her, and he goes home to witness his mothers murder, he ends his life. It was a very sad movie. This of coarse made the number of audience members double, plus the sex scenes brought in the screaming teenage fans. All in all, the magazines where now calling me and heartthrob even though it didnt feel like it.

'Ian, its almost 3 am, im tired, and your in one of your moods..i think we should just all go to bed' I replied obviously annoyed. I started up the stairs again.

'Kevin, I said I was sorry, what else do you want?' Ian said in an smartass voice.

You see when I turned 18 I moved out of my parents house and got a house in the Los Feliz area(upper LA). I have 3 roommates. Me, Ian and Karen. Karen is the youngest of us all, but she is currently on tour and she is coming home tomorrow. She is only 17 and already a sucessful singer. Anyway, whenever me and Ian moved in together, we found ourselves both attracted to each other and one night in the midst of too much alcohol we fooled around and the next day decided to go out. Unfortunally, during that time I wasn't faithful and he just found out...yesterday.

'I have to get up early and I don't feel like hearing a speech. Good night Ian' I walked up the stairs and when I closed the door I instantly fell into tears. It's not like I meant to cheat on him, I honestly do love him..and if I could do it over again, I would.

'I'm so sorry Ian' I sobbed to myself in between tears. I fell on to my bed just as their was a knock at the door.

'Kevin?' Ian said from outside

I decided the best thing was to stay silent. I layed there sobbing quietly when I heard Ian sigh and walk away from my door. I cried myself to sleep that night.

The next morning wasn't any better. I woke up to my phone ringing.

'Hello?'I said sounding tired and depressed.

'Mr. Scott?' Kelly, my secretary, said into the phone.

'Yes Kelly? Oh, and please call me Kevin'

'Oh, okay Mr. Sc-- err, I mean Kevin. Can you take a call?'

'Sure, do you have a name?'

'Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me to get you one?'

'No, that's okay, go ahead and put it through' I said curiously to who would be calling me this early.

'Okay, hold on a second Kevin and I will transfer her through' Kelly said sounding professional

'Hello?' said the voice on the other line


'Kevin, don't play games, its Megan.' (Megan is my agent)

'Oh, hi Megan, whats up today?' I said sounding discussed

'Can you do a chat today?'

'Where at?'

'Yahoo. They called and said that Katie, who was supposed to be chatting for "Bad Timeing" today cancelled and they need a replacement'

'Sure, I guess I can go' I replied, disapointed that I didn't have the day off.

'Okay, I will fax you the address. Oh, I almost forgot, your on the Rosie O'Donnell show tomorrow as part of that week long promotion for your movie'

'Great..' I said, obviously not excited.

'Well, don't sound so excited. I thought you would be happy' She said with disappointment in her voice.

'Well, I would be, except Ian and I really need some time alone'

'Oh, I'm sorry, should I tell them you can't make it?' she asked sounding concerned.

You see, Megan and I are like brother and sister. Even thought we are seperated by many years, infact her being in her thirties and I only in my teens, we still click and tell each other pretty much everything that is going on in my life. So, she already knew what I did to Ian and that he found out.

'No, I will be there. Just fax all the vitals over.'

'Okay, I'm gonna send some scripts over to you. Are you going to be home?'

'Yeah, pretty much. Except I'm gonna go get some breakfast first quick'

'Okay, I will have it delivered around noon' she said very business like.

'Okay Megan, your scareing me..your actually sounding..serious.' I said laughing

'You always have to pick on me' she said in a childish voice, laughing.

'Okay, is that all megan?' I said still laughing a little.

'No, I'm sending someone over from Teen Magazine around 11 o'clock. They want a small interview and a few photos, but James will be there around ten 1O:3O.' (James is my make-up artist)

'Oh god, not a photo shoot.' I said in a pleading voice.

'Sorry kev, I tried to get you out of it.'

'Are they doing the interview first?'

'Yeah, I think so.'

'Okay, that's cool I guess' I replied trying to get off the phone.

'Well, I will let you go.' she said

'Bye megan' I said hanging up.

I threw on the same clothes as yesterday and went toward the door. As I opened the door I heard Ian talking..or moaning..or something. As I walked toward his door I heard what sounded like two guys moaning I opened the door to see Ian and some guy on his bed fucking. The both looked over at me and stopped trying to hide themselves.

'Oh shit' Ian said as he saw me.

I sorta stood there and stared before I really figured out what was going on. I slammed the door and began running down the stairs. Instantly I felt tears coming to my eyes..what had I done to deserve this..then again..maybe I did deserve this. I heard Ian calling after me and then I felt his hand on my shoulder as I turned around to see Ian looking at me. I leaned against the door and slid down to the floor. I just sat there, with my head in my hands, crying uncontrolably.

'I'm sorry Kevin..he doesn't mean anything to me. Honest' He said trying to comfort me.

He bent down and put his arms around me, but I threw him off me as my sadness was overtaken by anger. I stood up and started to turn the door handle as Ian grabbed my arm.

'get off me Ian!' I yelled still crying. He just continued to hold onto my arm.

'I don't see why you care anyway..we broke up..remember?' he yelled at me as he let go of my arm, turned around, and started leaving.

'Just because we broke up, doesn't mean I don't still love you!' I practically screamed at him.

He turned around, got in my face, put his hands on both sides of my face, and said 'But Kevy, I don't love you'

I was so crushed..then I was so pissed. I stepped back and threw him off me. I ran out the door and got into my car driving to a near by coffee shop. The waitress sorta looked at me like "could that possibly be Kevin Scott?" I didn't feel like dealing with it, so I just sat there and finished my breakfast trying not to make eye contact. After many tears, I walked outside where a mob had formed. I guess someone found out that I was there. After I signed autographs for what seemed like ever I slowly drove around town. I drove anywhere..everywhere. I just didn't care. Just as long as I was away from home. Untill it became 1O:OO and I decided I better head home so I could get a shower before James showed up. When I got home the guy's car was still there, so I figured I had better tell Ian that guests were coming so he didn't get caught or anything..after all..he does still have a public image. I walked up to his room and knocked.

'Who is it?' I heard the man ask.

'Who the hell do you think it is?' I yelled back in sarcastically.


'Wow, good guess' I also said sarcastically.

Then the door opened. At least Ian had good taste, because this guy was hot. I attempted not to make any eye contact with him, so I looked at the floor the entire time.

'Tell Ian that James and people from Teen Magazine is coming over.' I said as i started to walk away.

'Hey kevin?' I heard him call.

'What?' I asked turning around

'I'm sorry..I didn't know about you and Ian...'

'Don't worry about it.' I said managing to flash a quick smile.

'No, really, I am sorry' he said starting to walk up to me.

'its okay' I said with a questioning look of why he was walking toward me.

When he got to me, he put his hands around me and tried to kiss me. At first I was shocked, but I kept my teeth closed and I forced him off me.

'Hello?!? What the hell do you think your doing' I yelled at him in a cocky `in too good for you' voice.

'I'm appologizing. Besides, the reason I'm with Ian is just to get with you. I have seen your movies. Ever since I first saw you I have been in love with you' he said

'Oh, well, that's great. Do you want an autograph or something?' I said sarcasticly

'Damn, you don't have to be stuck up' he said

'Okay, wait a minute, you're a total stranger, you just came up to me, tried to kiss me, your fucking my ex and you really shouldn't be here..'I said stopping myself as a sad look came over his face.

'look, im sorry, today just really isnt the day' I said in a appologetic voice..with a touch of loss of pride.

I then turned around and said goodbye to him before leaving. I got into the shower and got ready for my interview with teen. James arrived on usual. James was hot, but to formal. He always insisted on Mr., or Mrs., never a first name. My gaydar went off everytime he was near, but I tried to ignore it.

'How is that Mr. Scott?' he asked stepping back from me pointing at my hair.

'It looks fine james, and call me kevin.' I replyed flashing a quick smile.

'Mr. Scott, you know I can not do that.' He said spraying on his last touch of hair spray

'All done.' he said smiling.

'Okay, thanks James.' I handed him his well owned $2OO. (besides, Megan is paying)

I walked back down stairs hopeing that I didn't run into Ian or his "friend" It was by now 1O minutes till 11 and there was no sign of teen anywhere. I sat down on the couch and turned on MTV. There was some boy band on tv i never saw before. Prolly because I never have time to watch tv. I thought to myself 'wow, the blonde one is cute.' After the video was over I saw at the bottom of the screen that the band's name was `N Sync. It was about that time I heard someone banging on the door.

'IM COMING!' I yelled getting frustrated with them pounding.

When I opened the door Megan invited herself in walking back and forth asking me stupid questions making sure I was ready for the interview.

'Megan! Calm down, this isn't my first interview or anything!' I said putting my hand on her shoulder

'I know I know. Sorry Kev.' She replied.

A few seconds later we heard someone walking down the steps. We turned around to see Ian and his friend walking down the steps holding hands. Megan gave me a look saying 'who the hell is that' They walked over to us casually as if it was no big deal.

'Megan you know Ian, and this is...' Then I realized I didn't even know his name. He realized that quickly and filled in for me.

'Hello megan, my name is Mark.' he said holding out his hand.

'Glad to meet you mark' she said taking his hand and fakeing a pleasant smile.

She then gave me the look again so I told her that I would fill her in later. I went back into the living room and started watching MTV again. The backstreet boys were on. Of coarse, I was into Nick and Brian. I sat there admiring them when Megan informed me that Teen was there. The interview lasted for what seemed ever. They asked the typical questions. Who were my inspirations, what my future plans where, single, boxers or briefs. All and all I think it went pretty well. Afterwards was the typical photo shoot..hell. After teen snapped the last picture they were on their way. I instantly ran my fingers through my hair and went up to my bathroom to take the make up off. When I came back downstairs I saw megan, Ian and Mark were in the living room talking so I decided to avoid them as much as possible, so I went to the kitchen. After all, by this time it was 12:3O and I was starving. Unfortunally, today was Ian's day to do the shopping, but he decided that spending time with Mark was more important. If it wasn't for our maid, Cindy I think our house would be a jungle by now. I decided to just wait until I went to pick up Karen from the airport at 1:3O. I decided to brave it and just go into the living room.

'Ian, we have no food and guess whos turn it is' I said as I entered the room and sat down beside Megan.

'If your hungry, go get your own food' he said putting his arm around Mark.

'Ian, its your turn, I took your turn last time, and I'll be damned if I will do it again' I said starting to get pissed.

'your 18, you don't need me to do the shopping for you.' he said not even paying attention to me.

'IAN!! GO GET THE FUCKING FOOD' I stood up and screamed at him. I think I scared Ian cause he jumped a little and looked up at me quickly.

'Damn, I will get the food, calm down' he said looking at me with a grin on his face.

'Man, whatever. You're the oldest person in this house and the least responsible' I said walking out of the room. I heard Megan get up and follow me.

'Kevin??' she called out chasing after me.

'what do you want, Megan?' I asked in a sorta rude voice.

'How did it go with Teen?' she asked totally avoiding the subject of Mark and Ian.

'It went fine.' I said turning around and starting up the stairs.

'Kevin, whats with Mark?' she asked me making me stop in my tracks. I knew she was going to ask that eventually.

'Ian is using Mark for pleasure and to piss me off and Mark is using Ian to get to me!' I yelled so they would hear me in the living room.

I walked the rest way up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. I lied face down on the pillow when I heard Megan come in.

'Kevin, it might not be the best time, but I need to discuss some things with you.' Megan said sitting down next to me.

'shoot' I said, sitting up, trying to get myself in a better mood.

'okay, you need to be at this address at 6 oclock to do that Yahoo chat' she said handing me a piece of paper.

She then pulled out a large stack of papers from her portfolio and handed them to me. It looked like a good 6 or 7 day amount of reading.

'These are those papers I was gonna send over, but I figured since I was coming over I might was well give them to you myself.' She said.

'Okay, thanks, any special time I have to have these looked over' I asked hopeing she would say no.

'Well, by Monday' She said in a voice that was asking if I could do it.

'Oh, okay. What am I doing tomorrow morning?' I asked glancing at the scripts.

'Tomorrow morning? Oh, you mean the Rosie show? Tomorrow is Friday..right?' She asked, I shook my head yes.

'Tomorrow you need to be down at the NBC studios by 7 Am. Come all natural. I will meet you there, since I know the studio like the back of my hand' she smiled.

'What am I doing on there?' I asked

'Well, they did this promotion thing for the Bad Timeing sound track..well actually, more Bad Timeing. They had some of the bands off the soundtrack on the show. Monday they had The Offsping, Tuesday they had Jewel, and so on. Tomorrow they are gonna have you, Katie and all the bands back on the show.' she said.

'Okay, so all the bands are coming back tomorrow?' I asked.

'Yeah, the all will be there, along with you and Katie'

'Cool, well megan, I'm gonna have to get going. I have to pick up Karen from the airport today.' I said figuring she knew who Karen is.

'Karen?' She asked raising a brow.

'yeah, Karen..Karen Mack.the singer. Didn't you know she was one of my roomies?' I asked in disblief.

'Oh, I guess I didn't' she replied embarassed.

'Okay, well I wanna stop to get something to eat first so I'm gonna have to get going' I said standing up. I placed the scripts on the night stand and headed toward the door.

'Good luck with everything, and I will see you tomorrow morning. Have fun at Yahoo..and DON'T SCREW UP' she said in a kidding voice. We both laughed as I walked out the door.

When I got into my car I threw on a pair of shades hopeing to discuise me enough to stop at McDonald's and to get outt of the airport alive. I knew Karen and I together would definitely cause a stir. I pulled into the McDonald's drive through, after ordering my food I pulled up into the first window. 'Great' I thought as I saw a girl that looked to be about 16 years old. She said my total and I gave her the money without her looking at me onced. 'Hey, maybe she wont notice who I am afterall' I thought happily. About that time she handed out my drink and as soon as I put it down I heard a gasp. 'Oh shit' I thought to myself.

'YOUR KEVIN SCOTT!!! OH MY GOD!' I heard her scream.

'Shhhhhhh' I said putting my finger up to my mouth.

'Please don't scream, or at least, wait until I pull out' I said putting on a puppy dog face.

'Okay Kevin..I mean..oh my God..okay, umm..can I get your autograph..please..'

'Sure, got paper and a pen?' I asked.

She instantly handed it to me and I signed it "Love Always, Kevin Scott. ; )" I handed it back to her to her and asked if she could please hand me my food now. She laughed and snapped back into reality.

'See ya' I said with a smile, as I pulled out.

I think it was about 2 seconds after I pulled out that I heard her scream. I arrived at the airport at about 1:2O. It was just like me to be nearly late. I went inside the airport and went to gate 15. After about 2 minutes of sitting there they announced that the plane from Miami was now arriving at gate 15. I stood up as a little girl about 1O years old came over to me asking for my autograph. I gladly gave it to her and tried to make it so no one noticed. She thanked me and her mom gave me a pleasant smile. Just then I saw Karen coming out of the gates. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

'Hey babe' I said to her.

'Kev! How are you?' she said giving me a bigger hug.

'I'm good, but we better get out of here before people notice who we are' I said looking nervously around.

'Okay, lets go' she said.

We walked down and picked up her luggage, but it wasn't a suprise that some was missing. We decided to screw it and let them send it to us. Just as we picked up the one suitcase that was there, we saw a group of screaming fans running toward us.

'Oh fuck Karen. Were gonna be here all day now.' I said to her laughing.

She laughed as they swarmed all around us. We were there for at about 2O minutes when the security guards got the crowd calmed down and we signed a few final autographs before making our way out. We got in my car and started toward home.

'So, how was touring?' I asked

'It was great. I got to work with some really awesome groups' she said sounding excited.

'Oh yeah, like who?' I asked

'Well, I opened for Sugar Ray, and Celine Dion and then I had The Offspring open for me onced' she replied.

'That's cool. Did you see I have a new movie coming out?' I asked.

'Yeah, Rosie O'Donnell said that you were gonna be on the show tomorrow at the end of the show today' she said

'Yup.' I said running outta things to say.

'How is things at home?' she asked.

'Bad right now. Me and Ian broke up Tuesday and he has some guy at our house that he has been fucking' I said not even careing about him right now.

'Oh, I'm sorry Kevin.' she said in a symphetic voice.

'It's okay, I'm not worried about it. I will just have to find someone else' I said kidding

When I got back home I helped Karen unload her things. Mark's car was now gone so I figured either he left for the night, they were getting the groceries or their relationship ended. Either way, it made no difference to me. I opened the front door..everything was quiet, no sign of Ian anywhere. I helped Karen put her bags in her room and told her to come downstairs so we could talk. When I got downstairs a saw an apology note lying on the table. I read it and handed it to Karen. It said: "Kevin, I'm so sorry for the way I acted earlier. When I said that I didn't love you anymore, it was just out of anger. It is over between us, but the love I felt and still feel will never go away"

'It looks kinda like a guilt trip to me' Karen said giving me back the note.

'I don't know.' I said wondering if he could of actually meant it.

'Kevin, don't fall for it, how many times are you going to let him hurt you?' she asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

'I know..I know' I said realizing that the note didn't mean anything. I tore it up and Karen looked at me with a expression that said I was doing the right thing.

After that Karen and I talked about everything. From how the touring went, to what we are gonna do next, to what favorite new foods we have. We talked for what seemed like forever..or until 5:15 when I told her I had to go down to Yahoo to do a chat. She decided that she would come with me because maybe it could get her some publicity. I found out onced I got there that it really wasn't a Yahoo studio, it was more less a small office building. We made our way in when a lady named Ruth showed us around. She gave me a briefing of what to do incase of know, the normal stuff. She introduced me to my typist whos name was Tom. I was surprised he could even type without hitting 3 keys at onced. Tom was a bit overweight..well, a lot of overweight. He told me to just answer all the questions as best as I could. I was beginning to wonder why everyone always treats me like I never done a interview before.

Karen and I sat down at a desk as the first question popped up: "Is is true that you and Karen Mack used to date" we looked at each other and instantly busted up laughing.

'Yeah, we went out for nearly a year before we decided it was best to just be friends so we could deal with each others schedules and live together without killing each other.' I told the typist.

"Kevin, is the rumor true that you and Justin Timberlake got into a fight over Britney Spears?' was the next question asked.

'Umm, no, I don't even know who Justin Timerlake is..sorry' I said with a laugh.

The following questions were the boring, always asked ones, such as, how did I get in the business, fav actor, fav color..ect. All in all, it was typical, so I was happy when chat_lisa announced to me that I had only one minute to go. The last question was the most unprepared one: "how do you feel about the gay community" It was Ian's handle. "shit!!" I thought as I tried quickly to come up with an answer.

'I don't think classifing any groups by the way they act/look is the right thing to do, just as it isn't right to classify blacks in a different group then whites.' I told the typist.

After that Ruth came in and and escorted us out. She showed us to a hallway and told us to just go to the end.

'That was a good save' Karen said as we were walking down the hallway.

'yeah, and that was Ian who asked that.'I said stareing straight ahead.

I think it was at the same time that me and Karen saw the reporters and screaming teen girls ahead.

'Do you have a boyfriend?' I asked her with a grin on my face

'No, why?'

'Lets give them something to talk about' I said grabbing her hand.

We walked hand in hand down the hall into the lobby where there were at least 5O people were crammed in.

'your crazy' she whispered to me grinning and smiling.

We both stood there as flash after flash went off. We walked down the small pathway the security guards had cleared for us and out to my car. Suprisingly without any trouble. We got into the car and started home.

'That should get us some publicity' I said laughing.

We drove home pretty much in silence. When we pulled into the drive way. Karen could sense the tention as I was about to enter the same house that Ian was in. As I walked in I could hear Backstreet Boys blasting. I followed the sound as the music as Karen touched my shoulder. I turned around to see her looking worried.

'Keep your cool.' She said in a soothing voice.

I just looked at her and laughed. As I walked into the living room I saw Ian lieing on the couch sleeping and that the TV was on Total Request Live. I turned the TV off and looked down at Ian.

'IAN!! GET YOUR ASS UP!!' I screamed as loud as possible. Ian jumped and looked at me with furry in his eyes. I could barely keep myself from laughing at how much he jumped.

'What the fuck are you doing?!' He yelled back, sitting up.

'Don't play stupid, what the hell was that about during my chat?!'I yelled walking over right in front of him. He just sad there with a grin on his face.

'IAN! ITS NOT FUNNY!!' I yelled at him as loud as I could grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him up to his feet.

'Get the fuck off of me!' he yelled back.

But I didn't let go. He took a swing at me and hit me right in the cheek. He had a ring on with sort of spikes. I feel back and sat on the floor holding my face.

'GOD DAMN IT IAN!! YOU ARE SUCH A CHILD!!!' I yelled back onced again.

'Just so you know Kevin, your acting sucks, and you are worse in bed' he said thinking he was getting that last laugh and starting to walk out of the room.

I couldn't take anymore. I stood up chased after him and swung at him uppercutting him and then taking another swing hitting him on the side of his face. He fell to the ground. I grabbed him by his hair till he was to his feet. I could see he was crying, but so was I, and I just didn't care.

'GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE!!' I screamed at him.

When he didn't budge I took and practically threw him out. I closed the door and locked it. I couldn't belive what just happened. About then Karen came down the steps.

'Oh my God, Kevin?! What happened?' she asked when she saw my cut up face, blood on my hands from Ian and that I was crying.

'nothing.' I managed to say between sobs.

She came over and put her arms around me giving me the most loving hug I ever got. I told her that I was going to go lie down. Onced I got to my room I looked in the mirror to see a gash on the side of my face..not to mention it was black and blue, and I had to go on Rosie in the morning. I lied down and drifted to sleep eventually. When I woke up it was 3:52 in the morning. I lied in bed thinking of everything that happened today. I felt so bad for what I did to Ian. I mean, even though he was being a complete asshole, I still love him. I think I always will. I thought about all kind of depressing stuff. About all the stresses of having to act straight all the time. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and walked down to Ian's doorway. Everything seemed so quiet. I opened the door to see him lying in bed without the other guy. I walked in and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful. He used to be mine, but look what I did to him. The TV gave me enough light to see that he was also all black and blue. Where I hit him on the chin, the skin split and there was dry blood on it. I couldn't hold back any longer as I started to cry. I just kept thinking of all our times together, and now, look at where we are at..all because of me, Ian had been hurt emotionally and now phsically too. I started to walk out the door when I heard Ian coughing. I stopped dead in my tracks hopeing he would go back to bed.

'Kevin?' He asked from his bed

'Yeah Ian?' I said trying to stop crying.

'I'm so sorry about today' he said rolling over and faceing me.

'Me too' I said controlling my crying as I walked over to him and sat down on the bed beside him.

'It just seemed like you were turning on me' I said taking his hand.

'I know, I was just pissed and I wanted to get back at you' he said looking teary eyed himself. I took my other hand a lightly brushed the hair from his face, touching the bruises.

'I'm so sorry Ian' I said starting to cry again. 'I never meant to hurt you'

'It's okay, it was my fault, I should of never asked that in chat. But your answer was a good cover up' he said laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh too. I leaned down and kissed the cut on his chin, then his cheek. He looked at me with his sparkling blue eyes as I leaned down and placed my lips on his. As I opened my mouth I could tell that his mouth was open and willing also. Our tongues traced each other, as we explored each other mouths. We kept going from really deep kisses to just little pecks. I got up from the bed and started to the door.

'Goodnight Ian' I told him as I walked to the door

'Night Kev..I love you' he said.

But I pretended I didn't hear, as I was outside of his door when he said it anyway. I just didn't think I should tell him that I loved him back. Onced I got in bed I lied awake for a very long time. Thinking about tomorrow, about Ian, about my future, my past, and mostly, the present, and how I needed to get some sleep. This time, I remember to set the clock.

I woke up to a familiar sensation of pure pleasure and confusing at the same time. I opened my eyes and realized that Ian was sucking my dick. I glanced at the alarm, it was only 4:22. I needed some sleep. As I looked down I saw Ian going up and down on my 6 inches. I could feel his toungle circling the head of my cock teasing me, practically making me beg for more. He went down, deep throating my dick, until I felt his nose tickling my pubes. Oh God, Ian always knew how to suck a dick, he was soo good at it. I felt him come back up using a much suction as possible, doing that over and over again. Then the licked from the base of my cock to the tip several times, like a lolly pop. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I shot my huge load down Ian's throat. He took my cock back into his mouth and circled his tounge all around my cock.

'Oh God Ian, I'm gonna cum' I announced.

I closed my eyes and trust my hips into his mouth. He was now letting me fuck his mouth. I let out small moans trying to keep as quiet as possible because Karen was down the hall and she wouldn't of approved of this. With one last thrust I left loose my load into Ian's mouth. I needed to cum so bad, it had been over a day since the last time I did it. Ian took as much of my cum as he could, but some was running down his chin. I bent down and kisses him licking the rest of my cum he missed. He sat up on the bed beside me and we hugged for a long time. I finally decided to break the silence.

'What a wake up call!' I said laughing.

'I thought you would like it' He said smiling and kissing my cheek where it was cut.

'Yeah, but I have to get back to bed now..sorry.' I said getting more tired by the minute

'Okay, can I sleep in here' He asked in a pleading voice.

'No, sorry Ian, but we still are broken up..I mean, it was fun and all, but it wasn't right' I said trying to make him understand and trying to avoid another fight.

'Okay, I understand, I think.' He said sounding confused

'Whats with you and Mark?' I said lying back down on the bed breaking our hug

'He was using me to get to you' He said sounding almost sad

'Oh, I know.' I said covering back up.

'Concided are we?' he said laughing.

'No, he just told me, but I figured you wouldn't believe me, so I just decided to keep it to myself' I said being perfectly honest.

'Your probably right. I wouldn't of belived you. So, if your not taken, why don't we go out' he asked looking straight into my eyes.

'Sorry Ian, but I just wanna be friends with you for a while..maybe forever. I don't want to loose your friendship' I said looking down at the bed, hopeing he would take it well.

'Oh, I see' he said sounding sad.

'I'm sorry Ian, but I'm not gonna loose your friendship also..I want it to be with you and me like it is with me and Karen. Just good friends. I'm sorry Ian, but I need to ask you to go back to bed..I have to get to sleep. I have to go on Rosie in the morning.' I said frowning.

'Oh, and I messed up your face!' he said feeling bad for what happened earlier.

'Nothing a little make up can't fix' I laughed, trying to let him know he was forgiven.

'Goodnight Kevin' He said as he kissed my forehead and walked out the door.

'Goodnight Ian' I said under my breath.

Next: Chapter 2

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