
By David Lee

Published on Sep 26, 2018


Kismet, Chapter 4

Spring term at the high school wrapped up with finals, grading, and the graduation ceremony. Derrick had been very busy for the last couple of weeks. When all was done for the year, he still didn't get to kick back and relax, initially.

The following Sunday through Tuesday, he would be playing host to Ashley and Oakley. Her shop was always closed on Sunday, and usually on Monday. With Tommy Hartley gaining customers and wanting more hours, she gladly left him in charge on Tuesday, so she could take an extended weekend. He'd asked permission to open on Monday too because he was eager to build up a larger client base. That was fine with her.

As she turned into the drive of Derrick's home, Ashley was as impressed as Craig had been. She found herself wishing Oakley could grow up in a place like this instead of living over her shop in the main part of downtown with a grassy spot in back barely large enough to bury a dead pet.

Craig hadn't left for work yet, so he was standing by the garage ready to scoop his son up into his arms. After greeting Ashley quickly, he carried the boy out to see the backyard. There, hanging from a big tree, was a tire-swing.

Oakley struggled to be put down, so he could play on it. Since it was hung fairly close to the ground, he could easily climb onto it. Craig gave it a gentle push.

"Higher, Daddy, higher!" Oakley urged.

Craig obeyed his command, sending the boy into giggles of delight.

"Hang on tight! Daddy doesn't want you to get hurt."

"I'm a big boy," Oakley announced. "I won't get hurt."

Derrick came out of the sliding door to take a short video of the child enjoying the swing.

"Did you guys put this up just for Oakley," Ashley asked. "I don't see any worn spot in the lawn, and the rope looks new. I can't believe you or your grandmother used this."

"Well, perhaps," Derrick grinned. "Grandma wasn't into swings or amusement parks, for that matter. She did do a parachute jump at the age of 60, but that's about extent of her adventures."

"She sounds like a spunky lady."

"She was. She decided that if the elder George Bush could jump out of a plane in his 90's, she could do so in her 60's.

"I'll show you to your room if you want to get settled while the two boys play in the yard."

"That's a good idea. I may need to lie down for a little while. I have the beginnings of a headache and I'd like to head it off, if you'll pardon the pun."

"Do you get them often?"

"I've been subject to migraines since I was a girl. They got worse in my teens and were pretty bad when I was pregnant, but they've not occurred as frequently since Oakley was born. Sometimes stress will bring them on."

"I hope you weren't anxious over coming to visit us. I know it must be strange to stay with your former boyfriend and his current partner. I'm not trying to rub it in, I'm just saying I understand how it might put you under stress."

"I don't think it's that. I've made peace with Craig's orientation and I'm honestly happy for him that he has you. At first, I felt a twinge of jealousy because he loves you and not me, but I know you're his anchor. Without you, he might not be able to stay on the straight and narrow."

"You're a sensitive and caring person, Ashley. You really don't have animosity toward him, do you?"

"No, I can't. He is who he is. In some ways, he's just a big kid."

"I suppose I am too. Someone once said that the difference between men and boys is the size and the price of their toys."

"I'm bringing Oakley in because I need to run to catch my bus," Craig called from downstairs.

"Don't take the bus, I'll drive you over. You can spend a few more minutes with your son and still be there ahead of the bus."

"Take my car," Ashley offered, handing Derrick the keys. "I'm sure Oakley would like to see where his daddy works, and his car seat is a pain take out and put back."

"Thanks! Are you sure you wouldn't like to go along?"

"No, I need to take my medicine and lie down. I'm sorry to saddle you with an active four-year-old."

"Please don't be. I'd love to bond with him if that's okay with you."

"It's more than okay. From what he says about you, I know he'd like you to be another dad."

"Wow! I'm honored, and I'd love that."

Oakley WAS excited about going to see where his father worked. Once they got there, he wanted to go inside. They entered through the kitchen as Craig normally did, and the boy was awed by the activity and noise. He wanted to get down, but Craig held him tightly.

"You can't be on the floor because you might get stepped on. This isn't a place where little boys are allowed to walk around."

"I'm a BIG boy," Oakley insisted.

"Not big enough," Craig laughed.

"Mommy lets me watch her work."

"You have your own room at the shop; we don't have one for you here. Besides, Daddy doesn't own the restaurant like Mommy does the shop."

Oakley didn't like the answers, but he didn't put up a fuss, as the men feared he might. Derrick soon distracted him by saying they needed to go home and put Acorn down for a nap.

A nap for Acorn seemed to be okay with Oakley, but he was sure HE didn't need one.

Back at the house, Derrick said he was going to lie down to rest and invited Oakley to join him.

"We won't take a nap if we don't want to, but I need to lie down and close my eyes. Your mommy is doing that because she has a headache."

"She gets them," Oakley agreed.

"Does she have them a lot?"

"Just sometimes."

Both man and boy lay on top of the big bed in Derrick's room. Oakley covered Acorn with a little blanket. Pretty soon, he snuggled against Derrick's back and went to sleep. Derrick nodded of for a while too.

Ashley got up to use the bathroom and peeked into the master bedroom through the open door. She smiled at the scene. Oakley was definitely bonding with Derrick. That was a positive indication that the men might grant the favor she planned to ask of them.

Derrick didn't stay asleep long. When he woke up, he went down to the kitchen to prepare lunch. He made up a package of Kraft mac and cheese for Oakley because Ashley had said it was one of his favorites. He thawed a Zip-loc bag of soup from the freezer to heat for Ashley and him. He also set out lunchmeat, cheese, croissants, and a spring salad mix to round the meal out.

As he climbed the stairs, he could hear Ashley and Oakley talking, so he knew they were both awake.

"Lunch is on the kitchen counter if anyone's interested," he called. Oakley bounded toward him and asked to be picked up. Derrick carried him down the steps, as Ashley followed.

After their meal, they retired to the back yard where Oakley again wanted to swing. When he tired of that, he played in the sandbox, another new addition to the backyard.

Later in the afternoon, Ashley suggested that Acorn needed to rest. Oakley agreed, and was content to take his stuffed monkey into the small bedroom which had been prepared for his use. With a light blanket over both of them, the little boy had his second nap of the day.

For dinner that night, Derrick treated his guests by taking them to Olive Garden. He requested a booth in the area where Craig was serving. It would be easier to keep the boy corralled there than at a table.

Oakley got quite animated when it was his father who came to take their order. Ashley had to talk to him quietly about not making a scene in the restaurant.

"I know you're excited about seeing Daddy, but you have to use your inside voice and not bother other people who're eating. If you can't talk quietly, I'll have to take you home. Can you settle down?"

Oakley nodded his agreement, though it was difficult for him to comply.

"Why don't you talk to Acorn and tell him how he needs to act in a restaurant?"

It was interesting how Ashley used the sock monkey to help Oakley verbalize correct behavior. It reinforced what she had asked of him and helped him internalize it.

A lady at a nearby table, who identified herself as a teacher, complimented Ashley on her child-rearing skills.

"That's a wonderful approach to teaching social skills. I sometimes employ that technique in my classroom with the pet gerbil we have. By the way, your charming son isn't disturbing anyone, but it's still good that you're teaching him manners. I wish all parents were that conscientious!"

Ashley kind of blushed at the compliments, but they made her feel that she was doing a good job of raising Oakley as a single mother.

Later that night, after Craig came home from his job, the three adults sat in the family room visiting. Ashley brought up the subject of having Craig and Derrick keep Oakley when she went into Chicago with some of her girlfriends to catch a performance of Hamilton. It would be a long weekend because she could get Tommy to run the shop in her absence.

The guys were thrilled! Since Craig would have Monday and Tuesday off anyway, he would have quality time with his son. He might be able to get Sunday off as well.

When Ashley and Oakley left on Tuesday afternoon, it was a solemn good-bye. The little one wanted to stay longer with his daddy, and the house would suddenly be too quiet without him.

Ashley was relieved that Oakley would be in good, loving hands when she'd be gone to the city. She cherished her son, but it would be nice to have a few days in adult company to renew her energy. The current weekend had been like that for her. Despite the earlier migraine, she was refreshed and ready to go back to work.

Craig and Derrick thought they'd take a nap after their company had departed. And they did, after a while. Once they'd stripped down to their underwear and started to cuddle, something else grabbed their attention. They hadn't felt comfortable making love with Ashley across the hall and Oakley in a room nearby. They'd worried about making too much noise or running the shower at an odd time. Then there was always the possibility that a storm might come through and awaken the little one who might decide to crawl in bed with them and be disturbed at finding them naked.

Now that they were alone, none of those things deterred them. At the moment, good sex was more appealing than a few winks of sleep.

The guys had a couple of weeks with no extra obligations before Oakley was scheduled stay with them, and they put the time to good use. Derrick spent part of it puttering in the yard. Craig usually worked with him when he wasn't at the restaurant. On days when he had a split-shift, he found it relaxing, so long as he wore gloves to keep his hands looking good. Waiters with dirt under their nails were less likely to receive generous gratuities.

Craig also began looking around for an inexpensive used car that he could drive to and from work. Derrick told him he was welcome to take one of his, but Craig wanted something that he wouldn't worry about getting door-dings in the parking lot. Perhaps someday, he'd feel comfortable driving a vehicle they owned together, but that would only happen when he could pay his share of it.

Finally, the time arrived for Oakley to stay with the men for the long weekend. Craig had arranged his schedule to have Saturday through Monday off. Another waiter needed to be gone on Tuesday, so Craig would work in his place. Thus, he'd lose only one day of pay but have a lot of quality time with his son.

Ashley arrived on Friday night to drop Oakley off because the girls wanted to get an early start on Saturday. Craig wasn't there, but that didn't seem to be a problem for the little boy. Derrick scooped him up like Craig would have, and soon the two of them were playing in the backyard. Oakley said goodbye to his mother without any tears. She left with the sound of his giggles ringing in her ears.

Oakley had had his supper, a bath, followed by a bedtime story, and was sleeping soundly with Acorn in his bed when his daddy arrived home. Craig had to peek in on his son before he even counted his tips or changed out of his work clothes.

"You're becoming a regular daddy," Craig grinned, after hearing about how Derrick had entertained the boy.

"I'm not enough older than you to be considered a "daddy." Derrick insisted.

"I'm not saying you're MY daddy, if that's what you mean, though you've been like a sugar-daddy in some ways."

"I don't like that term applied to our relationship because it would imply that you've been paying for your keep with your body. I hope our intimacy isn't that!"

"Definitely not! But, I am in the mood to show you how much I care."

Over the next few days, the guys had a ball with Oakley. On Saturday, they took him to Bever Park which had the collection of farm animals and wild ducks. He had a great time looking at all the livestock, and correctly identified most of them. The sheep and goats were hard for him to keep straight in the beginning, but he had them sorted out before they left.

He really couldn't distinguish between the varieties of water fowls, but the men couldn't have either without the pictures on the signs around the pond.

Several people they met along the way seemed to be charmed by Oakley and his reaction to everything he saw. No one seemed to notice that he didn't have a female seeing to him. Perhaps they thought he was with his father and an uncle. Whatever the reasoning, they were viewed like any other family on an outing.

On Sunday, the men packed a picnic lunch, put Oakley in his swimming trunks, and drove to another park across town which had a splash-pad. It was difficult to get him to sit still long enough to eat because he was quite excited about getting wet. After he'd eaten enough not to starve, they decided he could play, and come back for more when he got hungry.

The day was warm and sunny, so they coated him with sun block before turning him loose. He was in seventh heaven.

One of the pieces of equipment was almost like a carwash with jets of water coming out of several pipes which left the children thoroughly drenched. He loved that one the most.

During his playtime there, he interacted with some other kids around his own age. Derrick remarked about his advanced social skills, making Craig beam with pride.

Monday was rather a laidback day with playing in the backyard and catching an afternoon nap. The guys didn't want Ashley coming home to an overly tired child who might be cranky. So far, Oakley had displayed a very even temperament, but that might not hold if he lacked adequate sleep.

A few hours before Ashley was scheduled to pick up her son, she texted to ask if he could stay until after lunch the following day. She had had a great time in Chicago, but she was coming down with a migraine and one of the other ladies was driving them home.

Derrick was quick to let her know that he would gladly keep Oakley longer. Craig could be with his son part of the morning, and Derrick would drive the boy to Anamosa so that Ashley wouldn't have to make the trip.

Craig put Oakley's dirty clothes into the washer with a load of theirs, to provide him with a clean outfit to wear the next day, and so that Ashley wouldn't be stuck with additional laundry.

By texting back and forth, Ashley and Derrick made plans to meet at McOtto's for lunch. Oakley wasn't informed about the arrangement lest he become overwrought with anticipation.

His "papa" and he were seated in a booth near the window when Ashley's car pulled up. It was then that Derrick pointed her out, and Oakley got a big grin. He handled it all well despite his obvious excitement at having his mother there.

Derrick stood to greet Ashley, and she embraced him like a long-lost friend.

They had the chicken croissant sandwich that Craig had introduced Derrick to before, along with a bowl of homemade vegetable and pasta soup. It was excellent.

The conversation revolved mostly around the experiences Oakley had had while in their care. He added his comments about the animals he'd seen.

"Thank you so much for what you've done," Ashley said, as Derrick and she were finishing lunch. "I hope I'm not imposing too much."

"Having my surrogate son is never an imposition. I'd adopt him in a New York minute!"

"That makes me feel less like a moocher."

"You should NEVER feel that way about leaving him with us. He's a great kid."

"Thanks. I may have to burden you further. I went to see my GP this morning, and she wants me to consult with a specialist at Mercy Hospital about my migraines. She says they might be a symptom of something else. Supposedly, she's not trying to frighten me, but frankly, I'm scared to death.

"Anyway, she's set up an appointment with the neurologist, and he wants me to have an MRI next week. Would it be possible for you to take Oakley while I'm being scanned?"

"Of course! What day will it be?"

"It's next Monday, very early."

"Please stay over at our house on Sunday night and I'll take you to your appointment. Craig will be off on Monday, and he'll love having his son.

"In fact, why don't you come early enough on Sunday afternoon, so Oakley can play in the backyard and we can go to dinner at Olive Garden like we did before. That will give this young`un another chance to be served by his daddy."

"I'll do that, but only if you'll let me buy our dinners. It's the least I can do to pay you back."

"Humph," Derrick snorted. "We should be paying you for the privilege of having this charming boy in our home."

After Ashley had settled the bill, they moved the car seat back to her vehicle and parted company.

Author's notes: Thanks to GCD, James M, Jim M, Bill K, Wayne, Bob K, Max P, Walt Sz, Mark F, Geoff S, Tim T, Robert L, Ott H, Marlin S, Joe W, Jim S, John L, Bill T, Tony F, Lance C, Greg W, Charles G, Rick P, Tom A, Gordon, Jim W, Mendy D, Hotrod, Zero M, Steve C, Barry J, Paul R, and Rich H who emailed since last posting. I appreciate the support!

Speaking of support, don't forget that Nifty has expenses in maintaining this free service.

Thanks to David who edited this chapter. If you find errors, it's probably because I tend to make changes last minute before I post. Don't blame him!

David L

Next: Chapter 5: Kismet 5

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