Lacrosse Lover

By BostonBiGuy

Published on Jul 15, 2023


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Lacrosse Lover Epilogue

By Mark (BostonBiGuy)

Rob was looking at me as he straightened out my tie, the same way that I had done his when he graduated. We had been together as a couple since then. At first we had stayed in the same apartment, sharing a bedroom though. Eventually we decided to move out and get a small apartment of our own once Rob had finished school.

He had decided to stay in Charlottesville so that we could live together until I finished school. As I looked into his eyes and smiled I thought about just how much I loved him. I knew that I loved him even more now. I couldn't imagine life without him.

He accompanied me on one trip home from school to visit my parents. We stayed in the same room since there were limited accommodations - not that it bothered us. Shortly before we left I told my parents that we were a couple. They were reasonable and slightly supportive, but I knew that they would get to used to the idea with time. Which they did, they were here to see me graduate and we were all having dinner together tonight.

They had slowly accepted Rob as being part of the family for the most part, even though they were still a bit uneasy about it.

I leaned over to kiss Rob. "I love you."

"I love you too. I have something I want to show you."


He went to a drawer and pulled out an envelope. Inside there was a deed to a house.

"It's my grandmother's house. I told my father that I wanted to rent it since the lease was up. He wanted nothing more to do with the house or me, so it was put in my name. I want to move back there so that we can have a house together. Just for us."

I smiled and kissed him, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Well, that's it for this story. There will not be a true sequel to this story. I have told it all the way out. There may be a follow-up to the story that would tell about another character in this story other than the main ones. I don't know what I'd do yet, that's just a thought and a possibility. I have other projects that will likely come before I start in on that one so I don't know if or when I will write a follow-up.

Please drop by my site at or send me an email to say whether you enjoyed this story. I'll be on vacation for a while so it may take me a bit to respond but please don't let that stop you from sending messages. I've cleared out my inbox so it can hold plenty of reader comments and I expect to receive them (hint: there could be something of a special thank you for those that do respond). I'd really like to hear what the impression everyone had of the story was.

Thanks for reading,


Next: Chapter 13

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