Lances Life

By Lukas Johnson

Published on Aug 3, 2000


Lance's Life Part 2 By Lukas Jonathan Johnson

Hey guys! Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate them! If you have any questions or comments about my work drop me a line:

Disclaimer: As much as I wish it were true... this story is a complete work of fiction and is not intended to imply anything about Lance Bass or anyone in Nsync. We don't know if they are gay or not, and it is not up to us to determine that, so for now... this story doesn't state anything about the TRUE sexuality of these great people. :)

Also, if you shouldn't be reading this...don't. Then again if you shouldn't be reading this why did you go through all the links to get to this story anyway.

Scene 2- Finding a Body

"... Then he fell face first into the floor." Lance told Justin. "It was creepy, almost real. I could see details."

"Details?" Justin was confused. He had woken up to the sound of Lance screaming. He had been tossing and turning all night. He usually liked sleeping with him, but tonight was a little more difficult. Damn hotel being overbooked!

"I could see this face cave in as it slammed into the linoleum on the kitchen floor and I could see all the blood running around turning the floor from white to red." Lance shuddered. "It was way too creepy." Lance stood and walked over to the balcony looking at the city below. He needed air; this dream shook him up pretty good.

Justin joined his friend at the balcony. "Ok, so you're having this dream...why? Why would you have dreams about this guy?"

Lance looked over at Justin. He looked totally hot. He was half-tempted to forget this whole dream thing and get up on Justin. He loved Justin's short, curly bleached locks of hair and the way his eyes shined when he talked to Lance. His body was the most impressive. Hours of hard work went to that body to make his stomach flat and hard. Muscular arms were folded across his massive chest waiting for Lance to go on with the story. He looked down at the boxers he was wearing; they were tight and revealed all. Lance couldn't believe that he was looking at his friend like this. He let out a breath, before going on with his story, and couldn't stop admiring his Adonis.

"Well, one night after a concert. I was sitting out in the balcony looking up at the stars, watching them twinkle. Thoughts of people filled my head, wondering who was the right one for me, thinking about the future. I made a wish upon a star and as soon as I was done, it started blinking and shining more than any other star in the sky. That night I had my first dream about him." Lance paused knowing what he was getting himself into. He was going to tell Justin that he was gay, but was worried that he would start acting weird. The exact opposite happened. Justin was leaning against the railing listening to every word that Lance had to say attentively.

"You into guys, Lance?" Justin asked softly, furrowing his brows.

Lance looked into Justin's bright eyes. He saw trust and compassion coming from his best friend in the whole world and he knew that everything would be all right.

"Well, I..." Lance stumbled. "Yeah." He looked down at the floor feeling embarrassed. Afraid at what Justin would ask him.

"Hey, don't look at the floor." Justin commanded. "Look in my eyes." Lance up looked into the caring eyes. Justin put his arm around his friend and pulled him into a hug. "I still love you, no matter what. You are my best friend. Be yourself!" Justin pulled back and looked into Lance's hypnotic green eyes feeling a strong attraction. He looked at him reassuringly, gave into lust and leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Lance breathed in sharply, not expecting the kiss. Justin's lips were soft and gentle. He started off kissing softly, he then moisten his lips and prepared for a more erotic kiss. He then used tongue exploring the depths of Lance's mouth. It got deeper and deeper then Justin sucked on Lance's own probing tongue, lips and then moved down to his neck. Lance gasped and then moaned as he felt Justin's mouth move to his neck, his most sensitive part of the body. His breathing got harder, hands gripped tighter, and the kiss got more passionate. Justin pulled back, out of breath, with a smile on his face.

Lance stared blankly at his friend and coworker, not knowing what to think. "What was that for?" Justin and him had always been good friends, ever since the start of the group. They always did things together, but Justin never led on that he wanted a relationship or anything physical with him. He never said. "Are you gay?"

"No." Justin said with a smile. "You told me something very personal about yourself and I wanted you to know that I'll be here for you, and that I care a lot about you. Your sexual preference doesn't bother me. Plus I know that you probably never kissed a guy and I wanted you to be sure that you knew what you were doing. Besides, I know that you have wanted it for a long time. I've seen you watch me a few times. " Justin laughed as Lance's mouth dropped open. "It doesn't bother me, man. It's actually a turn on. I've never thought about guys lusting after me." Justin scratched his chin lost in thought.

"I need a cold shower." Lance said.

"Did I really get you that worked up?" Justin asked innocently. He looked at Lance's crotch and indeed it was quite erect and tenting out of his sweats.

Lance blushed. "Yes," he said shyly trying to hide his bulge.

"Don't, " Justin said removing Lance's hand from his crotch. "I like what I see. What do you want to do? Do you want to experiment? Do you want to....?" The look in Justin's eyes was seductive and sexual. Justin would do anything for his friend.

Lance sighed, as much as he wanted to, he knew it would be a bad idea. "No, Justin, as much as I want to. That would be weird for both of us if we were to have sex. Oh god, I'd love to, but it just wouldn't be good." He looked into Justin's eyes and let him know that he still cared.

Justin nodded. "You're right," he said.

"You won't tell any of the guys, will you?"

"No, man. Your secret is safe with me." Justin smiled, and then became serious. "I want you to know that if you are ever unsure about anything, are feeling frustrated, or want to experiment, I'll help you out. I'll do anything for you, man. I love you. That's why we stick together, right?" Justin's hand went on Lance's shoulder.

Lance smiled. "Besides that fact that millions of girls around the world want us. Right, Justin, we'll always stick together. I'm glad we had this talk. Thanks for everything."

Lance pulled Justin into a hug. He felt his friends arms tighten around him. Justin's body was electrifying and hypnotic, like a potion that he couldn't get enough of. It felt so good to touch his bare, muscular back and feel his naked chest rub up against his body. It was so...masculine. Lance took a deep breath and took all of it in. He felt his bulge expand even more; which he didn't think was possible. Apparently Justin had felt it as well.

I really need a man, Lance thought.

"Take a shower, man." Justin laughed. "You can tell me more about your dream when you get out."

Lance took off his white wife-beater and sweats, put them on the chair and walked into the bathroom. He looked back and took notice that Justin had watched the entire ritual never taking his eyes off him. Lance shrugged. Oh well, he thought. He didn't mind if a hot guy watched him, even if it was his friend. He closed the door behind him and turned on the water, waiting for it to warm up. The steam filled the room and misted the mirror. Lance wiped the mist from the mirror and stared at his reflection. He liked the way he looked. Handsome face with serious, green eyes that had thousands of people looking twice at him. Short hair with bleached tips highlighting the elements of his electric personality. He looked at his body; the same hard work and time went into his body as Justin's. The group needed to be in perfect shape and look good for all of their fans. Strong legs and calves were important as well. He looked at his cock. It was good sized and many have commented on it, but sex had never happened. Lance smiled. He wasn't a complete prude. He had his ex-girlfriend jack him and suck him off a couple of times because he didn't ever feel it was right to have sex with her. He had been saving himself for bigger and better things. Lance sighed. He was still erect from having Justin kiss him. His cock sprang back up at the thought.

Lance looked into the mirror again and squinted. What was he looking at? His image suddenly changed from a handsome confused face into a familiar face of a good-looking guy with dark hair and mysterious eyes. Lance shook his head. The dream of the mysterious man had him shaken. He shook his head and grabbed a glass filling it with water from the tap. He looked into the mirror again. The image of the same sad face looked back at him...then blood started dripping from his lips running down his chin. Then it poured as his mouth opened to speak.

"Help me," the face pleaded gurgling through blood. "Help me."

Lance jumped back and screamed dropping his glass, shattering it all over the counter and floor.

Justin lay back on the bed thinking about what he had just done. He had just offered Lance free sex whenever he wanted. Lance got pretty horny sometimes, Justin knew. He had watched the poor, confused boy jerk off almost nightly...even when he had returned home from a date with the beautiful girlfriend. It was almost a nightly ritual. Justin enjoyed watching him, his every move, his every stroke, everything about him...Justin shook his head bringing him back to reality. What had he gotten himself into? He knew that at this point in life Lance had been confused about his sexuality for a long time. It was just a matter of finding the right time to come out and someone to confide in. Justin smiled. He wondered if Lance would ever take him up on his offer...and if he would return for more if he did. Justin smiled wider...he knew that Lance would come ask for his advice soon.

The room was quiet; the only thing that disrupted the night was the sound of the shower in the next room. Justin imagined Lance in the shower shampooing his hair or soaping his hard, muscular body. He closed his eyes and tried to get a mental picture. Justin's hand moved to his body imitating what he thought Lance was doing in the shower. His hand found the right nipple and he flipped it causing it to harden right away. He took it between his fingers and squeezed, eliciting a moan. The hand moved to the other nipple and repeated the torture. Rub, rub, rub...the hand moved down Justin's hard stomach feeling the muscles from months of hard work and training. Justin sighed, feeling himself grow harder by the minute, knowing that he would expand more and more. His breathing got heavier and the hand traveled down to the fabric of the shorts, barely able to contain the beast inside. He grabbed the hard cock through the material and began to stroke it slowly at first and then harder and harder. Justin arched his back feeling like he was going to explode...then he heard a sound.

A scream had come from the bathroom followed by the sound of breaking glass. Justin swore and jumped up to the door.

"Lance, what's the matter?" Justin called pounding on the door.

No sound escaped from the bathroom.

"Lance," Justin called louder. "Open the door, what's the matter?" He pounded on the door harder.

No sound escaped from the bathroom, only the pulsation of water from the shower and the silence on the other side of the door.

Justin began to worry.

Katherine was tired. She just had a long day at work and she was glad to go home. She needed a day off. Working double shifts in the mall was hard work, especially in a college town. Hundreds of college girls went in and out of the store every day and it was an experience. She hated dealing with the stuck up sorority girls with money. They always talked down to her like she was some kind of peasant. Then again, retail always sucked no matter where you were working.

The only positive thing about the day was when there was a guy that was hitting on her. Katherine thought that he was hot. He came up to her and was kind of shy. He said that he was looking for a gift for someone.

"What are you looking for?" Katherine asked him.

"Uh...a gift for this girl." He stuttered.

Katherine looked him up and down. Boy was he a cutie! Too bad he was taken.

He had light blonde hair, cut short, almost military with some bangs. It was perfectly cut and combed to make him look great. He had piercing blue eyes, the kind that could make things stop and freeze in the moment. He was wearing a black tank top that revealed hours of work in the gym, and had red shorts which revealed a nice ass and strong legs. It was all she could do not to reach out and grab him.

"It's always hard for guys to shop for their girlfriends," Katherine agreed. "Girls are just bitchy and picky."

The guy smiled. "Hi, I'm Jason."

Katherine smiled back. "Well, Jason..." Right before she could help him a girl came out of nowhere. She was about five foot five and had black hair and blue eyes. She had stunning good looks, almost exotic, and was very voluptuous. Katherine was almost jealous of her good figure.

"Damn it, lets go Jason." She bitched.

Jason smiled. "Nice meeting you, Katherine. I hope to see you again."

Katherine turned and blushed. By the time she looked up again, the bitch was dragging him out of the store.

"Oh well," Katherine sighed. "Shit happens."

From there, Katherine's day just went downhill. Lots of girls were criticizing and customer service just wasn't working well for the day. The day just wouldn't end. Finally, it was time for her to lock up and leave. She had received a message from Lukas. Katherine stopped and smiled.

Lukas was a story in itself. They had met almost by accident. It was the first day of classes. A hot guy with dark hair and eyes was standing in front of her at the bookstore. He was just gorgeous. He was pretty tone and had a nice ass and a big package. He had been wearing some loose fitting shorts that left nothing for the imagination. She followed him out the door and hit around the corner of the building watching him. She was totally boy crazy. Katherine just loved checking out the guys. They were hot! Her only downfall (or good for some) was that she really liked sex. She didn't go for the foreplay or anything; she just liked the way a guy's big cock fit inside of her. Sex got her in trouble sometimes, because half the time she didn't' call them the next day or they didn't call her.

When she saw the guy hit the parking lot, she turned and wasn't watching where she was going and ran into another hot guy. They fell into a heap on the sidewalk. Katherine was very embarrassed. The guy stood and helped her up and smiled as he helped pick up her bags.

"I am so sorry," Katherine said. "I feel like such a dork."

"Don't worry," he said to her. He held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Robert."

"Hi Robert, I'm Katherine." She extended her hand and took his hand into hers.

"What a way to start off the year!" Robert laughed.

"Tell me about it, I guess I shouldn't be watching guys, and should start watching where I am going." Katherine laughed.

"Who were you watching?" Robert asked curiously.

"There was a hot guy with dark hair over there," Katherine pointed.

"Oh..." Robert smiled again. "Well, I should be going. Its nice meeting, you, I'll be seeing you around."

"Same." Katherine watched Robert go toward the lot. Robert turned and waved at her and got into a car. Katherine's mouth dropped wide open as she saw Robert get into the same car as the cute guy. Her mouth dropped further when she saw Robert plant a kiss on him.

"Great," Katherine muttered. "The first two guys I lust after are gay!"

She met them the next time at theatre practice and since then, became the best of friends. She found out his name was Lukas, but he was kind of reserved. Apparently there was something that happened in the past, which he just didn't like to talk about. Whatever it was, Katherine didn't care and loved Lukas just the same.

She came to find out through Robert that Lukas's best friend had died on graduation night. They were all supposed to come up to school together and do theater together. Sadly, only two of the three made it up to school. Katherine thought that Lukas looked at her as a replacement, but then again, he never called her "Mel" to her face or anything, so she figured that he was over whatever he was feeling about it.

That must be the reason why he left a message, Katherine thought. It was the one-year anniversary of Mel's death. Katherine was scared for Lukas. The guy that killed Mel was supposed to get out of jail. Robert told her that Lukas didn't know about it yet, and she thought that it was best to leave it at that.

Sitting in her car, Katherine felt like she really didn't want to go over to Lukas's. She really didn't have the strength or energy to have a crying session, especially after the day that she had just had. But conscience took over and she thought about what a true friend would do in that situation. Lukas needed someone to talk to because Robert wasn't going to be there yet. Katherine put her car into gear and started down the road.

Lance lay on the floor of the bathroom cold and nude staring at the reflection in the mirror. The face had disappeared, but the memory of the way it looked lingered. The handsome face twisted with hurt and pain, blood pouring through its mouth. Who was this mysterious guy? Why did he haunt Lance's mind? Lance was very confused and distraught. He had not idea what to do.

He heard the bathroom door. Someone was pounding on the other side. Lance didn't have the strength to say anything. He sat there dazed and confused wondering what had just happened. It was the same guy...but why? What was wrong with him? Where was he?

"Lance!" Justin screamed. "Lance, open the fucking door."

Lance quickly came back to reality. He thought that he had better open the door before Justin did it himself. It wouldn't look good if Nsync was caught causing damage to hotel property, so he got up from the floor and carefully stepped around the glass, turned off the shower, and opened the door.

On the other side Justin was breathing heavily and panting. "Oh god, Lance, I thought the worst." He pulled Lance in for a tight hug meshing their bodies as though they were one. Justin had tears falling down his face.

"I'm ok, Justin." Lance said quietly. "I'm sorry to worry you."

"You scared the shit out of me. What was the scream and the glass breaking? Shit, Lance, I thought you were trying to kill yourself!" Justin was getting emotional. Lance had never seen that side of him before.

Lance didn't have anything to say, he was still in shock from Justin hugging his naked body to his almost naked one. No need for imagination to see what was going on in Justin's drawers. His cock was very hard and Lance could feel wetness in the boxers. Lance pulled away.

"Don't worry," Lance said. "It's nothing."

"Don't give me that, Lance." Justin shouted. "I want to know what's going on with you. You won't give me any straight answers! Don't even comment on the word straight!"

Lance grabbed Justin's hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

"Look in the mirror," Lance ordered.

Justin looked into the mirror and smiled. "I know that I am conceited, Lance, but now is hardly the time to tell me that."

Lance forced a smile. "I had the water going and the bathroom was getting all steamy and hot."

"You or the water?" Justin interrupted.

"I was just looking at myself in the mirror waiting for the water to get warm. When I looked into the mirror, I didn't see myself." Lance stopped, realized that he was naked, grabbed a robe from the bathroom hook and put it on.

"Who did you see...that guy?" Justin furrowed his brows.

"Yeah." Lance was picking up pieces of glass from the floor and started throwing them into the bathroom garbage. "It was weird. There was this totally gorgeous guy looking at me in the mirror. I just wanted to reach out and grab him. I knew it was him. Before I could do anything blood started gushing out of his mouth and he started talking to me..."

"So he finally spoke to you, huh." Justin scratched his chin. "What words of wisdom did he provide?"

"None," Lance said slowly. "I don't think. He just said 'help me' a few times and it scared the crap out of me. That's when I..."

"...dropped the cup." Justin finished. "I understand. I thought that with all you were telling me that you were in there trying to hurt yourself."

"I wouldn't do that to you guys." Lance said. " I have too much to offer to the group."

"So, what do you think he meant by 'help me'"? Justin asked. "Does he need help? Is that why you keep 'getting messages' from him?"

"I really don't know, Justin. I really don't know. Right now I just want to go to bed."

"Finish your shower and get to bed. That's an order Mr. Bass." Justin said in mock anger.

"Yes, drill sergeant." Lance said giving a false salute.

As Lance closed the door and turned on the shower, there was a soft knock at the door. Justin walked to the door and looked into the peephole. It was JC on the other side, so he opened the door.

"What's the matter in here?" JC asked. "I thought there was a war. I heard a scream and then breaking glass, I thought you two were going at each other."

"Oh you know how clumsy Lance is... He just dropped one of those cups in the bathroom and the scream was after he broke the glass." Justin said coming up with a most plausible lie that was really close to the truth.

"Are you sure it wasn't anything else?" JC asked narrowing his eyes.

"Like what?" Justin asked innocently.

"Like you two going at each other. Taking Lance's 'cherry' must be very painful, thus the scream and the glass..."

JC grabbed Justin and forced him up against the wall kissing him hard and deep. His tongue probed deep inside Justin's mouth exploring and searching for spots to make him moan. Apparently he had found one right away because Justin reacted immediately with a moan, followed by another one louder than the first. JC's mouth moved down and clamped onto Justin's jugular eliciting more moans. The attacker moved his hands down Justin's body feeling every muscle and curve there.

JC stepped back. Justin leaned into the wall for support catching his breath. What a night it was for him. He was never going to get off! Not like this anyway.

"What's the matter?" JC smiled. "Isn't that what you and Lance were doing?"

"Oh no," Justin said. "Nothing like that. We were just sitting up talking." It was hard to lie to someone that Justin looked up to so much, but some things were just not meant to be said to others.

"Sorry to get you so worked up. I really thought that you and Lance were getting it on." JC said apologetically. "Do you want to finish this later?"

"Yeah, sure." Justin said quickly. "Where at?"

"Why not here?" JC said. "Lance will be sleeping and we could just..."

"...fuck in the bed next to him? No JC."

"Any better ideas?"

Justin thought. "How about on the bus tomorrow. There should be enough time."

"Ok. If you think you can last that long." JC smiled. "Have a good night. Oh, put a cold spoon on that." He indicated the hickey.

Justin put a hand on his neck surprised. That could get him into a lot of trouble by everyone. He didn't have anything to say, so he finally go his composure: "Thanks for checking up on us. We really appreciate it."

"Yeah, JC, thanks." Lance's voice mysteriously came out of nowhere shocking both Justin and JC.

JC didn't miss a beat. "Yeah no problem. I'll see you in the morning for breakfast." With that JC walked out the door.

Justin turned to look at Lance. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and Justin could see the definition in his abs and pecs. He was at a loss for words. Just how much did Lance hear?

"So," Lance said matter-of-factly. "How much did you tell JC?"

Katherine pulled her crappy brown Mazda into Lukas's driveway next to his dirty blazer. Well at least he is home, she thought. It can't get any worse than that. Little did she know her words would strike her more than anything.

She tried letting herself into the kitchen door, but the deadbolt and chain were on. Katherine gave a small smile, he must have heard about Tom. Her smiled quickly turned into a frown when she realized that Lukas wasn't helping her in. She had a key to the front door also and decided to go around and go through it instead. Again she found it to be locked and dead bolted.

"What the hell?" Katherine shouted to no one in particular.

She looked around the house looking for any open windows or curtains showing what was going on in the inside. Nothing would give her a clue to what was going on.

Katherine went back to her Mazda and sat down confused. Lukas's car was here, so that had to mean that he was home, unless Robert took him out. Of course, Katherine hadn't thought of that. Who else but his boyfriend could cheer him up? Just as Katherine was about to shift the car into reverse she noticed something on her shoes. It was dark. Her first thought was mud from the drizzly day, but it looked too...liquid. Oh god, she thought. Was it blood?

Katherine immediately jumped out of her car and ran to Lukas's blazer-the only place she hadn't looked. She found nothing inside but a crumpled letter. It was from Robert to Lukas. Katherine read it quickly.

"Oh my god." She said out loud. "Did Robert kill Lukas?"

She was in tears. Where was Lukas? What did Robert do with him? She then remembered the blood on her shoes. She ran back to the kitchen door and saw that there was a small pool slowly leaking out the crack at the bottom of the screen. Not enough to notice right away because of the slight drizzle of the night, but enough to notice at close inspection.

"Oh, god." Katherine muttered. "His body is still in the house."

Katherine searched for anything to break the windowpane. She settled for a big rock just next to the kitchen door. She heaved it through the glass and heard the sound of crashing and felt hundreds of shards hit her arms as she protected her face. Katherine reached her bloodied arm into the broken pane and unhooked the chain and unbolted the door and quickly opened the door and walked in. She stopped short.

In the middle of the kitchen floor laid her friend. Blood was everywhere; Katherine wasn't even sure where the wounds were located. She was standing in a pool of what used to be white linoleum tile. She got on her knees and shook her friend slowly. He was on his face. Katherine turned his head to the side like she learned in first aid, to clear the airway and to allow breathing. She gasped. There was almost no face, the nose was not there and the teeth were through the lips. She shook him, never losing control.

"Lukas, get up."

She did this for a few minutes; when he didn't respond at all she then got up from the floor and calmly called 911.

"Hello, 911..."

"Yes," Katherine said. " I want to report a murder at..."

"We'll send paramedics and policeman right away."

Katherine hung up the phone.

"NO!!!!!!!!" She screamed. Katherine was finally losing control of the situation. "NO!!!!"

She threw the phone across the room and watched it break into a hundred pieces.

Katherine threw herself onto her friend's body and sobbed for what seemed like hours.

Justin didn't know how to answer Lance's question. "I didn't tell him anything."

"And him kissing you and grabbing your cock meant nothing?"

"He didn't grab my cock, Lance."

Lance quickly dropped to the ground with a moan.

"What's the matter, Lance?" Justin came over to him quickly.

Lance didn't answer. He lay on the floor holding his stomach.

Justin jumped back scared out of his wit. Blood was coming out of Lance's mouth and nose.

"What's the...matter...with me?" Lance gurgled. "I can' I'm not...strong…enough. I don't know...what he wants."

Justin cried out when he saw Lance's eyes. The eyes he had once loved were glowing a bright yellow hue, almost as if they were glowing in the dark.

Lance looked into the mirror on the bedside.

"NO!!!!!!!!" He screamed at the monster he saw, finally losing control of the situation. "NO!!!!" Then he fell face first into the floor...

To be continued???

Well, that's all for Part 2. Hope you all enjoyed it. If you have any questions or comments email Lukas at I'll get to you as soon as I can. I answer all email.

Next: Chapter 3

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