Learning Curve

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Sep 24, 2002


Howdy All, my name is Blake. Nice to see all of you again, and anyone who I don't know, nice to meet you. First let me get the standard out of the way. Don't know Nsync. I don't know if any of them are gay (But I do suspect one of them. ;) ) So please don't sue me. If you do, you'll learn I am a poor college student with like no money except what I mooch from my parents. Moving along.

I do need feedback. I require it actually. It's my Crack. I need it to live. Please mail to me. Pretty please with JC on top? (MMMM... JC Sunday. I want some.) If I never receive any mail, I'll think you all hate me and cry. So send. This story is pretty old, so deal. It's based about way back when, you'll see. Go read it, why are you even still reading this? Go. Now. Read. Bellow. Not here. GO!

Oh yeah, if you're not 18 (21 in some places) Go away. If you don't like gay relationships or people, you're nuts. We're so nice.

Learning Curve Chapter 1:

~Seeing the road, and walking it, are two different things.~

San Jose California alone is not very well known. What is well known is The Silicon Valley. It just so happens that San Jose is in the heart of that valley. This area, like all other areas in the US, is being hit hard by the recession that was starting with the declaration of war on Terrorism. Most forms of business are being hit by this recession, resulting in layoffs, corporate bankruptcy, and families becoming homeless.

All walks of life are being affected at the people level. This can be seen very well by Jacob Alexander. He sees the children whose parents are loosing money. He sees children whose father, or mother, uncles, aunts, grandparents are being laid off. The fact that another teacher has a student who just became homeless doesn't ease the worry that he feels for his own students.

When he got to school he set about his usual routine. He went to his classroom, set the chalk board up with the morning lessons, put the warm-up sheets on the desks, and straightened the room. This was no different a morning than usual. He left the room, crossed the library since his room was in the main building and it was set up so the library was in the center and all classrooms in the main building were connected to it, and headed for the teachers lounge for a cup of what they call coffee there.

"Hey! Jacob!" Elizabeth Crenshaw, the school librarian. "What's up?"

"Nothing. How `bout you Liz?" He throws on his most charming smile, but when you're 25 and have great looks every smile is charming.

"Nothing much. Principal is breathing down my neck again. She doesn't like the way I have the sections arranged. But she doesn't remember that it's my realm, and I know what I'm doing." Liz pulls her hair out of her face, letting her brown puppy dog eye's show.

"Give and take, Liz. Give and take. Carol has been at this for a long time, you need to be a little more understanding. Now, we still on for the horror movie tonight? And did you get your whiney little wanna be protector to agree to go?" Jacob grabbed a mug and the coffee and proceeded to spill coffee all over the counter. "Damn it!"

"No, he said he refuses to go to any movie where the main characters are slaughtered by people who have already been slaughtered." She hands him some paper towels. "He says that it is `an overly redundant plot, and should not be in modern cinema. Plus it's scary.'" Both begin laughing.

"Ok, we'll meet at Mongo's at 6:00 for dinner, and then head out." He grabs his coffee and heads out the door. "And tell your Boy-toy that the fairy will protect you."

"K, but I'm not going to tell him exactly what you said."

"Oh come on. It'll be funny." He begins to pout.

"No, I don't want to lie. Everyone knows you're a queen." She says as she shuts the door and holds it closed so that he can't retaliate.

Liz is only a year older then Jacob, and was hired at the same time. They became great friends quickly, which is strange since Jacob has next to no friends. He's sort of a loner, while Liz is a very rambunctious person with friends everywhere. She and he are best friends, and she even jokes that if he were straight they'd make a great couple.

He got to his room 20 minutes before the beginning of school, and unlocked the door so that early arrivers wouldn't have to wait in the cold. He went to his desk, logged on the net, and opened his e-mail account to check his inbox.

It wasn't long until he was no longer alone. Students slowly began to file in, packing into groups to chat and play games. He looked over the crowd of young faces and smiled, knowing that this is where he belonged. Working with children. He always knew he wanted to teach; it got him laughed at in school. He also always found it ironic that he was leaving school to go right back to classes every day for the rest of his life.

He sent out a few e-mails just as the bell rang. He closed down the internet explorer and started class.

Smooth sailing for class up to just before lunch recess. Jacob was at his desk, allowing the kids some free time to play... until he over heard something really not right.

"Shut up Queer." And that came from the sweet innocent mouth of a 7 year old.

"DAVID GRISSOM!" this was not a usual thing in Jacobs Classroom. He only yelled at his students once before, and that was because they had decided to bring about a recreation of the LA riots in his room. "You will come with me to the principal's office right now!" The room became completely silent as Davy just looked at his teacher in shock. But Jacob looked at him in un-wavering anger.

He walked to the edge of his room where it met in a small opening with the library and motioned Liz over. "I have to take Davy to see the principal; would you please watch my room until Lunch? Shelly is the lunch line monitor for the week, she'll lead everyone there."

"Sure. Are you ok?" She leaned in close so the students wouldn't hear. "You seem really pissed. What did he do?"

He leaned in to her ear. "He just called another student queer."

"Uh oh, that's commandment number one in this room. No slurs or words of hate." That is very true. On his list of rules, number one is specifically that. Jacob doesn't tolerate that. He led Davy to the principal and waited to talk to her.

The principal took Davy into her office, and Jacob went back to his room. The class having been released to lunch already was not there. He sat behind his desk, lost in memories. A tear began to fall down his face as he relived his school years.

"Damn it JC, you need to TELL THEM!" With that last outburst, Josh pulled the phone about a foot from his ear and flinched. He looked to the passenger seated across the isle from him on the plane, and smirked before setting his computer in the empty seat next to him and putting up the tray.

"Justin, last time I checked it was my decision, and I'm just not ready. Are you ok with that or not?" he whispered sternly. Then thought to himself, `can one whisper sternly?'

"Yes Joshua," `Uh oh, he pulled out the full first name. Lecture time' Josh pulled on a smile as Justin took a deep breath from where he was. "but we all love you. You're our brother. And as much as we're concerned you can date sheep. We just want to know. Well, I know... but... you know what I mean. The other guy's won't really care. They love you, and when you finally tell them their most likely going to be more hurt by the fact that you waited so long to tell them then anything. They have a right to know as your friends, and your family."

"Wow, I never considered them being hurt because I waited to tell them. You're right." Josh took a deep breath. "I'll tell them the next time we're all together." The fasten seatbelt sign lit up as the plane approached the airport and final descent. "Justin, I have to go. I'll call you tonight."

"Ok, be good. Remember, do nothing I wouldn't." Justin waited for the appropriate response.

"But my momma raised me to be a good boy. Bye." Josh laughed into the phone.

"Bye." And they both hung up.

Josh sat back in his seat, trying not to fall asleep. Coming from London to San Jose California is a bit bad on the Jet Lag. After the plane touched down he got off, collected his baggage, and headed for the rent-a-car place.

After debating weather or not to get the insurance, he opted to. I mean, it's not like he can't afford the extra charge. He climbed in, and headed towards downtown and the hotel. On his way, he noticed a Mongolian Stir-Fri restaurant. He went to pull into its parking lot after this other car, but was suddenly stopped when the other car stopped causing him to rear-end it. He looked up and saw a kid ride away very quickly on his bike. "This is soooo not happening." The other car continued to pull into the parking lot and he followed. The other car stopped, and Jacob got out and immediately walked to the rear end of his car to check for damage. Josh pulled on a pair of sunglasses and a base ball cap, and got out to check his rental. The other guy strode towards it, and Josh couldn't help but take him in. A clingy black T-shirt to show off a very well defined swimmers build. Short hair died blond with black roots. A light tan over his arms. And the most piercing emerald green eye's, deeper then lances. Josh had to force himself to look back to the cars.

"Damn it!" Jacob said kicking his bumper.

"I'm so so so sorry. I didn't have enough time to react to you stopping." Josh became very nervous.

"It's not that," Jacob began smiling. "It's just I wanted my car that exact color and I had to be rear ended to get it on it." He said motioning to the paint scrapes.

"Ah, uh, ok." After that oh so witty remark, Josh decided it was just about time to go find a hole to hide in for the rest of the decade. "I was about to go try that place out, if you'd like to go in, have a drink, and swap insurance info."

"Yeah, I was actually on my way to meet a friend there" Jacob reached into his car and grabbed his back pack, then locked it. He looked up at Josh and extended his hand. "Jacob."

Josh took it amazed at how soft it was. "Josh."

"This is gonna sound weird, but have we met before? You seem familiar." Jacob started for the restaurant entrance.

"Doubt it." Josh wasn't sure if he wanted to tell this guy who he was in the middle of public, not that a restaurant was gonna be that much better.

They walked in and Jacob started for the rear of the room, and stopped to startle Liz. Josh looked on confused.

"Hey hun. Sorry I'm late. This is Josh, we sorta ran into each other in the parking lot." Liz kissed Jacob on the cheek, turned to look at Josh and scanned his face for a second. Then it hit her who he was, she fell in her seat, and he jaw fell open. "Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Oh my fucking god, you're JC Chasez." She said it so levelly it was startling. Like she was saying, `By the way, the sky is blue.'

Josh quickly sat down. "Listen, I'm trying to keep a low profile. I'm only here for a few weeks to help with this scholarship, and then I'm leaving. I don't really want an uproar."

Jacob sat down. "No problem. Well, we should go pick out what we want." They quickly got their food, drinks, and fell into light conversation. Josh explained the scholarship he was working on and tried to figure out if Jacob batted for his team. He didn't notice that he was almost ignoring Liz, and he kept starring at Jacob when he wasn't looking. Liz of course noticed.

"So, you're both teachers?" Josh took a bite of noodle.

"Actually, I'm the librarian." Liz offered up, sipping what she thought was her regular coke, but getting Jacobs Diet. "Ugh. Gross."

"Then don't drink it freak. I'm the teacher," Jacob said turning to Josh, who had quickly averted his eyes to a piece of baby corn. "I always wanted to teach. I got teased a lot when I was a kid because of it. I just love kids. I almost had a problem at school when I started there, but they said as long as I don't have a pride flag on my desk there's no problem." Josh started choking, literally. "Are you ok?" His head shook no, his eye's started watering, and his face turned red. "Shit, he's choking!"

Jacob stood up, went around to Josh, pulled him up and gave him the Heimlich. After a big piece of chicken flew to the floor, Josh started breathing normal again, and sagged slightly in Jacobs arms. "Thanks."

"No problem, I didn't realized I hadn't told you. I hope there's no problem." Jacob sat down nervously.

"God no! Are you kidding, I'm a pop star. I deal with stuff like that on a daily basis." Josh chuckled a bit. "I just got caught off guard a little." `That and I realized I had a chance. Damn food, damn poultry.' "I hope this doesn't sound bad but I need to get going. I'm running on European time. It's way passed my bed time. But I'd love to hang out some time, here's my cell number. I had one set up with the local area code." Josh handed him a card. "Call me."

"Ok and I'll go ahead and call the rental car agency tomorrow." Jacob stood and shook his hand.

"It was nice to meet you Liz, hope to hear from you Jacob." Josh started for the cashier stand.

"Liz, did JC from `Nsync just ask me out?" Jacob sat and looked as Josh paid for his dinner and unknown to them theirs.

"Yup, you just landed in the ocean little gold fish." Liz watched as Josh looked over at them, smiled, and walked out.

Jacob looked at Liz, then the card Josh gave him, then Liz, then the card, then set it down and ran for the bathroom to throw up. Liz just laughed, and took another bite of her noodles.

"Ring, ring, ring." Justin woke up, leaned over, and answered the phone.

"If someone's not in the morgue, there will be when I kill whoever this is." Justin turned on the lamp on the nightstand and pulled the covers up.

"Justin, its Josh. I need to talk to someone." Justin sat up, and leaned against the backrest on the bed.

"Can't it wait? It's like..." Justin tried to focus on the clock, failed, and made up a number. "15 O' clock or something. What do you want?"

"I just asked a guy out." That woke Justin up.

"WHAT! I thought that you never asked any guy's out." Justin got out of bed, and made his way to the kitchenette in the apartment he was being provided by their Label. He grabbed a bottle of water.

"I haven't. I just... did. I really like him. He's a teacher. And he's way hot. And I mean H O T T T!" Justin started laughing and took a sip.

"And this is a wake-Justin-up level event why?" Justin sat down at the kitchen table.

"Because I'm nervous and needed to talk to my best friend."

Justin sighed. "It's going to be ok. Did he say yes?"

"I gave him my number." Justin sighed again.

"Then you have to wait. If he doesn't call by tomorrow night, he most likely wont." He got up and headed back to the bedroom.

"Ok, you sound tired. Can I call you in the morning?" Josh sounded pouty.

"Yes, and I want the full story then. You sound really tired, so sleep." Justin climbed back in bed. "Say goodnight Justin."

"Goodnight Justin." With that Justin hung up and went to sleep. Josh paced for another twenty minutes, and then went to sleep.

"Damn it Jacob William Alexander! Calm down, go to bed. You already have me staying over, let me sleep!" Liz threw her pillow at him, and growled. Liz minus sleep, not good.

"Fine. Excuse me for being nervous when a gorgeous gorgeous, really hot guy asks me to call him." He walked over to her with the pillow.

"Its 3 AM get some sleep and call him in the morning. He obviously likes you, so get over it. You're a great guy; if you were straight I'd dump Ben for you in a second." She smirked at him.

"Yeah, well, who wouldn't?" Jacob smiled and walked to his room, and fell asleep faster then he expected.

"Ring, ring, ring." Justin groaned.

"DAMN IT JOSH! He's gonna want to go out with you, now go to sleep and call me in the morning." Justin covered his eyes and was pissed until he heard a sob and sniffle.


"Lance, what's wrong?!?!" Justin sprang up-right in bed.

"I think I'm gay. Wait... did you say Josh HE'S gonna want to go out with you?" Justin froze.

"Oh fuck!" and with that, Justin fell back into a lying position with his hand over his eyes.

Send all e-mails to WriteMeAStory@Juno.com

Next: Chapter 2

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