Learning How to Fly

By johanna miller

Published on Mar 13, 2004


LEARNING HOW TO FLY The Sequel Part I: Sleeping with Ghosts

Yes. I am back. The sequel is probably going to be just a three part what-if' exploration that should be viewed more as an independent story than as a continuation of Learning how to Fly'. Nevertheless, we meet with old friends and follow their journey. Some old issues will be resolved, some new ones added. Buckle up friends, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. My stories are nothing but a figment of my imagination. They do not reflect the true opinion/beliefs/sexualities of the celebrities mentioned. If you don't like slashfic, get lost. If you are underage or this kind of material is illegal where you live, lock the door or get lost.


"Hush It's okay Dry your eye Dry your eye Soulmate dry your eye Dry your eye Soulmate dry your eye 'Cause Soulmates never die

This one world vision Turns us into compromise What good's religion When it's each other we despise?"

(Placebo, `Sleeping with Ghosts')

February (5 months after the end of `Learning how to Fly')

It was dark already and the pale, milky moonlight was flowing into the room through the window and mingling with the fluorescent glow of the lamp on the nightstand to tint the room yellow and paint shadows on the walls and the ceiling. The room was small but comfortable, containing only a big four-poster bed and a dresser with a mirror above it. Posters, paintings and pictures covered the wall, creating a collage of the occupants' lives.

Nick was sitting on the bed, cross-legged, his guitar cradled in his arms, softly strumming the strings and humming along to the tune. Every once in a while he stopped to scribble words and chords on the notebook, then returning to his guitar. He was so engrossed in his work that he did not notice as the mount of blankets next to him stirred and revealed Colin's head. Colin inched closer and rested his chin on his lovers shoulder.

"It's past one and you've been at this for over an hour. You should get some sleep." He suggested. Nick closed his eyes and picked out a chord on the guitar, crossed out the last part of his notes and replaced them with the new tab, then played again. Finally appearing satisfied, he put the pick on the nightstand and gently places his guitar in the case that was standing next to the bed.

"You know, I'll blame it on you when my album flops. " Nick kidded.

"I'll tell them, `It's not my fault, my boyfriend kept distracting me.' " Colin laughed.

"You mean kinda like this?" He asked, pushing Nick back on the bed and placing kisses on his forehead, his nose, and finally his lips.

"Mhm ... yes!" Nick whispered. He pulled Colin closer and returned the kiss; letting his hands roam over his lovers bare back.

"This isn't quite what I had in mind when I said you should get some sleep." Colin panted, his breath growing ragged as Nick climbed on top of him and covered his chest with kisses. The telephone rang and interrupted them.

"Shit." Nick complained, reaching for the receiver.

"Hello?" He said, leaning against the headboard.

"Nick? `S me. Brian." Came the answer from the other end. Nick sat up straight. He had talked to Brian on the phone a few times after they had made up, never venturing past superficial topics, always trying to bridge the awkward silences with idle chatter and widening the gap with each word. But never had Brian called him in the middle of the night.

"Hi. Is something wrong?"

"Ya know that ev'rything's wrong. Aslutely ev'rything." Nick realized with horror that Brian was drunk. Brian, who had been drunk only once in his life and usually refused to touch alcohol.

"Brian, dammit, you are completely wasted. What the fuck is going on?" Nick asked, resorting to harsh language in his confusion and immediately regretting it.

"'Course I'm drunk. Wouldn'ta called you otherwise. I wan' you to come see me. I wanna talk to you. We need to talk, man." He slurred.

"You are scaring the shit out of me." Nick whispered. Colin, who had perked up at the angry tone, fixed his eyes on Nick, looking worried. "Just tell me what you want. Please."

"When you're here. We'll talk when you're here. An' you hafta come tomorrow. I got you a ticket, ya know."

"I ... Brian, I have to be at the studio tomorrow. I am sure I could stop by to visit you when the albums is done, but ..."

"The ticket's at the counter. We needa talk." Brian repeated, interrupting Nick. Then the line went dead. Nick stared at the receiver incredulously; deep lines of worry forming on his forehead.

"What the hell was that?" Colin asked, taking the receiver from Nick and putting it back. Sensing that his boyfriend needed comforting he wrapped himself around him and held him close. Nick was frozen in silent shock, unable to decipher what had just happened. Finally he melted against Colin, clinging to him and shaking with silent sobs until sleep took over.

His night was restless and when the sun began to spill into the room he could not stand it any longer and got up to make coffee. While it was brewing, he called the airport and found out that at seat was indeed reserved for him on an afternoon flight. Shivering in his robe, he paced back and forth in the kitchen, trying to decide what to do. Brian had been his best friend for years, but his coming-out had caused a noticeable rift, one he had thought could never be fixed. He had been quite surprised when Brian had called two months later to apologize, but if anything, they had only grown further apart since. Unable to decide which step should be taken next and who should take it, he had tried to push the matter from his mind. But now it appeared they had reached another turning point and it was up to Nick to decide what to do.

While he wanted desperately to settle things between them, he did not know if a call placed in an alcohol-induced delirium should be taken as a serious invitation. The logical thing would be to call Brian back in hopes of catching him sober, but something held Nick back.

He filled two cups with coffee, added sugar and milk, and carried them back to the bedroom. Colin, too, was up now, blinking lazily in the bright sunlight. Comfortably settling themselves in the bed, they sipped their coffee slowly and Nick laid out his contemplations.

"I think you should go." Colin said. "It sounds to me that has been wanting to talk to you but just does not know how to." Nick sighed.

"I'm not sure. What if I show up and we don't know what to say? What if he still hates me and we'll just glare at each other? I can not face another fight with him." And he couldn't. He knew that. Their confrontations had taken too much out of him and he was still nursing his wounds. He hated it. When things exploded like that he hated himself for being gay and Brian for not being more understanding, and the religion that had a firm hold over Brian.

"I know that. But Brian is at least trying. You should give him a chance." Colin urged. Nick knew that he was referring to his father, who had never tried to reconcile with his son. He wondered, like so often, what it was that made it so hard for people that two men could fall in love with each other. His eyes traveled the length of Colin's body, from his choppy, dirty blond hair over his narrow face with the high cheekbones and bottle glass green eyes, over his well-defined chest, following the thin trail of hair to where it met the waistband of his boxers. This, to him, was beautiful. He knew every inch of his lovers skin and felt more protected and needed in his arms than he had ever felt before. Could this be wrong?

Colin followed his lover's gaze and grinned. With one swift movement he took both the coffee mugs, placed them on the nightstand and covered Nicks lips with his own. The kiss was violent and hungry and passionate and Nick replied eagerly, undoing the sash of his robe with frantic fingers and throwing it off the bed. Both fumbled to get their boxers off and Nick turned over on his stomach, waiting to feel the familiar length of his lover's manhood inside of him. They moved with a steady rhythm, slow in the beginning and then faster and faster until they both came, only seconds apart. Nick clutched the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white, closing his eyes in the moment of pure bliss. Colin moaned, a low, husky sound that reached Nick on the edge of consciousness, still floating. In the surreal afterglow they held each other close, breathing hard, savoring the closeness.

When they finally stirred, minutes later, Nick said

"I'm going to see Brian."

An hour later Nick was back in the kitchen, his time fully dressed in jeans and an oversized hooded sweater. Jamie was sitting at the kitchen table, eating cereal and perusing the morning paper. When he saw Nick enter, he looked up and grinned.

"Happy Valentines Day."

"Today's Valentine's Day? I hadn't noticed." Nick replied. He rummaged through the cupboards to find something to eat. Jamie put on a look of surprise.

"Oh? I thought that's what you two were celebrating this morning." Nick groaned. He was never going to get used to the fact that Jamie could hear the noise of their lovemaking all the way across the hallway. Jamie had remained in the apartment after Nick moved in, while Dave and Nicky had moved in with their respective girlfriends. Neither had ever been unsatisfied with the arrangement. After all, Jamie had nowhere else to go and he regarded Colin as a surrogate brother. Only Nick sometimes felt awkward knowing that Jamie was witness to just about every part of his and Colin's relationship.

Colin joined them in the kitchen and together they fixed breakfast and ate. Then Nick called his Producer and Manger, explaining to them why he would have to postpone the recording sessions planned for this day and the following day. He hope he would be able to fly back the next night, because he could not miss much more work than that. With that settled, he want to pack and left for the airport with a cab at four o'clock.

The air in Georgia was warmer than that in New York, and it felt almost moist. Nick carried his bag though the halls of Hartsfield International Airport and found himself wishing he'd dressed for the weather here. Caught in a throng of Asian tourists he pushed for the exit and paused to get his bearings. It did not take him long to locate Brian, who was clad in a shirt and khakis and nervously stepping from one foot to the other, scanning the exit. Nick stepped forward and walked up to him slowly, almost hesitantly.

"You came." Was the first thing Brian said. An awkward smile spread over his face. Nick dropped his bag on the ground and attempted a grin.


"My car is over there." Brian said, pointing in the general direction of the parking lot. Then he picked up Nick's luggage and started walking. Nick followed. `This is going to be interesting.' He thought to himself and sighed.

That's it for Part I. Hope you liked it. Stay tuned for more. Take care joey

Next: Chapter 15: Learning How to Fly II 2

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