Learning the Ropes Series

By sam

Published on Oct 21, 2011


Chapter Three: Bondage Oh my god! Was this good, or bad. I was in an old, converted gas station, buck naked, and following a total stranger through a door where all I knew was that he planned on administering me something he called discipline training, followed by a good

hard fucking. What was I doing? Beyond the first door, was a small, clean, carpeted hallway. The first door on the right had a sign on it, which read Massage Room. We did not go into that room. Instead, he led me to the last door at the end of the hall, which had no sign on it at all. Through that door, was indeed a portion of the old service area of the gas station. Above the old oil change pit was an expanded metal grate. Positioned on top of that smooth grate was something that vaguely resembled both a massage table, and a gynecological exam table. It was narrow, with a portion obviously designed to support my head & torso, and heavy extensions outward for my arms. Two extensions protruded outward that my legs could be secured too as well. I could see that these leg supports were removable, and padded stirrups were also hanging from supports above, and that these could easily hold my ankles up high, really opening my legs, and totally exposing my entire crotch for who knows what. He then spoke. He said, Sam, whenever you are in this room, you will refer to me as master, or sir. Now then, lay down on this table, face up. This was both scary, and what Id hoped for. The expanded metal flooring was cold to my bare feet as I followed my orders and proceeded onto the table. The vinyl padding was welcome, but also cold to the touch. Especially on my lower back, brrr. I was there, fully spread, laying on my back, in this big, open, cold and forbidding room. Master then proceeded to attach heavy, leather, medical restraint cuffs to each of my wrists. He tested them for fit, making absolutely certain that I was tightly, and properly restrained. Once the cuffs were in place, he clipped heavy chains to them, fully stretching out each arm, perpendicular to my torso. With that done, he stood up, slowly admired his handiwork, and gave a wicked

deep, almost snarling laugh. He said, you stupid, ignorant, disgusting little fuck slut. I own your ass now. Your naked little body is mine bitch, and I intend to play with my new toy slowly, for just a long as I like, as often as I like. And Im sure you noticed that youre suspended over a fluid collection pit, that can be easily rinsed with that garden hose hanging there on the wall. You wanted piss boy, and you will get it, and more. With that, he stripped off all of his clothes, and positioned himself right above me, straddling my face. He said, you do lick ass good pig, so lick it some more. He then lowered himself onto my now helpless face, and nearly suffocated me with his ass. He was using his full weight to press his naked ass hole onto my mouth. Initially, he had pressed so hard onto me that I couldn't lick anything. He chuckled sadistically, and said, you wanted ass, lick it now slut. And he raised up just enough to allow me to insert my tongue up his anus, and again lick his hairy hole. First in tiny circles, occasionally deviating from that by actually thrusting my tongue up his ass as far and hard as I could. He just stood there, and stood there, and stood there some more. He just kept me licking his bare ass hole for what seemed like ten minutes. My tongue was aching and exhausted. Eventually, it was just too tired to continue, and I had no choice but to stop, and turn my head to the side for a rest. With that, he said, yup, you need discipline. You need to do as youre told

until I tell you to stop. He then reached down and place a thick, heavy, 2 wide, leather collar around my neck, and cinched it up tight. He also attached each side of that collar to the board supporting my head. I was now firmly clamped down, and made dam sure that I wouldn't turn my head aside a second time. Next, he slid a light weight, black, cloth, drawstring bag over my entire head, loosely cinched up the draw string at my chin, and totally blinded me. Next, I could feel him attaching what I assumed were ankle sized restraint cuffs to each of my ankles. He lifted each ankle upwards, and slipped each into one into a hanging stirrups, clamping it into place. Obviously, the attachments for the stirrups were somehow adjustable. Because with the rattling of chains from above me, he pulled up both stirrups at once, drawing my legs wide apart, and up fully over my head. They were drawn up so far that they actually lifted my ass up just a bit off of the table. Well, if anyone ever wanted to use my naked body, I was now in as accessible, helpless, and available position as I could possibly imagine. My head was securely clamped in place for anyone to straddle & use as they pleased, and my entire crotch was hanging out there, spread wide open, dangling like bait to any shark who happened to be hungry, horny, or just circling. And then, he surprised me. His tone changed entirely, and he said, Sam, you may be here awhile, and youre probably thirsty. I have a water tube rigged up here, would you like a drink? I was in fact really thirsty, and eagerly accepted his offer. He slipped a fairly large diameter, plastic tube under the edge of the cloth bag and into my dry, thirsty mouth. The cool, fresh water was wonderful. It flowed freely, allowing me to take in a massive, long, refreshing drink. In fact, I probably took in a full pint before finally asking him to please remove it. And remove it he did. And right after that, I could feel him grabbing my dangling cock, moistening the tip of it with something, and stroking it some. He also used a fingertip to lightly tease my fully gaping & exposed ass. Ummm, god that felt good, and my cock immediately sprung to attention with a full, throbbing erection, just as hes intended it to do. I then felt him doing something slick right at the tip of my penis. What in the hell was happening down there? Then I experience an absolutely shocking, and totally new sensation. I could actually feel something sliding down the tip of my penis, and proceed through the tip, and down the center of my shaft. He was obviously inserting something into my urethra, down into the full length of my cock. I then heard tape being torn from a roll, and felt a large piece of it wrapping around my cock, and probably securing whatever was up there, inside of my cock. I wasnt sure, but I suspected that Id just been catheterized, but with what, and for what reason? Next I felt him slipping a leather strap around my head, lightly raising the bottom portion of the cloth bag blinding me to just below my nose, and inserting a large, soft rubber ball gag into my mouth. Next he pulled that strap tight, really jamming that 2 diameter rubber ball well into my mouth, ugh! I examined the smooth surface of that ball gag with my tongue, and felt the tip of a small plastic tube protruding through it, and into my mouth. With that, Master spoke. He said youre discipline will begin soon, and it might last for days. I knew you were thirsty, and you drank long & heartily. Thats good, because youll be drinking that water again, over and over you stupid little cunt. Youve been catheterized, and a tube now runs straight from your bladder, into your mouth. Piss all you like slut, and slurp it down, lol, And now, while you contemplate a few hours of drinking nothing but your own piss, its time for your spanking little slut boy.

Chapter Four: Discipline: He said my spanking was about to start, but I couldnt see a fucking thing! What was I about to be whipped with, and where. Ohhh, the anticipation was more suspenseful than any Hitchcok movie ever made. I knew something sharp, and painful was about to hit me, but I had no idea of just when, or where. I could hear the creaking of the steel grate as he sauntered slowly around my bound, blindfolded, naked & helpless form, surveying at his leisure what he might do to/with me next. Then suddenly, from out of the blackness, and totally without warning, I felt a viscous, searing pain right across my stomach, argh! He used something thin, and painful, like a thin metal or plastic rod, and dam it stung, yeooohh! I tried to scream out a cry of pain, but only managed to produce a muffled UMMMF into my gag. What was I in for? Following that first, brutal, whip across my soft mid section, came total silence. I strained to hear, but nothing. As I waited for the next lash to hit, I wondered just how hed managed to whip my stomach, and miss the catheter tube running from my cock through my ball gag. Id probably never know. Then WHIP! Another sharp, thin, viscous lash, this time right across the soft, meaty part of my left butt cheek. And then right away another. More UMMFFs into my gag. It seemed that hed now found the spot which he planned to focus on. It was my bare, totally exposed ass. No more waiting now. He just started whipping every square inch of my helpless, bare ass & thighs. Whip, whip, whip, ahhhhh, ohhhh, OUHHHH. GOD DAM THAT STUNG, EEwwwoooohhhhhh! The pain was becoming nearly intolerable, but there wasnt a dam thing I could do about it but squirm, writhe, and take it! Perhaps hed sensed that, and stopped for a brief moment, and used the tip of the cane to instead probe my nuts. Hed slip the tip under one, raising and flipping my scrotum up and down like the bobber on the end of a fishing rod. Then I felt him draw back the cane. Again, silence. Then a new pain, sharp, unbelievably intense, coming from my right testicle. Hed used the whip to slap my dangling, exposed testicle, HARD! OH MY GOD that hurt, uuuugggggh. My stomach muscles contracted violently, reflexively trying to cover and protect those nuts. But the heavy restraints easily held, keeping me there, exposed, and available for further punishment. With that, I heard Sir burst into deep, guttural laughter. He was obviously enjoying the writhing, helplessness of his naked victim. Luckily, with that smack of my dangling nuts, he paused, at least momentarily, giving me a chance to collect myself, and recover. And the pause was very, very welcome. I wondered just how fucking red, and stripped my ass was from the caning it had just received. I absolutely knew that it still hurt like a bitch. The deep, hollow ache of a smashed nut was starting to ease too. I was also starting to writhe & wiggle a bit, testing the strong, very secure restraints that were keeping me stretched out and helpless. In assessing my condition, I also realized that my sense of touch was now heightened to a degree I dont think Ive ever experienced before. Likewise for my hearing, taste, and smell. My god this was exhilarating! And just then I also realized, I was loving it. Ummm, this was arousing me like nothing Id ever experienced. I kept expecting something else, but the pause just continued, on and on, silence. True, it was restful, and my erection was now gone, leaving me relaxed, blindfolded, gagged, and still just as helpless to affect my future as it is possible to be. But, as this relaxed state crept over me, I suddenly realized his plan. I was still catheterized, the tube still ran from my cock through my gag and into my mouth, and he was waiting, and watching, until I absolutely had to piss. And his plan was working, I did start feeling a growing need to urinate. My only option was to piss straight into my own mouth, and just continually reingest every drop of urine my body tried to discharge! How long could I possibly do that without it havign serious, medical consequences? What were my options, none! Suddenly, this idea of pissing through a catheter seemed a bit scary, and probably something I would do well to avoid. I wondered just how long I could hold it, or if that was even a smart plan. Obviously, sir had played this waiting game before, and stepped in now. I felt him use two fingers to put an iron, vice like clamp on my left nipple, and yank, twist, and rip at it until he could hear me ummffing into my gag, and watching me futilely attempting to rip free of his torturous grip. Hed succeeded in what he wanted to do though, and that was to distract me. Hed taken my concentration away from holding my bladder, and instead triggered a futile attempt at self defense. And in the process, my bladder had opted to start draining. Once you start pissing, it is really, REALLY difficult to pinch it off again and stop. It had started, I was pissing, but where was it going? It was a new, different, and very unsettling feeling, pissing into a narrow tube. I could actually feel the liquid steadily rising up through my penis as it approached the tip. After that, it was just a steady, pleasurable, gradual emptying of my bladder, into a tube inserted into my cock, and then going somewhere that I could neither see, nor influence. Hed said I would eventually have to drink it, and I had no reason not to believe that, but where was it? I just relaxed, and kept allowing it to flow into the inserted tube. I can't deny that relieving the pressure in my bloated bladder was welcome. But waiting for the flow to arrive in my mouth wasn't. It was discharging from my bladder, and then up through my penis, but was it actually plumbed to my mouth? The suspense was again almost palpable. If it was, the piss should start flowing into my mouth immediately

shouldnt it? Yes, it should, where was it? And then it arrived. Suddenly, with both anxiety and anticipation, but no real warning, a fast moving, strong flow of really warm, fresh piss shot through my ball gag, and right into my throat. The ball gag was really seated into my mouth. That leather strap was expertly positioned so as to seal it, and force me to drink it all. I could use the tip of my tongue to try to cover the discharge orifice in the end of the tube, but that only slowed the flow, it didnt stop it. I could also use my bladder control to try and pinch off the flow. But that was also just a momentary reprieve, not a solution. And as I pondered my options, the flow ran strong, quickly filling my throat in an unending stream. I took a huge gulp, and swallowed. Then another, and another, gulping down my piss cocktail nearly as fast as I generated it. When you are blindfolded, all you can do is swallow, with no true knowledge of just how much more is coming. I had no choice. I just kept pissing, and gulping, and pissing, and gulping, and just when I thought Id found a workable, redundant system of pissing and swallowing, he intervened. Without warning, I suddenly felt a large, lubed up, butt plug rammed up into my ass. Just try to casually swallow your piss as that happens, no way. This sudden anal penetration caused yet another involuntary body convulsion, tightening my anal sphincter, and futilely trying to prevent that unknown, foreign object from being jammed into my ass. This also caused me to suddenly clamp my throat shut in a reflexive spasm, forcing a huge gulp of fresh piss outve my mouth, spewing from all around the edges of my ball gag and down onto my neck and chest. I could hear a satisfied chuckle, and then felt a tug on the tube feeding my ball gag. Hed grabbed it, and yanked it free of the gag, and just held it, using it like garden hose to direct the steady flow of piss all over my head & face, saturating the cloth hood and guaranteeing that Id be sniffing and tasting that drying urine smell for however long I was forced to wear it. OH MY GOD, I loved it! It wasnt a massive flow, like youd get from your garden hose, but rather a slow, constricted, steady trickle. I could both feel, and smell it as it steadily moved outve my bladder, thru my cock, thru the tube, and eventually all over my head. Ensuring that every square inch of the cloth hood would be nothing more than a piss soaked rag on my face & head, for however long he opted to keep it there. The only thing I had any control of at all just then was the rate of pissing. And just as I was really starting to actually enjoy the trickling shower, my bladder was empty. Oh ya, I squeezed out another squirt or two, but basically, I was empty. And with that development he firmly gripped my penis, yanked off the tape, and drew the catheter outve me. He backed away, leaving me naked, soaked in piss, hooded, gagged, ass plugged, and just waiting. What would he do with me next? All I could do was wait, and it wasnt long before the answer arrived.

Chapter Five: Learned Obedience OK, just where was this session headed. Since my arrival, Id been forced to kneel in the entrance and seriously lick the dried shit outve Randys ass hole. Id been stripped, and strapped to his bdsm massage table, Hed straddled my face for further ass rimming. Id been hooded, gagged, had my ass caned until it glowed like a tomato, had my right nut mashed like fodder for a garlic press, been catheterized and forced to drink volumes of my own piss before being showered in it. I now had some unidentified butt plug up my ass

a piss soaked, cloth hood over my head, and a similarly piss soaked ball gag in my mouth. I was still naked, exposed, totally bound & helpless, and just waiting there, with my feet secured up over my head, and my crotch held open for the whole fucking world to file by and toy with. Oh Ya, I was very curious about just where this was headed. Of one thing though I was certain. Whatever it was, Id be the last to know, only finding out as it happened. Initially, the omni-present odor of human piss was actually arousing to me. The cloth hood covering my head was drying excruciatingly slow, and it basically clung to my face like a wet towel on the hood of a car. The piss had pooled a bit into both of my eye, making them sting from the salty ureic acid in the fluid. Being still totally blinded by the hood, all the rest of my other senses were still super acute, straining for any clue as to what might be happening in the room around me. Nothing. No sounds, no foot steps, not even the brutal sting of his cane, just absolute quiet. I had no way to meter the passing of time, but every single tick of the clock seemed to last an eternity. My arms & shoulders were starting to ache from the forced immobility of the restraints holding me down and stretching me out.

My ass was starting to seriously resent the intrusion of the plug jammed so unceremoniously up my into it. Plus, it was starting to take considerable anal control just to keep it from popping out've my ass, and plopping who knows where. Sir hadnt said much, but just before leaving he had warned of dire consequences if he came back, and that plug wasnt still where hed left it. And aside from that, the sensual, erotic odor of mens urine, had now evolved into an omnipresent, overwhelming stench. The piss soaked cloth wrapped all around my face now smelled more like an Arkansas out house than the scene of sensual, male-male sex play. Finally, after what was probably 20-30 minutes, but had seemed like a week, I once again heard the sound of the door opening, and then closing. And then some very deliberate, unhurried foot steps approaching the scene of my helpless, naked body, just stretched out there on display. I couldnt be sure, but something about those foot steps seemed different. Was this master

or someone else? Who was in the room, surveying my bound, blind, naked helplessness? With the soft rubber ball gag still jammed into my jaw, and the piss soaked cloth bag still over my head, I couldnt see anything, or even yell out. Oh shit! Had he offered me up to someone else to use? Was this someone else entirely? Perhaps someone unexpected, whod just happened upon me, and was now pondering their anonymous ways to make use of their good fortune? Whoever it was, he/she seemed to stop somewhere beneath my hips, down around my wide open, fully exposed cock, crotch, balls, and ass. With my legs hoisted up in the stirrups the way they were, and the ankle shackles secured with chain & locks, regardless of what happened next, my legs would absolutely have to remain spread open, accommodating anything heading towards my cock, nuts, or ass hole. I kept my anal sphincter as tight as I could, trying desperately to keep that infernal butt plug in place. But, as I squeezed down onto it yet again, I thought I felt something. I couldnt be sure, but was this person doing something to that butt plug. Nothing, again. Some tiny sounds, but nothing I could recognize. Then, something new commenced. I could hear the movement of something heavy, like furniture. It was being moved closer, really close. Then I heard a muffled uumm, like someone lifting heavy furniture, followed by the thumping of furniture legs on either side of my head. Something had been positioned over my hooded face. Something fairly heavy, and something with legs that reached to the floor on either side of my head. What the hell? The next noise I heard totally blew my mind. It was the television coming on

What the hell was going on here? Within two minutes Id recognized the dialogue as an episode of Law-N-Order. This was getting stranger and stranger. And then, a new, unexpected voice spoke up. I was right, this wasnt master, it was someone else. The accent & vernacular were totally different. And this mystery man then started to speak. He said, my names Jemal, and massa sent me in to start you wit the lernin of yo strict obedience trainin. Ive put a toilet chair over yo head, and Is gonna sit here and watch Law-N-Order, whilst you lick my ass hole, suck my cock-n-balls, and make me smile. Im also to hook up these here nipple clamps, and yank the piss outve em ifn yo not licking my butt hole juss likes I likes it. Massa also told me tos also hook up the wires to the electro-plug ups yo ass, and zap yo ass like a high voltage bug zapper ifn yo need it. And massa even tolds me that ifn yo really bad, that I should just let it loose, and take a big ole shit right onta yos face, and then jus leave the turds there fo yo to have asn a reminder of just what a unobediant little slut you were. Sweet mother a god! What the fuck had I gotten myself into? And with that, I could feel Jemal loosening the draw string holding the cloth bag over my head. He then very gently peeled the piss soaked bag off of my head, once again allowing the rooms fresh air and lights to reach my face. That light was probably dim to Jemal, but after all that time in total darkness, they were blinding to me. That, along with the salty piss still in my eyes, made it really hard to see. My arms were still shackled out to my sides, so I had no way to wipe the piss outve my eyes. But, as a few moments passed, and my natural tears started to clean out my eyes, an image of just who Jemal was started to emerge. As Id already suspected, he was a black man. But Id of never guessed just how much black man he was, he was huge, everywhere! I guessed that Jemal was a willing submissive to Randy, a.k.a, Sir. Its kind of tough to gage a mans size while lying on your back, Id guess that Jemal mustve went about 290-320 lbs, stood about 6-6 or more tall, and was hung like a fucking ox. If hed of been wearing football pads, then Id of sworn he was a starting tackle for some NFL team. He stood there, standing over me looking down, buck naked, and holding a pair of wicked looking clamps in one hand. Just then his cock was hanging limp, pointing down towards my face. But even from that vantage point, it was starting to seriously scare me. How the fuck was I ever going to get that loaf all the way down my throat. Jesus, if I dont fucking choke on it, hell surely be unhappy and crap all over my helpless face, eeeewwwwuuu! I said to myself just then I focused, and said to myself: Sam, think back. Anything & everything youve even learned about cock sucking youre gonna need to remember now. Youre immediate goal right now, is to do WHATEVER IT TAKES, to make Jemal smile. Buck it up son, its fish or cut bait time! If you can't deep throat that god dammed fence post sized cock of his, it could honestly kill you! Right then I think is when it hit me. This is quickly going from sensual, passionate male-male sex, to survival! Those heightened senses of mine came roaring back into play, but this time I could also see. And thats when I first noticed the massive, custom, toilet looking apparatus that Jemal had hoisted into place straddling & spanning the beam my head was strapped to. It was indeed a bench, but a rather unique one. The actual piece one sat upon, was actually two pieces that pivoted, depending on just how you wanted to be positioned over the head of the person strapped to the massage(?) table. Each piece was finely crafted of oak, with a smooth, clear finish. All of the edges were finely curved & rounded to fit a butt cheek, regardless of which direction you were facing. There was a full 6 opening running between the pieces, and this opening was now positioned directly above my captive face. If I had this contraption figured correctly, Jemal, or anyone else for that matter, could easily and comfortably sit on this, with their ass hole, testicles, or cock, right on my mouth. Luckily, I also noticed a height adjustment, which I dearly hoped Jemal would adjust upwards when he started plunging that horse cock down my throat. But, then Jemal surprised me, and slid a small, but firm pillow under the back of my head, tilting it sharply upwards. With my head in this position, he could lean forward, pinning my mouth between his rock hard ass cheeks, or spin around, and shove his ample hog leg into my mouth from a slightly downward angle. This might not gag me quite so easily as shoving it straight down into my immobile throat. Thank god for small miracles, involving big cocks, lol. Well, at least I hadnt lost my sense of humor. And with that, something I still laugh about to this day happened. As Jemal swung a leg over, spread his cheeks wide, and slid his ass hole back right over my now trapped mouth, he said to me, Ill turn the TV ups a bit so you can at least listen, k. I could hardly suppress a massive, gut busting laugh. Ya, with that enormous

300 lbs of ass smothering my head and totally blocking out the sun, I'm sure going to be hanging on every word Jack McCoy has to say, lmfao. I don't think so. Seeing that huge, black, wide open ass engulfing your face is a bit like being consumed by a dark, monster clam. The cheeks slide ever closer, blocking out the light. The pink eye of the monster centers itself directly over your nose, gently pulsing, contracting and expanding like a living, thinking being. Before eating you, it first engulfs you in the heavy, almost fog like aroma of a large, unwiped ass hole. I suspected that it was both dirty, greasy, and unwiped by design. It then eases itself back ever so slowly, not stopping until it feels your tongue delicately polishing the shiny tissues around its puckered up central eye. From this distance, the smell becomes a literal cloud, fully covering, and clinging to your face. As I started to become more animated with my tongue motions in and around his shit stained butt hole, I could also feel his pair of large, obviously cum stuffed testacies swinging and bouncing against my chin as I probed his pulsing anus. By this time I already had a nasty, oily, shitty material thoroughly imbedding itself in my mustache, and covering my chin. Id felt numerous actual chunks of fecal material worked loose via my tongue motions, and ultimately finding their way into my mouth, where Im sure I eventually swallowed them. Luckily, our sense of smell looses its effectiveness on new odors after just one or two large breaths. So very quickly, only the oily covering on his ass was a factor, not the smell of it. And as I started focusing more and more on actually servicing his ass, teasing it, pleasing it, massaging it with my tongue and making him smile, I actually started enjoying it more and more. In no time I did have him smiling, and had actually managed to insert nearly my full tongue up past his anal sphincter, I could feel his tight anal muscle starting to loosen up, and resist my probing tongue less and less as my oral massage progressed. And I just kept on striving to push it ever deeper and deeper up his hot ass. And still those massive balls just kept on bounding against my chin, umm. Regardless of what else happened here today, I dearly wanted to take in every drop that theyd give up, YUM! I was really looking forward to draining those cum filled, monstrous oysters, until Id run em dryer'n an Amarillo steer, Grrr. But, Id been so focused on the black ass blocking out the lights above my head, that Id totally forgotten Jemals instructions. Just as Id nearly gotten my full tongue deeply up into his wet, pink butt hole and cleaned it to a smooth, pink shine, it dawned on me why hed started with me licking his ass, instead of sucking his cock. It was so he could face my torso, and put on the nipple clamps that hed been instructed to use to punish any improper behavior. Yup, as I felt him collecting flesh around my left nipple between his thumb & forefinger, I remembered it all. And as I did, I could feel the clamp biting down, mashing a pocket of flesh that included my full areola, and gripping my left nipple like a bench vise. Now my nipples certainly werent delicate, but neither were these clamps. Initially of course, the pain was new, and sensual. Pardon the choice of words, but that clamp initially actually felt titillating, and hot. But I knew full well that it was a fleeting feeling, and one that Id soon beg to have removed. And then, sure enough, the same thing on my right nipple, ummmgghh. Have you ever uttered, it hurts so good? Well, I was thinking it just then, but had a face full of ass hole, and a tongue just way to busy to be forming words with. Well, at least the pain was now balanced, Small comfort, And the irony of the nipple clamps is that they distracted me from my duties of probing & licking his ass so badly, that he immediately used the clamps to snap me outve it. They were attached together via a silver chain. And he simply gave that chain one, hard, long yank. OUUUUHHH! Ohh shiiiiiiiiiit that hurt! He said to me as he yanked, keep licking boy, I like the feel of yo tongue way up my ass. Go deep, and lick it clean! And for another full five minutes

that is just exactly what I did. Apparently, he was liking it. Once he even raised up off of the wooden seat, and tried to spread his ass cheeks even wider, allowing me to probe even deeper up his hungry hole. The other way I knew he was enjoying it, was the way his monster cock had hardened and swelled. With my mouth and face buried in his ass like it was, I could just feel his balls bouncing against my chin, and couldnt see his front side at all, including his cock. But, I could absolutely feel it. With his balls bouncing, and my tongue up his ass, his position allowed his cock to bounce & slap down onto my naked chest. And I could feel it getting harder and harder, and becoming heavier and heavier. It was obviously now fully engorged with blood, and bouncing around like the horizontal jib of an ocean schooner riding out a heavy squall. I was certain that Id actually felt it reaching clear down to below my naval, yikes! Was that even possible? No one has a cock that big! Had my hands not been rigidly bound and immobile, Id of eagerly had that monster in hand, stroking it, and getting a much better assessment of just what Id soon have to swallow and deep throat. Oh well. It was probably just as well that I didnt know, because Id by then really done an exemplary job of shining up his butt hole, and was starting to feel it really loosen up, and get hungry for more than just my tongue. And it really didnt matter just how big he was, because in the situation I was in just then, what I wanted didnt matter a hoot. I was there to be a sex toy, and to do it obediently. And if I couldnt so it with all the prompt obedience of a proper slave, then I was going to learn to, fast! One way or another. And sure enough, just then, Jemal took that opportunity to remind me of just what the other method entailed.

Actually, he did it in two ways. The first was by farting while my tongue was plunged way up his ass. If Id ever been curious to learn about farts, you know, up close & personal like, that was definitely a wonderful opportunity to do the research. Unfortunately, fartology had never been high on my to do list. But that thought never entered Jemals mind. My tongue was literally shoved up through his anal sphincter, probing for whatever it could find beyond it. Suddenly, I felt the sphincter open just a bit wider, releasing a slurry of both gas, and liquid. The gas made its presence known immediately by making breathing difficult. But, it soon dissipated, allowing oxygen to again rush in, and finally allowing me to breath real air again. The liquid however wasnt so quick to leave. Literally, it oozed out with the vapors like some sticky chocolate syrup, Not a huge amount, but in that position, even a teaspoon full is a lot. And it stubbornly clung to my face & tongue. With this new development, it became crystal clear just what that oily liquid was that had already been spread evenly over Jemals ass. Luckily, my sense of smell had long ago stopped registering this particular odor, leaving only the greasy, fart oil on my face to deal with. Basically, it was now there, there wasnt a dam thing I could do about it. If I tried, Id only have my nipples yanked into a loose, droopy shape on my chest, and Id still have no choice but to suck butt. So I kept on doing just that. The other way in which Jemal reminded me to perform obediently was still jammed up my ass, and now connected to an Electro Motive Pulse Generator (EMP). Honestly, aside from occasionally having to flex my sphincter to keep it in place, Id nearly forgotten about the electro plug in my ass. At least until I felt that first pulse of current shoot through it, and suddenly it came flooding back to me. The EMP generator is a sex toy that sends a low voltage, adjustable amperage

electrical current between two electrodes. Obviously, the plug up my ass contained a conductor of some sort, and was one of the electrodes. And as the first pulse ripped through my scrotum, I realized that the other electrode was stuck to my scrotum, right at the base of my nuts, Then Jemal said lil slut boy, Im running current right up yo cock, and pulsing straight through yo prostate. Ifn I want to, I can make yo cum by just usin this toy to makes yo muscles contract, squeezing and squeezing yo prostate, untils I squeezes out all the cum. I knows jus how good that feels, cuz masas don that to me too. With that explanation, Jemal started systematically pulsing my groin, not hard, just gently making the muscles around the base of my cock and testicles relax & contract, over and over. And he was right, it felt wonderful, ummm. Then Jemal added, since Is doing that fo yo, yos now gonna start sucking my nuts little cunt boy. And with that, he stood, spun, and sat again, dropping those gorgeous, huge nuts right onto my helpless, captive face. Sum bitch, they were heavy! Each nut was roughly the size of an apple, and heavier than my tongue could lift. I tried to twist my neck as much as my restraining collar would allow, and lick his left one from the side. I managed to use my own saliva to moisten it, and then wrap my full mouth around it as best as I could. I did manage to get some suction built up, and could then use that to lightly lick the skin on that testicle. As I sucked harder and harder, I found that shape of the oyster to by pliable, and in time, I did actually manage to suck his entire left nut all the way into my mouth. Once in, I could also use my lips and jaw to massage this chunk of hot,cum filled sweet meat, umm. At one point, I must have sucked a bit to hard, because I suddenly felt the aching skin on each nipple erupt in intense pain, aarrghh! I eased off IMMEDIATELY! Hmm, it seemed that I was learning obedience. Perhaps I did have the makings of good fuck toy. Time for that later, just keep on sucking these gorgeous nuts! Whatever I was doing, Jemal seemed to be enjoying it. He wasnt the least bit shy about positioning whatever he wanted sucked right where I would have no choice but to suck & lick on it. In time, Id managed to get both testicles in my mouth, but of course not that the same time. And as Id mouth massage one, the other would be bouncing on my nose & cheek. Umm, taunting & teasing me with what absolutely had to be filled with an entire bucket full of sweet, warm cum, ummm. I was actually starting to want that monster cock in my mouth, just as my only way to open the spigot on all that stored up cum. Be careful what you ask for!

Next: Chapter 4: Learning the Ropes 6 7

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