
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 6, 2007


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Leftovers Part Seven

On Sunday Rabbit's Mamma told him that her new boyfriend was moving in two kids from his previous marriage. She asked if Rabbit could move in with us permanently, but she still wanted to count him towards her welfare check.

It was fine with Pope and I, we were used to having Rabbit there anyway. Frank felt that another bed should be added for Rabbit giving him the option of sleeping with us or not. Somehow we were able to wedge the single bed against the wall in the living room. It meant walking around it every time we moved in and out of there, but Rabbit was happy he had a bed of his own, or he could join us when he wished.

Things at school were changing. The word had gotten around school about how well the track team had preformed and a lot of kids stopped by our table at lunch to congratulate us. A few of the track team guys and some with their girl friends had joined us. The head lunchroom lady who received a daily hug from Pope, added another table to ours, giving our group more room.

After lunch on Monday I was called to Dean Wagner's office. I knew I couldn't be in trouble, so it was fine with me.

The Dean was in the lobby when I entered and escorted me into his office. He began,

"Timothy, it looks like you're settling in very well. Congratulations on your appointment as captain of the track team and for leading your team to a great score on your first meet."

"Thank you Sir." I responded

"Yes, yes and I see that your grades are quite good as well, in fact it looks like you've made it on the Honor Roll for this grade period."

"Cool" I smiled

"Yes Norton, you seem to be doing quite well and I'm told you have a great attitude that is easily spread among your Peers."

Hum, I think I feel a setup coming, I thought

"Well getting to the point Norton or a Tim, I need your help. It seems we have a student in your class who is on the verge of failing. To make matters worse, he has a failing attitude, due mostly to family problems and the reputation he carries from the bad things his older brother has done.

His name is Carlos Mendez; I doubt that you have met him, he is hardly ever in school, but now that his older brother has been arrested for selling drugs. Well, we think that makes it the right time to reach out to Carlos and see if we can make some positive changes in his life, and well that's where you come in."

"Gee Dean Wagner; I'm not sure I can do much to help this kid. You're right I don't know him and I'm busy with track and everything, so thanks for thinking of me but."

"Yes, Tim, I know you're busy, but I was in the room the day your Uncle Frank asked you to make a difference, do you remember?"

He had me; he knew it and showed it with his prune faced smile.

Before I knew it, a kid was ushered into the office wearing low hanging jeans, showing most of his boxers. On his head he wore a red bandana, covered by a cap turned backwards.

This kid was about two to three inches shorter than me, his head was down and you could tell he was not happy to be here.

"Carlos this is Tim Norton and he has volunteered to mentor you."

What? I thought to myself.

I put my hand out to shake his and he looked at it like, what the hell do I do with that. So I made a fist and butted his is greeting

I'll leave the two of you to work out a plan. I'll come back in fifteen minutes to hear it." The Dean walked out the door

I looked at him and he retuned a look of total distrust. I said,

Carlos, I don't think either of us have a choice here, so work with me, or we're both going to put up with more of Dean Wagner."

Carlos spoke, "Choice? Look Tim, right? I've never had a choice. It's not my choice to be failing. It's not my choice that everyone thinks I'm a Gang banger just because my brother is one. I didn't choose for people to think I dumb, I didn't choose to be poor and I sure as hell didn?t choose to put up with bullshit from you.

So I don't know why you would choose to help me, but I have no choice but to let you. If you still want to help me and think you can, you come up with a plan and I'll try it."

"Okay Carlos, that's your first choice and if we work together, it will because you choose too." I smiled

"Sure man, that's cool." Carlos shrugged his shoulders

The Dean came back in and I told him Carlos and I had a plan, we were going to work it and the only thing the Dean needed to see was results.

Dean Wagner smiled and agreed.

I gave Carlos directions to my place and told him to be there after track practice, we'd start working today.

Practice went well. We worked hard because our next meet was in two days. There would be no school on Friday, because of a Teacher's workday.

I turned the corner at the alley and almost ran into Carlos. I stopped and said,

"Why are you way down here, I told you to wait for me at the shop?"

"Hey man, that Biker dude who owns the place ran me off, saying he didn?t want drug dealers hanging around his joint."

Rabbit and Alex made room for him in the back and the five of us parked out back. When we walked in, Frank came at us with an angry look on his face and said,

"I thought I told you to stay away from here?" he directed to Carlos

"Frank I brought him here." I said

"Tim he's a drug dealer, his whole family is nothing but drug dealers and I don't want him here or anywhere near you boys."

Carlos moved back away from Frank heading to my car. Rabbit and Pope and Alex just stood there never seeing Frank like this before.

'Frank can we talk?" I guided him aside

"Frank, it's easy to believe the worst about people, harder to wait and make a better judgment yourself."

Frank looked at me for a minute and smiled saying,

"You're throwing my own words back at me aren't you?"

"I've learned a lot from you." I smiled

"Okay Tim you have my attention." Frank was calming down

"Dean Wagner asked me to help him, Carlos needs help with his studies and his life and the Dean reminded me I had promised you that I would make a difference. I'm just trying to keep that promise."

"Tell the kid to come here." Frank told me

There was a hushed conversation between them and Carlos walked back over to the four of us. Frank nodded his head as if to say go ahead and do what was needed.

Pope guided the way and we all went up to our place, Carlos followed quietly.

Everybody grabbed a cold drink while poor Carlos headed to the bathroom. Pope said,

"He probably shit his pants, I would have."

It seemed Carlos was gone too long and I went looking for him. When I went into the bedroom I found Carlos standing near the bathroom, he had removed all his clothing.

I was shocked at first, not expecting that, so I just stood there and stared.

Without his hat and bandana, he seemed smaller and younger and now I could see how striking and good looking he was. The baggy shirt and jeans had hidden the body of a slender beauty. He had dark puppy dog eyes under curling lashes. Rounded face with dimples in cheeks and chin, firm arms hanging from square shoulders, dark hairs hidden in the cracks of his underarms and repeating above a surprisingly fat cock, and low hanging ball sack. Carlos had golden brown skin from head to toe. His dime sized nipples were darker brown; his dick looked darker with a lighter head. His body was as smooth as mine having darken hairs defining only his lower legs. Although I could have studied that body for days, it was his eyes that drew my attention as they seemed to look right through me.

"Carlos what are you doing?" I had to ask

"Frank told me to lose the gang look and if I knew what was good for me, I should do everything I could to make you happy.

Believe me Tim; thanks to my brother who sold me to the leader of his gang, I learned how to make someone happy."

"Your brother sold you, what did they make you do?" I was almost afraid to ask

Carlos came over to me. Close up, he just became better looking and it sent shivers across my body to be so close to him.

"Look, see my right hand?"

On his knuckles were the letters JL

"Yeah" I said

Carlos said "Look at this." He pulled his down lower lip and in ink were the letters JL

Then Carlos moved across the room and he lay back on the bed lifting and spreading his legs, with his hand he held back his dick and balls and below them and just above the crack of his ass, were the letters JL again.

Just then Pope walked into the bedroom and said,

"Damn Tim, you're fast."

I gave him a look and he quickly shut his mouth.

I said to Carlos ignoring Pope, "I don?t understand, what is JL?"

Carlos sat up dropping his dick, now a little bigger and sadly said,

"JL is Jose Lopez the gang leader and he marked the parts of me that belonged to him."

Then Carlos said, "Now they belong to you"

"Carlos" I said very seriously. There is nothing of you that belongs to anyone else anymore. You make the choice what you share and who you wish to share it with from now on. Okay?"

"I don't have to have sex with you?" he was surprised

"You don't have to have sex with anybody if you don't want to." I said

Pope had joined Carlos in the naked state and said,

"But you can if you want." Smiling

Carlos did a double take looking at Pope and said,

"That thing's scary; I don't think I'm ready for that."

Pope laughed and gave him a whirlybird, I didn't stop him, it was funny and at that point we needed to laugh.

I realized that sometime during the naked display, I had cum in my boxer, that's what this kid did to me. I turned away wiping myself as pulled off my underwear, throwing them into the hamper and I found some shorts for Carlos and for myself. I put my arm around him and he smiled at me for the first time.

I helped Carlos with his English and a Rabbit and Pope helped with a few other subjects, but Alex really jumped in showing him the easy way to understand math.

Actually it turned out Carlos wasn't dumb or lazy, no one had ever helped him before and with all of our help he began to understand the work much better.

In conversation he told me my engine needed a tuneup and he would work on it if I wanted. I discovered that he really liked working on motors and mechanical things.

We got dressed and went down to the shop. Frank came out and Carlos was a little nervous at first, but then the two of them started talking about motors, cars and bikes and all the things they both enjoyed and Frank began to show Carlos his kinder side. Frank asked Carlos where he had learned so much about engines and he proudly said his father.

After Frank and Carlos played with a bike engine for awhile, Carlos left with Buck helping him deliver Alex safely to his place and then being dropped off at his parent's apartment.


Alex was absent Tuesday. Our track meet was on Wednesday this week on our own field, and I really needed Alex to help out with keeping score.

We had no way to call him because his dad only had a cell phone and we didn't know the number. So after practice on Tuesday I asked Buck to go with me over to check on Alex.

Carlos asked if he could go along, I think he and Alex had hit it off during study time. Up the stairs we climbed together, finally reaching the top and I knocked on the door. Nothing at first, but after two more tries Buck and Carlos thought they had heard some crying. One bump from Buck and the door swung open. There was Alex on the floor were he had fallen. Buck quickly picked him and I wiped the blood away where his broken glasses had cut his arm.

"What happen to you Alex?" Carlos asked

"I fell this morning after the INS took my parents away."

You've been on the floor all that time?" Buck was concerned

"Yeah, but I'm okay", but his tears unmasked his bravery

"Why did Immigration take your parents?" I asked

Through his tears he explained to us that his parents were here illegally, but he had been born here and was considered an American citizen so they couldn't take him.

He then told us that the INS had called Child Protective Services to come pick him up, but we all knew they were so far behind in places to locate kids, it could be days before they would show up.

Alex cried some more because not only had he lost his parents, but now he had no where to go. Buck looked at me and me at him and we both said,


Buck helped Alex to a chair at Frank's table. Carlos went up the stairs to fill the others guys in on what had happened. Alex's sight was so bad; he could only make out fuzzy figures and jumped when Frank joined us.

Frank listened to his story through all the tears. Alex felt pretty miserable and cried to Frank,

"I am such a loser, I have lost my parents, I have no where to live, I can't see, I crippled and on top of that he cried harder, I like boys."

Frank looked at me to make sure I was listening, placed his hand on Alex's arm and said,

"You should be able to like whoever you choose; your vision can be improved with glasses. You can walk better with new crutches, you haven't lost your parents, they're being detained, and if you wish, you can live here with your friends. So the only thing wrong with you is attitude."

Alex wiped his eyes and sat up in his chair and said "What's wrong with my attitude?"

"Well", Frank began, "You don?t believe in yourself and you don't believe in your friends, I think that's a bad attitude."

Alex defended, "I do believe in my friends, they are the best thing going on in my life!"

"You're right. Now take the treasure of their friendship and make something out of it." Frank challenged

Alex smiled for the first time that night, and said,

"I will"

Then he in went for the hug. Man I need to learn how to do that.

Carlos and the guys were waiting outside the door and ran in when I opened it. I think they had heard everything and told Alex they would help him get settled in our place. Carlos insisted on being the one to help him onto the lift and into our place.

I gave Frank a worried look and he said.


I knew better than to hold back at this point and went right to the problem.

"Well, it will be nice to have Alex around, we all like him, and I think we will be seeing a lot more of Carlos, because when he goes home he in right in the middle of that old gang. The problem is, with one computer and one toilet, things get backed up sometimes."

"Yeah I've been thinking about that. The boys need their own space, including Pope. I guess I better work on that, but I want you to work on your studies, helping the others and getting ready for your track meet tomorrow. Don?t worry about the rest. Got it?

"Yeah, no problem"

By the time I made it up stairs Carlos had Alex in the shower helping him get cleaned. I smiled thinking that when you get the chance to help others, you actually help yourself.


Sleeping that night was a trip. Carlos suggested he stay over to help Alex feel more comfortable, Rabbit gave them his single bed and joined Pope and I, taking a return trip to the middle.

It was in the darkness of the night with everyone else sleeping, that I felt a strange body slide in next to me. Quietly their arms wrapped around me and our bodies moved together. His silky skin was warm; his breath sent a sweet gentle breeze across my neck.

Our hands explored the curves and turns as we found the moist harness of the other's groin. Under the protection of sheet and shadow and without a word or much movement, we stretched our hardness and allowed them to touch and tussle.

Each heart best faster with the merge of exploding sexual release, he then wiped us dry and slid away, leaving just a tickle of a kiss remaining on my lips.

He truly did know how to make someone happy.


Morning came and after our run we found Carlos and Alex dressed and down in the shop talking with Frank and Buck. The three of us showered and dressed for school.

Buck told us on the way out that he would bring Alex to school for lunch, but they had a few things to take of this morning.

The normal group minus Alex was at the table. Kim and Kate Andrews, two cheerleaders and friends of Tonya had now joined the group. Kim was flirting with Pope and Kate positioned herself in front of me. They were pretty and peppy and kind of fun to be around. I looked up and with his tray in hand Carlos stood next to our table and said,

"Hey Tim, can I sit with you guys?"

Instead of his gang outfit, Carlos had borrowed a shirt from Pope and some cargo shorts from me.

Kim looked around and saw him and said,

"Who is this Hottie?"

"Carlos Mendez, meet the gang." Pope introduced him around

"You're in one of my classes, but I don't remember you looking this cute." Kim teased

Carlos had taken a seat next to me and was blushing deeply. I placed a hand on his leg and squeezed, he quickly pulled away.

Lunch was almost over when a hush came over the cafeteria as a very attractive boy walked into the room, using light weigh aluminum arm braced supports, sporting a fresh haircut above clear blue eyes and a smile that could stop a clock. Dressed in low cut jeans with boot leg bottoms and a stylist form-fitting shirt, he arrived at our table.

As everyone was looking at Alex, Carlos put his hand on my leg and gave a squeeze whispering to me,

"Now there's a Hottie."

I placed my hand on his, and he gently moved away leaving me with just the memory of his touch.

"What happened to you?" Pope asked

"Everything", said Alex, "Buck had me fitted for contact lenses, and now I can see clearly for the first time. Then we went to the medical outlet and he bought me these cool supports and we left those old crushes behind. After that I got the best haircut I have ever had and some really neat new clothes. It was like Christmas, and my birthday and I don't know Ground Hog all wrapped into one."

Everyone laughed at his excitement and a new Alex joined our group again.


The school day over and now it was time for the track meet. This one was at our school and the track ran around the football field. There were two sets of blenchers on each side, and to everyone's surprise, students and teachers started filling one of them. Tonya had brought the cheerleaders again and Pope and I received friendly waves from Km and Kate.

Just like last time, a roar came from the arriving bikers. The students and teachers looked stunned when the bikers were followed by all the work trucks.

Right in front of the arriving troop was Frank dressed in leather, bandana and riding boots, he presented an air of authority not to be questioned.

I was surprised to see Carlos come up the path from school and that was topped by Frank making room for him at his side.

We ran our hearts out again. The entire team pushed themselves to the limit. The sprit was high and guys were cheering on their team mates. I was very pleased that we had won our first meet with me being captain.

I thought that was what all the coagulations and back slapping was about, until the coach told me that I had broken the county record for the 100 meter run.

I couldn't believe it, but Alex confirmed it and the blenchers went wild, Pope gave me a hidden squeeze and whispered I'd get more of that later and Kate took advantage of the occasion to slapped a wet kiss on my lips. I looked for Carlos, but he was with Alex.

To be continued.... Thanks for your emails: nuday101@hushmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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