Legally Gay

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (OfBlessed Memory)

Published on Jun 19, 2020


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Legally Gay

Part One

(A Cinderfella Fairy Tale)

Rick Lombard had been working at the law firm of Barber and Barber for two years, ever since he graduated from Fordham Law. The company was medium-sized. It consisted of two senior partners, four junior partners, fifteen associates, six paralegals, and an uncounted number of secretaries and clerical workers. He hadn't had a happy day there since his first week, when he happened to mention to someone in passing, that he was gay. He never hid the fact.

It was very subtle at first, but he began to notice that his associates were getting bigger and better cases, while he was being assigned a bunch of real estate closings. He couldn't understand this because he had passed the New York State bar exam with the highest score in the state. He suspected that his sexual orientation was holding him back. The discrimination was not evident to anyone but him, and he could never prove it, so he decided to leave the firm, and go elsewhere.

Rick was one handsome dude. He was a little over six feet tall, sandy curly hair, blue eyes, an ordinary nose (just the right size for his face), a strong chin and a dimple on each side of his lips. His cut cock was about four and a half inches flaccid, and quite hefty. If he had bothered to measure, he was seven inches hard.

He was sexually overactive. Every Friday and Saturday evenings, he went to his favorite gay bar in Greenwich Village and scored every time. He began to make many friends in the gay community, and his client base was growing steadily. It was the only reason Barber and Barber tolerated him at all. They depended on their associates to bring in business. These clients were also his escape route.

He didn't have enough in billings to go out on his own, but he began to think that somewhere in the gay world there might be an overburdened single practitioner, who might want to hire him for mutual benefit. When his practice grew some more, he could discuss becoming partners with that person, or start his own firm.

He wasn't going to take any chances. He placed an ad in the gay press. If that didn't work, he could always go to Craig's List. The ad read:

Young attorney, member of both The New York and New Jersey State bars, seeks employment with overburdened sole practitioner. I have a modest billing base, which is growing nicely. Eventually, when I have more billings to offer, we can discuss joining forces in a partnership. Resumé available upon request.

He gave an E Mail address and a telephone number where he could be reached.

The morning after the ad hit the newspaper, Rick got a telephone call. The caller ID read J Parker.

"I'm calling about your ad, Mr. Lombard."

Rick asked him to please hold. He jumped up and closed his office door.

"Sorry," Rick said, "but I wanted privacy. Are you Mr. Parker?"

"Yes, but please call me Jim."

"It's a deal, and I'm Rick."

"I'd like to meet you, Rick, and discuss your intriguing ad."

"Great. If you're located anywhere near my office, we can meet for lunch. Otherwise, let's do dinner."

"I'd rather have dinner with you," Jim said. "That way we don't have to rush, and we can get to know each other."

"Yes, that's a better idea. How about this Friday evening?"

"That's, fine. When and where shall we meet?" Jim asked.

Rick took the bull by the horns. "How about six at Julius in The Village?" Julius was Rick's favorite gay bar and grill. "We can have a drink there and then decide where to go for dinner."

"Terrific. I love that place. I've spent many happy hours there."

"How will we know each other?" Rick asked.

"How about the first one to arrive gives both our names to the maître d' and asks him to hook us up." Jim realized the sound of that double entendre, and started to laugh. "That didn't come out right," he said.

"It's okay. I got your meaning. By the way, I'm twenty-seven. How about you?"

"That's perfect," Jim said. "I'm twenty-nine."

"Please give me your phone number," Rick requested. "I don't intend for anything to come up, but just in case."

"No problem," Jim said, and he gave Rick his number.

"Jim," Rick said, "before we hang up, I want to say that we sound very compatible. I can't wait to meet you."

"Same here."

When they met Friday evening at the bar, they were both speechless. Jim was drop dead gorgeous, even more handsome than Rick, if that's possible. They resembled each other so strongly that they could have passed as brothers. The two gay men finally found their tongues.

"You're very handsome," Jim said, as they shook hands.

"Not as handsome as you."

"Both men were feeling a tingle in their loins.

Rick had arrived first. "I asked for a quiet table for two," he told Jim. "They serve the best burgers in the city here, so I thought we could stay on and have a light dinner while we talked. The maître d' said he'd call us when the table was available, and he invited us to have a drink at the bar."

Seated at the bar, they both ordered a gin and tonic. "That's something we have in common," Rick said.

"I guess this is sort of a job interview," Jim said. "It's your interview, so tell me what you have to offer."

This time, Jim did not apologize for the double entendre.

"After dinner," Rick said, "let's go to one of our apartments, and discuss the mutual benefits of a liaison between us."

"That's a great idea," Jim said, "but I have to warn you that I have major hots for you."

"There you go," Rick said, "That's yet another thing we have in common."

"I have a better idea," Jim said. "Let's go to my office, and you can see the work space I have to offer you. We can discuss business on the couch in my reception area."

"Wonderful," Rick said, "but let's not rush dinner. We have all weekend to discuss business."

"That's true," Jim said. "Let's not rush dinner. Let's just talk about ourselves, and learn all about one another."

Their table was still not quite ready, so they each ordered another drink at the bar. When they were finally seated for dinner, both of them had half a glass left. They perused the menu, and when they decided, they called the waiter over and ordered.

"By the way," Jim said. "I'm interviewing you, so dinner is on me."

"Gee, thanks. You'll get no argument from me, but if we do hook up, I'll get the next one." That was another unintended innuendo.

True to their promise to each other, they avoided talking or saying anything about their practices and business life. They stuck to personal things. They were both surprised that neither had any reticence to get very personal with the other.

"You go first," Jim said. "Tell me all about yourself."

"Well, I was adopted when I was about one year old by a most loving, wonderful couple. I'm so lucky to have them as parents. Even when I came out, they hugged and cried and told me that it didn't make any difference. They never adopted again, and I grew up an only child."

Rick stopped talking. He was going to tell Jim about the abuse he suffered from middle school through high school because he was gay, but Jim was staring at him with his jaw hanging open. Instead, Rick asked, "What?"

"Rick, this is unbelievable. I was adopted when I was about three years old. My folks are saints also, and I'm an only child, like you. They couldn't love me more if they were my birth parents. What's even stranger is that we were adopted about the same time.

"If not twins, maybe we're brothers, who were separated at birth, or maybe by adoption."

Rick said that in jest, but Jim got a serious look on his face. "It's possible," he said. "We sure look enough alike. I vaguely remember my birth parents, but I don't remember a brother. However, that doesn't mean anything. I was very young."

"I didn't want to upset my folks, so I never asked them if they knew anything about my birth parents," Rick lamented.

"I asked," Jim said. He took Rick's hand in his. "Mine were killed in a car crash coming home from a movie. I was with a sitter. Since they had no family at all, I was put into foster care and made available for adoption. I was adopted almost immediately."

"Geez Jim," Rick said. "I really don't want you to be my brother. I think I've fallen in love with you."

"Me too. I think I love you too. It wouldn't make any difference to me if we are brothers. Among my gay friends, I know two couples who are related; two brothers for one, and an uncle and a nephew for another."

"If we are related, brothers even, it would explain why I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you," Rick said with a sob.

"I knew the moment we met, that there would be no interview. I sensed immediately that we would indeed hookup, not only in business, but in life also," Jim said smiling at Rick.

He leaned over the table and gave Rick a chaste kiss on the cheek. As promised, they didn't rush dinner. They even ordered after dinner drinks.

While they were having one for the road, Rick said, "I know it won't make any difference to either of us, but I'm just plain curious. Whether we're brothers or not, whether we're related or not, let's do a DNA search."

"That would be cool. In the meantime, let's go to my office. I want to show you how much I have fallen in love with you."

They entered the office, and Jim locked the door. Rick was compelled to say, "It's strange, Jim, but I feel like this has been my office forever. I still don't feel at home at Barber and Barber."

"I think," Jim answered, "that you are home. Come I'll show you around. It's a small office, but it'll do for now."

Upon entering the office, there was a sofa to the left, and two lounge chairs to the right. The furniture was situated against the wall. The receptionist/secretary's desk faced the front entrance. Behind her there were two doors.

Jim opened the door on the left. It was a rather large room loaded with office equipment and supplies on one side, and file cabinets on the other. Everything was so jam-packed Rick wondered if he would be able to get all his files in there. He decided to worry about that another time. He wanted the tour to end so he could get laid by Jim. In a flash he realized that he didn't want to get laid. He wanted to make love with him.

Before they left the room, Jim said, "Thank God, for computers. I don't need a paper law library anymore. All I have to do is go on line. Otherwise I'd have no place for all those books. I'd be forced into getting a larger office prematurely."

He led Rick through the door on the right. "This is my office," he said. Rick was surprised. It was much larger than the supply room. Two desks were situated back to back in front of a large window. At the side of each desk there was an upholstered chair. The walls were adorned with a number of certificates of achievement. Jim noted Rick's surprised look.

"When I furnished this office," Jim said, "this room was big enough for two to share. Some sixth sense told me to prepare the room for another partner, or at the least, an associate. I know in my heart that the two of us will be successful, and we'll eventually move to bigger and better offices, but for now this will be very adequate."

"Yes, but I'm afraid we won't have room for my files."

"A lot of my older files can go to a storage locker. We'll make room. Don't worry."

Rick laughed. "I don't have files old enough to store."

They settled on a salary for Rick. He'd be taking a cut, but he felt that he and Jim had so much potential that it was worth it.

"Enough chatter," Jim said.

He dragged Rick to the outer office and literally threw him on the sofa. He started to strip in front of Rick, who was getting more and more frenzied. He stood up and stripped rapidly also. They stood facing each other and laughed. Everything about their bodies was exactly the same. Their cocks were both cut and were the same size. Right now, they were super hard.

"Next time, when we're in a comfortable bed together," Rick said, "I'll give you the full treatment, but this will have to do for now." He fell to his knees, and gobbled Jim's cock into him. Unfortunately for both of them, Jim came way too fast, and Rick swallowed all his jism. When Rick stood up, both men were crying.

They made love until way past midnight and then Rick went home with Jim. Jim had a one-bedroom condo on the upper west side, and Rick was renting a furnished efficiency near his office.

The first thing Rick did the following Monday morning was to give two weeks' notice to Ted Barber.

"You're not working on anything pressing," Ted said. "You can leave today if you want."

"That's fine," Rick said, "but it will take me a day or two to get my files moved. You can take me off the payroll right away, but I need those couple of days to move."

In a manner, more friendly than he had ever been, Ted Barber said, "Sure, take all the time you need."

Jim recommended a handy man, and Rick hired him. They put his files in boxes, and he had them out the very next day. As he told Jim, he didn't have that many yet. He didn't say goodbye to anybody, and nobody said goodbye to him. As he left the office for the last time, he sighed with relief, and thought, "Boy, am I glad to get out of here."

As soon as Rick was out in the hallway, one of his associates, Jerry Phillips, ran after him. "I didn't want the Barbers to see me saying goodbye." He extended his hand. "I wish you the best of luck, man. I'm thinking of doing the same thing."

When he and the handy man brought his files into Jim's office, there were a dozen boxes piled neatly in the waiting room.

"These are for storage, Marcus," Jim said.

Marcus unloaded Rick's boxes, and began to load Jim's on the hand cart. Every tenant had a storage area in the basement, and Marcus knew just where to take the files. He had to make two trips. Meanwhile, Jim and Rick began to unpack Rick's boxes and they started filing the contents in the cabinets. By the time Marcus was finished, Jim and Rick were done as well. They asked Marcus to flatten the boxes and take them to the dumpster.

Rick paid the handyman, and once everything was in place, Jim had time to introduce Rick to his secretary, Lois, (now their secretary) in a proper fashion. Lois was a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. She returned to the work force after her two kids were full time students, and responsible enough to care for themselves until she got home from work.

Lois couldn't resist. "You two look so much alike, you could be brothers." Her two bosses smiled at each other.

She couldn't believe that she was fortunate enough to work for the two handsomest men in New York. At least, she thought so. Her husband knew that Jim was gay, so he never worried.

Rick took the next day off to move into Jim's apartment. Once again, Marcus helped him. Within a week, Jim and Rick were working compatibly together. They stayed professional, but they couldn't stop smiling at each other all day long.

As they promised to do, they both submitted sputum samples to Ancestry. They sent them out two weeks apart. That way the DNA company would have the first one in their files, and not miss the ability to compare. It took about six weeks to get results. Their reports were carbon copies of each other. Rick's sample went out first, and Jim's sample indicated that Rick was a "near relative," probably a brother. They both cried hard when they received the news.

"Fuck the adoption agency," Rick cried. "They should never have separated us."

Jim put his arm around his little brother. "Look at the bright side," he said. "If we grew up together, we would never have become lovers. We found each other against all the odds, and we have the same profession. How weird is that? If we didn't, we might never have met."

Once they got over being pleasantly surprised, they got a total shock to their nervous systems. On both reports, someone named James Karen was listed as having a 99% chance of being their father. Jim, it seems, was a James Jr.

"He's alive," Rick said. "He didn't die in the accident. I'll bet our mom did get killed, and he gave us up for adoption because he was too young to raise us, and maybe he had no family to help him."

"Fuck him, too," Jim said vehemently. "He should have stipulated that we were not to be separated."

"Do we want to find him?" Rick asked.

"Even though I'd like to kick him in the ass, the answer is yes. Not because I want to have a relationship with him, but I'm curious to know the circumstances that forced him to put us up for adoption. It would also be nice to learn some family history, and medical status."

It's funny," Rick said. "The biggest client that Barber and Barber has is named James Karen, but he's a billionaire. Our father can't possibly be him. If rich Karen ever left the firm, and went elsewhere, Barber and Barber would have to fire more than half the staff. He accounts for half their annual billing."

"We should be so lucky as to have a billionaire father," Jim said. "How did he make his billions?"

"About fifteen years ago, he won thirty million dollars in the lottery. He's a real computer geek. He used that money to expand a marketing website that he had initiated. He must have a Midas touch, because he was more successful than one could hope for. When he felt that he had brought the site to the max, he sold it for mega bucks to Amazon. Then he started a consulting business called Take Flyte. He helps businesses grow through the use of social media. Believe me, he keeps Barber and Barber plenty busy."

"Did you ever meet him?" Jim asked.

"Are you kidding? I was treated like Cinderella at that place. Whenever he came in, they sent me on a job out of the office. They would never let him know they had a fag working there."

They googled James Karen, and zeroed in on only one likely candidate. They learned that he still lived in New York. Jim knew a detective agency that he had used in his work, and they hired the agency to find their father.

The detectives traced James Karen to the penthouse apartment in one of New York's most exclusive condominium apartment buildings on the upper east side. They provided the two young attorneys with the information that he was a widower. They gave the brothers James's mobile phone number and his land line. They were also informed that his net worth was roughly three billion dollars.

"It must be a mistake," Rick said. "They investigated the rich guy instead of our dad."

"What if it's no mistake?" Jim asked. "It wouldn't hurt to contact him, and ask about us. I don't want to intrude in his life, and I don't want anything from him, but I do want to know why he abandoned us."

"I'm scared," Rick sobbed, and he grabbed Jim to seek comfort.

"You're my kid brother. I'll make the call."

They waited until Sunday. Hoping that he would be home.

Jim made the call. His hand was shaking and he started to hyperventilate.

Someone answered and said, "Karen residence." Somehow Jim did not think it was James Karen.

"I'd like to speak to Mr. Karen," he said.

"Who shall I say is calling."

"Tell him it's Junior."

"Just a minute please."

Jim waited for what seemed forever. Finally, he heard heavy breathing on the other end of the line. It sounded like someone was trying to catch his breath. Whoever it was got a hold of himself, and asked, "Is this James Parker?"

Jim was shocked, but he figured Mr. Karen had caller ID.

"Yes," he answered, "and how do you know?"

"I can explain. I can explain everything. I know I don't deserve it, but please give me a chance. Don't desert me like I deserted you. Give me the opportunity to make up for it. Tell me where you are. I'll go crazy if I can't see you, and hold you."

Jim was getting one shock after another. "I'm at my condo. My kid brother Rick lives with me. We work together also."

"I know, and I know where you live (more shock). It's a miracle how you found each other. I'm going to send my car for both of you. Please, please, I'm dying to hug both of you."

"He knows all about us," Rick said after Jim disconnected the call. "I'm not sure I like that."

"He sounded so contrite. Let's hear what he has to say. Besides, the reason I wanted to contact him was to find out why he put us up for adoption. I need this closure."

Rick laughed. "Okay then. Let's get ready for a chauffeur-driven limo to take us to his million dollar apartment. I hope the limo doesn't turn into a pumpkin at midnight."

The butler led the two men into the apartment, and then he and the chauffeur made themselves scarce.

James Sr, was standing in the living room. He was even better looking than Rick and Jim. He was crying like a baby. By pure instinct his two sons put their arms around him to comfort him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"No need to apologize," Rick said. "We both had, and continue to have, good lives."

"Listen boys, I want you to tell me what brought you to this moment. Then I promise to tell you the events which led to your adoptions."

"Deal!" Jim said.

Rick began. He told his father how miserable he was at Barber and Barber. "They treated me like a pariah because I'm gay," he explained. "I don't have enough billings to go out on my own yet, so I advertised for an overburdened sole practitioner to hire me. The rest is history. Jim answered the ad. We loved each other immediately.

"Because we look so much alike, we decided to do a DNA test, especially since we were both adopted. To our ultimate joy, our suspicions were confirmed. We are brothers, but we also learned that you were our father. At first, we were both angry at you, but we decided to look you up for an explanation, so we could put closure to our enigma."

Rick seemed to be finished, and James Sr. was crying even harder. He finally got his tongue.

"Rick, I was in Barber and Barber's office many times during the time you worked there, and I was introduced to whichever staff members were in the office. I prayed that they would introduce me to you. How is it I don't remember ever seeing you?"

"They were ashamed for their best client to know they had a gay employee. They kept me hidden. They couldn't fire me. I would have sued, but I knew I'd lose. I couldn't prove anything, but I considered it anyhow. The publicity would be bad for their image. I would have liked that."

"Won't they be surprised when I tell them tomorrow morning that I'm transferring all my legal work to my two sons. Wait until they hear that you're my son, Rick."

Rick and Jim could not look more surprised. "Don't tell them I'm your son, Dad," Rick said. "I want to stick it to them. I hope they don't give us a hard time about transferring all your files to us."

When Rick called him, Dad, James started to cry harder. Finally, when he could talk again, he said, "Don't worry. I have fully executed copies of all my legal work in a storage bin in Queens. Besides, if they give us a bad time, I'll sue. Legally, those papers belong to me, not to them."

Both sons nodded. The room was silent for a moment. Then James, Sr. began.

"Your mother and I were high school sweethearts. We couldn't wait for some minister to utter mumbo-jumbo, and I got her pregnant before we finished high school. We didn't care, because we loved each other so much. We got married in haste. I had no skills and I couldn't go to college. In order to support us, I got a job repairing computers. I was trained on the job. I made a fairly good wage and we were satisfied. It never occurred to me to get more advanced training.

"Disaster struck when you were one, Rick, and you were three, Jimmy. It was a Sunday in May. It was a beautiful day. We decided to make a backyard barbecue. Your mother left you boys with me, and went food shopping for the barbecue. An idiot ran a red light and plowed into your mother. When I lost her, I lost all reason for a number of years. I was literally insane."

The actual story was a little bit different than what Jim had been told, but close enough. Perhaps his adopted parents were only vaguely acquainted with the story.

"Neither your mother nor I had any family," James continued. "We were both orphans and had been raised in foster care. That's one of the things that drew us together. I just couldn't care for you boys. Like I said, I was crazed. Not thinking straight, I put you up for adoption.

"I had become a whiz with computers, and one day I got the crazy idea that I could start a shopping website for the elderly, and the shut-ins. All I did at first was offer to do their shopping for a fee. I had no idea that the general public needed that service as much, especially working mothers.

"You boys were older now, and I had the means to care for you. I hired a detective to locate you. Somehow, he got access to sealed records. I never asked him how. I was satisfied that he found you. Secretly, I went to visit both your homes. You had caring, loving, parents and were such happy little kids, I didn't have the heart to disrupt your lives. You were both legally adopted. If I started a custody battle, I could well lose, and your lives, and the lives of your parents, could be shattered. I decided that you were in good homes, and I made no effort to disrupt your lives, but I have kept an eye on you all these years.

"Then a miracle happened. I won big bucks in the lottery. I used the money to build a huge warehouse, and my mail order business flew off the charts. I was approached by Amazon and I sold the business to them. I realized that I had a talent for promoting businesses on social media, so I started Take Flyte, and that has been very successful also

"At the beginning of my success, I needed a lawyer and a CPA. Someone recommended Barber and Barber for legal work. They were a small firm then. There was just the two of them. I hired them, and they grew with me. I never liked either one of them. I found them to be very pompous, but I was too lazy to make a change, and they were doing a good job. When I learned that you were working for them, Rick, I came to their office as much as I could. I hoped that they would introduce me to you, but you were never in the office when I was. Now I know why. They're bigger ass holes than I realized.

"When you left them, and began a business association with your brother, I was thrilled that you were brought together by fate. It was such a miracle, I actually ran to church to thank God.

"One final word. You're both in my will. You're heirs to my whole estate. I figured you'd find out when I died. You don't know how much pleasure it gives me to tell you in person."

Now it was Rick and Jim crying like babies. They were clinging to each other. James wrapped his arms around them, and they all had a good cry.

"My cook is making us lunch. Please stay. We'll talk and get to know each other."

Jim and Rick nodded.

Over lunch, Jim remarked that they would have to get a bigger office and hire a couple of associates.

"We've got plenty of money," James said. "It'll be fun furnishing it. I'll get a decorator." His sons didn't argue, nor did it go over their heads that he said, `we've got plenty of money.'

"I have another request," he said. "This apartment has four bedrooms and I'm alone. I'd like you to move in with me. Please don't worry about your adopted parents. I want to meet them, and thank them for a job well done."

"It sounds like it would be fun, all of us living together," Jim mumbled for both of them. "One bedroom here is bigger than my whole apartment."

"If you've been so lonely here, Dad, why didn't you ever remarry?" Rick asked.

"Because, I'm as gay as you are. It was a bonus for me to learn that you were both gay. I came out after I became a widower. I always had suspicions about myself. I found myself ogling cute guys. Your mother was gone, and now you kids were gone. I was getting lonelier and hornier by the hour. I wanted to act on my suspicions and try out gay sex, so one day, long before I had money, I went to a gay bar. I had no trouble taking home some nice guy."

"Of course, you didn't have trouble. Your blazing hot, Dad," Jim said.

James wanted to say, "Don't get any ideas," but he decided not to comment.

"The guy I took home turned out to be a CPA, and eventually I engaged him. At the beginning, he pushed me to be a couple, but I was having too much fun exploring my newly discovered sexuality. Nevertheless, we became fuck buddies, best friends, and business associates. He's the exact opposite of the Barbers. He's warm and compassionate. He knows about you two. I can't wait to introduce you. He's partnered now, and he'll be so pleased to meet you, but to answer your question," he said, "I guess I haven't met Mr. Right yet."

"What happens if you bring a trick home and he sees all this wealth?" Rick asked.

James laughed. "I never would bring a trick here. I rent a small apartment in The Village. If I get lucky, I use that place. When I found out how much you two loved to hang out at Julius, I started to go there. I kept hoping we'd meet accidently in a social setting. I would never have revealed my secret, but my aim was to befriend you."

"Rick and I have had too many shocks today, Dad," Jim said. "I think I'd like to go home now and absorb it all. Please come to our office tomorrow. We'll discuss how to transition your work, and for us to move in with you."

"It's a date. I'll come in the late afternoon, and after our conference, let's go to Julius and tie one on. My chauffeur is our designated driver. Who knows? My life has changed so much for the better today; I might meet Mr. Right there."

Within two months, Jim sold his condo, and he and Rick moved in with their father. They only took up one bedroom, and they had a private bath. Their lives were completely changed. They had servants now, and they belonged to a city club and a country club. They adapted to wealth quickly and comfortably. The one thing they would not change was their work. They loved the law and they kept at it. Besides, they had to do the legal work for their vast holdings. Before their new office was completed, they operated out of Jim's present office.

When their new, very plush, office was almost ready for occupancy, James called one of the Barber's. He informed him that he was transferring all his business to Parker and Lombard. Ron Barber was speechless.

"Why?" he sputtered.

"No explanation is necessary. Mr. Parker will contact you about picking up all my records." He hung up abruptly.

A week later, both Jim and Rick, along with Marcus, visited Barber and Barber with handcarts. There were so many files, it took several trips to load everything into the rented van. The Barber Brothers kept staring at Rick with open mouths. While they were hard at work removing their files, Rick walked over to one of his former associates, Jerry Phillips, who was the only one who had said goodbye to him when he left the firm.

"Jerry, we need to hire at least two more associates," he said. "Are you interested? You always did most of Mr. Karen's work anyway."

"Give me your address. I'll be at your office in a New York minute."

"Can you recommend anyone else. If not, I'll hire from the outside."

"Kyle Smith. He and I worked mostly on Mr. Karen's accounts."

Rick walked over to Kyle's desk, and smiled at him. "Are you interested in joining my firm?"

"You've got me, Boss. How soon can I start?"

"You're on my payroll right now."

When the last of the cartons was in the van, and Jerry and Kyle were packing their desks, Rick signed a paper attesting to the fact that he had received all of James Karen's files. While he was signing, Ron and Ted Barber approached him.

"How did you manage this?" Ted spat out. He sounded bitter.

Rick held up his middle finger and stuck it in Ted's face. "James Karen is my father, asshole."

He left the office laughing like a hyena, and the Barbers kicking themselves in those very asses.

The Barbers had many clients, who came to them because James Karen was a client. When James left, they did also. Of course, they went over to Parker and Lombard.

The Barbers were forced to lay off some more associates. They all came to Rick to see if he had any openings. He hired every one of them. He and Jim were rich enough to afford a little extra overhead. They needn't have worried. They were growing so fast, that the void was filled immediately.

With all their goals met and satisfied, the brothers set one more goal. They vowed to find Mr. Right for their father.

Part Two

(Prince Charming and Mr. Right)

Kit Farrell and his partner, Merle Forrester, were James Karen Sr.'s best friends. James met Kit at a gay bar, and Kit took his gay virginity. He was actually named after Kit Carson, and these days, he was James's accountant. Kit, Merle and James were all forty-eight years old. They were in their prime, and all were handsome robust men.

When James and his sons had their initial meeting in Jim's office to discuss the business of transferring his work to them, James immediately called Kit. He explained what was happening, and Kit kept whooping and hollering.

"We're going to Julius to celebrate and tie one on," James said. "Do you think you and Merle could meet us there, and I'll introduce you?"

"Neither an earthquake nor a hurricane could keep us away," Kit promised.

"Great. We'll be at the bar about six. Come by cab. My chauffeur will drive you home so you can be as festive as you like. The evening's all on me, by the way."

Kit and Merle were at the bar when James and his sons arrived. Kit and James ran to each other. They were both sobbing, and hugging so tightly, it is doubtful that a crowbar could separate them. Merle took this opportunity to introduce himself to Jim and Rick. The boys stuck out their hands, but Merle would have none of it.

He wrapped his arms around both of them, and kissed them on their cheeks. Then he said, "I've known your dad, ever since I met Kit. Every time I was with him, he would cry about how much he missed you, and how much he wanted to hold you in his arms. With all his success, he wasn't a happy man. You guys have turned the tide. You've made all his wishes come true. I'll bet he's the happiest man in New York right now. Thank you so much."

"We're the lucky ones," Jim spoke for both of them.

"And we're sharing his happiness," Rick added.

When James and Kit finally separated, James introduced his best friend to his sons. Like Merle, Kit grabbed them and started to kiss them on their cheeks.

"You look just like your father, both of you," he kept saying in wonderment.

It's a good thing that they had a designated driver. They were all so sloshed at the end of the evening, none of them could have driven. Guy, the chauffeur drove them all home.

After that the five men socialized often. Rick and Jim were very fond of Kit and Merle, and started to think of all three as fathers.

"We're so lucky," Rick said one day. "We each have four fathers."

"Five," Jim corrected him. "Both of our adopted fathers think of us as their sons, but I won't be happy until we find Dad a boyfriend."

The majority of Parker and Lombard's clients were gay. Almost every day, they got a call from a prospective new client, usually gay, who had been referred to them.

One Monday afternoon, their new receptionist (Lois was now the office manager) received a call. The gentleman asked either for Mr. Parker or Mr. Lombard. Rick was on the phone, so she put him through to Jim.

"Mr. Parker will speak to you," she said.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" Jim asked.

My name's Brad Bronson," the man said. "I'm forty-seven, and I've been in a committed relationship for almost twenty years. My partner just walked out on me this past weekend. He left me for a twinkie. I know, he'll live to regret it, and when the time comes, I won't take him back."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bronson," Jim said.

"Don't be sorry," Bronson said. "My story is not unique. Anyway, as you can imagine, after twenty years, most of our assets are jointly held. I need help unravelling and separating them. Your firm was recommended to me. In a really unselfish moment Freddie gave me the job. The bastard actually said, `I trust you implicitly'. Can you believe it?"

"I'd be happy to help you," Jim said. "I'll be in court all day tomorrow. Could you come in on Wednesday about 9 AM?"

"Yes sir, we have a date."

"Please don't `sir' me. My name's Jim. If you have a list of the joint assets, bring them in."

Rick and Jim never wanted to become stuffy and pompous like Rick's ex bosses, the Barber Brothers. They asked everyone they came across to please call them by their first names. That included their staff, clients, chauffeur, and household servants.

Before he hung up, Bronson said, "I'd be happy to call you Jim, and I'm Brad to you."

When Brad came into the office, Jim did a double take. He was so handsome, and he didn't look a day over thirty. Immediately, he thought, maybe this is the guy for my father.

Brad handed him a list of his joint assets. This guy was as rich as Croesus. How could his partner have left him? But then he answered his own question. Half these assets belong to Freddie. Jim was curious. Did Brad grow a portfolio like this through wise investing or from his business. He vowed to ask Brad who his broker was, but not yet.

"How do you make a living?" he asked instead.

"I own a boutique on Madison and 55th. It's for men and women."

"Of course," Jim said with delight, Bronson's, on Madison. I know the shop well. I bought a sweater there just last week."

"Next time, ask for me. I'll give you a discount," Brad laughed.

"Forgive me for a moment," Jim said. "I want to call my accountant and ask him a tax question, before I tell you what I plan to do."

Jim used his speed dial to call Kit.

"Hi Kit," he said. "I have a tax question.

"Did you pay your retainer?" Kit asked, and laughed.

"Yes, you money gouging SOB."

"Then ask away."

"I have a client who has vast joint holdings with his ex. How can I split it down the middle, and not pay a capital gains tax?"

"As long as the stock is reissued, and not sold first, there will be no tax consequences. Be sure to make that clear to the corporations. It's kind of a reverse stock split where each party gets half instead of double."

"Thanks, Kit. Are we all still on for Friday night at Julius?" Jim asked.

"Wouldn't miss your company for the world."

"I'm going to ask a friend to join us."

"I know what you're up to. You're trying to fix up your dad again. Just a warning, be discreet."

"Ciao. I'll see you for happy hour."

"You seem to have a great relationship with your accountant," Brad said.

"For sure. He's more like a father to me. He and his partner actually call me, son. We get together for happy hour every Friday night at Julius. There's another great guy in our group, I'd like you to meet. He'll help you forget all about your ex."

"Are you trying to fix me up, Jim?"


"Then tell me about him."

"He's a year older than you, and even though you're drop dead gorgeous, he's even more handsome."

Jim did not wish for Brad to know how rich his blind date was until after they met.

"I'm intrigued. What time should I be there?"

"About seven-thirty."

When Brad left, Jim ran over to Rick's office, and filled him in. "I've got just the guy for Dad," he said.

"Go slow," Rick advised. "I don't want you to be disappointed."

"I have a strong feeling I won't be. Also, I'm warning you now. When I get you alone tonight, I'm so excited, I'm going to fuck your brains out."

"Then I wish you could get this excited every day."

"I love you too," Jim said, and he ran back to his office.

Friday night happy hour at Julius had the joint jumping. It was so crowded at the bar, Jim worried that Brad would not see them. Not to worry. He spotted Brad at the bar talking to James.

"What the fuck?" he thought. "How did they meet? I hope Dad doesn't tell him that he's my father."

He grabbed Rick's hand and they ambled over to where his father and Brad were talking. They each had a drink in their hands. He avoided addressing his dad, but he said hello to Brad, and asked if they knew each other."

"Sort of," Brad said. "When I spotted him, I recognized this gentleman. He's one of my best customers. I came over to say hello."

Brad turned toward James. "Allow me to introduce myself properly," he said. "My name is Brad."

He didn't offer a surname which was good, because James shook his hand, and said simply. "I'm James. I've always had the hots for you, but I thought you had a partner."

"See Brad," Jim said. "It was meant to be. This is the guy I wanted you to meet. He's a client of mine too." In a clever way, Jim hinted to his father not to let on they were related. James got the message, but why? He didn't realize that Jim didn't want Brad to know how rich they were.

"You lied to me," Brad said. "You told me that he was better looking than I am. Shit, he's better looking than everyone in this room."

"I never disappoint a client," Jim said with a laugh. "Now Brad, I'd like you to meet my business partner, Rick Lombard. Don't get any designs on him. He shacks up with me every night."

Everyone had a good laugh.

Just then Kit and Merle came over, and introductions were made.

"I took the liberty of making dinner reservations for us," Kit said. "I love the hamburger deluxe plate here. We can get to know each other." He winked at Jim.

Of course, James and Brad sat next to each other at dinner. They were talking freely and getting to know each other.

"I'm a social media consultant," James said. "I know what you do," he smiled. "I wonder why Jimmy didn't try to fix us up sooner." James always called Jim, Jimmy.

"We just met this week when I became his client, and I sure am grateful for that. Jim has excellent taste."

"I'd like to say amen to that."

James and Brad were deep in conversation all night long. Nobody would interrupt them on pain of death. As the meal was winding down, Brad whispered in Jim's ear. James and I have a date for tomorrow evening. We're having dinner at a wonderful surf and turf restaurant on Columbus Avenue. Before you ask, you and Rick can't join us. Everything happens for a reason. I believe Freddie deserted me, so I could meet James. I can't thank you enough, for everything."

Jim couldn't say anything. He was too happy. Now it was his turn to whisper in James's ear. Why don't you ask Brad to visit your small apartment in Greenwich Village? He's chomping at the bit for it."

"It's not that small. There are three bedrooms."

"I should have known."

They each had an after-dinner drink, and then went their separate ways. James winked at Jim to let him know that his carefully crafted Shakespearean drama was working.

Jim and Rick got home and ran to their bedroom. It was rare that they had the whole penthouse to themselves. All the servants had left for the day.

Jim kept his promise. He always kept his promises. He fucked Rick's brains out. All the while, Rick kept murmuring, "I love you so much."

James and Brad entered the "small" apartment. They were both laughing hysterically, but they took the time to kiss each other passionately.

"We're pretty good actors." James said. "I don't think Jim suspects a thing."

Maybe he's not as smart as he thinks he is. I told him that you were one of my best customers. How could he believe that I wouldn't know who my best customer was?"

James agreed.

When Brad entered Julius earlier that evening, he looked around trying to spot Jim Parker. He didn't see Jim, but he spotted James Karen. James was a very good customer of his, but he had no idea he was gay.

He ran over to James and offered his hand. "Mr. Karen," he said.

"Call me James. How nice to run into you socially like this. Is your partner here?" James asked.

"No," Brad said succinctly. "We split. In fact, I hired an attorney to help me straighten out my financial mess. His name is Jim Parker. That's what I'm doing here. He's trying to fix me up."

James couldn't stop laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I'll tell you what's so funny. Jimmy is my son. He's always trying to fix me up. I believe you're the one for tonight."

Brad laughed also. "Well, I'm glad you're the one."

"Ditto," James said.

"But you have different names," Brad sounded confused.

"Rick Lombard is my son too. It's a long story. I'll tell you about it another time."

Just then James spotted Rick and Jim coming toward them. "I want to play a little trick on Jimmy," he said. "Just play along with me."

"I'd love to play a practical joke on him." Brad smiled wickedly.

As soon as they entered James's Village apartment, he grabbed Brad's hand and they headed for the master bedroom. They both stripped in record time, and took a moment to admire each other. They were both muscled from long workouts. Neither even had a small love handle, nor did they look a day over thirty. James's cock was cut like his sons, and about four inches flaccid. He was hard right now, and about seven inches facing the ceiling.

Brad was uncut. He was about four and a half inches flaccid, but when he was hard, he was the same size as James.

They were both tall, and had all their hair with a slight hint of grey here and there.

When they were through gawking, they fell on the bed in a sixty-nine position. They were able to go a long time without cumming. In their maturity they both knew how to delay an orgasm. However, when Brad fucked James, he came way too quickly, too quickly for both their tastes.

"Sorry," Brad said. "Freddie avoided having sex with me for a long time. Now I know why. I really needed this, James. And thank you for making love to me, not just having sex."

"Hush Love, I think Junior's little plot is working."

"Wanna play another little trick on them?" Brad asked.

"My, you have a devious mind. Of course, I'd love to. What did you have in mind?"

"They should be asleep by now. Let's go to your real apartment, and sleep in your bed. Tomorrow is Saturday. I have a weekend manager, and don't have to go to the store. We can sleep in, and let the boys find us in bed together. Won't that be a hoot?"

`Yes, let's get dressed and go. My cook is off weekends. We'll all have brunch together tomorrow morning. As soon as we're dressed, I'll call for a cab."

The next morning Rick woke Jim from a deep sleep.

"What?" Jim asked.

"There's someone in the house." Jim didn't even bother to put on a robe. He went out in the hallway to investigate. His father's door was open. When he peeked in, he clearly saw Brad sucking his father's cock. He retreated hastily to his bedroom.

"Did you see anything?" Rick asked.

"I sure did. I think my plan worked. Dad would never bring a trick here unless it was serious."

The four men went to brunch together in a little coffee shop near their building. Brad and James let the boys know that they knew each other from before, and didn't fall for Jim's game, so they devised one of their own.

It didn't upset Jim and Rick that they were fooled. They were just very pleased that everything was working out.

A few days later, Brad, Kit and Jim were in Jim's conference room reviewing Brad's joint brokerage statements. Kit's auditor's brain went to work.

There's an electronic deposit of $1,500. every month. Where is it coming from?"

"I automatically transferred that amount every month from my business account to our joint brokerage account. I'm going to put a stop to it now, of course."

"Did Freddie ever contribute anything?"

"Are you kidding? He couldn't hold down a job. I couldn't even get him to help me in the store."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Kit asked Jim.

"Uh huh."

"Then you explain it to our client. You're the lawyer." He said `our client' because Brad told him he was going to switch over to him.

"Brad, you and Freddie were never married. Even if you had married, New York is not a community property state. It's an equitable distribution state. He's not entitled to a penny, unless you want to give him something for all the years you were together."

"Yes, I do. How about $1,000 a year for every year we were a couple."

"Twenty thousand dollars! That's exceptionally generous," Kit said.

When Brad got over his shock, he jumped up and started to slobber kisses on both men's cheeks. Then, he gave Jim a hard, closed-mouth kiss on the lips.

"That's for setting me up with your father. I love him. He's my Prince Charming."

"Why not? He's really easy to love."

It took a year, but James, Jim and Rick finally wore Brad down, and he moved in with them. Brad kept them the best dressed men in New York. They were real fashion plates thanks to his boutique.

They, Kit and Merle continued their ritual of having after work TGIF drinks at Julius. More often than not, they had dinner there also.

James and Brad decided to get married. Rick and Jim wanted to make it a double wedding, but on reflection they realized that it might be too complicated because they were brothers. They decided not to do it.

James and Brad made a small wedding reception in their penthouse apartment. The only guests were their sons, Rick and Jim's adopted parents, Kit and Merle, and Brad's sister with her husband. They were the only family he had.

One day Rick heard through the legal gossip grapevine, that the Barber Brothers were now running a two-man office, and had rented a small space in midtown Manhattan.

Rick was not surprised. Except for James Karen, and whoever had followed him, practically every other client they had was brought in by one of their associates. As things started to unravel, and these men and women went their separate ways, they took their clients with them, and the Barbers were left with very little.

Rick actually felt sorry for them, but then he would remind himself that their demise was brought about by homophobia, and he would let go of his pity. Besides, his greatest love, and his great fortune, were also a result of their bigotry, so thank you Ron and Ted Barber.

Since this story is a fairy tale (pun intended), there is only one way to end it. THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

Next: Chapter 2

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