
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Oct 5, 2006


x This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

This story happens during the period of time when my earlier story, 'Phalen,' ends.

Many of the character's names are Finnish. For those who wish to know how they are pronounced, read on.

Mikko - MEEK-ko Paavo - PAW-vo Joel - YOE-el Halonen - HALL-oh-nen

Roy roynm@mac.com

Leith - chapter 13

Susan and Joel sat at the table savoring the peace and quiet of an empty house as well as a second cup of coffee. Since Mikko and Leith's arrival, the house was seldom quiet, and with the return of Glenn and Kent, everything had become even more chaotic.

Joel put his coffee down and studied his wife for a moment.

"Dear, I've been meaning to ask, have you and my brother reached some sort of . . . understanding? The two of you seem more at ease around one another than usual. It's a nice change. Did something happen to cause it?"

Susan nodded, setting her coffee on the table but keeping her hands wrapped around the large mug. "Yes, Mikko and I had a visit the other day. It was really the first time I can think of that he and I had an opportunity to talk one-on-one." She was quiet for a moment as she reflected on the conversation. "He thanked me for inviting him and Leith into our house while he's been looking for a place for them. Then, he told me that he would like the two of us to be at least friends, and he wanted to know if he had done something to cause me not to like him."

"And, how did you answer? I mean, has he done something?" Susan thought for a moment.

"I told him he hadn't done anything, really, and that I don't not like him, I have just always thought of him as . . . competition, for your affections." She seemed to be reluctant to admit her feelings to her husband, and wouldn't meet his eyes as she told him what she'd said to his brother.

"Susan, we're brothers, and we're . . . close!" Joel sat back in his chair and looked at his wife as if seeing her for the first time. "We always have been, ever since we were young children. We've had something special. I can't describe it, but, dear, he is not competition. You're my wife. I love you. Mikko is my brother. I love him as well, but he's not competition." He studied her again. "Whatever gave you that idea?" Joel shook his head in resignation. He was sure Susan wouldn't, or couldn't give him an answer.

"Dear, do you have these negative feelings about Mikko because he's someone you can't control." He held up his hand as she looked up and opened her mouth. "I know that sounded harsh, probably more harsh than I intended, but you do keep a pretty firm grip on everything that goes on in the family. That can be a good thing. But, it can cause you problems when someone goes off and does something you hadn't approved of beforehand."

"Like Brett deciding he's gay?" He could tell she was having a difficult time maintaining her calm. "You know, I don't like Kent hanging around with Brett now that he's gay. He's a bad influence on Kent. Already, he thinks the gay thing is, 'so cool.'" She used Kent's words in a sarcastic tone.

Joel sat back in his chair and stared at her with an open mouth. He slowly shook his head. "Sometimes, Susan, I think you're intentionally being . . ." He searched for a word and couldn't think of one. "I can't think of an appropriate word, but it wouldn't be good. Brett didn't just decide he's gay. It's not something one chooses, like going to the dresser and choosing which pair of underwear you're going to wear today. He didn't decide. He is. You know that, so why this anti-gay thing all of a sudden."

"And, then to say you don't like Brett and Kent to associate with one another. Susan their fuckin' brothers!" Her eyes widened at his choice of words. "And don't give me a lecture about using the word, fuck, because I won't listen. It's one of those control things, Susan." He hated that his voice had risen and struggled to control it by taking a deep breath and then a sip of his lukewarm coffee.

"Well, you can't deny that Kent seems infatuated with Brett being gay. Suppose he decides to try it for himself?" She sat back and crossed her arms, daring him to challenge her.

"I'd be surprised if he hasn't already. Not with Brett, but with someone else." Susan's mouth dropped open. "Dear, every boy I know of, fooled around with another boy as they were growing up. That doesn't mean they turn out gay. They're learning about what sex is all about. What it means to be a man. It's as if some switch is turned on the moment a boy hits puberty. All he can think of is sex. It's natural that one way a boy learns about sex is by talking with . . . and experimenting with other boys. All this talk about 'saving yourself for marriage' is a bunch of hypocritical rambling, much of it by guys who themselves fooled around when they were growing up and are now experiencing selective amnesia. Those people can carry on as much as they wish, it's not going to stop boys from experimenting with one another."

"I've spoken with Kent, just as I did with Brett and Glenn. We talked about sex, how to be safe, how to respect yourself and your partner, and many other things, but I never told them not to do it. I would have been a fool. I did tell them they could come to me and talk about anything they had on their mind. Brett and Glenn have. I expect it won't be long before Kent does as well."

"I wouldn't be surprised if both Kent and Glenn have experimented with someone. That doesn't make either one of them gay."

"Did you experiment with other guys when you were growing up, Joel?" She said it with uncharacteristic calm which instantly put him on guard.

"Sure I did. Like I said earlier, every male I know of . . . with whom I've discussed these things . . . has fooled around. If they claim they haven't, I believe they're lying. It's just like a man who claims he doesn't masturbate is lying. Same thing."

"You masturbate?"

"Of course I do. Susan, I don't know how it is with women, but with the great majority of men, thinking about sex occupies much of our time. The last time we had it, when we're going to have it again, how good the last orgasm was, how much we'd like another one. No woman would be able to keep a man satisfied if she had to have sex every time the man thought about having sex. Since men can't have multiple orgasms at one encounter, we spread those orgasms out. As soon as we've recovered from one, we're thinking of ways to have another one."

"Glenn and Kent aren't like that," she asserted, crossing her arms and looking convinced. Joel laughed and scooted his chair around the table so he could put his arm around her shoulders.

"Sure they are, dear. I'll bet they masturbate a couple times a day at least, and if given an opportunity, would have sex with anyone who was willing." She looked at him aghast at the idea.

He chuckled at her expression.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I'm not sure what this you're talking about. But it really doesn't matter. If you're referring to men's sexual thoughts, or to our sons' growing into their sexuality and masturbating, why talk? There's nothing that can be done about either one. All men will continue to think about sex whether you know about what they're thinking, or not. That includes Glenn and Kent. Nothing anyone does will make them stop. The absolute worst thing that could happen to them would be for someone," he paused and gave her a meaningful glare, "for someone to try and stop them. Trying will not stop them, and will only make them think they're doing something wrong. They'll begin to try and hide their thoughts and their behavior . . . and be miserable all the while." Susan was mutely shaking her head from side to side.

"Honey, our boys know right from wrong. They know to use protection if they ever find themselves in a position to have sex with a girl. They know the dangers of having sex as well as the joys. They know how to behave responsibly, and how to show respect for the person they're with, as well as themselves. Those are the important things for every person, boy or girl, to learn. Once they've learned those things all a parent can do is turn their children loose and trust that they'll do the right thing. We've spent most of our son's lives teaching them right from wrong and how to be a responsible individual. That was the easy part. Now comes the difficult part, standing aside as they go out into the world. I think the two of us have done a good job. Let's not try and micromanage their lives. Let them learn the joys of having sex without having to feel guilty or sneak around."

She looked at him with an appraising glance. "Have you had sex with Brett?"

"What?" Joel looked at his wife, genuinely surprised by the question. "Of course not, nor with Glenn or Kent, if you have a mind to ask. I've also never had sex with any other woman than you."

"Have you had sex with Mikko?"

"Yes, I have . . . and with my youngest brother, Paavo, as well as most of the neighborhood boys when I was growing up. I also enjoy having sex with you."

She wore an incredulous expression as she continued to study him. "You enjoyed having sex with all those boys?" He laughed.

"Damn right, I did. I love sex, and when I'm not thinking about sex, or having sex with you, I masturbate . . . often. Honey, if you've been listening, you would have already surmised the answer to your question. Now, let's stop this discussion. We're keeping the pot stirred up with all this talk. Now, with all this talk about sex, I've got a few ideas I'd like to try out with you." He gently pulled her close, feeling her begin to relax as they kissed. "I admit it, he murmured as they walked toward the bedroom. I'm one horny bastard."

"Humph," she snorted with a smile.

Despite his outward appearances, Joel was troubled by the conversation. 'What would I have done if she had asked if Mikko and I have had sex as adults . . . since the two of us were married? What would I have said? I've never told her an outright lie.' Susan closed the bedroom door, and for the moment at least, all thoughts of Mikko had to be suppressed.

Kent stood on the driveway and waved his thanks to his friend, Neil and his mother. She had offered to give him a ride home when she picked Neil up from the first day of school. 'It's great to be home early. He turned toward the house, deciding he was going to spend what was left of the afternoon swimming and sitting by the pool.

Since Mikko's car was in the driveway, it pretty much ruled out swimming in the nude. His mother would be scandalized if she ever found out he enjoyed running around the house naked, much less being outside. He headed toward the house, searching for the key. 'Mom would really shit if she knew Neil and I had messed with each other's dick while we were swimming naked.' The thought of his hand stroking his friend till he shot in the cool water of the pool was making him horny. 'Maybe I'll beat off, then swim,' he thought, entering the house through the garage. He was preoccupied, thinking how disappointed he was that it had been days since he and Neil had been able to kiss, and didn't shout, announcing to everyone that he was home as he usually did. Instead, he set his books on the kitchen counter and headed to his bedroom, intending to strip. He groped himself as he headed through the living room and down the hallway.

The house was dim and cool, a welcome change to the late summer heat. He squeezed his crotch once again and then stopped. He heard his father and uncle's voices in his father's office. Normally, his father closed the door to his office, but for some reason it was standing open today. 'Did I just hear Dad tell Mikko that he loved him?' Kent frowned slightly and took another step, still gently massaging his cock through his pants. He held his breath and peeked around the corner of the open office door and saw his father and uncle with their arms around one another . . . kissing. His father's right hand was squeezing his uncle's butt.

He moved out of sight and leaned against the hallway wall. 'Holy fuckin shit,' he thought. 'What's going on?' At the same time he was feeling puzzled, he realized he was also feeling horny. The sight of the two men kissing was too much. 'This is almost as good as the Internet.' He chanced another glance into the room and saw that his father had stripped his uncle out of his t-shirt and was licking his armpit.

He made a face as he thought of him licking someone's armpit. 'Ewwww, gross,' he thought. 'I don't think I'd even do that for Neil.' He moved back into the hallway and leaned against the wall.

'What's going on?' He amended himself almost immediately. 'I know what's going on, but . . . Dad . . . and Mikko?' He decided to sneak one last peek, knowing he might be discovered. There was one part of him that wished either his father or Mikko would see him. Then, they might explain things to him.

'Maybe they'll even let me watch,' he thought, as he peeked around the door frame. Mikko's pants puddled around his feet and his brief underwear were stretched tight over his muscular butt. His father had stepped out of his pants and was kneeling in front of his brother, pulling the front of his underwear down with both hands. It was obvious from the sounds coming from the room that his father was sucking on his uncle's cock.

It was all he could do to not groan aloud at the sight of his uncle holding onto his father's head with both hands as he rhythmically thrust his hips. Kent remained in the hallway a few moments longer, leaning against the wall. His hands hung at his side as he stared into the distance, unsure what to think. He heard a loud groan come from the room and decided it was time to leave.

He retraced his steps, walking back through the living room and passing his book bag and books on the kitchen counter. 'I wonder what they'll think when they find my books and figure out someone's home.' He silently closed his bedroom door and lay on his bed, thinking about what he'd just seen. It was exciting, and at the same time troubling.

'I wonder if Mom knows what's going on.' He thought for a moment before knuckling his eyes. 'I'm sure as hell not going to tell her.' He bit his lip and then turned over, lying on his stomach and cradling his head on his folded arms. 'This is serious stuff.'

"This is nothing like high school, is it?" Leith laughed at Brett's comment as they walked across the Arizona State University campus. Brett was finished with his classes for the day and was heading to the gym to watch the gymnastics team practice. He was looking forward to starting his gymnastics physical education class in a couple days and wanted to catch a glimpse of the school gymnasts.

Joel was still trying to convince Susan that it would be a good idea for Brett to move in with Mikko and Leith when they moved to their new home. Both Brett and his father thought Susan's reluctance to agree to the idea had more to do with the fact that she hadn't thought of it than actually being against the move. Brett was confident she would agree to the idea quickly now that Kent seemed to be spending more time with him and Leith. It was no secret, Kent had always looked up to Brett, now the admiration had morphed into something else. Even Joel had commented on it one evening when he and Brett were sitting in Joel's study.

"Dad, don't worry about Kent. I think he's impressed 'cause he thinks I stood up to Mom about something important. Even Glenn looks at me a little weird once in a while."

"Your mother thinks he might be suffering from a case of hero worship and want to experiment with gay sex, trying to emulate you."

"So what if he does? Just 'cause he fools around with a guy doesn't make him gay. I'll bet every guy has fooled around with one of their friends, and those who say they haven't are lying." Brett paused while his father chuckled and nodded slightly. "Mom's just trying to find things to worry about."

"See you after class, Studly. I'd really like to get naked with you and do some serious kissing." Leith squeezed Brett in a brief one-arm hug in a silent promise to do just that later in the evening, and then hurried off to his last class of the day. Brett watched as his cousin trotted across the open plaza and disappeared into the mass of students, crossing the plaza in front of the library.

It wasn't long before Brett was leaning on a rail separating the spectator area from the gymnastics practice floor. He looked around and smiled to himself, thinking how much he loved the smell of a gym. The sight of the team beginning to go through their warm up exercises was pretty great too. The guys were doing individual stretching exercises while they waited for their teammates to arrive.

"Excuse me." Brett turned to see who had spoken. One of the gymnastics team members was smiling at him. "You're standing in front of the gate." The gymnast's smile widened and he gestured to the swinging gate.

"Oh, sorry." Brett smiled and stepped aside. "I guess I was just so excited by seeing the team I wasn't paying attention to where I was standing."


"Sure. I come to all of the meets when you guys are in town. Now that I'm a student I made sure I didn't have any classes when you're practicing so I could hang out and watch." He held out his hand. "My name's Brett." The dark-haired gymnast grasped his hand in a firm handshake.

"I'm Adam Wheeler. You mentioned that now you're a student. Are you a freshman?" Brett nodded. "Same here. This whole place is so big. I come from a small town, so all these people and things are taking me a little time to get used to. It'll be nice to know that I've got a friend watching whenever I practice." Brett found himself blushing at the way Adam was watching him.

Like most gymnasts, Adam wasn't tall. Brett liked the fact they stood eye-to-eye. There weren't many people his age he could say that about. Adam's dark hair was cut short, and his light brown eyes danced with suppressed amusement at the same time a hint of a smile played about the corners of his lips as he and Brett silently studied one another.

"Hey guys, you're blocking the road." Adam seemed startled at the interruption, turning quickly toward the teasing voice.

"Uh, sorry guys," he grinned sheepishly. He turned to Brett and put his hand on his shoulder. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Brett, a big fan of the team. He tells me he's planned his classes so he's free to watch us practice." He turned to Brett who was still blushing furiously.

"Brett, these are the two stars of the team, Kerin and Thian." The twins smiled and took turns shaking Brett's hand as he looked at them with wide eyes.

"Hey man, it's okay to say hi," Kerin teased, ignoring a nudge from his brother.

"Damn," Brett murmured, glancing quickly from the twins to his hand and then back again, feeling the heat of a blush on his cheeks."

"I'll take that as an appropriate greeting," Kerin teased, enjoying the renewed blush. "Are you a gymnast, Brett? You look like one."

"Um, ah . . . sorry . . . I just never thought I'd meet you guys," he managed to stammer. "I told Adam that I come to all the meets and have always loved seeing your routines. In fact, you two are the main reason I started doing gymnastics in high school. But, I never thought I'd meet you." He gave them one of his brightest smiles. "This is so cool. Wait till I tell Leith that I've met three of the team members, on the first day of school no less." He couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"So, you were on your high school team?" Brett nodded. "Well, Thian and I sometimes get in a little extra practice after everyone else clears out. Maybe you could join us sometime." He turned to Adam. "You too, Adam, if you feel safe around us, that is." Kerin laughed, and this time it was Adam's turn to blush.

Kerin leaned toward Brett, nodding toward the dark haired gymnast. "Since he's so handsome, he thinks T and I won't be able to keep our hands off him." He looked at Adam and winked. Brett followed the conversation, feeling like there had to be a hidden message he was missing.

"Gentlemen," the coach yelled. "Whenever you're ready, the rest of the team's ready to start work."

"Okay, coach," Kerin shouted back, waving his hand. Thian and Adam hurried through the gate and trotted toward the coach. Kerin stayed behind a moment longer.

"Seriously, Brett, T and I would enjoy having you work out with us. Maybe you could show us a couple new moves." He winked, holding the gate open with one hand, prepared to head onto the practice floor.

Brett laughed. "I doubt it. I'll probably be flat on my back most of the time."

"Who says that's bad?" Kerin laughed, reaching out and squeezing Brett's shoulder. "Some of the best times I've ever had were when I was flat on my back." He grinned and squeezed Brett's shoulder once again. "Think about it." Brett mutely nodded, still unable to decipher the multiple messages Kerin seemed to be transmitting. After a moment, during which Brett felt as if an electric current was running through him, Kerin removed his hand from his shoulder and then turned and ran toward the coach. "I know. I know, I'm late," he shouted good naturedly as the coach watched him with fists on his hips attempting to look stern.

Kerin smiled brightly as he took position to begin the stretching routine that preceded all practices. "Okay, coach, we can start now. Everyone's here."

There was a quiet knock on the bedroom door. Leith looked up as he came out of the bathroom and then glanced toward Brett who shrugged. He looked around for a moment searching for something to slip on but was interrupted by another knock, this time slightly louder and more insistent. He gave up looking for something to wear and took the few steps to the door and opened it wide, taking a perverse pleasure in the thought he might shock whoever was outside.

"Shit," Kent hissed, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of his naked cousin and equally naked brother across the bedroom. "What if it had been Mom knocking on the door?"

"Then she'd have seen me naked." Kent mutely nodded, forgetting to close his mouth as he studied his cousin.

"Damn, you look nice, Leith. How'd you get such a good tan?" Brett had walked up to the door to see what his brother was whispering about. Kent examined his brother and smiled broadly.

"Way cool, Brett. When I said you were cuter 'cause you'd put some meat on your bones, I had no idea. You're awesome." Kent looked down the hallway and then over his shoulder. "Can I come in?"

Leith stepped aside and let Kent walk into the room. He was a slightly beefier version of his older brother and had light brown hair, where Brett's was definitely blond. They had the same rosy cheeks and pale skin. Where Brett tended to be serious, Kent was playful, irreverent and a constant challenge for his mother. He seemed to always be smiling. Susan had given up trying to control his ebullient behavior and had instead tried to channel it, or in worst-case scenarios, ignore it . . . something she didn't do well. He seemed to be in a serious mood tonight. He ran his fingers through his short hair and grinned, looking nervous as he shifted from one bare foot to the other.

An old pair of sweat shorts hung low on his hips brushing his knees as he walked. His bare chest was lightly tanned and, even at fourteen, had a light covering of hair that spread between his small nipples and then tapered to a more pronounced trail which disappeared beneath the waistband of his shorts. 'And he's only fourteen,' Leith thought, comparing the two brothers as he closed and locked the bedroom door. He had joked about his aunt seeing him naked, and he wouldn't have really minded if she did, but he certainly didn't want her to know her youngest son was visiting him and Brett without them being given a chance to at least throw on a pair of shorts before she came into the room.

Kent walked to the center of the room and then turned to study the two naked men standing before him. "I want to talk to you guys about being gay," he said as he flopped down on the room's easy chair, acting every bit his age. "I've been thinking a lot about the gay-thing and I'd like to talk . . . if it's okay with you guys." He leaned back, stretched out his legs and spread them wide, looking at his brother and then Leith with a hopeful expression.

Brett and Leith crawled onto the bed and sat facing him in a cross-legged position. He watched their every move in an uncharacteristic silence. The room was silent as no one seemed to know what to say. "Are you gay, Kent?" Brett quietly asked.

Kent grinned slightly and shrugged. "No, I don't think so. I've always thought about girls when I beat off. I've never done anything with one, other than kiss and junk, but that's what I think about." He paused a moment, as if he was trying to think of what to tell his brother. "Me and my friends though, we've beat each other off a bunch of times, and I think it is so cool to feel another guy's hand on my dick, and to hold someone else's. I love feeling how it'll get bigger just before he's ready to shoot. I love how it sorta jerks as it's pumping, and then the feeling of his junk running over my fingers is so hot." Kent held a hand out in front of him, as if he could see the sperm coating his fingers. He looked back to his brother and grinned, returning his hand to the arm of the chair.

"I've licked it off my fingers a couple times. That was so cool. I wasn't sure the first time what it was gonna taste like but it wasn't bad. In fact, I sorta love the taste." He gave his brother and Leith a boyish grin. "I've even tried to shoot into my own mouth so I can taste my own stuff. I've licked my hand clean, but I don't think it's the same as tasting it as soon as I shoot." He squirmed slightly in the chair and spoke almost to himself. "Really hot." He looked up as Brett began talking.

"What do you want to talk about? It sounds like there aren't any questions we could answer."

"Oh, I've got lots of questions." Kent leaned forward with a broad smile and his eyes alight. "What's it like to fuck a guy, to slide into a guy's hole and squirt up inside him? What's it feel like to have a guy squirt in you? Is kissing a guy different than kissing a girl? They're so fragile, I feel as if I'm gonna break 'em. I want to squeeze, and they complain. Is it like that with a guy? I like a messy kiss. Girls don't like that." He scooted closer to the edge of his chair and continued speaking fast.

"You guys look so friggin hot sitting there all nekkid like that." He managed to sneak a peek at the bedroom door. "Some of the reason I think it's hot is 'cause Mom's not that far away. It's like I'm doing something naughty or something. She or Dad could knock on the door at any minute and catch me in here." He squirmed a bit. "It's so fuckin' exciting." He leaned back in the chair and spoke to himself. "Cool." He paused only a moment to take a breath before he began another series of rapid questions and observations.

"What's sex like, guys? Do you suck each other off, and fuck and stuff? I've heard about guys fucking . . . and licking each other's butt hole." He groped himself. "That's such a friggin' hot idea, to think about someone licking my hole . . . or for me to lick someone else's." He massaged the growing mound of his erection through his gym shorts. "You have got an ace butt on you Brett. Does Leith lick it?" He looked from his brother to his cousin, paused just a second to take a deep breath.

"Can I kiss you both?" He paused a moment, a deep blush coloring his cheeks. "That's what I really came in here to find out. I've been sitting in my room and that's all I can think about. I love kissing and I want to know what kissing a guy is like. Could I? I mean, would you? I wanna taste your tongue." He reached down and squeezed his prominent erection. He reached inside his shorts to grasp himself. "Can't you tell how exciting the thought of kissing another guy is? I'm as stiff as I can get and I'm starting to drool." He brought his finger to his mouth and licked it, making a satisfied sound. "Tastes good." He smiled brightly. "I wanna kiss you guys so bad, and taste your tongue and stuff."

"Kent, if we kiss you, then you'll want to beat off with us or something. Where will it stop? Mom's upset enough with me as it is, just knowing that I'm gay. If she knew you were in here I'd be dead meat."

"So who's gonna tell her? Not me, that's for sure." He looked from his brother to Leith and then stretched out and continued to play with himself through his sweat shorts with one hand while he cradled his testicles with his other.

"Shit, Brett, that'd be so friggin cool, to watch you guys shoot your stuff. Maybe I could even do it for you." He sat up and scooted forward in the chair with a smile, looking first at his brother, then Leith. "Or we could do a three-way, thing. Brett, you could suck Leith off, while he and I kiss, then he could do the same to you while you and I kiss, and then one of you could suck me off. I've never had my dick sucked on before and it'd be so cool to squirt into guy's mouth while kissing another guy. I bet a mouth is nice and hot, huh?" He scooted even closer to the edge of the chair, looking from his brother to cousin. "Could we, guys? I'm 'bout to fuckin burst I'm so horny. Seeing you both naked like that . . . Geez, you're both so friggin hot." He flopped back in the chair and whimpered. "I need to cum so bad."

Brett laughed. "Didn't I hear you say you were interested in girls?"

"At the moment, I'm interested in my sexy brother and cousin. Damn, Brett, your dick is so nice." Leith turned to him and gave him an, 'I told you so,' look. "I love how it's straight with a big head. Mine's sorta curved." He made a face. "Yours is so freakin cool." He licked his lips. "I'd really like to suck on it and have you squirt into my mouth. It'd be so cool." He returned his attention to his brother.

"I'll keep quiet about it, if you guys say we can shoot off together. I'm droolin here. I gotta shoot or I'm gonna go crazy. I thought I was excited before I came in here, but seeing you guys naked is too much." He pulled up the right leg of his shorts and tugged his cock and balls out and began fondling them. "I've hardly ever seen another guy when he's hard. I've never sucked another guy, but seeing you guys stiff . . . " He squeezed himself again. "Geez, Leith, I want to taste you so bad. Please," he almost whimpered. "Please, Brett."

"Stand up, Kent." Leith scooted to the edge of the bed and stood. Kent's eyes immediately focused on his cousin's erection.

"Holy shit, Leith. You're fuckin' hot." He looked from the erection to Leith's eyes and slowly stood, wiping his hands nervously on the sides of his sweat shorts while his cock and balls pushed out from the wide leg of the shorts. He licked his lips and glanced at his brother for a moment and then back to his cousin.

"You sure about this, Kent?" Leith murmured as he stepped closer. The younger boy took a slight step backward but encountered the chair behind him and stopped. He nodded once and glanced at Leith's erection and then back to his eyes. "Are you sure you want to be kissed by a guy?" Kent's voice squeaked upward as he tried to answer. When his voice failed him, he nodded slightly and whimpered. His eyes flicked from Leith to his brother who was still sitting on the bed.

Leith made a slight motion asking Brett to join them. It didn't take but a moment for Brett to stand and take the couple steps to be at his cousin and brother's side. Brett tentatively reached out and slowly ran an open palm over his brother's chest. Kent opened his mouth, closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure.

"Sexy chest, little brother," Brett murmured. "Love the hair."

Kent nodded and emitted a sound that only be called a squeak as his brother gently pinched one of his nipples.

"C'mere, Kent." Leith stepped closer and wrapped his arms around his cousin's waist, noticing how he was slightly taller than Brett. Kent looked at Leith with a look of equal fright and lust before he circled Leith's waist with his arms and pulled him closer, pressing their erections against one another.

"You feel so good, Leith. So strong." His murmurs were cut off when Leith's lips touched his. Kent sharply inhaled through his nose and then pressed himself closer to his cousin, opening his mouth and searching out his cousin's tongue. His low moan got louder when Brett ran his hand over his brother's bare back and then moved it beneath the waistband of his shorts cupping one of his firm butt cheeks. After a short while Kent pulled away from Leith's kiss and turned to his brother.

"Brett," he groaned, reaching out for his brother and pulling him close to kiss him. Brett encircled his younger brother with his arms as Leith pulled Kent's shorts over his butt and began to lick and nibble on the smooth cheeks. After a few moments he backed away from Brett's tongue, his chest heaving as if he had run a race.

"Fuck guys, I've gotta lie down. My knees are 'bout to give out." He reached down and stepped out of his sweat shorts, letting his erection in its bed of wiry brown hair spring free. Brett cupped his brother's testicles in one hand while he kissed him again. Leith sucked on one of Kent's nipples at the same time he gently kneaded his butt with its light covering of peach fuzz. Leith could feel the muscles of Kent's butt tighten as he tried to thrust his cock against his brother, seeking stimulation and release.

"Please," he groaned. "Can't stand." He pulled away and lay back on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs wide. His heavy balls rested on the bed sheets while his erection pulsed, begging for attention. He raised his head slightly and held out his arms in welcome. Brett crawled onto the bed and lay on his stomach next to his brother. They continued to kiss, while Kent's large hands roamed his brother's back. Leith could hear the two brothers moan as they kissed sloppily. Brett was slowly humping the bed and his brother's erection was drooling a steady stream of clear precum.

It was amazing how alike the brothers were. Both had a thick pubic bush, Brett's blond, Kent's light brown. Like Brett, Kent's thick cock seemed to stretch the pale skin to the breaking point. Leith could see a fine tracery of blood vessels down its smooth length. The head was blunt and wide, with a prominent piss slit that seemed stretched open with the force of his erection.

Kent's almost hairless testicles hung heavy in their bag of skin between what appeared to be a hairless hole. Kent suddenly groaned, a slightly deeper voice than his older brother's.

Leith watched the two brothers for a moment while he slowly stimulated himself, and then got on his knees and lightly ran his fingers up the inside of Kent's thighs, drawing an immediate reaction. Leith smiled to himself. 'If he likes that what's he going to think of this.' He circled the base of Kent's erection with his fingers and then slowly sucked the entire length of the thick penis into his mouth and then down his throat. Kent bucked his hips in reaction. His loud groan was muffled somewhat by his brother's continuing kiss. Kent's fingers were no longer caressing his brother's back, but were pulling him closer at the same time he tried to buck his hips and force more of his erection down Leith's throat. Leith smiled to himself.

Leith recalled how Mason used to tease him with his tongue, bringing him close to climax, but only close. He would allow Leith to have an orgasm only when he was ready. There were times Leith had wanted to scream when his brother pulled away just as he was about to shoot. He whimpered in frustration while Mason would grin.

Leith buried his face on his cousin's penis, feeling the stiff pubic bush against his nose. Kent was moaning louder. Brett was madly humping the bed. With each upward thrust Brett's ass cheeks would part slightly and Leith could see the slightly darker skin of the pucker which was most likely still drooling out some of the sperm he had deposited there before Kent's visit.

He pulled back, holding only the head of Kent's cock in his mouth. Kent balls had drawn close to his body and Leith knew it was only a matter of seconds before Kent was going to unload in his mouth. He began to work the underside of his cousin's penis with his tongue and in only moments could feel the cock thicken and then pulse as it shot. The thick liquid hit the back of Leith's throat and he reflexively swallowed. The second shot wasn't quite as strong, nor the third, and he was able to hold them in his mouth, savoring the flavor of his fourteen year-old cousin's sperm.

Kent's movements eventually slowed until he was finally lying motionless. His cock hung limply when Leith finally released it from his mouth. Brett propped himself up on an elbow as he studied his brother for any signs of regret for what had just happened. Kent opened his eyes and smiled brightly.

"Whew, big brother, you're a fuckin' good kisser. We've gotta do that more often." He glanced down at Leith who had begun crawling onto the bed straddling his young cousin. Brett knew what Leith was up to and smiled, positioning himself close to his brother's face. Kent looked on, not sure what to expect.

Leith and Brett moved close, and only inches from Kent's face, kissed. It only took a second for Kent to realize Leith was sharing the sperm he was holding in his mouth with Brett. He could see their tongues coated with the stuff and he groaned, his erection springing to life in only an instant as a large drop fell onto his chin.

"Me too," he murmured, pulling the two men closer and opening his mouth. "Let me taste." He stuck out his tongue and the three men exchanged the thick load in a sloppy three-way kiss that left each of them breathless. As they parted, Brett leaned close to Leith and ran his broad tongue over Leith's chin, lapping up some sperm that had escaped.

"C'mon guys, beat off and shoot your stuff in my mouth then let's share. I wanna taste your sperm." Ken began playing with his erection as Leith and Brett scrambled to their knees on either side of Kent's mouth. It only took minutes and Brett began to groan. Kent opened his mouth wide and extended his tongue. Brett rested the head of his penis on his brother's tongue, took a deep breath, and began to shoot into his brother's mouth.

The sight of Brett's piss slit opening wide and the thick jet of sperm shooting into Kent's mouth was too much for Leith. He thrust his hips forward and placed the head of his cock on the other side of Kent's mouth. Brett's penis was now only drooling, but Leith's first shot coated the head. Kent slightly turned his head and received the remainder of his cousin's load. At the same time Leith shot, Kent came a second time, this time onto his stomach.

It took a few moments for the three men to recover from the intense sensations they had experienced. Kent opened his mouth and Leith could see it was filled with two loads of sperm. Kent tilted his head up slightly and reached down and tried to scoop as much of his own load off of his stomach as he could manage. He then held his fingers over his mouth and watched as a thick strand dangled over his open mouth, finally dropping to join the combined loads of his brothers. Brett moaned at the sight, glancing at Leith whose gaze was focused on his young cousin's open mouth.

He pulled Leith and Brett close and for the next few minutes they sloppily swapped sperm for a second time.

"Shit guys, that was so fuckin' cool," Kent murmured, rolling his head from looking at Leith toward his brother, his chin still coated with a slick sheen of cum. "Better than I ever dreamed it would be." He paused a moment and then chuckled. "Way, way better. No girl could do with me what we just did. It makes me want to do more." He sighed in contentment and then chuckled once more, turning toward his brother.

"Next time, can we fuck?

~ to be continued ~

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I've been amazed at how many of you have contacted me about 'Leith' and my other story, 'Phalen.' I always welcome your email and enjoy hearing your thoughts. If you would like me to send a pic of the character(s), please ask.

I have also posted a two-chapter short story, entitled, 'Chris,' also in the Gay College Section. I hope you enjoy it.

Best wishes,

Roy Reinikainen roynm@mac.com

Next: Chapter 14

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