Leonard's Lust

By Steve Thomas

Published on Sep 24, 2003


This is a fictional story. It is based on many experiences and fantasies of the authors. If you are really into graphic sex, it may not satisfy your purpose for coming here. If you like to hear of real love and real teen angst, with a little sex thrown in, you are in the right place. There may be some amount of graphic sex between males. If this is objectionable to you, or you are legally too young to be here, you are cordially invited to press your back button.

Cast of Characters:

Leonard Kirk Harston (Lenny)

Lawrence Olivier Goodwin (Rennie)

Mrs. Harston, Lenny's mom

Mr. Harston, Lenny's dad

Mr. Goodwin, Rennie's dad

Mrs. Goodwin, Rennie's mom

Joy -- Rennie's older sister

Jennifer -- Rennie's younger sister

Bobby -- Joy's husband

Seth -- Lenny's friend

Luke -- Seth's lover

Chris -- Seth's Brother

Criag -- Chris's lover

Jake Smith -- Seth and Chris's cousin.

Colin -- Jake's husband & Bobby's brother

Morty -- Rennie's Cousin

Ursula -- Jake & Colins daughter

Uri -- Jake and Colin's son

Carrie -- Jake's sister

Uncle Jake -- Jake's dad

Aunt Lindy -- Jake's mom

Renate -- The Goodwin's housekeeper

Etta -- the Smith's housekeeper


I already knew who was on the phone when I answered it, and to some extent I already knew the news.

"Hello?" I said, afraid of the response. There was none at first.

Finally, "Rennie?" I knew it was Bobby, but his voice was so constrained. "Rennie - it - it - it - it's Bob."

"Yeah," I said, "Bad news huh?" He was hysterical, and yet for some strange reason I was calm. Probably calmer then I had been all day.

"Rennie, There are so many smashed up vehicles cluttering the road! I was driving on the side of the road and I saw your parents van. It was smashed beyond recognition, but - I knew it was theirs and - and - and - my son, Rennie - my - my - my - SON!" He gasped and wept uncontrollably for at least a minute. " Joy - all of them! And their faces were so contorted. I - I - I - Rennie their all gone!" then he completely lost it for at least another minute. "Would you - is Lenny still there? Maybe he can call the Smiths - and then Colin and Jake. I can't bear to. I'll - have to - I don't know - there's no one here. No emergency equipment has even gotten here yet! And this happened hours ago! I have to stay and get things in order - I'll be a day - maybe more. Oh! Call Renate. She will be strong for us - at least for now." Then he added, "Rennie - I love you! You're all I've got now!" Then he hung up.

As I hung up the phone there was my rock, my tower of strength. Lenny stood before me - like the Rock of Gibraltar.

"Should I Leave?" He asked.

"NOOooo! I couldn't bear the thought of being alone right now. Do you think your mom and dad would let you stay here for the night?" I asked.

"I'm sure they would. I'll call them right now."

I settled down into the chair by the phone and suddenly it all came out. My wall of strength cracked! Just that quick. Lenny was by my side as soon as he informed his parents. They said they would be right over.

Lenny rocked me to sleep in his arms. I was in shock. I didn't know how long I slept. When I woke up Bobby was there on the bed with the two of us. I heard voices downstairs. They didn't sound right.

I opened my eyes. At first I thought I had a horrible dream, but then I saw Bobby and Len there on the bed with me. Then I knew. It was all true. Just as I was wondering how to get up without waking the other guys, Bobby's eyes came open.

"You -- you're finally awake!" Bobby whispered..

"Yeah -- how did you -- I mean, I thought you were staying with -- you were not coming home so soon."

"I did stay. Until I saw them safely into the morgue. My brother, Colin's partner Jake, is taking care of the mechanics. You have been asleep for two days!"

"Two days! Shit! I am so sorry! I wanted to be there for you!"

"Ren, it was the hardest thing I can imagine ever having to do. My little Jacob was the least mutilated. He was well protected by his car seat." Then Bobby broke down. "But Rennie -- I -- oh God! Why did he have to take my -- my -- MY BOY IS GONE!"

That woke up Lenny. Lenny was facing me and Bobby was behind him. He turned around and with more ease than I realized he had, he put his arms around Bobby and patted his back. About this time, Lenny's parents came into the room, and also Renate.


This was the most exhausting two days I ever had. I was stunned. I didn't know what to do! I mean here was my boy, crumpled into a ball, obviously hurting more than I would ever know, and I know I need to comfort him but it was just like.... what do I say? Certainly not "It's gonna be alright" or "I know how you feel". Obviously neither was true. So I just held him. As I held him it came to me. There was definitely no right thing to do in this situation. I mean all I could possibly do was be there and so I did that. After I rocked Rennie to sleep, I made the phone calls that Bobby asked for.

I then went into the kitchen and washed the dishes. I figured out where everything went. Just as I finished, there was a short couple knocks at the door and then keys and then it opened and Renate walked in. I froze! What was she going to do to me?

She looked at me and then around the rest of the rooms, which she could see into. "Vere's my boy?" She asked, looking depressed.

"He's around the corner on the couch. He went to sleep and I didn't want to wake him to get him upstairs." I answered, not knowing what kind of reception she would have for anything I told her. Without as much as changing her expression, she came toward me. I think I visibly flinched as her arms came up and around my body. She laid her head on my chest and just started sobbing.

"Zis just can't be! My joy! My little Jakey! All of zem -- gone!" She was patting me on the back, as if to comfort me -- but taking comfort in it for herself. I reciprocated. She looked up into my eyes. "You're a goot boy! I'm sorry I scared you!" Then she put her face back on my chest and cried some more.


We both jumped at the sound of the doorbell. I had forgotten my parents were coming. Renate quickly straightened up, wiped her eyes and went to the door. "Yes?" She said.

My parent peered in the door and immediately saw me. "Leonard!" My mom said.

Renate looked back at me and my dad said, "We're Leonard's parents."

"Oh! Yah! Pleece come in!" My mom took one look at me and then said, where is your fr -- is it Ronny?"

"Rennie," I said. "Short for Lawrence. He's asleep on the couch." I don't know if he heard his name or what, but just then he moaned. Renate went running. I wanted to, but with my parents standing there, I let her do it.

"Len? Oh! Renate! -- Where's Lenny?" He said. I showed my parents into the living room.. Their heads were craning all over up and down taking in what they could see of the house. Rennie got up and stumbled into my arms, and with his head on my chest, went back to sleep.

"Ve'll take him up to hiss room, yah?" She helped me take him up the elevator and left me to put him in his bed.

I undressed him leaving his boxers on, and covered him up. I went back down and I heard my dad asking Renate if maybe Rennie would want to come back to our house. She said he should wait for his brother-in-law. She told them about Bobby losing Joy and little Jacob. They agreed. Then my dad said, "Well maybe we should take Leonard home then and leave you folks alone."

"I sink my rennie vill vant Lenny here if he vakes up before Bobby comes beck." Renate said, with authority that even my dad could not ignore. She looked at me. "You go - - UP!"

I did as I was told. I got back up to the room and Ren was still in the position I left him. I had heard how some people escape unbearable grief by sleeping. I looked around the room. I saw an old copy of Harry Potter on his shelves. I casually picked it up and started reading it again. I couldn't concentrate on it very well, but it didn't matter. I had read it before anyway. Having seen the movie, it was kind of different reading it with faces attached to the names.

I fell asleep in the chair. I awoke to Rennie's loud moans. I laid down and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. Renate also heard the moans and she was there in less than a minute. She looked in at us. Apparently my mom or dad was right behind her. She looked at whichever it was and said, as she closed the door. "He be all right. Lenny iss dare mit him! Your Lenny iss such a goot boy!" I hugged him even closer. He answered with a deep sigh, as he went deeper into his comatose sleep.

My mom peeked in once -- looked embarrassed when she saw us cuddled together, and whispered, "You should come down and eat something."

I had to admit -- I was hungry." I carefully extricated myself from him and followed her down. I had barely gotten something to eat when we all heard him call out. Renate was on the lift first and she called to me, "Lenny -- you come!" I did as I was told.

I stayed up there the rest of that night. I lay on top of the covers, in all my clothes. Once Rennie woke up and called out softly -- "Mom?"

"It's me, Len." I said.

"Oh! Yeah -- I know -- I just uhhhh I jus -- zzzzzzzzz" and he fell back asleep again his hand caressing my face. This time it was my dad who looked in on us. I hoped they would go home by now! I don't know how much Dad could see in the darkened room, but the light from the moon shined directly on my face where Ren was stroking it.

In the morning, the light woke me up. I reached out and touched Rennie. He didn't move. His breathing was slow and even. I climbed off the bed and sneaked downstairs, expecting to be alone. My parents were still there. My dad was asleep on the couch and my mom was just staring at me. Renate was in the kitchen getting some breakfast going. I smiled weakly at my mom, then pointed myself toward the kitchen. I was almost there when,


It was the front door! I ran to it, with Renate on my heels. I opened the door and Bobby fell into my arms and just started sobbing. He was a big guy, but his head still only came up to my chin. His weight was almost more than I could hold. He was conscious, but barely. Renate helped me and we half dragged him toward his bedroom door. As we started into the room, he looked across at little Jacob's youth bed on the other side of his and Joy's bed, and he passed out.

"Ve take him up to Rennie's bed. Zey shoot be togezzar."

So that's what we did. She helped me with him -- he was too big for me to undress by myself. We got him to the other side of the bed and pushed him down under the covers.

After a huge breakfast, I told my parents they could go home. They said no -- they felt they were needed here. I didn't feel like arguing. "Okay -- suit yourself. I'm going back up with Ren and Bobby." I said. I was quite exhausted and it was not long before I was back asleep. The next thing I knew was when Bobby's cries woke me up.

There were so much devastation -- so many casualties, it was two weeks before we could get the bodies back and have a funeral. Everyone was there. As it worked out, Bobby's brother Colin was very well connected, so their family took care of all the preparation. Colin's partner, Jake (after whom little Jacob was named), his dad, Jacob Smith was a very prominent Santa Barbara citizen. Of course Bobby and Colin's parents were there, as well and the Smith family. I recognized Seth and Rob, and Seth's little Hawaiian guy, Luke. I remembered seeing Seth's brother, Chris and his partner, Craig, from the hospital when I "woke up" Seth from his coma. And Colin and Jake's two darling little adopted children, Ursula and Uri were there. I was a little worried that that might upset Bobby, but he was okay with it. I also recognized Morty, Ren's Cousin.

So the dead were:

Rennie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, their two daughters Jennifer and Joy (Bobby's wife) and little Jacob. It was a very sad day. The local news covered it. Patricia Lorenz actually had an ongoing human-interest story, "The Boys Who Lost it All". There was a great outpouring of love. Thousands of cards came to Bobby and Rennie, via the TV station. Hundreds had money in them. People did not understand this was not a family who needed money. They gave it to charities.


Oh my gosh! I didn't know a human being could stand so much sadness -- so much grief. I would have sworn before this all happened that it would kill me -- and especially Bobby. He was so devastated about losing -- well, his son. I knew that he and my sister were not exactly in love. And he did feel terrible about her, Jen and my parents, but little Jacob was the light of his life.

He was the light of my life before Lenny came into it. Lenny has been so -- so wonderful. I can tell at times that he has no idea what to say or to do. But him just being here -- and staying -- for me was enough for me. His parents must be wondering about "us" by now, but I don't think anyone wants to talk about such things. Maybe this tragedy will soften the blow when -- and if -- Lenny tells his parents his big secret. Damn I love that boy!


One day soon after the funeral, I went over to Ren's early in the morning, and Etta Renate was at the door before I could answer it. She came out and took my hand, pulling me through the courtyard to the garage.

"Lenny, I don't know who to talk to. You are so young, but I know no one else to turn to." Her eyes clouded over and turned red and wet.

"What is it, Renate?" I asked, totally bewildered.

"Come!" She said.

She took me toward the garage. She unlocked the door and pushed me in. There on the far side of the garage was a brand new 2003, fire engine red Mazda Miata, fully tricked out.

"What's the deal, Renate?"

Rennie's parents ordered zis for his birceday before -- before -- ze accident. I almost forgot about it until it was delivered yesterday -- to ze garage -- per zair instructions. Rennie doesn't know it's in here. With all zat's happened, I don't know what to do."

"Well," I started.

"And zat's not all!" She exclaimed "There's more -- much more!" I looked at her -- again in bewilderment. She took a paper out of her pocket and handed it to me. On it was an address, and a picture of a beach front home -- in the very exclusive part of Santa Barbara that included the Smith's neighborhood.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Zey -- Rennie's mama and papa -- bought zis to gif to Rennie for his birthday also."

"But Ren's only 18!" I said, amazed.

"I tink zey wanted to gif him a place of his own -- knowing how he -- and you -- vould vant some privacy."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Well, now he has -- this house -- will he want to move over there?"

"Zis is vat I haf been troubled about. Vat do you tink?"

"Renate -- I'm not -- I'm not -- even a member of the family. How about Bobby?"

"Bobby gets nossing. The attorney hass told me. Ze vill vas written to gif each of ze children equal shares of ze estate -- but said nossing about spouses -- in case -- in case -- well, in a case like zis." Her eyes filled with tears again. She clearly was disturbed about Bobby losing "evrysing."

I blew a hard breath out and sat on the fender of the closest car. I thought and thought. My first thought was to get my parents involved, but I thought again. Then it came to me.

"Renate, Bobby's brother is related to the Smiths. I think Jacob Smith will have some ideas. We'll have to tell both Bobby and Rennie. I KNOW that Rennie's parents loved Bobby. I just know it! I have seen to much here to think otherwise."

"So, you trust zis Mr. Smith?"

"I don't know him, but I know OF him. He has been very generous -- VERY generous -- to my friends. M friend Seth and his brother Chris are nephews, and the Smiths let them stay rent free while they attend college. Not only them, but each of them has a -- well, a -- lover. And the allow them to stay as well." I said. How long do you think you can keep this a secret?"

"Vell, vith dis car in here, it vill be hard. Bobby vill surely see it when he comes in to drive hiss car. Um -- maybe you could take it -- somevere? Does Rennie know you vere coming zis morning?"

"I ALWAYS come. Renate. But no, he did not know specifically that I would be here."

"You take -- drive it somevere."

"I've got it!" I said. "I'll drive it -- to the Smith's. I'll talk to Seth and see what he thinks, then maybe to Chris, his older brother."

She handed me the keys. I continued. "I have to drive my car around the block so the guys won't see it. Then I'll come back and take this one away."

"Goot. You are such a goot boy!" She hugged me and broke into crying. Hard, stolid Renate had cracked.

When I arrived at the Smith's, it was still early. A dark complexioned old lady met me as I pulled into the driveway.

"I know you." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"You are Seth's fren. I know you."

"I AM Seth's friend." I said, totally amazed. I had never seen this woman. At least that I remembered.

"My boys are still getting' up. You gonna come in and have breakfast when they come down. Okie dokie?"

She left me no choice but to follow her into the side door. It led into a kitchen every bit as nice as the one at Rennie's house. It was obvious that the Smith's were not quite so flamboyant as Rennies family, but they had the bucks -- that was sure!

The kitchen was already smelling good. I sat where she (I learned later this was Etta) told me to sit. Pretty soon a very pretty girl came from the other room.

"Etta, do we have an intruder in the dining room?"

"No dis be a friend of Seth's." Etta said.

She put out her hand and I stood up. She took in all of my 77". "Oh yes! I remember you! You took care of Seth while he was recuperating from his -- accident. Leonard, isn't it? I'm Carrie."

"Wow! I'm sorry, but you people really have me at a loss. I have been here, but -- I don't remember meeting you - or - " I looked in Etta's direction.

"Etta." Carrie finished for me. "Well, I don't think you did meet us, but there are no secrets in the Smith house. Thank you for all you have done for Seth. You know he's pretty attached to another boy?"

Boy these people were also direct! "I do remember another guy -- small, dark with -- uh - "

"Blue hair?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

That would be Luke."

"I'm not here about - " I started.

"Carrie, are you terrorizing this boy -- oh! Leonard, isn't it? How nice to see you!" A very handsome woman said to me. "I'm Linda Smith. Are you here to see Seth?"

"He be here to see Mistah Smith." Etta said.

My mouth dropped open. After I retrieved it from the floor, I said, "How did you know that?"

Both Mrs. Smith and Carrie said, "Etta knows!"

"Etta knows." Etta reapeated. Mr. Smith entered, and introduced himself.

I sat down with Mr. Smith. "First of all, Mr. Smith," I started.

"Let me ask you something first, Leonard."

"Okay." I said.

"First, let me tell you that Seth is my nephew, and is like a son to me." I really had to wonder where this was going. "And of course so is his brother Chris. Colin is Chris's partner. You knew that, Right?" I nodded. "Did you know that Bobby is Colin's brother, and he used to live here too -- for a time?"

"No, sir I didn't." I replied, still wondering where he was going with all this.

"Well, I feel like he is part of the family as well." He looked at me as if to be trying to decide something. "Leonard -- that is what to call you, isn't it?"

"I really prefer Lenny."

"Good! Lenny, I, ah -- Well, let me put it this way. You are pretty close to Bobby's brother-in-law, aren't you?"


I nodded, knowing I was starting to almost shake visibly.

"Lenny, relax. You secret is safe here."

SECRET!!?? FUCK! What was he saying?

"Son, we have probably made some assumptions here, but you tell me if I'm wrong. You and Bobby's brother-in-law,"

"Rennie" I added.

"Yes. You and Rennie are -- uh -- partners. Is that correct?"

I turned scarlet. "I -- well -- yes, but how - "

"Like I said, it took some deductive reasoning. But not wholly so. You see son, at the funeral, you were very -- well, let's say, more than just an interested friend. From where I was sitting, I could see it, and son?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"I am sure your mother noticed it. I didn't know any of the deceased, so I was able to observe a lot. Your father might even have seen it, but if so, he was trying to ignore it."

"I've been worried about that sir."

"Please, the reason for all this is kind of silly. I surely didn't mean to cause you concern or pry. All I wanted to tell you is -- as far as I'm concerned -- Lenny, you're family. Please call me Jake -- or as all the others here -- Uncle Jake. And my wife is Lindy"

"Aunt Lindy, if you like!" She piped in, smiling.

I looked from one to the other and then back. I saw such love coming from their eyes. My eyes filled with tears. I finally spoke. "Sir -- ur -- uh = uh -- Uncle Jake, I came to ask your advice."

"Really!!??" He said.

"Yes. I had a feeling -- and now I'm sure that feeling was valid -- that I -- we -- could trust you."

I explained the whole situation as well as I could. He asked my permission to call and talk to Renate. After talking to her he told me, "It's all arranged. You, Rennie and Renate will come here for dinner tomorrow night. I will explain the situation to Rennie. It's really his decision. It sounds like everything -- the whole estate will go to him. If he wishes to share that with his brother-in-law, that will be his decision."

"But - " I started.

"No matter how fair or unfair it seems, family estates are sacred. We cannot do anything to try to color Rennie's decision. We don't know that there may have been a very good reason that his parents set it up the way they did. But it's my guess that they just didn't know -- or plan for this type of situation."

I told Rennie that I couldn't come over today. I was not confident that I could keep this secret from him. When I showed up at the Smith's the next night, he looked surprised to see me.

We all went into Uncle Jake's office and he shut the door. "Lawrence," Uncle Jake started, "I need to tell you that Renate has asked me for help. As I understand, she is like a member of your family." Rennie nodded. Lawrence -- may I call you Rennie?"

"Sure." Rennie said, almost like it was a question. I could see he was pretty bewildered about why he was even here.

"So, Rennie, At the request of your housekeeper -- Renate -- I have taken the liberty to have my attorney review your estate." I don't think that Rennie caught that he called it "your" estate. "Rennie, you parents were worth somewhere in the neighborhood of three billion dollars. Did you know this?"

"I never thought much about it, sir. I knew it was enough."

"Rennie, I want you to think about this very carefully." Uncle Jake looked deeply and questioningly into Rennie's eyes.

"Okay." He said simply.

"In your opinion, what was the intent of your parents will -- how would they have wanted it disbursed?"

"I'm confused, sir." Rennie said.

"Rennie, if you parents had not died so suddenly -- and if your sisters and nephew had not been casualties of the same accident -- how would you guess that your parents would split up the estate -- their fortune?"

Lennie looked at me, then back at Uncle Jake, then at Renate.

"I'm afraid I am really lost here, sir. Why are you asking me these questions."

"Rennie, Your parents will has left all of their disposable assets -- to you."

Ren looked first blankly at Uncle Jake, then got a stunned look on his face. "NO! Bobby was Joy's husband. I KNOW they loved him like he was my brother!"

"Okay, so here is the important thing, Rennie. You parents did not plan to have their children die at the same time as they did. In your opinion, would they have wanted you -- and your sisters' spouses taken care of?"

Rennie didn't pause even a moment. "Absolutely! And not only that, but Renate!"

Renate's head began to shake violently to say NO! "Zat was not vat zey vanted. Zey vould have included me in zair vill, if zey vanted to!" She insisted.

"Actually they DID want to, Renate. It was not quite true that Rennie got all of it. They provisioned enough to keep you comfortable the rest of your life, Renate. Didn't they ever tell you?"

Renate looked down. "Zey have hinted." She said quietly.

"Rennie, would you like me to have your lawyers meet with mine to iron out the details -- the way you prefer them?"

"I -- I guess."

"Do you understand what I am asking you?"

"I think so. You want to know what I think my parents would have wanted -- and -- um -- if I would trust you -- or your lawyers to work out the details?"

"That is correct."


"Okay. Now, I want to be there to kind of protect your interests and to maybe translate some of the legal mumbo-jumbo that the lawyers will throw at you. Is that okay with you?"


"Okay. I will ask my attorney to contact yours and we will all sit down together. Let me explain -- or maybe remind you of something: You are the sole and only survivor, according to your parents will. What you decide to do will be legal and in affect as soon as you sign the papers. Do you understand this?"

"I -- I -- Yes! I want for - "

"That can wait for our meeting with the lawyers, son. It is not necessary for all here to hear your wishes. Okay?"


Rennie seemed to be in almost a daze to me. I was not absolutely sure he did understand. After breakfast, and a happy reunion with Seth and Luke, I showed Rennie his new car. He was not too impressed. We drove separately back home -- or rather to Rennie's home. After we got into the house, Ren was very quiet. "What's up, Babe?" I asked him, after some time passed. "Are you okay?"

"I guess. It's just - " he clouded up and couldn't talk. I walked closer to him and he threw himself on me! "Lenny, I don't know what to do! I feel like Bobby should get half of the -- well -- everything -- and yet, I -- uh -- I just don't know." He started crying pretty hard.

"What's the matter little brother?" Bobby came into the living room. Ren looked at me with pleading eyes.

"He's just having a hard time today." I said simply.

"Aw, I know what that's about. Anything I can do, Ren? You know I'd do anything for you!"

Ren shook his head, but I beckoned to Bobby with my fingers. He came and put his arms around both of us. That gave Rennie permission to let it out.

"This isn't fair!" he blubbered. "I'm only eighteen! Why is this -- has this happened? Why would God do this to me -- us? I HATE him!"

"Nooooo, Noooo, Rennie," Bobby crooned, now crying too. "God didn't do it, baby. I know it's hard to understand -- why he lets things like this happen -- but it's part of his plan. He lets things happen. Then he helps us to be stronger. Mom and Dad, the others -- my little Jakey - " Bobby broke again and took several gasping breaths, "they're all alive, Rennie. They're ALIVE! If I didn't believe this, I wouldn't be able to go on. They are waiting for us -- I just know this!"

We stood there for several minutes, until we were finished crying. "You gonna be okay, Rennie?" Bobby asked.

"For now." He nodded.

"I need to go see someone. I'll be back later, k?" Bobby said.

"K". Said Rennie.

As soon as Bobby left, Ren took several deep breaths, and said, "You see? Bobby loves me. And Dammit, I love him too! I am so confused now. What am I gonna do?"

He looked pleadingly at me. I shrugged and then said, "Rennie -- babe -- (sigh) who do you trust?"

Without hesitation he said, "You!" Then he added, "And Bobby. But I can't ask him about this."

"And I can't tell you what to do either, Ren. But -- I can tell you this. I believe that you can trust Unc -- er -- Mr. Smith."

HE looked at me, then tilted his head. "So -- you think I should ask him what to do?"

"I think if you asked him, he could help you to decide what is best -- for you -- and for Bobby. I have to be honest though. Do you know what Bobby calls him?"


"Uncle Jake."

"That's what you started to call him just a moment ago. And I heard you call him that earlier today."

"It's a long story, but anyway, all the guys who live there call him that. Mr. -- uh -- Uncle Jake's son is married to Bobby's brother, and Bobby used to live there too. He asked me to call him that the other day, when I drove your car over there."

Rennie face lit up and he smiled, then grinned. I looked at my shirt, like maybe there was a booger on it or something. There wasn't. "What?" I asked

"I've never driven that car!"

"Oh! Okay -- do you want to -- now?" I was glad to see his change of mood.

"No hurry. But before I do, I want you to know something." His smile got bigger.

"What?!" I said, again feeling like I was left out of some joke.

"It's not mine."

"It IS. Renate told me - "

"It's your's."

"NO! You can't - "

"Yes -- I can!" He commanded. "You haven't forgotten -- I'm a Billionaire. I can!"

"But I can't let -"

"If you can't `let' me give you this -- how can I ever give you anything that -- that tells you how much I love you?"

"But -- but -"

"But what? Are you going to rob me of the joy I feel giving something to you?"

"Rennie!" I felt backed up against a wall. "I can't even drive it home. What would my parents think? I can't just drive it home and tell them that you gave it to me!"

"You're going to have to tell them about us someday. But I won't push you on that. Okay, you can leave it here -- in my garage. But only if I can drive it once in a while." He grinned his biggest grin so far.

Feeling defeated -- and silly -- and somewhat -- I guess the only word is proud. Or maybe it was false pride. No it was just pride -- I said, "Okay."

"And -- do I get a thank you?" He asked.

I took hold of his hand, pulled him into the hallway and pushed the button on the elevator -- to his room.

"OOO! You ARE going to thank me!" he quipped. "You know we can use any bedroom in the house! -- Well, except Bobby's."

The elevator door opened and I pulled him in. It opened opposite Rennie's room. He allowed me to lead him into the bedroom. I undressed him, and then myself. I rubbed his shoulders. Even after all this fun stuff, he was very tight. I worked my way down to his back and butt. I reached around and caressed his pecs, and his nips stood up at attention.

He turned around and kissed me full open mouth. Our tongues made love to each other, and my already hard and happy piece thumped his stomach. He giggled and thumped me back. Of course standing like we were, it thumped only my thighs. But I got the gist of it. I picked him up and gently laid him on the bed.

"I want to tell you something, Ren."


"The massage was my thanks. What comes next is a pure expression of my love. I don't ever want to think of it as a reward -- or thanks."

He looked at me seriously. "Okay." Then he added, "and -- Lets make a pact right now -- that we won't ever use sex -- or lack of it -- as punishment."

I looked deeply into his eyes. I really could not think quite that deep right then, but I agreed. We proceeded to make sweet, tender love with each other -- like we never had let ourselves before. Not that we did much -- we were still pretty new to this. I think I still liked -- well, loved -- the kissing the best. There was so much more for us to learn.

Notes: Any comments may be addressed to Steve and Ken, s4d@hotmail.com

Bottom line: Love will Rule in the end.

Next: Chapter 8

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