Life with Daddy Bear

By Chris Michael

Published on Nov 9, 2019


Life with Daddy Bear Part 9 By Always Horny

This story is about a relationship between consenting adults. The terms "Daddy" and "Son" are meant as indicators of dominant and submissive roles, much like "Bear" and "Cub" would be. The characters are not related.

We got in daddy's car (not his truck, the "fuck wagon" as he called it) because he said the car was more appropriate. He had called ahead and spoken to Brother Michael. When we got to the monastery a young monk greeted us at the door. He introduced himself as Brother Will and said, please follow me Brother Michael is waiting for you in his study.

When we got to the study, Brother Michael greeted us and said. Hello Drew, so nice to see you again.

How are you feeling? "Very well, Brother."

"And you must be Glen. You said on the phone that you wanted to have a chat with me Glen. What can I do for you?"

"Drew", daddy said, "would you mind terribly if I had a word in private with Brother Michael".

"Of course not Glen".

Brother Michael rang a little bell on his desk. " Brother Will, would you please show Drew into our lounge while I have a little chat with Glen. Thank You".

When they were alone Brother Michael closed the study door and asked Glen to take a seat.

"What's on your mind Glen?"

Glen was quiet for a moment, then cleared his throat and said, "Brother I have been very close friends with Andre for many years. I am very familiar with the more specialized medical care that he occasionally provides to his patients. Can I be candid with you Brother? "Please do Glen".

"I know about the care that Andre provided Drew last week and the monastery's part in it."

"I figured you would hear of it Glen. Andre had assured me that you were a close friend and vouched for your discretion. We don't engage in that kind of assistance with people outside the order very much.

Treating Drew was an exception granted to Andre because of our relationship with him. Before we go further, I must ask that anything said or done within the abbey walls go no further. We require absolute discretion".

"You have my assurance Brother, that neither I nor Drew will ever disclose what happens in the abbey with anyone else, period".

"Ok then, please proceed with your thoughts".

"Well Brother, you may have surmised or been told outright that I was the person who inflicted Drew's injuries to his buttocks. We are two adults who deeply love one another. We sometimes engage in spanking as part of our love life. I hope that's not too scandalous to disclose, Brother?"

"Not at all proceed."

"First let me say that I am exceedingly grateful for the kind care that you and the other brothers provided for Drew while I was away. Second, I'm deeply ashamed for having brutalized him so badly. It was accidental. I had taken safe word precautions with Drew prior to the spanking, but, you see, Drew likes to please me, Bother, if I may be so frank with you, and I think that he didn't use the safe word because he thought not doing so would please me. But that's no excuse, as the disciplinarian, I know that I bear complete responsibility for Drew's injuries. I've apologized to Drew over and over, and he keeps saying that he understands it was accidental and not to worry about it."

Once it was clear that Glen had finished speaking, Brother Michael said, "Your welcome Glen. I sense that you want to say more? Perhaps unburden yourself of your guilt? I will listen attentively Glen, but first let me be perfectly and utterly blunt. That will facilitate our discussion. What we did for Drew and to him were sexual acts. All the monks in our order know this plainly. In fact our order quietly but tacitly acknowledges that sexual activity happens within abbey walls, thrives even".

"You see Glen, for many years homosexuality in monastic life was hidden, hushed up, never acknowledged. This led to vile abuses, rapes of younger monks by older monks, excessive floggings, and worse. Our founding brother was a wise and visionary man. He introduced a secret covenant to our vows, said in secret by young novices, that acknowledges our humanity and sexuality, and also our sexual needs. We cloak discussion of sexual matters in euphemistic language to remind us to be discreet. We call having sex "assisting one another"; spanking and corporal punishment is called, "penance", "semen is called "essence". We also practice certain rituals that include a sexual component. But having said all that, we are primarily a plain ordinary order of monks with all of the attendant spiritual and religious missions. The sexual practices that take place here are tightly regulated, we have certain rules. For example the administration of "penance", spanking or corporal punishment, is done in such a way that the recipient of said penance is never really injured beyond a trifling amount; a day or two of living with a sore bottom, that's it. Do you wish me to share the details of how we administer penance, Glen? I feel you may benefit from it, and it would save Drew from future injury.

You see, Glen, you can swear off spanking Drew, but soon he will crave it. The spanking is Drew's kink, more than yours Glen, am I right?"

Glen was stunned by Brother Michael's insight into the inner workings his and Drew's relationship.

Brother Michael was no doubt a top here at the abbey, and a very powerful and seductive one at that.

He would have submissives like Drew eating out of the palm of his hand! Glen said, "I appreciate your candor, Brother Michael. It is true that the spanking is Drew's kink more than mine and we both know it. I would indeed be very grateful for any tips on the safe play that you describe".

"Excellent", said Brother Michael. "You see Glen, and forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know, the anticipation of punishment is often more stimulating than the punishment itself, as is the feeling of dread, also. A certain amount of pain can be pleasant, if accompanied by sexual release; orgasm. We have a particularly painful and dreaded punishment that is also very temporary and fades on its own quickly. Have you ever heard of figging, Glen? Glen had another moment of dumbfounded incredulity at the high level of kink in the culture of this monastery. "I have indeed heard of it, Brother. It is the application of peeled ginger root to a subs anus.

I hear it's very painful."

Yes, said Brother Michael, it is very painful, but also very sexually stimulating, and the effects are temporary as well, typically twenty minutes after the ginger is removed the pain is gone. But ginger root has another property that aids in safety. If coupled with light corporal punishment it has the effect of making an ordinary hand spanking much more painful than usual, and will make a penitent very lustful for anal sex. It is quite gratifying for both the penitent and the disciplinarian. Would you like to see a demonstration of this particular method now? Heck, why not! "I would appreciate that Brother".

He rang the bell and Brother Will reappeared. "Brother Will you are in a position to assist our guest.

Would you mind if we moved your penance up from this evening to right now?"

"No Brother Michael", Will said, swallowing nervously.

"And can you confirm that you wish for and consent to physical penance instead of extra work assignments?"

"Yes, Brother Michael, I wish for physical penance."

"Excellent" said Brother Michael. "Go and get what you need to get and return at once."

"Yes, Brother Michael."

Brother Will scurried off and returned with a tray covered with a cloth.

"Disrobe yourself Brother", Brother Michael ordered.

"Now disrobe me."

"Now disrobe our guest".

Brother Will approached me looking downward and asked "with sir's permission?"

I said, "Yes please Brother, go ahead".

Apparently, I'm going to be a participant as well as an observer, Glen thought. Brother Will proceeded and when he saw Glen's stiff cock, he gasped.

Brother Michael chuckled, "Please forgive Brother Will, Glen. He is astonished at the size of your penis, as am I", he said with a slight smile. "Okay Will, carry on."

Brother Will knelt before Brother Michael and said, "Brother I seek absolution for falling asleep during morning prayers last week and for being on the internet on the Sabbath also."

'And what do you think you be appropriate punishment, Will?"

"I should take the root and be given 100 spanks."

"Very well" said Brother Michael.

Will then bent over the arm of a couch in the study.

Brother Michael, went slowly and casually to the tray and took a peeled piece of fresh ginger root out of a bowl of water. The ginger root was expertly carved into the shape of a large dildo plug, complete with a tapered end for the anus to close around after insertion.

"As an extra penance, we make the recipient of the root do the carving beforehand."

"Holy fuck!" thought Glen.

"Brother Will, I will now administer your penance."

Brother Michael then parted Brother Will's ass cheeks slowly but firmly shoved the peeled root up Brother Will's ass.

"Assume the position, Brother".

Brother Michael sat on the couch and Brother Will got down on the floor on hands and kneed in front of Brother Michael. He then backed up and Brother Michael arranged Will in the "Wheelbarrow spanking"


"This position ensures that I can strike each ass cheek without accidentally hitting the root, Glen"

"Wow that was a valuable tip" Glen thought.

Then instead of starting the spanking Brother Michael waited for the ginger juice to do its magic. Once Will started whimpering, Brother Michael applied the first spank to will's right cheek, with a load crack.

then the left. Brother Michael alternated cheeks slowly,

Crack! Crack! Crack, Crack! The spanks made Brother Will clench is buttocks intensifying the effect of the ginger.

"Oh Brother Michael, Will wailed, it burns, it burns, oh have mercy!' "Now Will the root will come out when the spanking is over, you know that!"

Brother William, continued his merciless onslaught of Will's cute little ass; Spank, spank, spank, spank... on and on it went.

Brother Will was breathing heavily and crying and squealing, begging Brother Michael for mercy, but Glen also observed that Will's cock was also very hard, and oozing precum.

At long last Michael ceased the spanking, and gently prized the ginger out of Will's anus.

"Oh Brother Michael, I'm so sorry, please forgive me!"

Brother Michael kissed the top of Will's head and stroked his back saying, "It's okay my son, I forgive you, it's all over now" as he wiped away Will's tears. "How do you feel Brother, do you need release?"

"Yes, Brother Michael".

Brother Michael looked at me meaningfully and said, "As you are our guest Glen, I invite you to offer solace to Brother Will, if you so desire, it's entirely up to you."

"Holy shit!" thought Glen, he is inviting me to fuck Will!"

Mindful of consent, Glen asked Will if he desired this.

"Oh yes sir, I want it very much" Will said, eyeing Glen's large appendage.

"Do you have lube?" Gen asked.

"It's over on the tray."

"Please be gentle with him Glen, he has never before taken such a large cock."

"Of course, Brother, I'll be very gentle."

Will was on hands and knees in the "Doggy Style" position. Glen lubed up his cock and applied lube to Brother Will's anus, probing it with his fat finger. Brother Will, moaned loudly, "Please sir, slake my desire, I beg you."

After stretching the young man with first one, then two, then three fingers Glen felt Will was ready. He nudged his bulbous cock head against the boy's anus. Will opened his hole and allowed Glen's monster cock to enter. Glen kept gently pushing until he was in all the way.

"Are you okay, Brother? Glen asked.

"Oh' yes, sir please assist me!"

Glen proceeded to slowly but thoroughly plough the young monk's hole.

Will moaned and squealed in rapturous delight as Glen fucked him, "Oh goodness!, oh goodness!, thank you sir!" thank you sir!"

Brother Michael commented, "Now Will, you're being much too vocal, penance is supposed to be discreet!" Here this should keep your mouth busy, and shoved his cock into Will's mouth.

Glen continued to fuck Brother will with steady strokes, eventually picking up speed. "God", Glen thought "this boy has a tight little hole". Glen could feel Will tightening his hole even more. Will was moaning and groaning as he sucked away on Brother Michael's cock.

"I think Brother Will is close to release, Glen. It would be a kindness if you could assist him."

"Damn this monk sure is bossy", Glen thought, but did what he was asked, reaching down and encircling the boy's hardon him his large hand. He started to fuck Will hard and very deep, Will was going wild, in the throes of sexual bliss. Glen milked the boy's cock expertly and within as short time Glen felt the anal spasming of the boy's climax. Glen continued his onslaught of the monk's soft and tender ass, still very pink from the spanking. Looking down at the boy's virginal young ass set Glen off and he came, shooting deep within Brother Will. Glen left his still-hard cock buried inside the monk until he had succeeded in sucking off Brother Michael. Glen eased out after Michael had his orgasm.

Both of Will's holes filled.

After the vigorous spit roasting of Will was over, he knelt with his eyes cast downward. "Thank you Brother Michael and Master Glen for my penance and assistance", he said.

"You're welcome Brother. Now remember that as exhilarating as your penance was today, you are not to disclose any part of your penance with your brother monks, understood?"

"Yes Brother Michael."

"Now please assist our guest".

Brother Will went over to another small bowl on the tray and gently wrung out a face cloth. He went over to Glen and asked, "May I cleanse you sir?"

Yes, please do Brother, at which point Will cleaned Glen's cock and gave it a few sucks as a finale. Then he cleaned Brother Michael's cock in the same fashion.

"Hmmm, thought Gen, I'm definitely adding this cleanup part to Drew's play instructions."

"Thank, you Brother", Michael said. "Please dress and retire to your room for quiet contemplation until dinner time".

After Brother Will had left, and we had dressed, Brother Michael said. "I apologize for putting you on the spot concerning Will's gratification, Glen. I'm fond of the boy and I knew that being fucked by such a large man as yourself would be a special treat for him. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all Brother, and after the hospitality that you extended to Drew this week, it's the least I could do. Can I make a donation to the monastery in return for your care of Drew?"

"Andre has already done that Glen, but I'll tell you what, why don't you and Drew attend our upcoming retreat weekend at the end of the month? If you feel so inclined you can make a donation at that time".

"I'll do that Brother."

"Excellent, I'll ring for Drew now."

On the ride home, Gen asked, "Do you think our sex life is kinky, Drew?"

Sure Daddy, a little bit" Drew responded, Well son, I'm here to tell you we're just plain vanilla compared to those monks. Plain vanilla.

To Be Continued......

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Next: Chapter 10

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