Lifes Discoveries

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Mar 29, 2001


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. The characters are real people but are being written in fictional situations. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: I'd like to know what you think, email me at

QUICK NOTE: Go check out my webpage, it is called Healthy Obsession, there are a few stories on it that don't get posted on Nifty.

Life's Discoveries Chapter 11 By: Kelly

Kevin stirred the next morning as the sunlight began to stream through the curtains in Nick's room. The rain had finally stopped after pouring all night. He tried to sit up from laying on his back, but quickly realized someone had him in a tight embrace. Kevin lowered his head to see Nick cuddled, half on top of him, his head pressed into his chest and his arms around Kevin's body.

Kevin had to smile, despite what had happened yesterday, the sight of Nick wrapped around him, the fact that he was in bed with Nick, and all of this was exactly what Kevin had been waiting for, for the past years. It really didn't seem to matter now how it had all came about. He placed a kiss on top of Nick's blond head and was awarded with a small snuggle.

Nick began to wake up and he lessened his hold on Kevin. He moved away from him slightly and stretched. He looked up at Kevin and smiled, but then he began to look a little nervous.

"Mornin' Kev."

"Good morning Nick." Kevin said softly, and smiled.

Nick looked surprised. "You aren't upset with me?"

"No! Not at all! Why would I be?"

"I don't know... I mean, between what happened last night, the whole thing outside, then me making you stay, finding out the way you did..." Nick trailed off.

Kevin sat up. "Listen Nick, last night was not great, actually it was pretty miserable. But some good did come out of it."

Nick sat up and crossed his legs indian style. "You think?" He asked softly.

Kevin sat up also. He reached out a hand and lightly stroked down Nick's shoulder and arm. "Last night I heard the words I've dreamt of hearing for years now. Nick, I would have suffered anything for that."

Nick melted. "Have you really been in love with me for over 3 years?"

Kevin blushed slightly. "Yes..."

"Why didn't you ever say anything to me?" Nick asked. "Was it because you were still coming to terms with your sexuality?"

"No, not really, if I had thought I had a chance, I would have spoke up a lot sooner. It was simply the fact that I never knew you were gay. How come you never told us?" Kevin questioned.

"Since the group began, I've been searching for the courage to tell you all, I just could never find it." Nick admitted.

"Not even when you found out about me?" Kevin continued.

"My first concern was to make sure you were alright, and then, as I began to fall for you, I was just to nervous. I assumed you'd never be interested in me, age difference and all, so I didn't tell you in a feeble attempt to keep from falling in love to deep." Nick confessed.

"Are you ready to take that risk?" Kevin asked.

"What do you mean?" Nick questioned.

"I love you Nick and I want you to be able to fall as deep in love with me as you can. The risk isn't as bad as you thought it was." Kevin explained.

"Do you think the two of us actually have a chance?" Nick worried.

"As much a chance as any two people, more even, because we already know each other so well." Kevin said, confidently.

Nick looked at Kevin with hope on his face. "Kevin... would you, I mean could you consider... you and I... the two of us..."

"Nick, are you asking me to be your boyfriend?"

Nick was at a loss for the appropriate words, so he simply nodded his head.

"Yes." Kevin stated.

"Yes?" Nick asked.

"Yes. Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend." Kevin smiled.

Nick's face lit up in utter joy. "I... I... I..." Complex words were still escaping Nick. So he did the next best thing to express what he was feeling at the moment.

Nick leaned into Kevin, gently wrapped his arms around him, and kissed him full on the mouth.

Kevin nearly swooned. He never imagined accurately how wonderful it would be to kiss Nick.

Words finally came back to Nick. He sat back again and looked at Kevin. "What happens now?"

"Well... a couple things I guess. We really need to talk to AJ and Lance about what they pulled last night. And then I guess, we need to talk to the guys, let them know what's going on between the two of us."

Nick went a little pale. "We're going to tell them?"

"It isn't something we are going to be able to hide very well, not if we want to have a serious relationship. I know you are nervous about telling the others you are gay, but there are really only two choices. You can finally let everyone know the truth, or we can lose this chance we've both been waiting for."

Nick thought for a minute. Finally admit everything to the rest of the guys, or lose Kevin. The choice was hard, but painfully obvious. "I'll let them know, for you."

"Thank you Nick." Kevin broke into a big grin. "Let's get showered and everything and then we can go find AJ and Lance, and give those two rascals a piece of our minds."

AJ and Lance sat nervously on the couch in the basement. A very stern Kevin had suggested their presence a few minutes ago, and the two of them knew exactly what it was about. They were about to get yelled out, hardcore, for what they pulled last night.

Kevin and Nick walked into the basement and sat down on the other couch.

"If we start off by saying we're sorry, will it lessen the amount of yelling you will do?" AJ asked, hopelessly.

"Yes." Kevin smirked.

"Really?" AJ was shocked.

"Yes." Nick laughed.

"Well then, we are really, really sorry." AJ spurted out.

"Yes we are." Lance finally spoke. "But we were only trying to help."

"We know that." Kevin said. "And that's why we aren't going to kill the two of you."

"But it was really shitty to betray our confidences like that guys. You were trying to do good, but it wasn't very nice to go around telling secrets." Nick added.

"We see that now." Lance said.

"Are you two okay?" AJ asked.

Kevin and Nick looked at each other and smiled sappily. AJ and Lance caught it and immediately recognized it for what it was.

"You mean despite how fucked up our plan ended up being, it worked?!?" AJ exclaimed.

Kevin and Nick just smiled goofily again.

"No wonder you two aren't extremely mad, how could you be? You finally got what you wanted!" Lance said, excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess we did." Nick responded.

"So are we forgiven?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, you are totally forgiven, just don't pull shit like that again, okay?" Kevin answered.

"Of course." Lance offered.

"No problem, and guys? Congratulations." AJ smiled at his friends.

"Thanks AJ." Kevin and Nick said in unison.

Just then Lance's cell phone rang. He stood up from the couch and went to the other side of the room to answer it.

Nick turned to AJ. "Wanna go play pool for awhile? You haven't kicked my ass in weeks."

"Sure, that okay with you Kev?" AJ turned toward Kevin.

"We're dating, I'm not his keeper." Kevin said, jokingly. "Really though, go ahead, I need to speak to Lance anyway."

AJ and Nick headed for the stairs, but on hidden instinct, Nick turned back to Kevin quickly gave him a peck on the lips before heading upstairs.

"If you are going to do a lot of cutesy things like that, warn me now, I'll spend less time at your place." AJ joked as the headed for the pool room.

Nick responded by smacking him up the side of the head, but his smile never faded.

Lance finished his phone call and headed back to the couch. He sighed as he sat down.

"Everything okay?" Kevin asked, as he sat down next to him.

"That was J.C., he was calling me to say we have to be at some concert event tomorrow. Management just springed it on us. I need to go back to Orlando ASAP." Lance said, sadly.

"That sucks, I'm sorry." Kevin answered.

"Hey, you know as well as I do, it's all part of the job. I better go pack my stuff up."

"Wait a second. I want to say thanks Lance, for everything you did. I'm really glad you came. I'm going to miss you."

"I'm glad I was able to help, and I'm really sorry about what happened last night. "I'm gonna miss ya too, but we'll all keep in touch, right?"

"Totally. Do you need help getting your stuff together or anything?" Kevin asked.

"Nah, I'll pack up real quick, it's not much. Then I'll say good bye to everyone."

"Cool." Kevin and Lance gave a quick hug, and then Lance went off to get ready to leave.

Lance said his good-byes to everyone. And then he was gone. The boys were hanging in the living room. Nick and AJ had settled on the floor in front of the television to play Jedi Power Battles on PlayStation. Howie had picked up a magazine and had relaxed on the couch to read it.

Brian shyly turned towards Kevin. "Kev?"

"What's up Rok?" Kevin asked, turning towards his cousin.

"Can we go somewhere and talk?"

"Sure Bri, wanna go down to the basement? Or maybe up to your room?" Kevin offered.

"How about my room? That okay?"

"Sure, let's go."

Brian and Kevin headed upstairs to the guest room.

"What do you want to talk about?" Kevin asked, after they had sat down on the bed, pretending he had no clue.

"Well, to say it straight out, I wanna talk about how I've been treating you lately." Brian responded.

"Alright..." Kevin said slowly.

"Do you want to know why I treated you the way I did? Do you really?" Brian asked softly.

"Yes." Kevin was dying for a reason for the way he had been treated.

"I've never in my life done anything without you. Think about it. Did I ever play a sport you weren't involved with first? I would have never taken up basketball if you didn't encourage me to try out for the pee wee leagues when we were little." Brian began in a serious tone.

"Brian...." Kevin started.

"No! Let me finish! And how about meeting new people? Everyone I knew was originally friends of yours, or the younger siblings of, and even they were introduced by you. And Leighanne? You introduced us on the set that day, because I didn't have the balls to go up and talk to her myself. Everything Kev, everything.... Especially the group..." Brian was getting emotional.

"You got in that fair and on your own, just like the rest of us." Kevin forced in.

"No Kevin. You know all my life that I wanted to perform. You used to tell me about all those auditions and things I'd be perfect for, but I never went, I couldn't, you weren't gonna be there too. The only reason I even had the guts to fly to Florida was because you were already in the BSB. I would have never gone if you weren't there. And if I had got in and you hadn't, I would have gone home to Kentucky. I can't do anything unless I'm in your shadow." Brian admitted, in a morose voice.

"Brian, that's not true..." Kevin tried again.

"YES IT IS!!!! Why do you think I wanted the double wedding so much?? I'm scared shitless to go through this alone!!! I need you to be doing it to! I don't give a shit that you're gay!!! You can be fucking Nick for all I care, as long as you're happy, I just can't do this alone!!!!" Brian insisted loudly.

"You do love Leighanne, right? You're not just marrying her cause I was gonna marry Kristin?" Kevin asked softly.

"Yes... I really do love her...." Brian nearly whispered, his eyes glazing over. "I really want to be with her forever, but this is such a big step, I'm so scared."

"Oh Brian... I don't know what to say. I wish there was some way I could fix this. But I can't marry Kristin." Kevin felt so bad for Brian.

"I know that Kev... I understand now. And I'm sorry I demanded such things from you. I was talking to Nick, and we figured out it wasn't the fact that you were gay that was upsetting me so much, just the fear. I'm really sorry for everything I did." Brian apologized.

"It's okay Brian... I'll get over it. I wish there was something I could do to help you, and I'll try to think of something. But right now, I'm just happy you don't hate me and that you support me."

"I do Kevin, I do support you. I'll be here for you now."

"Good, because there is something I need to talk to everyone about, and this will go a lot smoother if you're okay with me."

"Why don't you talk to us all now. Nobody was doing anything."

"I think I'll wait until after dinner, it's kinda big."

"Alright... is everything between us okay now?"

"Not perfect Rok, but damn close." Kevin smiled at his cousin.

Brian smiled back. Then they shared the first hug they'd had in a long time, and headed back downstairs.

The boys all had dinner together and while Kevin and Nick were doing the dishes they decided to tell everyone tonight. So when the were done they gathered everyone in the living room.

"What's up guys? Everything alright?" Howie asked, as they all sat down.

"Yeah, actually everything's really good. We just have some news for you three, well two actually, AJ kinda already knows." Kevin started.

AJ smiled knowingly.

"You gonna tell us? Or what?" Howie pressed jokingly.

Kevin looked at Nick, who nodded softly, and the took a deep breath. "Well, this may come as a small shock, but as of this morning, Nick and I are dating."

Kevin and Nick held there breathes in anticipation of their friend's responses.

"What?" Howie and Brian said in unison.

"I for one think it's great." AJ threw in. "They're a perfect match if you ask me."

"But Nick's not gay!" Howie stated.

"Says who?" Nick asked, with a chuckle.

"You!" Howie answered.

"I never said I wasn't gay." Nick defended himself.

"Well you never said you were." Brian said softly, with a small amount of hurt in his voice. "You certainly never said anything to me, and I'm your best friend."

"I never told anyone Frick, I was always to afraid to. Until yesterday, only one person knew, AJ, and he found out by accident years ago." Nick explained.

"But..." Brian was confused.

"I was always afraid of losing you, otherwise you would have been the first person I told Frick." Nick tried to smooth this over.

"You could never lose me Frack."

"Does this mean you are alright with this?" Kevin asked Brian.

"I guess so... It will definitely take some getting used to... And if either of you hurt the other I'll kill you... But I guess, as long as your happy I'm okay with it." Brian responded.

"What about you Howie?" Nick questioned.

"It sure is a shock, but as Brian said, as long as you two are happy, it's all cool." Howie answered. "Just don't let it fuck with work."

"We won't, promise." Nick responded.

"Good." Howie grinned at them. "Imagine this... who woulda thought."

"Yeah... who woulda." Brian agreed.

AJ raised his hand. "Me! And I thought about it even before they did!"

Everyone laughed.

"Does this mean life is back to normal?" Kevin asked.

The rest of the group nodded.

"Great! Can we please get to work on the new album then?!?" Kevin pleaded.

He was rewarded with a mixture of groans and laughs from the guys.

"Yep, life is definitely back to normal!" AJ laughed.

And it was.

Two Months Later

The new album was practically done, the boys had returned a few days ago from a trip to the Bahamas where they had gotten massive amounts of work down. They were beginning plans for a huge promotion for the new CD and everyone was really excited about the upcoming tour. They had the next few days off and most of the guys were spending it at home. Kevin was the one exception, he had opted to join Nick at his house in Tampa for a few days.

Tonight was going to be a special night for Nick and Kevin. They had decided, after waiting two months, that tonight was going to be the night.

They had spent the day together out on Nick's boat, enjoying the sunshine, fishing, and swimming. They left early in the evening for a romantic dinner out and the came home early to spend the night in.

Both Nick and Kevin were very anxious about what was going to happen. Kevin, because it would be his first time having sex with a man and Nick, because it was Kevin's first time. They both wanted everything to go perfectly.

Together, they put silk sheets on Nick's bed and lit scented candles around the room. Excitement was quickly filling the air and neither of them knew how much longer they could wait.

Finally Nick turned towards Kevin. "I know I've asked you this a zillion times, but are you sure you're ready for this? It is a big step and all, especially it being your first time."

Kevin smiled softly at Nick. "I promise you I'm ready. And I have had sex before."

"This is a little different then what you are used to Boo." Nick smirked.

"I know. But I am ready. I want you to show me everything you can. Plus, it's not like we haven't done anything yet." Kevin mentioned.

"Trust me, no hand job or blow job compares to what we are going to do tonight." Nick responded. "But if you're sure..."

Kevin showed Nick how sure he was by pulling him close to his body and tilting his head towards Nick's. He lowered his lips to Nick's lips and began to kiss him softly.

Nick broke away after a minute or so. "I love you so much Kevin."

Kevin grinned at Nick. "I know Sweetie, I know. I love you too."

Nick gathered Kevin in his arms and pulled him close. An emotion swelled between them. It was so strong it struck the breath out of Kevin and made his chest ache. He muttered an involuntary, wordless noise. His fingers momentarily relaxed in the cloth of Nick's shirt, where they rested, only to grip it tighter and draw him closer.

Nick pulled them towards the bed and laid Kevin down on it. He then laid down on top of him. Kevin arched his back, not in an attempt to throw Nick off, but to get closer to him. Nick sank his fingers in Kevin's dark hair, tilted his own blond head, and pressed his mouth against Kevin's. Kevin's lips were parted and moist and responsive. Nick sent his tongue deep into Kevin's mouth.

Frenzied, Kevin worked his arms out of his sports coat and locked them behind Nick's neck. Nick raised his head suddenly and looked down at Kevin. There was a nervousness in his eyes, but the emerald irises were crystal clear as they faithfully gazed back at him. Kevin knew exactly what he was doing. And that's all Nick needed to know.

Nick ran his thumb over Kevin's lips, which were damp and swollen from his hard kiss. All he could think about was kissing him again, adamantly, and he did.

Kevin's throat was curved and susceptible to Nick's lips when they left his. Nick drew his skin tightly around his teeth and then caressed it with grazes from his tongue. Nick nuzzled Kevin's ear and the base of his neck, and when his clothing got in the way, he pulled Kevin to a seated position and loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, before discarding both on the floor. Nick slid Kevin's tee-shirt over his head and through that to the floor also.

As they lay back down, their breathing was resounding and jagged, competing only with the stereo that played softly. Nick's fingers fluttered over Kevin's flesh, which was heated and glowing with arousal. He cupped a pectoral and took the nipple between his lips. He sucked it with enough pressure to evoke a quiver in Kevin's groin, but with enough discernment to provoke. When the nipple drew taunt, Nick flicked it roughly with the tip of his tongue.

Kevin cried his name in alarm and rapture. Nick buried his face in Kevin's chest and held him close as he rolled him above him and then fought his way out of his own sports coat at the same time. Kevin began tearing at the buttons on his dress shirt. Nick unzipped and unbuttoned Kevin's pants, shoved them down past his hips and then completely off. Kevin ran his fingertips over the smooth, hairless skin of Nick's chest, dropped kisses on his slight, and rubbed his cheek across the soft flesh.

They reversed positions again. Kevin managed to get his shoes and socks before Nick stretched out on top of him. Nick placed his hand low on Kevin's stomach and slid it down into his boxers. Nick's hand entirely covered Kevin's crotch, possessively. He gave Kevin's manhood a few light caresses, before removing the boxers completely.

When Kevin moaned his pleasure, Nick bent his head and kissed his stomach. He nuzzled the dark hair between his thighs and then touched Kevin's semi-erect penis with the tip of his tongue. Clumsily, Nick undid his fly and removed his own pants and underpants. He took Kevin's hand and pressed it to his crotch. Kevin closed his fist around it and began to stroke slowly. Nick returned to Kevin's cock. He ran his tongue along the underside of the shaft before engulfing the entire length. He suckled until Kevin was tumescent and throbbing. Nick then removed his mouth and stood up. He went to the dresser next to the bed and grabbed a small bottle of lube. He returned to where Kevin still laid.

Nick applied some lube to his finger and slowly inserted it inside Kevin. He looked at Kevin for any resistance. There was none. So he slowly eased his finger in and out, loosening him. He added another finger, and then a third, repeating the same slow, smooth actions. Nick then picked up the lube bottle again and applied some to his manhood.

Finally Nick straddled Kevin once again, nudging his thighs apart and settling between them. The smooth tip of Nick's penis slipped between the folds of Kevin's body. He looked up at Kevin again. Kevin nodded slowly. Nick gave a steady, smooth thrust of his hips and slid into Kevin halfway. Levering himself up, he looked at Kevin once more.

"You sure...?"

Kevin's breath was choppy, and his eyelids flickered in an effort to stay focused on Nick. He was making tiny yearning noises in the back of his throat. His hands moved restlessly, searchingly, over Nick's chest, neck, and cheeks. His fingertips smoothed over his lips.

The complete sexiness of all of that and the silky heat that was gloving him so tightly was Nick's undoing. He applied more pressure and sank into Kevin completely. Kevin's ragged sigh of surprise and discovery was the most erotic thing Nick had ever heard. It inflamed him.

"Kevin." Nick groaned. "You feel amazing."

Kevin could not answer, but the desire radiating from him told Nick all he was feeling.

Sexual instincts quickly took over and Nick moved his hips against Kevin's with the age old obligation to possess and fill. Nick lowered his head and kissed Kevin with as much intensity as he was feeling. Nick took his hand, still slightly slick with lube, and lowered it to Kevin's penis. He began to stroke along with the rhythm he was entering and exiting Kevin.

Their climaxes were avalanches of sensation. It seemed to go on forever, but it still wasn't enough.

A half an hour passed before Nick could raise himself from Kevin. He didn't move far, immediately laying next to Kevin and gathering him in his arms. Kevin turned to face him and they kissed softly.

"That was amazing." Kevin whispered, to drained to speak any louder.

"Yes it was, thank you." Nick responded, just as quietly.

They laid there and rested for a few minutes, before getting up to shower so they wouldn't have to sleep messy. When they returned to bed, Nick laid his head on Kevin's chest and Kevin wrapped his arms around Nick.

"I love you Kevin."

"I love you too Nick, so much."

Nick nuzzled into Kevin and was prepared to fall asleep.


"Yeah Kev?" Nick answered sleepily.

"I think I finally found a way for Brian to go through with his marriage, the way he wanted it to be."

"Really? How's that?"

Kevin reached his hand under his pillow and felt for something he had stored there when Nick was still in the shower. "Nick Carter, would you make me the happiest man on the face of this earth and marry me?"

Well, that's it for now. Only one chapter left to go. Gee, wonder what Nick will answer... hmmm... any suggestions? Okay, hope you all enjoyed it! Hasta la Bye Bye!

Next: Chapter 12

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