Local Service

By Derek W

Published on Sep 5, 2014


Local Service by Derek W omksc@yahoo.com

Part 8

This story contains authoritarian themes. If that doesn't interest you, please move on. Email me with any comments; always happy to hear from readers. Donate to nifty! Visit http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html


Chad slowly swiveled his neck to look at me. He snorted. Pointed at the floor in front of the couch. "Get the fuck off, faggot." I slid off the couch onto the floor. He kicked me in the face lightly, then planted his sock-covered foot on the back of my head and pushed down. "I want to stretch my legs. Make yourself useful. See if you can manage to be my footstool without fucking up."

I scampered over and planted myself on my hands and knees in front of the couch. Chad leaned all the way back and stretched his legs out across my lower back. My arms were still sore from being tied up all night, so I wasn't sure how long I was going to be able to hold myself up with his weight on my back.

Danny said, "That looks comfortable." I looked over, he was grinning mischievously in the other chair. Then he stood, walked over, plopped down on the couch next to Chad. "So," he said as he threw his feet up onto my back, "have you bent this bitch over yet?"

"Nah, I'm not into that."

"Really? Dude, you should try it. The last cocksucker I had, man, that little bitch had the tightest hole. Felt great."

"Do you always do that? I thought you just used them as cocksuckers."

"At first that was all I did. Then last year I had a cocksucker that used to beg me to fuck him. After a few months I got tired of listening to him fucking whine about it all the time. Threw him over the table and fucked his hole like crazy, just to shut the bitch up. I have to say, it was a super tight fuck, felt great. Plus it was nice not having to worry if I was going too fast or too hard, I could just do whatever I wanted. Since then, I'll fuck my cocksucker when I'm in the mood for something more than a blow job."

"Huh," Chad said. "Whaddya know."

"You might wanna think about it."

"Yeah, I don't know. You can definitely fuck him if you want."

"Yeah?" Danny said. "Should we ask him if he's into it?"

"Well, I don't personally give a fuck what he's into, but if it'll make you feel better we can ask him. Cocksucker!" Chad shouted, and brought his foot down hard on my back. "Kiss Danny's foot if you want him to fuck you."

I thought about it. I really really loved sucking cock, but I liked getting fucked too. I was looking down at the floor. In my mind's eye I remembered the previous day, when Danny walked into the room naked, his incredible body. Thought about the power of that dick and that muscular frame pounding into me. Danny's foot was resting on the back of my neck. I twisted my head back, but of course I couldn't reach his foot.

Danny lifted his foot up and held it in the air. I leaned forward and kissed the bottom of it. This made them both crack up for some reason. Chad muttered something under his breath, I couldn't tell what he said. Then they laughed and Danny brought his foot back down on my neck.

I looked down at the floor and thought about the day ahead of me.


Surprisingly, we stayed like that for quite a while. Chad was flicking through channels: sports, some cheesy horror movie, and other crap. I couldn't really see the TV very well from my position. They just hung out on the couch, legs comfortably resting on my back, shooting the breeze with one another and completely ignoring me. Occasionally one of them might shift position, cross his legs or something, and throw a foot down hard on my back. This might make me start to crumble, or I'd grunt from the unexpected pressure. That would cause Chad to yell at me and give me a good kick. He never kicked me hard or caused any pain, it was more just to reinforce his position over me, I think. I didn't really mind. Any contact with Chad's beautiful feet was good.

After an hour or so, Chad flicked off the TV and stood. "Let's go out," he said.

"Sure," said Danny.

They walked into the back of the apartment to get ready. I dropped down onto the floor, my arms sore from serving as their foot rest. I lay there for a few minutes, and then Chad came back into the room.

He walked over and stood next to me, his feet just near my face on the floor. "I'd ask you to come hang out with us, but you can't go out just wearing that," he said, pointing to the running shorts he had loaned me. "You don't even have a shirt to wear, since you got yours all soaked with piss. Guess you'll have to stay here."

He held up a handful of ties. "I don't want you jerking off in my apartment, so we'll have to make sure you don't try anything." Danny walked into the room, and Chad motioned him over.

"Let's roll him onto his stomach," Chad said and before I could even make a move to get away they grabbed me and rolled me around. Chad pulled my arms behind my back and held me down while Danny knelt on my shoulders immobilizing me. I made a feeble attempt to slither away, but the muscled arms of two athletic studs were impossible to overcome, and in a matter of seconds my wrists were bound tightly behind my back. I tugged on the ropes, but could barely move my arms at all.

Next they went for my legs, tying my ankles together. I tried squirming away but it was no use. I expected them to leave me at that point, but no, I was wrong. Chad knelt next to my face, while Danny grabbed my legs and pushed them up towards my back. Chad lifted my arms, and they tied my wrists to my ankles, hogtying me.

They both stepped away, and I could tell they were watching me struggle, pulling against the ropes. Chad walked over to me, stood by my chest, and I craned my neck to look up at him. He placed his sock-covered foot against my side, slipping it under my stomach and applied force to push me up off the floor and partially roll me to one side. "I knew you'd have a hard-on, faggot," he said. In fact my dick was super rock hard from them manhandling and binding me, tenting out the thin running shorts. He pulled his foot out and I fell back onto my stomach.

He leaned over and grabbed my hair and pulled hard, yanking my head back. "See ya later, bitch." He spat in my face, a huge one that landed right across my nose and cheek. Then they both laughed and walked out. I lay there on the floor, my arms pinned back to my legs, unable to move, my hard dick pushing into the floor, Chad's spit drying on my face, as the day slowly slipped away.

They left me like that for the whole fucking day. By the time they got back I needed to piss pretty bad. Chad dropped a white paper bag on the table. "Brought you a burger, you want it?"

"Yes," I said. "I'm really hungry."

He walked over to me, stepping on my shoulders as he moved behind my head, and then I was untied. My arms and wrists were really sore. I spun around into a sitting position and massaged them. Danny was sitting on the big chair watching me. I stood and walked towards the bathroom.

Danny grabbed my wrist as I passed. "Where you going?"

"I gotta piss and I'm gonna get cleaned up before I eat."

He pulled me down towards him and leaned in, said quietly, "You should also get cleaned up for after you eat." He stared at me intently.

I ate dinner by myself at the table, Chad off in his room and Danny playing on his phone in the big chair while I checked him out from time to time. I was starved, and the burger (plus fries) did really hit the spot.

Though it seemed like he never looked up, Danny somehow detected when I was finished. "You done now?" he asked.


"Come here."

He still wasn't looking at me. I stood and walked across the room. He finally looked up, after making me stand in front of him for a long moment. "Get on your knees, bitch."

I knelt down, looked up at him. He was wearing jeans and a loose-fitting T. "Take my dick out." I reached into his lap and unfastened his jeans, pulled down the zipper. He had on gray boxer briefs. I pulled them down and exposed his cock, which was soft, and his balls, which were loose and big. "Lick my balls and rub my cock until it gets hard." Don't have to tell me twice. I dove in, licking those big luscious orbs while I tugged on his cock. His balls tasted fantastic, and in a few short minutes his dick started to harden.

Danny pulled his T-shirt over his head and off. I instinctively looked up at his muscular chest, in awe. He pushed my face back down into his crotch and I went back to my ball-licking duties.

Chad walked in. "I see the cocksucker didn't waste any time trying to get at your dick," he said to Danny. He threw himself down on the sofa.

Danny said nothing, and I slipped one of his balls into my mouth to suck on. His cock was getting pretty hard at this point. He took my hand off it and placed his own across his dick, pushing it down against my face and rubbing it side to side across my cheeks. "Okay, bitch, time to suck my cock."

I pulled up slightly and took the tip of his dick in my mouth. I could feel the spongy hardness immediately start to push its way in further. I needed a breath so I backed off, licking the head as it slipped out. Danny pushed it back in again and I started to bob up and down on it, but the rhythm of his pushing was off for some reason and it was uncomfortable and Danny's dick kept falling out of my mouth.

"Jesus, Chad," Danny said. "Haven't you taught this cocksucker how a keep a dick in his mouth? He keeps coming off it like he's never sucked cock before." Danny gave me several strong slaps to the face with his hard dick.

"Yeah, I know, he's kind of lame. Just put him wherever your want him," Chad said, and the next thing I knew he was standing right behind me. "See this?" He grabbed a fistful of my long hair. "I use this like a handle," he said, demonstrating as he yanked my head back suddenly so I was looking upside down at him, and then he spit in my face. "You can just hold him down on your cock by using the handle."

Chad kind of threw my head back towards Danny's lap as he released me, and Danny reached down and grasped me by the hair. He pulled my face towards him as his cock thrust up to meet me, and plunged his dick into my mouth. He pulled me hard by the hair, forcing my head up and down on his dick. At one point he held me down for a long time while his cock was in my throat, and when I couldn't take it any more and tried to pull my head up, it hurt because of the way he was holding me down by the hair, and so I just stopped trying to pull up and waited it out. Eventually he pulled me up (by the hair, of course) and I could breathe for a couple of seconds before he yanked me back down. "Yeah, you're right," he said to Chad. "That works pretty well."

Danny fucked my face for a few more minutes and then rather suddenly threw me off him. He kicked off his shoes and then pulled off his socks. He threw each of them at me and they both hit me in the face. He shucked his jeans in one smooth movement, pulling a condom out of his pocket as he did. "Stand up," he said to me. As I did I looked up at him. He had a kind of self-satisfied smirk on his face. Danny reached down and grabbed my running shorts and pulled down hard. They slid down and my erect cock popped out.

"Holy shit, Chad, your faggot has a huge dick." Danny said, laughing.

"Yeah?" Chad said hazily. "File that under 'who gives a fuck.'" Chad was sitting on the corner of the sofa looking at his phone, not paying any attention to us at all. (Which seems very strange, I know, and really made me wonder about the two of them and their relationship. What kind of guys behave like this: one of them face-fucks some cocksucker while the other one is sitting five feet away totally uninterested? This could not be the first time they've done this. In fact, my imagination running wild, I assumed that it's only after quite a few times of having your buddy get his dick sucked in front of you that you could become so blase about it as to not even bother to look up.)

Danny unrolled the rubber onto his stiff cock and pushed me towards the couch. Everything was happening very quickly, my shorts were suddenly at my ankles and Danny had moved us both over to the side of the couch. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled my face towards him until we were just inches apart. He was so handsome I was overcome for a moment and thought maybe we would kiss. But instead he smiled kind of evilly and said, "bend over, bitch. You're gonna get fucked."

Then Danny spun me around and bent me over the arm of the couch, pushing me all the way down until my face hit the cushion. Chad was sitting at the opposite end, his legs curled around with his sock-covered feet on the couch, so now they were right in front of me. He lifted his foot and stomped on my face, pushing it sideways deep into the sofa cushion. Danny meanwhile was using his knees to spread my legs apart and I felt a cold, wet liquid on my ass. He rubbed his finger along my ass crack and then I felt him fingering my hole. My hard cock was pressed against the outside of the sofa arm cushion and by this point I was dripping precum onto the floor.

Danny slid his finger inside and I let out a short yelp. I took a few breaths but without wasting any time Danny was exploring my hole with his finger. Then it was gone and I felt his hard dick flop against my ass. It had been a little while since the last time I got fucked and I suddenly felt very nervous. But there was no time to feel anxious as in just a couple of seconds Danny pushed the head of his dick into my hole.

I felt a sudden stab of pain and cried out. Chad repositioned himself so that he could place both his feet on my face. With half my mouth pressed against the sofa cushion and the other half completely covered by Chad's feet, I let out a good yell. Danny was just holding steady, not moving, letting me get used to him. Then, after my breathing returned to normal he very slowly began to push inside me. It still hurt, a little, but he took his time. He spent a couple of minutes with just a small portion of his cock inside me, moving it back and forth very slowly. By then my cries had turned into soft moans, and his cock started to feel nice. (He has definitely done this before, I thought to myself.)

Chad pulled his feet away. Danny was pressing down on my back and then he pushed himself in further, still moving very slowly but this time not stopping after a couple of inches. Then he was all the way inside me and his hips pushed against mine. "Oh fuck," I said, moaning into the sofa cushion.

The gentle, thoughtful way Danny had started this fuck was now over. He pulled almost all the way out and thrust himself forward in one smooth, fast motion. He grasped me by the hips and started to fuck, hard and fast. His balls slapped against me as he pounded me. My cock, which had gone soft when he first entered me, was starting to bone up again. The feeling of his thick cock filling me up over and over was amazing. The pain had been replaced by a feeling of fulfillment mixed with an elusive, recurring pleasure. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," I was muttering as I moaned. I didn't care, I was swept away by the incredible fuck this jock stud was giving me, and I let my physical pleasure have its voice.

"Well, Danny, I think the bitch likes it," Chad said, laughing at me. I looked over at him, though my eyes were half rolling back in my head, and he was smirking in his usual cocky, douchey way. Let him, I didn't care. I was in thrall to the stud long-dicking my ass.

Danny chucked. "Yeah? You like that, faggot?"

"Yes," I said in a whisper.

"You like getting fucked like a little bitch?"

"Mmm-mmm," I said. Danny had picked up the pace and was really fucking me fast now. Every time the head of his cock thrust all the way in I felt this unbelievably satisfying burst of pleasure. I started moaning like crazy now.

After another minute or so Danny said, "Fuck, bitch, quiet down. I don't want to hear that."

But I couldn't stop. "It's too.." I said, couldn't finish my thought. Then Danny grabbed me by the hair and yanked me up. As he lifted my head up I pulled up my torso and put my arms down so that my body weight was on them, and then Danny's hand appeared at my face, holding one of his socks.

"One way or another you're gonna quiet down, fag," he said. He pushed himself all the way in hard and held it, his cock shoved all the way up my hole. I cried out again, and Danny pushed the sock into my mouth. I tried to spit it out but he pushed harder, until the entire thing was inside my mouth. Then he covered my mouth with his hand, while he continued to pull me by the hair and fuck me hard.

This didn't stop me from moaning, of course, in fact it made me moan even harder. But now that it wasn't so audible they seemed to be happy about it. Since my face was no longer being pushed into the sofa cushion and I was up on my hands and knees I was eye level with Chad, who was still sitting at the other end of the couch. He wasn't looking at his phone anymore, however. His cock was out of his jeans and rock hard.

Chad moved towards me. He knelt on the sofa cushion so that his crotch was level with me. Danny pulled both his hands away and I spit out the sock gag. Then Chad's big, beautiful cock was in my face. The force of Danny's fucking was pushing my body towards Chad, which meant my face was now getting pushed against Chad's hanging dick with every thrust. Chad held it out and then grabbed me by the hair and pushed his cock into my mouth. This made me moan even more.

He must have been jerking it for a while because his dick was totally stiff. Chad began to face fuck me, and after a moment or so the two of them got into a rhythm: Danny would thrust his dick into me hard and fast, which would push my head onto Chad's dick just as Chad was forcing his dick into my throat, and then as Danny was pulling most of the way out and my body would move slightly back towards him, Chad was sliding his dick back until only the head was inside my lips.

I was in a daze, both my holes simultaneously getting pounded by two studs. Danny's balls smashing into my ass while Chad's balls swung into my chin on every thrust. A few times they were even miraculously in sync about how long they should keep their dicks stuffed all the way inside me, both breaking off the fucking motions for a few extra seconds to feel the pleasure of a dick all the way down a bitch's throat/hole.

"You likin' this bitch's hole?" Chad asked.

"Fuck yeah, nice and tight," Danny answered. They high-fived over my head.

Chad started to breathe a little heavier. Danny was still fucking me with the same level of intensity, which was amazing. Then Chad started to moan very softly, a telltale sign I was now quite good at recognizing. "Oh fuck," he said, and he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, pulled me in tight against him. I could feel this dick get larger and start to surge, he clamped one hand down on my head and with the other on the back of my neck held me in place while his cock spasmed. His load shot hard against the back of my mouth. "Swallow it, bitch," he said in between breaths, not letting me pull my head back. I tried to pull my head back as I was feeling I would start to choke and cough on his cum and cock all the way down my throat, but he wouldn't let me up. Finally after he had shot all his cum down my throat and in my mouth, and I had drunk it all down, Chad loosened his hold on my head and I pulled back to take in a deep breath.

Danny just kept fucking me the entire time, either oblivious to or unconcerned with the fact that Chad was unloading in my mouth. I was on sensory overload, and my own dick was hard and banging against the side of the couch as Danny's hard thrusting slammed my lower body into the couch repeatedly.

Once Chad was done with me he pulled his dick out, slapped it against my face a few times and then got off the couch and walked away. Danny was still going, and I was amazed that this stud had been fucking me solid for I don't know how many minutes. He slid all the way out, breathing heavily. I craned my neck to look back at him, a few beads of sweat decorated his amazing chest. He grabbed my upper leg and pushed it towards me, opening me up wide. This shifted my body on the couch so that my legs were spread really far apart, and my body was shoved into the back of the couch, my head sideways against the cushion. Danny grabbed his cock and raised himself up to push it back into my hole.

He started to fuck me again but it slipped out. The angle was not very good, but Danny stepped over so that one leg was up on the couch and the other foot on the floor. This allowed him the height he needed to get into my ass, which was pointing up in the air.

It made a difference. Danny was now able to go even deeper, and that's what he did. He forced himself deep into my hole, and fucked me hard and fast. I started to moan all over again, the sensations of that huge cock fucking me that deep was driving me crazy.

"Shut the fuck up, faggot," Danny said, and he lifted his foot off the couch and brought it down onto my face. He stepped on my face and just kept on fucking.

I was wedged into a crazily uncomfortable position on the couch while this jock fucked my ass with abandon and rubbed his foot across my face. I never wanted it to end. Danny kept up the fucking for a few more minutes, but apparently this position was hitting the spot for him because he started to heave and breathe heavy. Then he pulled all the way out and turned around.

As he pulled out and repositioned himself my legs got a little tangled and his arm across my hips pulled my away from the couch, and I fell onto the floor. He yanked off the condom and threw it down. I was lying on my back looking up at him, standing astride me with his dick pointing towards my head. He jerked his cock and let out a mighty cry. The cum flew out of his dick and landed with a loud plopping sound against my forehead. I closed my eyes just in time as more shots hit me, on the neck, on my chest. It seemed like his cum was flying everywhere. When it was over I opened my eyes to see him breathing heavy. His dick was glossy and a bead of cum covered the tip. Except for the first shot on my forehead, it seemed like the rest of his cum had missed my face, landing lower on my body. He held his foot up in the air over me, I could see wetness on tops of his toes.

"Got cum on my foot," Danny said. He rubbed the top of his foot under my chin to try and wipe the cum off like I was a doormat. I guess he didn't get his foot completely dry, because the next thing he did was to press his foot against the side of my face and push down hard, which turned my face sideways into the carpet so that he could easily rub his foot in my hair to dry off any remaining cum. He rubbed his foot back and forth across my hair and the side of my face.

When he was done, Danny grabbed his clothes and headed out of the room. I lay there on my back, dazed and overcome by the most amazing sexual experience I'd ever had. My cock was hard and my stomach was coated with my own precum. I had been hard for most of this time, and really wanted to get off. I closed my eyes, reached down and grabbed my cock. I knew I would shoot in seconds I was so horned up from that experience.

I felt something cover my mouth. I opened my eyes to find Chad standing above me, his foot across the lower half of my face, glaring down at me. "What the FUCK do you think you are doing?"

"Nothing," I said, but with Chad's foot completely covering my mouth it came out something like, "Mmph-mmm." I let go of my cock.

"Why, you dumb bitch, would you possibly think it is okay to touch your useless fag dick in my apartment?" He shook his head and tsked at me, like a disapproving librarian. "I am so unbelievably generous to you that I let you get fucked by my friend, and you repay me by breaking one of the cardinal rules of this arrangement. That's very disappointing." He pushed down harder with his foot against my face. "Maybe this is a little too much for you and it's time for you to leave for today." My eyes got wide and I shook my head back and forth vigorously, trying desperately to communicate that I wanted to stay.

"You want to stay, bitch?" Chad asked. I nodded. "Okay, I'll let you stay. But don't ever do that again." He stepped away, picked up my running shorts from the floor with his foot and kicked them at me. "Put these back on."

I pulled them on, though the thin nylon hardly covered my enormous erection.

Chad bent over and picked up a couple of the ties from the floor. "Stand up," he ordered. I stood and he walked over to me and spun me around roughly. "Put your hands behind your back." I complied. "It's obvious to me," he said as he bound my wrists together, "that you need your hands tied behind your back at all times so that you don't try to jerk yourself." It wasn't true, really, I had been in his apartment so many times sucking him off and had almost never touched my own cock, not even once. But I didn't volunteer that info. With another tie Chad bound my arms tightly to my body by wrapping the rope across my chest and tying it tight. It made it extra harder to move my arms at all.

Chad grabbed me by the back of the neck and started to push me out of the room. "We're gonna watch a movie tonight, and I would have let you watch with us, but not anymore. You've lost that privilege." He forced me down the hall. The bathroom door was closed and the door to the extra room open, where I could see some of Danny's clothes on the bed. Chad led me into his bedroom and pushed me over into the corner of the room. "Get on your knees, bitch." I lowered myself down to my knees. "Stay in here. Do not come out."

And he left, slamming the door behind him. I knelt there. I thought about Danny's dick and his incredible body. My cock was still hard and aching for relief. I thought about Chad unloading in my mouth and holding me down until I had swallowed all his cum. I thought about Danny bending me over and pushing his cock all the way up my hole the first time. About the incredible sensation of that jock dick pounding into me over and over again. About Danny pushing me down into the couch and stepping on my face while he fucked me.

These thoughts were not helping my dick go down, not at all. I tried to think of something else, lowered myself all the way onto the floor. I wondered when I would get to suck Danny off again, or if he or Chad would fuck me again that night. I could hear faint noises from the other room.


When I woke up, the room was bright. My arms and shoulders were tight and sore. I was lying on the floor of Chad's bedroom. The door to the room was open, but Chad wasn't there. Had I slept all night long?

I stood and walked out. Danny's room was empty, there were no voices in the apartment. Chad was standing in the hallway, about to walk into the bathroom. He looked at me. "Hey," he said.

"Hi," I said.

Chad walked over and turned me around. He untied my wrists and the rope across my torso. I instinctively rubbed my wrists, which were red and sore. He took one of the ties, doubled it over, and wrapped it around my neck. Chad tugged on the tie and pulled me after him by the neck. I followed him into the bathroom.

"Where is Danny?" I asked.

"He's gone. Had to leave early this morning."

"Oh," I said forlornly. This made Chad laugh and shake his head.

"Hoping for another fuck, huh?"

I shrugged.

He pulled hard on the tie around my neck, yanking it downwards. "Knees," he said sharply. I knelt before him, and the tie fell from my neck. "Well, faggot," Chad said as he pulled his soft cock out of his underwear, "your weekend of cock is over." Chad pointed his dick at my face and piss came out fast and thick. It splattered across my face and I closed my eyes suddenly and pulled my head back, which made the piss cascade down my chest. But then Chad lifted his dick and once again his strong morning piss arced into my face. I tried turning my face away but it made no difference, he managed to just keep pissing on my face and across the top of my head.

When it was over I opened my eyes. Chad shook his dick and a last few drops landed on me. He pointed at the puddle of piss on the tile floor in front of me. "Clean that up."

I looked around the room, there was a towel in the towel rack that I reached for. He slapped my arm down. Instead he grabbed me by the back of the neck and pushed my head down to the floor, then pushed my face sideways and rubbed my head against the pool of piss, sliding me back and forth like my hair was a mop. When he tired of this and let me go, I sat back up and could feel my whole face and head was dripping.

There was still a fair amount of piss on the floor. In the corner of the room was the T-shirt and shorts I had worn over to his apartment. After they both had pissed all over me when I was wearing those clothes two nights earlier, I had rinsed them out and hung them from the shower rod. Chad grabbed my clothes now and threw them on the floor. Used his foot to mop up the rest of the piss with my shirt and shorts, then kicked them over to me.

"Time to go, faggot."

I grabbed the shirt and my shorts and walked out of the room. Chad walked me to the door, picked up my keys and pushed them into my hand. I was all wet, I'm sure I smelled of piss and was only wearing running shorts. He didn't care. He opened the door, pushed me out with a casual, "Later, bitch." And, just like that, my weekend of getting used by two jock studs was over.


Comments appreciated. omksc@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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