Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Sep 28, 2002


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 22

Jason and Shawn returned home the next day. Jason told everyone he could think of the good news and everyone was excited for them, especially Mrs. Andrews. She was very surprised but happy. Jason and Shawn decided to set the date after they graduated from college and were financially capable to live together. They both had three years left of school so it was not yet time to worry about the wedding plans, but the times would be soon enough.

The next four months flew by and now it was time for Christmas. Shawn was coming home for two weeks for his Christmas break. Jason's didn't start until a week after Shawn's. He arrived at Jason's on the 18th and they spent that week out doing their Christmas shopping and on Christmas eve, they had their Christmas together. They were sitting in Jason's room with some carols playing over the radio and all kinds of decorations throughout, including a small 3ft tree with their presents underneath it. Shawn gave Jason a silver necklace with a pendant with their initials, S&J and Jason gave Shawn a portable CD player since Shawn was always complaining about not being able to listen to music at school when he was studying.

On Christmas Day, Mrs. Andrews, Jason's father, Shawn, and Jason celebrated Christmas together. Mrs. Andrews had cooked a wonderful dinner and after the dinner they exchanged gifts. They all like their gifts and Shawn was surprised when he received a gift from Mrs. Andrews and Jason's father. He had gotten them a gift but didn't expect one back.

A week after Christmas he loaded his car again and made the drive back to school. It was hard this time to leave Jason, since they had spent some much time together. It seemed as if they were growing closer and closer. Jason watched him as he left the driveway and disappears down the road.

Several weeks into the spring semester Jason started to struggle with school. He was working full time and going to school five days out of the week. It eventually began to wear him out and Mrs. Andrews and Shawn saw this. Shawn offered some help with his work on his next visit home but Jason turned him down, saying that he wants to do this on his own.

And that he did. He continued to work and go to school for that semester and with good grades. After talking to Shawn though he decided next semester he would reduce his classes by a one so he wouldn't fall behind schedule.

This kept going on for the next few months. Anytime they had time off Shawn would drive down to Jason's and they would spend time together. The departures were always emotional and hard to do. Finally after a few more weeks the spring semester was over and Shawn moved back in with Jason. During the summer Jason decided to take two classes so he wouldn't fall behind schedule. Now with two years remaining of school they decided to start looking at planning the wedding. They didn't want to plan things this early but they wanted to get some ideas of where and when and the such.

As with starting the planning they hung out together and have fun. Jason went to class every Tuesday and Thursday morning and worked around the schedule. The summer schedule was very short, only eight weeks compared to a normal semester of sixteen weeks.

Soon the semester was over and he was making very good grades. In five weeks the fall semester would start back. They continued to have fun together until it was time for Shawn to pack up and return to school. The night before he left he had taken Jason out to dinner at one of their favorite restaurants.

"So, are you ready for school to start back? He asked Jason as their food arrived.

"Not really but I will adjust. What about you?" Jason asked as he started cutting into his steak.

"I am ready for school to start but I don't want to leave you." Shawn said.

"I know the feeling. I don't want you to go either." Jason said.

"Do you like living here in town?" Shawn asked. The question threw Jason off for a second.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"Well, I have been thinking, there is a community college in town and I thought that maybe you could transfer to that college and we could move in together so that we wouldn't be so far away. I don't like living so far away and I don't know if I can go through another semester apart." Shawn said. Jason looked down at his steak and thought for a minute before responding.

"I don't know, I would have to think about it." Jason said.

"That's okay, take your time. It may be to late to transfer this semester but I would really like it if you could transfer by next semester." Shawn said.

"I'll think about it and talk to Mama and see what she says, but I make no promises." Jason said. Shawn nodded and very soon they were done eating and on their way home. This was their last night together for a while and they wanted to spend all the time that they could together.

When they got home, Mrs. Andrews was already in bed because she had to be at work early the next morning. They sneaked to Jason's bedroom and lay on the bed. Jason put a movie into the VCR and pushed play and turned the lights off. They cuddled in the bed and watched the movie, not needing to say anything, but enjoying the time they were together. Towards the middle of the movie they both were sound asleep.

AROUND LUNCH TIME Shawn was loading the car with his stuff and getting ready to head for school. Jason was standing beside the car watching him silently.

"Are you okay?" He asked Jason.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking back to the summer and the time we spent together." Jason said. Shawn stopped loading the car and walked over to Jason.

"I know, I enjoyed the time we spent together too. That is why I want you to come and live with me at school." Jason nodded as Shawn returned to loading the car. When it was loaded and ready they walked back inside. They hugged and Jason held on very tight. Shawn squeezed him as tight as he could as Jason felt a few tears fall down his face.

"I am going to miss you." He said.

"I am going to miss you more." Shawn said. They kept the embrace a little longer before breaking apart to kiss. The kiss was long and slow and full of the love that they felt for each other.

After breaking the kiss they hugged again for a few minutes before Shawn announced that he had to leave. Jason squeezed tighter and didn't want to let go. But Shawn got him to break the hug and made his way to his car. He had the t-tops out and loaded somewhere in the trunk with his stuff. Jason walked out with him to the car. After one more quick hug at the car they said their good-byes and Shawn got in the car. He started the engine, looked at Jason, put the car in gear and drive off, looking back one more time before driving out of sight.

JASON STOOD AT the front door and watched Shawn drive away. It felt as if half of his heart was driving away in that Camaro. Virtually it was. When he could no longer see the car he went back inside and walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat. He pulled out some leftovers from the night before and put them in the microwave and turned it on. He got a glass from the cabinet and poured himself a glass of water. The microwave beeped as he opened the door and took his food and water to his room to sit for a while.

He thought closely about Shawn's offer and decided that he was going to take it. Hell, maybe a change would do him some good and he liked the idea of change and being near Shawn. The distance between the two was getting hard and harder for him to deal with. Happy with his decision he finished his snack and took the dishes down to the kitchen to be washed later.

He decided that since it was still kinda early in the day Jason called Jeremy to see what he was up to. He let the phone ring until no one answered and decided that he was busy doing something else. He decided that since he couldn't find anyone to do anything with he would take a nap and maybe take his mother out to eat and give her the announcement that he was going to move out with Shawn come next spring.

AROUND FOUR O'CLOCK Mrs. Andrews walked in the door from work and was surprised to see dinner being cooked on the stove by her son.

"Hey Mom." He said as she walked in and set her stuff down on the counter. "I decided to cook you dinner so you wouldn't have to." He said

"Thank you. I can tell that you took Shawn's leaving well." She said.

"Not really, I was depressed for a little while but I am better now. I made the decision that I am going to try to move in with him next semester and see how that works out." He said as he stirred the spaghetti sauce.

"Wow." She said as she sat down at the table. The talked for a few more minutes before Jason served the dinner. They discussed some of the details of Jason moving away from home, getting the car transferred to his name, and the car insurance into his name before he moved out and getting his school stuff transferred to the new school.

As she took her plate to the sink to be washed she asked him if he had told Shawn yet. He shook his head as he stood up to join her.

"I am waiting until the right moment." He said.

"When is that?"

"Tonight when he calls me before going to bed. But I am kind of iffy about moving in the first place. Moving in with him is so far away from you and my friends and everything that I know. I don't know if I want to be that far away from everything." Jason said as he began to wash the dishes.

Well, if you ever decide that things don't work out you are always welcome to move back in with me. I am sure it won't be that hard to transfer everything back again." She said. Jason nodded as she kissed him on the cheek, thanked him for dinner and disappeared into her bedroom. Jason finished the dishes before heading to his room to play on the computer and eventually go to sleep.

There you go, another installment. Sorry it has taken so long to get this one out but I have been busy with work and stuff and I am starting my 3rd semester of college. But I have bought a laptop computer so now I should be able to type anywhere I want and get these installments out faster. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to send any and all comment to

Next: Chapter 23

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