Love and Friendship

By Stephanie M

Published on Dec 21, 2001


Title: Love and Friendship 10/? Author: Stephanie M Feedback: Yes please, Summary: The other Nsync members learn how much Lance has sacrificed for them. Disclaimer: I do not know the real sexuality of any of the Backstreet Boys or Nsync. This story is entirely fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein.

Part 10

"Hi mom." Lance said as he walked into the room to find his mom sitting staring at the wall.

"Lance, how could you let yourself be seduced by a man? It's wrong, against everything we taught you," Diane said, narrowing her eyes as she stared at their joined hands.

"I love Alex. How can love be wrong?" Lance answered, moving to hug his mother.

Diane Bass said before running out of the room, "Don't touch me, you dirty fag! I don't want to see you ever again. You are no longer my son. If you come near any of my family, I'll have you arrested."

Lance watched her leave in disbelief; he had always hoped that his fears wouldn't come true. He had lost his family, he had always guessed they would desert him when they found out he was gay. The reality was far worse than anything he had ever imagined. He started to cry, for himself and for the family he had lost.

"It's okay, Angel. I'm here, I'll never leave you again." AJ whispered as he held Lance, letting the younger man cry. ******* "Marie, thank God you're here. Diane Bass has just disowned Lance. He's still upstairs with AJ." Paula said as she opened the door, letting Marie walk in front of her.

"I'll go up and see them in a couple of minutes. Any news on Tracy?" Marie asked as she walked into the room, noticing the ten strangers.

"Not yet. Lance and AJ are going crazy with worry, they're back together." Jon said as he took Marie's coat from her.

Marie grinned briefly before saying, "About time, has Mrs Bass left yet?"

"Yeah, she ran out of here about five minutes ago. Just who are you?" Justin answered looking her over.

"My name is Marie Lewis. I'm a psychiatrist, I specialise in domestic abuse and sexual trauma. I'm Lance's psychiatrist and their friend. I'll go up and see them now." Marie said shortly before leaving the room.

"How have you been following Lance around for over a year when they only came to your detective agency eight months ago?" Justin questioned looking at Becca, he had been asking himself the same question for the past thirty minutes.

"I'm a friend of Marie's. She asked me to keep an eye on Lance in November 1999 when he told her about what Mike had done, and that the piece of scum was still free. I been following Lance since then, he's always known about me. When he asked for help to find Mike, Marie told him the Fallen Angels were the best people for the job. We are the best people for the job simply because we will do whatever we have to get a result." Becca replied with a grin.

"So Marie is the one who told Lance and AJ to go ask the Fallen for help?" Brian questioned, wanting to know just whose fault it was that his friends were involved with such a dangerous group.

"Yeah, we helped her when one of her daughters was raped. The guy who raped her is now in prison, being raped nightly by his roommate." Jon answered the question.

There was a loud ringing of the home phone, Lance ran down the stairs with AJ hot on his trail. Marie was following a few seconds later, her face full of anger.

"Wait, let the machine get it." Jon said as Lance went to pick up the phone, knowing they would need evidence if indeed it were Mike.

"Lance, baby why are you doing this? Can't you see that he's no good for you?" A low voice said full of love.

Lance shivered and leaned into AJ's hold as he recognised Mike's voice.

"You know, I was thinking you had been a good boy until I saw the slut arrive at your place last night. Do you remember what I told you would happen if you ever saw each other outside of work?" As they listened, they could hear a girl's terrified screams.

"I've got the traitor back. I'm going to make her body my present to you, see you lover." Mike said as he ended the call.

"Listen to me, Lance. He's just playing with you, we are going to get her back." Marie said as she looked at Lance, who looked like he was about to collapse.

"It's all my fault he has Tracy!" AJ said, breaking into tears.

At the sight of his love crying, Lance did the only thing he could think of. He held AJ tightly and told him how much he loved him. The couple was engulfed into a tight embrace as the rest of Nsync and Backstreet hugged them, trying to comfort their friends.

"What have you got?" Jon said, his voice low.

"We got an address. You want us to check it out?" A petite black woman said as she walked in the room from the study, a map in her hand.

"Yeah, Liam go with Sue and check it out. Paula you've got ten minutes to work out the details. Anyone else want to go?" Jon said looking at the room.

"We're coming, this guy has to pay!" Joey said looking over Kevin who just nodded.

"Okay, Backstreet and Nsync can go but you'll have to wear protective clothes. Liam, suit them up. Becca and Blade will stay with me and make sure Lance and Alex are secure." Jon said, not even considering letting Kirsten and Leigh Ann go, it would only hinder Kevin and Brian.

Paula placed the map on the table, and started to plan. It was clear from the second she opened her mouth that she was good at her job. Within five minutes she had managed to assign everyone a position, keeping the singers as safe as possible.

"Everyone know their job?" Paula asked looking everyone in the face; the only reply was a nod.

"Here are your clothes. I'm going to give you all a Sig 9mm, it's not hard to use so you should all be okay. Only shoot to incapacitate, we want him alive." Liam said as he walked over, carrying two bags full of clothes, and a briefcase.

The eight men changed in silence, their thoughts on their mission. Each one was wondering if they would be able to shoot another human being, but as they remembered what Mike had done the direction of their thoughts changed. They started to question whether they would be able to stop themselves from killing him.

"Get out of here!" Jon shouted, smiling as each member of the team hugged Lance and AJ before leaving.

The ten left the house in silence, their faces showing no expression. As they left Lance prayed that his friends would manage to bring Tracy back safe and that everyone would be alive. ******* "Lance, why don't you and Alex take a nap? You look exhausted and it'll be a while before we hear anything. I promise, we'll get you as soon as we know anything." Marie said, sighing as she saw the look on Lance's face.

"She's right, love. We should sleep that way we can be here for Tracy when we get her back. Just a quick nap, please for me?" AJ pleaded, he didn't want to sleep but knew he wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer.

The couple left the room and went up to Lance's bedroom. They quickly undressed and got inside the covers, holding each other tightly they went to sleep. Each one hoping that it would all turn out to be a horrible dream.

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