Love and Lycanthropy

Published on Mar 12, 2014


Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 3 What follows is a work of complete fiction.

This story begins with a fairly standard and often used homosexual theme involving sex between a grown man and a homeless teenage boy he tries to help out.  It will start with a very intimate encounter between the two and then will take a turn for the furry and will alternate between human/human human/furry and furry/furry at random.  Any of you freaks who have something against sex between intelligent, loving, horny, furry creatures and people should stay away and leave those of us who are normal and who like that sort of thing to our innocent fantasies.  :)   Keep in mind that none of this is real and has not nor would not ever happen, and some may not even be physically possible.  It is simply a sexual fantasy.

If this is not the type of story you would enjoy, please stop reading now.

If there is any reason legal or otherwise why you should not read such a story, please stop reading now.

If you are the type of person who has any difficulty whatsoever separating fantasy from reality, please stop reading now.

The events depicted in these stories have not happened, and will not ever happen. No one should ever attempt to replicate them in any way in real life. These events are a work of fantasy for the enjoyment of those with a healthy mind who have no problem keeping them in the realm of imagination. I have never attempted, nor would I attempt, any such acts myself and as such I am likely to get some details completely wrong. One thing I am certain of is that in real life, young boys would NOT appreciate this sort of thing being done to them and they are INCAPABLE of giving informed consent to allow these things to be done to them. If you ever even consider attempting these acts in real life then you should immediately seek help.

Children are wonderful innocent little people. If there are any in your life I would appreciate if you would consider it your duty to shelter them from any of the sorts of ideas presented in this story. Let them grow up without the knowledge that anyone even thinks this way. Let them become the excellent men and women they are destined to be without knowing these thoughts exist until they are adults and old enough to decide for them selves what they like to fantasize about. Respect them, protect them, and defend them from anyone who may seek to harm them in any way, and most of all just let them be kids.

That said if you are still reading I do hope you enjoy the story.

This story is the property of the author and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any way without my express, written consent. has my express consent.

Look for more of my stories under the pseudonym JakeXtraTall at

The Nifty Archive is an incredible source of wonderful stories that provides so many of us with countless hours of entertainment. If you enjoy this story I would greatly appreciate if you would do your part and donate something to the site to help cover the cost of running the archive.

Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 3

Elias slept the rest of the morning and part of the early afternoon away in my arms.  I'd had enough sleep the night before that, as comfortable as I was snuggled up with him, I didn't sleep at all.  I lay awake with my head still spinning from the bombshell he'd dropped on me earlier.

My boyfriend was a werewolf.

Emotionally I was already coming to terms with it.  I loved Elias more than I thought I could ever love anyone.  It just didn't matter that he had this condition.  It didn't change who he was.  Actually, it could be that it made him who he is.  It must actually define him in some ways and I love him just as he is, so I simply had to accept it and move on to learn to live with it.

When he finally woke we decided to forget everything for the rest of the day and just enjoy a relaxing Sunday together like two normal people.  I enjoy cooking sometimes, but usually only take the time to do it right on Sundays.  I had everything we needed to make us a nice roasted chicken dinner and Elias wanted to help out so I gave him a few tasks to do and we had a great time laughing and joking and cooking together in the kitchen and then sat down to enjoy each other's company as we ate the wonderful meal we'd created.

We watched a movie later and played some video games then headed up to bed early to enjoy our bodies some more.

The next morning I called in to work to let them know I would need a couple of weeks off at least, maybe more.  All of my recent major projects were done and while I had a couple of new ones lined up, they were fairly minor and could be passed off to someone else.  They weren't pleased with the short notice but I've had so many days of vacation accumulated from an extremely long stretch without a break, and I'd been messing up enough over the past month that they agreed I should take as much time as I needed and come back fresh.

Elias and I went shopping again.  This time our focus was not on clothes but on other gadgets and items we might need to help with the situation.

I'm not a photographer and don't even usually take pictures with my cellphone so I wasn't sure what sort of quality I might get from it.  I decided we needed a decent camera that could do videos as well but I wanted something easy to use and easy to carry in a pocket.  After looking at the myriad of models I settled on a Fuji Finepix Real 3D W3.  It has some low-light, sunset and night shooting modes that would work well for us.  The biggest reason I chose it is because it could take 3D pictures and videos and my big screen TV has 3D capability.  I thought it would be extra cool for Elias to see himself in wolf form in full 3D in high definition.  I got a couple of the largest memory cards I could find for it so I could shoot a lot of footage.

I got Elias a good smart phone with an unlimited plan and a spare battery and charger so he would always have a charged spare he could pop in.  That way the phone would always be fully charged and ready when he goes out to change into a wolf in case he needs to contact me.  I asked if he would be OK with me using GPS tracking to pinpoint where he was, or at least where the phone was, at any time and he said he was fine with it.  I used an app to set up my phone to be able to track his, then just to be fair I set his up to be able to track mine.  I wasn't sure if it would ever really be useful to be able to track his phone since it would be left behind with his clothes when he changed into the wolf but I wanted to cover all the bases I could.

We went to a place that sells personal security items and I intended to buy the most powerful stun gun they had that dumped over four million volts, but the salesman talked me out of it.  He said that high voltage was really only needed to get through extremely thick layers of clothing and otherwise was mainly used as a marketing gimmick.  He asked what sort of threat I was hoping to deter.  I wasn't sure what he meant so I asked him.  He said that stun guns were good for anyone who might be locked in a struggle with an assailant, like a woman grabbed in a park in an attempted rape or something, but if they intended to kill you they would have already shot or stabbed you and it would be too late.  If I wanted to stop someone from reaching me in the first place I would be much better served by a Taser.  The darts would penetrate up to two inches of clothing and I could stop someone up to fifteen feet away before they could even reach me.  I immediately recognized the potential benefit of being able to stop the raging monster before he got close enough to sink his teeth into me and I went with the Taser.  I decided to buy some pepper spray and a holster for it as well but I would only use it as a last resort because it would most likely just piss off Elias-wolf that much more.

While we stopped to eat lunch at a food court in the mall and we were talking about what else might help to keep me safe, Elias jokingly suggested I should buy a suit of armor.  I thought it was a pretty good idea so I used my phone to search online and actually found a place where I could order a chain mail shark suit that divers would wear.  It's designed to cover the body completely including neck, hands and feet.  The mail disperses the pressure of a bite to prevent it from actually puncturing, but the suit is made as light weight as possible so it won't drag a diver down too much.  It seemed logical that if it could handle the pressure of a powerful shark biting down then it should be able to handle the enraged monster that Elias would be when he was in the process of changing.  I couldn't really imagine a use for such a thing because obviously I wouldn't be comfortable wearing something like that all time, but it seemed like a good idea to have it on hand just in case.  I was dealing with something completely new here and I decided to err on the side of overkill.

After lunch we went to a bike shop and I bought Elias a mountain bike and all the accessories so he could use our home as a base and come and go from the river valley trails quickly and easily when it was time to change into a wolf, or when he had changed back.  I was shocked to hear him confess that he'd never ridden a bike before, but I guess given the fact that he'd been bounced from one crowded foster home to another since he was eight years old and then been essentially on the run from people in general since he got bit at fourteen, he probably missed out on a lot of things that most boys take for granted.  He was thrilled to finally get one of his own and he couldn't wait for me to teach him to ride it, so we decided we'd had enough of shopping and hurried back home to hit the trails on our bikes for a while.  He took to it as easily as any boy and he was flying along like a pro in no time.  It was terrific to see him having so much fun.  He was like a little kid, laughing and yelling as he zipped around like he'd never done before.  He didn't want to quit so we bought our supper at a street vendor in one of the parks and kept on riding until it was getting too dark and we finally headed home.

The next day I made several calls to contractors specializing in panic room construction and made appointments to have them come over and have a look at the house.  There's big money involved in building such a room so they wasted no time coming over.  I settled on one that came up with a method of reinforcing one of the unused rooms in the house in way that is designed to slow intruders down as much as possible to give time for the police to arrive.  They would block out the existing window and cover the entire inside of the room with corrugated metal covered over with fiberglass reinforced plywood.  It would add a fair bit of weight but it had the added benefit of sound proofing.  Since they weren't using thick plates of steel they were able to come within the specs of the support at that corner of the house.  They would replace the wooden door frame with metal and replace the door with a metal one.  They would add keyless deadbolts and a communication system that was separate from the standard phone line, and a big backup battery UPS to keep everything working in case of a power outage.  Even if someone cut the power and phone lines they still couldn't get in the room and the police could still be contacted.  The deadbolts were spring loaded and driven by solenoids so if the power was cut and the UPS eventually ran out of juice, the locks would release so that nobody could be trapped inside of a steel coffin with no way to get out.  Construction would begin in a couple of weeks and would take less than two weeks to finish.

This was the last full day Elias and I would be able to spend together before the end of the new moon phase so we decided to just forget about all that stuff again and have some fun for the rest of the day.  He loved his new bike so much that he talked me into going out and spending the day riding again.  We had a blast.  I've never had more fun with anyone in my life than I had with Elias.  None of the guys I'd ever been with before clicked with me as much as he did.  I loved his energy and the fun he injected into anything he did.  He seemed to like all of the same things that I did and the enthusiasm he brought in to anything we did was infectious.  Once again I was blown away by the fact that I'd found love in a place I would never have thought to look.  Elias was perfect for me.  He was precisely what I'd needed to really make me come to life.

That night we were so tired that we settled in to watch a movie downstairs and we both fell asleep in the middle of it while spooned together on the couch.

We spent the next two weeks settling into the type of routine that we would likely be following for the rest of our lives.  Elias had been living with this for years so he knew best what to do.  When the time for him to change would approach, he would kiss me goodbye and he would head out on his bike to the river valley and go to whatever secret location he'd been using for the change.  He'd take off all of his clothes and wait for the pain to wrack his body once more.  He would run around as a wolf staying as far as possible from people until the time to change back would approach, and he would go back to where his clothes were to wait once more for the pain that would bring him back to being a boy.  His biggest fear was getting too comfortable like we had done while watching the movie, and falling asleep when his time to change was coming up.  We tried to mitigate that by ensuring that he always got tons of sleep.

It was easy at first, since for the first week or so of the lunar cycle the change would hit right at sunset and last only fifteen minutes or so the first night, getting longer and longer until it was a just over a couple of hours after a week.  He could just go out, change, wait it out, change again, and be back home in a relatively short time.  Then he could go to bed and sleep.  Things would get more difficult by the middle of the cycle when he'd be a wolf for the whole night, and then start to change later and later after sunset as the lunar cycle continued, changing back to a boy right at sunrise.  At the very end of the cycle he would change just a half hour to fifteen minutes before sunrise, be a wolf just for fifteen minutes, then change back as the sun came up over the horizon.  It was too risky for him to sleep on the run up to the change, so even during those evenings when he was going to be changing for just a short time in the morning the plan was that he would only go to bed when he got back home after the change.  This was how he'd been doing it for the past few years anyhow since he wanted to always be in full control of the change, so he was already used to it.  It simply meant that he wouldn't always be sleeping at night.  His "shift" of sleep would be normal during the new moon phase, then he would be getting to sleep later and later until the full moon.  At that point he would always be changing back to a boy right at sunrise and that's when he would come home and go to bed.

I have heavy blinds in my bedroom, and curtains that are primarily decorative but that can be pulled shut over top of the blinds so the light can be blocked out almost completely and he could sleep during the daylight hours easily.  So long as he got at least eight hours he was fine.  A little more was even better.  He made me buy a half dozen of the loudest digital alarm clocks we could find and place them all over the house.  He made it his priority to set them each day so that they would all start blaring at the appointed time when he should be hopping on his bike and heading for the woods.  As the time approached for the change his routine was to go around and turn them all off just before he left.  It was an extra way to keep himself on his toes and never become complacent about the timing and always be aware of when it would happen each night.  I was impressed with his organization and diligence.  He knew the risk he was to me and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep me safe.

He was especially nervous right now because we still had no panic room and nowhere for me to run in case something went wrong and he started to change in the house.  I wasn't particularly concerned as I was fairly certain that if I simply got myself out of sight quickly enough, he would be too focused on his own pain to think of me and come after me.  It was only when he was far into the process and was completely out of his mind that he might fly into a rage if he saw me.  We were about as careful as we would ever be in this early stage of our relationship anyhow.  It would be later on, months or years into the routine, that we would become complacent enough to easily slip if we didn't stay diligent.  The panic room would be available then and I should be relatively safe.

In the meantime I just made sure to always have the Taser and the bear spray on hand.  I would occasionally forget them in another room but Elias would remind me by jumping on me while snarling and nipping at me and yelling, "I'm changing, what are you gonna do now dummy!?" while I laughed beneath him.  Usually it ended up with a wrestling session that would just lead to more sex, which suited me just fine.  He figured out eventually that I was sometimes leaving them in another room intentionally just so we could have some fun, and he made me buy a couple more Tasers and cans of spray so I could set up an emergency station in all of the major rooms of the house and would never have to run far to get to them.  I had to admit that I was treating it all a bit more casually than I probably should.  He had seen with his own eyes what he was capable of when he'd torn a homeless man who had intended to rape him into ragged strips yet didn't even remember doing it, and it scared him to think he might do that to me someday.  I thought of how it would make him feel to come back to himself and find me torn to pieces that were scattered all over the room and know that he'd killed me, and it made me try to become a bit more serious about it.  I loved him so much that it was hard for me to actually think of being afraid of him.  Even as a wolf he would be himself.  It was just that brief transition between the two states that we needed to worry about.

I was really looking forward to seeing him as the wolf and the excitement had been building for weeks.  He was so worried about this first meeting that he insisted that we not meet up until the night of the full moon so that he would change right at sunset and we wouldn't have to worry about him changing back again until sunrise.  It seemed like excessive caution to me since all we really needed was an hour or two, but I acquiesced to his wishes and agreed to wait until the full moon.  I'd gone out and practiced using the camera and fiddled with the settings just after sunset almost every night to make sure I'd get the most out of it in those lighting conditions.  The 3D effect was very impressive.  I couldn't wait to not only see him as a wolf, but to show him the videos afterward.

I'd been peppering him with questions about what he would look like, what color was his fur, how tall was he at the shoulders, how much would he weigh, but of course he wasn't able to answer a lot of those questions.  Other than seeing his own reflection in the ripples of water in moonlight or craning his neck around to look at his back half or his legs, he'd never properly seen himself in wolf form.  I would be the one to at long last answer all of those questions for him.  I'd also bought a tripod for the camera so that not only could he run around in front of it to see himself from all angles, I could get in the picture too and he could see himself with me as a size reference.  Neither of us was sure how big he would be, but from the faint glimpses I'd seen of him through the trees in the dark that one night when he'd followed me on my bike, he was going to be bigger than a normal wolf for sure.

At long last the big day arrived.  Tonight was the full moon and he would change right at sunset, and change back at sunrise.  We spent the day on our bikes and scouted for a good, secluded place to meet.  We found a nice big clearing deep in the woods a good ways off the beaten path.  There was no way anyone would be out there at night.  He would come to the valley before sunset to go to his usual spot to go through the change, then he would come and meet me at the clearing as quickly as he could to take advantage of the remaining light.  We went back home and had a nice supper, then talked through the evening until sunset approached, then he headed out to the river valley ahead of me and I got ready and followed a little while later.

Now I was anxiously waiting for him in the clearing.  The sun had just set and I had no doubt he would be able to travel fast as a wolf so it wouldn't be long now.

I'd come prepared with some items to help me answer as many questions about him as we could.  I'd stuffed the bathroom scale in a backpack along with a short piece of two-by-four lumber.  We weren't sure if he'd be able to balance on his hind legs on the scale but for sure he couldn't fit both feet on it at once so I was hoping to put the board across the scale and have him balance on it.  I didn't know how else we could get his weight but we wanted to know if he would weigh exactly the same as a wolf as he did as a boy.  I argued that it would be impossible for him to weigh any different but he argued that it was just as impossible for a boy to turn into a wolf.  He was right of course.  We didn't know what the rules were.  I also brought a measuring tape to see how big he was at the shoulders.  The camera was fully charged and ready on the tripod.  All I needed now was for the subject to appear.

I was smiling in anticipation and the excitement I was feeling about finally getting to see him this way when I heard a sound off to the right.  My heart began to beat faster as the excitement ramped up.  I quickly hit the button on the camera to start it recording and stepped out into the clearing, looking towards the source of the sound.  Finally, he emerged from the deep brush into the clearing and began to walk slowly towards me, head low and ears laid back a bit.  He was likely just nervous about what my reaction would be to seeing him, but to me it almost like he was stalking prey.

For just a brief moment I was stricken with fear and the instinctual urge to run.  Even given the amount of time I'd spent trying to imagine what he would look like, and knowing that he was probably bigger than a normal wolf, I was not quite prepared for the reality.  He was absolutely huge!  He looked like he could tear me to pieces in seconds.  It was no wonder he was able to take down a deer by himself when a normal wolf would have a hard time.  He looked almost like he could grab one by the neck and fling it through the air.  He had that lean, dense, muscular, powerful and menacing look that wolves have but he was much, much bigger.  The thought that this couldn't possibly be Elias crossed my mind, but was quickly dismissed.  I stood my ground and waited while he approached.  He paused briefly as if to ensure that he wouldn't scare me off, and when I made no move to run or back away he began to move closer to me and his ears came forward and his tail began to wag.

My fear quickly gave way to complete and utter awe.  He was the single most amazingly beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on.  His fur was thick and luxurious looking.  It was a mixture of light cream and tan, darker browns, and black highlights at the tip.  He was lighter at the bottom leading up to the beautiful mix of darker colors in the longer and almost shaggy fur around his neck and back.  His tail was long and bushy and started with the lighter almost white fur near his rump and shifting along its length to the darker mix of browns with black tips, and finally completely black right at the end of the tail.  His legs were long and lanky with sort of the color of rich cream with very light tan highlights.  His paws were big and heavy looking.  His face was absolutely stunning.  He had a long, wide muzzle that ended in a black nose.  The short, soft fur along his cheeks was the color of cream, but the top of his head and muzzle were the same mixture of tans, browns and blacks that he had on his back.  The space between his eyes had an almost hourglass shaped pattern of jet black fur.  His eyelids where highlighted in black and the edges of his ears were jet black as well.  He had the typical wolf-like fringe of longer, almost shaggy looking fur that framed his face in a beautiful, streaked pattern of cream, brown, and black colors.  His eyes were an amazing copper color mixed with flecks of green and they appeared almost to stare right into my soul.  They were not the same color as Elias' eyes, but somehow they were his.  He was the one staring out at me from within that beautiful animal.  I saw the same kindness and intelligence I had seen in them when I first met him on the train platform.  They had the same wariness too, like someone who'd learned to be careful of everyone and always be on guard.

As he walked right up to me I dropped to my knees.  He was so big that at this point his shoulders were slightly above my own and he slipped his head down and hung it over my shoulder.  I reached up and wrapped my arms around his powerful neck and clung to him.  He let out a few soft whines and I was so overcome with emotion that tears began to well in my eyes as I hugged him more tightly and his tail began to wag faster.

"You are the most incredibly beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, Elias, you really are," I said as I clung to him tightly.

He whined more and pulled back and began to lick my face like an excited dog who was happy to see his master come home.  I laughed and plunged my hands into the thick fur of his neck and began to scratch him there and at the top of his head and behind his ears.  He yipped and barked and bounced around a bit, then rolled over on his back, tail still wagging like mad.  I was grinning from ear to ear as I scratched at his chest and tickled his belly.  My eyes were drawn down between his legs.  His balls were huge and furry and he had a short, thick, fur-covered sheath.  In his excitement the red, pointed tip of his cock was beginning to emerge.  I was suddenly overcome with the urge to be fucked by him.  We had never even talked about that.  The thought hadn't entered my mind before.  Bestiality was not something I'd ever engaged in or given much thought to.  The beautiful being in front of me was Elias, not some dog or wolf.  Seeing him this way, so powerful and feral and achingly beautiful, started my blood boiling.  I resolved to talk to him about it and explore my own feelings on it further before trying anything though.

He rolled back upright and began to run around me.  He shot to the edge of the clearing then turned and raced back past me in a blur of speed.  I think he was trying to show me just how fast he could go.  I wanted to get more hands on with him though.  I smiled and waved him over and pointed at the ground in front of me.  I had to fight the urge to say, "Here boy!", and I chuckled as I realized this really was Elias and I didn't have to use hand signals to try to indicate what I wanted him to do.  He came over and sat right in front of me where I'd pointed.  He probably wouldn't appreciate me saying "Good boy!" either, though once again the urge struck when I saw the big wolf do just what I'd wanted him to.

"I want to measure you now before we lose too much light, OK?"

The beautiful wolf in front of me nodded his head, further solidifying the fact that it was Elias in there and he was in complete control and understood me just fine.

I went to the backpack that was sitting behind the camera tripod and took out the measuring tape.  The camera was recording with audio so I wouldn't need to take notes.  I measured the width of his paws, his height to the shoulders, the length of his body, tail and ears.  I measured pretty much everything.  I spoke each measurement out loud with a hint of awe in my voice.  We'd done a lot of studying about wolves online so we'd have a good idea of what the norm was.  In almost all cases he was close to fifty percent bigger than what we'd learned about the average of some of the bigger wolves in the world, and quite a bit bigger than even the largest ever recorded.  The timber wolves of northern part of North America are some of the largest wolves and they average about 33 inches at the shoulders.  Elias measured 46 inches.  He was well over three and a half feet tall at the shoulders while still on all fours.  I was absolutely blown away.  I could tell just by looking at him that he weighed a hell of a lot more than Elias the boy.  I was anxious to find out how much more.  I went back to the pack and got the bathroom scale and the length of board.  I found a hard spot of ground and set the scale down and put the board across it, then turned it on and waited for it to calibrate to zero.

"Let's see if we can get you balanced on this, Elias.  Stand over it and I'll help you get your back feet on it, then I'll come around to the front and help you stand up.  You'll need to stay balanced for a few seconds at least to get a solid reading."

The massive wolf loped over to me and after some fiddling around I managed to get his hind paws on the board far enough apart to get some balance.  I then went around in front of him and crouched down.  He put one big paw on one of my shoulders then put his weight on me as he lifted his other front paw onto my other shoulder.  Then I slowly stood up and he came up with me so he was standing on his hind legs.  I moved in closer to him until he seemed to be balanced and I wasn't bearing any of his weight.  He was just using me to keep from falling over.  He was so big that standing upright this way his head was up almost a foot higher than mine and I'm six foot five.  Once again I was blown away by the size of him.

The scale was the type that would keep reading and hold the highest weight it sees.  Once he was fully balanced and just leaning against me slightly he held still for a bit and then I stepped away so he could drop back down to all fours.  The scale readout said 238 pounds.  That was close to double the average weight of timber wolves and almost 50 pounds more than the heaviest ever recorded.  It was no surprise that none of the normal wolves he'd encountered would let him anywhere near them.  The most puzzling thing was that it was well over Elias's own weight as a boy.  We'd weighed him before coming out and he was just shy of 140.  It made no sense.  Not that a boy changing into a wolf made any sort of sense to begin with.  You can't simply create matter from nothing though.  It had to come from somewhere.  Was there dark matter involved somehow?  Could there be such a thing as real magic?  Was it some sort of link to another dimension that we were borrowing mass from?  Maybe in some parallel universe a giant wolf in a world populated by them had now turned into a small boy and lost mass to keep everything in balance across the universes.  Maybe his wolf boyfriend was now looking him over in awe at his strange new shape and wondering where all the mass went.  Try as I might I couldn't come up with any theory that was remotely plausible.

We didn't have much time before it would start to get dark and I wanted to make sure Elias would get a really good look at himself tomorrow when he was back home so I took the camera off the tripod and manually zoomed it in on him and moved around him.

"Smile for the camera," I said.

He looked straight at it and stuck out his tongue.  He stood and moved around this way and that to try to show all angles.  I needed him still for a minute so I said, "Sit for a sec so I can really get some good close ups without you moving around too much."

His rump went down and he sat.

"Yeah, sit.  Good boy!" I encouraged him, "What a good doggy!"

He brought up one of his big forepaws and tried his best to turn it around so the back faced me so he could flip me the bird, but a paw isn't really well suited for that.  Instead he brought his big paw up under his chin and flicked it forward like an angry Italian telling me to go fuck myself.  I got the message loud and clear and I laughed.

I zoomed right in close and slowly moved around him trying to get every detail of his amazing coat.  I came back around the front and panned down to his big paws.  It struck me that Elias would probably be interested in seeing his privates in this form.  I know I'd be curious as hell if it was me.

"Lie down, boy.  There's a good boy," I joked.

He growled deep and loudly.

I laughed and said, "Come on.  Don't you want to see what your junk looks like?"

He rolled his eyes, which is an expression that actually works quite well even on a wolf it turns out, and then lay down on his side, curved his head down and started licking his privates.  I suddenly realized that not only could he see his own junk quite closely any time he wanted, he could lick it all day long if the mood struck.  I laughed again.

"That's awesome!  I never even thought of that.  I think if I were that shape it would probably be weeks before I got bored with that."

He looked back at me and nodded again and made a sort of grunt sound like he was agreeing with me.  Chances are he'd spent a fair bit of time doing just that in the early days.  He then looked at me with one eyebrow raised for a moment, lifted his back leg higher, and then jerked his head towards his crotch like he was asking me if I wanted to partake.  I noticed the red tip of his penis was beginning to peek out of his sheath again.  He was feeling horny.

"You want to mess around?  Is that it?" I asked, not sure if this was something we should be getting into right away.

He nodded.

"How far do you want to go?  We never really talked about this so I haven't really thought about it."

He seemed to struggle with the question for a bit like he was trying to figure out how to answer it, and I suddenly realized I'd forgotten that he can't talk.  I would need to phrase questions with a yes or no answer to make things easier for him.  Before I could rephrase it he brought one paw forward and began to carefully scratch something out in the dirt with a claw.  It was hard for him because he didn't really have full control over each individual toe on his paw.  He managed to write a brief but crude message and it was fairly easy to understand.  It simply said, "HUMP U".

I thought about it.  There was no doubt I was feeling intensely turned on by him.  The thought of this massive, beautiful, furry animal mounting me and fucking my brains out was suddenly an incredibly appealing idea.  Occasionally in the past I'd fantasized about sex with animals when I was feeling particularly horny and experimental up in my head but it never went beyond the fantasy stage.  I wasn't really interested in messing around with dumb animals.  I hadn't given any thought to doing it with Elias though.  This was a pretty interesting situation.  He wasn't an animal at all.  He was Elias.  He had all the same feelings and needs and desires.  He had the same likes and dislikes.  He loves me.  I love him, so why the hell would I not want to make love to him, no matter what shape he had?  My thoughts wandered back to how boring I'd felt my life was right up until Elias walked into it and I knew the answer.  There was no way I could say no to this.

I grinned at him and nodded.  He brought his front paw up again and pushed at my hand that was holding the camera and then he jerked his head toward the tripod.

"You want it on record?"

He nodded again, so I stood and went back to mount the camera and angled it more towards the ground where we would be doing the deed.  We had enough light left to last twenty minutes or so before it would get too dark to get a good picture.  I stopped the recording to switch to a fresh memory card to make sure we wouldn't run out of space in the middle of it.  I started it recording again and then went back to join Elias, who had stretched back out on the ground on his side and lifted his hind leg high up as he watched me approach.

I kneeled down beside him and started to stroke his fur along his chest, then slowly worked down to his belly again.  The red tip of his penis once again began to emerge from the sheath.  The urge to move my face in and suck on it was overpowering, but I just wasn't sure if I wanted to go there yet.  I reached out and took his sheath in hand and squeezed it to feel the growing member inside.  I gently jacked it up and down and watched the red tool disappear into the furry sheath, then emerge once more thicker and longer as I slowly worked the sheath up and down over the slippery tool.  Elias watched and his breaths became sharper and more rapid and he began to pant as his heat continued to build up.  I moved my hand further down to caress his fur-covered scrotum.  His balls were bigger than mine.  They were hefty and perfectly shaped.  Again I wanted to move my face in and find out what he smelled like down there.  Scent has always been a big part of sex for me and I was really curious to know how he would smell to me.  It was hard to get past the idea that he was a great big dog and that this was bestiality.  I wanted to get in there but something inside was holding me back.  I could almost feel society watching and getting ready to judge me harshly.

I looked back at the massive wolf's face.  His wide pink tongue was hanging out the side of his slightly open mouth as he panted.  I looked at his eyes and there was Elias staring right back out at me.  It was really him.  I felt like I could see his soul.  He looked at me with the same love and desire I always saw in the eyes of Elias the boy when we started our foreplay.  I wasn't messing around with an animal; I was enjoying intimacy with the love of my life.  The one I intended to spend the rest of my life with.  It was ridiculous to see it any other way.

I moved up to his face and kissed his big black nose.  He whined and began to lick at my face.  He licked at my eyes and nose, at my cheeks, and finally at my lips.  I opened my mouth a bit and his tongue flicked at the inside of my lips and then plunged into my mouth.  I instantly began to feel the passion I always felt for Elias taking over and I moaned and greedily sucked his tongue right in and he fed me more of it.  His tongue was wide and pink and soft and incredibly warm.  It was long and wet and it snaked around and licked at the inside of my mouth with a fever of lust as we both began to get carried away by our desire for each other.  I sucked on his tongue with passion and pushed my lips against his muzzle.  He opened his jaws wider and I moaned again as I tilted my head sideways and moved my face right into his mouth to suck as much of his tongue in as I could and his huge, sharp, white teeth gently closed on my cheeks.

My blood began to boil and my heart started to race as the lust I was feeling for him rapidly mounted towards an uncontrollable frenzy.  Any inhibitions I might have been feeling were quickly vaporized by the intense heat of the fire that was building inside me.  I pulled away from him and stood and quickly pulled my t-shirt off over my head, kicked off my shoes, and yanked down my shorts and underwear and threw them aside.  I kneeled beside him again but this time I did not hesitate.  I moved my face in to his crotch as he lifted his hind leg higher to give me full access.  I rubbed my cheek against his big, furry balls and turned my nose in and sniffed at him.  The scent was incredible.  It wasn't overpowering but it was strong.  It was earthy and musky and masculine and animal and absolutely intensely erotic to me.  My toes curled as I sniffed harder and moved my nose right in next to his soft, furry sack and breathed the wonderful musk of him.

I kissed his big furry sheath and rubbed my face against it and I could feel his cock thickening more inside it.  The heat coming off him was building as I move over to the red tip that was coming further out of the furry covering and I extended the tip of my tongue to touch it.  It was hot and hard and wet and the idea of what I was doing and how aroused Elias was getting for me pushed me the rest of the way.  I turned my head in and slurped the end of his hot tool into my mouth.  He jumped slightly and then bent himself at the waist a bit to thrust more of his cock into my mouth as it slipped further from his sheath.  The lust I was feeling for him took over completely and I greedily sucked in as much of his cock as I could while I reached up and fondled his big, heavy balls with my hand.  His cock began to leak a thin, wet, slick lubricant that tasted slightly salty and earthy and my head began to spin from the uncontrollable ardor I was feeling.

Elias was feeling his heat building too and he straightened himself out to pull his cock back out of my mouth and pushed at me with his massive front paw as he rolled back upright over top of me.  I was on my back now and his crotch hovered over my face as he began to lower it down and jabbed his red tool at my mouth.  I moaned and tilted my head back and opened wide to let him begin to fuck my face.  He was still hunkered down with his furry chest pushing down on me as he spread his hind paws further apart to bring his crotch right to my face and began to hump at me, pushing his cock further and further in until it hit my throat.  I gagged, but quickly got control and relaxed to let the pointy end of his cock begin to push down into my throat.

He then began to lick at my crotch as I wrapped my arms around his furry waist and began to buck my hips at his face.  I had never felt this much lust before and I reached back and fondled his furry balls again as he humped at my face.  My finger found his hot, slightly sweaty anus and I pushed the tip of my finger in.  He whined and increased his thrusting and I pushed my finger in further.  His hole was hot and tight and it gripped my finger powerfully.  He was beginning to lose control and I was having trouble breathing as he pushed himself further into my throat, forgetting to pull out and let me get a breath.  I finally had to bring my hands under him and push to force his crotch away so that his cock emerged from my throat.

He whined and stood up and moved around beside me and reached across my waist to pull at me with his front paw like he wanted me to roll over and get in position to be fucked now.  He couldn't wait any longer and the lust I was feeling for him made me more than ready to feel him inside me.  I rolled over and got up on my hands and knees.  He moved around behind me and in one swift move he was up and over top me and grabbing me at the waist with his powerful front legs.  He began to jab his hips at me and I could feel his hard wet tool poking me all around my asshole.  I held still and relaxed and waited for him to find the spot.  It didn't take long and the moment the tip of his cock found the entrance he recognized it immediately and thrust forward.  The shape of the wet tool was perfectly designed for quick penetration and my anus spread easily as I relaxed more and his hot cock pushed right into me.  I groaned at the amazing feeling of him taking me as he began to buck harder while working his hind paws forward a bit on the ground to drive more and more of his still thickening member into my rectum.

The sensation was incredible.  His cock was still growing inside me, spreading my anus further and further as he thrust more of it in and I began to worry about just how much I could take.  I've had a lot of experience with cocks of all sizes but I had no idea just how big his would get.  My biggest concern was his knot.  Like all canids, once his penis was fully inserted in me it would automatically begin to swell at its base to form a knot that would tie him to me as his orgasm hit him.  He could tear me open badly back there if it was too big, but my lust was greater than my fear and I simply let myself go and enjoyed the feeling of being lustily fucked by this massive, beautiful, furry version of Elias.

He bucked and humped and panted and finally his thrusts became slower, but deeper.  His cock was as big as it could get and it felt fantastic.  It filled me up more than I'd ever been filled before but it was not causing me any real discomfort.  I moaned as I could begin to feel his knot growing.  His orgasm was about to crash into him.  The sensation of his long, fat tool hammering past my prostate as it filled me to the limit and the knot beginning to stretch at my anus caused me to suddenly feel the powerful electricity of my own orgasm building.  I reached up and grabbed my throbbing cock and began to jack it as I moaned and though of how amazing it was to be taken this way.  My head began to spin more as the orgasm quickly build up and hit me hard and I grunted and shot my load out onto the grass.

The pulsing of my anus against the back of his knot brought Elias right to the edge.  I held my breath as the knot grew further but just as it was starting to get painful, he thrust much harder at me while pulling me back powerfully with his front legs like he was trying to crawl up inside of me and I could almost hear him groaning as his orgasm slammed into him and he began to shoot jets of thick, hot cum into my bowels.  The action of pushing his hips harder and pulling me back forced his big knot a bit further inside me and my anus was able to close more on the shaft behind the knot.  The pain quickly subsided and the knot stopped growing any further.  He was locked right into me now.  There was no way he would be able to pull out of me but there was no reason why he would want to.  He bucked very slightly with every pulse of his powerful orgasm as he shot spurt after spurt of his seed deep into me.  I'd never been so completely filled in my life and it felt so amazing that my own orgasm stretched out much longer than I can ever remember it doing.  I was pummeled by wave after wave of ecstasy as I continued to work my throbbing dick and my balls dumped everything they had out onto the ground while his massive tool pulsed everything he had straight into me.  The idea of this massively powerful version of Elias that could kill me in a heartbeat owning me like this was fantastic and drove my lust further than it had ever gone.

My orgasm began to fade right along with his but he continued to hold me tightly as the deep pulsing of our pelvic muscles slowed to a stop.  I was wrapped in his luxuriously thick and warm fur and he was not about to let me go.  He clung to me and panted as the last of his seed leaked out into me and the last of mine dripped out onto the grass and we began the wait for his knot to go down.  Evolution had designed this clever trick to ensure that the male's sperm would have plenty of time to inseminate the female before any of the competition could get a shot at her.  Elias was breeding me now and his body wanted to make sure nobody else could get a chance until it was finished getting me good and pregnant with his puppies.

I had been so into it I was panting too as Elias relaxed more of his weight onto me but held still.  He began to lovingly lick at the back of my neck and my cheeks while he waited for his massive tool to release me.  I brought my head up as he brought his down beside it and we rubbed our cheeks together.  I was so deeply in love with him right now I couldn't believe the power of it.  My heart felt ready to burst it was so full of him.  I would be fine holding this position forever.  I was his and he was all that mattered to me.  He could have me as long as he wanted.  There was no one else in the world for me and I knew now that there never would be.  Who could possibly ever hold a candle to him?  I'd already loved him more than anyone I'd ever known, more than I could even have imagined possible, but this unique and powerful experience drove my feelings even deeper.  I felt like the luckiest man who had ever lived.

It took nearly ten minutes but finally I could feel the pressure going down as his knot rapidly began to shrink.  He held me tightly until it was small enough to slip out easily and finally his cock pulled out smoothly and began to retreat back into his sheath.  I lay down beneath him and turned around so I was on my back.  He simply settled right down onto me and I wrapped my arms around his thickly furred neck as he started to lick my face again.

"That was the most incredibly intense experience of my life, Elias.  Thank you.  I don't think I could ever describe to you just how much I love you right now.  To say that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me would be the understatement of the year.  I feel luckier than you could imagine."

I squeezed him tighter and he whined and licked me harder and faster as his tail began to wag like mad.  It must be frustrating for him to not be able to say a word to me, but I could sense that he was telling me he felt the same way as I did.  I couldn't wait to see Elias the boy tomorrow morning so we could really talk about this.  I felt incredibly happy that he'd suggested we try this.  I hadn't thought of going there before we came out but I couldn't be happier that we had.  I was looking forward to a lot more of this in the future.

He lifted off me and moved over to lie down on his side with his back against me.  I turned to spoon against his wonderfully furry body and I stroked him as we lay there together basking in the afterglow of our orgasms.  I imagined what a sight this would be if someone stumbled into the clearing right now and I chuckled a bit.  I didn't feel wrong at all about it.  That brief bit of hesitation was gone forever.  The passion he'd shown and the lust I felt for him was exactly the same as when we were both humans, but just kicked up to a higher level.  It was right and natural to enjoy each other this way.  I doubted I would ever feel the least bit bad about it.

I began to think about the future and the dangers it held.  It seemed easier than ever now to imagine a situation where we were so busy enjoying each other that we would slip and miss the coming of his change.  Seeing the size of him now I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell if he began to change when I was still with him.  I could never outrun him and he could tear me to very small pieces easily.  I was so in love with Elias in this shape as well as his other one that I wished the transition between the two was not so dangerous and didn't cause him so much pain.  It is what it is though, and we would have to make sure we always respected the danger of it.  My life was on the line.

We'd decided that we would keep this first meeting fairly short.  It was especially dangerous for him to stay so close to the city while it was still so light out.  If he were ever seen it might spark a manhunt that would force him to move elsewhere.  If word got out that there was a monstrously huge wolf on the loose it would spread like wildfire.  He'd already got too much press from the deer carcasses from his previous kills but those weren't much more than a minor unsolved mystery and word had even begun to spread that it must be some sort of prank because no natural predator on this continent could have a bite pattern that large.  Elias wouldn't need to kill to eat any longer since he would be getting plenty of food as a boy and that seemed to satisfy the needs of the wolf as well.  This too was a mystery to me.  Why would a burger eaten as a boy result in a wolf later on that would still feel satisfied and not hungry?  Why would that essentially be the same as the wolf eating twenty pounds of deer meat in one sitting.  Wolves naturally are binge eaters.  They will eat pretty much all that's in front of them from a kill until they can't fit any more in, then they will be good to not eat for several days or even a week.  They evolved that way to make up for the fact that the majority of hunts are unsuccessful and they might only manage to take down a big animal once every few days of trying.

Elias said that it carried over both ways and he didn't understand why.  If he ate a deer as a wolf he wouldn't need to eat, even as a boy, for days.  The odd thing was that the same worked in reverse.  If he ate his fill as a boy shortly before changing, the wolf wouldn't feel hungry at all either for the whole night.  As long as he ate regular meals as a boy he would never need to eat again as the wolf.  This would mean he would leave no trace of his passage anymore and he just needed to stay well hidden and safe until the strange carnivore that had been killing deer was forgotten or dismissed as a hoax.  We couldn't risk anyone seeing him or getting pictures of him.  It wouldn't be so bad if he looked like a normal wolf in size, but this supernaturally giant one would quickly become the top story on everyone's mind.  He would become a local legend and hunters might come from all over to try to bag him.  Wolves are protected here by both state and federal laws, but there are people who would ignore that fact to be able to stuff and mount the biggest wolf ever seen in their den.

Construction would begin on the panic room in just a few more days.  My hope was that once it was built he wouldn't need to even leave the house anymore if he didn't want to.  As long as we stayed diligent he should be able to change inside the room when the time came and I would be safe.  The reality of it was that I would probably be safe even if he simply went into any other room in the house and closed the door.  The metal safe room was just an extra precaution to keep him from reaching me if he did see me during the change and wanted to kill me.

According to what Elias said of the process, he would simply take off everything he was wearing and fold it neatly into a pile and then he would wait for the change to take him.  The pain was incredible but it didn't cause him to run around in a crazed frenzy or tear up everything around him.  As long as there was nobody else around he would simply writhe on the ground in pain as his body transformed and then when it finally ended and he came back to himself.  He should be able to change in the room without going into a rage against me because he wouldn't see me.  Once he was back to himself but in wolf form he could come out and we could spend some time together.  It would be risky, but it would be better than him having to always go down to the river valley and spend the night by himself.  The duration of the change would be so short at the beginning and end of the lunar cycle that it made more sense for him to just stay home and stay in the room for the short time that he would be changed, then come out and go to bed after he changes back.  We would soon adopt a routine that would work.  We almost had everything in place.  For now, it was best to just have him come down here by himself and stay well away from people.

I sighed and stood up as I noticed the light level was dropping further.  It would be dark soon and it was time for me to head back home.

I turned off the camera.  The light was getting too low for it anyhow.  I gathered up my clothes and started to put them back on.  Elias whined and got up too.  He followed me around as I gathered everything else and put it all back into the backpack and hooked it over my shoulder.  I dropped to my knees in front of him and wrapped an arm around his neck one last time and hugged him hard.  I kissed his muzzle and said, "This was so amazing, Elias.  Thanks again.  I can't wait to see you back home tomorrow morning.  I love you."

He whined once more and licked my face as his tail wagged and then he got up and loped off to the edge of the clearing.  He stopped and looked back at me one last time and I got one last good look at how amazingly beautiful this massive wolf was before he turned and disappeared into the woods.

I turned and began the walk back to my bike that was locked to a tree near the trail.  I smiled as I thought of what an incredible experience this was.  It was easily the best night of my life.  I couldn't wait to get home and see how the videos looked.  It would be a long wait for Elias to get back home.

I got back to my bike and unlocked it and walked it out onto the trail.  The moon was big and bright as it continued to rise up into the darkening sky.  Just as I lifted my leg over the seat to get on the bike I heard the long, loud howl of a lone wolf and shivers went up my spine.  There were several loud yips followed by another long, drawn out howl.  My boyfriend was saying good night to me.

It didn't seem like a mournful howl or an angry one.  It sounded more like he was celebrating the sheer joy of being alive and it made me smile.

I felt exactly the same way.


If you enjoyed this story and would like to read more from the author please look in the Gay/Adult-Youth section at for...

The Patriarch -  The ongoing adventures of a man, possibly the only one remaining in the world, and the young boy he takes under his wing as they travel through a world where the majority of the human race has been wiped out by a plague.  The disease's lethality was linked to sexual maturity killing the adults and leaving the earth's children to fend for themselves.

The Sock Thief - The heart warming story of how a humorous encounter brought about by a fetish not only leads to unexpectedly wild sex between a man and a teenage boy, but also changes their lives in a way neither could have foreseen.

Bang the Drummer - The story of a submissive man who uses his video game skills to win the right to be properly used by some neighbors.

Predators - The story of a man who enjoys a hobby of luring teenage boys in for a bit of innocent exploration in the woods.

or check the Gay/SF-Fantasy section for...

Favors of the First Ones -  The story of an ordinary man who's life is near its natural end, but who suddenly finds himself, at the moment of the unexpected destruction of his world, the victim of an alien abduction with a bizarre motive, that ultimately opens the entire universe to him and propels him into a life of adventure that he'd never imagined was even possible.  He eventually finds himself thrust front and center into events that could, both figuratively and quite literally, change the shape of the entire known universe.

The Hawthorne Accord -  The adventures of a teenage boy who is rescued from a cruel fate in his home village by a friend, but ultimately finds himself on his own and hunted in a world that is being ravaged by brutal race wars between the humans and three races of monsters: kobolds, orcs and ogres.  He discovers in his travels that the world is not quite entirely the way he'd thought it was and that even a single teenage boy can make a difference in the fate of entire races, including his own.

James and the Giant Perv -  A humorous modern fairy tale involving three teenage boys, some "beans", a very tall pervert who dwells in his own kingdom in the clouds, and the various interesting ways they find to enjoy each other sexually.

James and the Giant Christmas -  Another story involving the three boys and the lovable giant they'd befriended, except this time it's Christmas why not?

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