Love at 30000 Feet

By moc.loa@877ajd

Published on Sep 30, 2008


Love at 30000 Feet Chapter 4

Disclaimer: This is a story involeing a male to male sexual realtionship betweeen two consenting adults. If this is illleagl for you to read in your are or you are not 18 (or 21) please do not read. I do not know any of the celberties mentioned in this story or their sexual orentation. This is a work of fiction.

I want to apologize for the lasp since the last chapter. Work has been keeping me busy and my laptop crashed. I will hopefully be able to keep the story moving now since the summer season has slowed down and that I bought a new lap top.

Chapter 4

"Jake..stop" I said as I pulled away from him.

"Brian I am sorry I just got caught up in the moment and...." Jake said before I could stop him.

"Its ok, you just caught me off guard" I said stareing at him. Jake sat down next to me.

"Brian, I have been attracted to you since I saw you at the resturanat last night before we left LA. When I saw that you where working the flight, I thought that mabe there was a chance that I could talk to you and when I did. I became more attracted to you. You are the first person that I have opened up to about the accident since it happend. I haven't even told his mom's what happend." Jake said looking at me.

"Jake, You are a attractive guy and a very sweet one to. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to you also."

I started to tell Jake more but he cut me off.

"No buts, I am not asking you to jump into bed with me the first time we hang out. I just want a chance to get to know you better and see what happends. I know that you have a very hectic schdueal and it won't be easy. Who knows nothing may be between us and we will just end up really good frineds." jake took my hand and I glanced at my watch.

"Jake, do you realize that is almost 2:00AM, why don't we go back to my hotel and try to get some sleep. I need time to sort things out in my head and sleep will help me do that" I said as Jake hugged me and we started to walk down the stairs. Once we reached the street we got a cab back to my hotel. I really didn't sleep much, I was up by 9:00 and went out on the balcony to have a smoke. About the time I was walking outside my phone rang and It was Cindy, I slinced it and let it go to voice mail. I needed some time alone to try to sort things out in my head. As I was outside I thought that It was nice wakeing up with someone else. For to long it have been to many countless one night stands in diffrent cities. Maybe you could say that it was a fear of committment or intamcy. I have always been scared that I would hurt someone or I would end up getting hurt again. I heard the door open and felt Jake stand next to me.

"Good Morning, you got up early" Jake said takeing a cigarette out of the pack that was on the table.

"I didn't sleep much" I said trying not to make eye contact with him.

"I know that I gave you alot to think about last night and I don't want to rush you. I just want a chance to get to know you and see where things go." Jake said looking directly at me.

"I want to get to know you better to, but there is something you need to know about me before we go anyfurther, its the reason I haven't been back to Texas much since I left. When I was in college I was dating this guy and he raped me numours times. It caused me to have alot of intamcy issues. Its also the main reason that I haven't been back to Texas since I moved to LA. I have been trying to put that part of my life in the past. I haven't dated at all since I started the job. I tend to work as much as possible to try to not have a social life. I want to get to know you better but I just need to know that you understand that its going to take my time to adjust. My only friends in LA are really my roommates." For the frist time since we had been on the balcony I looked at Jake.

"Brain, we can take things as slow as we need to, we have no reason to rush, we both have hectic lives but I am sure we can find away to make a frinedship work and if it devlops in to more great, if not its no big deal." Jake went to say something else but my cell phone started ringing.

I looked at the screen and saw that it was crew schduealing.

"This is Brian" I awnsered

"This Mike form Royal Air crew schduealing is the flight attendant Stevens"

"Yes it is Mike, whats up" I breathed a sigh of relife that it was one of the few people that I didn't mind talking to in schduealing.

"Hey Brian, I just wanted to call and let you know that there is a change to your schdueale. Instead of working the flight out tomorrow morning. We are having your crew work the late flight back tonight. We had a couple flights cancel last night due to weather and have a few crews out of postion."

"Thats kewl, Mike, that explanins the screming I just heard through the wall. What time is the show time for tonight."

" It will be a 1730 show for a 1845 departure. Would you like me to fax the new information to the hotel for you?"

"Yes please do, I will pick it up at the front desk in a little while"

"Ok, thanks Brian, this has been the easiest phone call I have had to make all morning."

"Ok, have a good one Mike." I said and hung up the phone and walked back out on the balcony. Jake was sitting at the tabel looking at the city that was starting to wake up below us.

"What was the blood curling scream that came out of the next room?" Jake said just as Christi was walking out on her balcony.

"Good morning sunshine, you seem to be in a pleasent mood for nine in the morning" I said trying not to laugh at the look I was geting from Christi.

"Can you belive this fucking shit. Cutting our layover 12 hours short becuase of weather." Christi was trying to lite her cigratte when she finally noticed Jake sitting at the table. "Oh shit I am sorry I didn't mean to interrrupt" Christi said looking at me and smileing"

" You weren't interrupting anything, we where just talking and then heard you scream"

"Oh well,I need to go take a shower, Brian are you doing anything for lunch?" Christi ask me starting to go back into her room.

"Not that I know of, I will let you know if I am or not in a little bit" I said looking at Jake.

"Ok, Captin ego said the van is at 1700" Christi said going into her room and closeing the door.

"So I guess that means you are leaving today instead or tomorrow?" Jake said getting up and taking another cigartte out.

"Yea they need us to work the late flight back to LA tonight becuase they had flights cancel yesterday and crews are out of postion." I noticed that Jake seemed a litte upset by that news that I was leaving earlier then expected. "You ok?"

"I was just hopeing maybe we could do something tonight, my meeting got cancelled so I have nothing to do today, my sister has a doctors appointment."

"We could go grab lunch or something, and I need to find a present for my mom, her birthday is coming up soon and I forgot it last year"

"Thats cool, I need to run to my sisters and check in on her to if you don't mind going with me." We spend the rest of the day grabbing lunch and going to check on his sister, who was asleep when we went over to see her. Jake helped me pick out a great birthday gift for my mom. We talked alot and found out that we have a lot in common. We got back to my hotel at about 3:30 which gave me time to irong my uniform and get ready to leave to head back to LA. Jake hung around while I took a shower and got ready.

"Brian" Jake said as I was zipping up my tote bag and walking outside to have a smoke before I went down stairs." Will you call me when you land I just want to make sure that you make it home ok.

"It will be around midnight here before I get home." I was really touched by him asking this, I really liked him but part of me was scared of getting hurt again and holding back.

"That will be ok, I will be up" He said walking over to me.

" Ok I will call when I am going to my car. I need to start heading down stairs to met up with the rest of the crew becuase, they will all probaly be in bitchy moods since our layover got cut short. Plus I..." Jake leaned in and kissed me.

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk to much?" Jake said leaning in to kiss me again.

" Sometimes, but if you keep kissing me I am going to be late going down and get in trouble" I leaned in and kissed Jake one last time. I went in and pulled on my blazer with Jake following me. I went to grab my bags off the stand but Jake had already put them by the door.

" I will call you when I land and you can keep me awake on my drive home." I said as I was opening the door. We went down stairs and met up with Christi. We talked for a few minutes while I was going over the paper work for the return trip. Jake said his goodbyes and told me he would talk to me later. The rest of the crew showed up a few minutes later and we got in the van to head to the airport. After clearing secutiry Betty lagged back with me.

"You seem to be in a really good mood tonight sweetheart" She said smiling at me.

"I acutally had a good time in New York this time."

"Could it be, the person you had dinner with the night we got here?" I stopped and looked at her. "Sweetie that it was one of my favorte places to eat in the city, don't worry it was just me and Laura there, Just be careful sweetie he has a lot to loose and I dont' want to see you get hurt again." Bettey was like my mother and was there for me when I was dealing with the break up right after moving to LA and she treated me like her son and was very protective of me.

"Betty we are just frineds" I said trying to lie to her.

"Sweetie it wasn't hard to tell that you and him are intrested in each other, I think that you make a cute couple. Just rember one thing, He isn't Micheal."

"I know, we agreed to take things slow and see what happends and if anything devlopes" I said. By now we had made it to the gate and the plane was already here We went down and did our breifings and started to get galleys and cabin ready to board at about 6:00 the gate agent came down to see if we where ready to board. My phone was vibrateing so I looked and saw that I had a text message. It was from Jake,

Have a good flight, be safe, Jake

I replied that I would and will call him when I land in LA. Me and Christi finished doing pre departure drinks and the gate agent brought downt the paperwork. We closed to door and pushed off the gate early. After take off and getting everyone drinks and meals served I had a few minutes to sit and think about what had happend since I had left of New York. I hadn't dated anyone since Micheal and the thought of dating scared me to death, but I knew that it was time to move on and try to start over.

"Whats up monkey butt?" Christi ask standing in front of me.

"Nothing just thinking" I said trying not to be obvious about who I was thinking about.

"Yall make a cute couple, he is a great guy and hott has hell."

"Thanks for your opion, He is a really nice guy and" I was starting to say before I was intrupted by a call from the back."I need to go the back for a minute"

I was walking to the back galley to see what the girls wanted and I noticed someone that looked familiar to me out of the corner of my eye. When I got to the back galley Betty was holding the passenger list.

"The passenger in 10A would like a word with you," She said handing me the passenger list. I looked down and saw the name and I dropped the list. " Sweetheart are you ok you look like you just saw a ghost".

"I would rather see a ghost then see what I just saw" I said sitting down the jumpseat and picking up the passenger list off the floor."I thought someone looked familiar when I was walking back here and seeing that list makes me sure I knew who there where." I handed the list back to Betty.

" Chris M. Davis how do you know him?"

" Chris Micheal Davis is his full name, to all his frineds he goes by Micheal" I said putting my head in my hands.

" Your kidding right, why would he be on a flight from New York to LA?"

" Hell if I know, probley some meeting that he is always off to, any idea what he wanted?"

" He just said that he wanted to speak to the lead on the flight" Betty said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I can send Christi if you want me to he doesn't know the diffrence"

" No, I will see what he wants, your past always catches up with you right?" I said getting off the jumpseat and fixing my tie. I turned to walk up the aslie to see what he wanted. My heart was beating a thousand miles and hour before I got to his seat. I took a deep breath before I turned his toward his seat.

"Mr. Davis, my name is Brian Stevens I am the purser this evening how can I help you?" I fought back the urge to faint as he turned to look at me. All the thoughts of everything that had happened between us and what he had done to me came rushing back.

"Hello Brian, I was wondering if I could have a word with you in private please"

"Sure, come with me" I took him to the back galley and ask the couple of people that where back there to give us a couple minutes please. After the all left and pulled the curtians closed. I turend around and looked at him.

" Its been a long time Brian, how have you been" He ask staring into my eyes.

" Yes it has been a long time Micheal, I am doing good, moving on with my life"

" You look good, LA has been good to you"

" Cut the crap Micheal what do you want?" I said getting very annoyed with him at this point.

" Still short tempered I see. I just wanted to see how you where, I still do care about you, wheather you belive it or not"

" Really, so all those times I ended up in the hospital for things you did to me, you really cared about me" I saw Betty peaking through the curtian "I have moved on with my life Micheal and it doesn't include you. Now Mr. Davis, I have other passengers that need my attenition. Will you return to your seat"

I opened the curtain and saw Betty and Laura look at me and smile. Micheal returned to his seat and I leaned up against the counter and felt Betty put her arm around me.

"You ok sweets?"

" Yea, I acutally feel much better now, I for once see how big of an asshole he really is. I just wonder what I ever saw in him." I said holding back a laugh.

I went back up the front and filled Christi in on what had happend in back. I thought that she was going to go back to and kill Micheal but she didn't. After we landed I had to fight the urge to laugh when he walked by her getting off the plane. She gave him a look that got the poing across not to fuck with me or anyone else for that matter. We walked outside to catch the employee bus and I was walking to my car I called Jake. He must have been expecting my call because he awnsered on the first ring. We talked until I got home and I let him go.

I walked inside and put my bags in my room and set on the couch and the roommates both looked at me.

"So how was New York?" John ask holding back a laugh. I guess they either figured something out by the fact that I was in a good mood or that loud mouth Christi already called.

Ok so I finally got the new chapter done. I know that it took me a long time but I have had alot of things going on recently. I promise the next chapter will nottake as long to come out. Hopfully with in the next month or less. If you have any comments, questions, criticism:

E-mail: AIM: DJA778


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