Love Discovered

By Jon

Published on Nov 1, 1998


Subj: A Love Discovered - Chapter 1

Comments, requests for more chapters, or suggestions for future plot lines will be welcomed!

This story is fiction, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway. This can be freely distributed to other archives or newsgroups, as long as the byline & this header information stays attached. Comments, criticism, feedback, or suggestions for future plot lines will be happily entertained - flames will not be. You can reach me at You can also visit my website at Enjoy!

******************** A Love Discovered by Jon ********************

Chapter 1 ==========

Summer always ends too soon. June, July, August...they all become a blur, and before you know it, September rolls around and it's time to start getting ready for school.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Trevor, and I'm a sophmore in high school this year. I have medium length black hair with blond highlights, hazel eyes, and fairly tanned skin. I guess I'm pretty popular, but I've never really paid attention to popularity contests. I just hit 5'10 and I'm about 135 lbs. I have a fairly active social life, and my friends keep telling me about this girl or that girl who wants to go out with me. But I've got a secret: I'm not really into girls. For as long as I can remember, I've had feelings for guys. I mean, don't get me wrong - I have a couple of really close friends who are girls, but I just don't get hard thinking about them. I guess that makes me gay. Oh well, no big deal. At first, this kinda bothered me - scared me a bit, but now I'm okay with it. I just need to find a boyfriend!

I have to admit, part of this flurry of emotion led me to join the Junior Varsity water polo team last year. The first few days, I really had to struggle not to pop a woody looking at all of these incredible guys wearing just speedos. But after I managed to get that under control, I actually started focusing and I'm a pretty good player now. I made some really good friends during polo last year, and I can't wait for the season to start again. The practices are incredibly tough, but I've managed to keep in good physical condition over the summer so I shouldn't have to suffer as badly this year. Of course, there is one problem: we always start practices a few weeks before school starts, which means the coaches are free to work us all day, every day. Ouch!

Well, the first day of practice rolled around, and I found myself back at school, awaiting the beginning of my torture. Suprisingly, our first day just consisted of a little 5 mile jog, some basketball (teamwork junk), and about 75 assorted laps and sprints to finish off the day. The great thing about the first day is that you get to meet all the new people and start to form friendships. Most of the new freshmen on JV seemed pretty cool (and pretty cute!), but there was one who caught my eye. He was definitely the best looking among the crop of new fact, Matt was absolutely gorgeous. He had short blond hair, parted in the middle, that hung down over his forehead. His blue eyes perfectly complimented his face, and his lips looked deliciously kiss-able. He was about my height and weight and he seemed to have the same outgoing personality that I did. As we changed into our speedos to do laps, I got a good look as his chest. His firm pecs sported slightly darkened nubs, and his washboard abs had a slight six-pack look to them. He had this cute "swimmer's" bubble butt that seemed to grab my eyes. That was one delicious body.

After the third or fourth practice, we finally got to actually start playing water polo. Our coach matched us up, freshmen (froshs) vs. sophmores (sophs) to get a feel for how well the new guys played. In particular, I watched Matt to get a feel for what kind of a player he was. It turned out he was a very good one, definitely one of the best among the newbies. He was a fast swimmer, that was for sure, but I noticed that the few shots he took on the goal were a little high. As my mind processed this, I turned over the possibilities in my mind. I was one of the top scorers on JV last year, even as just a frosh - maybe I would get a chance to work one-on-one with him on his shots! My dick started responding favorably, so I quit that line of thought and got back to the game.

I guess the coach and I must have had a telepathic connection that day because he started pairing up the new guys with the more experienced players to work on certain weaknesses that he had noticed, and sure enough, I got paired up with Matt. I swam over and introduced myself, and I felt something almost electric pass between us as I finally looked him straight in the eyes. It sent shivers up my spine!

We hit it off great, and for the next hour, we had a blast. I actually did manage to help him with his shot, and by the end of practice, he had improved a great deal. We started horsing around in the water after I made some wisecrack about his shooting, and before I knew it, the whole team had digressed into full-out water warfare. We were all still laughing about it as practice ended, and I found myself hanging out with Matt as we changed back in the locker room. All of the freshmen were still a little on the shy side and wrapped their towels around their waists before changing. I was already used to the sports atmosphere so I just stripped down. I was being very subtle but did manage to catch Matt checking out my equipment at one point. My mind sort of passed it off as the normal locker room stuff, but on some level, I was hoping that he might just be interested in me.

Since I had just gotten my driver's license, I offered him a ride home after practice. It turned out that we only lived a few blocks apart! We talked the whole way home, and at the last minute, made a quick detour to get some pizza. We must have sat and talked for an hour. We both had to be getting home, though, so I dropped him off. As he got out of the car, another thought passed through my mind.

"Hey, Matt!" I shouted over the music blaring out of my speakers.

"What's up?" he yelled back as he turned around.

I reached over and turned down the music a bit so we could actually hear each other. "Well, since we live so close, I can just pick you up on the way to practice tomorrow, and drop you off on the way home ...if you want..." I suggested, trying not to seem to hopeful.

"That'd be awesome! Nothing worse that having your parents drive you around" he said with an embarassed grin.

"Cool! Practice starts at 7:00 tomorrow morning, right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Great, then I'll pick you up at 6:45, okay?"

He smiled enthusiastically. "Great! Oh...well, actually, just in case, can I get your phone number? You know, like, if I need to call you or something in the morning..." he trailed off.

Inwardly, I smiled. He was asking for my phone number! "Sure! Hang on just a sec." I grabbed a pad of paper out of the glove compartment and scribbled my phone number down.

"Here ya go," I said as I handed it to him. "This is my own line, so you don't have to worry about my folks or anything like that. Oh hey, what's your number?" I asked.

He gave me his number, and I wrote it down and shoved it into my pocket.

"Cool...see ya tomorrow morning Matt," I gave him my typical "cool" nod and smile.

"Later, Trev," he smiled back at me.

I was as happy as I think any human being could ever be as I drove the few blocks to my house. I was in love.

I became Matt's permanent transportation to and from school from then on, and it worked perfectly. Even after school started, I continued to pick him up and drop him off every day - not that I minded one bit! Now that we were back in school, though, our practice schedule had to change. Practice started every school morning at 5:30 and went until 7:30, about 30 minutes before school started. We also practiced every day after school - right after school got out at 3:00 until about 5:30 at night. I knew it was this rigorous practice schedule that kept us one of the best teams in the state, but I was going to bed at 10 o'clock!

Of course, Matt's parents were eternally grateful to me - they didn't have to get up at that ungodly hour anymore to drop him off, and since we both had the same practice schedule, everything just worked out perfectly. I was really enjoying the extra time alone with Matt, and we were already great friends. As the year started, we discovered that we shared two classes as well! We passed notes in class all the time. Sometimes, we'd just write about nothing at all, but somehow, I think I was a happier person when we were spending time together or talking. Between classes, and practices, we were spending about 7 hours a day in each other's company. By this time, we were talking on the phone all the time, going out on weekends, and everything. I was really in love with him, but I didn't even know where to begin. I was terrified of telling him about me - even more so than I was about telling my other friends - for fear of destroying what we had.

It was mid-October, and Matt and I both stayed late after Friday's practice for a little game of one-on-one. We were planning on a sleepover that night at my place, and I was looking forward to it. Maybe this would finally be the night where something might happen!

After about an hour, we were totally exhausted from the practice and our scrimmage, and as we dragged ourselves out of the pool, the coach came by on his way out.

"I locked up, so go ahead and shower. Just make sure the door closes behind you, okay guys?"

"You got it, Coach," Matt said. I just laughed.

We walked into the locker room, me gloating since I beat him in our little mini-game, and him promising a revenge match. I stripped quickly, jumped into the shower, and began to wash the chlorine out of my hair. As I finished up, Matt stepped in and took the shower across from mine. We started talking again, but my mind wasn't on the conversation.

For the first time, we were alone and completely naked, and he was just treating it as if nothing was unusual. He faced me as he talked, letting the water run over his smooth skin and down his back. I got a good look at his crotch out of my peripheral vision, and I loved what I saw. His soft circumcised cock looked to be about 4 inches long, and his purple head was perfectly concealed in a bush of blond pubic hair. He seemed to have no shame in front of me, and I could feel a reaction starting in my crotch. I quickly excused myself and walked back to my locker. I knew I was going to have to jerk off really soon, and I was trying to remember every detail of his most private area. I hurriedly put on my clothes and leaned my head back into the shower room, concealing my lower body and the fact that I was fully hard at this point.

"Matt!" I shouted over the noisy flow of water.

"Yeah?" he yelled back, turning towards me.

"I'm gonna go hang in my car and turn on some music. Just come out when you're done, okay?"

"Sure. I'll just meet you there."

I walked out and headed towards my car, which was parked just outside the locker room. My parents, for my sixteenth birthday, had gotten me a combined birthday/christmas present of a Blue 1998 Ford Explorer with a tan leather interior, CD player, the works! Of course, everything around here is upper-class anyway and with doctors for parents, I knew they could afford it...but I digress. I went to open the door, and realized that I had left my keys back in the locker room. I hid my cock in the waistband of my sweatpants the best I could, in case Matt was already out of the shower, and jogged back to find my keys. I saw them on the bench in front of my locker and grabbed them. But as I was heading back out towards my car, I heard something from the shower room.

I quietly slipped back over and slowly peeked my head in.

Matt wasn't exactly facing me - it was more like a side profile. I could see that he had his eyes closed under the water, but I wasn't prepared for the sight of him with a completely hard cock, covered by his hand that was moving back and forth along the base. As I watched him jerk off under the water, clearly enjoying himself, my hardness quickly returned. I knew I should respect his privacy and leave, but my horniness definitely got the better of me and I stayed to watch the whole show - a performance I knew would feed my own jerk-off fantasies for months.

I began to squeeze my own cock through my sweatpants as I watched him lazily stroke his meat. He was totally oblivious to my presence and I was thoroughly enjoying the show. While his right hand was busy stroking his hardness, he moved his left and across his balls, rubbing them and playing with them with his fingers. I could see he was getting close.

I was so horny by now that I just shoved my own right hand into my sweatpants and started jerking myself off furiously. As I kept watching Matt, he removed his left hand from his balls, slid his middle finger sensuously into his mouth and moved it around to his gorgeous ass. I watched in disbelief as he leaned forward, exposing his red puckered hole, and shoved his wet finger all the way up inside. He clenched his ass, and I could see him rapidly approaching his own climax.

I could feel the pressure in my crotch building up as well. Finally, he let out a loud moan and arched backwards. My attention was now completely on his crotch and I saw him spurt out shot after shot of thick white cream all over the floor of the shower. Watching him share this most intimate activity with me pushed me over the edge as well as I unloaded my own hot spunk into my boxers.

As it slowly dawned on me that I had cum in my sweatpants, I pulled my head back so he couldn't see me and looked down. Sure enough, there was a wet spot on my front. I quietly swore to myself and hoped Matt wouldn't notice. I silently crept out of the locker room and back towards my waiting car, just barely making it out before he shut off the water.

After a few minutes of sitting in my car, I saw Matt come out with his workout bag. He threw it in back. and opened the door, hopping in the passenger seat.

"Alright, buddy, let's get outta here, huh?" he smiled at me.

"About time!" I grinned back.

As I turned my head to back out, I heard him whistle in amazement. I stopped and looked back at him, and blushed instantly as I realized that his eyes were right on my crotch.

"Looks like someone had a little fun while they were waiting for me!" he laughed.

"Oh yeah? And what about you, huh? Beating off in the shower!" I shot back at him.

I couldn't believe I had just said that. A million thoughts whirled through my brain in just a fraction of a second. Now Matt would know that I was watching him, and that I saw him jerking his meat. I was expecting him to say something, to act disgusted, get out of the car, something. But much to my surprise, he just turned, looked my straight in the eye, smiled that angelic smile of his, and looked back at the road as we headed to my house.

[To be continued...]


----------------------- Feedback, comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. would be greatly appreciated! ;)

Next: Chapter 2

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