Love for a Lifetime

By TJ Mason

Published on Mar 30, 2000


Disclaimers: The following is a work of fiction. Meaning, that, the people and events are not real, and never happened, except in my mind. All the other usual stuff applies. If you shouldn't be here, don't read it. If you don't like it, why are you here? Comments appreciated, flames deleted.

This is the final installment of this story. Please be sure to read the acknowledgements at the end.

You hear it all the time, but, a baby really does change your life in ways you can't imagine. But it doesn't matter what happens, you wouldn't go back to life without them for anything. All the sleepless nights, dirty diapers, hours and hours of crying, the diaper rash, the teething, the boo-boo's and scraped knees. Those years go by way to quickly. Suddenly, your baby is a teenager, well, I'm skipping some things.

Life really did change for us when TJ came home. It took some getting used to for all three of us, but, we finally settled into a routine. Our moms took turns the first two weeks he came home staying over and helping us out. The first thing Jimmy and I decided was, as soon as he graduated, we were getting a bigger house. Having our moms sleep in the living room was not ideal, but they were each so glad to be helping with their grandson that they didn't mind. But we knew we had outgrown our house.

TJ grew like a weed! At his two week checkup he had gained one and a half pounds, and grown three quarters of an inch. The pediatrician told us not to expect this kind of growth every visit, but that he felt that TJ would wind up being a big kid. (Today, he's 13 and a half, his voice has changed, and he's already 5'6", and very muscular. My boy is a STUD!)

After our moms finally left, we hired a baby sitter who could work strange hours. Jimmy took over the majority of TJ's care, since he was in school and his schedule varied. My job let me stay in town for the first six months of TJ's life. After that, I only traveled infrequently for about six months because in June of 1987, just two months shy of TJ's first birthday, I was promoted to junior partner. (I only received 5 shares of stock, in lieu of a raise, but, now I was a partner, and could be a little more selective about what I did for the company) The company had looked into forming specialized blocks of accountants for different types of clients, and I volunteered to head up the 501(c)3 group, the tax exempts. (Yes, they still have to have accountants. We actually do a rather large amount of business with these clients. When the group started, we had 5 clients, all in the RTP area of North Carolina. We now have over 300 such clients throughout the south east, and I'm a Senior Partner)

Unfortunately, our sex life suffered a little. We stayed so tired that mostly we were content just being with each other, or jerking each other off. Until TJ was about three months old, and sleeping from 8pm to about 7am, and only occasionally waking up in the middle of the night, we were only having sex on the weekends. After TJ started sleeping through the night, we got back up to four or five nights a week, thankfully! I mean, I love our children, but, they will grow up and move out. Jimmy and I are in this for the long haul. He's my life partner, not them. I love sex with Jimmy. I don't have anything else to add to that.

Jimmy graduated from law school in May of 1988. He was offered a position with a rather large legal firm in Raleigh, and, so, knowing we needed more space, and compromising about our work commutes, we moved to the eastern side of Durham, to a newer lakeside community. The elementary school was less than five minutes away, the Jr. High was less than ten minutes away, and the new high school was going to be built about ten minutes away as well. The commute to my office took about twenty minutes, and Jimmy's commute was forty or so minutes.

At two years old, TJ was in to everything! He had started walking at nine months, cut his first tooth at just under ten months old, and said 'da-da' to Jimmy, knowing what he was saying, at fourteen months old. I've always maintained that with both of his biological parents genes, he had no choice but to be a prodigy.

At the same time that Jimmy started his new job, we started house hunting. Jimmy came to me one night with something I was not expecting.

"Timmy, babe, I want another baby."


"Well, I have siblings, you have siblings, as much as I love TJ, I want him to have a brother or sister."

"Well, I have no intention of knocking up some woman, and you'd better not either!"

He laughed and said, "Well, not in the normal way anyway!"

"You've been thinking about this, haven't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, babe, I have. I bet we could put out some feelers at Carolina, State, and Duke, with the Gay Student Unions, to see if we could find a young lesbian who would be willing to be a surrogate mother. We could offer her the same deal we did with Liz. We'll pay all the medical expenses, she has the baby, and we get the baby when it's born."

"What makes you think anybody will be willing to do that?"

"The $20,000 adoption fee we'd be willing to pay."

"$20,000???? Where would we get that kind of money?"

"Do you remember the trust fund I had to get us through school?"


"Well, we never depleted it, so, I had the trustees reinvest it. I never really kept up with it, and actually forgot about it, except, when I checked the mail yesterday, I got a note from the trustees that said that the balance in there was around $35,000. That's $15,000 that we could use towards medical expenses, and a $20,000 fee."

"WOW! Why didn't you tell me about the trust fund?"

"Actually, babe, at the time, we had so many other things going on, with graduation and everything, that I forgot about it. I wasn't trying to keep it from you. And, just about every other time that I ever got any notice about it, you happened to be traveling. I'm surprised that you never got any of the notices, because the only time I ever checked the mail when we were in school was when you were traveling."

"Weird, huh?"


We sat for a minute.

"Oh, and's the kicker. I want you to donate your sperm. I want this baby to be your biological child."

"Why don't we just mix our sperm together and get surprised?" I asked.

"Well, I know how much you love TJ. He might as well be your biological child. But, he isn't, he's my biological child. You haven't felt what I felt seeing a person that I know to be part of me pop into the world. You don't know what it feels like to watch this person grow, knowing, every time you see him, that there goes a little part of you. I want you to know this feeling. I want you to have this opportunity. It's probably the greatest gift I could give you, and the greatest gift you could give me."

"How could it be the greatest gift I could give you?"

"Because we would have another you for me to love."

A tear formed in my eye, and dripped down my cheek.

"That has got to be the most beautiful thing you've ever said to me," I said.

He leaned over, wiped the tear off of my face and kissed me gently.

"So, what do you think?" he asked.

"Well, we've got the room now. We can turn the bonus room over the garage into our combined office, and put a nursary beside our room. That leaves TJ in his room, and, a guest room as well."

"So that means yes?" he asked, with obvious delight in his eyes.

"Yes, baby. We'll look into having a baby."

Well, if I said it was as easy as it sounded, I'd rot in hell for lying. It really was NOT easy. First of all, finding a girl willing to give up her life for nine months was not as easy as we had hoped. In fact, it took almost a year to find a woman that was willing, that we were comfortable with. I don't want to sound like we were being judgemental or anything, but, we wanted to give this child every advantage. We wanted its mom to be intelligent, and pretty, and, preferrably talented. I know that God directed our paths to Amy.

Amy was nineteen when we met her. She was a year out of high school, working her way through college because her family deserted her when she came out to them. Her girlfriend was also a very pretty girl, and they talked long and hard about our agreement. It took several meetings over about six weeks to get all the arrangements laid out, and understood. We wanted Amy to live with us, but finally agreed to let her stay in her own apartment with her lover. They did spend several weekends with us (they figured out that if they were with us, we were paying for food and everything) over the course of her pregnancy, so we did get to be a part of the whole process.

Getting Amy pregnant was not as difficult as we had thought it might be. As weird as this may sound, this is what we did. For the two months that it took for her to conceive, I wouldn't cum the entire week before Amy and Renee came over. Then, after dinner, after TJ was in bed, I'd take a turkey baster to our room, and jerk off into it. I gave it to Renee, and she 'juiced up' Amy. The first month we were all disappointed when Amy's period started. She and Renee did some homework about when was the best time for Amy to get pregnant, so they actually showed up on a Wednesday night the second month, and again that weekend. The next three weeks absolutely dragged by. When Amy was a week late, she bought one of those early home pregnancy tests. It came back negative. We were all a little disappointed. The strange thing was, Amy's period never started. A week later, she got up feeling a little queasy, so she went to the infirmary. She explained that she was trying to get pregnant, and they did a blood test on her. She called me at work.

"Mr. Parson, there's an Amy Blake on line one for you."

"Thank you, Mary." I picked up on line one.

"Hi, Amy. What's up."



"Uh, Tim...we're having a baby!"

"WHAT?" I shouted.

My secretary came running in.

"Tell me, Amy! Tell me."

"Well, I was feeling really tired the past couple of days, and my period never started. This morning I got up and was feeling really, really nauseous, so I went to the infirmary. I told them that I was trying to get pregnant, but that my early home test had come back negative, so I thought I had a cold. They did a blood test on me, and it came back positive. I'm pregnant!"

"Amy that's wonderful! Would you and Renee like to come over for dinner tonight?"

"I'll call you about that later. I still don't feel so well, but, one of us will call you later."

"Ok, Amy. Congratulations!"

"To you, too, dad!" I could hear the smile in her voice.

Mary looked at me expectantly. "What was all that noise about, Mr. Parson. Is everything ok?"

"Mary, you can listen as I tell Jimmy. I really do need to tell him before I tell anyone else."

I called Jimmy's office, and finally got through to him. He was in with a client, but I explained to his secretary that it was quite urgent that I speak with him. We never bothered each other when either of us was in with a client unless it was urgent, so she knew I wasn't kidding.

"Hey, Timmy. What's wrong?"

"Um, well, babe, nothing is wrong. But I had to call you. I'm going to be a daddy!"

Mary clapped her hands together, and just beamed. She mouthed "Congratulations" to me as I kept talking to Jimmy, and she left the office.

"Timmy that's wonderful! When did Amy find out?"

"Just a few minutes ago," and I related her story to him, and told him I'd asked them over for dinner.

Amy and Renee didn't make it for dinner that night, or for several weeks. Amy had a really rough time with morning sickness. Actually, for her, it was all day sickenss. It lasted until she was four months pregnant. She did, however, always schedule her doctors appointments so I could go with her. Seeing the first ultrasound was really neat. We could see the baby, counted its arms and legs. The doctor said everything looked normal. She was a little surprised at the nature of Amy's and my relationship, but didn't act judgemental or anything.

With Amy, our agreement was a little different. Liz never had wanted anything to do with TJ, and that was fine with us. Liz had her own life now, and was engaged, and was really happy. Amy, however, expressed an interest in being able to know the baby. She said that she and Renee were not in any shape, form, or fashion ready to be moms, but that she would like to be able to visit, and be a part of the babys life. Jimmy and I talked it over, and decided it would be ok with us, provided Amy sign a legal form stating that she would never attempt to take custody of the baby away from us.

Our lives were all hectic. We had to get the nursary ready, our moms were all excited about another grandbaby, and were underfoot all the time, trying to help. The most difficult thing was explaining to TJ that he was going to have a little brother or sister. We explained that 'Aunt Amy' was carrying the baby in her tummy, but that it was TJ's brother or sister. He wanted to know why she ate the baby. We explained that she didn't eat the baby, but that Renee and Dad (that was my name for TJ) had put the baby in Amy so that it could grow. We explained that babies had to grow in womens tummy's. He asked whose tummy he grew in and we told him about Liz. We told him that she let him grow in her tummy so that Daddy and I could have him to live with us. He was only three and a half, but he seemed to understand it all. In fact, every time Amy and Renee came over, he talked to the baby in Amy's tummy. It really was very cute.

Amy's second ultrasound was November 8th. I called Jimmy after it was over.

"Hey, baby! How did the ultrasound go?"

"Jimmy, he's beautiful!"

"It's a HE???"

"Yeah, babe...we're having another boy."

"Timmy, that's wonderful!"

"I know, honey. I'm kind of emotional right now..."

"I understand. I've been there, I totally understand."

We spent the next couple of weeks deciding what the baby's name would be. With Christmas and New Years coming up, we were really busy, and didn't get much done in the nursery.

Christmas that year was a lot of fun. TJ was three, and so he 'got' Santa. His eyes that morning were priceless! And seeing all that stuff all over the living room...I'm glad we had a camera and a camcorder. Jimmy and I still go back and look at the video quite often.

Amy came to stay with us New Years. She was due on January 20th, and really didn't feel like going out, but Renee was going out with some friends from school. None of us were prepared for the phone call we got at three that morning.

Jimmy answered the phone, talked for a moment, and the last thing I heard was him saying we'd be right there.

"Baby, what's up?"

"Renee has been raped."

"Oh, my God! Is she ok?"

"She's at Duke Hospital Emergency Room right now. That was the attending officer. I told them we'd be right there."

Fred and Caroline were spending New Years with too, and were asleep in our office on the pull out bed.

I knocked on the door and woke Fred up.

"Hey, buddy, I'm sorry to wake you up, but, Jimmy, Amy and I have to go to the hospital."

"Is it time already?"

"No. Amy's lover has been raped. We haven't told Amy yet. But I needed to let you guys know, so that you could keep an eye on TJ for us."

"Sure, no prob, bro. Do I need to go check on him right now?"

"Only if he wakes up. I'm not sure how Amy is going to take the news, so, just hang with us, ok?"

"Sure, Tim. No prob."

I went back to our room, and Jimmy and I went to the guest room together. He knocked on the door.

"Amy, honey. Are you awake?"

"Yeah," came the sleepy reply.

"Can we come in?"

I could hear fear in Amy's voice. "What happened to Renee?"

We went in the room, and Jimmy sat down on the side of the bed, and took her hand.

"Amy, we've got to get dressed and go to the hospital. Renee was raped tonight. She's at the emergency room right now."

Amy burst into tears, and grabbed Jimmy and cried into his shoulder.

"I told her I wasn't comfortable with her going out with those frat guys! I KNEW they were going to be trouble!"

After a few minutes, she calmed down, and we all hurridly got dressed. TJ did wake up from all the commotion. I went in and told him that everything was ok, but that daddy, Aunt Amy and I had to go help Aunt Renee, and that Uncle Fred and Aunt Caroline were going to stay with him.

"Is Aunt Renee ok?"

"Well, honey, I don't know. She got hurt, and we're going to go help her."

"OK, Dad. Tell her I pray for her, and her get better. OK?"

"OK, TJ. I'll tell her."

We rushed to the hospital, and Amy and I were allowed to go back and see her.

She had a black eye, and a busted lip. She acted like she was sore all over. I couldn't imagine what she must be going through.

"Renee, baby, are you ok?" Amy asked.

Renee burst into tears. "I'm so sorry, Amy. I shouldn't have gone..."

"Hush, now, Renee. It's ok, baby. I'm here, and so are Timmy and Jimmy. Can we get you anything?"

"Oh, Amy. It was so terrible. Somebody there knew about me and you, and told one of the frat brothers. They were all getting pretty drunk, and one of them, his name was Paul, thought that it was their duty to 'straighten' me out. He and two others got me into a bedroom and raped me. They made me suck them off, and they raped me several times. I bit the first guy, but when he punched me, I knew I'd better just get them off, and get them off of me. It was so horrible."

"Renee, how did you get here?" I asked.

"When they were finally done, they straightened themselves up and left, but left me on the bed. I got up, covered myself as much as I was able and went back out to the party. Seeing me with a bloody face, black eye, and my clothes looking the way they did, Elise came and got me and asked what happened. I told her that Paul, Robert and Eddie had raped me. Eddie said I should thank them for teaching me what sex was really about. Elsie decked him, and called the police. Fortunately for me, there were several people nearby who have all testified to what they saw, and heard. Apparently, Paul was still pretty drunk when he went back to the party, and was bragging. The policewoman told me that this would be a pretty much open and shut case, if I elected to press charges."

"What do you mean, if?" asked Amy.

"Well, since I am a lesbian, the policewoman is not sure that they will be punished as bad as if I weren't. I don't know if it's worth the hassle."

"Renee, I'm the accountant, not the lawyer, but I know that Jimmy's firm would represent you, and that they'd make sure that you get a fair judge. One that would make sure that no one who was prejudiced against gays was on the jury. I really think that you'd get a fair deal, and that those guys would get the book thrown at them."

"Do you really think so, Timmy?"

"I'll go ask him. He may want to talk to you. He is a tax attorney, but, his firm also has criminal attorneys, and he's familiar with that part of the law, too."

I talked to Jimmy, and he came back to talk to Renee. While they were talking, the doctor and the police officers came back. We were pleasantly surprised to see that the officer's partner was Ryan Henderson, our friend.

"Hi Ryan!" I said, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Hi there yourself Timmy. Hey Jimmy!"

"You guys know each other?" Renee asked.

"Yeah. Ryan is a good friend of ours," I said.

"So is my lover, Adam."

I looked at him in shock as he admitted to being gay in front of his partner.

"It's ok," he said. "Gale knows."

"Yeah," Gale said. "Of course, Ryan knows my lover, Cindy."

Renee just looked at the two of them. "You're both gay?"

"Guilty as charged," Ryan said, grinning, sheepishly.

"Wow" was all Renee could say.

The doctor said, "Well since we're all in the family, I might was well tell you that I'm gay, too."

"This is too weird," Jimmy said. "So many gay people in the same room together, and none of us knew anything about any body else!"

"Well," the doctor said, "We'll just have to keep this our little secret. Personally, I'd prefer to stay in the closet, but, apparently, my secret is safe with all of you. Incidentally, if any of you knows a nice, single guy..."

We all, even Renee, laughed at that comment.

"Renee, I'm going to let you go if you want to. We can keep you here for observations if you'd feel safer."

"Dr. Goldstein, I'd feel safer with Amy, if you don't mind."

"That's fine. I am going to give you the number of a couple of different counselors. One is gay, the other is gay friendly. I really think you need to talk to someone. You've just been violated in the worst kind of way. It may take a while for you to get over this, emotionally speaking."

"I'm here for you too," Jimmy said. "Something that only Timmy knows is that, when we were seniors in high school, I was beaten and raped by three guys. I know what you're going through, Renee. Maybe you and I can talk some."

There were five jaws on the floor when Jimmy said that. Renee recovered first.

"I'm sorry, Jimmy. I didn't know."

"It's ok. That was years ago. I'm fine now. Timmy and I both have been through counseling because of it, so, we're in a unique position to help you and Amy through this."

It was at that moment that Amy gasped, and looked down. There was a huge pool of water on the floor under her.

"Oh, SHIT!" she said, as the first contraction hit her. She was 20 days early, but, as her doctor told us later, the emotional stress of what had happened, plus the viability of the baby was what triggered the early labor. We weren't going anywhere.

Dr. Goldstein yanked the curtain back on the bay beside us, and got Amy up on the bed. Renee was forgotten for the moment, but, as soon as the first contraction passed, we were back over, helping her get up so she could be with Amy.

Amy was one of those very rare women who's bodies are perfect for giving birth. Dr. Goldstein had barely had time to go down to the admitting desk to tell them what had happened when Amy had a second contraction. He got back there, checked her and asked her, "Have you been having Braxton- Hicks contractions?"

"I think so," she replied.

"Well, dear, you are eight centimeters dialated, and 100% effaced. We don't have time to get you to a room, or for an epidural. You're gonna have to just weather this out."

Renee got up beside Amy's head, kissed her and said, "You're gonna be fine, baby. I'm here, Jimmy and Timmy are here. You're gonna be fine. OK?"

"Ok," Amy said, and the fear that had crept onto her face at Dr. Goldsteins' remark eased away.

A couple of nurses came running, and in just a couple of minutes, Amy's legs were up in the stirrups, and we were pushing. Renee stayed up at Amys' head, talking softly to her, encouraging her, talking her through the contractions. When it came time to push, Jimmy and I held her legs and gave her something to push against. We saw the head, and in just a few more minutes, Bradley Randolph Parson popped out into the world. It was 5:16am, on January 1, 1989.

I completely understood what Jimmy had gone through the day TJ was born. While I was a proud co-papa that day, it was different when the child you held was biologically yours. This little baby was part me. I was awestruck. Gale had her camera from where she had taken pictures of Renee earlier, and she took several for us. I cut the cord, and they handed the baby to Amy.

"Oh, look, Renee. He's so beautiful."

"Just like you, my love. Just like you."

Renee stayed at the hospital with Amy, and Jimmy or I were there as well. Our folks showed up later in the morning, and everyone was completely taken with Bradley. He was a healty bugger, weighing in at 8 pounds, 14 oz, and 23 inches long. He's still a big boy today! (At ten years old, he is as tall as TJ, and weighs only fifteen pounds less than his older brother! He's going to be a big man. That's from Amy's side of the family)

Renee was pushed a little to the side, but either Jimmy or I was there to help her all day. Fred and Caroline brought TJ up that afternoon. With Dr. Goldsteins' assistance, we were able to sneak him up to meet his little brother.

As soon as TJ walked into the room, he went over to Renee and said, "Aunt Renee, I'm glad you ok. Dad told me you was hurt. I prayed for you."

"I know you did, TJ. I think that's why I'm so much better. Thank you for praying for me."

She reached for him for a hug, and he hugged her real hard. Then he looked her in the eye and said, "I love you, Aunt Renee."

Renee sobbed, and told TJ she loved him too. She took his hand and said, "Let's go meet your new little brother."

Amy was holding the baby, and Renee picked TJ up and sat him on the side of the bed.

Renee said, "TJ, I'd like you to meet Bradley."

"Bwadley," TJ said, as he reached over and lightly rubbed the baby's face.

"He was in you tummy?" he asked Amy.

"Yes, TJ. He was. But, Aunt Renee, Dad and Daddy helped me get him out so you could meet him."

"Thank you, Aunt Amy. He pretty."

"Yes, TJ, he sure is."

A couple of days later, and we were home with our family. Renee and Amy stayed with us until school started that week. With our encouragement and support, and the support from Ryan, Gale and David, (Dr. Goldstein) Renee pressed charges.

On January 20, the day Amy was originally due, Renee called us, crying.

"Timmy, I'm pregnant."

"Renee, are you sure?"

"I just had the blood test done at the infirmary. Timmy, what am I going to do?"

"The first thing you're going to do is go home, take a nice, warm, but not hot, shower, and when Amy get's back from class, the two of you go to our house. Amy still has a key, right?"


"Well, the four of us will work this through. Ok?"

"Ok, Timmy. Thanks."

I called Jimmy, told him what was up, and that Amy and Renee were coming over that night. I called the house, and told my mom (who's week it was to stay with us) that we were going to have company and that the four of us were going to need some privacy. She offered to leave, but I told her that we'd just go into our office and close the door. Unfortunately, we were going to have to impose on her to continue to keep the boys on through the evening. She sounded strangely happy that she was being imposed on. Go figure. A grandmother and her grandkids...

Jimmy left work early that day, and I got home right behind him. Amy and Renee were already waiting for us, and so we went up to the office. Renee had obviously been crying, and Amy was right by her side. These two had been through a lot together already, and now they were facing an entirely new problem.

We talked for a while. Renee could not have an abortion. She said that, even though she didn't want this baby, she couldn't kill it. She said it wasn't the baby's fault. So, that only left two choices. For she and Amy to keep the baby, or put it up for adoption. Amy mentioned that they still had two years of school left, but that if Renee wanted to keep the baby, she'd love the baby too. Renee said that no, she didn't want to keep the baby. She was afraid that she might resent it down the road. She might change her mind, but she was pretty sure that she didn't want to keep the baby, especially due to the way it had been conceived.

While the two of them were talking, I looked at Jimmy, and he at me. We held an entire conversation with just our eyes.

"Um, Renee," Jimmy started, "Why don't you let Timmy and me adopt this baby too? You know us, we've already adopted two kids from friendly moms. And, if the baby is with us, you can still have a relationship with it, without having to worry about how having the baby with you would affect and change your life."

"You'd adopt a baby conceived so terribly?"

"Renee, all children are gifts. Some get just get started the wrong way. I think that Jimmy and I could offer this baby a stable home, loving parents, and you and Amy would still be able to be a big part of its life."

Before the evening was over, Jimmy and I were set to be dads for the third time.

I won't bore you, yet again, with the wonders of pregnancy and child birth. I will say that on October 7th, 1989, the most beautiful little girl, Amy Renee Parson, was born at Duke Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long. We had to change the guest room the newest nursery, and so we fixed up our office as a guest bedroom, but kept our computer, desk, and files still in the room.

Well, that was our life up through 1990. For the last ten years, we have been raising our family. Amy and Renee graduated college, and in 1994, Jimmy and I donated sperm to them for them to have another baby. Amy had such an easy time with Bradley, that she carried the baby, a girl. They named her Jaimie Michelle. As she has grown, it's apparent that she's my daughter, but, I'm just Uncle Timmy. That's ok with me.

The guys that raped Renee did not get off easy. All three of them got 25 years for their crime. Ryan actually kept up with the guy named Robert. Apparently, he was gay, and had participated only to keep from being found out. He was not doing so well in prison. He has been raped three times already, but currently is under the 'protection' of one of the more powerful guys inside. He has to service, sexually, several guys, but doing so has kept him safe and alive. Ryan and Adam have taken him under his wing. They're working in the system to try and get him off early. The other two guys have also had their own hardships. Their lives have been ruined because of bigoted attitudes. I don't feel sorry for them for that. I feel sorry for the lost opportunity, and the lost potential.

Jimmy and I started our own company three years ago. It's a full service accounting office that includes legal services. We've actually done quite well for ourselves. We have twenty employees now, and have over nine hundred clients. Our former employers were sad to see us go, especially since we unintentionally took quite a large chunk of their business. The both knew that we were not recruiting their cliets away from them, it's just that they followed us.

Our kids are great! TJ is almost 14 now and is in the eighth grade. He discoverd his dick when he was 12. I accidentally walked in on him one day! It embarrassed both of us, but it gave me and Jimmy the opportunity to talk to him about his body, life, sex, and his daddy and me. He already understood that we were not 'normal' by society's standards, and he'd even gotten into two fights about it. We didn't like him fighting, but, he made the way easier for Bradley and Amy. TJ is fiercly proud of his dads. We go to all of his school,sport and scounting events. He's got a girlfriend, and her folks don't have a problem with Jimmy and me.

Bradley is 11 now. He has not yet discovered the joy of girls. We hope, for his sake, that he turns out not to be gay, but you know that we'll support our kids regardless of who they love. He's big, I already told you that. He, like his brother, is a sport maniac! He particularly likes soccer and football. At 11, he's already broken his left arm, right leg, right wrist, and cracked his collar bone. The emergency room staff is on a first name basis with him, but nobody gives this kid any grief about anything! And, like his older brother, he is a straight A student.

Amy is a princess. She is beautiful, talented, sweet and unassuming. She's all woman, make no mistake about that! And she has both her daddy's wrapped neatly around her little finger. She's a year behind Bradley in school, and that's just as well. I don't think he'd want her in his classes, because he may be a straight A student, but she will wind up being valedictorian of her class. She really is amazing.

Our community, while not entirely supportive of us, accepts us as part of them. We've been here for 11 years now, and so we have grudging acceptance. Especially since every time there's a fund raiser of any kind, we're involved up to our eyebrows, and all the fundraisers so far have been great successes. Even the Methodist church we attend has some folks that give us the cold shoulder, but, we just live with it. Our kids love us, and stick up for us ever time somebody says something out of line. I think they'll be fine.

Well, it's March 30, 2000. That's our life. That's who we are. If there's anything I can say to you it's this. Don't let anybody make you feel bad for being who you are. Life is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. He loves you for who you are. Don't let religious people make you think anything else. Jesus taught love, not hatred. Practice love, and you're being like Him.

Jimmy wanted me to tell you that what he hopes you learn from our story is that, two men can have a life together. We're as married as any heterosexual couple, more so, because we have stuck it out together. Our friends Marc and Steve didn't make it. Marc's traveling got to be too much for Steve, and he found solace in another man's arms. We're still friends with both of them, but well, we had tried out best to help them. Our hope is that you will see that it is possible to meet and marry the love of your lifetime, and to stay with them, through thick and thin. When you find the guy of your dreams, decide that splitting up is not an option. Decide at the beginning of your relationship that, regardless of what comes, you work through ever situation that arises. Jimmy and I have done this. That's why we're more in love today than when we met in first grade, than when we got married...he is my life. Our kids will grow up and move out. Jimmy and I are in this for the long haul. We plan to grow old together with our love of a lifetime.

Well, folks, there you have it. Hope you didn't mind the sermon at the end, but, those are my feelings about this story, and it's purpose. I can't end this series without thanking several people. First, Robb, you know why. Scott, you know why too. Tyler, for being my friend, and not giving up on me. David, for just being yourself. Ed, for encouraging me early on, and to Brent, for all your help in the beginning, and for your encouragement. Without you guys, I would not have made it through this tale. Thanks, guys. I love you all so very, very much.


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