Love Unlocked

By Playbuddy

Published on May 4, 2011


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and as such is a product of my imagination. It is not and should not be thought of as a record of actual events. Any similarity between my characters and real people is merely a coincidence. The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind might offend you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. All others please enjoy! You are welcome to send comments or story ideas to

Love Unlocked - 9

Even after all these months, Tony still hadn't grown used to the jarring sound of the bolt on his cell door being slammed back as it was unlocked. It always made him flinch. This morning was no different.

"Up and out," the guard had ordered as he pushed the door open. He never seemed particularly interested in whatever was going on in the cell he was opening, but this time he looked at Tony and then chuckled.

Tony gave him a `fuck you,' look and flipped him his middle finger. But since he was sitting naked on the can at the time, his shorts around his ankles, it didn't have the desired effect. The guy just laughed.

"No fucking privacy," Tony muttered, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees.

Usually Tony would take a dump after breakfast, but today the urge had come earlier. He wondered if the fact that Cole had shoved his dick up his ass the night before had anything to do with it. He sat a minute longer, then rose slightly and looked into the bowl. "Can't see any cum," he thought. He wondered whether he had just done something weird; but decided everybody looks at their crap sometimes. He knew he had five more minutes to finish up so didn't hurry, he took his time.

Levi closed the zip on the clear plastic pouch he had been given the day he was processed in. It held his toothbrush, toothpaste, a stick of deodorant, and a small bottle of shampoo. There would be clean towels in the shower room, so he wouldn't need to bring his own. He felt his cock stir. He was pretty sure Sammy would be there and that he'd get another chance to see him naked. "Perv," he mumbled. But that's exactly what he wanted to happen.

"Go to his room? Or wait for him in the shower?" Levi wondered as he headed out the door. He casually looked in the direction of Sammy's room. His feet automatically followed his gaze.

"Hey," Levi said softly when he arrived.

Sammy was putting the last touches on making his bed. "Hey," he smiled as he turned around.

"You showering today?"

"I wasn't planning on it," Sammy was still concentrating on his bed.

Levi lifted his kit. "Come on, you can keep me company,"

Sammy looked back, Levi was smiling. "Okay, I guess," Sammy seemed less than certain.

"What?" Levi asked softly.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to be naked in front of all those guys."

Levi hadn't thought about that. "How about we let them finish up, then it'll just be you and me?"

Sammy gave him a wary look. "Are you up to something?"

Levi blushed. "Nah, just friends," he whispered, "I promise."

Sammy didn't take long to think it over. He smiled, and reached for his things. "Just keep your hands to yourself," he joked.

Levi laughed.

Cole loved pancake day. He poured a heavy stream of maple syrup over the small mountain he had created and already topped with butter. The syrup ran over the sides and filled the plate. He set the bottle back down and licked his fingers.

"You sure you can eat all that?" Tony seemed to have some doubts.

"Yeah, they're my favorite," Cole mumbled. He already had a fork full in his mouth. Cole swallowed, and took a swig of milk to wash everything down. "So what's new?" He asked, already cutting into the stack for another load.

"What's new?" Tony laughed. "Let me see. Oh, I went into the city last night, had steak and cocktails, and then headed off in my limo to see the Lakers play the Cavaliers." His voice was full of sarcasm.

Cole was perturbed.

"We're fucking locked in prison, butt-head! What do you mean `what's new?'"

Cole gave Tony a steely eyed stare. He didn't say anything, but he made it clear he didn't appreciate the crap.

"I guess I'm a little on edge," Tony finally muttered before looking down and picking at his food.

Cole thought that was as close to an apology as he was going to get. He waited a minute before asking, "This wouldn't have anything to do with last night would it?"

Tony shifted in his chair and turned away.

"Let me guess. You woke up this morning and realized it wasn't a dream; you really did get your ass fucked. Now you're all like, `am I still a man? Or am I a fag?'"

Cole knew he was being unfair, but he was getting pissed at the way Tony was acting.

Tony squirmed again.

That's when Cole knew he had hit the nail on the head. He didn't like having to embarrass Tony, but he wasn't about to let him make this his fault. The happiness he had been feeling a few minutes earlier was now gone. He sat back in his chair as an icky feeling came over him.

Nothing happened for a moment. Cole wondered if Tony felt as bad as he did. He thought about saying he was sorry. But he was still pissed.

Just as he was about to say something, Tony leaned closer and put his hand under the table.

Cole gave him a stern look but eventually reached under as well. He wrapped his fingers around Tony's. The tension seemed to ease. They sat for a moment hand in hand.

"Okay, that was a little bitchy," Cole apologized, his voice just above a whisper. He shrugged, "So, are we okay?"

Tony smiled. "Yeah, but you're just lucky I didn't find any of your cum in my shit this morning."

Cole couldn't hold back a chuckle. "So what if I told you there was some of yours in mine?"

"That'd be different," Tony grinned, "that's the way it's supposed to be."

Cole gave him a wide eyed look and pulled his hand back. He crossed his arms and sat back. "Fucker," he pouted. He was only half joking.

"I'm kidding," Tony said tenderly.

Cole made a big show of reconsidering, but then put his hand under the table again.

Tony gave him a smug look, "But you have to admit, I pounded that sweet little ass of yours pretty good last night."

Cole couldn't help but smile; Tony was definitely right about that. "Yeah, well, I don't think I did too bad a job on yours either." He tried to judge Tony's facial expression but couldn't. "How about it? Is your butt sore?"

Tony seemed to be trying to keep from laughing. "A little," he finally admitted.

The two grinned at one another.

Cole picked up his fork and went back to his pancakes.

"So are you going to play the macho stud and tell everybody how I begged for it while you were fucking me?"

Tony laughed. "Yeah, I was planning on it."

"You're such a prick," Cole sighed, but he was smiling when he said it.

Word of the summer conservation program had spread quickly. As originator of the project, Mike had responsibility for selecting participants, the final approval coming from the warden and Judge Jackson.

"Do you think I have a chance?" Sammy asked Cole one night as the two played cards. It was one of the rare nights he wasn't playing chess with Levi.

"I guess everybody does," Cole answered.

"Well, they still have `Violent Tendencies' stamped on the cover of my file."

Cole picked up another card. "The fucker was hurting you and your mom!"

"Still," Sammy sighed, and discarded a three of hearts, "cops don't like kids that use knives."

They played a few minutes longer.

"What did your mom say when she found out what those guys did to you?"

Sammy reached for another card. "She called and asked if I was all right." Sammy bit his lower lip. "But I didn't tell her much. I mean, how do you tell your mom somebody shoved a dick up your butt?"

Cole didn't have an answer to that.

"She says the lawyers are talking, and she thinks things will get worked out about the assault charge. She just wants me to hang in there."

"Sounds like a load of crap,"

Sammy chuckled. "Yeah, that's my mom."

The boys played on for a couple of minutes, then Cole gave Sammy a mischievous look. "So, how are you and Levi doing?"

Sammy wasn't sure what Cole was getting at, but he had a pretty good idea. He wondered how he should answer. "Okay I guess," he finally said, the edges of his mouth starting to turn up into a smile.

Cole seemed to be having fun watching him squirm. "That's good. I mean that he's being nice and all." He gave Sammy a long look. "I heard he's really hung."

Sammy felt his face grow warm.

"So he is?"

"How would I know?"

Sammy could tell Cole knew he was bluffing.

"Okay you little shit, spill it," Cole laughed.

Sammy hesitated before finally answering. "All right, I saw him in the shower room." He was going to leave it at that, but Cole seemed to be looking straight through him and probably knew there was more to it than that. "Okay, okay, I sucked him off once."

Cole's eyes were dancing.

They sat another minute before Sammy went on. "He says he's straight, so I don't think anything else is gonna happen." Sammy knew he had already said more than he should, but Cole was a friend. "He did make some lame excuse to get me to go to the shower room with him today. I think he wanted another look at my ass."

Cole played a card. "Well, if anything does happen, and he's like Tony, he'll want to be in charge." The way Cole said it, it didn't sound like he was complaining.

"So, do you like belonging to Tony?"

"I don't belong to anybody." Cole looked down at his cards. "But if Tony wants to look after me, I guess that's okay."

"You like him, don't you?"

Cole didn't answer, and that said a lot.

"I think I might like Levi, too," Sammy whispered.

Cole looked up and they both smiled.

One of the duties passed around to all the boys was serving as clerk in the facility `store.' Most prisons wouldn't have something like this, but Pathways tried to offer incentives for good behavior. Cole found that he and Levi had been paired up for the week.

"So what do we have to do?" Levi asked as the guard opened the door to the small room and then stood in a spot nearby. The two boys took their place behind a waist-high counter.

Cole handed Levi a clipboard. "All the kids have their own sheet. The amount of credit they've earned at chores and for days with no demerits are listed. When they want something; candy, gum, chips, stuff like that, you deduct the price from their total."

The room had a selection of junk food, a fridge-freezer with soda and ice cream, and a few other things that a kid might need; such as soap and shampoo. Cole knew one of the more popular items was hand lotion and it was mostly used for something other than its intended purpose.

The store was open for an hour after supper. The two boys were responsible for seeing to it that everything was accounted for and nothing went missing. The guard wasn't that far away, so it wasn't even worth trying. Earning just a dollar a day, it often took a few weeks before a kid could get something more than just a soda or a candy bar.

"I know I don't have quite enough," one kid whined when Levi refused to give him the soda and chips he'd asked for. "I'll pay ya back next week."

"Yeah, like we'd trust a kid in juvie," Cole laughed.

"They never proved it was me," the kid protested, "I'm innocent!"

This brought another laugh. "So which one do you want?" Levi demanded.

"The soda," the kid said with a sad look.

"Another satisfied customer," Cole joked.

The first twenty minutes were always the busiest, and then things slowed. It wasn't long before the kids were supplied. The guard seemed bored and had wandered a little further down the hall. Cole and Levi were practically alone.

"So, what's with you and Sammy?" Cole asked as he sat on a tall stool.

"What do you mean?" Levi tried to sound disinterested.

"You can cut the shit, you know what I'm talking about."

Now Levi looked uncomfortable.

"You know he likes you, right?"

"He does?" Levi seemed surprised.

"Tell me you're not that stupid," Cole sighed.

Levi seemed embarrassed, eventually he mumbled, "I don't know if I can trust you."

Cole nodded, "Fair enough," he said softly.

A kid came to the counter and they got his stuff.

Alone again the two sat in silence.

"He told me he just wants to be friends," Levi finally whispered.

"I heard that's what you told him," Cole countered.

"Well it's kind of confusing."

"Trust me, he likes you. But he's scared," Cole finally said a minute later. "He doesn't want to get hurt."

"I'd NEVER hurt him."

"Not that kind of hurt," Cole said softly. "He's scared you won't like him back, that you'll treat him like crap."

"I guess maybe I am kind of stupid," Levi's voice was halting.

"He knows you're straight, he doesn't want to get his hopes up."

Levi looked away. "What if even I don't know?"

Cole stood up and leaned on the counter next to him. "Whatever you do, be honest, and don't mess with him," he said, the warning was clear.

Levi looked up at Cole, and nodded.

The chess game that night between Levi and Sammy was a quiet one. Levi was only half concentrating on the game. His mind was preoccupied. Every time he looked over at Sammy his stomach fluttered. He was feeling a mix of anxiety, worry, confusion, and something that really made his stomach hurt, the beginnings of tenderness toward a boy.

Levi went over it all in his mind; Sammy was smart, fun, inquisitive, and playful. He seemed self-assured, but after what Cole had said earlier, Levi wondered if that part was all a show.

"Gonna whip your butt," Sammy smiled as he moved his bishop.

Levi made a counter play, but intentionally left himself open to an attack from Sammy's queen. Levi loved the look on Sammy's face when he saw his opportunity.

"Mate in four," Sammy laughed, he seemed delighted.

It was at that moment Levi knew. He had been searching for some sign, something that would help him sort things out. It was that look! That smile! For the first time in his life Levi knew Sammy was someone he genuinely cared for. He realized what he wanted most in the world was a person he could love, and that person was only inches away. It didn't matter that it was a young boy.

Levi looked at the board and tipped over his king. "Nice game," he said tenderly. His heart was beating faster. He wasn't sure what he should do next.

Sammy looked at him, and they gazed into one another's eyes. They held it a moment, and then Sammy scrunched his face, as if asking a question or seeing something puzzling.

In answer, Levi gave him a sweet smile.

Sammy responded and smiled back.

It was then they both knew something was happening. They both felt it. No words were needed. It was simply an understanding.

"We don't have much time," Levi whispered after a quick look at the clock.

"It'll be enough," Sammy said softly.

"My room?" Levi asked.

Sammy nodded, "You go first, I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

Levi stood and gave him one last look, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, are you?"

Levi smiled, "I can't wait,"

"Neither can I," Sammy grinned.

As he walked away, Levi wondered what it was going to be like. He was so hard it hurt. He didn't want any of the guys to see them leave together; though he figured sooner or later they'd guess what Sammy and he were up to. He was getting more nervous by the minute.

"Better hurry," he thought as he turned the corner. "I need a few minutes to get ready." He felt his dick straining, "and I really need to pee!"

Levi tucked his cock back into his underwear and flushed. He watched as the water swirled in the bowl and disappeared. He zipped up his jumpsuit, but the thought crossed his mind that it was a useless gesture. It was coming off in a few seconds so, `why bother?' But he didn't want to seem too eager.

Levi paced back and forth, trying to decide if he should wait for Sammy on the bed or... He wondered if this was how a groom felt on his wedding night.

There was an awkward moment when Sammy finally arrived. Neither seemed to know who should do what. Levi was finally the first to move, stepping toward Sammy.

The younger boy curled into his arms. Levi pulled him close, put both hands on his back, and softly rubbed. Sammy snuggled in Levi's warm embrace. Levi could feel Sammy's fingers on his chest as they lightly toyed with the fabric of his jumpsuit just over his nipples.

Sammy looked up and gave him a tender smile. Levi could see what he wanted. He leaned down and their lips touched. The kiss was very soft and gentle.

Levi moved his hands to the boy's narrow waist. Sammy wrapped his arms around Levi's neck as the kiss grew deeper. Levi felt Sammy open his mouth in invitation, and Levi pushed his tongue forward to explore. Sammy whimpered and drew tighter against him. The image of a kitten curling up to something warm came to mind.

The kiss continued. Levi lowered both hands to Sammy's ass and lovingly felt the soft curve of his cheeks. Sammy made a throaty sound and rubbed his crotch against Levi.

Levi finished the kiss and moved his head back just enough that he could look into Sammy's eyes. "I like this," he whispered and gave Sammy a big smile.

"Yeah, it's nice," Sammy agreed, returning the smile. Sammy reached down between Levi's legs. He rubbed his hand over the lump in the middle and then wrapped his fingers around the shaft.

Levi pushed his crotch forward so Sammy could play. "You can take him out if you want."

Sammy reached up and pulled at the zipper of Levi's jumpsuit. He did it teasingly slow. Levi could see Sammy was having fun.

With the jumpsuit on the floor, Sammy leaned up for another kiss. As their lips met for the second time, Sammy ran his hands down Levi's back and under the waistband of his briefs. He gently took hold of both cheeks. "You've got a cute ass," Sammy giggled when the kiss ended.

"Nobody's ever said that to me before," Levi laughed.

Sammy squeezed his butt.

"You have something in mind?" Levi teased.

Sammy shrugged, "Maybe," he said, he sounded like a five year old caught with his hand in a cookie jar.

Levi offered another kiss. This one was needier.

"We don't have much time," Levi reminded gently. He knew even if that wasn't true, he couldn't wait much longer.

Sammy stepped back and quickly unzipped. He wriggled out of the jumpsuit and let it drop to the floor in a heap. He wrapped his arms around Levi and once again put his hands on his ass. Levi did the same to him. Sammy didn't waste any more time. He pushed Levi's whities down and freed his cock, Levi followed suit. The boys could now rub their bare dicks against one another.

"Much better," Sammy sighed, groping Levi's butt before moving one hand to the front to stroke the impressive tool.

Both knew they wanted more, so it didn't take much of a nudge from Levi for them to move toward the bed. Levi was soon on his back and he pulled Sammy on top of him. Then they shared an incredible kiss. Sammy wriggled in happiness as Levi felt up his ass and probed his mouth with his tongue. Sammy, for his part, ran both hands through Levi's hair, grabbing clumps of it as he ground his dick against Levi's.

Though the two had never been with each other like this, each sensed what would give the other the most pleasure.

Levi felt Sammy's warm body against his and wondered how and why he had waited so long. The thin boy was young, eager, and needy. He was also very skilled. More than that though, Levi could tell this was becoming much more than just a fuck. Sammy's ass felt incredible. The small globes were firm and very inviting. Sammy seemed to like it when Levi slid a finger up and down his crack. He whimpered and moaned when he brushed past his hole. But Levi knew it was too soon to think about that.

Levi wanted Sammy's mouth on his dick, but he wasn't sure how to ask.

That problem was soon solved. With a soft nibble at Levi's ear, Sammy ground against him, and then whispered, "Want me to suck it?"

Levi just nodded.

Moments later Sammy was on his stomach at the foot of the bed, Levi's dick comfortably nestled in his throat. As Sammy bobbed up and down, he sucked. His cheeks pulled in as he drew closer to Levi's knob and then he used his tongue to wash the head. Levi was amazed at how much dick Sammy could take. Just when he thought Sammy had reached his limit, the kid would gulp and take a bit more.

"Oh fuck, that's awesome!" Levi moaned.

Sammy pulled back slightly, slurped, and gave Levi a quick smile. Just the few words seemed to inspire Sammy to do even more.

Levi would have gladly let Sammy go on for hours like that, but Sammy had another idea. He eased his mouth off Levi's dick and then crawled up onto his chest. He snuggled and then gave Levi an aggressive kiss. Levi wasn't sure, but he thought he knew what Sammy wanted. After all, the boy had just done him, who wouldn't want some in return?

"You have to show me how," Levi whispered.

Sammy smiled like he had just been given a new toy. He turned around to face Levi's feet and then backed up so his sack was hanging just above Levi's mouth.

"Just lick it a little and then do more when you're ready," Sammy said, looking over his shoulder.

Levi ran his hands up and down Sammy's legs as the boy spread his knees and knelt a little further down. Levi reached for Sammy's cock and tried to bring it to his mouth. But Sammy was so hard it wouldn't bend. Sammy tried for a couple of minutes to get the angle right, but he couldn't make it work. He apparently decided to give up doing it that way, because seconds later he climbed back off and lay down on his side, his face near Levi's waist.

"Turn over," Sammy moaned, his voice husky.

Levi rolled to his side and found his face was now just inches from Sammy's dick. He guided it with his hand as Sammy maneuvered it closer. Opening his mouth, Levi gave the soft pink head a quick swipe with the tip of his tongue. He had wondered what it would taste like, but found it didn't have much of a taste at all. Sammy pushed the thing forward and Levi let it slip between his lips.

"I can't believe I'm sucking cock," he mused as Sammy gently pushed and pulled it in and out of his mouth.

Sammy was also busy at the other end. He now had his head between Levi's legs and was lapping at his balls.

The feel of a boy's cock in his mouth was unlike anything that Levi had experienced before. He could feel a few curls of Sammy's pubic hair touch his nose as the kid pumped. Sammy wasn't huge, so Levi didn't have too much trouble taking him. He did gag a couple of times when Sammy pushed in too far and the end touched the back of his throat.

The feel of Sammy's tongue on his nut sack was wild, but it got even better when Sammy opened his mouth and sucked on one of his balls.

"Mmmmm," Levi grunted.

Sammy's cock had found a nice rhythm, and Levi was glad he was having a good time. Sammy's crotch had the faint odor of sweat mixed with ivory soap. As Sammy shoved his cock in his mouth, Levi used his fingertips to explore Sammy's sack. The wrinkled little pouch was loose and didn't have a bit of hair on it. Sammy's nuts rolled around like marbles in a bag.

Levi was growing more relaxed as time went on. He enjoyed the feel of Sammy's mouth as he used his tongue to occasionally lick up the length of his shaft and then return to sucking him for a while. Several times he went back to washing his balls. Levi found a comfortable way to rest his head as Sammy continued to use his mouth. The surprise came when Sammy shifted and pushed Levi's upper leg out of the way. Seconds later, Sammy's nose was buried deeper and his tongue exploring further.

Levi couldn't believe what was happening. "Oh, fuck," he thought as Sammy's tongue traveled further south. The warm, wet thing was now sliding up one side of his butt crack then down the other. The further Sammy explored, the more he had to maneuver to keep his own dick in Levi's mouth. With his cock still firmly in place, Sammy nudged Levi and they rolled back to where they had started, Sammy back on top. This time he was driving his dick downward and deep into Levi's mouth. Levi couldn't believe the feelings he was having. A cock in his mouth and Sammy's tongue in his crack, "Holy Shit," Levi thought.

The closer Sammy got to Levi's hole, the more it seemed to turn Sammy on. His breathing quickened, his thrusts sped up, and he made little whimpering sounds. He really seemed to be getting into it. Levi couldn't help himself, as nasty as he thought it was to lick an asshole, the more he wanted Sammy to do just that. He spread his legs hoping it would help Sammy to get where he was going.

It would have worked, but Sammy was already too worked up. He raised his head, and spread his knees, and then thrust a couple of more times, urgently pounding Levi's mouth.

"Gonna cum," he grunted, and laid his head down against one of Levi's legs. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

Levi didn't know what to do. He reached Sammy's dick, but it was too late. Three hard squirts of cum were already shooting into his mouth. He felt the stuff in the back of his throat and swallowed, only to have more take its place.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," Sammy shuddered and pumped.

Levi held onto Sammy's legs for support as he finished. The kid's dick, deep in his throat, oozed a few drops more. One final grunt, and Sammy finally stopped thrusting. Levi swallowed again and then gently pulled his mouth back. He sucked every inch of it until the head finally fell free.

"Oh," Sammy whimpered, "that was so nice."

Levi looked up. Sammy's cock was drooping; a pearl of white clinging to the tip. The salty taste of Sammy's cum was oddly pleasant. He ran his tongue over his teeth, his lips, and then swallowed one more time.

Sammy's breathing slowed. He turned around and crawled onto Levi's chest. Sammy ran his fingers through Levi's hair and then kissed him deeply. Levi wondered if he was trying to taste his own stuff.

The kiss finally ended. Sammy nuzzled Levi's neck. "Thanks for the great cum," he giggled softly in Levi's ear.

"You're welcome," Levi chuckled.

Sammy stayed curled up for a couple of minutes and then reached down and gave Levi's cock a stroke.

"Did you think I'd forgotten about you?" Sammy smiled.

Levi shook his head `no'. He raised his hips and thrust a couple of times enjoying the feel of Sammy's hand firmly holding him. "Your tongue felt really wicked down there," he whispered, leaving the rest of the sentence unfinished.

Sammy gave him a playful look. "What are you saying?"

Levi shrugged, too embarrassed to say more.

"You want me to eat you out?" he giggled.

Levi squirmed. That's exactly what he wanted, but he didn't want to say it.

The look that went between them was the same that brothers have when they are about to get into mischief.

"Roll over," Sammy chuckled.

Levi grinned and rolled onto his stomach.

"Now up on your knees, but keep your head down."

Levi was happy to comply.

Sammy crawled around behind and put a hand on each ass cheek. Levi was already stroking himself. "Let me know when you're close," Sammy whispered, and pulled the soft mounds apart.

Levi could almost feel his hole pucker. Seconds later Sammy's tongue was making him squirm.

Sammy was incredible. Levi couldn't believe how fantastic it felt. He wished it would go on and on. But soon, Levi was warning him. He was close. When the moment came, Sammy speared his tongue as deep as he could reach into the darkness. Levi shuddered, and Sammy fondled his balls.

Levi's eyes were closed as stream after stream of hot cream shot out the end of his dick while Sammy's tongue was wiggling inside his butt. Levi couldn't remember anything as amazing. The cum seemed never ending. He shot, and shot, and shot.

The final thought Levi had before it ended was that if he had any doubts before, they were now gone. Being with Sammy couldn't have been more perfect.

Thanks for reading. Send story comments and ideas to me at next chapter coming soon. Jon

Next: Chapter 10

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