Lover Boy

By Ersatzboy28 .

Published on Oct 8, 2012


This story is completely fictional. This is a love story between two high-school aged boys and their relationship, any relation to person's living or dead is coincidental. If the nature of the story offends you, or if you are under the legal age to view this content, I ask you not to read this. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, email me at

Pulling the foreign jeep up to the side of my house, the interior flooded with the dull orange glow of the streetlight above me. Basking in the dull simmer of the fall night, my mind was still reeling from the blowjob I had given Bobbie, shuddering at the very thought of what had transpired only twenty minutes before.

The one thing that came to mind was how unbelievable my boyfriend is, and how incredible our moment had been in the back of his car, how warm his body had been, and the gentle touches he gave me while I stroked his cock that made me feel like nothing I had ever experienced before. I never thought someone could get so aroused by giving head, rather than receiving it.

Closing my eyes, I spent one second too long remembering my boyfriend's hard cock and felt my arousal through the front of my jeans, swallowing the groan in my throat, I knew I couldn't dare sleep being so hard, my brain and dick working against me to keep me up at night. Rattling my brain to keep it focused, I had a dilemma: Bobbie's truck being parked in front of my house. I was suppose to be in bed at this time of night. I thought about leaving it down the street for the briefest of moments, before deciding that one of my neighbors calling the police and them showing up at Bobbie's house would only get us in more trouble than I would already be in.

Looking out at my house for the inspiration to save my ass once again on a sultry night, I began to wish I had more time to think. Suddenly the house was awash in light, the porch-light catching my eyes in a sudden daze as it illuminated the front of the car. Standing in the doorway were my mom and dad, seemingly waiting for my return, they threw an aggravated wave my way, a not so subtle way of tell me `get my ass inside'. I checked my phone as I got out of the car; it was getting close to five in the morning.

Mentally preparing myself for the torture I would be put through, I took solace in the fact that because it was so late, or early if you thought about it, my parents would be too tired to keep pursuit, and eventually go to bed. Maybe I would go to Bobbie's while they cooled off a little, even though his parents were still mad at us for our PDA in the hallway.

"Where the hell have you been?!"

"Bobbie needed me to drop him off at his house; he went to a party..."

My Dad, hardly the big beast of a man I had thought he was when I was little, stood at roughly the same height I did, if not a little taller. Always in a constant struggle with me, we fought frequently over the decisions I would make.

"You do realize you don't have a license right?"

My mom was exactly the same as my Dad, caddy and standoffish. We fought just as often as I did with my dad. Something in my parents made it impossible for them to go an hour without finding something to get mad at me for. I was under constant examination.

"What was I supposed to do, leave Bobbie there? Let him drive home drunk?"

"But what if the Police caught you; you know how much trouble we'd get into if you got in an accident?"

None of us bothered to sit down, pacing around the room, I tried to aim myself for my bedroom door, but the hallway was blocked by my Dad moving up one end and down the other.

"I didn't get pulled over, and I didn't get into an accident, so don't punish me for something that didn't happen!"

My mom was the first to answer back, stomping around the coffee table trying to keep me from sitting down; I was forced to continue the argument.

"Of course not, because you don't care about anything, you think everything is going to just work out for you."

Pushing me harder towards an all out yell, I threw my jacket off on the floor before I started arguing once more with my mother. I tried to force my way into my room but I was blocked again by my Dad.

"You can't just go leaving the middle of the night and drive people home, there's a curfew for a reason"

"It was only this one time because he needed me, so chill out"

"Don't give me that shit, we wont wait around all night for you to come home again. Your father has to go to work in an hour, tell him your sorry for making him stay up all night"

"I didn't tell him to stay up, go back to sleep"

Ignoring my mother, I got passed my Dad and opened my door, slamming it behind me, I locked it as they hollered their words through the wood and metal of the door.

"When did we raise such a pain in the ass child?!"

The hollering eventually ended, my Dad getting ready for work while my mom went back to bed. Shouting one last statement as I began to relax, my thoughts of Bobbie had been muddled by the anger I still held for my parents. As I drifted to sleep, nearly ignoring my Dad's last command as he left for work.

"Don't expect to go anywhere this week, you're staying home and helping me clean up the backyard"

I had woken up a few hours later, the sun shining in my face and a hard pounding right against my temples. Alcohol had not touched these lips last night, but the lack of sleep was substituting for it perfectly well. I always got headaches staying up too late, sometimes because Bobbie would not let me rest, others because I wasn't sleepy, this occasion was no different. My awakening was caused by my phone, buzzing nastily beneath my pillow like a bee in my ear. Grabbing it with one hand, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and answered, it was my boyfriend.

"Hey Jay, whatcha up to?"

Checking the clock on my phone, I realized it was close to noon before I was awake. It was a Saturday, so my Dad would be at work, and my mom would be with her friends somewhere; I had lucked out with them being gone over the weekends, it meant I had more time with Bobbie.

"'s too early... shouldn't you have a hangover right now?"

Chuckling over the phone, Bobbie had replied.

"I drank like a whole Gatorade before I went to sleep, it still hurts, but I think some Tylenol and my boyfriend are just what the doctor ordered. Come over, my parents are out."

Looking out my window, I could tell that the weather was shaping up to be a great day; it was warmer than it had been all week, a lovely 86 degrees that made you feel content in the sunlight. My mind drifted to the pool, and the big tropical lagoon Bobbie had in his backyard.

"Only if I get to go swimming, I'll make some lunch when I get to your house"

"How are you going to get here? Your parents aren't even home on the weekends"

Laughing to myself, I could hear Bobbie's quizzical look through the phone.

"I have your car Monkey, I'll be real careful not to get pulled over"

"Oh yeah! And before you dropped me off we..."

Getting his keys from off of my bookshelf, I was sure I could make it to his house in 15 minutes flat. We lived pretty much on opposite sides of the town, but we were only separated by two avenues and three right turns, if I remembered correctly.

"Hold on to that thought, we'll talk about it when I get there"

Starting up the car, I changed up the songs before I left; something about listening to the Strokes for the 50th time had lost its effect, pressing buttons, I hoped to find something I had not heard in a long time. Eventually, I skipped through enough tracks on his CD's that I began to lose interest, leaving it on some song by Weezer, I headed out to his house while there was still some sun left in the day.

Eyeing my boyfriend looking out of the window from the second floor, I smiled to myself as I saw Bobbie's shadow move across the foyer and open the door for me, eschewing me inside with a playful smile and the prospect of spending the entire afternoon together.

"So about that blowjob..."

He trails off; I follow him through the first floor and out into the poolside area. With the benefit of having two affluent parents, Bobbie was the only person I knew in all of Southern California that could afford such a large pool and keep it active throughout the year with a running waterfall. The pool was lined by rocks and shaded naturally by palm trees that had been planted around the circumference of it, giving it the natural appearance of a shady jungle lagoon on a particularly great day. Walking out onto the patio, I slid off my shoes and felt the water with my naked foot, warm, enticing.

"What about it?"

If I had betrayed any sense of fear or nervousness in my voice, Bobbie did not show me, pulling me into his arms; I shook for a moment in fear that he would knock me into the pool. Instead, I felt his hands trail down my body and fall to my hips. I naturally let my upper body fall onto his and I felt the heat of his lips touch my neck.

"You were amazing"

For a moment, I had thought about doing something completely crazy, like take him by the hand and lead him back to his bedroom like my dreams had compelled me to do. It had crossed my mind several times over the course of the two weeks we had been together, but I figured it was still too early to think about, much less put Bobbie in that situation. Making light of last night, I pulled myself away and laughed it off.

"And maybe if you're a good boyfriend, it could happen a lot more"

"Not just for me, let's be real, I really want to suck your dick too"

That had produced a near wheeze-inducing laugh in the two of us, Bobbie actually wheezing quite a bit because of his asthma. Taking a moment to catch our breath, I changed out of the pajamas I had slept in and got into a pair of Bobbie's trunks. I slipped out of my shirt and sat at the edge of the pool, watching the light ripple with the water in the few fragmented pieces of the tree canopy. Moments later, Bobbie came out of his kitchen, breathing regularly and sat down next to me.

"What a rare opportunity this is, you never take your shirt off for anything"

Blushing a little, I was embarrassed to think that he had been so observant of my attire; then again, he did have a crush on me since 8th Grade.

"I'm just self-conscious, not everyone looks like you do"

"If you want me to be honest, I think you're sooo hot Jay"

"My and my pasty skin and lack of muscles? Be serious Bobbie "

Giving him a little toss against the shoulder, he fell a little on his side before bouncing back up next to me, his shoulder against mine.

"This is going to sound a little weird, but I remember I used to invite you to swim at my house freshman year, just to see you without your shirt on"

"Really? You would ogle your best friend when he came over to your house?"

He then replied rather matter-of-factly.

"Well I was also madly in love with my best friend, and everything about him made my heart beat a little faster. What, you never ogled me before?"

"No way"

Feeling a little adventurous, Bobbie got up from the edge of the pool and climbed the rocks surrounding the far edge at the deep end, perhaps instinctively, my eyes were fixated on his every movement, until he stopped at exactly the opposite side of the pool from me.

"How are you going to sit there and lie to me Jay? Not even when I do this?"

Exaggerating the way he moved his arms, he gripped the edges of his shirt and pulled it off as slowly as possible, showing his stomach as the shirt slid up to his chest and then over his head, which he tossed onto the rock next to him. I stared intently, almost remembering to pick my jaw up as I let it slide into a look of both shock, and enjoyment.

"I knew you were lying"

Winning the argument, he took his victory lap in the pool, falling into it; he swam in circles for a few moments before asking me to join him. Climbing into the pool after him, he lead me to the waterfall, where he sat on a small bench that was built behind it, hidden from everyone but the two of us; I swam up next to him.

With my outstretched hand, I wiped the water from his hair and his face, revealing the perfect countenance I fell for, and those perfectly teal eyes I could look into forever. He was the first to speak, shivering slightly as the cool air hit our bodies from behind the pool.

"I really do think you're beautiful Jay, even if you don't think so"

Wrapping his arm around me, we sat for a moment in the dim light behind the waterfall, eventually getting too cold to stay there. We got out of the pool a little while later, wrapping towels around our bodies; Bobbie bet me that if we kept our shirts off all day, he would take me out on a fancy date next week, and I could not resist watching him walk around shirtless all day.

I had made us sandwiches in the late afternoon, taking them outside onto the patio with us, we sat by the pool in lounge chairs, talking about all kinds of things while the sun continued to shine down on us. Searching around in his phone, he found the perfect song to compliment the occasion. He played Island in the Sun by Weezer, the same song I had heard earlier this morning, and went back to laying out on the chair, enjoying each other's company, and the pure bliss of the moment.

By sunset it had gotten to cold to get back in the pool and with my eyes fluttering with the desire of sleep, I asked Bobbie if he wanted to take a nap before his parents got home, to which he wholeheartedly agreed.

"You wanna be the big spoon or the little spoon Jay?"

"Little spoon, we're not even the same size Monkey"

Knocking out on his bed, the last thing I remembered before falling asleep was the feeling of his arms as they wrapped around me. I awoke to the total silence of his room, the lack of light made it clear it was around evening time. I felt Bobbie lay next to me, still holding me in his sleep, and felt the bulge of his trunks pushing against my lower back.

"Hey Monkey, wake up"

Gripping the hand that was placed firmly against my right hip, I shook it wildly. My boyfriend stirred, but was still caught in the peaceful throes of sleep; shifting my shoulders, I collided with the inside of his arm several times before he lazily woke, stretching his entire body out on the bed like he normally did, exaggerating his size in comparison to my much smaller frame.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

Turning to face him, I made a circle in the bed as I found myself staring directly into his eyes again.

"I woke up with your boner digging into my back again..."

"Sorry, I kinda enjoy the feeling"

Shifting around on the bed, he seemed to adjust his shoulders several times, proof that he was having a harder time with his erection than he made it appear.

"Well I had an idea, something both of us could do to, uh, help you out..."

"Like what?"

His eyes moved towards the wall, too embarrassed to meet mine for fear I might have showed contempt of his eagerness.

"It's not quite sex, but I'd think it would feel just as good"

"What is it?"

"Lay back"

Bobbie did as instructed, laying entirely supine on the bed, the tent that he had made in his pants stuck out, pointing upwards while the rest of his body was laying flat. Containing my excitement, I climbed over on the bed at set myself directly over him. Bobbie's face showed a look on nervousness and excitement. Setting myself on my elbows, I met Bobbie's lips with mine, holding him in that same supine position.

Instinctively, I ground me hips into his, rubbing my own growing manhood into his with the gentle strokes of someone who had mastered patience. It took all I had to keep myself from tearing his pants off, having my boyfriend so close to me and so vulnerable was the greatest turn-on, the sounds of his groans as his body moved in synch with mine.

"Oh, Jay..."

My movements only eliciting quiet moans from my best friend, I added a little more pressure, with which he responded with equal force as he gripped my backside, rubbing each cheek in the palms of his hands as his breathing stammered, soon my breathing matched his. My face, buried in the nape of his neck, could pick up on the sounds of his staggered breathing as I held my lips against his skin.

"Wow. you're. really. good. at this..."

I let out a chuckle into his neck as Bobbie tried to keep his wits to him, his breathing matched the rhythm of the grinding, a slight moan in every single exhaled breath. I knew he could not last much longer, with his body pulling itself into mine; I ground my hips harder against Bobbie as I tried to hold the rhythm together.

"Oh... Jay ... Aww!"

Letting out a loud moan, I could hear it echo down the hallway as Bobbie reached his orgasm, abandoning the rhythm we set up, the moaning in my ear was too much to handle, leading me to climax just a few moments later. Bobbie ground himself into my hip, stopping for a minute until his orgasm passed.

"Babe... fuck! God damn! ..."

Unable to even finish his sentence, he kept to himself, his ragged breaths filling the room. I was just as overwhelmed, refusing to move, I laid on top of my boyfriend, relaxing as we let the afterglow take over. Bobbie, still enjoying the jolts of pleasure going through his body, had taken to rubbing my naked back with his fingers, running them over my body. Taking one last deep breath, I started again.

"I know you said you weren't ready for sex, but that was like, helping each other jerk off so it doesn't count right?"

"Sure babe..."

Still too dumbstruck to talk, I left him to calm down. I got up out of bed, finally acknowledging the fact that, with it being somewhere in the early nighttime, I had completely disobeyed my parents by coming here. Pulling two shirts from Bobbie's closet, I tossed him a fresh one while I put on the other.

"Come one Monkey, I'm already in trouble with my parents; I can't just ignore them every time they get mad at me"

"Alright, just give me a second to relax"

Driving home that night, I was happy to think that Bobbie and I were steadily growing in the physical side of our relationship, finally realizing how alike we really were. It made it easy for us to be perfectly comfortable, and yet optimistically naïve about us; we were happy, and I had been more physically connected to someone than I had ever been in my entire life. Still reminded of the endless warmth of the sun from earlier that day, I knew I would grow to love days like this more than anything in the world.

Arriving home a half and hour later, I was happy to find that my mom and dad, too tired to possibly stay up another night, had gone to bed early after a long day without me. Wishing Bobbie a sad goodbye, he stopped me as I got out of the car.

"I wish I could do that with you more often"

"Yah, the dry humping was pretty great almost as good..."

Putting his hand on my shoulder, Bobbie stopped me, rubbing his fingers into my shoulder-blade, he gave me a look of longing and of vulnerability.

"Not that, I meant spending the day with you, me showing off, you shirtless by the pool. I even love the way you look in my clothes Jay"

Feeling his smile in his eyes, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, a tender peck unlike the purely lustful exchanges that had gone on over the day, it was sweet and loving, like he was content always having them pressed against me. I gave him a blush-filled smile back and got out of the car. Calling back to him as I approached my front porch, he gave me a look like he did not want to let me go.

"I won the bet by the way, so I expect you to go all out Bobbie!"

His faced changed from a look of anguish to that same proving smile that he always had plastered on his face when I was around, even as he drove off into the night, bringing a perfect end to a perfect day.

Notes: As always, thank you again for reading this story. I do apologize for not posting for well over a month; I was getting really busy, and decided it was best to just move the story from a weekly to a monthly series in order to give me time to develop the story better.

Next: Chapter 8

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