Loving Nick Lachey

By Jordan

Published on Sep 20, 2001


Disclaimer: This is a fiction story, nothing in it is true, and is not meant to imply anything of Nick Lachey or any other member of 98 Degrees' sexualities. If you are too young to be reading this or are offended by it please leave now.

Sorry that it took me so long to write this. School started and I haven't had much time to write. I'll continue doing this story till I feel that there's no reason to go on. Thanks for your patience.

I would like to thank Slpwriter, the amazing author of My Everything, for everything he has done for me. He inspired me to make this story, and showed me everything i need to know. Thank you again.

I also want to thank the authors of This Gift, 69 with Jeff Timmons, and Give me Just One Night. You all have inspired me to make this story. Thank you! Also, this is my first story, so if it's not as good as Slpwriter's or any of the others, Just remember, It's my first! LOL!

~Now here's what you've all been waiting for....~

Chapter 6, His Answer

~~~~~~~~~Previous on Loving Nick Lachey~~~~~~~~~ I opened the door only to hear a big rustling and then everyone hugging me.

"My god," Kory said giving me a bear hug. "What the hell were you thinking!? You could've been killed!"

Everyone else said pretty much the same thing when Nick interrupted.

"You guys the doctor said he needs rest, It's late anyway so I'm gonna take him up and tuck him in alright?"

They all said 'alright' and went to their rooms that they picked out probably when I was gone. They obviously got their luggage when I was in the hospital. I went to my room with Nick, stripped down to my boxers, and got in bed.

"Nick aren't you coming in?" I said looking at him.

"No, I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight." He said turning to leave.

I got up and grabbed his arm and pulled him in the bed.

"I don't think so buddy," I whispered sexily to him with and evil grin on my face. "I want to have a little fun...."

He stripped to his boxers and tried to get in. I pushed him out and got out myself. I went up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. I yanked down his boxers showing off his wonderful 8 inches, and he pulled down mine. I kissed him again and pulled him into bed with me. We broke apart and out of breath. I gently licked his ear and whispered to him,

"Nick Scott Lachey. Will you make love to me......." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

He got off me and looked into my eyes. He had a confused look on his face. Like I was crazy, or was thinking of something he wouldn't expect.

"You said you wanted to take it slow..." He said slowly looking into my eyes.

"I know I know, but this feels so right." I said staring back into his shining crystal blue eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry baby, but.....I don't think we should...." He said staring back at me with affection and concern on his face at the same time.

"But why not?" I said to him as he got off me and put his silk blue boxers back on. He gave mine to me and I got up and threw them in the corner. He looked at me and I could glimpse tears falling down his cheeks.

"Why are you making this so hard Josh?" He said to me his eyes get more watery.

"What do you mean?" I said a little upset. "I thought this is what you wanted."

"Josh for the thousandth time, I only want what you want, and if you don't want to take it slow anymore then listen to me. I know deep down you really aren't ready for this. At least not yet, and I want to take it slow also. Not just you." He said softly to me.

He walked out of the room and headed downstairs. I stood there shocked that he would refuse. All this time I thought he wanted to have it with me. But really, It was me that wanted it, not him. I went to the corner and picked up my flannel boxers. I slipped them on and walked down the stairs as quietly as I could, skipping the third one because it squeaked. I could see Nick laying on my couch, with a blanket over himself that he got from it's folded place on top of the couch. I walked from around the couch and bended my knees, in a squatting position. I put my hand on his hair and started brushing it with my fingers. I felt his hand lay on mine. He brought it up from his head and put it on his chest so I could feel his hard chest and abs. He brought it up to his nipples and I squeezed it gently. I started to get on him but he said,

"You can feel, but not lick, suck, or fool around with anything I let you touch. Just let this last, trust me you'll like it."

"Alright Nick, I trust you." I said to him smiling.

He kept my hand on his nipples and moved them down to his abs. I tickled them gently and massaged them a little with my fingers. He moved it even lower then his abs and I could feel the brim of his boxers. He slipped my hand through it and I could start to feel warmth flood into my fingertips. The bush of his pubes rubbed against my hand as he went lower still. I could feel his shaft as he made my hand rub the length of his cock. I grasped it in my cold hand and I could here him moan as cold and warm hit each other. I started moving my hand up and down his dick, jacking him off little by little. I could feel his veins in between my fingers and I started jacking him faster and faster, getting his dick more excited. As soon as I knew he was going to go over the edge, I stopped and pulled my hand out of his wonderful boxers.

"Why did you stop? I was going to explode!" He said laughing a little. I answered his question by getting on top of him and laying gently on him. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and could see the happiness in them. I laid my lips gently on his and gave him a kiss. His soft lips on top of mine, I could feel his wonderful tasting tongue enter my mouth. It hit mine and sent shivers down my spine. I loved his tongue in my mouth. It always tasted so good. Just so....Nick. I started grinding into him with all my strength as we kissed eternally. I could feel his dick throbbing as I grinded into it making me feel kinda worried that he would make a mess. I broke our best kiss and whispered silently to him,

"You know Nick nothing would make me happier than having you cum, but I don't want to make a mess. So do you think...?" I said with a slight grin on my face.

"Of course baby, but make sure you're hard, I wanna explode in your mouth and give you all the pleasure I have." He said grinning back.

I went down his body kissing every spot I could reach. I got down to his boxers and unbuttoned them. His huge 8 inch cock sprang out and fell lightly on his belly. I licked the length of it and plunged down until his manly smell erupted from his pubes. As he said I started to immediately suck up and down on it so that he would explode and I would get to have some dessert. I bobbed up and down as fast as I could making sure he would blow. I went down completely and swallowed making him moan and his dick pulse. I brought my mouth up just as the first squirt of his precious cum went down my throat. He tasted wonderful and had a huge orgasm. About 12 squirts as I counted and they all tasted better then the last. After he was finished and was softened, I brought it out of my mouth and put it back in the boxers and buttoned them up. He was waiting for me as I came up and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Let's go back to my bed honey," I said to him as I got up and started walking to the stairs. He got off the couch and followed me up. He slipped his hands in my boxers halfway up the stairs and squeezed by butt until we got to my room and slipped under the sheets. He hugged me as I fell asleep and gave me a quick kiss on the neck.

"I love you Joshua," He said lightly falling asleep.

"I love you too Nicholas. Always and Forever......."


When I woke up the next morning it was about 9:00. I looked over at Nick and saw he was still asleep. I looked at him sleeping peacefully. He looked so angelic in the sun light beaming down on him. I carefully picked up the sheets and threw them off his body. Just looking at his rock hard abs, arms, and legs was enough to get me turned on. I got on top of him lightly and started kissing his neck. He stirred but still wasn't awake, so I licked my way down his pecs to his nipples. I sucked and licked each of them getting them hard with my tongue. He started showing signs of life, but didn't fully wake up. I licked my way down his abs and reached his belly button. I stuck my tongue inside it as he moaned and sat up. I brought it out and touched his lips with my own. He brought his hands up and played with my hair while rubbing my back. I moved my hands up and down his strong chest pinching his nipples, getting him hornier and a moan of appreciation. We broke apart and and looked into each others eyes. The love was evident, we both wanted each other so badly.

"That's a nice thing to do for me baby." Nick said while grinning.

"Well, I thought I should do something nice," I said while running my finger down his chest, "For my man who I love more than anything."

Nick grinned and kissed me again slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moaned as he squeezed by butt. We stayed like that for a long time, ok so it was only about a minute, but it felt longer. We broke apart and he looked into my eyes. I blinked, thinking what I saw was insane, but when I looked again, I saw that he looked sad. Worried even. So I asked him,

"Nick, what's wrong? You look worried."

"Josh, would you really, truly do anything for me? If it means we can be together all the time?"

"Of course Nick, I've only told you a million times. I love you, and doing anything for you is part of it, even if it is insane." I said to him smiling.

"Alright then. Josh, would you quit your job?" Nick said still serious.

"What? What do you mean? I love my job. What else would I do?" I said in a panic.

"Josh, I want to know if you would like to come on tour with us, maybe even get a job working for us?" Nick said grinning.

My heart leaped when he said those words. I felt like I was on could nine.

"Nick, I would be honored to join your tour!" I said yelling and hugging him. He hugged me tightly, holding on for dear life. I started coughing from lack of air and said,

"Nick, I love you with all my heart but could you hug me a little less tightly?"

He let go immediately and blushed a little.

"Do you know how cute you are when you blush?" I giggled to him.

He blushed some more and pulled my head to his. Our lips met yet again and he kissed me like never before. After a few minutes he pulled away as I stood, shocked and breathless.

"My god Nick, that was incredible." I breathed.

"Well, you'll be getting more tonight, when I get some ass." He said smiling so broadly I thought he was going to explode.

"You mean...?" I said to him practically whispering.

"Yes Josh, I love you and I will do anything for you too. I know you're ready for this and so am I." He said. "I love you more than anything."

I started to cry. Tears were running down my cheeks slowly. It meant so much to hear him say that. I thought I was going to cry forever.

"Nick," I chocked through tears. "I love you more than anything too. No words can explain how much." Nick started crying with me and we held each other in our arms as I cried into Nick's chest. He pulled me and looked into my eyes smiling.

"Ok, Josh let's get a hold of ourselves. Remember the guys are in your house too, and I don't think they need to hear this."

"Alright Nick," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards my closet. "Let's go to mine and Kory's secret hiding place."

"You guys have a secret hiding place?" He said in disbelief.

"Yeah It's pretty cool too. You and the guys could come, it's pretty big."

"Great let's get ready and then go wake up the guys." Nick said grabbing a pair of leather pants and a blue skin tight shirt that looked really sexy on him. I grabbed some khaki's and a red skin tight shirt and we headed out of the room.

"Hey do you hear that?" Nick said stopping and listening. I stopped to and could hear something slapping against something.

"Uh Nick?" I said to him grinning a little. "9 out of 10 it's Kory and Jeff?"

"Let's go check," Nick said grinning even bigger.

We walked over to Kory's usual room where he stayed, and found it empty. Sure enough, when we went over to Jeff's room the door was open a crack and we peered in. Jeff was on top of Kory slipping his dick into his ass harder then I've seen it before. They were moaning and saying that they loved each other. I could barely hear what Kory was saying but I think it was something like "Come on Jeff.....harder......faster.....oh.....yes! Oh.......God Jeff! Fuck my ass!" The sad part about this is that it was getting me aroused which made me feel sick, so I backed up and and headed downstairs. Nick followed me, obviously feeling the same way about it. We went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. In about 10 minutes, we had the table set and the food ready. Jeff and Kory came down, fully dressed and smiling. Me and Nick ran into the kitchen to keep from laughing and seeing us blush. When we came back fully sane, they were sitting down, while Justin and Drew walked down the stairs as well. Once I caught site of Jeff and Kory looking at me though, I couldn't help but snort and run back into the kitchen, with Nick at my heels. We busted out laughing and grabbed tissues from the counter to wipe out eyes with.

"Nick, I can't believe that was so funny. I won't be able to look at Kory and Jeff the same way again." I said laughing again.

"Yeah I know, You think it would be sick, but it was so hilarious." Nick said busting up laughing again. "Come on, lets go back and give them the good news."

"What good news?" I said wondering then added a joke. "Are we going to have a baby?"

Nick looked at me straight in the eye, which kinda scared me until he screwed it up to make a funny face," Yep and you're the mom!"

He ran into to dining room with me catching up to him saying,

"How can I be pregnant and not know about it?"

To Be Continued......................

Well, I bet you can't wait to the next chapter eh? Oh and A Special thanks to Robby, my favorite fan! I dedicate Chapter 7 to you!

Next: Chapter 6

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