Loving Tyler's Dad


Published on Sep 25, 2001


The following is a work of fiction and is the property of the author. If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read background, before you get any mind-blowing sex scenes. If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther. This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fictional setting. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

I do not usually acknowledge e-mails, instead using my time to write. I do appreciate hearing from you. Hope that you continue enjoying the story. LJB

Loving Tyler's Dad - 1.1


I actually knew Davis before he met me. That's misleading. I should say I knew about Davis before we formally met each other. I'd seen him on several occasions during my visits to the college. As the newest and youngest partner at the law firm, I had been saddled with the position of legal advisor to the Board of Regents at the College. This meant I was on call to see to the administration's needs and usually traveled to meet with them two or three times a week.

The first time I became aware of Davis I was just finishing a short meeting in the Finance Office with Sam, a long time acquaintance and we were saying our good byes. As I glanced around the office I saw a man standing at the clerk's counter who had a very distressed look on his face.

"How can it not be back yet ?" he asked trying to control his voice from sounding either angry or desperate, "I applied for assistance over four months ago."

"These things often take that long and more to be processed." the young female clerk was explaining. "The College will not push you for your tuition fees until after the approval arrives. You needn't worry."

"That doesn't help me eat or pay the rent while we wait." he informed her.

"I am sorry." she replied, "there is just nothing I can do to help you with that."

He moved over to the wall across from the counter and sat on the bench that was there. I had my first chance to get a really good look at him. He seemed to be a little older than the average college freshman. This fella looked about 24 or 25. He was about 5'8" with a medium, slim but sturdy build. His hair which needed a cut and would have normally been worn short, off the ear and squared in the back was almost black in colour and it appeared his eyes were black, or a very deep brown. His complexion was tanned but I thought it was his natural colouring rather than from time spent in the sun. His clothes were neat and the aging and wear in them was noticeable. The runners on his feet showed a similar aging and use.

I turned to Sam and asked him to call the clerk over to us.

"Who is he ?" I asked, indicating the man I was asking about.

"He's an adult student who has come back to school this semester and is having a problem getting his financial aid processed." the young lady informed us. "He seems very nice, but is terribly frustrated over the hassles he has gotten in processing the government paperwork."

"I don't think he is going to get approval." Sam said. "The regulations are designed for kids coming in from high school and are not very flexible. His status is probationary, pending his first year grades to see if he can work at college level and the aid program is not including probationary students this year. I'm afraid when the papers do come back he will be declined."

"How much is his application submission for ?" I asked. Sam took the papers the clerk was holding and looked through them.

"He applied for first semester coverage. $3500." Sam responded. "$1400 is for tuition and the rest is for living expenses. His estimates look legitimate. I remember reviewing this application before we sent it in."

"I've always said I would like to sponsor a bursary for students here, where I went to school." I told them. "I think maybe a little direct help might be another way to do it. Sam, go tell him there is a `special circumstance' grant available that he qualifies for. If his aid comes through, he must pay the fund back. If it doesn't the money is his. He can come in tomorrow and collect his living expense allowance. This is to remain anonymous, just between us."

Sam went over and spoke to the man. The change of expression on his face was immediate. The worry and anger dissolved into relief and hopefulness. He thanked Sam over and over and shook his hand so hard, I thought it might just fall off. Those dark brown eyes turned out to be a sparkling green. He left with a grin from ear to ear on his face. As I wrote out the cheque for $3500. I asked Sam to tell me his first name only. I really didn't want to know too much about him. I felt better knowing I did this because it felt like the right thing to do, rather than because I found him very appealing.

I never had any financial trouble while attending law school. I've never had any financial trouble of any kind. My parents died when I was quite young and left me on my own with no family or relations, but a very large trust fund and inheritance. Boarding schools let me meet other young boys and then men who kept me company as I grew up, but I never really had a sense of belonging until I attended this College. It was here I met Professor Randall Dunn.

He was my teacher and mentor, confessor and father, companion and love. That's love, not lover. Others were lovers. This man loved me as a parent and I loved him as my whole world. He led me through that period of infatuation and become my most trusted guide and friend. Before he died, he helped me become a man and I accepted the inevitability of life and death as he taught me. But I've been alone ever since, not yet finding the soul mate equal to him to meet my intellectual and emotional needs. I can find lots of men to meet the physical ones. I'm now 29, rich, successful and alone.

Over the next couple of months I saw Davis several times as I passed through various parts of the campus attending to a variety of matters. He was usually buried in a pile of books studying, always by himself. I wondered why such a good looking man didn't have a covey of beautiful coeds at least sitting with him, attempting to distract him from his studies. After I noted him for the third or fourth time, he apparently noticed me and nodded or waved to me when our glimpses caught each other from then on.

In early December, I was in the Finance Office again seeing Sam and asked if he knew what the current status was with Davis. He consulted his computer and advised me his marks were excellent, being in the top 2 percent of first year students. He also told me Davis' financial aid application had in fact eventually been turned down.

"Do you know what he's doing for second term about his expenses ?" I asked.

"I counseled with him last week." Sam advised me. "He has started a part time job and was asking if he could pay his fees throughout the semester. I had to tell him that the College demands tuition be paid up front, no matter how reliable the student may be."

"How much does he need ?" I wanted to know.

"Tuition is another $1400." Sam said.

"Call him will you please, Sam ?" I requested. "Tell him the grant has been extended to second term for the same amount as the last time. Also, suggest to him the less he works at a job and the more of his time he can study, the better his grades will remain." I wrote the cheque and handed it to Sam.

"You're investing a lot in this man." Sam commented.

"So far it appears he has been worth it." I replied. "As long as those grades stay up, I'm going to keep him in this College."

Mid-December marked the start of final exams for the first semester. Students were busy studying as well as preparing for the holiday season. Christmas had never been a big holiday for me. When I was younger, I use to spend it in the Bahamas with a chaperone from my school. Usually, one of the unmarried instructors with no family would be willing to accompany me. Good deal for them. All expenses paid holiday for a couple weeks in the tropics. I was not a difficult kid and we usually got along fine. Only once did I ever have one that objected to my gay lifestyle on holiday and took it on himself to straighten me out with lectures and restrictions. A call to my trustee had him replaced within twenty four hours.

I had a small amount of shopping to do, a gift for my secretary and a couple for business acquaintances, but other than those there was nothing special about the season for me. I had my apartment well stocked, so I wouldn't have to go out if I didn't choose to. The office was open, barely, but most personnel were gone for the better part of two weeks. I didn't decorate for the season, not even owning an imitation tree or ornaments. For me, it was time to catch up on my reading, some DVD movies and a little computer time.

After lunch on December 20th I received a telephone call from the Dean's office at the College. There had been an accident in one of the chemistry labs two days prior and they were only now advising us about it. I made it unquestionably clear to the man, his second call should have been to me, after notifying the College President. The potential for liability in any type of accident was immense, but to extend it by delaying in notifying your legal advisor was unforgivable. He claimed a communication misunderstanding occurred and I advised him it had better be corrected because the Board of Regents would want to know who was responsible.

Three students had been working on the end of their projects for the term and it appeared that one of them miscalculated a reaction and a fire resulted. Two were trapped by the flames and apparently too traumatized to react. The third student reacted immediately and rescued the other two, getting them to safety. During the course of the rescue he was injured, but no one seemed to know to what extent. The Dean took it upon himself to decide the College was not liable because the student wasn't obliged to rescue the others. He decided it was voluntary action by the student, so his injuries were not the College's fault. It took all my self control not to tell the pompous fool how stupid he really was.

I called campus security and recorded as many details as they could provide. They had the surnames of the students involved and their addresses and identified the injured man was named Roth. They also knew he had been treated at the hospital, observed for several hours, then sent home. And that's all anyone knew two days later. I called the telephone number I'd been given for "Roth" and the line was busy. Twenty minutes and an hour later the same result. Well, if the line is busy, someone should be home. I grabbed my coat and headed to the address I had been given.

It took me half an hour to reach the address. Trying the phone number once again on my cell phone, the line was still busy. The neighbourhood I ended up in was pretty run down. Most of the yards displayed dilapidated fences, if any and all the homes appeared in need of paint and repair. The address I sought did not actually appear as one house was numbered 101, the next was 107 and I wanted 105. I guessed there were likely apartments or converted units in the rear and I would find the home I was looking for back there. I walked around the house numbered 107 and found the back yards were in worse condition by far than the fronts. Almost every yard contained at least one junked car and most had two or more.

The snow and ice was not cleared from any of the walkways and footing was quite unsteady. I noted on the side of the house near the rear corner was a "105" with an arrow pointing upward marked in ink, likely from a ball point pen. I climbed the slippery, slightly wobbly stairs and knocked on the apartment door. There was no immediate response although I could hear a radio playing inside, so I knocked again, this time a bit harder and louder. I heard movement on the other side of the door as if someone bumped into it several times. The knob rattled and moved, but the door still didn't open.

"Not open." a child's voice called out. I reached up to the knob and turned it fully. The door swung in slowly. A small face appeared around the edge from behind the door and looked at me questioningly.

"Hi." he said and smiled.

"Hi." I replied. "Does Mr. Roth live here ?" He stared at me for another moment and turning his head back into the residence, he yelled.

"Daddy, man here."

"Who is it Tyler" a man's voice came from inside the apartment. "Never mind, tell him I'll be there in a minute." I waited patiently for the man to arrive.

While I stood waiting, I was inspected. The small head had been carried around the edge of the door by a small body. When it was just a head, I wasn't sure exactly what I was dealing with, but now the clothing and stature revealed a cute little boy of about 2 or 3 years of age. He had straggly long dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He flashed me a big smile on his dirty face as he looked me over, not seemingly very concerned I might represent any danger. He was about 30" tall and was still dressed in his pajamas, stained with jam and several other unidentifiable markings, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Tyler, get away from that door." the man's voice said, but there was no annoyance or anger in the way he spoke to the boy. "I sure don't need you getting sick right now." The door swung back and I looked up from the step I was standing on into the handsome face of Davis Roth. A light of recognition grew in his eyes and on his face.

"What are you doing here ?" he asked, his voice full of astonishment.

"I came to see if you were all right." I answered. He didn't look too great. He was unshaven, his hair was uncombed, he had on a soiled tee shirt, a pair of dirty jeans, socks which at some time might have been white and were presently only half on his feet and both his hands were an inch thick with bandage. They looked like big Ping-Pong paddles. The bandages were stained and soiled like everything else. Besides all this there was an odour associated with him which assaulted the senses. He obviously had not bathed in some time.

"I'm sorry." he said. "I didn't mean to sound rude, I just never expected to see you at my door, especially when I'm like this. Things here are in an awful mess."

"I'm sure I've seen worse." I assured him. "Can I come in for a few minutes ?" He nodded and stepped back. I was mistaken. I hadn't seen worse. The apartment was in shambles.

The table in the corner kitchen was covered with bowls, cereal, sugar, spilt milk, what must have been items of Tyler's clothing and several other things I could not readily identify at a distance. The living area had clothing strewn about it and newspaper pages scattered here and there. I could see into two other rooms, a bedroom and the bathroom and they both looked like a cyclone had passed through them.

"I usually have things pretty orderly," he was telling me, "but I haven't been able to do anything for the past two days. Tyler has tried to help his Dad, but he's only three and we have sort of fallen behind."

"Do you have relatives here ?" I asked. "Someone I can call for you ?"

"No," he replied hanging his head, "there's just Ty and me and right now, I can't even wipe my own ass. " He looked quickly at me and then away, blushing. "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to be gross." I saw him fight back a tear by turning and walking into the living area. "I'm sorry, I don't usually feel sorry for myself. I guess it's just that your the first adult person I've spoken to in several days and I'm a little overwhelmed right now. I don't even know your name."

"I'm Justin Forbes," I responded. "and I'm the......."

"You don't need to tell me." Davis interrupted. "You're my good luck charm. Every time I've seen you I've had some good luck. That's why in the middle of all this I was so surprised you were at my door. I could certainly use some good luck. Tyler, get out of there." I looked over to see Tyler standing with the refrigerator door open just reaching into it.

"I hungry, Daddy." Justin whined.

"I know. Be patient please, Ty." he replied soothingly. "I'll get you some cereal in a few minutes." I had taken my coat off and hung it in the hallway on a hook. I took my suit coat and tie off and hung them up as well, then I rolled up my sleeves.

"Okay, Tyler." I said. "Let's see if Uncle Justin can get you something hot to eat." I went over and looked in the refrigerator. It was pretty bare and the milk was almost gone.

"You don't have to do that." Davis told me. I looked at him squarely in the eyes.

"False pride is a killer of spirit." I cited. "You're about to get some help you haven't asked for. You're not going to owe me, or have to even thank me, so shut up and pretend to be humble. Now come in here and tell me where the things I need are kept." Fifteen minutes later, Tyler was sitting eating some warm canned pasta treat with some bread and butter. Davis and I sat at the table with him and Davis instructed me the best ways to help Tyler eat his meal. He was hungry.

It occurred to me that not only couldn't Davis prepare very much food, he also couldn't have eaten very much either. When I questioned him I found out dry cereal out of the box was all he had eaten in the past two days. I made him a sandwich and held it as he ate. I knew he wanted more, but asked him to wait a short while. I also found out he didn't know his phone was off the hook.

"Davis," I said, "trying to manage here is too foreign to me. I can't get you guys straightened out in this setting. Will you put yourself in my hands for the next little while ? I promise it won't hurt and I'll help you get back on track." He watched me carefully while I spoke and then he agreed to let me help.

I called my office and had my secretary contact a residential cleaning service to have this apartment cleaned and put in order. I went and packed a suitcase with enough clothes for Davis for three or four days. Next it was a duffel bag for Tyler and he helped me pick out a bag of toys. Within an hour I was carrying Tyler down the wobbly stairs and strapping him into my car. His Dad was next as I steadied him across the ice covered walk and buckled him in as well. A short time afterward, we were in my apartment.

"Now I know where everything is." I declared. "We should have no great problem meeting everyone's needs from here. Davis was absolutely taken with my apartment. It was on the 20th floor of a downtown complex and had a panoramic view of the city. I don't live extravagantly, but I am comfortable. The first task was putting two steaks on the grill, some pasta in the oven and potatoes to bake in the microwave. Within half an hour I was feeding Davis as Tyler wandered around exploring and returning to me regularly for another bite of something from our plates. He seemed bottomless

"I feel so useless and like such a burden." Davis told me. "I can't think of how I am possibly going to repay your kindness."

"I thought I made that clear before we started." I answered. "This isn't being done for you. It's for Tyler."

We had some ice cream for dessert and Tyler stopped his exploring, sitting on my lap to make sure he ended up with a full share. We left Davis sitting in the living room with the television while I took Tyler in and gave him a bath. We even got his hair washed and he smelled and looked a totally different boy after we were done. With his clean pajamas on he trotted into the living room and sat next to his Dad for a few minutes before we both put him to bed on one side of the queen size bed in my spare room. Checking on him in fifteen minutes, he was sound asleep.

"There is no way to be diplomatic in saying this, Davis." I said. "You need a bath as well, but I think it will be easier to manage you in the shower." He sat on the sofa quietly for a minute, not looking at me.

"I don't know how to tell you this, Justin." he said, not looking at me. "I hardly have known you five or six hours. I haven't been able to change my clothes since the accident. I haven't been able to do anything for myself. I do mean anything." He raised his head and looked directly at me and I understood the message in his stare.

"You don't need to worry, Davis." I assured him. "I have a good idea of how things are. You really don't need to be embarrassed with me." He stood up and I led him through my room, into my bathroom. I asked him to wait a minute and I turned on the big walk-in shower. It could hold four or five people, but up to now had been limited to only one.

As he stood waiting, I squatted and undid his shoes, removing them and his socks. I lifted his tee shirt over his head while he held his arms up. The scent was pretty powerful and I knew he was embarrassed. I talked to him about trivial things as we were doing this. Asked about Tyler. Questions about the daycare Davis used when he was at the college, anything to distract him from what was going on. After the tee shirt was on the floor, I quickly undressed myself so I could go in the shower with him. Standing behind him, I reached around and undid his jeans then slid them down his legs. I made sure to take his underwear with them, knowing he was distressed about them being soiled.

Suggesting he keep his bandaged hands above his head and out of the spray, I reduced the water flow and guided Davis into the stream. He moved around making certain his entire body was soaked. It was obvious the hot water cascading over him was a welcome luxury. I guided him turning around so his back half would get wet. Then I turned down the spray to a trickle while I soaped him up. His hair was lathered first. He looked strange with the white foam on top of his head instead of the dark, black hair I was use to seeing. Reaching up, I soaped each of his raised arms, from the wrists right down to his muscled shoulders. I then raised a lather in the black tufts of hair in his arm pits and ran the bar across his hard chest. Both of his nipples raised and pointed straight out as I rubbed over them with the wash rag.

"You're going to know me awfully well by the time this is done." he commented.

"Just imagine," I responded, "by the time those mittens are gone and I've done this five or six times, I'll be able to do it with my eyes closed." We both chuckled. I brought the wash rag down over his ribs and sides, trying to press hard enough not to tickle him. He had a well defined six pack, and solid abdomen. I made certain the rag covered my finger as I soaped and cleaned out his navel. There was a black trail of hair running down from his navel and I followed it into a dense bush of coarse, black pubic hair. I used the soap and my hand to stroke through this making sure the entire area was totally lathered.

It was time to do his lower body. The idle chatter continued as I tried to distract his embarrassment. Crouched in front of Davis with the soap and rag I washed his nicely muscled thighs and legs which had fine dark hairs covering them. He lifted each foot as I indicated and I soaped and scrubbed each thoroughly.

"I'm sorry, Justin." Davis said and I looked up to find his staff extended and raised, bobbing in front of me. "I was hoping this wouldn't happen."

"I'm glad it did." I told him. "It's much easier to wash this way." Davis was uncut and the first quarter inch of his purple head was now peeking through the end of his foreskin. I grasped the shaft and he groaned. I gently peeled back the skin and using my hand soaped the large purple crown carefully cleaning under the sensitive ridge. Davis moaned more. I returned the skin and soaped the thick 6.5" shaft, then with the rag cleaned his sac and the almost hairless area behind it. The moans and groans from Davis I'm sure were involuntary and he trembled slightly as I finished.

"Sorry, guy." I apologized, actually feeling sorry for him. "We still have quite a way to go. If you get off now, you'll want to go to sleep and we'll never get this done.

"I'm sorry, Justin." he murmured quietly. "It's just been so long and that felt so really good." I turned the shower spray up again and rinsed Davis' hair and front, making sure to skin him again to get rid of all the soap. Davis responded with another moan.

Turning him around I started in on his backside. After lathering his hair again, we used the rag to soap his strong back and solid butt. I asked him to bend forward slightly and spread his legs apart while relaxing his butt muscles. It took quite a bit of concentration on his part, but he did as I requested. He was right. He needed a good washing and he was scalded and sore from being so long without adequate cleaning. I was as careful as I could be, but it took several sessions of soaping and rinsing before I could see his bright red inflamed butt hole.

Rinsing Davis off thoroughly, I steadied him as we walked out of the shower. I grabbed a large fluffy towel from the warmer and wrapped it around his waist. Then I led him through my bedroom and out onto the enclosed sun deck where there was a hot tub. Removing the cover, I braced him as he climbed into it and seated himself. I climbed in after him. We sat back and relaxed.

"Thank you for bringing us here, Justin." he said. "Am I very happy I agreed to come. After the past three days this is almost like heaven. I really didn't know what I was going to do to manage. I was afraid if I asked for too much help they would try to take Tyler away from me."

"I couldn't be more pleased to have anyone here than the two of you." I replied. "I think I've fallen in love with your son. He is so great. Tell me about yourself, Davis. I mean anything your comfortable talking about."

"Somehow I don't think I will have any secrets from you for very long." he told me, looking into my eyes. "Tyler's mother and I were brief acquaintances. I got her pregnant. We didn't want each other. She didn't want Tyler. I did. Here we are."

"Well that sums up Tyler." I said. "How about you ? There must be a little more to Davis."

"I'm not very interesting." he related. "Dumb kid. Wouldn't listen to my parents or counselors. Quit school because I was bored. Learned a lot of lessons the hard way. Ty gave my life purpose and now I'm trying to make myself better so I can give him a good life. What about you, Justin ? How long have you been a `Good Samaritan' ?"

"About five or six hours." I responded. "I'm a spoiled rich kid who's had it easy all his life. When I saw you and Ty this afternoon I couldn't leave you two like that. I just felt I wanted to help."

"Well help you did." he replied. "Just having someone adult to talk to is a major boost, but the meal, the shower and this, it's more than I could ever have anticipated or hoped for."

We sat in the hot tub for another twenty minutes while we both relaxed. After getting out, I wrapped a towel around each of our waists and took Davis back into the bathroom where I shaved him. He was a little wary of my straight razor, but he soon realized I knew how to use it and afterward acknowledged he received a close shave with no discomfort at all. I asked him about night wear and he told me he preferred nothing but seeing as he was sleeping with Tyler he would wear some pajama bottoms or boxers, depending on what I had brought in his bag. I found both and he selected the pajamas. Before dressing him I had him bend over and I applied some aloe cream to his inflamed rectum and surrounding areas. He did not seem near as embarrassed this time.

I loaned him a tee shirt to wear around the apartment with his bottoms. His bandaged hands would fit through the sleeve openings of my larger size. We sat and watched the news and each had a cup of coffee, his with a straw. Davis was getting restless. He shifted around on the couch and became somewhat distracted. I asked him if there was a problem. I could tell from his manner he was embarrassed about something again.

"I need to take a leak and my aim hasn't been the best in the past few days." he said without looking at me. "I feel humiliated asking you to go with me, but I don't want to mess up the bathroom."

"You're going to have to get over that." I told him. "In a day or two you won't think a thing about it. I don't now, so just relax." We went into the bathroom. I fished into the fly of his pants and brought out his shaft. Skinning the head back, I aimed for the bowl.

"Do you think that Ty feels like this when you bring him into the `john' ?" I asked. After a moment we both started to chuckle.

"Is that suppose to make me feel better ?" Davis questioned. Before I could respond he said, "It's weird, but it does."

"Just think of me as your big brother, giving you a helping hand." I told him. As his stream slowed, his cock thickened and lengthened. By the time he was done and I shook his spear and pushed the foreskin back in place, he was rigid. "Do you want this relieved ?" I felt compelled to ask him. "You said it had been a long time." He stood very still and silent for a moment. He nodded his head very slowly.

We walked into my room with me guiding him. As he sat on the end of my bed I tugged his pajama bottoms down and slid them off one leg. I knelt down at the end of the bed and he parted his knees as he lay back his upper torso onto the bed. He extended his arms over his head and I could see he had closed his eyes. I pushed the tee shirt up so he was totally exposed from his shoulders down. A very impressive and exciting vision he presented.

I leaned forward over him and gently ran my tongue from the base of his cock to the tip which was forcing itself from the stretching foreskin. He gasped and his eyes came open wide.

"I thought you were going to give me a hand job." he whispered in a raspy voice which was heavy with sexual need.

"I think you will find this more satisfying for the need you are feeling." I responded. I waited for him to answer or give me direction, but he just closed his eyes again and relaxed.

Returning to his groin, I worked the tip of my tongue across his loose hanging sac and lifted one of his solid nuggets on my tongue. I commenced laving the one I had and its twin, drawing them into my mouth and drawing my tongue across the taut skin which stretched across them. While I imposed this barrage of sensations on Davis he moaned and groaned, twisting his head back and forth and holding the sides of his head between his strong upper arms.

Grasping his stick lightly in my hand, I slid the excess skin down to the base and began to lick his steely shaft and engorged crown like a dripping popsicle. And drip it did. Sweet, clear precum drooled steadily from his large piss slit and ran like a stream down his stick, pooling in the hairy forest of his pubic mound. Davis indicated his appreciation with loud and extended vocalizations describing what I was doing to him and by thrusting his pelvis in short jabs attempting to score a hole in one with my mouth.

A broad swipe of my tongue up his shaft and my mouth engulfed his crown while my tongue stroked back and forth and all around the sensitive ridge of his corona. Davis tried to gasp and groan at the same time and ended up letting out a squeal of pleasure unlike anything I had ever heard before. His nuts had tucked up tight against the base of his dick and I knew that this boy was going to explode in a very short time. I moved my lips slowly down his shaft playing with the underside of it the entire way to the bottom. Davis raised his head and looked down at me as I wiped my nose in his damp pubic hair like he did not believe I had taken the entire length into me. Placing his head back on the bed he began to pant as though he had gone into labour.

Sliding my lips up to the ridge of his crown again I hesitated only briefly and then dove back to the base. This time the head slid into my throat and I held it there while I swallowed, massaging the head with the muscles of my throat. It was the last straw as far as Davis was concerned. His padded hands came down to the sides of my head and I'm sure he would have grabbed my ears if he could have.

"I'm cumming, Justin. I'm cumming." he shouted to me, apparently warning me to let him escape. I had never intended to let him loose. His hips bounced and I could feel the head of his dick move slightly in my throat as it expanded and vomited his load into me. I swallowed and swallowed, which only continued to stimulate him as he continued to pump. I don't think I have ever had anyone cum as long as Davis did that night. I imagine it would have been a record load if it could have been measured, but it all ended up safely stored in me. Very slowly every muscle in Davis' body turned to jelly as his orgasm tapered off. It was a good five minutes until his senses returned to normal.

I went and checked Ty to be certain he was still sleeping soundly before I reclined on the bed beside Davis. During his climax he had roared and sobbed and jerked wildly, letting out a string of curses the likes of I have hardly ever heard before. As his mind cleared and he began to make sense of this world again, he lay quietly and stared at me.

"That wasn't the first time you've done that to another man." he stated.

"I wasn't aware I appeared virginal." I replied, smiling at the idea. He was quiet for several minutes. "C'mon, we better get you to bed. You're going to go to sleep very soon. I grabbed his arms at the elbows and pulled him up. Stooping, I adjusted his pajamas pulling them up and straightened the tee shirt.

"Don't you expect me to sleep here with you ?" he asked. Something in his tone and the form of his question set me slightly on edge.

"I would love to have you stay with me," I responded, "but I think Ty needs you in case he wakes up tonight, or in the morning not knowing where he is."

We walked through to the spare room and asked if Ty needed to be taken to the bathroom now or if he was good for the night. Davis hesitated and I could see he was thinking and making some decision. He told me the boy needed to get up so I coaxed him out of bed and carried him into the `john'. Davis stood in the doorway and watched as Ty anointed the bowl while I supported him. I took him back to bed and tucked him in. I don't think he actually woke during the whole process.

I walked around the bed and pulled down the covers for Davis. He climbed in bed and I pulled the covers up around him. Turning out the light I said `good night' and received a grunt back in response. Turning out most of the lights, I left some on in case either of them had to get up and find me during the night. Before crawling into my own bed I thought about taking my pajamas off and decided that with Ty in the apartment I should follow his Dad's lead, so I left the bottoms on. My recent encounter with Davis had really excited me, but it had also been extremely satisfying. I turned out my light and drifted off to sleep with no desire to relieve myself.

Next: Chapter 2

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