Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Feb 24, 2011


Disclaimer: Please look at the other chapters for a more detailed version of the disclaimer. This story is purely mine and all mine. Anything to do with the real world is purely fictional and yada yada.

Chapter Fifteen Lost and Found

Mary PoV

Mayhem. Was all I could say was how we all were. The necklace was currently with the police and getting tested for DNA. I was still curious about why they would check for DNA since it was most likely his. Three days have passed by since Chris found that necklace. Still nothing though.

One week and I was already trying to strangle random people in the street. Asking anyone for any information was getting us nowhere. I got into my car and gave a sigh. Was it even worth it to search? The police were wrong about the person calling in order to get a ransom. Chances where he was....

"Chris anything on your end?" I asked as I started up the car.

"Nothing but I'm still asking people at the park," I heard him walking. "It's getting us nowhere trying to ask people."

I know but... "We still have to do it. Maybe someone saw something... We can't just give up..." It was worth it. He won't give up on us.

"I know. Angie and Mike have the school covered as well as the club. Jake and Zack are still looking around the city but nothing yet."

"I'm going to check on Mr. Valentine." I didn't even wait for a respond as I closed the cell phone.

He was the most effected by Nate's vanishing. Didn't go to work or anything. If it wasn't for my mom I doubted if he got anything to eat. When I reached Nate's house I was surprised to find it empty. Rex was gone and so was Mr. Valentine. I made my way into Nate's room.

When I entered I felt sad. It was unused. Rex didn't even like sleeping in their anymore. He just cried.

I sighed.

I sat on the bed and leaned against the wall. There just had to be something we could do but... I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe he left somewhere... but... I gave another sigh.

I moved my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. The pillow was hard. I rose up and lifted the pillow to shake it a little bit but stopped one I noticed a journal below it.

I picked it up and raised my eyebrow. There was a bookmark in it that said read. Opening it up I raised my eyebrow higher. As I read I was confused and soon it was replaced by anger. Why didn't he tell us he was getting things? Though I could understand that he didn't wanna worry us but still.

The one thing that caught my attention was that he thought that teacher was the one behind it. However he wrote that there was no possible way since he was still in jail. However that did not mean someone could talk to him. Get him to explain things. To someone who had a reason to go after him. Someone who didn't like Nate going out with Mike.

"Bastard!" I bit my lip as I read the name again. It did make sense. He did go to school with us but usually was with his buddies. I gripped the journal as I glared at the wall.

It explained why he wasn't at school too.

After getting the address to his house I made my way to him. If I was right than the cops would be involved. If it wasn't than I was going to look like a crazy bitch. The journal was now in the living room turned to the page of most interest. Hopefully no one read before it.

I tucked away my cellphone into my bra and small screwdriver into my skirt. If he tried something and I got in trouble than it would be best if they were hidden. If he was the culprit then it was dangerous.

I stopped the car and was surprised to see him outside the house. He was putting things inside his car. I took a deep breath and got out my car making my way towards him.

"So why haven't you been at school?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

He looked a little surprised but it passed. "Ugh just some family stuff. Why are you here?" He closed the trunk and started to open the front door.

"Just wondering what you are doing that you don't go to school..." I rubbed my eye and looked casually to the side. Rope and blankets. Why would he need that for?

"Things..." He got in the car and started it. "If you don't have anything else to say I have to go."

"Alex where were you last weekend?" I tilted my head. His eyebrow twitched. Interesting.

"Watching a movie with my buds."

I nodded and sniffled. "Really? I just asked them and they said they didn't know." Okay maybe I didn't know but hey he could fall for the trap.

"I have other friends beside them you know?" He clenched his fist. More interesting.

"What friends? Cause I'm sure I didn't mention any names. So how can you know what friends I'm talking about?" Sweat formed on his brow. Yup the trap worked.

"Just my friends! Go look for your fagot friend I have shit to do." I didn't stop him as he backed out from the driveway. Once he was at the end of the street I decided to follow him. Leads a lead. One from Nate was golden.

I followed him from two cars behind. He would notice the car if I got to close and the fact that my mirrors weren't tinted didn't help to cover my face.

Following was easy not being seen was hard. The turns and streets he took were mostly empty. Occasionally I thought that he had scene me a few times but he never stopped or anything so I was safe. At least I thought so. He didn't speed up or anything.

We passed by the lake and I wondered where he could be going. There was nothing here but trees and the lake. But. There was that place. Sure it was a while away but still it was there. Untouched.

I slowed to a stop when he turned into a hidden wooden path. I got out the car and placed my keys in the dashboard. That path only went one direction so there was no way that I could lose him.

Making sure my sweater was tightly around my body I headed into the woods. I gripped my cellphone in my hands as I took my steps. Calling someone was still in my hand but what if it was all just a misunderstanding?

I took out my cell and typed a quick message and sent it to Angie. A message that only her cousins boyfriend could solve. That way if I was wrong than I wouldn't have to worry and destroy the evidence later. If I was right than...

Putting the cell back in my sweater I started walking again. Trees and trees with the occasional bush here and there. When we were younger Chris, Nate, and I would run around this woods. Eventually we found our secret spot. An abandoned factory.

Alex's car was parked next to the factory. No sign of him. I didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. I walked up to the factory and touched the crumbling brick walls. I smiled as I remembered Chris carrying Nate in his arms. That water balloon with soap sure did do some damage.

I heard a noise behind me but as soon as I turned all I was was emptiness of darkness. My eyes closed and fell to the ground.

Zack PoV

I scratched my head as I heard the police man talk. Mr. Valentine and the rest of the groups were engorged in his voice. Nothing new about Nate's situation but now there was a new twist. Mary was gone now. Cell phone communication was out the window. Her car hasn't been seen at all and no one has seen her since the morning.

I looked at the message again. It said: Angie if I you don't hear nothing from me in one hour give this message to Zack...: The rest were just random letters that didn't make sense. There was a nagging feeling in the back of my head that I knew what they meant.

"Zack did you find anything out yet?" Angie asked as I stared at the cell.

I shook my head. Why did she write the message for me in a confusing way? Unless she had something to say to me without Angie knowing. She didn't have my cell number so it did make sense. But then why didn't she ask?

The officer was interested in the fact that the message had the fact that if Angie didn't hear anything from her that would mean that she had an idea that she couldn't answer back. That would mean that Mary found out something that would be bad.

"Keep trying son you are the only one who could read that." The officer said before he started talking to Mr. Valentine again. He was asking him something about the dangers that Mary could have brought on herself.

Greg was coming down from his college as well as his mother and her husband. More people were going to help but...Would it help? Course it would since every help counts.

I kept staring at the message as the people around me left the room. Chris, Mike, Jake, and Angie went together in groups to search. The whole one person going to look was not going to cut out anymore. Mary was gone now and that meant we had to be in teams. Mr. Valentine went with the cop to go pick up the rest of the family from the airport.

Who knew that they meant they were actually coming today.

Rex put his head on my lap and rubbed his head on my stomach.

I was forgetting something important. Why did she write it this way? I knew no other language or tried anyone out. But. Wait. She did see me play that game.

But could she know what those letters meant? Switching the words around the message said: abandon warehouse come quick.

Nate PoV

I reached my hands over and grit my teeth as the cuffs dug into my skin. Why was she here? He only wanted me but she was here now. I closed my eyes and heard water drops hit the floor. I wasn't scared this time. If I handled it before by him I could handle it again by Alex. Teacher was worse Alex was just scared.

He talked big but he didn't actually do anything. Just locked me up in here.

There was a groan and movement to the side and I opened my eyes.

"What happened?" Mary asked as she shook her head. "And why am I in cuffs?" She looked at her hands before looking around the room and her eyes landing on me. I gave her a smile and her eyes started watering. "Nate...."

"Hi." I gave her a smile. Lame in this situation but what else could I do?

"We thought that you were......" She shook her head. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yes but we aren't that okay you know." I lifted up my hand and showed her the cuffs.

"Yeah but at least I know you are safe."

But for how long?

The door opened and Alex came into the room. He had something in his hands but was nervous. "Why did you have to come here and ruin everything that I worked to hard to accomplish?" He asked Mary.

"Ruin what? You kidnapped Nate and me for him going out with Mike! What the fuck is that all about?" Mary glared at Alex.

Guess she was not going to listen to the rule of don't antagonize the people who have your life in their hands.

"He was mine!" Alex growled out.

That still surprised me. Who knew Alex rolled this way. But all his acts off aggression made sense now. He was taking it out on me. The rest of it was his weak mind being lead by someone he made contact with. That person though didn't realize that Alex couldn't do what he did.

No hitting, burning, torture. Nothing. It was just being held prisoner without food or water. At least for the time being. Alex was making mistakes which was good but now with Mary here.... Crap.

Still if he came closer I could probably put my plan into action. The cuffs where about to get out of the wall and my feet were free. All I had to do was use those karate move and yoga techniques combined for some action.

"It's not yours what you never had in the first place." I said as he looked at me I noticed what he had in his hands. Pills?

"You both are going to let me have him..." He clicked open the bottle and took out a pill. "I wanted him for so long and you are not going to take him away from me."

"You're insane you know that right?" Mary struggled as Alex came closer to me.

One step.

Two step.

Three step.

Once he went pulled my leg over his and made him fall down to the floor with a thump before yanking my cuffs out the wall. After days off pulling on the cuffs it was bound to come off after a hard yank. Yanked at the other cuff before giving Alex a kick in he head with a little spin. One he was groaning in pain I ran over to the desk and pulled out the handcuff keys.

"Way to go Nate!" Mary grinned as I unlocked her handcuffs. Once she was free she jumped up off the floor and gave Alex a kick on the back. "That's what you get for kidnapping us you asshole!"

"Mary lets go!" I grabbed her arm and starting pulling her before Alex could start moving again. With the groans he giving out now I didn't think it was going to be anytime soon.

She nodded and we both left the room. Luckily we knew the area so we both were able to get out with out getting lost.

"You know I would have been more scared if he wasn't so easy to take down..." Mary said as she close the warehouse door.

"Yeah just need to hit him a few times...." If it wasn't for the fact that he hit me with something on the back of my head then I wouldn't have been kidnapped. I had everything planned out but Mary got in the way.

Still my plan went accordingly.

"Where are my car keys?" Mary started patting down her body. I shook my head before grabbing her hand.

"Run now think look later!" I started pulling her as the door swung open. Yup gave him the necessary recovery time.

We started running down the trail before Mary pulled us into the trees. I was gonna ask her why but judging by the fact that Alex's car was at the factory going down the trail was a bad idea. Walking down a trail with a guy who wants to kill you behind you with a car is a bad idea. Very bad.

When I tried to lead her down to the lake she pulled my hand towards the road. "My car has my keys we just have to reach it." She said as she pulled me.

After a few seconds of running we reached her car and hurried inside. She locked the doors and reached inside the dashboard to take out the keys. She gave me a smile and before turning on the car.

She drove down the road at normal speed. She moved her hand around her body and frowned. "I don't have my cell do..." She looked at me and I frowned. "Right..."

"Why was your car so close to the warehouse?" I raised my eyebrow.

She gave me a smile and giggled nervously. "Well you see I followed him here and then yeah...."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Why didn't you get anyone else to come with you?"

"I didn't want to act like some psycho bitch that was PMSing," I rolled my eyes and stared at the road. "By the way are you okay?"

"Yeah he didn't do anything to me just locked me in that room." I stared out the window. Nothing which was good.

"That good I guess but still taking you. I wonder what those pills where-" Her and I both shook as something hit the car. We both turned around and say Alex's car behind us before he hit us again. If it wasn't for our seat belts than we both would be smacking the dash board.

Mary moved her foot on the gas as we were rammed again. "What the fuck is wrong with him?" She asked as the car shook.

"Like I would know what is up with-" My head bounced from another hit.


"Faster Mary!" I yelled out as Alex rammed the back of the car again. The car shook again as Alex rammed the car again

"I can't! We are already going as fast as it can go!" She said as her hands clenched on the steering wheel. "I don't we can stop him!" She screamed slightly as we where hit again. The car swerved to the side before going back on the road.

"Can't you use the other side of the road?" I asked as I looked at the back. Alex face was angry. He gave a nother bump before Mary swerved the car to the left making Alex speed right next to us towards a tree.

I looked over to Mary as she looked over to me. We both gave each other a smile before we turned back towards the road. Unfortunately we didn't notice the other car coming towards us. I pushed the steering wheel to the left towards the woods. The car squealed in protest as Mary pressed the break.

I felt my head bang against the dashboard as the glass shattered. I felt something wet go down my face as I drifted into nothingness.

"We need a nurse at operating room five. Repeat. We need a nurse at operating room five." Nurse? Why do they need a nurse? I moved my hand and felt something stuck on my finger. I tried to move my other hand but there was some kind of needle in it. Unease flooded my body but I didn't know why. Was I scared of needles? Wait who was-

"Oh are you awake?" I felt cold hands on my forehead and I tried to open my eyes. I struggled as the light blinded me. "Just give it a second your eyes will adjust." The voice said as my eyes did adjust.

I rose from the bed and used my hand with the thing stuck to my finger to rub my eyes. "Where am I?"

"The hospital. Do you hurt anywhere?" He, the doctor, asked with concern in his eyes. Was it concern?

I thought for a second. I moved my hand and legs nope nothing wrong. "Not that I'm aware of."

He nodded. "I thought so but you can never be sure. Do you remember why you are hear?" I shook my head. Nothing. "How about her?" He pointed at a girl at another bed. She was sleeping or at least what I thought was sleeping. She had a few scratches and bandages on her arms.

Wait a second. I looked at my arms and felt my face. I had cuts and bandages on me too. "I don't think I do..." I looked at my hands. Was I suppose to know her? "Doctor can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course, what is it?" He wrote down something on a clipboard I just noticed he was holding.


"Baby!" A woman shouted as she entered the room. She wrapped her arm's around my shoulders and started kissing my cheek. "I didn't think I would ever see you again after that horrible accident!"

Accident? I raised my eyebrow and looked at the doctor. I was confused. Who was this woman?

"Mrs. Stein could you not touch him please?" The doctor reached over and put a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't think there for a second." She patted my shoulder before taking her arms off me.

"Mom whats with all the scream-" A guy came into the room and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. "Baby brother!" The ran over and started rubbing my head before the lady smacked him to stop. "Hey sorry but I was really worried there little guy." He smiled.

"Greg not so loud he just woke up!" This Mrs. Stein said, so this guy was Greg?

"I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"If you two wouldn't mind he was trying to ask me a question." The doctor said when both of the people stopped talking.

This Greg smiled and blushed. "I'm sorry." Mrs. Stein said. She patted my leg and I looked over at the doctor with a raised eyebrow.

"What was your question?" He asked me with worried eyes.

"Who are they? Who am I?"

Hahaha the perfect spot to end. Sorry for the wait but I was so ampted over the reviews I got about the story that I completely forgot about my problems and wrote this all quick. However that meant that I have to start the next chapter since this one is so blah. Still I'm happy that you guys like this story. Coming to a close soon and a kick in the pants to write the remaining chapters would be a help. Help as in reviews and that good stuff. Message me for all sorts of stuff k? Oh btw I finished writing a book which I was surprised. I wonder how that will turn out. Thanks everyone!

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