Magic Happens

By moc.liamtoh@31emalfeci

Published on May 9, 2009


WARNING: This is a story of sex and passion between two men. If this offends you or you aren't allowed to read such things a) go read something else and b) tell everyone to go to hell and read it anyway. I do not claim to know the characters mentioned in this story, I do not know their actual sexual orientation. Please ask permission to use any part of this story

Chapter 1

It was a simple day, a simple summer day with all of the Florida heat to boot. I was working hard even though there was no one in the shop which was very peculiar for a summer day at Disney.

"Hey does anybody want E.R.?" My manager said coming up to the front with a pen and paper.

"Me!" I called out to her. I walked over to her trying to keep my cool. I could finally go over to Magic Kingdom to try out the Haunted Mansion.

"Okay Mark, what time do you want to leave?" She asked, I checked my watch which read 1:32 pm.

"Umm, 3:30 sounds good." I told her.

"Okay, I'll have that changed for you." She said before walking back to her office. I waited eagerly for 3:30 to come around which surprisingly came fairly quickly. I left my position grabbed a soda and headed to clock out and to the break room. Within 5 minutes I was in my street clothes. I walked to the bus to Magic Kingdom and rested on the 20 minute bus ride, we arrived at Magic Kingdom at about 4:10. Not wanting to waste anymore time I took the monorail. When I got to the actual park, I swiped my ID and grabbed a map just in case I got lost. I began my trek to the Haunted Mansion just taking in the sights and sounds until the unthinkable happened. WHAM!! I was drenched in soda.

"Shit, I am so sorry!" A voice said. My eyes were closed but I could tell by the voice he was male and was a young adult almost fresh out of being a teenager. "I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

I opened my eyes and something caught my attention, or should I say someone. Corbin Bleu stood in front of me. Two cast members came to aid, one cast member had a bunch of towels to help clean me up and one had a replacement of the sodas.

"Again I am so sorry!" Corbin said.

"No it was a mistake it could have happened" I said.

"And it did, so sorry let me make it up to you." He said, I could tell by his pleads and the look in his eyes that he was truly sorry and wouldn't give up until I agreed. "At least come back to my suite so I can replace your shirt."

"Okay fine." I said finally giving into his pleas.

"Give me a sec." Corbin said. He walked over to the people who were with him and talked to them and came back to me. "Okay lets'go."

We walked out of the park stopping occasionally for him to take pictures. We got on the monorail and since it was the middle of the afternoon not many people were on which gave us a car to ourselves.

"So what did you tell them?" I asked him.

"Oh I told them I wasn't feeling well and that I was going to stay in my hotel room for the rest of the day." He said looking out of the window suddenly he turned around "Oh by the way my name is Corbin Bleu."

"Gee, that explains the tons of pictures and fainting girls and the occasional fainting guy." I said sarcastically, he laughed and hit me softly on the arm. "I'm Mark"

"Cool that's a pretty cool name." He said.

"So where are you staying at?" I asked him curiously.

"Me?" He asked as if there was someone beside him that I could be talking to. "I'm staying at the Grand Floridian."

"I haven't been there." I told him. A look of disbelief came over his face. "Yes, Corbin have never been to the Grand Floridian Hotel."

"Well today is your lucky day." He told me.

I took us about 20 minutes maybe less to get to the Grand Floridian. It seemed like in the span of 20 minutes Corbin and I became the best of friends. We got off the bus and I knew Corbin was behind me, but little did I know what he was going to do next. In the blink of an eye he had his hands covering my eyes and I jumped.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked frightened

"Relax, you can trust me just walk." He said. I could hear his sincerity in his voice so I did. I let him be my eyes as I walked. "Okay stop, and on the count of three I'm going to move my hands from your eyes." I could feel his extremely curly hair tickling my ear as he spoke to me. "Ready? One, two, three!" He said. He removed his hands and I could see. "Welcome to the Grand Floridian Hotel" He said aloud.

"Oh wow!" I exclaimed. "It's beautiful."

The lobby was vibrant and full of life, plants all around me and so many people. He lead me over to the elevator as we continued to talk about whatever came to mind. We arrived to his floor, I checked my watch and it read 5:30, which means I've nearly spent an hour with the famous Corbin Bleu.

"Okay here we are the 7th floor, and my suite is right around the corner." He told me.

We left the elevator and headed down a brightly lit hallway and turned a corner. We came to a door and reached into his pocket and pulled out a card, slid it in the door. The light changed from red to green as he opened the door.

"Guests first" He said opening the door and allowing me to go in first. I walked into the suite and was stunned instantly. I looked around he had a PS3 hooked up to the television, a half kitchen, a nice sized bathroom with a jacuzzi and a bedroom. "Alright lets see, Okay what sizes do you wear?"

"Um shirt XXL, jeans about 34." I told him still walking circles around his suite.

"You can take a shower if you like?" He said from his room.

"I think I might do that." I told him.

I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I stripped down to nothing and got in. The water felt so good washing away all the sweat and soda from earlier. The steam filled the bathroom and fogged up the mirror. I heard the door open and quietly close about a minute later. About 15 minutes later I came out of the shower and got into the clothes that Corbin had left for me. I walked out of the bathroom and walked into the darkening living room.

"I sent your clothes down to the laundry room to be washed. They should be back in about an hour." Corbin said to me.

"Okay, I guess I'll hang out here then." I told him

"Fine by me." He said. He turned on the tv and flipped to the game channel and turned the system on. He strapped on a guitar which I am pretty sure wasn't there before. "I love Guitar Hero!" He said and he started to rock out to Aerosmith. I watched him move and rock out for nearly 15 minutes through various songs. "Man I am exhausted. Wanna give it a go?" He handed over the guitar to me.

"I'm pretty sucky, I've tried to play in Wal-mart but it never turned out pretty." I told him not being sure if I should even attempt to embarrass myself.

"It's alright here I'll show you." He said. I began to take off the Guitar "No, keep it on." I did. He started the game and stood behind me and gripped my hands. "Okay, all of those colors are on the arm of the guitar, see. Okay here comes the green, blue, red, yellow combo. Now press." I did and hit all of them perfectly. I don't know what it was but I enjoyed the feeling of having Corbin near nevertheless behind me. I played for about a half hour. And then we switched to car games for the next two hours.

"Man I'm hungry." Corbin said.

"I wouldn't mind a bite to eat." I said.

"Hey why don't we go eat and Victoria and Albert's" Corbin said "My treat he added"

"Umm okay." I said.

We turned off the game and left the suite, went down to the lobby and went to eat. Victoria and Albert's was dimly lit but beautiful nonetheless. The waiter seated us in a private booth so that we wouldn't be disturbed by drooling fans.

"So it must be pretty cool being able to have all the perks of being famous." I said. "I mean you could have anybody you want and anything you want."

"I guess, I mean it's cool and all but. I rarely get any privacy. I mean the paparazzi always following my every move waiting for their next million dollar picture. As far as having anybody I want. It doesn't happen. I mean I rarely have time and yet again the paparazzi." He said.

"Wow, I never really looked at being a star that way before." I said. We changed the subject and talked and laughed some more. After a while our order came in and we were still talking. About 2 hours later he looked at my watch.

"Hey what time is it?" He asked with a smile on his face. I felt like melting when he smiled, a strange feeling I've never experienced before.

"It's 10:45," I told him. He stood up and took me by the arm.

"Come on, I wanna show you something." I got up as he dropped a one hundred dollar bill on the table and left a message that said "Keep the change" We went back up to the suite and he pulled me out to the balcony. "It should start at any moment."

"What?" I asked not thinking and trying to figure out what was happening.

"Shhh. Don't worry you'll find out soon." He said after those words came out of his mouth, bright lights began to light up the night sky. Lights of every different color. It was Wishes the firework display they had at Magic Kingdom, a great view from Corbin's balcony. That is when the real magic began. A feeling came over me, a happiness and I felt him turn me to face him and then he did it. He kissed me on the lips, I resisted but then fell to his charm and kissed back with as much passion. I opened my eyes and he opened his, I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes and enjoyed it. Without words he said "Lets go inside" We left the balcony and the fireworks, only to begin some of our own. Still in a deep passionate kiss we found our way to the dimly lit bedroom. I fell on the bed with me on top of him, as things began to heat up. He moved down and kissed my neck, the exotic feeling made me shudder and groan softly as he removed my shirt exposing my bare upper body, smooth and hairless. I helped him remove his, which revealed his sexy six pack and hairless chest, I touched it and I felt my partner stiffen. I didn't care, as much as I knew it was wrong; it felt so right. I kissed his chest and he pushed me back on the bed. He could see and feel the bulge in my jeans, looked at me and smiled.

"Looks like you're ready for action." He said. He undid my jeans and the underwear exposing me completely. My member sprung up, stood straight up as if it was a soldier. "Damn. What size is it?"

"Last time I checked it was about seven and a half." I told him, to make things even he took off the rest of his clothes and revealed his prize which was just a little bigger than mines. He laid on top of me and I couldn't help but moan with pleasure. I enjoyed this a lot and he did to. He made his way down south with his tongue hitting me multiple times with shocks of pleasure. I felt a warm wetness around my member and looked down and saw him sucking it with his hand at the base. I began to moan and gasp for air as the pleasure made it hard.

" good. Don't stop...please" I said grabbing at air as I spoke. I put my hands on the back of his hair and pushed him on it as he began to deep throat me. How he did this I had no clue, it just felt good. Me breathing intensified as he moved a little faster putting me in a state of euphoria which I have never known.

"Oh God, Corbin, I feel like I'm going to.." I couldn't finish the sentence as I hit my climax and sprayed in his mouth, he looked at me smiling.

"I know that look," I told him.

"What?" Corbin said getting up from where he was. He walked into the bathroom and began to shuffle around looking for mouthwash even though he was a swallower.

"I can't go anymore tonight, you really did a number on me." I told him. He turned the bathroom light off and walked towards me.

"I'm not going to push you anywhere you don't wanna go." He said. He got into the bed on the free side of the bed and I rested my head on his chest. I looked up at him and kissed his lips. We fell asleep in each others arms.

Tell me what you think, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Next: Chapter 2

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