Magical Gift

By Daniel I rule

Published on Feb 4, 2023


NOTE: This story is complete fiction. The story does imply in any way that any of the characters of this story is gay or BI in any way. If you are a minor, or are like grossed out by gay material then GET OUT! Other wise enjoy!

Ok people this is my first time writing, please if it sux then be gentle, but if you like then flatter all you want! ;O) Ok here is goes......oh if any guy from nsync is reading this then come and e-mail me at : Any comets please send there to! HEHE.

P.S My spelling and grammer sux to! Hehe, so sorry!

Chapter one

It was a cold day. Windy, cloudy, and freezing. All had left the graveyard cause of the coming of rain. All but a boy, who didn't care if he would get wet. In fact he felt like dying. He was alone in this world now. No one to turn to, no one to tell him that everything would be all right! The boy that was left behind in this world only by luck, was Jonathan Harding. His family had left him everything. There fortune, houses, and cars, but this didn't matter to Jonathan. What he wanted most was his family back. He closed his eyes and started to remember the night that he lost everything. Everything of meaning in his life.

Jonathan a boy only of 16 was watching TV, as his mom was explaing to his maids what she wanted each to be doing tomorrow for the big Dinner party they were having, for her 20th anniversary. Both his parents, like him, were only children, and, all his grandparents were dead, but both his parents come from extremely wealthy and well-known families in Ecuador. Jonathan him self was born in New York City, and went to an International school in Ecuador. He hated Ecuador, he wanted to live in the USA but his dad worked in the congress of Ecuador. His mother inherited he father's 20 million dollars and mothers jewelry. So Jonathan was pretty......what the word for it.....Loaded! Hehe.

"Jonathan dear" his mom called, "Johnny" He corrected. "You know I hate Jonathan!" His mom rolled her eyes and laughed. "Johnny! You think you can go to James' house and ask him if he could lend me some wine glasses? Marcela just broke like two boxes we ordered!" "Mom! Come on! It's two late!" " Please honey! Tell James to take the Mercedes! We haven't used that car in over a month!" His mother demanded. " Fine!" Johnny whined

It took him like 30 minutes to go, have small chit chat with his father's best friend, then come back. But what he saw when he came back would haunt him for the rest of his life. He would still be able smell the smoke, feel the heat of the fire, and hear the sirens. His once beautiful mansion was now just a pile of cement. Johnny couldn't absorb what was happening. He was frighten and confused at the same time. He was in total shock.

The memory of that night was too much for Johnny to handle. He burst into tears as the rain began to fall over him. His black suit became wet and heavy as he fell down on his hands and knees on the grave, remembering his mother's last words to him. Johnny's best friend, Juliana was behind him crying to herself. For it hurt her to see her best friend in such pain. She went over to him and put her arm around his shoulder to know that she was there. "Come on Johnny, I'll take you back to the hotel." She said in the most caring voice as possible. He didn't move. He didn't want to, all he did was cry in her shoulder. After about 20 minutes of crying she helped him up and took him back.

The next morning Johnny received a phone call from his parents' lawyer. He said along with the will was a letter from his mother. He really wasn't in the mood to go to his lawyer's office to talk about money and all that crap. Well he went anyway...he decided to get it over with!

He was waiting in the office listening to what was he got from his parents, but it didn't please him. He wanted to back to the hotel, and just lye in bed. Well before the lawyer finished reading the will he said something that got Johnny's attention. " Your mother, said that when she died to give you this. She said that it was most important that you read it!" Johnny took at the envelope and thanked the lawyer then left.

When he arrived at the Hotel, he sat down in the lobby and opened the envelope. Inside was a sheet of paper and a key. He looked at the key. It was decorated with weird letters. He then opened the unfolded the sheet of paper and began to read it

Dear Jonathan, If you are reading this, then I am afraid that I am dead. You must understand that what I will tell you is very important. I am leaving you not only my fortune, but as well a gift that has been passed down for over 10 generations. I can no longer protect you, so you must go to the apartment in Orlando as quickly as possible. Go into my closet and underneath the last shelf of my closet is a compartment. Inside is a trunk this is the key to open it. You must hurry before it is too late my son. Please do not tell anyone of this, or else I fear for your life. I shall always be with you. Love, Mother.

As Johnny read this he was afraid of what his mother had been hiding from him. But he decided to go. He called American Airlines and booked a first class ticket to Orlando, but if he only new what was waiting for him in his future.

To be continue

Hey I know I Nysnc yet, I just started, I promise that the next time there will be nync involved. Tell me what you think. If you like then I will keep on writeing, if you don't then you will never hear from me again! HEHE so send me comments to

Next: Chapter 2

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