Making of a Raunch Pig

By smoothslave

Published on Apr 4, 2005


The Making of a Raunch Pig by:

This story is true and depicts acts of a homosexual nature. If you are underage or offended by this type of behavior, please do not read any further.

A special thank you to all who have sent pig emails concerning the story. They are greatly appreciated and most welcome. If you wish for pig to continue, please send and email...

Chapter 15

** Birthday at the Camp Grounds **

SIR had told pig that he had a special birthday planned for it this year. pig was excited to hear this since the many birthdays before it had spent serving SIR his dinner, sucking on his cock, drinking his piss, eating from his ass and spending the night fucking itself with various objects while SIR watched and ordered it about. Not that this wasn't enough for pig, it really did enjoy pleasing him. But to hear that a special surprise was planned for its' birthday... Well.. that was great news..

pig thought about it for the entire week.. What could SIR have planned? Maybe a dinner out at a nice restaurant. No.. he wouldn't think that was so special... A surprise party with a birthday cake!! Well, maybe but most likely not his thing either. Hmmm.. unsure what he would plan. Never could really tell what he had in mind.. This week was going to take forever to get through with the thoughts running through pigs head...

The days passed slowly as predicted and pig waited with anxiety for Friday night. pig noticed that SIR even treated pig differently this week. He didn't use it as hard.. A few blow jobs, a few fucks in pigs cunt.. Nothing abusive or humiliating. He must be finally accepting pig as his lover and not as an object. Oh this is great... pig was becoming more than just an object to him.. This weekend was going to be great. A birthday cake and party and maybe even a gift from SIR. pig was so excited thinking of all the wonderful things that would take place this weekend. A birthday to remember..

Friday afternoon, pig was finishing up at work when it received a phone call from SIR.

"Hello pig.."

"Hello SIR"

"Almost through for the day there pig ?"

"Yes SIR"

"Good.. I have our stuff almost packed up for the weekend.."

"we are going away SIR?"

"Yes.. but there is one thing I forgot to get.. So I need you to stop off at the store and pick it up.."

"yes SIR.. what should it purchase SIR"

"Birthday candles.. a box of birthday candles.."

"oh great SIR.. ok SIR will pick them up SIR..."

YES !!!! a cake... a real birthday cake with candles !! and a trip somewhere !! WOOOOO HOOOOO !!!

pig doesn't even remember driving to the store and buying the candles.. The ride home was filled with great emotion.. pig felt like crying with joy.. SIR and pig were going to have a great time this weekend.. He was going all out and treating his slave like a real person. All planned out in advance..

pig entered SIR's home and removed its' clothing. Neatly folded and placed on the chair in the hallway. It reached into the duffle bag under the chair and began putting on its' at-home attire. The dog collar clamped around its' neck, clamps on its' tits, stretcher on its' balls, the final touch was the plug pushed firmly up into its' cunt. pig got on its' knees and crawled into the living room where SIR was always seated waiting for it after work. pig made its' way to SIR and licked his bare feet, worked its' way up his hairy legs and in between his legs. it nestled its' head into his pubic hair and licked back down to his semi-hard cock. pig gave his cock a few licks and took the shaft into its' mouth. A few pumps in and out and then left his hard cock lay on its' face as it began to bathe his hairy nut sack with its' tongue. SIR ran his fingers through pigs hair as it performed its' nightly ritual on SIRs body. His cock growing harder by the second until he shot his warm creamy load into pigs mouth and watched as pig swallowed and licked its' lips clean.

"Welcome home pig.."

"thank you SIR.. what would SIR like for dinner tonight?"

"Oh nothing pig.. tonight we leave for our adventure.. Did you get the candles?"

"yes SIR have the candles SIR."

"Good.. then get up and go to the bedroom.. I have your outfit picked out for tonights trip. The rest of the stuff we will need is already packed. Now go and get ready cause we have to leave in a few minutes."

"thank you SIR.."

pig ran up the stairs taking two steps at a time, down the long hallway and busted into the bedroom. There laying on the bed was pigs outfit just as SIR had said but not exactly what pig was thinking it would be. A black jock strap, ball gag, dog leash, and black lace up boots. That was the outfit for pigs birthday surprise? Hmmm SIR was surely not taking pig out to a restaurant dressed like that. Where were we going and what did he have planned? pigs thoughts ran wildly through its' head as it put on the outfit. Not even a shirt to cover up its' pierced tits, nothing to cover its' ass cheeks or hole, the black rubber plug visible through the large opening in the jock. it slipped its' bare feet into the boots, laced them tight and went back downstairs to show SIR.

Once down the steps pig crawled to SIRs side and handed SIR the end of the dog leash which was already attached to pigs dog collar. He looked pig over from head to toe, smiled and patted its' head.

"You look so nice all dressed up... Now wait here until I am ready."

pig tried to respond but only a muffled sound of "yes SIR" could be

heard through the ball gag in its' mouth.

A few minutes later SIR was ready to go, he was dressed in faded blue jean shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. He walked over and checked pigs ball gag, grabbed the leash and walked it out of the house and into the garage.

"See the car is all packed up."

pig looked through the open door and saw a large bag on the passenger seat, boxes on the back seat, a few paper shopping bags with food items and a long duffle bag.

"Look at that pig there is no room in there for you at all.."

pig looked up at SIR, almost tears in its' eyes. Was this a joke? Was SIR going somewhere and leaving it to stay home alone?

"Don't worry piggy.. There is room for you... Just not where you are used to riding.. But look at you dressed like that.. Do you really think I want to be seen in public with you all slutted up like that ?.. "

He made his way to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

"Look at all the room in here !!.. Get in pig !!"

pig looked up at SIR as he adjusted its' legs and closed the trunk. The darkness was over whelming and the ride bumpy, tossing pig around in the trunk with each bounce and turn. pig could tell when he turned onto the interstate, the car was tipped back a bit going up the on ramp and then the ride became more smooth and comfortable with the pavement.

Halfway through the ride, SIR stopped the car and let pig out to walk around and relieve itself at the rest stop. pig cowered in the darkness of the trees and picnic benches, afraid someone would see. But the rest stop was dead and quiet. As it lifted its' leg to piss against the tree, it looked up at SIR. He stood a few feet away with pigs jock strap in hand and smiled as his pig took a quick piss. It lowered its' leg and began to make it's way back to SIR when the scowl ran across his face.

"Forget something pig?"

pig quickly returned to the wet spot on the side of the tree and sniffed at its' piss spot. Then turned and looked back at SIR.

"Good pig.. pigs and dogs always sniff their scent..remember that pig.. Now if you are finished, back into the trunk.."

Back into the darkness of the trunk, pig lay there and wondered where SIR was taking it for its' birthday weekend. But it could not think of anything that seemed to fit... So instead of making itself crazy wondering it just lay there quiet and closed its' eyes.. The motion of the ride rocking it to sleep.. Unsure of how much time had passed when it awoke to the car going over a bumpy road. It tossed pig around in the trunk and then came to a sudden stop knocking pig into the back of the rear seats. pig could hear SIR exit the car, the sound of his shoes on gravel and he made his way away from the car. A few minutes later, the trunk opened and SIR and a man looked in on pig.

"well what have we here.. hello there..."

pig looked up at the two men and nodded...

"looks like you are nice and comfortable in there.. This man says that you are of free will, is that correct?"

pig nodded yes

"good.. Ummm.. I need to remove the ball gag and he needs to speak to me.. I just need to be sure of things before letting you in.." The man looked over at SIR "you will need to step away from t he car as well."

Once SIR had disappeared from view, the man undid the ball gag and repeated his questions. He wanted to make sure that pig was there of free will, was not being kidnapped, was not in trouble.... Once satisfied that pig was ok in the predicament it was in he had it sign a sheet of paper with rules and regulations and handed SIR two laminated passes. SIR closed the trunk and we moved only a short distance before SIR let pig out of the car once again.

pig took in the surroundings as it stretched its' legs and worked out the muscles in its' back and neck. It at first looked like a dark forest, but once pigs eyes adjusted to the light, it could see a few campers, tents, small wooden buildings and dirt paths that led off into the woods.

"We are at the campground that I had talked about a few times in the past.. Happy Birthday piggy.. This is your surprise..."

pig nodded to SIR

The rest of the night was spent setting up the tent that SIR had packed and setting up the camp site. pig had never been camping before so took in what SIR was saying and paid great attention to how things were done correctly.. Thankful for the fact that is was dark and many of the people at the camp were in their tents or campers. Only a few people strolled by as we setup and they were either barely dressed or nude so pigs outfit didn't make it as uncomfortable as it had thought it would. That night pig and SIR slept in the large tent. pig nestled in by SIRs feet and licked the soles and sucked his toes as he fell asleep for the night.

In the morning, pig was led around the campground by SIR on its' leash. It was allowed to walk since there were so many rocks and bumpy gravel. He seemed to take in great pride from the stares of the men that took in pigs outfit and predicament. We walked up a step hill and came to a built in swimming pool and sun bathing area. Nude men lay all over the place and swam in the pool. pig was led in and stripped of its' jock, ball gag and boots then told to lay on the lounge chair in the sun and spread its' legs. The plug could be seen by all sitting around the pool. They stared at pig and talked to each other, passing glances back and forth. pig would have been more humiliated, but since there were so many nude men, and a few other subs in the same situation it didn't bother pig very much. It just lay there and relaxed in the sun.

As the day progressed, pig watched as SIR made his way around the pool area, every now and then pointing in pigs direction. A few men nodded at pig as he this but it was unsure why. Maybe just to acknowledge that it was there or maybe something else.

After making the rounds of the pool area SIR returned to his sub bathing pig.

"Glad to see you relaxing. Are you having fun laying in the sun.. Letting the other watch you.. Letting them know that you are nothing but a sub.."

"yes SIR.. it really is nice here.. so many men and it seems really nice"

"Good to hear that... roll onto your back.. let them get a good look at your plugged up cunt piggy."

"yes SIR".. it rolled over on its' stomach.. the sweat on its' back now

glistening in the sun.

"Ah yes.. I can see the plug peeking out between your cheeks.. pull your knees up and stick your ass out.. Let them get a good look.."

pig did as told.. the plug now clearly visible.. stretching its' ass lips around the rubber.. whistles and cat calls from some of the men as pig displayed itself for all to view.

"Yeah good piggy stay like that for awhile.. Let them see what a slut fag your are. Letting them know how you like your cunt stretched out. All fucking used and open... Just begging to be fucked and used.."

The rest of the day went pretty much like that. Pig posed in various positions for all to view. Sometimes on its' back with knees bent and pulled up to its' chest, legs spread and held far apart. Sometimes on its' stomach displaying its' submissive come and fuck me side. SIR making his way around the area and letting them know it was his pig, his faggot, his plaything...

When the sun began to set, SIR and pig left the area and headed back down the trail to the camp area. SIR decided that pig should relieve itself in the trees, so he pushed it to the ground on its' knees and has it sniff around to find the perfect spot. It raised its' leg near a tree trunk and let go with a rapid flow of piss, wetting the bark with its' urine. As others passed, SIR would comment on how his dog needed to piss. pig finished and sniffed at the wet area on the tree as SIR and some of the others watched. Some looked at pig with delight and excitement as they saw how it was trained. Others turned there head in disgust when pig made eye contact.

"Time to get back to our site piggy.. Let's go... You stay on all fours..."

The rocks and gravel dug into pigs hands and knees as it hurried along side SIR. Some men yelled out to look at the fag on a leash.. Some made whistle sounds as if calling a dog and others laughed as we made our way by their camps.. When we reached our site, SIR attached the leash to a tree and told pig to sit and wait. He setup a fire and worked about the site getting it ready for pigs birthday. pig saw him pull out a sketch pad and write on the paper in red marker. The sign read "happy birthday pig" and he hung it on the tree above pigs head. He reached into the duffel bag and pulled out dildos and plugs of various lengths and sizes, lengths of rope, and a tube of ben gay rubbing lotion. All of the items were set out in front of pig on a blanket.

"Now piggy.. since it is your birthday and since you are such a fag pig, I thought it would be a great idea to let these men see you and have fun with you on your special day. Strangers seeing how you like to be treated and used.. Strangers using you like the pig you are.."

He walked over to the tree and posted another sign.. It read "pig needs to be used." with an arrow pointing down at pigs head.

"Now to get things going, remove the plug and start fucking your cunt with the dildos. Let them see what a piece of trash you really are.."

pig did as told and removed the plug from its' hole. it grabbed a dildo and lay on its' back.. With legs bent and spread it reached around and began fucking its' cunt hole. long deep strokes in and out, moans escaping from its' lips with each thrust. men stopping and watching it abuse itself.

"That's right pig.. show them how we clean our toys.."

pig removed the dildo and sucked it clean from its' ass juices. reaching around and grabbing another dildo to ram into itself. Now plugged at both ends. One dildo ramming into its' mouth the other into its' cunt. Then switching the dildos and repeating the process. Using its' mouth to taste its' cunt.. Using its' hand to ram into its' hole..

The group growing larger as they watched its' performance. Until two men approached SIR and he gave permission to use his pig. They flipped it onto its' back.. One man pushing his short down to his knees and planting his asshole on pigs mouth, holding its' legs up for the other man who began pumping his cock in and out of pigs cunt. He came in pigs hole and they switched positions.. pig eating the others hairy opening while his buddy rammed his thick cock in and out.. depositing his sperm deep within pig belly. They stood and left pig lay there as another man approached.

He ordered pig onto its' knees and began ramming a thick dildo deep into its' cunt. pulling all the way out and then ramming it deep inside.. pig moaning out loud with each push into its' opening. Another man came to the front of pig and began fucking its' mouth with his long thin cock. Forcing it deep down pigs throat and pulling on its' hair forcing it deep and hard with quick thrusts from his thin hips. He shuddered and plunged his cock deep down pigs throat holding it in place.. His sperm hitting the back of pigs throat and sliding down into its' stomach.. The man behind pig now forcing a second dildo into its' cunt. The two dildos sliding in and stretching pigs opening.. The man in front slightly pulling out and letting go with a torrent of piss in pigs mouth. Warm and bitter as it rolled over pigs tongue. Pulling out when finished to be replaced by the man from behind. He scooted in front and began pumping his cock in and out of pigs mouth.. The two dildo hanging from pigs cunt, swaying with the pumping of its' body.. Another load of cum deposited into pigs mouth followed by him pissing on pigs face and head, the stream arching into its' hair and down its' back running over the dildos and down its' legs.

SIR approaching pig and tying the rope around its' knees and then to its' arms. Leaving it on its' knees in a vulnerable position. Locked in place as man after man, fucked its' cunt with their cocks, dildos and plugs. Ramming them in and out of its' hole.. Stretching its' cunt open and making it beg for more when it was empty. The wind cold on its' body as the piss and cum ran out of its' cunt and dripped down its' legs. pig flipped onto its' back and fucked with fingers.. probing into its' body, feeling the tender tissue deep inside. Hard cocks forcing there way into its' mouth... Hairy rank assholes getting rubbed all over pigs face and eaten out by its' tongue.. Smooth shaved holes that hovered above pigs face and begged to be licked and deeply explored by its' tongue.

Each man taking their turn.. Each man using pig in their own way. Some never approached the scene but watched from a distance, others jumping right in and getting some of the action. Old men, young men, fat and thin.. All taking their turns one way or another. pig laying on the ground, wet with piss and cum, lips numb from sucking so many cocks and eating out so many asshole, cunt lips swollen and sore from being stretched and abused..

"Happy Birthday pig...get on your back.. time for your candles..."

SIR lit one of the birthday candles and pushed it into pig piss slit.. The hot wax working its way down and dripping over its' cock and balls. Stinging pigs genitals with their heat then crusting up to a hard drip of colored wax.. He repeated it several times.. Some wax dripped on pigs cock, some on its' balls, some dripped down its' stomach and into its' belly button, pig tits covered in hot was that ran into its' armpits...pig moaning and tears running down its' eyes as the hot substance made a fiery burn then cooled to a stiffness.

"Yeah pig.. you look nice all decorated up for your birthday.. We need some sugar for the cake..."

SIR reached into the duffle bag and pulled out a long black dildo with a handle and a bag of sugar. He wet the dildo with beer and poured sugar all over the dildo. The white crystals instantly adhering to the dildo and making it sparkle with sugar in the fire light. With pig still laying on its' back he began ramming the dildo in and out of pigs abused cunt. The roughness of the sugar digging in and tearing at the flesh, like sandpaper on a piece of wood... Over and over wetting the dildo and coating it with sugar, ramming it in and out, twisting the handle to make sure it reached every piece of flesh deep within pigs cunt. pig moaning from the pleasure... feeling like it was receiving the fuck of its' life.. holding its' eyes tightly shut, feeling every movement of the dildo.. 12 inches sliding in and out.. every inch felt with the crystals rubbing it inside... feeling like it was being fucked and used for the very first time in its' life....Its' cock now throbbing and growing hard... spitting its' cum into the burnt out candle in its' piss slit, the cum running up the sides of the candle and over the wax on its' balls.. SIR ramming the dildo in fully then straddling pigs face having it eat out his asshole, lick his sweaty balls, and suck his cock until he pulled out and shot his load all over pigs face. The cum running into its' nose and pooling up in the crevice of its' eyes.. burning and blurring its' vision.

That night pig was washed in the showers by SIR and allowed to sleep next to him as he held it tight in his arms. This was a birthday that pig would always remember..

Should pig continue with the story...?? Please send any comments to

Next: Chapter 16

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