Man of Steel

By rmwarde

Published on Nov 11, 2006


Disclaimer: If you are under 18, you should exit this site. This story Contains M/M sexual acts. I know nothing of the sexuality of Brandon Routh and the Superman character is owned by DC comics and Warner Bros.

Chapter Three:

Brandon expertly guided his horse, Midnight, through the riding trails and back to the clearing near his family's cabin. Brandon and Mike dismounted and Brandon tied the horse to a post.

"Come on Mike, let's get to that bath, shall we?" Brandon asked.

"What about Midnight, are we going to just leave him here?" Mike asked

"He will be fine. My friends will be along any time now to bring him back to their stables. Now come along and let's relax!" Brandon urged Mike.

"OK, you don't have to twist my arm." Mike said. They slowly walked back through the woods to the cabin, hand in hand.

"You know, I just realized I didn't lock the door when we left so quickly." Mike told him.

"That is not a problem, Mike. We are in the boonies of Iowa, not downtown LA, ya know." Brandon laughed.

"You're right, I am just always paranoid about that sort of thing." Mike told Brandon. They walked up the back steps and into the back hall of the cabin.

"Why don't you go into the bedroom and get undressed and start the bath. I need to get something from the kitchen, I'll be right there, OK?" Brandon asked Mike.

"Sounds great to me, but don't be too long..." Mike said with a husky drawl to his voice.

"Don't you worry, I'll be right there," Brandon told him.

Mike went into the huge master bedroom suite and sat on one of the overstuffed chairs. He started to pull off his new boots, thinking to himself. Damn, these boots are sexy as hell, and way comfortable. Once he had his boots off, Mike pulled off his shirt and tee and padded his way into the bathroom to get the bath water running. This tub was huge and he had to lean way over to work the controls. This meant his ass, in his tight Wrangler jeans, was hoisted in the air. Brandon silently came up behind Mike and grabbed that ass, saying," Yum, that is the kind of view a guy could get used to." Laughing the whole time. Mike started to laugh and almost fell in the tub, but Brandon easily grabbed him and pulled him back towards his massive chest. The two men just stood there for a minute just enjoying the body contact and their growing feelings for one another.

"OK, you finish undressing and I will finish things up in here. Just give me a minute and then come on in, " Brandon said mysteriously.

"What are you up to, mister?" Mike asked.

"You will just have to wait and see..." Brandon told him. "Now get out so I can put the finishing touches on our bath."

Mike reluctantly left the bathroom back to the bedroom and Brandon slowly shut the door. I wonder what my Super stud is up to? Mike thought.

Meanwhile, Brandon was excited for his surprise. He had grabbed the champagne and strawberries when he had gone to the kitchen. Now he grabbed some small candles from the cabinet and put them all around the room and the tub. He lit them and put on a Michael Buble cd into the player for background music. He wanted to create a very romantic setting for his new lover. Then Brandon quickly undressed and sank into the now full, bubbly bathtub.

Just then, Mike knocked on the bathroom door and said, " Is it all right to enter, now?"

"Come on in!" Brandon said with a smile in his voice. Mike slowly opened the door and was instantly shocked by what he saw.

"You did all this for me?" he asked Brandon.

" I wanted to make this special for both of us." Brandon told Mike. " Now get in here and let's enjoy."

Mike quickly walked over to the tub and climbed in; slowly sinking into the warm relaxing water and into Brandon's open arms. The two men kissed slowly and passionately for a few minutes. Then Mike leaned back against Brandon's chest and took in all in. "The candles, the music, which I happen to love, by the way. It is all absolutely perfect!" Mike exclaimed.

"And you haven't even seen the best part, yet." Brandon told him With that, he reached behind them and grabbed the two filled champagne glasses. "How about tasting some of this?"

Mike took the champagne glass from Brandon and took a sip. "Wow! This is delicious!" Mike told him.

"It is a French champagne that I have had in the fridge here for a while, waiting for a special occasion like this to break it out." Brandon said. "Plus, we also have fresh strawberries, compliments of my caterer friends."

"You have truly thought of everything." Mike said. "I wish every day could end like this." he mused to himself. The two ate the berries, alternating between feeding each other and gobbling them down. " The berries go great with this amazing champagne." Mike told Brandon. Then Brandon took the glasses and the dish of berries and put them off to the side.

"Now for your massage, sir." Brandon told Mike and began to give him a shoulder massage. " This should relax you, plus the jets of the whirlpool."

"You seem to really know what you are doing, did you do this as an odd job while you were a struggling actor in L.A.?" Mike asked of Brandon.

" No, I never did it myself, but one of my actor friends did and he taught me some of his techniques." Brandon shared.

" Well, you are an excellent student, then. This feels so incredibly great!" Mike praised Brandon.

" I am so glad you are enjoying it. Now, I will go a little lower..." And with that Brandon began to massage Mike's chest, causing his already half hard cock to stand at attention. Mike was in a state of bliss and turned his head to give Brandon a passionate kiss. The two men were getting more and more aroused.

"Aah, is this how you always massage people?" Mike asked.

" Nope, this is the first time, honest." Brandon told him.

" Well, whatever you are doing, don't stop. Please!" Mike replied.

As fun as this is, why don't we continue this in the bedroom?" Brandon suggested.

" Sounds like you were reading my mind." Mike said and stood up, reaching for a huge fluffy bath towel. He stepped out of the tub with Brandon right behind him.

"Let me help dry you off?" Brandon said. Then he began to slowly rub the towel all over both their bodies, keeping them in a highly aroused state.

"Ok, that's enough, let's get over to that bed!" Mike said and ran into the bedroom and jumped on the huge four poster bed. "Whoo hoo!" Mike shouted, "lets have some fun!"

"Now you are the one reading my mind!" Brandon said and then ran and jumped on the other side of the bed. Then the two men began to passionately and quickly explore one another's bodies. Then Brandon leaned down and took Mike's hard cock in his mouth. Mike followed suit and they lay down in a 69 position to enjoy their partner's cock. It didn't take too long and Mike said, "I am going to cum, Brandon!" The Brandon said, " me too!"

They both took their mouth off and let their partner shoot their huge loads all over themselves. The they lay spent and happy in each others arms. They climbed under the covers and promptly fell asleep.

Mike woke up and the sun was lower in the sky out of the bedroom windows. "What time is it?" he thought to himself and looked around for a clock. The clock on the night stand said it was 7:30pm. They had slept for a couple of hours after their intense sexual session. Mike slipped in just his boxers and his new boots and grabbed his cigarettes to have a quick smoke while Brandon still slept. He crept out of the bedroom and onto the back porch where he promptly lit his smoke. Taking in a huge drag of smoke and thinking how incredibly lucky and contented he was feeling, he leaned over the railing of the porch, gazing into the woods. Mike was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear Brandon come up behind him until he had wrapped his arms around Mike's waist. "Mmm, I missed you" Brandon said while snuggling up to Mike.

"Did I wake you up?" Mike asked. " I tried to be careful, but the champagne sparked a nicotine fit in me."

"No, I woke up on my own." Brandon said while reaching for Mike's hand and taking a drag off the cigarette. "Are you in as much of a blissful state as I am?"

"That is exactly what I was thinking! You scare me with how much you read my mind. Did you pick up that "power" while playing Superman?" Mike asked.

"Don't I wish. No, I think it just means how in sync that we are, don't you?" Bandon asked Mike.

"That we are, Brando, that we are." Mike replied. With that Mike took one final drag of the smoke and crushed in beneath his hot new boots.

"I love the boxers and boots look, Mike. Very hot!" Brandon enthused.

" I wanted to be quick and not wake you up; that didn't work too well, did it? Mike said.

"Are you hungry? I can make those steaks for us for dinner, if you want? Why don't we get dressed and start dinner? Brandon said.

With that Mike turned around and again was taken aback with how chiseled and perfect Brandon's body was. His cock began to harden and tent out in his boxers "Yes, we better get dressed quickly, or I will want to ravage that Super body of yours again!" Mike said and headed towards the bedroom.

"We eat first, then we will have our "dessert" again, OK?" Brandon told Mike.

The two men went into the bedroom and got dressed. Brandon wearing his tight tee and his tight Wranglers with his new tri-color boots, while Mike put on a long sleeved tee and his Wranglers and boots. Both men looked so hot, it would be a quick meal. The temperature outside had dropped a bit, so Brandon grabbed his hot new leather jacket and went out on the deck to get the fire going for the steaks. Mike headed to the kitchen to set the table and put a light salad together. In no time at all, the two men were seated in the kitchen enjoying a wonderful meal and each other.

They mostly just stared into each other's eyes. Finally, Brandon broke the silence and asked Mike, "What are you thinking right now?"

" I was just sitting here thinking how amazing it is that I am sitting here with you, loving every minute and not wanting it to ever end." Mike told him.

"I feel exactly the same way, Mike." Brandon replied while reaching for Mike's hand. They finished up the meal and quickly cleaned up the kitchen.

"Mm, now what do you want to do?" Brandon slyly asked Mike.

"Well, I do have a few ideas..." Mike said while pulling Brandon towards the bedroom. "Let's strip down to just our boots and play for while. How does that sound?"

"That sounds hot, and a hell of a lot of fun!" Brandon said. He quickly scooped up Mike in his arms and carried him to the bed.

"I have another idea, how about you let me undress you? Mike asked of Brandon. "Sounds even better." Brandon said.

With that, Mike began to slowly pull Brandon's tight tee shirt off his huge chest. Then he pushed Brandon back on the bed and turned around to pull off Brandon's boots. Now it was time for the Wranglers to come off. Brandon's large cock was straining for release at this point. Mike slowly unzipped the jeans and pulled them off the actor's long legs. Since Brandon had gone "commando" and didn't have any socks on either, he was now naked. All his ripped muscles straining and begging for attention.

`Ok, now it is my turn." Brandon told Mike. He pushed Mike onto the bed and removed his tall top boots. Then he ever so slowly removed the tee from his torso. And just like Brandon, Mike's cock was hard and tenting out his tight jeans. Brandon also slowly unzipped the jeans and slid them down Mike's legs. Just like Brandon, Mike was also not wearing boxers or socks, so he too was now naked. Then both men grabbed their hot new boots and put them back on.

"Making love while also wearing our boots is so hot!" Mike exclaimed. Then the two men jumped back on the bed and began to explore each other chests. Sucking and licking, getting the nipples hard and sensitive. Then Mike lowered himself on Brandon's large cock and began an excellent job of cock sucking. "Ooh, that feels great, baby!" Brandon moaned. "Not many guys can deep throat my whole cock like you do."

"You inspire me to greater lengths." Mike laughed and said.

"I need to be inside you now!" Brandon said with a sexual urgency he had never known. He laid Mike back and slowly entered him, sending Mike into a new sexual high as well. The he began to slowly fuck this man he was beginning to love and then he picked up speed.

"Oh, Brando, fuck me hard, man! Fuck me hard!" was all Mike could say.

This went on for a long time, Mike thought he would pass out with happiness, but then he could feel Brandon about to cum and the two men came together on a wave of love and contentedness neither had previously ever known.

"That was incredible! Super incredible!" Mike said.

"For me too; that was without a doubt the best sex I have ever had in my life." Brandon exclaimed. "It must be because I really care for you, Mike. You have become very special to me. "

" You are so important to me too, Brandon. I hope this doesn't scare you, but I think I am starting to fall for you. I know we have just met, but I feel such a connection with you! It is like nothing I have ever felt for anyone before."

" I am right there with you, Mike. I feel so comfortable and open with you. That is especially wonderful now that I am in the public eye and don't know who to completely trust."

They just lay there side by side, completely spent, basking in their newfound friendship and possible love.

But in the back of their minds, they were both thinking where can this go? They both knew Brandon would have to leave soon to go back on his world tour for his movie. What would become of the new couple?

End of part three.

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