Marine Home on Leave

By R Ranger

Published on Dec 7, 2009


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper Chapter 39: Notification

Brandon and I lay on his bed holding each other in a tight embrace. He was lying on top of me his monster cock embedded inside me. The bedroom reeked of raw sex and I could feel my cum squishing between us. We were breathing in rapid gasps. After such an aggressive sexual workout we were both exhausted and drenched in sweat. I began to take notice that Brandon's massive member was beginning to deflate; finally, his flaccid fuck stick fell from my gaping hole followed by sounds of flatulence.

My anus remained open and sensitive to the air. I was sensing Brandon's creamy cum seeping out of my asshole, running down my crack and collecting on the sheet. I wondered if I was going to experience soreness or walk funny at work in few hours after taking Brandon's mammoth monster up my ass. The thing hurt when he first entered, but after my sphincter became accustom to the size of his cock, all I could do was keep screaming for more as Brandon kept plowing the full length of his eight inch cock into my ass.

The length was not the problem it was the immense girth that had caused the pain. I remembered clearly every time the pronounced coronal ring of Brandon's huge cockhead passed over my prostate it was like pleasure jolts of electricity passing through my body. Both brothers were blessed with very prominent coronal rings that encircled the base of their cockheads.

Brandon made use of his magnificent glans, making me achieve an unforgettable orgasm. He fucked me long and hard until I blew the most intense load of my life. God, there was cum everywhere. There was jizz juice all over the front of me, on my face, in my hair and on the sheets. As I had cum much like old faithful Brandon was filling my ass with his creamy jizz. All in all the pain was worth it.

Brandon looked into my eyes asking, "Did you enjoy that? I hope it was as good for you as me."

"Oh God Yes, that was so fuckin unforgettable. You definitely rocked my world baby. I've never been fucked like that in my life," I replied, "you must have plowed me for like a half hour before we came together."

"What about my brother?" Brandon asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Who is the best between us?" Brandon asked.

"You and Ronny are two different people. There is no competition. You all are brothers and you both have unique styles for making love and you both are great when it comes to making love," I said not wanting to short change either brother.

"Are you sore or does your ass hurt?" Brandon asked.

"A little, but it was worth the pain."

"After we shower maybe I can give your asshole a little massage," Brandon said with a smile as he looked at the clock radio, "let's go shower."

Brandon knew I enjoyed getting finger fucked. He pulled me up off the bed onto my feet. We walked to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet to squeeze the remnants of my lover's cum from my asshole while Brandon tempered the water. We enter the shower one after the other wetting our bodies and then soaping each other up. Once we finished we rinsed off and dried our bodies before returning to the bedroom.

Back in the bedroom I lay on the bed watching Brandon squeeze a goodly amount of the ointment onto his fingers. He then gently began inserting first one finger and then the second covered with the topical cream into my asshole and began massaging. Oh damn, his talented fingers felt so good as Brandon nibbled on my erect pink nipple. As he worked the ointment into my tender asshole the phone rang. Brand removed his fingers wiping them clean before answering the phone.

He answered the phone identifying the residence and then was silent for a few seconds. Within a minute or two I heard him say, "Yes, I'll tell them when they return," and then he hung the phone up.

When Brandon returned to the bedroom he was white as a ghost. I questioned, "What's up?"

"It's Ronny, he's been seriously injured and is currently being airlifted to Germany," Brandon said with a tear in his eye.

"How bad, when..." I went on asking Brandon a string of questions.

"I don't know. The person said that they would call back in a couple hours with more details. She did say the he had survived the crash and was in critical but stable condition."

Oh hell, I thought to myself. Here Brandon and I had been laying up in the bed fucking each other's brains out having the time of our life. All the while Ronny had been wounded in action. All I could do was hope and pray Ronny was going to be all right.

Chapter 40: The Aftermath

Needless to say both of us lay on the bed stunned at the news about Ronny, but thankful he survived the crash. Finally, we got up, got dressed and then made are way downstairs to the kitchen. As Brandon began making a pot of coffee I asked, "So, do you think you should call your mom and dad?"

"No, I think I'll wait to see what the next phone call from the Marine casualty office brings," Brandon said.

"Yeah, good idea."

I sat in silence remembering all the good times Ronny and I had before he left for Afghanistan while Brandon began preparing some breakfast. I was wondering how bad his injuries were, hoping that they weren't devastating disabilities. I glanced up at the clock on the wall; it showed almost 6 AM Brandon sat a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and then took a seat across from me.

We sat talking about this and that not wanting to speak about Ronny or speculate about his injuries. Suddenly, we heard a car pull into the driveway. Brandon got up to look out the window. "It's mom and dad," Brandon said.

Immediately after saying that the phone rang and Brandon answered it, "Hold on my parents just arrived."

I got up to open the door and said, "There's a phone call for you Mr. Driver."

Brandon's father walked over and took the phone from Brandon while I decided it would be better if I could guide Mrs. Driver and Janie into the living room. Brandon joined me and we all began talking about the trip.

After a few minutes Mr. Driver entered the living room where he said, "Don't get upset but Ronny has been injured in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. They have stabilized his injuries and he should be arriving in Germany soon. Just as soon as he arrives and gets processed in we'll get another call and possible get to talk to Ronny."

Mrs. Driver and Janie began sobbing. Brandon and I looked at each other. Mr. Driver sat between the women trying to comfort them. Brandon nudged me to get my attention and we walked back into the kitchen. We poured a couple cups of coffee for his parents and took them back into the living room.

Once we'd delivered the coffee we returned to the kitchen where I said, "I think maybe a good idea is to go to work and let your dad take the day off to be with your mom."

"I agree."

Brandon walked back into the living room to tell his dad that we were going to work and for him not to worry about coming in right away. Brandon rode with me. Once we arrived and all the employees were present Brandon called an impromptu meeting to tell everyone what was up. We all went about our jobs and sometime after noon Mr. Driver came into work. He called Brandon into the office to bring him up to date about his brother.

Although Ronny's injuries were serious, both arms broken as well as one leg and other bruises, contusions and lacerations, he was going to be okay. At Ronny's request Mr. and Mrs. Driver decided to wait for Ronny to get stateside in a couple of weeks and not fly to Germany. The days and week drug on and just before Thanksgiving the Drivers got word that Ronny was being transferred stateside.

Mr. and Mrs. Driver began making plans to visit Ronny at the Naval hospital for Thanksgiving. Brandon and I would stay at home to watch the store while the parents and Janie made the pilgrimage to visit Ronny. Brandon's parents would be gone a week and Mrs. Driver asked me to stay over with Brandon while they were away. The day arrived for Brandon to take his family to the airport.

Once Brandon returned from the trip to the airport I was waiting for him at his house. We hadn't engaged in sex since the morning of notification. Both of us were horny, but out of respect we had refrained from any sex play. As Brandon burst through the backdoor I met him with a big kiss. He began pulling me along with him upstairs to the bedroom. When we arrived in his room we began to ask each other a series of questions.

"What are we going to do when Ronny comes home?" Brandon asked.

"I don't know. When is he coming home?"

"Hopefully he'll be home or in a hospital close by for Christmas," Brandon said.

"What are we going to tell him about us?" I asked.

"I think we should tell him the truth," Brandon replied, "but right now I need you to suck me, eat me and fuck me."

We both headed for the shower to clean up. After some extended foreplay in the shower I went after Brandon with ravenous appetite. We made love like there was no tomorrow. A little after midnight we'd both experienced atomic orgasms. The room reeked with the odor of raw sex, reminding me of the night a few weeks before when Brandon fucked me. We lay spent on Brandon's bed trying to regain our libido for another round of sex.

As dawn broke Brandon and I were totally exhausted after close to ten hours of sex. We both got out of bed and took our showers, dressed and headed to the Waffle Shop for breakfast before work. After finishing breakfast we made our way to the shop. When we arrived Sheldon, who drove the big tow truck for Mr. Driver, and the shop manager were drinking coffee discussing business. Brandon informed the shop manager that his folks were gone to visit Ronny for Thanksgiving week.

Brandon and I departed the office with Sheldon trailing behind us. He said, "Well now, both you boys got that twinkle in your eyes like you got some pussy last night."

"Something like that," I responded.

We all went about our business for the next few days. Brandon and I were becoming closer as far as boyfriends. We had even been discussing the possibilities of him moving into my apartment when Ronny got home. We had been talking about how we were going to break the news to Ronny that the two of us were together. I was torn between my feelings for Ronny and Brandon.

Next: Chapter 26

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