Marine of My Dreams

By moc.loa@rawcigamkcalB

Published on May 23, 2006


ALL Legal stuff applies. Depending how I feel this may be the last chapter just to forworn all you guys about that. Once again this is all in my head. If it is at all related to anyone in real life I am sorry fot that and I hope not to offend anyone. Point is to show diversity in love. Biceps 25" Chest 56" Quads 31"....these are the dimensions for Marc's body. Thanks to the fan that gave those stats for me.

Chapter 4

Marine of my Dreams








Silence. Finally. The peacefullness of silence. The ability for one to collect their thoughts and not have to worry about anyone interupting them in their own private world. The perfect getaway from everything moderm. The place where the only thing matters is you and only you. The place where all your childhood likes and favorite fairy tales all come to life once again to gallop through fields of fun and fancy. The place where the possible is impossible and the impossible is possible. The place where the only limit is what your mind can create. The place where there is no lines for any playground equipment and in fact everything is for you. The limit on the swingset is only as far your mind can create. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell throwing my arms up like you do on a rollercoaster.

"OH MY GOD!" The nurse yells throwing her clipboard with all its contents flying across the room. "DOCTOR GET IN HERE NOW!"



"DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS THE DOCTOR!!!!!!" The nurse yells as she goes running down the hall.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Babe? Can you hear me? Can you understand me?"


"I take this as a yes and a no. HAHA. Well it is nice to see that you are finally conscience."


"Not right now babe!" This hunky man says while laughing from deep in his throat.

"Waa 'apin? Er am I?"

"Um...I think I will hold off on that till you are more coherent. Till then why don't you just lay back and I will get you a cup of water."

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTAY!" I watch, as best as I can, this hunky man walk across the room to get me my water from the typical hospital container. WAIT?! HOSPITAL?! "WHERE AM I?!!"

"Settle down babe...settle down babe. Here just lie back and take a sip from this." Slowly this man strokes my face with his one hand and carefully puts the cup to my lips and tilts it slowly. "There you go." No sooner than he gets the cup from my mouth I feel sick.


"Yeah...wh-" the sentence doesn't even get out from the hunky mans mouth before my stomach does a 720 and I let it all fly.

"MMMMMMMBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU," everything that was in my stomach ended up on this hunky guy and in the cup that he was still holding.

"Yummy. Guess I shoulda asked before giving you anything."


"Thats ok," he says as he causes a smile to creep across his face, while waving his hand. "No biggy. Reminds me of my college days. HAHAHAHA!"

"HAHA...oh...urg...don't make me laugh stomach."

"Here. Let me see if this can still help," this very cute doctor says to me as he sticks me with a needle with a blueish fluid inside of it. "Now why don't you hop into the shower as I go to get a couple of nurses to come clean up this mess here."

"Sorry...ugh." As the doctor leaves the room I hear the shower in my private bathroom start up. Softly I hear this deep humming coming from the bathroom mixed with a few words here and there. Mmmmm. After puking your guts out just some low humming is enough to make a boy fall asleep. In fact that sounds like a good idea.

**************************************************************************** Several hours later. ****************************************************************************

"Mmmmmmmmm. OH! THAT'S COLD!" I yell as a cold washcloth hits my bare skin.

"Sorry babe," the hunky guy says.

"What are you doing anyway? What happened? WHO ARE YOU? Where am I? And most importantly HOW DID I GET HERE?"

"HAHAHA. Here I will make you a deal ok? If you just be quiet and sit there as I bath you I promise to answer all your questions in due time ok? Sound fair?"

"Ok. I guess. Just answer me this one question first and foremost. Who are you?"

"Well I say. I should feel kinda mad that you forget me after all those letters we wrote to one and another, and especially after I sent you that nude picture of me."

"Wait. You aren't telling me that are...NO...that can't be."

"It can and it is. Yes I am Marc. Special opperative for the United States Marine Corps. Or I should say I use to be." With the last word Marcs voice lowers a little and takes on a sullen tone.

"What do you mean use to?"

"The fraction I was apart of was disbanded by the president."

"Oh sorry...I think."

"chuckles Thanks. Now sit down and stay quiet so I can finish."

"OK." So I just sat there as this man gives me a nice sponge bath. Slowly he worked all over my body, and slowly I started to relax more and more as the cool water started to feel great on my body, and it was at that moment that I just realized exactly how sore all my muscles had become from lying in the hospital bed all this time, but I soon forgot about this pain because Marc started to hum low again. "Mmm. Thats nice. Real nice. You keep that humming up I just might fall asleep."

"That's the plan stud."

" you can get out of answering my questions then huh?"

"Sure. Now just lie back and try to get some rest. That is the best thing and the most important thing for you."

"OK. If that is an order...Sir."

"Hahaha. That IS an order grunt. Now lie back." So I did as I was told. I just laid back and let the man do what he was during, and what he WAS doing was all too good feeling.

Birds chirping lightly.

"Mmm. Hmmm. What? Morning already? Man I am starving." Slowly I scan the room and find it empty. EMPTY. No hunk. No nothing but the standard hospital shit. So I just sighed deeply and resolved to keep the previous nights actions locked away in my head, and write them off as nothing but figments of the drugs that the doctors had me on. Feeling a little depressed I decided to call the nurse into my room to give me some "happy" medicine. "Now where is that call button for the nures...AH...there it is." Before I pressed the button I figured I might what to know WHY I was here in the first place. So I slowly moved all my muscles and found out I was a little sore but not anything major enough to suggest that I was in an accident so I figured Sarah must of dropped me off one night when I was drunk off my ass. So I would just tell the nurse I was feeling a little depressed. With my mind finally made up I pressed the button. Ages passed and still no nurse. So I pressed the button again. STILL no nurse. So being a little pissed off I decided to just lay on the button till a nurse DID show. So I took the little device in my left hand and took my right hand and just pressed the button down but this time I didn't let up. SOMEBODY will have to answer now. Sure enough it only took a few minutes for an elderly nurse to come running in my room. Now that was a site to see. Me lying in my bed with a pissed off look and a nurse out of breath with a worried look that QUICKLY turned to a pissed off look as well, especially after she saw me sitting up in bed.

"WELL. Looks like SOMEBODY is JUST FINE." With that statement; the nurse stomped over to the side of the bed that I had the button in my hand on, reached over, grabbed the device, and RIPPED it out of my hand, and placed it well out of my reach. "Now be a good little boy and SIT STILL!" Flabergasted I just sat there with a stun look on my face. All I could muster out was a "bitch" AFTER she was out of the room and I assumed she was well down the hallway. Sighing I decided to try to pass the time with watching some tv, but quickly I realized that the bitch nurse had to have put the remote to the tv up where I couldn't reach it because I couldn't find it. A quick glance around the room confirmed my orignal thought. She had indeed hid the remote from me.

"Well. Isn't this just great," I start to talk aloud to no one imperticular. "Looks like I only have one other option. Good stress release anyway. Don't know the last time I had an orgasim anyway." Ever so careful I let my left hand drift under the hospital gown to ever so gently caress and stroke my rapidly hardening cock. Now it isn't as impressive as the one I was thinking about but standing at 6.5" and 4" around it was a pretty decent sized one. Steadily I pulled on my cock. Quickening pace only a little bit at a time. I closed my eyes and became lost in my own little world of pleasure so badly that I didn't even realized that someone was actually in my room watching me jerk off. Slowly I could feel my balls draw in and I knew that I was about to shoot. Closer. I am getting closer. I am about ready to shoot till a voice startles me.

"Need a hand stud?" A deep voice asks me. The voice shocks me so bad that I literally jump out of bed with a raging hard on.


"Looks like you do need a hand afterall. Here let me help then." Quickly I get my senses and realize that this guy talking to me is the hunky marine man Marc. All I could do was stand there as I watch the most prefect bubble butt walk to the door to lock it. "Now looks like to me that we both are a little over dressed. How about me lose some of this clothing." All I could do was stand there with my mouth hanging open. Not completly able to comprehend what was happening. Slowly Marc walked toward me peeling off his shirt, revealing a perfect 8-pack and some HUGE and meaty pecs and everything had a fine dusting of fur over it all. "Lets loose that gown ok?"

"Uh...OK." So he walks behind me a literally rips the gown off of me making me completly naked and standing in the middle of room.

"Mmmmmm. Damn you are sexy. Now lets start." With that said Marc starts to lightly kiss and nibble on my lower neck as his hands slowly moved down the front of body rubbing gently as he lowered those baseball mitt sized paws of his. Gently he starts to play with my balls.

"Damn that feels nice but I do believe that we need to hurry this up so we don't get caught."

"Ok fine by me. We can foreplay someother time." So he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to my bed, remember this is no small feat even though I am down to 250 pounds, and throws me down on my bed. With one of his mighty hands he starts to furiously jack me off. His only intent was to get me off and get me off quick, and he did just that. Within minutes I was screamming as my impending orgasim was coming. To stifle my screams Mrac plants his lips ontop of mine as wave after wave of pleasure washes over me.

"I'm CUMMMING!" I was able to scream out as weeks of pentup cum shoots out of my cock. Only the first volley flew up and it us both in the face till he dived down onto my cock and started to suck up all the rest. After I had finished shooting he slowly realsed my cock from his mouth and smiled at me.

Kinda funny what the mind can remember in such a short amount of time. With a great big smile on my face I look over to the man I love with all my heart and soul as he sleeps soundly. Hard to believe that it has already been five years since we had become an official couple. I dropped (kicked) out of med school, but I have made a decent living by selling ideas to video/computer game companies, and with Marc getting a check each month from the military for FINALLY being discharged and honored, and his Tai Chi/ Ninjutsu dojo just flourished once it opened. So all in all I do believe that we have the perfect little life going on right now. That was of course till the letters started coming and these weird events started to happen as well.

To be continued....?

To everyone that has been reading my story. I thank you. But I do believe that this will be the last installment of "Marine of my Dreams" for awhile. After the World cup is done I will however be working on a spin off story called "4-horsemen Chronicles" so keep an eye out for that one, and once that story is done I think I will start this one up again. Now to clear some things up. No I am not really a med student. Don't have the money to do that. Yes I live in Michigan. Yes I am a chub like the main character Xavier. well that is all for now. Thanks again GUYS! :-*

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