Mark and Gary

By Gary Ellis

Published on May 26, 2014





The events in this story took place recently in England.

Mark and Gary part 2 of 6

I didn't get a job; nor did Gary. Friday was getting near. I could only think of one solution. We all knew where the gay's hung out. It was on the edge of the local sports field. There were toilets there. They used to kick a ball about, boys used to join in, and then they took them off to the bogs for sex.

I walked over there. I was shaking. I started joining in the game.

How much? A guy said, as he tapped me on my head.

What for, I asked?

I'll give you a tenner to suck me off, he said.

I just looked at the bogs, and walked towards them. He followed a few seconds after.

Ninety quid to go, I thought.

I sucked three guys off, and then a guy offered me fifty quid for a fuck.

I had to do it, I thought.

I went back the following night, and got another eighty pounds.

On Friday, I told Gary I had the money. He wanted to know where I had got it from. I went red, and then my eyes welled up.

You haven't, he said.

I just nodded.

You can't do that, he said. We have to find another way.

But we didn't. The next week, Gary insisted on coming with me. We got the money pretty quickly.

We went twice a week for two more weeks. We had enough for about four payments.

One guy that was playing football got a bit funny with us.

Are you on drugs, he asked?

No, we said, we owe money.

You should not be here, he said. You are too young. This is very dangerous for you.

If you need some money, come back to my house and tell me why. There are two of you. I'm not going to try anything.

We have enough cash for now, we said. We have to pay a hundred every week. Can we see you next week?

No you can't, he said. I don't want sex. Come with me now. Tell me who is screwing you. I may be able to help. You can't keep coming here. I've noticed you, and the police will too. Then you will definitely be in the shit.

Gary looked at me. We nodded. We'll come with you, we said.

He didn't live too far away. He told us he lived with his boyfriend.

He invited us in. After about ten minutes of skirting around the problem, we told him the whole story.

I am a security guard in the shopping centre, he said. So is my boyfriend. Write down these boy's names. I can check them out with the police. They may have a criminal record. That could be a good start.

Let me have a think about this. Can you come back tomorrow? I may be able to help. I can ask around.

This is our last week of the term, I said. We have to pay them tomorrow morning. We were going to tell them that we were not paying up any more.

Come back tomorrow night anyway, he said.

We waited to see John, who was the ring-leader, to hand over the money.

Right, you gay cunts, he said, it's holiday time. We need more. I want to buy a fancy watch. We want two hundred on Tuesday. See you outside the jewellers in the centre, twelve sharp. Or you know what will happen.

We went to see the security guard that night.

Call me Pat, he said. Listen, they will only get more and more demanding. We have to get the bastards. I have checked them out. Two are on suspended sentences, John and Graham. If they get caught doing this sort of stuff, they will get sent to the young offenders place for three or four years.

They are the two leaders, we said.

My partner will be here soon. We have to work something out.

We discussed things for another hour. Pat thought he might have a solution. We discussed his plan.

Why are you taking such a risk, I asked?

You are gay, we are gay. This sort of stuff should not happen anymore. I am going to stop it, Pat said.

We got to the centre about eleven on Tuesday, as arranged. We looked round. Then Pat invited us into his office. There were monitors all along one wall.

I've got things all set up, he said. Watch these screens. As soon as you see them arrive, shout out.

At a quarter to twelve, they were at the main entrance. Two of them went to the food court. John and Graham headed to the jewellery shop.

Right, said Pat. Here's the wristwatch. Put it in the bottom of this envelope. You know what to do.

At twelve exactly, we walked towards the jewellers. John and Graham arrived a few minutes later.

Where's the fucking money, cunts, he said.

We could only get one hundred and ninety, I said. But I have put ten coins in, so that is two hundred. He looked in the envelope. If this is short, you're fucked. Don't try it on. Now we want two hundred on Saturday. Don't fucking argue, get it.

We walked away. Pat was watching from outside the jewellers. His partner was inside. John went in the shop, looked at the wristwatches, but walked out without buying anything.

Excuse me sir, Pat said, we believe you have stolen a valuable watch. Come with me. Pat's partner stood behind them, and another two guards came over.

Fuck off cunts, John said, we've done nothing. Touch me, and you get sued.

The four guards grabbed them both, and marched them into the back of the shop. We went back to Pat's office, and watched everything on the monitors.

John and Graham were shouting abuse. Pat put handcuffs on them.

Where's the watch, he asked?

We haven't got this fucking stupid watch, John shouted.

Pat pulled the envelope out of John's jacket pocket.

Is this envelope yours, he asked?

Yes, of course it's fucking ours. Leave my fucking money alone.

Pat tipped it upside down, the coins fell out and a watch dropped out too. There was a price label on it. It read one thousand one hundred pounds.

Watch this monitor, Pat said. This is you two coming in. Now, here's the watch being stuffed into an envelope; that envelope. Now, this is you two leaving the store. Where is your receipt? You stole it. We are calling the police.

That wasn't us, John shouted. We have been set up.

You told me it was your envelope, your money. You must be the thieves. How can it be anybody else?

You are going be taken to another office. Because of the high value of the watch you have stolen, we are going to do a strip search to find out what else you have stolen.

Look, said John. It was not us. I can show you the boys that nicked it. They were here five minutes ago.

We have checked the cameras. You came into the centre with two other boys. Where are they?

Don't fucking know, John said.

We might have to arrest them too, Pat said. Now, shut up. We are going to do that strip search.

You first, said Pat. You are being videoed. Don't try anything stupid. Take your clothes off, all of them. They are going to be x-rayed. Get your pants off. It's a strip search. Right, bend over, while I check for concealments.

Get your fucking finger out of my arsehole, John yelled.

Now open your mouth, Pat said. He put his finger in, and felt round his gums.

That fucking finger had just been up my arse, you cunt, John said.

Pat made him stay there, naked, and handcuffed him.

I have to secure you, Pat said, you have had a violent nature.

Then Pat got Graham to strip. And he got the finger up his arse, and then in his mouth.

You will be detained here while your clothes are x-rayed, Pat said.

When the boys were alone, both started crying. Fucking cunts, John was saying between tears. Graham was crying his eyes out.

Look at John's dick, Gary whispered. It has shrivelled up. There's hardly anything there.

We both laughed.

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Next: Chapter 3

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