Mating Seth

By Joakim Holberg

Published on Dec 11, 2012


This story is total fiction. The characters used are either recording artists, models, or actors/actress, if being gay is total fiction.

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Seth POV

"I-don't know," I answer breathlessly as those dangerous eyes bore into my own. "It's a yes or no question, Seth," he murmurs against my neck. "So yes or no?"

I think about it, or at least try to. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to think clearly when someone's doing such wonderful things to your neck. On the one hand I really want to feel more of this pleasure but on the other I don't want to be forced into submission. I swallow the lump in my throat, "No."

Jacob pulls back from my neck, shock and outrage clear in his expression. He glares at me for a long time. Then finally says curtly, "Fine."

He yanks back the shower curtain and steps out, grabbing a towel out of the cabinet (how the hell does he know those are there?) and starts drying off. I shut the water of as he starts getting dressed. Something plush hits my arm and my newly found quick reflexes help me catch it: The towel he'd just used.

His scent filled my nostrils as I dried off with it and for a second I thought that was why he had me use it; to get his scent all over me again but then he said, without looking at me, "No sense in dirtying two towels." Why did I feel disappointed?

I nodded and started getting dressed in Collin's clothes; a black t-shirt, gray sweatpants, boxers and a pair of socks. I had to remember to thank him again.

As I finished dressing Jacob finally looked at me, hissed under his breath, and turned away from me but not before I caught the growing bulge under his jeans. I felt a surge of love for him because he really was trying.

"C'mon, I'm sure your hungry. I think Collin's making something." He said and then led me out of the bathroom and the n the bedroom, his warm giant hand resting at the small of my back.

somewhere around an hour later or whatever

Seth POV

After eating about ten plates of food, (still a little hungry) and discussing all the details about being a werewolf and an imprint, I was exhausted.

Sam insisted we stay the night with them, telling us repeatedly that Jacob's house was too far and I was too tired. Both were true but I was also grateful that I didn't have to be totally alone with Jacob that night.

Jacob finally relented and led me down the same hallway Collin had and opened a door two down from Sam and Collin's room. Jacob went inside the private bathroom and right as I was about to close the bedroom door, Collin and Sam's conversation caught my attention.

"I don't know, Sam. I mean do you see how uneasy Seth looks around Jake?" Collin said softly.

Sam replied, "I know, but that's what comes with being in a dominate/submissive relationship. They just need to Mate and then everything will cool down."

"Yeah but you remember what it was like for us at first. I was so scared of Mating with you that I almost considered becoming a male nun!"

Sam chuckles softly, "You mean a monk?"

"Whatever," Collin huffed indignantly.

"I think Jacob will calm down by morning. Seth will eventually get over his fear enough to Mate and he'll see how good it can be between imprints."

"Eavesdropping, Sethy?" I jumped at Jacob's hot breath across the back of my neck. How does he keep on sneaking up on me from behind?

I turn around not realizing that he's RIGHT THERE. I almost fall backwards but then Jacob catches me by my waist and pulls me to his body. He closes the door softly and starts missing my neck...AGAIN.

"I thought I'd told you no." I said as he picked me up and laid me down on the bed.

He crawls on top of me, "You did. And I'm not going to do anything you tell me not to."

I don't say anything else as he pulls the covers up over me to my chin. He kisses my forehead tenderly before turning out the light.

As he laid down beside me I thought of what Sam and Collin had said. Would he cool down? Would the first Mating really be that bad or was I just over-exaggerating? I don't know. We have only been imprinted for a few hours, I think I'll wait until morning to decide anything major.

On a leap of faith I snuggled up to Jacob like a little puppy. He readily wrapped his arm around me and I rested my cheek against his chest.

This, this is all I really want...for now.

Jacob POV

It's been two weeks since Seth became a wolf, and I have never been so frustrated. Don't get me wrong, I love Seth, I'm thrilled he moved in with me, that he's really starting to get comfortable around me, but this no sex nonsense is killing me.

Everyday I wake up to find Seth, looking cuter than anything I've ever seen, all snuggled up to me, and when he wakes up and smiles at me all I can think is taking him. The urge to Mate is unbelievable in it's intensity.

But I want to remain calm and let Seth come to me when be's ready. If he ever will be.

"Jake!" I heard Seth call from the bedroom.

I mute the TV and holler back, "Yeah?"

"Can you come here for a second? I need your help."

I sigh and get up. All I want on this fine Sunday is to watch the game...well, and have sex with Seth. "I'm coming." I find him in our bedroom standing precariously on a rickety step stool of some sort. He teeters a little and reaches out for something to hold on to, which there isn't. I rush over to him just as he starts falling and catch him around the waist, pulling him to me. "What the hell were you thinking?" I ask as I set him on his feet. "You could've gotten hurt."

He straightens his navy blue shirt and rolls his eyes, "That's why I called you in here, dumbass. Besides, I would've healed right away anyways."

I tensed when he called me a dumbass, the dominant part of me bubbling to the surface. "Watch it, Seth. My patience is running as thin as it can without completely evaporating. So don't push me."

He gulps and those wide eyes stare up at me. "Okay," he says, "I'm sorry." His lower lip trembles slightly and he bows his head.

Damn. I gather him in my arms, holding him tight. "It's okay. Sorry I snapped. It's been difficult trying to keep my hands to myself. You literally have no idea how bad I want you." He leaned heavily against my chest, arms linked loosely around my waist. "I know, Jake. I want to be able to do that for you but it's so scary, you know? I just don't know what to expect. The first night we were together always pops into my mind whenever I think about Mating with you."

At first all I do is hold him, thinking, Man, this kid is going to be the death of me. Will he ever want to do it? But then an idea forms in my head.

"Seth, do you know what Mating means?" I ask.

He looks up at me confused, "Of course I do. It means that I need to give you pleasure."

Just as I'd thought. "That's not all, Seth."

"Well, what else could it mean?" He asks looking genuinely perplexed.

"Why don't I show you?" He stiffens so I hurriedly continue, "We won't Mate, not unless you want to. I just want to show you a little of what Mating really means."

He thinks it over looking wary. "Alright," he says finally, "But if I say stop will you stop?"

"Yes." I answer without hesitation. Not exactly a lie.

"You won't force me?"

"No." Entirely the truth.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this but," he steps away from me, "you've been so patient with me, so yes."

I smile ridiculously, "You won't regret this, baby. I promise I'm going to make you feel so good." I promise, cupping the back of his neck with my hand and pressing my lips against his.

He relaxes into my kiss and I easily back him up against the bed and slowly lay him down. Our t-shirts are gone in a few seconds and then we're back at it. Seth's soft hands run down my chest and trace

my abs, I cover his hand with mine and guide it toward the waistband of my jeans. Then he does something that utterly shocks me; he unbuttons and unzips my pants, sliding his hands over my hips through my boxer briefs. It drives me wild.

I pull my mouth from his and kiss my way down to his neck where I kiss and lick and nibble, being sure to leave a few marks. My hand copies Seth's and works open the snap of his jeans and then the zipper, but instead of staying above the underwear my hand slips underneath them.

Hot skin meets my hand and Seth arches up into my hand, a silent request heavy in the air. My hand slips lower while my mouth goes higher, finding and playing with his ear. I've found he goes crazy when I play with his ears.

He moans out loud as if to agree with my earlier thought. Finally I feel something hard against my hand. Yes. I take his hard dick in my hand for the first time and start rubbing up and down. He moans once more, "Please. Please Jake." He begs.

"Please what?" I demand.

He arches again, I shove his body back down, "Please. Make me come."


In one swift motion I stand up and yank his pants and boxers off, discarding them on the floor, and get between his legs. He stares at me wide eyed and lustful. I grasp his ankles in my hands and put his legs on my shoulders, "Oh, I'll make you come. And it'll be so good you'll never get enough." Seth quivers with anticipation as I lower my head and finally, finally take his dick into my mouth for the first time.

His surprised gasp goes straight to my cock, and I take him as deep as he'll go; all the way to the base. He cried out in pleasure and I ran my thumb over the place between his balls and ass. He bucks his hips so violently that I almost lose him from my mouth. But I brace my arm over his midsection to keep him from doing it again as I continue to rub that spot while sucking him as hard as I could.

When I knew he was close to coming I removed my hand and took my mouth off of his dick and watched his hungry expression.

I reached inside the bedside table's drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. I squirted some on my fingers and said, "On your knees. Ass in the air." He easily complies.

Once he's in position with his face pressed against the sheets and his sweet ass poking up into the air I demand, "Masturbate yourself."

When he doesn't obey right away I smack his pretty ass five times hard. "Ten more if you hesitate again."

His hand quickly moved to his swollen member and started to stroke it. "Good boy."

One of my hands cupped his butt cheek while my right hand positioned two fingers at his virgin entrance. Without forewarning I shoved them inside of him. Clearly taken by surprise, Seth dropped his member and clenched the sheets in his fists.

I take my fingers out and give him fifteen hard swats and then shove my fingers back inside, thrusting the in and out quickly. "Grab your dick again, you little slut. And don't drop it again."

He quickly obeys and begins stroking himself again. My fingers go harder, I say, "Rub harder." They go faster and I tell him to go faster.

And then it's like we're synchronized. His hand stroking up and down, my fingers going in and out. And then his balls tighten, his body tenses, his hole starts clenching my fingers and finally he shoots his load all over the bed.

Holy fuck that was hot. We stayed like that for a minute but then I pulled my fingers out, wiping them on the already soiled comforter. He lay down flat on his back and I kissed him. "How was that, baby?" I ask.

He says, "That was fucking amazing."

I smile wide and kiss his pretty mouth. "Good. You think Mating's still scary?"

He bites his lip, "A little," he admits. "I mean it hurt pretty bad with just your fingers. And yeah it felt good once I got adjusted but I can't even imagine taking your, um, cock."

I kiss him again, more tender this time. "Don't worry. We'll work up to that, love. No rush."

"Since when?" he teases and I laugh. "When can we do this again?"

"Anytime you want."

He smiles and says, "How about right now?"

"I've created a monster."


I sit at the kitchen table, sifting through bills. Collin's cooking something that smells fucking fantastic. He's going to get extra special treatment in the bedroom tonight.

I look up from the bills for a moment and watch him as he bustles around the kitchen. His brows furrowed in concentration, his lean muscles flexing here and there.

Damn, he's cute.

Collin POV

"I like when you act like a little housewife." Sam tells me as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, his nose pressed against the crook of my neck inhaling deeply.

A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. "I kind of am a little housewife...just you know, as a dude."

He chuckles, goosebumps scatter along my skin. "How long until dinner's ready?"

"About forty minutes. I just have to put this into a baking pan and get it in the oven." I tell him. I pull away so that I can rummage through the cupboards for a baking pan.

Sam leans back against the counter, ankles and arms crossed. "Do you know what we could do in forty minutes multiple times?" He asks, watching my little victory dance as I finally find the pan in amusement.

"Breathe? Blink?" I answer rather sarcastically.

"Cool it with the sarcasm, Collin." He demands. I love his demands but sometimes they can be over the top.

After getting the chicken and Alfredo sauce in the pan I open the oven door and place it inside, rolling my eyes I say, "Okay dad." I set the timer and start working on the dishes.

"Leave those," he says, nuzzling my neck again, "I'll do them later."

"No, you had a long patrol after work today. I'll do them."

He growls playfully, "I can do them, you can do them, whatever. Right now all I can think about is you naked."

"Yeah, but-" He swings me over his shoulder before I can say anything else. Honestly. He's such a caveman sometimes.

"Sam, put me down." I demand.

"Oh I'll put you down," he promises as he walks into our bedroom, "on our bed."

He flings me down on the mattress as if I'm a sack of potatoes. He rips his shirt over his head. Holy fuck. His abs.

"You want it rough, baby?" he asks.

I smile devilishly, "You have to ask?"

His eyes go wide, "Fuck, I love you."

Sam tears off all my clothes, kissing and nibbling, licking and biting my neck, my lips, anywhere, everywhere. He steps back and looks at me for a moment.

Then he goes into our walk in closet and takes out our box of everything R rated. He sets the box on the floor and selects a a red ball gag, two pairs of handcuffs, a crop whip, a dildo, a ring gag and a bottle of lube. When he turned around he was in complete Dom mode. I'm screwed.

Metaphorically and literally.

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading and for your lovely E-mails. Please continue to ask questions and reply. Suggestions are very much appreciated. Not sure if I should continue the story. What do you think?

Next: Chapter 3

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