Matty's Adventures

By Namab Mas

Published on May 2, 2022


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Matty's Adventures

Chapter Four

Matty pulled down his pants and lowered his naked bottom hastily onto the cool, hard toilet seat. He'd been holding in a bulky, gassy load for a few hours, and by the time his last lecture had finished the pleasantly full feeling in his back passage had grown into a nagging ache and he squirmed slightly as he tried not to fart. He'd hurried back to his block, where Eoin had messaged to say he'd wait. Thankfully he was already there when Matty arrived. They'd gone straight up to Matty's room, and now he grunted and sighed with relief as he blasted out the gas he'd been holding back, and his trumpeting farts gave way to the big, semi-solid turd that surged down his chute.

'Plop! .... plop-ploop ... plop, plop, plop.'

Matty's shit curled and squelched from him, stretching his hole and leaving a smear on the inside of his bum-cheek, and water splashed up onto him as his hefty lumps dropped into the toilet.

'Cor!' said Eoin enthusiastically. 'Phew Matty, that fucken' reeks!'

Matty blushed a little, but his dick was getting very hard. The sensation in his bottom was exquisite, and he felt so naughty. He looked round and met Eoin's eyes, and then he sighed and strained, and his mouth fell slightly open as he curled out another big gassy turd. The filthy sound of it seemed very loud.

'Plip-plop, plop ... ploop, plop.'

Eoin sniffed eagerly. The door was shut and the window closed, and Matty's vapour trail filled the room, thick and rank and deliciously nasty. Eoin had his pants down and his cock in his hand, and he wanked hard as he watched Matty shit. His pert arse filled out on the seat a few times as he strained. He was still cutely coy about shitting, and he looked all vulnerable and sexy as he sat there on the toilet with his pants round his ankles, displaying the beautiful curves of his legs and arse and lower back. After a while he let out a couple more muffled splish-splashes, a soft wet fart, and then a few last little plip-plops.

'Jaysus, you're so hot when you're havin' a shit!' breathed Eoin. 'Just a shame we can't do anything here. But ... my mum and dad are away again next weekend and they're taking Brendan, my youngest brother, with them. And I think James is staying with his girlfriend. You about?'

'Yes! I don't think I'm playing rugby on the Saturday either, so might have both days.'

'Really?! That'd be awesome! You can stay over if you like too...'

Matty spent the next week and half in horny anticipation. He and Eoin talked on the phone a few times, wanking together and trading fantasies, and a couple of times they'd video-called when one or another of them was on the toilet. As they'd hoped, he wasn't playing rugby and Eoin had the house to himself, and Matty got a hard-on time and again as he thought about some of the things they might do. One afternoon he was daydreaming towards the end of a dull lecture when he started to need a shit. When he went to the toilets afterwards he found himself going into a cubicle next to a tall gay lad called Josh whom he knew from his seminar group. He got a semi as the two of them dropped their loads side by side. Josh's shit sounded more solid than his own, and once he'd curled out his smooth, thick logs he sat and wrinkled his nose up at his own smell, and listened to the long, slow succession of deep 'ploops' coming from one side. He wasn't in a hurry, so he sat until Josh had wiped and left, and then went for a sniff of the ripe, slightly sharp smell he'd left behind. Later he wanked off fantasising about Josh squatting over his face.

That Saturday he packed an overnight bag and set out for the bus over to Eoin's place. As he sat, watching the city slide by, he thought about what was going to happen that day, and he grew a semi in his pants. They hadn't really made any plans, but he was sure it was going to be messier and nastier and harder than ever before. Once more the vision of Eoin squatting over him drifted into his mind and he got harder. He wondered what Eoin would want to do when he needed a shit. He didn't need to go yet but he certainly would, and he expected it to be a big one. He'd last sat on the toilet the morning before, and stunk up his bathroom with a loose, nasty hangover dump. He'd eaten a lot since then, and the kind of things that bulked up his loads as well. He'd had two or three bananas, eggs that tended to make his shit firmer, and loads of brown bread and vegetables. Then his phone vibrated in his pocket, and his heart sank a bit a he read Eoin's message:

  • I'm really sorry, I had 2 go. On toilet now I just couldn't hold it lol! Do u need 2 go?"

  • Not yet but I will soon.

  • Cool -- hope u can do a big shit 4 me! I'll give u mine tomorrow.

Matty felt the first faint stirrings deep inside him as the bus got out of the city centre, and by the time it got to Eoin's estate he was definitely starting to need a shit. It was coming on nice and slowly, but it felt like a firm, sturdy one and it gave him a semi again. He held his bag in front of him to hide it as he got off the bus, and then slung it over his shoulder and set off up Eoin's street.

An hour later he was sitting in Eoin's living room with his hard-on pressing uncomfortably against his pants. He wasn't desperate for a shit, but his bowels felt full and heavy. Eoin hadn't flushed the toilet and he'd left his used paper around the sides of the bowl so that when he got there Matty had at least been able to see the big shit he'd had, and the smell of it still hung around the room. Then Eoin had made them a coffee, and they'd sat and talked, and got more and more turned on as the tension mounted. Suddenly Matty felt a sharp little pressure in his full arse, and he leaned to one side and let out a muffled fart.

'Ooh!' breathed Eoin. 'That smells. You really starting to need a shit?'

Matty nodded. The fart felt like had freed something up inside him, and the pressure in his chute was getting steadily stronger now. Eoin was looking at him intently, and Matty wondered what he was thinking; wondered what Eoin was going to get him to do. Then Eoin leaned towards him, grinning slyly.

'I wanna see you shit yourself.'

'Eh?!' Matty looked up in surprise. 'What, you mean...?'

'Yeah. Shit your pants. Love seeing a guy shit himself., and ... well I have done it too a few times. You ever done it?'

Matty shook his head. His mouth felt dry and his heart was pounding a bit. Sometimes in his wildest fantasies he'd lost control and dirtied his pants, and he'd got off on a couple of videos of lads doing it and sitting in it. The memory shot into his mind of some beautiful young lad pulling down his pants and wiggling his brown bottom at the camera. He'd daydreamed vaguely about doing it himself some day, when he was back at home with the house to himself and time to experiment. He'd never thought about doing it with Eoin, though, and Eoin had never mentioned it. The thought of having to lose control and dirty his pants excited him and made his dick throb, and yet it disgusted him too and he recoiled from the mess and the nastiness of it. Eoin leaned in a little closer, his voice all low and husky.

'You wanna do it, then? Trust me, it feels fucken' tremendous! Fill your pants big time. Do a big stinky shit and sit in it and get your arse all covered.'

Matty hesitated. His head was spinning and his dick was throbbing as he contemplated doing the dirtiest and messiest thing he'd ever done. Part of him was telling him to do it; the other part screaming at him not to.

'But...' he stammered. 'I'll ruin my pants.'

'That's okay, I've got some old ones you can use.'

Eoin got up and went upstairs, leaving him sitting there in an agony of indecision. He was scared of doing it, almost as much as he desperately wanted to. He sat there thinking it through until Eoin clattered back down the stairs and came back into the room holding a pair of white boxer briefs.

'Here,' he said. 'Put them on.'

Matty felt intensely self-conscious as he changed his pants with Eoin watching, raising an eyebrow as he saw how hard he was. The briefs were quite tight when he pulled them up, hugging his bottom and thighs, with his dick bulging out the front. He went to pull his jeans back on, but Eoin stopped him.

'Just stay in your pants for a bit,' he said. 'Are they comfy?'

Matty nodded. The boxer briefs felt nice. He couldn't help anticipating how it would feel when he let go and filled the seat of them, and with that came the realisation that he was going to do it. He'd thought about 'when' and not 'if.' He was going to shit himself like he hadn't done since he was little; do one of his big stinky dumps into his tight pants. The fullness in his chute was starting to get uncomfortable, and his dick was getting as hard as it had ever been. He remembered the lad in a video he'd watched recently, moaning with pleasure as he soiled himself, and he craved that sensation for himself. Eoin stood up, face to face with him.

'Gonna do it, then...?'

Matty hesitated a moment longer, and then nodded mutely.

'Mmm, good! Let's have a smoke first...'

Matty felt very self-conscious again as he climbed the stairs with Eoin close behind him. It was as if he could feel Eoin's eyes on him, ogling his bottom through his tight pants. They settled in Eoin's room and smoked a joint together. Matty didn't smoke dope often, and when he did he always found it made him tremendously horny. It made his need to shit all the stronger too, and Eoin raised a knowing eyebrow as he noticed him wince slightly and shuffle in his discomfort. The tension was almost unbearable. Then Eoin crushed out the end of the joint in the ashtray and turned to him, and his stomach plummeted as he realised the moment had come.

'Now...' said Eoin. 'Kneel on the bed. Yeah, like that. Stick your arse out a bit.'

Matty had never felt anything like it. He knelt there on all fours, shaking with anticipation. His face was red and his heart was thumping uncontrollably, his dick tenting out the front of his pants and the white cotton drawn tight over his buttocks at the back. He was desperate for a shit, torn between the desperate urge to ease himself and every instinct screaming at him to get his pants down, or run to the toilet. He clenched his hole up tighter as his bowel heaved and his big solid shit pressed against it hard, and let out a little whimper. Eoin got behind him, hastily taking his clothes off until he stood there naked, with a massive hard-on. He came in closer, reached out and put a hand on Matty's trembling bottom.

'Now...' he whispered. 'Take a shit....'

Matty let himself relax just a little, until his shit moved inside him and started to force his hole open. He clenched up frantically, whimpering again. He was nearly past the point of no return, and he could feel a little sticky turd squashed in his ringpiece. All of a sudden he could smell his own shit. He knelt there trembling all over, with Eoin stroking his cock behind him and urging him to let go and shit himself. He fought it for a few seconds longer, squirming with the pain in his bottom, and then he gave in. The sensation as he began to shit blew his mind. His bowel relaxed ecstatically, and a thick, lumpy turd forced its way between his cheeks and pressed against the seat of his pants.

'Ooh!' he gasped. 'Oh God...'

He abandoned himself to it then, and moaned out loud. His turd pushed the back of his pants out into a big tent, bent downwards and then collapsed into a swelling bulge as hot, slimy shit packed his crack and spread out across his bottom. It seemed to go on forever before it finally tailed off, leaving him shaking all over and soaking his crotch in cum as he edged. His pants felt heavy, his shit was lumpy and warm on his bottom, and his own smell battered at his brain. He twisted round and caught sight of himself in the mirror, with a big lumpy bulge the size of a cricket ball in the seat of his pants. Eoin was standing behind him, wanking and wrinkling his nose up at Matty's vapour trail. It filled the room like fog.

'Mmm!' he breathed. 'More...? Mmm! Yeah, do another one...'

Matty's head was rushing and his heart thumping, and he could hardly believe what he was doing. He moved and the sensation as his shit pushed about on his skin made him moan out loud. Then he felt another turd coming, gave a little push and farted into his shit, all wet and muffled, tailing off into a soft squelching sound. His pants grew heavier and the mass on his bottom bigger, and started to spread down between his legs, caressing the sensitive area behind his balls and drawing another moan from him. As it tailed off he strained again, farted and packed his crack with sticky, hot shit.

'Oh!' he sighed, straining hard. 'Oh ... oh I've finished.'

'Cor! Big one ... Jaysus it smells alright too! Does it feel nice?'

Matty nodded vigorously. He was edging with excitement, trying to take in the sense of shame and embarrassment and tremendous naughtiness, along with the awesome physical feeling of his hot bulky dump pressing on his bottom and down between his legs. He'd done a huge shit in his pants and it felt wonderful! He wiggled his hips a little and it rubbed lightly on his skin. The sensation made him gasp with pleasure and he did it harder, so it tickled the back of his balls. Then Eoin reached out and took his hand, and pulled him upright so that he stood by the bed, the front of his pants all soaked in cum and the back bulging out, rounded and lumpy, with spots of brown moisture starting to soak through.

'Wiggle your arse again,' he said. 'Mm, yeah, now bend over a bit. Squat down. Oh yeah, your like that! Look 'ow fucken' hard you are!'

He got Matty to stand and move on the spot, almost dancing, pushing his shit about on his bottom until he straightened up sharply, whimpering, with more cum soaking through his pants. He couldn't believe how turned in Matty was by what he'd done; how he was edging constantly, and how hot he looked as he stood there, eyes half closed, wrinkling his nose up at his own stink. The question was, would he go any further...? Eoin leaned in closer and caught his eye.

'Sit in it? Gonna sit in your big shit for me?'

Matty's heart raced again. The memory of a video he'd seen recently whirled through his mind; some fit lad with his soiled pants around his knees and his bottom all brown. The thought of it should have made him feel sick, but he was so carried away now he just whimpered softly and nodded. Eoin took his hand, smiling, and led him through into the bathroom. His shit pushed about on his bottom as he went, and it felt wonderful. He was a naughty, smelly boy and he was going to sit in his own turds. Eoin put the toilet lid down and he stood in front of it, wiggling his bum again and whimpering. Then he lowered himself down slowly onto his brown pile. As he bent his pants tightened, squashing his shit more firmly against his skin, and then his bulge touched down on the seat and he stopped, edging again. Eoin stood in front of him, wanking his long cock slowly.

'Sit in it,' he said. 'Go on, sit in your shit, and then I wanna cum all over your shitty arse.'

'Ooh...' sighed Matty. 'I'm gonna cum though.'

'S'okay. Ooh, you're so fucken' horny. You stink! Sit down now. Sit in your shit.'

Matty paused a moment longer, then relaxed and sat right down. His head blew apart all over again. Hot shit shot up around his balls and exploded across his bottom. The sound of it was filthy and a blast of the smell hit him right in the face, and he came at once. His mouth fell open and he cried out loud, and he spurted so hard that cum squirted out through the fabric of his pants. He sagged down on the toilet, completely drained. But then Eoin got him to stand up and closed in on him, wanking hard. He pulled his pants down onto a plastic bag, bent over and stood touching his toes. His smooth cheeks were plastered in sticky brown shit, and a big lump of it peeled away from behind his balls and fell to the floor. Eoin stood behind him, wanking harder and harder until he came too, and shot his spunk all over Matty's messy bottom.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 5

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