Mattys Adventures

By Namab Mas

Published on Jul 1, 2022


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Matty's Adventures

Chapter Seven

Matty had started to feel that life was getting serious. The university year was starting to draw to a close, he was having to work very hard to prepare for his final exams, and he was thinking more and more about what he wanted to do afterwards. In the short term he had his old summer job to go back to, but he hadn't thought very much beyond that. He was toying with the idea of staying on to do a postgraduate degree and he knew some of his lecturers thought he was good enough, but he wasn't sure he had the motivation. There would be one advantage of staying on, though, and that was Eoin. They hadn't seen one another for a few weeks, and he was all too aware that they might only have chance to play together a few more times. He found himself thinking about that rather sadly one afternoon as he read back through one of his last essays before he submitted it. Eoin's message arrived a few minutes later. He was nearby: he didn't have long, but he badly needed a shit.

A quarter of an hour later Matty got his cock out and wanked, standing by the toilet as Eoin pulled down his pants and sat down. He shuffled as far forward as he could, until his cock was pressed against the front of the seat and Matty could see down into the toilet below him. Eoin twisted round and grinned sexily up at him, then looked hastily away again and grunted. His bottom relaxed, squeaked and started to crackle, and a heavy lump fell from him, followed straight away by a lumpy column that grew fluidly down from him and dropped a big log, and then another curled one.

'Plomp. Plomp.'

Eoin's smell rose up and the air around them, not very strong but sultry and rank. His turds bobbed in the water beneath him, and the droplets they'd sent splashing up glistened on his skin. Another thin stick extended from his bottom and plopped into the water, which was turning yellowish from the piss streaming down the front of the bowl. When it tailed off he twisted round and grinned at Matty.

'Okay?' he asked. 'Been wanting to do this for ages!'

'What, have a poo, or for us to meet up again?!'

'Both, but mainly meeting up. It's been a long time and I know you're off soon. What you ... oh, hang on.'

He cocked his bottom up a bit further, and another turd squelched softly out of his flaring, squeaking and dropped a string of lumps into the water. Matty stood and watched, sniffing and wanking hard, revelling in the sight and sound and smell of Eoin having a shit.

'Ploop, plop, plomp ... plop ... ploop ... ploop.'

Eoin's plops grew softer as his bowel emptied and his turds grew smaller, and fell from him onto a pile already starting to heap up out of the water.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'That's better. Anyway, I was saying, we ought to try and get together properly again, and my family are away next weekend. You about?'

'Yes, I've nothing on. Let's do it!'

'Cool. In that case wanna come over on Friday evening and stay the weekend...?'

`Yes, love to! Oh, but I'm playing on Sunday though, so I'd have to head back Saturday evening.'

`That's a shame. Oh well, let's do it anyway. We've got to have one more messy session before you go!'

They woke up that Saturday morning with hangovers. Going out for a few drinks and then to that buffet restaurant to load up on carbs and vegetables had become part of the ritual of meeting up, and they'd winked and smiled knowingly at one another as Eoin ordered another beer and went for another plateful. Afterwards they'd gone back to the pub, and Matty had a slight headache. Eoin gave him a couple of aspirins, and cuddled up to him as he tried to doze off again, and his morning hard-on rose up and pressed against Matty's bottom. He farted a couple of times, laughed and pushed Matty's head under the duvet to breathe in his dark, smokey smell, and when Matty grunted that he was going to fart too he wriggled down so he could do it right in his face. He brought the rank smell with him when he came back up again, grinning sexily, and thrust his raging hard-on into the small of Matty's back and his tongue into his ear.

'I'm gonna need such a shit,' he hissed. 'Sometime soon. A big fucken' shit!'

They ended up staying in bed for much of the morning. Eoin got up and got them some tea, and then a bit later a pot of coffee and some toast. They got up and had a smoke, but then went back to bed, wanked and teased and farted in one another's faces. They lay spooning for a long time, and Matty started to feel movement inside him, a gentle pressure in his bowels that gently got stronger. He stuck his bottom back a bit further and farted, right onto Eoin's cock, and felt it stiffen slightly through the pants they were both still wearing.

`I'm starting to need a shit,' he said.

Yeah, so am I,' Eoin breathed in his ear. Will you shit yourself for me again? And I'll do it too? I love doing it with you; just chilling with a shit in our pants.'

He brought his hand round the front and started to massage Matty's cock through his pants, running his fingers up and down his stiffening shaft. They lay and wanked and teased for a bit, horny and getting off on needing to shit together and what they were going to do. Then Matty needed to fart again, and Eoin rolled on his back with his head on the pillows and pulled Matty on top of him, to kneel over him and thrust his arse back and do it right in his face. He did a couple of low, gassy farts. Eoin inhaled them and whimpered, and looking down Matty could see his gorgeous cock twitching, trying to burst out of his trunks. Farting relieved the pressure inside him for a moment, but then it came back in full force. He tried to fart again, but only managed a small gassy hiss before his shit surged forward and he clenched himself up frantically. All of a sudden he was desperate. His big shit was pushing hard at his hole, and he could feel more coming down the chute and filling his rectum up so the need to take a dump became unbearable.

`Ooh! I've got to go! I really need a poo now,' he sighed.

`Mmm!' breathed Eoin behind him. He raised his hand and stroked Matty's taut, clenched arse, ran his fingers across his smooth cheeks, and made him whimper as he nudged Matty's legs apart a bit further and reached in to tickle his balls.

Yeah!' he breathed, drew his hand back and stroked Matty's arse and thigh again, and drew a little whimper from him. Ooh, oh you're so horny, aren't you! Gonna do it? Do your big shit for me?'

Matty grunted and nodded. His heart was thumping and his head was rushing, and the sensations in his throbbing cock and full bowels were overwhelming. He clenched up tight and held it in a few seconds longer, listening to Eoin's heavy breathing behind him. Then he closed his eyes and let his arse relax slightly, and his load surged forward again and made him gasp. Eoin's hand tightened around his thigh as his turd started to push his hole open. Then he let go, bowed his head, and the physical thrill as he eased himself made him moan out loud. He did a solid log that pushed the seat of his pants out, squelching and hissing, then bent and squashed into a lumpy ball on his bottom. The smell thickened around them, coarse and nasty, and looking down Matty could see Eoin's dick twitching in his pants again.

Ooh!' breathed Eoin. Oh that smells so fucken' good! Keep going, push it out .... Mmm! Yeah!'

Matty pushed and farted, and another lumpy turd forced its way from his bowel, packed his crack and spread across his bottom, right in front of Eoin's face so the smell gassed him. When he pushed again it shot forward towards his balls and he squeaked out loud. It was hot and firm, and the smell filled the room like smoke. He started to edge, dick dribbling cum into his crotch as hot shit still oozed from his arse, until he pinched up and stopped it, squashing a thin turd between his cheeks.

`Mmm, Matty! Such a big shit! Mmm, it stinks an' all! Have you finished?'

`No. God I feel like I'm gonna cum though! And I still need a shit.'

Eoin's hand started to move again. He ran his fingers up and down Matty's thigh, then onto his bottom, further and further in until his fingertips nearly touched his load. He drew them back when Matty farted. His chute was filling up, and it felt gassy and maybe soft. His heart began to race, pounding against his ribcage as if it was trying to burst out. Then the shit in his chute moved, and he bowed his head and moaned, and did a big surge of slimy warm turds, gasping ecstatically as it spread out and touched his balls. Eoin stroked his back and talked pure filth to him about how he loved his big stinky dumps, telling him to keep pushing and finish his shit, and get ready to sit in it and get his naughty arse covered. As soon as Matty had stopped pushing and grunting he pulled his waistband right out and admired the his brown cheeks and the big lump nestling between them. Then he let it go and started to massage Matty's bottom, pushing his shit lightly about and making him whimper. He edged again and more cum soaked through his crotch. Quickly Eoin pulled of his own pants, and turned back to Matty with his big cock thrusting out like a gun.

Ready to sit in it Matty?' breathed Eoin. Sit in your big stinky shit and get real messy?'

Matty moaned again and nodded, and Eoin got up, took his hand and led him through to the bathroom. The toilet lid was already down, and slowly he nudged Matty towards it, turned him round, and held his hand as he lowered himself into his brown pile. He went down slowly at first, grunting in his throat with pleasure as his pants tightened and pressed his hot, lumpy shit harder against his skin, and then it touched down on the hard seat and nudged at his balls his dick jerked and dribbled. He whimpered and hovered there for a moment, rushing insanely with his heart racing. Then Eoin let his hand go abruptly, lunged forward and pushed him down into his own shit.

Oh!' he cried. Oh my God!'

Shit burst across his bottom and shot forward round his balls, and he nearly came. He tensed himself up frantically, his face contorted and his head whirling, gasping and yelping as he tried to hold back. Every movement gave him unbelievable sensations underneath, and when he relaxed and settled down on the seat another squish and tickle right behind his balls made him edge again. Eoin was wanking, thrusting his big cock in his face, and then right into his mouth so he could fuck Matty's face as he sat in his own shit. All the while he kept up a stream of filth, getting Matty to rock back and forth and wriggle, and suck his cock greedily until he was edging into his mouth. He pulled back sharply, his wet hard-on glistening, and looked down at Matty with his deep eyes smouldering.

Suddenly he turned around, bent over and shoved his arse back, right into Matty's face so his nose was deep in his crack, and he farted. He did a big sonorous blast, listened to Matty sniff and whimper as the hot reeking gas battered at his brain, and then did another long, hissing one. As he stood up straight again Matty looked up at him in awe, marvelling at the sight of his peachy arse and smooth back, and then his big cock again when he turned around.

I need a shit,' he said, his voice all husky like it always was when he was madly turned on. Really busting now. Need a big dirty shit Matty. Shall I go in my pants, or do you want it...?'

Oh...' moaned Matty. Shit on me. I wanna be your toilet.'

`Okay. I really gotta go though. Come on...'

He pulled Matty upright, leaving a great brown stain behind him on the toilet. Matty's arse was covered and his pants were stuck to it, and the big lump between his legs did wonderful things to his balls as he moved. Eoin took his hand again and led him over to the bath, and got him to climb in and lie down again. He lay with his legs up in the air against the wall, so his body was nearly flat on the bottom of the bath. The shit in his pants slid backwards and made him groan, and he could feel it squashing up his back. He was filthy, degraded and covered in his own shit, and he deserved nothing more than to be Eoin's toilet and be shat on while he wanked. Eoin stood over him, wanking again. Then he turned round, shuffled back and lowered his gorgeous arse down.

On my face,' moaned Matty. Gimme it in the face.'

`Yeah! I'll fucken' do it on your face!'

Eoin shuffled sideways and settled his thighs down on the side of the bath, then edged back further until he was right over Matty's face, partly blocking out the light, big and masculine. Matty lay and stared up at him helplessly, his big balls hanging down and his tight, wrinkled arsehole right above him. His dick felt as if it was about to explode, and he clamped his mouth tight shut and waited for a few seconds that lasted a lifetime. Then Eoin began to grunt, and his arse heaved and flared out,. He let out another squeaky fart and the tip of his chunky, dark turd appeared, paused, and then slowly pushed his hole open wider and nosed out. Then he grunted again and it came fluidly out like a lumpy brown tube. Matty and watched it descend on him, his head exploding with that feeling he only got from being Eoin's toilet; that potent blend of helpless horror at what was happening to him and awestruck gratitude to the young man shitting on his face.

Eoin's turd hung down from him for a moment, and he contemplated its chunky, rounded end and looked up its glistening length. Then Eoin's hole pinched shut and it punched him right in the mouth and fell back over his nose. He shut his eyes right before the end of it thudded down on his brow. Blinded, he lay and listened to the squelch and crackle and manly grunt, and then another big lump fell across his mouth and chin. It was heavy and hot and the smell of it roared up his nose and blasted into his brain, so intense and foul that he gagged. He was in perverted heaven, edging and dribbling spunk on his tummy with his whole body tingling ecstatically. Above him Eoin fidgeted, and there came the rhythmic sound of him wanking.

Uh!' he grunted. Feels so nice ... fucken' shitting on yer face.'

Matty whimpered in reply. Eoin shifted above him and Matty sensed him twisting round and looking down on what he'd done.

Oh that's a big one!' he said. Right across yer face! Nice...?'

Matty whimpered again and held up his thumb. Above him Eoin wanked harder

`Good. Fucken' love shitting on you, going to the toilet on your face, and you getting off on it. You're a dirty bastard and you've shit yourself, and now you're my toilet! Fucken' look at you, with yer face covered in my shit. I still feel really full too, like I got another big log up me arse.'

He fidgeted a couple of times and went quiet, and a few moments later he grunted a couple of times. All of a sudden Matty was on the verge of cumming again, his heart thumping as if to burst out of his chest as he awaited another face-full. He heard Eoin take a breath, grunt and fart softly, and then with a squeak and hiss and filthy crackle his world fell in on him. Eoin's shit was dense and smooth, curling from him like a glistening brown rope and dropping one long curl after another. They piled up on Matty's face, and as Eoin buried him under his foul, hot pile he started to cum. It came on slowly but uncontrollably, rising like a flood as Eoin's pile grew heavier and nastier, and then started to disintegrate and slide away down his cheeks. For a moment his nose was blocked completely and he couldn't breathe, and the smell was so intense he was almost sick. Then shit slid off his cheeks and thudded to the ground. It was in his hair and his ears, but he couldn't have cared less. For a blissful few seconds he floated on the edge of cumming, but and then fell off the cliff and screamed through his closed lips as he shot all over himself.

A few weeks later Matty walked up onto the stage in the city hall to collect his degree. He'd managed to get the first he'd been trying for, and as he walked back to his place he spotted his parents in the crowd, looking down on him proudly. He still didn't know what he was going to be doing come the autumn, he thought, whilst the ceremony carried on around him. He had put in an application to stay on as a postgrad, but he was also holding an offer from a more prestigious university elsewhere, and on top of that he'd been offered a job. At some point soon he'd have to decide which one to take; whether to move on and start a completely new chapter in life, or return here in the autumn, to those friends who'd decided to stay on, and to Eoin. But that could wait for another day, and just then all he wanted to do was relax and enjoy the sense of achievement.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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