Me and Robbie Original

By moc.loa@nospot4mtbrkrT

Published on May 12, 2003


This story contains descriptions of sex between two adults if it is illegal to read or view such material in your area please leave now. Also references will be made concerning members of the military, this is in no means describing any known person in the service but we should be allowed to serve openly anyway.

To begin with I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Jay and I am a truck driver by trade. I've known that I'm gay since around 12 or 13 years old. To describe my self, well lets just say the twinks say troll and the bears say hot. Otherwise I'm just a normal guy. I'm 5'10 and weigh 230 lbs. give or take a few pounds either way depending on what time of year it is. I've always liked younger guys somewhere between 18 and 30 years old. By the way I'm 40 at the time of this writing.

It all started when I was in a certain state and bought $20.00 worth of power ball tickets. I don't normally play the lottery but the jackpot was at 267 million dollars so I figured $20 wouldn't be a bad investment, if I won. Saturday night came and I was checking my numbers and said to myself OH SHIT! I won! I was scared I kept looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching me. But hell I was alone. I was a nervous wreck all weekend.

Monday morning I called my attorney and my accountant that always did my taxes and asked what do I do now. Well after some advice I went to the lottery headquarters and claimed my prize.

I took the cash option and walked away with $112,160,469.00 after the discount for cash and the taxes were paid. Needless to say when I called my bank and talked to the bank manager they were very happy I was putting it in their bank, and what banker wouldn't be happy. I had it set up to give 1 million dollars to each of my brothers and my sister as well as my mom also.

Now I'm used to working all my life and now is no different. I told the company I drove a truck for that I was giving my two weeks notice, and once they found out why they were very happy also. So when I turned my truck back in I went to the airport and rented a van and drove the 1900 miles back home. Now I know you're going to say why didn't you just fly. To tell you the truth I DON'T KNOW. But I needed some time to think. And that gave me a few days to get my thoughts straight as to what I wanted to do.

When I made it back home I returned the van and had a good friend pick me up from the airport rental car return. Our first stop was dinner of course. It was then I told my friend Pattie we also needed to make a stop at the car dealership on the way home. (she didn't know about the money yet). Now Pattie works as hard or harder than I do and she has been a great friend so I decided to show my appreciation and get her a car too. She just didn't know it yet. We started looking at Chevy Tahoe's and I asked her which one she liked. Well imagine the look on her face when I told the salesman I would give him $32,000.00 cash for each of these new cars. He laughed and said yeah right.

I should tell you I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy and this day was no different. I asked him to go get the owner of the dealership and I would just deal with someone in charge instead of a flunky.

When I talked to the owner he asked if I would mind if he called my bank. I hit the speed dial on my cell phone and handed it to him. After he realized it was the bank and the manager told him I was more than able to write a personal check for any amount I wanted up to 112 million, well he had to sit down real quick. I informed him that I can be a real asshole when it comes to spending money and if he wanted my business that I would not put up with people questioning my ability to pay for something.

His answer was a very excited "no problem".

He called the rude salesman back in and told him to go get the two cars we were looking at and bring them to the service department and have them serviced and filled with gas right away, they had half an hour to get them ready and if the service manager had a problem to have him call him. Now Pattie was sitting there listening to all of this and not saying a word.

When the owner asked if we would like something to drink while the cars were being readied I told him I'm have a Pepsi and Pattie told him she would have a Mountain Dew and he went to get them.

It was then Pattie asked me what in the hell was going on.

I just said you're sitting here with a millionaire.

She said I know this is a big dealership.

I laughed and said no dammit I'm the millionaire.

She says WHAT!

Then I told her about the lottery winnings and she said ``good for you'' finally something good happened to you. I should tell you that Pattie has stood by me through a lot of guys and a lot more assholes that just wanted to use me. I also told her I also made arrangements to pay her house off. I told her it was the least I could do since she let me stay there for nine months and didn't charge me rent.

By the time the owner got back with our drinks Pattie had the whole story about the lottery and why I was buying two new cars. You see one was her birthday present. I informed the owner I would be back to make more purchases if I liked the service I got. He really started sucking up then and I told him I didn't expect special treatment but I wont put up with idiots in suits (car salesmen) either. He told me if I ever had a problem his door was always open. I got to thinking 112 million opens a lot of doors. We left the dealership in separate cars this time I went to my place, and Pattie went to her's to get her husband to ride back and pick her old truck up.

The next morning I got up and after having a pot of coffee got ready and took my new Tahoe out for a ride. I stopped at a small family run trucking company I used to work for and said my hello's as I do a few times a year. These are probably the best people I ever worked for and they saw me go through a lot of bad times. I only left there because I got bored with the work and went back to hauling heavy equipment.

After all the hello's I asked the co-owner Jenny if I could talk to her in private.

She said come one in her office and have a seat.

After I explained the lottery I know she was happy for me but I think also a little envious, but then who wouldn't be. I told her I wanted to buy a large parcel of land like 100-200 acres somewhere in the area that was a good price. And that I wanted to have my dream house built.

She said I have the right person for you and started going through her rolodex until she found the name of a realtor friend of hers. After a brief conversation where I told her what I was looking for she said give her a day or two and she would call me back.

I also asked jenny if she thought Chad her husband would help me spec out a truck.

She said good lord what in the world do you want with a truck.

So I told her I planned on doing some traveling in style and that's how I wanted to do it. Well now Chad is over 60 and this man goes to work at 6 am. feeding their cattle and then runs the shop to keep their trucks and trailers in tip top shape.

She said I don't think he would mind, in fact he might enjoy spending someone else's money for a change.

We both laughed. So she called Chad on the intercom and asked him to come in the office. Well true to form here he comes covered in dirt and grease - which is sort of normal, I told you the man doesn't mind working. I explained what I needed help with and how I was able to do it and you should have seen his smile.

He told me he would be happy to help me spec a truck out.

I said not just one but two trucks.

Then his eyes really lit up. Since it was almost noon and being a diabetic he has to eat on a tight schedule, Jenny excused herself to walk over to their house to fix his lunch. Chad and I talked a little while and he called the Kenworth truck dealer he deals with and said he was bringing a new customer for him in the morning.

I asked him what would be a good time to meet him tomorrow

He said pick him up at 8 am.

I then left him as his lunch was ready and told him to tell Jenny bye for me and see them in the morning.

That afternoon I went to a couple mobile home dealers to see what they had in stock. Now I know what you're thinking multi-millionaire and going to buy a mobile home? Well you have to realize I was living in a small one bedroom apartment and was not going to stay there for the 8-9 months it would take to build my dream house and I had not even talked to a contractor yet.

Besides after the house is finished I can always use the mobile for live in help so they would have a place with some privacy. The second dealer I stopped at had what I was looking for. A triple wide log home with a huge kitchen. I love to cook and also this one had a Jacuzzi in the master bedroom (see I'm not as cheap and you thought).

We agreed on a price of $78,000 which included delivery, set up, the well, and septic system. It also included a few special appliances in the kitchen.

I told him I was looking for property as we spoke and as soon as the paperwork was all signed that I wanted everything set up and ready to move in to within a week.

He said it might be a little tough with the well and septic system being done at the same time but he would contact a couple of contractors he dealt with that didn't have a problem meeting a deadline. He did say that it might require a little more money to get the permits and inspectors to cooperate.

It was my turn to say no problem.

As I was driving home I was stopped at a traffic light and suddenly someone broke my window and stuck a gun to my head and said get outta da car man.

Well I'm not stupid so I got out. Luckily I had my cell phone in my pocket and Mr. Carjacker didn't see it. As soon as he was moving I called 911 and got the police headed that way. Now here I am standing on a street corner with just my cell phone and my new car gone. It seemed like hours before the cops showed up. I felt like I should have called 1-800-DOUGH-NUT but it was only about 10 minutes actually.

Well the cops really didn't believe I had a new car with no insurance on it. Why do I need insurance I'm rich. I did have liability I'm not stupid, but no theft or collision.

When I told him I paid cash for it yesterday he got an attitude asking if I was some kind of drug dealer or something.

He wouldn't believe the lottery story

When he found I had about 5000 cash on me

H He said I must be down here dealing drugs or something and said he was arresting me on suspicion or drug dealing.

I just told him he was making a very big mistake and said he had better get his supervisor here right now or I would own this city by the time I was done. Well you know he must have heard that one before because before I knew it I was also being charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

When he got me to the police station I told the jerk I would like my one phone call.

He said you can call all you want but it aint gonna make any difference.

Well I called Pattie and asked her to call her sister in D.C. you see her sister is a lawyer in a big Washington law firm. Well within an hour a very nicely dressed attorney came to the station looking for me.

After talking to me we called my banker and she verified where my money came from and it was not from drugs. Now Jim as I found out was my attorney's name then called the chief of police himself and told him if he didn't want a lawsuit the likes the state has never seen before he'd better get his ass over here in the next 10 minutes. (and you think money don't mean power).

When the police chief arrived actually in 9 minutes and out of breath my attorney handed him a fax from my banker informing him of where and how much my money came from. I didn't think the fat fucker could get any redder than he was but he did.

He called the asshole arresting officer in and told him to take the god dammed cuffs off of me right fucking now. Now it was officer asshole's turn to turn red.

He said he just caught a drug dealer

The police chief got even madder if that was possible and told him no you fuckin idiot you just arrested and honest citizen, that was car jacked. and this citizen was able to buy the whole fucking town if he wanted to including the god dammed police force. Now get the dam cuffs off of him or you're fired!

Well I know from experience that no cop likes to loose an arrest especially if he was just told by the chief to let that person go.

He finally took the cuffs off,

I told him if he was done harassing law abiding citizens he should go find my fucking car. You know I really think he wanted to hit me right then, but I think he engaged his brain what little one he had and decided against it.

The police chief ordered him out and then started telling me how sorry he was this happened and really started sucking up.

I told the chief he wasn't the one that should be sucking up it was the idiot that arrested me that should be.

He said that officer will never be on the streets alone again.

I told him he shouldn't be on the streets period with his attitude. That it could get him killed if he tried this shit on someone that wasn't as nice as I am. I told him I needed to speak to my attorney alone for a few minutes and make some calls and I would need a ride home after this was over.

The chief said he would be happy to take me home himself.

I said no that just a regular officer without an attitude would do.

The chief left us alone and I told my attorney he did dam good and fast work and if he didn't mind having a gay client I could use a dam good attorney.

Jim said he didn't care if I slept with farm animals as long as I paid my bill. And after what I told the asshole cop that he would actually enjoy having a normal person as a client.

I told him that after we got my money back that the cop took as drug money I would gladly pay him his retainer. After about a 30 second talk with the chief again I had my money and my attorney had his too.

I told the chief I was ready to go home since they had not found my car yet and he said he would get an officer to take me wherever I needed to go. As we were walking over to the desk sergeant a really hot looking young officer came in to start his shift.

I tugged on the chief's shirt sleeve and told him that nice officer right there could take me.

The chief looked a little puzzled but said ok. He went over to the officer and briefly explained to him what was going on and to take me wherever I needed to go and do what ever I needed him to do.

Boy when I heard that my mind really got to thinking what I would like to do with this guy.

The chief brought the officer over and said this is officer Trent Jones and he will be happy to take you where ever you need to go until your car is found or you get another one.

I thought HOT DAMM.

Officer Jones and I went out to his car and he seemed a little scared at first.

I told him I didn't have anything against cops, just against assholes that abuse their badge. I also informed him I have a good friend that is a police chief back in my hometown. I also told him that I'm not intimidated because I know he puts his pants on the same way I do and there isn't a whole lot of difference in what's in them either. He looked at me and sort of grinned and then began to relax a little.

He told me the chief told me I was your personal chauffeur until you had transportation again.

I was surprised but he was a little more surprised when I told him that I picked him out of the bunch of guys coming on at shift change.

He said I'm nothing special, just a guy doing my job.

I told him he was the hottest guy in the whole place and if I had to ride around with a guy with a gun he might as well be the hottest mother fucker in the place.

We both laughed at that, and I couldn't believe I said it myself.

Trent asked me where I wanted to go.

I said I had some ideas but I didn't think he would want to know at this time.

He said I have an idea.

I said oh yeah.

He said I think you're gay, too.

Well my mouth dropped open and he started laughing again. Well we spent some time just talking and riding around and getting to know each other. I said how about we head over to my place and I'll get changed and we can go get something to eat.

Trent said that's fine he would wait in the car while I changed.

I said bullshit you're coming in too, besides that fucker that took my car has my house keys too.

I said dam the apartment manager is really gonna love me. I said oh shit what if he comes in in the middle of the night or something to rob the place. I said it jokingly but in a serious voice.

Trent said I'll protect you.

I told him I might get used to having my own personal protector.

He then informed me he was there to "protect and to serve".

I said you got a deal!

I should tell you a little about Trent. He told me he is 25 has been a cop for 3 years since he got out of the navy. Dam and I do have a soft spot for soldiers too. He's 6'2 maybe 180 lbs. of all muscle I found out later, blond hair cut short of course and some killer sexy blue eyes. Did I tell you I'm a sucker for blonds too?

We went to the apartment manager and Trent told her what happened and she gave me an extra key and said they would be more than happy to change my locks in the morning.

I told her that would be that would be fine because officer Jones would be staying the night because sometimes these carjackers come back and try to rob the owners homes.

When we got outside Trent said what kind of bullshit was that?

I said good bullshit she believed it.

He said she sure did.

We got to my place and as the protector that Trent is he insisted on going in and checking things out first. I thought I could really get to like this guy.

He came back out and said everything looks ok except the bedroom,

I said oh.

He said yeah it looks like only one person sleeps there.

I said that's true but there's always room for one more person. He gave me that sly grin again.

We got inside and I closed and locked the door and as I turned around Trent was right there,

I said what's wrong.

He said you have something on your face and reached his hand up to the side of my face and ran his long slender fingers around my neck and pulled me close to him and gently kissed me. When he pulled back he gave me a look like what did you think of that.

I said I think there's something still there you better try again. He pulled me close again and we really kissed this time. He practically raped my mouth with his tongue, I was in heaven. I reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt and he said hold on a second. He reached down and undid his gun belt, the belt that goes under the gun belt and laid them both on the table. He came back over and said where were we. I said right here and pulled him in close and started kissing him and finished unbuttoning his shirt.

By this time I was down to his neck and trying to undo the Velcro straps that holds his bullet proof vest at the same time. I got the vest off of him and started pulling his t-shirt out of his pants. I ran one hand up under his shirt and found the most perfect chest any man could have. I pulled his t-shirt off and just stood there staring.

He said what's wrong.

I said not a dam thing, you're beautiful and sexy as hell. He had good size pecs and a good 6 pack going for him and a perfect light blond treasure trail leading right into his pants.

He started pulling my shirt off and in between our kissing he finally got it off. I was also squeezing that fine ass of his

He reached back and grabbed my hand and said here try this, and moved my hand right down to his crotch

I said oh my god you're not only hard but huge. I unfastened his belt the normal one this time and undid his pants and slid my hand in I had to get a better feel for what I was about to get.

Well I couldn't wait any longer and dropped to my knees and pulled his pants and his black boxer briefs down and got slapped in the face by what was the biggest dick I'd ever seen.

I gasped and said oh my god again!

Trent laughed and asked if I was gonna start praying

I said no but I'd beg if you want me too.

He said I wouldn't have to beg I could have all of it and him I could handle.

I said I want it all in me but wasn't sure where I wanted to start.

He pulled me back up to my feet and kissed me again and said he knew where to put it to do the most good,

I said where? He just gave me that sly grin again and led me to the bedroom. He practically ripped my pants off and started playing with my ass

I told him he had at least two hours before he had to stop that.

He said just remember what you said when I'm plowing your ass with my big dick.

I said I know you will remind me if I forget.

He grabbed the lube I keep on the nightstand and started working it in my ass and I slid around I had to have a taste of him. I started licking and sucking his big dick and he said to keep going you're doing fine. At the same time he was working a couple fingers in my ass, I could tell he knew what he was doing.

Trent asked if I was ready for the real thing

I said hell yes, but just take it easy.

Well he flipped me over on my back and said he likes to watch a guys face when he takes his monster. He poured more lube on his dick and started working it in inch by inch. He had about 3 inches in and started a slow pumping motion and giving me a little bit more each time. By the time he got close to six inches in me I was moaning like a bitch in heat. That's when we heard the door open.

Sorry about the cliff hanger but I had to stop somewhere. There is more to come.

Have any comments or suggestions let me know

Next: Chapter 2: Me and Robbie 2

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