Mechanics of the Heart

By Chicos Todos

Published on Aug 23, 2013


Hi readers! Thanks for joining me in a story exploring the complexity of gay relationships. Before getting to the action, I just wanna say one thing:

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� 2013 ChicosTodos. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

If you are a minor, or if it is illegal for you to read material containing sexual activity between male adults, please refrain from reading any further.

NOTE: this story is a sequel to "Roberto the Mechanic Stud", which can also be found on Nifty under Gay / Adult Friends and Gay / Interracial.

Worried awake. Even when Simon drifted to sleep, he dreamt he was worried awake.

The drunken, desperate blowjob he gave Jae felt surreal, so intense and short-lived it was. Completely in the dark, marked by filthy, shameful words...he'd fantasized about it many times, but what just happened wasn't in his head. It was on his lips, his tongue, on his fingers...the puffy glans oozing drops of pearly precum, the upward-bending shaft with one thick vein pulsing on the underside, and the semen, the fountain of ejaculate that spurt up and rained down in messy drops. Oh yes, it was all too real.

But, what happens next? How were they both going to deal with this? Or, were they just going to not own up to it, pretend it never happened, act like they didn't remember? Were they going to pretend like everything was cool, but never see each other again?

The black musician rummaged through possible wordings when they faced each other in the morning.

" head...what happened last night?"

"Uh, how did we get back here?"

"Shit...sorry, I gotta go."

His dreams were twisted possible scenarios: Nicole, one of Jae's roommates and Simon's friend, walking in on them sucking each other off, then joining in with her hairy vagina; getting pushed out of Jae's second-floor window when someone knocked in the morning, then seeing his former boss and object of affection Jesse in the backyard; eating breakfast at the kitchen table with Jae and his roommates Arthur and Julio, then suddenly starting a naked food fight.

The bed shifted and Simon jolted awake. It was full-on morning.

Standing beside the bed, arms stretched high into the air, Jae turned to look at Simon. His hair was a mop of messy bedhead, and his hands scratched at his chest and ribs.

They looked at each other, both on the verge of saying something, but waiting to see if the other would speak first.

Finally they both spoke up at the same time. Jae smirked and nodded for Simon to go first.

"Uhh..." he began. But he was too afraid of the possible consequences to continue.

"...never mind," he spat out. His temples were pounding and he laid back down.

"How'd you sleep?" Jae asked, yawning.

"Ugh..." Simon just wanted everything to stop, the pounding in his head, the questions in his head.

Jae chuckled. "Sounds like someone's got a hangover! I'm feeling pretty rough myself," he said, looking at Simon as if he hadn't a care in the world, like how he always seemed to be. "I'm taking a quick shower. Feel free to grab breakfast downstairs."

Before he turned around, he added with a grin, "Last night was awesome."

The statement gave Simon brief relief. So Jae liked it and he probably didn't regret it, the musician thought. He might even be down to do it again...though he stopped himself before his imagination went into overdrive.

Coming back to reality, Simon realized he felt a bit dirty and gross, and that he wanted to get the walk of shame over with ASAP. Yet, at the same time, he wanted to talk with Jae about last night. He wanted to know if it meant anything, if it was just a one-time thing, or if...

Then he wondered whether he was seriously going to get that real, that honest with Jae.

He shook his head and got up. What he needed was sleep, and orange juice. Everything else could wait; he was in no state to think things through clearly.

As he headed downstairs and walked past the kitchen, however, it seemed Nicole had other plans. She practically jumped out of her chair when she saw Simon, and exclaimed his name loudly.

"...hey Nicole," the musician responded, not looking forward to the cheery-faced interrogation to come.

With a curious arch on her eyebrow, Nicole asked, "Where did you come from?". Before he could answer, the drama teacher gasped.

"You slept in Jae's room!"

Simon stayed silent, caught out. His silence seemed to pump Nicole's eyes out of their socket.

"Did you...omigod, did you?" she whispered, her expression stretching long and wide.

Something buckled inside of Simon, like during the day before when he openly flirted with Jae in the athletic field. Normally so well put-together, so decent, Simon felt his inhibitions give away again.

"Yes, we did. We got drunk and hooked up," he said, looking straight at Nicole.

The drama teacher's already-bulging eyes widened yet some more. Then, a smarmy grin spread across her face.

"You have to tell me everything," she urged, pulling the musician down to sit. But Simon didn't budge.

"Nicole, I'm not going to tell you everything. I need to talk to Jae..." He shook his head. "...and I really need some sleep."

"Sleep here! There's room in Jae's bed," Nicole suggested with a wink. The musician groaned. "And then we can have a cute chat after."

Before Simon could protest, the Korean jock walked in, dressed in jeans & tanktop.

"Good morning, guys! Less talking, more eating!" he exclaimed, grinning wide.

Nicole's eyes shone with excitement. "Good morning, Jae!" she piped up in a sugary voice. "How did you sleep last night?"

"I slept great, thanks! How `bout you?" He asked, opening the fridge. Before the drama teacher could answer, he continued, "Anybody want eggs for breakfast?"

Simon was on a roll of confidence and he didn't want to lose the momentum. "Jae, can we talk?"

The hunk didn't miss a step, grabbing the carton of eggs and shutting the fridge door. "Of course, man. How do you like your eggs?"

Simon couldn't care less about eggs then. "Sure," he said, then cast his eyes at Nicole. When the still-smiling drama teacher didn't budge, Simon asked, "Nicole, can you give us a minute?"

"Of course," she replied, smiling and batting her eyes as she walked out of the kitchen.

Jae was busying grabbing cooking oil and a frying pan. Simon asked, "Can you come sit down for a sec?"

"All right."

When Jae sat down across the small kitchen table from the musician, Simon began.

"Last night...last night was awesome," he said, looking at his hands resting on the table.

"It sure was," Jae reaffirmed with a wide grin.

"It was something I'd wanted to do for a long time." Simon paused, meeting the Korean's eyes. "So, thank you."

The young jock raised his eyebrows and said, "My pleasure! Shit man, it was wild." He looked at Simon, remembering the way he worked his cock. The musician could see a flicker of lust in those pupils.

Simon chuckled, relaxing slightly. "Well...what I wanted to talk to you about was..." Big breath. "Well, what that was. What we did...Like, what does it mean? And, uh..."

He sought the words while Jae waited.

Finally, Simon asked, "What now?"

"Dude..." For the first time since Simon met the Korean hunk, Jae actually appeared a bit bothered, fidgeting around in the chair.

"Can we do that again sometime?" he asked out of nowhere, leaning in. His innocent tone was more in line with a boy asking for more candy. Maybe that wasn't too far from the truth.

The musician was surprised. "Oh. You'd be up for that?"

"Ooh yeah," Jae replied with a whistle.

Simon continued, "And we would be, like..."

"Like?" Jae repeated. Their eyes were locked.

Right in the thick of it, Simon was losing his steam. The thought of backing out and mumbling something incoherent crossed his mind, but he brushed it away and jumped off the edge.

"What would be our relationship?" he blurted out.

Jae looked down and scratched the back of his head, looking fully uncomfortable.

"Simon, dude..."

He stayed staring at the table for a few seconds, then looked up and away from Simon's eyes.

"Last night was so awesome," he remarked, talking with his hands. "The jokes, the drinks, your impressions...shit, we gotta go to open mic night on campus, seriously..."

Simon waited silently. Jae looked at him and braced himself.

"I just want things to be like last night, y'know? We can hang out, get a litte crazy, and have fun once in a while."

Simon sat back. "Oh," he repeated.

They sat in silence. At one point, Jae looked as if he wanted to ask Simon something, but he never did.

Finally, he got up and went back to the cooking oil and frying pan by the stove. "I'm starving," he muttered. He took out two eggs for himself, and two eggs for Simon.

"How do you like your eggs?" he asked, turning around. He saw Simon walking out the front door.

Two weeks later, on a humid summer Friday, Danny groaned as he clutched his work bag and pushed into the cramped bus after work.

He couldn't drive anymore. It'd been a week since his mother made Danny do his own laundry and make his own meals, and forbade him from taking the car. For him, the worst part wasn't the stripping away of privileges he took for granted; it was the loss of free time he used to have after work.

He started complaining to Roberto that "growing up sucks", earning him a chuckle and a pat from his older partner. At least he had as great a cook as the mechanic to show him the ropes in the kitchen, to email him easy and healthy recipes to start with.

The bus made an abrupt stop; all the standing passengers threatened to topple over. Pushed tightly against the window, Danny closed his eyes and focused on Roberto, his safe haven from everything else. As much as he lived for the passionate, dirty, potty-mouthed sex with his virile stud, he enjoyed the calm, blissful afterglow just as much, if not more.

Leaning on the mechanic's furry pecs, rising and falling after a vigorous fucking, tonguing a dark, fat nipple, taking in Roberto's manly scent...that was it. Life was so simple, so wonderful during those moments.

It was a world away from how things were at home. Tension was at a constant high, not only between Danny and his mom, who were no longer on speaking terms, but also between his parents. Pierre thought that Maggie was overreacting, and they had a few heated conversations about their son's choices.

Danny wondered how much longer he could tolerate the hostile atmosphere, which manifested so suddenly and uncomfortably after years of relative peace and quiet on the home front. It had gotten to the point where the office was becoming less stressful that his home. He wondered if thing would ever change; if, one day, his mom would ever accept Roberto as his partner.

Thinking about Roberto made Danny smile again. He was on his way to the sports bar that the mechanic and Fred began frequenting lately. It would be Danny's first time seeing Fred outside of work, as well as two other mechanics. He was happy to spend time away from home, but he was also somewhat nervous about meeting the guys from Roberto's work.

His thoughts drifted back to that winter day, months ago; he'd always remember the day he first talked with Roberto. How he disliked the auto shop then; it made him feel dumb and wimpy. Now, it was a symbol of his lover, a natural extension of who he was, in addition to the gym.

As Danny pushed his way out of the bus, into the humid summer city night, he felt the same nerves jumping in his belly. He wondered if everyone at the garage thought he was a sissy, that he was just Roberto's bitch. A sense of déj� vu set in; he experienced the same apprehension as that fateful day he took the Civic to the auto shop.

But it's not the same, he told himself, texting his boyfriend to tell him he was almost there. This time, Roberto was on his side. Whatever happened, the mechanic would have his back. Or, at least he'd make sure it would be him and only him who would push Danny's buttons and embarrass him.

Besides, he continued thinking, how badly could things turn out tonight? Fred seemed to be a cool guy, and the two other mechanics probably wouldn't dare to say anything that would piss their boss off. He tried convincing himself that he was overthinking.

Arriving at the front door of the sports bar, Danny heard a steady stream of chatter and laughter coming from the crowded patio. He pushed open the door and went inside.

It was just as busy inside. The copywriter stood and looked around, a bit disoriented by all the noise and the servers running around. And then he saw an arm shoot up out of the sea of bodies and tables, waving in a slow, steady motion.

Through the crowd, Danny saw Roberto's deep-set, brown eyes, and he smiled.

The mood was chatty at the table for six. Everyone was starting their second bottle of beer, save Roberto, who was drinking wine. In the middle of the table were two baskets of nachos and wings that everyone was working on, save Roberto.

Sitting beside the head technician was Fred, who wiped his hands on the napkin and smiled warmly when Danny got to the table. "Hey buddy!" he cheered, patting the copywriter's shoulder. "How are ya, Danny?"

At once the brunet felt more at ease. "I'm good, Fred. How are you?"

"I'm doing great, man! Got a moment to relax, shoot the shit before going back to my ladies." He looked over at the two mechanics, "Danny, this is Mohammad and Ignacio, two of our guys."

The two mechanics nodded and said hello, then turned back to the giant TV screen behind the bar playing a baseball game, discussing the players.

"You hungry?" Fred asked as Danny sat down across from him. The latter nodded. "Have some nachos and wings," the office manager offered, pointing to the baskets. "Or, are you on the same insane diet as this stud over here?" he asked, elbowing Roberto.

Since Danny arrived at the table, he'd noticed that his partner was deep in conversation with an unknown, not-yet-introduced woman at the table. Sitting across from Roberto in skinny jeans and a chic sleeveless button shirt, she had piercing eyes, high cheekbones, long black straight hair, and an intense air about her. From the way she was talking with Roberto, it seemed they know each other well.

"You jealous of my abs again, man?" the mechanic retorted without missing a beat.

Under the table, Danny felt something brush and slide up his inner thigh. He squirmed and giggled, watching Roberto's sexy wink above the table. Guess that'll do for hello and a hug, Danny thought.

Fred scooped up a tortilla chip loaded with cheese and ground beef. "The only six-pack I care about is one I can drink." He popped the nacho into his mouth with a satisfied smirk.

As Roberto placed a buffalo wing on Danny's plate, the copywriter smiled and glanced quickly at the woman, expecting an introduction.

"How was work, baby?" the mechanic asked. Danny could feel the striking stranger sizing him up.

"Good. My boss likes my copy so far, so that's a relief," he replied, darting his eyes quickly to the woman, then back at Roberto.

Roberto was seemingly oblivious. "You staying over tonight?"

Gritting his teeth, his boyfriend answered, "Yeah." He took a bite of the chicken wing.

"Good." Roberto smiled. "I need to tell you something."

"That's great." Danny couldn't take it anymore. He turned to the woman and said, "Hi, I'm Danny, Roberto's boyfriend."

"Nadia," she responded with a slight smile. The rest of her body was immobile. Danny noticed there was a motorcycle jacket hanging on the back of her chair.

"So Bullet got cancelled?" Roberto asked, turning back to Nadia, seemingly continuing on the prior conversation.

"Yeah. I had a bad feeling. It's been years since I've been to a street event, but I got a bad vibe right away. It was too big, too many people knew about it...I think one of the new racers could be a mole."

The mechanic shook his head. "Everyone must be pissed. That was, what, a few grand?"

Danny blinked blankly. He felt strangely detached from his man.

"Hey Danny, you like baseball?"

Fred was waiting for his response with a smile.

"Umm, well, I don't really follow it..."

There was a tinge of disappointment in the office manager's face. "Oh. Well, I thought maybe you and Rob would be interested in joining me and my wife for the game next Thursday."

"Oh yeah?"

"We won free tickets from Jen's annual bakeoff."

At that moment, seized with insecurity beside this unknown woman who knew his man very well, Danny was eager to take any opportunity that ensured Roberto would be by his side.

"Yeah, of course we'll come," the copywriter replied.

Fred broke into a genuinely bright smile. "Awesome. Can't wait to hear all about Roberto's weak spots."

The mechanic gave a side-eye to his best friend, but then quickly returned to the insider conversation he was carrying with Nadia.

Sensing Danny's unease, Fred continued talking to him.

"Danny, can I ask you something?"

Frankly, Danny was glad for the distraction that Fred provided. "Sure."

"Now, I've already heard from big stud over here how you two met, but, I wanna get your perspective." He leaned in with a devilish glint in his eyes. "How did it happen? Was he all shirtless and greased up?"

"Pretty much!" Danny blurted, then burst into laughter.

They quickly developed an easy and pleasant rapport, which delighted and temporarily distracted Danny. It wasn't too long, though, before the young man shot a quick glance at the icy woman who seemed to have Roberto ensnared. Looking back to Fred, the office manager shrugged, implying he knew nothing about Nadia either.

Who could this enigmatic female be? What kind of relationship did she have with his boyfriend? And why hasn't Roberto mentioned Nadia once?

The copywriter thought for a while. He realized Roberto probably hid lots of secrets. A sliver of worry chilled his back; there was still so much he didn't know about the love of his life. And what hurt was that Roberto seemingly wanted to keep things that way.

Bar night went on and the vibe remained the same: Fred kept involving Danny in conversation; Mohammad and Ignacio talked with Fred but didn't say much to Danny; Roberto was completely absorbed in talking with Nadia, save a footsie or a wink to his boyfriend randomly. A few times, Danny tried to get into their exchange, but he wasn't privy to their references, and Roberto didn't offer to explain any of them.

After what seemed like an eternity, the conversation between those two died down. Nadia stood up and grabbed her sleek motorcycle jacket. Roberto got up as well, and quickly asked Danny, "Ready to go, baby?"

His boyfriend was caught off guard. "Uh...yeah, sure."

Seeing the commotion, Fred spoke up as well. "You two taking off? Hey, Danny, don't forget about the game!"

Danny smiled and waved goodbye. "Looking forward to it!" He followed Roberto and Nadia out the sports bar.

Once outside, Nadia looked around in an aloof manner, before turning to the mechanic.

"Will I see you at Bullet?" she asked.

Roberto half-sighed, half-chuckled, looking down, searching for the right words.

Finally, he looked up and said, "Not this time."

For the first time that evening, Nadia's glacial face broke into a grin.

"It was good running into you," the mechanic offered.

Shooting a glance at Danny, who was suprised to make eye contact, Nadia looked back at the mechanic and said, "You've changed."

Before she turned around and walked off, the slim, leggy woman from Roberto's past had one more thing to say.

"I'm sure I'll see you again."

Roberto watched her zoom away on her silver motorcycle. Danny watched Roberto, and wondered what was hiding behind those focused eyes.

When the motorcycle disappeared from view, its mechanical snarl fading into the night, the mechanic took Danny's hand and walked to his red Lancer. The younger man waited until they sat down inside the modified sports sedan to open his mouth.

"Who was that?"

"Nadia, an old friend."

"How come you never talked about her before?" Danny urgently demanded.

"Because I haven't seen her in years." Roberto started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, avoiding his boyfriend's glare. "We haven't been in touch."

As they stopped at a red light several blocks down, Danny piped up again. "Tell me about her."

Roberto exhaled and leaned back.

"We raced together. She was my mentor."

The mechanic stopped talking as his partner took in this new bit of information. "And?" the younger man inquired.

"It's a long story. A lot happened, a long time ago."

"Like what?" the younger man asked, determined.

Roberto looked back at him with weary eyes.

"Baby, I don't wanna get into it tonight. I have a lot on my mind."

He put his right hand on Danny's left as the light turned green. "I promise I'll tell you everything."

His boyfriend continued his stare.

"Was she your girlfriend?"

Roberto burst out laughing.

"You were worried about THAT??"

With cheeks reddening, Danny looked ahead and fell silent. His lover squeezed his hand. "You have nothing to worry about," the mechanic affirmed.

Danny still wanted to ask more, lots more, but he buckled under Roberto' warm, firm touch. He buckled every time.

He desperately needed his man to show him everything was all right. He needed to know that Roberto loved him and wanted him to be in every part of his life.

The rest of the car ride was wordless, as was the elevator up to the apartment. When they got in, Danny went straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Roberto stood for a moment, acutely aware that they weren't heading to the bedroom together like they always did. He went over to his sofa & turned on the TV, not paying attention to what was on.

Moments later, Danny walked out of the bathroom and watched Roberto silently. It was a good minute before the mechanic noticed his glare.

Danny saw that he was far, far away.

The younger man turned around and went to bed by himself. It was the first time he did that at Roberto's.

He was still awake when his man at last climbed into bed. Pretending to be asleep, he felt Roberto kiss him on his neck, then spoon him.

Worried awake. Even when Danny drifted to sleep, he dreamt he was worried awake.


Inside the musician's head, Jae's words from two weeks ago looped endlessly.

"I just want things to be like last night, y'know? We can hang out, get a little crazy, and have fun once in awhile."

He kept trying to parse the meaning, the possibilities...deluded as they may be.


But perhaps what was even more hopeless and perplexing was figuring out how he felt. Why was it so hard to pin down what he really wanted?

Was the real question underpinning his neurotic thoughts not what he wanted, but what he believed he could realistically get?

"Hey Simon!"

He whipped his head around. Luke was standing behind him, leaning over his desk.

"I'm so sorry, Luke! I was..." Guilt washed over his face. "I spaced out for a bit."

"No worries," Luke said, nodding to the computer monitor. "How's the master list coming along?"

"Pretty good. I'm finding a lot of invalid entries though."

"Ah yes. Have you looked at the second tab yet?"

Simon looked away. "I haven't gotten to it just yet."

Luke continued, "You'll find the obsolete subscribers on there, and you can use them to delete the invalid ones on the first tab."

Simon nodded quickly. "Yes, I see. I'll do that right away."

"Lemme know if you run into any other issues. Oh, and can you come into my office in an hour?"

The musician gulped. "Of course."

60 minutes later, on the dot, Simon found himself knocking on his boss' door. He heard Luke beckon him in.

"All right, Simon," the slim bear began with a relaxed smile, "So, I just wanted check in, to see how you're doing with everything. It's been, what, three weeks since you started? How are you finding everything?"

Standing, Simon replied, "I'm finding everything great. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of the process and the rhythm here."

"Sit down," Luke said. Simon complied.

With the same suave, unreadable smile, the editor-in-chief carried on. "Deborah tells me you're giving her very valuable support."

"Really?" His boss Deborah, the operations manager, who always looked stressed and never happy to see him?

"Oh yeah," Luke insisted. "I can see you're fitting in perfectly and doing a great job. Thanks so much for agreeing to this and for helping me out."

The musician smiled and shook his head. "Oh no no, you're the one helping me out. I mean, a month ago, I wasn't doing so great, financially or personally. So thank you for this. I'm at a totally better place than I was before."

In response, the editor-in-chief chuckled. "Well, since you seem so happy to be here, I have some good news for you," he said, pausing for a beat. "If you're interested, of course. I'd like to extend your contract with us from three months to six months."

Simon's eyes lit up.

"If you're interested," Luke reiterated, an arch on his eyebrow.

The musician nodded quickly and thanked the editor-in-chief profusely.

"I'm really happy to hear that, Simon." He sat back and motioned towards the general office outside his door. "Since you've joined, we've closed some key deals with a couple of major advertisers and affiliates, and we have more money to invest in new growth opportunities. I can really feel the good morale in the office." He grinned. "Things are looking up!"

"That's great to hear."

"Tell you what: why don't you join me for dinner this Friday? I'm taking every team out for all the hard work and late hours everyone's been pulling, and to sneak in a little meeting between the drinks. I'd invite Deborah to join us--in fact, I'll send her the invite in a second--but I already know she'll say she has yoga or meditation or roller derby..."

"Deborah does roller derby??"

"Oh yes she does. That's where she unleashes all her stress!" The two share a laugh.

"So how's Friday dinner sound?" Luke asked.

Simon nodded.

From then on, every day leading up to Friday had the musician teetering between excitement and nervousness. He thought maybe this was the silver lining, where the universe was telling him to go to, that this was who he was supposed to focus his attention on. Luke: successful, handsome, debonair, mysterious, charismatic. Richie was right; who wouldn't like some time alone with him? Why wouldn't he go for it?

Aside from the fact that Luke was his boss...

And, Jae wasn't completely out of the picture either. As much as he tried not to dwell on that dark and desperate night, the Korean jock asserted himself in Simon's mind by calling him every other evening, for no discernible reason other than to blabber about trivial everyday stuff, like points from his finance lecture, this new song he heard on a streaming site, and always some story about some girl inviting him to a party.

He wish he minded. He wish he wanted to ignore Jae's calls. But he didn't. He definitely didn't mind the attention, and truthfully, he didn't mind the glimmer of hope that danced every time he saw Jae on his caller ID either.

Finally, Friday came around and Simon found himself in a taxi with the editor-in-chief straight after work. Luke wouldn't say where they were going.

When the cab stopped at their "happy hour", it was in front of The North, a recently-opened, upscale bar and fine dining hotspot. Simon had heard it was exclusive RSVP, and next to impossible to get on the waiting list.

Inside, the restaurant was all sleek walls and surfaces made of finely worked wood and charcoal marble, illuminated by soft amber light. The ambience was both immaculate and comfy. Big windows gave a breathtaking view of the lake just north of the city. Simon quickly realized this wasn't happy hour; this was wine and dine. And then maybe dash, if the prices on the menu was in keeping with the décor.

Sitting down, Luke casually chatted with the server who greeted and poured water. The editor name-dropped an "Elizabeth", who Simon presumed was the supervisor, manager, owner, or whomever Luke knew that got them a table. The musician opened the menu and saw exactly what he expected: dish names, ingredients, and cooking methods he'd never heard of, or didn't understand because they were in another language. He jokingly wondered if the decimal point in each price was misplaced.

Reading his thoughts, Luke assured, "Order whatever you'd like."

It took a second before Simon registered what his boss meant. "Oh, no, I couldn't...Luke..."

That ravishing smile again. "I said I was taking you out for all the hard work and extra hours you've done. This is my "thank you" to you. You've earned it." His hand touched Simon's on the table. "So enjoy."

The musician sipped the glass of water in front of him, but didn't move his hand away.

He gazed around the dining room to distract himself from the number Luke was doing to his body and his head. The minimal chic decor, clean lines, and perfectly placed soft lighting exuded high style without being ostentatious. It made Simon feel important just by sitting there.

"Elizabeth did a fine job," Luke said, leaning back to take in the view, again voicing the musician's thoughts.

Meanwhile, Simon was committing to memory what he saw and felt at that moment. "Is that how you got us in here?" he asked. "I heard it was impossible."

Luke grinned, a quick wink from his eye. "She owed me one."

"Well, I'm glad I get to benefit."

"And I'm glad you made time for me on a Friday night." His gaze was steady, hypnotic.

Simon sipped on his water. "Well, I thought you said we were having a meeting between the drinks too."

Luke leaned forward slightly. "Is that the only reason you came out tonight"?

The musician gulped. "Luke..."

His boss' glare softened, and his smile widened, but he pressed on. "Is it?"

Simon was gripping the glass of water now. "Luke, you're my boss..."

"You're technically my independent contractor."

"Yeah, and we work together, with everyone in the office."

"This is just our personal time. We're just enjoying ourselves." Right then, the server strolled up to take their order.

When that was done, Simon threw another roundabout glance at The North. Everything was so pretty and classy here. Ten years ago, he thought he could one day get into a place like this on his own accord.

Looking back at Luke, he spoke up. "The truth is, I've had feelings for a boss before, and it ended badly. It cost me my job, it wasted two years of my life, really..."

The editor-in-chief shrugged, "He didn't know what he was doing."

"You've done this before," Simon suggested.

"Does that matter?" he asked, unruffled.

The seams were starting to show in the silver lining. Was this all Simon knew how to do? Get himself into complicated messes?

"Like I said, I just wasted two years of my life, being played like a fool. I need something simple, clear, clean, safe..."

Luke interrupted. "Are you looking for a kitchen appliance or a guy?"

Laughter. "I don't know..." Simon shook his head and continued, "I just know what I don't need anymore.."

"I think you need a drink," he said, nodding to the server waiting several tables down. A few minutes later, she brought them champagne.

"To prosperity and pleasure," Luke declared, raising his glass. Simon followed suit.

The bubbly was sweet; Simon took another sip before setting the glass down. Soon after, appetizers were served.

"Tell me about this guy," Luke suggested.

Looking down, Simon began describing Jesse. "Well, he was a real smooth operator, and we actually had a lot in common, just about music and our dreams and the whole `David versus Goliath' thing in the industry." He chuckled, feeling a bit silly about it all.

Taking a breath, he continued, ""He was also straight...and he definitely didn't hesitate to use it to his advantage."

Luke nodded to the side. "There's an issue out of the way...the straight bit, anyway."

Taking another drink between servings of his salad, Simon felt a little more bold. "Why did you invite me here?"

Luke caught the question with a quick jump of his eyebrows. "Because we haven't had a chance to spend time together since the night we met." He picked at his beautifully garnished crab cakes.

"You're really a fascinating man, Simon. I wish you could see that."

Well, he just saw right through me, Simon thought.

"No, that's you," he responded with a smile.

It was Luke's turn to shake his head. "I just do me. Sometimes it pisses people off. But overall, it's worked out pretty well." He wore a gracious smile as he said, "I love my job, I love my boyfriend..."

Simon's hand froze, clenched tightly around his fork.

The editor-in-chief looked out the window, to the smooth lakewater mirroring the crimson sunset. He spoke without eye contact, unprecedented in Simon's company. "And the fact is, although I'm emotionally taken..."

Those baby blues swung back into view in a flash, boring deep into Simon's vision. "I'm physically available."

At that moment, the main course was served: blackened seafood skewers surrounded by finely chopped pieces of lime, lemon, and strawberry, drizzled in a barely visible sauce.

Biting his lower lip to stop the flood of spiky energy from bursting forth in a feral shriek, he cling on to a mantra and chanted it over and over in his head.

This will be funny later. You'll laugh at this later.

In the suburbs west of downtown and the lake, Danny was having another sleepless night. This time, it was more than just the cold war with his mom. And this time, it was more than just lying awake; he was sobbing.

On the surface, everything seemed okay between him and Roberto. They made time to see each other at least twice a week, enjoyed each other's company, and the sex was still amazing. But there was clearly an elephant in the room, and anytime Danny tried to broach the subject, directly or even tangentially, Roberto would change the topic or just shut down and get distant.

The younger man had hoped it would go away, whatever it was that affected the mechanic so much ever since that Nadia woman appeared out of nowhere. But it'd already been two weeks and nothing had changed: no talk, no explanation, as if none of it was needed. Danny felt hurt and frustrated that the love of his life was excluding him from something evidently so important, with so much history. It made him feel like he wasn't loved, not as much as he loved Roberto anyway.

So he cried. He'd found the man of his dreams, but what was he going to do with it now?

It was way too late in the night to call Roberto. They'd already talked and said goodnight a few hours ago. But as he tapped on the mechanic's contact on his cellphone, he only knew two things: he was so scared of losing him, and he didn't know what to do to keep him.


The mechanic's voice was scratchy and irritated on the other end. Danny could see the furrows bunching between Roberto's eyebrows.

When the younger man said nothing but sobbed, concern crept into the mechanic's voice. "Danny? What's wrong?"

The brunet tried to speak, shape his mouth and tongue into words, but he just couldn't.

"Baby, just calm down, and tell me what's wrong."

"Berto..." Danny choked. "I..I.."

"I'm right here, baby."

A stinging croak spilled forth from Danny's throat. He shook his head. "No you're not! No...Nadia..."

"Danny, please, just breathe for a minute, okay?"

He couldn't take it anymore. The more Roberto tried to pacify him, the more desperate he got. So he hung up on the mechanic, grabbed his wallet and house keys, and ran out of his bedroom.

Sprinting by parked cars in the quiet neighbourhood under the amber street lamps, the young man had no destination in mind. He just needed to get out of there, to move, to feel the burn building up in his calves and his lungs. They took the feeling of helplessness away.

His cellphone rang but he didn't pick up. He kept running, turning corners in the dark. The pounding of his shoes against the pavement clashed chaotically with the beating of his heart.

As Danny ran farther away from his neighbourhood, there was another ring. Still he didn't pick up. It was starting to really hurt to keep running, but Danny pushed harder and rounded another intersection.

He suddenly found himself on the corner of the major boulevard that led downtown. Wheezing, he finally stopped and leaned over, gasping for air.

He wished he could run forever, but he couldn't. All his troubles were still waiting for him when he ran out of breath and had to stop.

He looked out onto the six-lane boulevard. There were more cars on the road at this hour than he expected, going home or heading to work maybe. A taxi cab rolled leisurely towards Danny, as if reading his desire to escape.

He got in. And then, sitting on the black vinyl backseat, with the taxi driver waiting for a destination, he realized he didn't want to leave and run away. He needed to see Roberto.

The cab headed towards the mechanic's apartment. He'd stopped calling, though he left a voicemail. Danny wasn't ready to listen to it just yet. He was too preoccupied thinking about what to say to Roberto when he got to his apartment. Determined, he had to get the full story on Nadia, and he wasn't leaving without it.

So deep was he in his thoughts about the myriad of possible stories Roberto could tell, that before he knew it, he was stopped in front of the apartment complex. He paid the fare, got out, and used the copied set of keys Roberto gave him to enter the building.

When he hurriedly entered his boyfriend's apartment, then stepped into the bedroom, he was surprised to see it was empty.

That was when he thought to listen to Roberto's voicemail.

"Danny, I'm coming over to get you. I'll be there soon, baby."

A tender ache clutched his throat. He immediately called his man.

It took Roberto three rings to answer. When he picked up, Danny heard wind rustling loudly in the background.

"Hey baby, I'm almost there...I'm turning onto your street."

"No, stop! I'm already here."

"What??" the mechanic asked.

"I'm already at your place,"

The mechanic was silent. Danny began to feel very stupid. "I had to come see you," he meekly muttered.

The mechanic sighed, then chuckled. "O...Okay, I'll be there soon, okay?"

"Hurry..." the younger man whined. He fell onto Roberto's bed and inhaled the manly scent deep in the folds of the sheets. He needed to be held, to be kissed. To be fucked.

Without consciously thinking about it, Danny's left hand reached beneath his jean shorts and began stroking his cock.

Roberto drove him crazy; he always did. Being with him felt like taking one blind leap after another. He was so in love with him, but right now it hurt so bad he wondered if he could take it anymore.

He moaned that name, calling for it. He stripped off his clothes, then began to writhe on the messy bed, frotting against the soft fabric. The burning need he was succumbing to was two-pronged: primal lust spiked with shards of insecurity, fear, and jealousy. He needed to be sure that Roberto was his, all his, from his hard-on to his heart, from the drops of his semen to the essence of his soul.

The young brunet bunched up the duvet and took another deep inhale of his lover's odour, reflexively opening up his ass. His other hand stroked his erection furiously.

As he was calling for his boyfriend in an increasingly loud voice, he heard the front door open. The excitement of finally getting to see Roberto pushed him to climax. He barely had time to flip onto his back before the first string of cum spurted from his thick 5-incher, just as the mechanic walked into the room.

"Berto!" Danny yelled, shooting another rope of semen into the air. His flat, smooth tummy was pelted with slick, creamy drops.

Roberto stood still and watched, mesmerized.

"Oh! Oh God!" The shots got weaker, smaller, until the hot fluid oozed out of Danny's piss slit, his hand still jacking slowly. Hooded eyes gazed at the mechanic, relieved.

"Oh baby..." Roberto stayed standing in his tenting pajama pants and tanktop, taking in what just happened.

"Berto..." Danny beckoned with his voice and his gaze.

"Are...are you okay, baby?" he asked, then laughed softly, the ejaculation he just witnessed a clear answer.

"Kiss me, Berto," Danny pleaded. His sexy hunk leaned down from above and pressed his lips against his, his tongue gently exploring the younger man's teeth and mouth.

Now that the real thing was here, Danny was quickly becoming horny again. He yanked down the neck of the mechanic's flimsy tanktop and squeezed a handful of his big, hard pecs. Above him, Roberto groaned in pleasure and kissed harder.

Danny's hands kept travelling south, trying to stretch the elastic waistband of the mechanic's pants and pull it down. Becoming impatient, Roberto broke the kiss and hurriedly yanked his pajama bottoms off.

Before he had time to take off his top, he felt warm, smooth hands wrap around his gentalia, one making its way down his girthy shaft, the other massaging his droopy ballsacks.

"Oh FUCK, Danny..." It felt like he died and went to heaven.

His boy moaned and lifted the shaft hand away. Looking down, he saw Danny scoop his hand through the pools of semen on his own stomach, then lifted it towards the mechanic's enlarging glans.

"Aw FUCK!" Roberto's head jerked back. He clenched his groin and anal muscles to stop himself from cumming, as his lover's fingers circled the cockhead, spreading a coat of cooling semen all around, then slid down the dick, slicking up the entire length.

When Roberto looked down after he felt Danny's hand lift away from his dick again, he cursed. Danny scooped up more of his cum from his body, his eyes on Roberto the entire time, only to again wrap his lubricated digits around his lover's thick, angry erection.

"FUCK you're gonna make me cum," Roberto breathed, taking Danny's slow, methodical hand away from his prick and up to his lips.

Feeling his lover suck the semen dry from his fingers, Danny sighed and begged, "Make love to me."

Roberto didn't need to be asked twice. He grabbed the back of Danny's thighs and shifted his body until his own dick was pointing straight at his eager bottom's anus.

"I'm ready. Just fuck me," Danny said.

The plunge into his lover's hot, tight, gripping asshole was divine torture, such a sweet, throbbing ache all the way down to the base of his shaft.

Below him, sweating on the sheets, Danny cried out, high-pitched, trembling.

"Was that too much, baby?" the mechanic asked, locking his eyes with Danny's.

"No, don't leave me," the brunet implored with frantic eyes.

"Baby?" Roberto asked again, confused and concerned.

"Please don't leave me, Berto. Please...I'll do anything you like, just..." Danny's pupils sparkled with fresh tears, before his eyelids squeezed shut tightly.

"No no no, Danny, no..." He kissed his boy softly, quickly, all over his face. Danny began sobbing.

"Look at me," Roberto said in a calm but clear voice. Danny took a trembling breath and opened his eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere," Roberto affirmed, his stare unwavering.

"But Nadia..."

"Is that what this is about??" he asked incredulously, beginning to pull out of Danny. "But I told you..."

"No, don't leave me!" Danny pleaded, clutching the mechanic's furry, rippling forearms. Roberto stopped and returned on top of Danny, his dick back inside to the hilt.

He was annoyed but spoke in a gentle voice. "She's not my girlfriend, she never was my girlfriend, she's not taking me away, okay?"

"No, it's not that," Danny responded. He paused before saying, "You never told me what happened."

Quickly, Roberto felt accountable. He sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"I know I haven't been good with that. I just..." At that moment, the mechanic decided to stop making excuses.

"You want me to tell you the whole story, like this?" he asked Danny, looking down at their joined bodies.

"Um hmm," Danny hummed.

Roberto rested his forearms flat down on the bed and shifted his weight. "Well, we raced together, on bikes. She was my mentor."

Years of bottled-up memories poured forth into spoken words. "I met her when I started college, at the parking lot behind the drugstore, around the block from my parents'. She had a really nice bike and I annoyed the shit out of her." A nostalgic smile lit up his face.

"I wouldn't let her get on the bike without telling me everything: the mods, the costs, how fast it could go, where she got that shiny silver paint job done. That was when she told me about street racing."

"You raced on the streets?" his boyfriend asked, leaning up on his elbows.

"Ooh yeah," Roberto responded, eyes wide open. "Late at night on the deserted parts of the 305, north of here, y'know, towards cottage country. Never got caught by the cops."

He gave Danny a quick peck.

"Nadia taught me everything about racing. The focus, the timing, the precision. She was one of the best in the region, and I learned quick. I studied harder than I ever did at school."

His arms and shoulders were quickly getting sore, so Roberto wrapped his arms around his boy, leaned back, and hoisted him up, until they were both sitting upright in bed, Danny still impaled on his prick.

"I snuck out every night to ride, until it started snowing. And then I read everything I could find on bikes and racing and mods." His eyes looked far off again. "I never knew how awesome it would be on a bike. Feeling that speed, and the engine see the pavement zooming by, feel the wind whipping by, and you just want to go faster."

"It took over everything. It was all I lived for."

"Wow," Danny whispered, leaning his chin on the mechanic's shoulder.

"I started racing on the highway the summer after, and I was leaving the amateurs in the dust. They were all trash talkers, most of them, but at the end of the night I was the one who got the cash."

"You won money??" the younger man exclaimed, looking at Roberto.

"Oh helped me pay for college, Until I was winning a lot and started getting a reputation, and then I couldn't get anyone to race me or bet money against me." He laughed softly, rubbing Danny's back. "That was when I felt like I was the shit."

"Nadia told me I was a better racer than she was. She thought I was ready for the next level."

His expression changed, as if sobering up from his intoxicating recollection. "She took me to drag racing. Organized events, planned a year ahead. Legal...well, except for the bets," he remarked with a jump of his eyebrows. "Nadia wasn't racing anymore; she was my manager. Everything got serious."

Danny asked, "What happened?"

"It was all about the money. The bets got bigger and it was `win or get the fuck out'. Nadia wanted me to spend all my time on training laps, modifying the bike, and the races were up and down the coast so there was a lot of travelling too. I was missing half the semester and struggling to get decent grades."

"And then, not just her, everybody did it...we started cheating." He closed his eyes. "Not the little stuff like jumpstarting on the streets, but hiding bike enhancements, lying about stats, faking my backstory. I never felt good about any of that, but that was the game."

Danny was all ears for this long-awaited outpouring of his lover's history. He kissed Roberto and tried to take it all in.

The mechanic and former racer's complexion hardened. "And then it all went to hell one day. Nadia told me she found a backer, some investor from Switzerland, this big fish she'd been flirting with. She was convinced we were set for life. All I had to do was throw the race."

"She wanted you to lose on purpose??"

Roberto nodded, adjusting his groin and cock. "She said that's all I had to do, and then we were in with this dude." He shook his head. "Of course I didn't want to do it; I spent all my time on the track doing laps, and in the garage on the bike. We spent so much money on that and driving up and down the coast...I didn't want it all to be for nothing."

He frowned and continued. "And the Swiss guy rubbed me the wrong way. He was shady. So I didn't want anything to do with him, I didn't want Nadia to either."

Danny felt his lover's body stiffen. He searched Roberto's face, which was clouded with misery.

"We were having a fight...we'd never had a fight before. I was supposed to get on my bike in ten minutes. And then we heard a big bang."

Danny grimaced and tried to picture what Roberto saw. "People ran out to the track. There was screaming. A racer flipped his bike and crashed into the wall."

A shiver broke out from Roberto's body. "I could see the blood from far away. They said he was gone before the ambulance arrived."

As Danny's mouth hung open, Roberto closed his eyes and fell silent.

Taking a few deep breaths, he resumed. "I stopped racing after that. I didn't want anything to do with it. I didn't pick up when Nadia called. I never saw her again."

"Until two weeks ago," Danny remarked.

Roberto nodded, thinking for a moment. "And when I saw her again, it all came back, all of it. I remembered the speed, and winning the street races. I remembered driving overnight to the tracks, doing lap after lap on them. And the hours I spent tweaking my bike. And then I remembered the crash..."

The mechanic sighed. "This was way before I opened up the shop with Fred, before I finished college even. He doesn't know about any of this."

Then he was quiet. Danny pressed his fair, slender body against Roberto's, and held him tight.

"I'm sorry," the brunet whispered.

"Sorry for what?"

"For being a drama queen." He finally understood why Roberto was so affected by Nadia's return. He also knew Roberto didn't like breaking from his sleep schedule, which he followed to keep his muscles in tip-top shape. As it was, there were four short hours before the alarm went off.

"I should've been a better boyfriend. I should've been more understanding, " he muttered.

Roberto wrapped his hands around Danny's face. "Well, I didn't make it easy on you either." He kissed his lover. "I'm sorry too."

A smile widened on both of their faces.

"C'mon, you need your beauty sleep," Danny teased, stroking his lover's chin.

Roberto's eyes narrowed lasciviously as he purred, "But I'm horny now..." He started thrusting up his lover's rectum. "Aren't you?"

That got Danny moaning and biting his bottom lip. "I'm always horny for you," he breathed, circling his fingers around the mechanic's hairy, ripped chest. "But you have to get up in like four hours,"

The mechanic groaned, torn between getting off and getting what was left of a good night's sleep. He nibbled on his boyfriend's neck, unsure of what to do.

"Be a good boy," Danny goaded, patting Roberto's back.

The older man griped, "Fine." He reluctantly pulled out of his boy's blissful hole and laid down beside him, As he was about to strip off his tanktop, Danny stopped him with his hand on the mechanic's chest.

"Keep it on. It's hot," the younger man said with a mischievous smirk.

Grinning back, Roberto flipped his bottom around and spooned him tightly. As Danny laid back into his lover's hard, muscular body, content, the mechanic sneakily snapped up his groin and penetrated his boy's unsuspecting hole.

"Ahh!" Danny yelped, turning his head around. Roberto was ready with a smothering kiss, driving the rest of his slightly crooked nine-inch shaft into the cum-greased orifice. "Umm!" the bottom mewled, his lips sucking on Roberto's.

After a sensual makeout session, Danny broke the kiss and laid his head back down on the soft pillow, his whole body flushed. "You horndog..." he muttered, pushing his ass back onto his man's pole.

The mechanic went back to nibbling on his lover's neck, and played with the pert pink nipples on Danny's chest. "Are you complaining?"

"No, but you will be in the morning," the brunet retorted.

"I'll make you wake up with me," Roberto declared with an evil grin. That got his boy whining and pulling his ass off his dick, but the mechanic hooked his arms around Danny's little body and trapped him.

He leaned into his lover's ear. "Okay, fine, let's go to sleep."

"Like this?" Danny asked, trying to get comfortable.

"Um hmm," Roberto replied, settling into their spooning position, his rock-hard prick plugging up the bottom's cummy hole.

"Sleep tight, baby," the mechanic whispered, turning off the bedside lamp. "Squeeze your ass if you get horny," he added, giving his boy a little thrust.

Danny giggled, feeling tired, aroused, and happy.

For the first time in two weeks, the brunet fell asleep without difficulty, save the slight soreness in his ass from his man's massive boner. He wasn't aware how easily he dozed off until he woke up again in the pitch darkness.

He was awakened by the gentle thrusting massaging his rectum, and the skillful hands milking his erection.

"Berto..." he sighed. "What time is it?"

"I don't know..." the mechanic replied in a hoarse mutter. "But I need to fuck you."

The younger bottom was turned on by his lover's ardour, and whined like a little whore as Roberto gripped his waist and started pumping into his hole in the blackness.

It felt so good to have his big, buff stud taking his ass in the dark. He couldn't see anything, and it only made every push and pull in his rectum more intense. Overtaken by raw lust, he squealed and hummed like a porn star, reaching back to squeeze Roberto's beefy, flexing buttocks.

"You want it, baby? You want that cock??" the mechanic grunted.

"Yes! Gimme all of it," Danny begged, fucking back. "Gimme your cum too!"

"You're gonna get a big load...where do you want it??" he demanded, changing his position to kneeling on the bed, while his hungry bottom laid on his stomach beneath his brawny muscles.

"Anywhere! Just give it to me," Danny moaned, pushing against the headboard with his hands as his man began shaking the bed with his labour.

"Aw fuck, Danny! I love fucking that ass!" He was plowing into it mercilessly, making his bottom boy scream his name over and over in piercing falsetto.

"Yeah, take that dick!"

"OhGodBertoDon'tStop!" The younger man was getting breathless, his body burning up as the mechanic kept pounding above him like a machine. His ass was on fire, getting massaged and raped in equal and messy measure.

Suddenly Roberto's body pressed on top of his. He felt those steel-hard arms wrap underneath his torso, and then his whole body rocked and tumbled as the fucking continued.

Caught in the fury of the dicking of his life, with the mechanic kissing and biting his shoulder, his neck, his ear, Danny wondered how he ever doubted Roberto's love.

"OhGodYesBertoILoveYou!" the helpless bottom exclaimed.

"Oh baby I love your fucking ass!!" Roberto growled. "Oh baby you feel so good...AHH!" he hollered, all of a sudden shuddering.

And then the toe-curling wave seized him from head to toe. "FUCK!" Roberto screamed, pulling out of his boy's destroyed asshole to unleash torrent after torrent of fresh hot cum all over Danny's backside. He shot all the way up to Danny's hair and neck, cumming shot after shot, drenching his lover.

All the while, Danny called out like the cum slut that he was, demanding more, every last drop. The smell of Roberto's sweat and semen drove him insane.

Finally, when he was done ejaculating, Roberto released his softening nine-incher, letting it flop on top of Danny's drenched asscrack with a splat. His head fell down on Danny's shoulder, his breathing laboured.

They couldn't tell where the sweat started and the cum ended.

"Oh my God that was incredible...whoa..." the mechanic panted, still catching his breath. "We gotta do it in the dark more," he suggested.

Danny giggled, then purred when he felt the mechanic's rough, hot hands sliding all over his back, his shoulders and his ribs, spreading the loads of cum all over. Soon, the fingers reached down to his pulsing erection.

"Ready to cum, baby?" Roberto whispered in Danny's ear.

He could only answer in a scratchy moan. His eyes rolled back as his man's cum-slicked hands worked his cock and balls. Meanwhile, the mechanic's low, throaty voice stay right beside his ear.

"Cum for me, you filthy little slutboy."


"Come for your big, sweaty, horny stud."


Before he knew it, he was yelling his lover's name, over and over. His limbs turned soft and threatened to dissolve; Roberto braced his torso with one arm, seemingly without effort, while pumping his dick ruthlessly with the other.

The cum came, the sensation wracking his entire body, mind blowing. Danny could feel the blood draining from his head, his fingertips, his toes. Roberto kept milking his cock. Only when he screamed and curled up into a ball did the mechanic finally let his dick go.

The brunet laid limp in the fetal position on his side. He felt weak, raw, and beyond satiated. Then he squeaked feebly as his tireless hunk re-penetrated him from above with a groan, and pressed his weight down on his boy.

"Lemme know if I'm crushing you," he said, rubbing his hands slowly up and down Danny's body, cooling his boy's face with soft kisses.

"It feels perfect," Danny murmured, his face resting on a streaky pool of his own cum on the pillow.

They were a hot, sticky mess. Danny was covered in cum, just the way he loved it.

He darted his tongue out to taste his own ejaculate on the stained pillowcase. Roberto soon joined in, mixing the thick, sticky load with their spit and passing it back and forth on their tongues.

Fatigue draped heavily over the younger man. Roberto reached back and slapped Danny's wet, sticky buttocks hard, splashing the cum on the cheeks. "That's my piece of ass," he said, fondling it.

"Ow," Danny whined.

"On the cutest, most amazing boy I've ever met," the mechanic continued, sliding his fingers into his bottom bitch's mouth to give him a taste of his latest load.

Danny mewled, sucking with what energy he had left on his man's probing fingers.

After his felt his lover swallow, the mechanic pulled his digits out with a pop, and reached back to sweep up more cum for Danny to enjoy.

"That's a good boy," he said lovingly as his younger bottom swallowed another load from his fingers.

Releasing his hand from Danny's mouth to caress his face, he stopped when he heard Danny softly declare, "I love you, Berto."

"I love you so much, baby," he replied, going in for a tender kiss.

And then he remembered. The question he'd wanted to ask Danny before Nadia appeared and took all his attention. The plunge he was finally ready to take with the love of his life.

"Danny?" he asked quietly, his nose nudging against his lover's.


"Move in with me?"

The brunet took a sharp, little breath. He knew right away what his answer would be, but he hesitated in answering, because he couldn't believe what he'd been dreaming of was coming true.

"Yes," he replied urgently, kissing his man. "Oh yes, Berto, yes!"

As he heard the mechanic exhale in relief, he felt that monster cock reawaken deep inside his inflamed rectum.

Danny turned and laid on his back, wrapping his legs around his lover's cut waist. Above him, Roberto pinned the brunet's arms above his head, and gave him a kiss.

They weren't going to get any sleep after all.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Lots more drama and filthy sex to cum ;) Feedback is always welcomed at You'll hear about my latest writing updates through my emails too!

Next: Chapter 5

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