Meeting at the Lake

By kea4ilan ilan

Published on Sep 16, 2003


This is my first posting on Nifty. I am not a professional writer so please mail me with your comments so I can improve. I am not a native English speaker so please let me know if I use words or phrases in the wrong context. If it is illegal in your country or state to view or read material of adult gay content you are warned that may be committing an offense by reading this story. The characters in this story are based on the members of N Sync but they are completely fictitious. I don't know the members of N Sync, I have no proof of their sexuality, this is just a fantasy. All comments are welcome, mail me at Ciao... Ilan

Hello folks! I've had some feedback and it is great! I have to thank all who have taken their time to write me, your criticism is very welcome. Those who are expecting hot sex will have to wait, I like exploring the sexuality of my characters without them jumping each others bones. There will be some sex further down the road, but I can't promise when that will happen.


As they all began to realize that they had been fooled, JC, Jayce and I started to back away slowly towards the water.

"And?" Joey asked menacingly, catching up on the others.

"And I had told Josh that Dwayle and Jayce are the best pranksters in my family," Katie said with glee.

"YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Justin screamed while coming after us.

"Get them! We will catch you and grill you on a slow fire!" Chris yelled.

We ran into the water. As I tried to swim away I felt being tackled by two sets of hands. I was pulled under the surface of the water and as I struggled to get free one pair of hand got to my waist and pulled of my Aussiebum.

Part 3

I struggled free from the hands that were holding me and came up for air. I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with air I so desperately needed. I looked around me and saw Justin and Lance swimming away from me. Justin held my pair of Aussiebums up, while he swam back to the banks of the lake, Lance not far behind. When they reached the bank they set down in the water and looked at me. I slowly made my way to them. I could hear shouts and laughter behind me from Joey, Chris, JC and Jayce. I wanted my swimsuit back before I came out of the water but I knew that after the prank I pulled on Justin and Lance they would give me a hard time. When I was nearly three feet away from them the water got so shallow that me ass was sticking out of the water. I decided to stay put and confront the guys. Again I noticed that Lance was checking me out, his eyes roaming over my backside. Justin just sat there with a smirk on his face, holding my swimsuit in his hands. I decided to approach things simple.

"Hi," I said smiling.

"Hi?" Justin asked. "Is that all you got to say?"

I looked past Justin and saw Katie standing not far away with my brother and sisters watching us. They like it when me and Jayce pull pranks on other people but they like it even more when our victims got back at us. They were watching this scene with interest.

"It sounds better then asking you who the fuck you are," I answered to Justin. " I thought we might start on a fresh sheet now that you've gotten back at me."

Justin stared at me hard. I thought he might be angry about the things that just happened but he didn't look angry. He just stared at me, his blue eyes connecting with mine.

"Sorry man, but when somebody pulls a prank like that on me, payback is hell. This," he said while waving my Aussiebums at me, "is nothing."

"Yeah," Lance added. "We aren't finished with you yet mister. We've had the best training at getting revenge on pranksters for over a very long time."

"I guess I deserve that, but you guys had it coming," I said smiling." You," as I pointed to Justin, "just had the most immature reaction to my Aussiebums and my piercings and you" as I then pointed to Lance "looked at me as if you wanted to chain me to a bed and use me as your sex slave."

"Well," Justin said, looking coldly at me with his blue eyes," I won't speak for Lance, but I never expected to see a sight like you and your brother in this part of the good old USA. The last thing on my mind when we decided to come up to the lake was that we might have neighbors who have exhibitionist habits."

"That explains part of your reaction," I said, then looking over at Lance. "Do you have anything to add? Or did I misread your stare?"

I had put Lance on the spot and I realized that he might not be comfortable being confronted with his sexuality so I decided to give him a chance to cover himself. Lance returned my stare but said nothing. The boldness in his looks was gone, he looked very unsure, a lot like the Lance I've seen in the many pictures in the magazines.

"Uhm... I'm gonna get me some dry clothes," he said as he got up and walked away. "Can I get you a towel Justin?" he turned and asked.

"Please," Justin answered looking up to Lance and then back at me.

I watched Lance walk away and I couldn't help but feel for him. If my first impression of him was true then it must be really hard for him not to be able to be as free as a normal Joe like myself could be. Although I couldn't quite understand what it must be like to be in the spotlight 24/7 I could imagine that if your paycheck depended on keeping the fantasies of teenage girls alive, being open about having sexual feelings for men, be it that you were gay or some degree of bisexual could have the potential of causing considerable harm. As these thoughts ran through my head I could feel Justin studying me. I focused my gaze from Lance walking away to his eyes. Again, Justin was staring at me hard, it reminded me of JC staring at me, weighing me. And again I felt very naked and uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked Justin. I wanted him to speak, just to quit staring at me like that.

"It's funny," he said. "Just a couple of minutes ago you were nothing more than a body with piercings and a sheer swimsuit on who pulled a prank on me. Maybe my immature reaction did provoke you to pull this prank but everyone has off moments now and then and you used it to the full extend. Katie's cousins or not, I thought you and your brother were assholes. My instinct tells me that I might be wrong about you, I hope there will be enough time for you to prove that."

I listened, not believing that this was the same Justin from moments ago. My first impression was that he was rather childlike but maybe he did have an off moment because he sounded maturer now. I was a little pissed that he expected us to prove him wrong, I thought it was a bit arrogant on his part. Before I could answer him, I got smacked very hard on my ass.

"Hey nekkid boy! Did my pal here have sweet revenge on your sorry ass?" Joey said, laughing.

"My ass is everything but sorry, Joey and no, I don't think that Justin here is satisfied yet," I responded, my eyes fixed on Justin. He returned my stare for a while and then he smiled.

"You're right, I am far from satisfied, but I will get my revenge in time. You better keep watching out, you'll never know when I will strike."

"Looking forward to it," I said. "I can handle whatever you have in petto."

"I hope you can, because I come with heavy artillery. Before I'm done having my way with you, you will be screaming with mercy."

I didn't miss the undertone in his comment. He wasn't as blunt as Lance just had been, what he just said could be interpreted in many ways but I decided to play with the sexual undertone a little. I started checking him out, my eyes roaming over his body. He was still wet but fully clothed. His white tee was sheer and I could see his nipples, they were hard and pointing through the fabric. I am a sucker for nipples and I liked what I saw, his were small and sharp, sticking out enticingly from his beautiful pecs. His torso was all muscles, not big and bulky but more like the built of a long distance runner. His tummy was flat and hard and he definitely had a six pack going on there. His tee rode a little up to his belly button and I had a wonderful view of his treasure trail going down into a pair of low rise shorts. He was still partially in the water so I couldn't see his bulge but I let my eyes rest on his area just for the effect. I slowly looked back up to him, locked eyes with him and smiled my most devious smile I could muster at that time. It didn't faze him though. His eyes were mocking me, daring me to take things a step further. I looked past Justin and I could see that Lance had stopped to talk to Katie and my brother and sisters. Actually they were talking and watching what this confrontation would bring. I looked around me and I saw that Joey, Chris, Josh and Jayce were also intently watching what was going on in round two of Dwayle vs Justin. I could see the worry on the faces of my family members. They knew that when I am pushed I reset my boundaries and go with the flow. I started feeling the adrenaline pumping through my body. I knew that being in this state I would probably risk ever mending fences with Justin, but I was just going to take the risk. I slowly made my way over to Justin. His legs were spread in the water so I crawled between him until my face was on level with his crotch.

"I can't remember when was the last time I begged for mercy when someone was having his way with me," I spoke, looking up into his eyes, which had narrowed. "I do remember," I continued while starting to sit up on my knees and leaning forward into Justin, " that after he was finished with me, I had my way with him, and he didn't beg for mercy." My body was just a couple of inches away from his but I made sure we weren't touching. Justin hadn't backed away. Our eyes were locked together as I brought my face very close to his, our lips were less than two inches apart. I lowered my gaze to his mouth, as if to check it out before I would kiss his lips and it was then that I saw his lips quiver a bit. I looked up to his eyes and saw his pupils dilate just a little and I knew I was breaking through his defenses, even if it was just a crack.

"He kept begging for more and more and more, until he couldn't take it no more and then he cried for mercy." I said in my most seductive tone, bring my lips ever so closely to his lips, almost touching them. I could feel his breath against my lips as it quickened a little. I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes, letting his smell rush through my body. It was the smell off fear and anger and excitement and I almost let myself get lost in the sensation. I backed off and saw Justin eyes, focusing on my lips that had just teased his lips into an almost kiss. I seized the moment to grab my swimsuit out of his hands. I stood up, my crotch on level with his face and put on my swimsuit. I saw my brother shaking his head at my display. My sisters and cousin were giving me the evil eye and Lance was just staring at me. I shrugged and started to walk away.

"Do you enjoy it?"

I turned around to look at Justin who was still staring at the water.

"Do I enjoy what? I asked.

"Where do you draw the line? How far will you go? You can't loose can you?" Justin asked, not hiding his anger in his voice.

"I'll do whatever I think is necessary for me to survive Justin" I answered as I was trying to push away painful memories of times when I thought I wouldn't survive.

"Even if it means alienating people? Making enemies? We've been here for almost fifteen minutes and you're nothing like the cousin Katie described." Justin said, turning around, looking at me with hate in his eyes. "You're an asshole."

"When I am provoked I can be an asshole Justin. I don't know what Katie told you about me, but I would suggest you forget about it. This is who I am. I don't know how long you guys are staying, but maybe if fate wants it, you will get to know I nicer and friendlier side of me. Otherwise, you will have to settle for me being an asshole. I don't care what the outcome will be, we have only one degree of separation and I live in the Netherlands, it won't be hard to stay out of touch with each other if that is what needs to be done."

"Just who the fuck do you think you are? I have never met anyone who is so arrogant as you are!" Justin shouted, coming after me. He got up to my face, his nostrils wide with anger.

"Looked in the mirror lately?" I remarked. I was wondering what had happened in the previous moments that had caused me to be in such a situation. I knew it was partly my fault, but I've never let things get out of hand like this. All of a sudden I just felt tired, I wanted to walk away and let Justin be. I turned around an walked away when I felt a dead grip on my hand. I felt my heart rate shoot up, memories flashed before my eyes, memories that I could control under normal circumstances but not when I am under stress.

"I'm not true with you yet!" Justin said, jerking me around so that I was facing him. His hand held on to my arm like a vice grip.

"Let go of my arm" I said to Justin, trying to sound as calm as possible, while I felt the adrenaline starting to pump through my vains.

"Why should I? I said I wasn't through with you yet!" Justin bristled, putting emphasis on his words by tightening the grip on my arms.

In my mind I tumbled back to a place where I was helpless. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to punch Justin just so he could let go of my arm, but there was a little voice saying I shouldn't. The longer he held on to me, my stress level began bordering on panicking and I didn't want anybody to see that side of me. I was so lost in my emotions that I didn't see the guys coming towards us.

"Justin, please! Let go of my arm!" I tried again, my voice a mixture of anger and a little anxiety.

"I don't think so buddy! I've had enough of this shit! You're not leaving until we can reach an agreement of sorts! Understand? You stop being such an asshole and maybe we will treat you nicely!" His hand tightened even more around my arm. I tried to control my emotions, I could have hit him but when I didn't panic slowly started to sweep over my body. Just when I was about to loose all control I felt a hand on Justin's hand.

"Justin! Let go of his arm! Now." Chris's voice was soft but commanding.

"Stay out of it Chris!" Justin shouted.

"Listen to your band mate! Let go of my brother!" Jayce said, his voice trying to be calm but laced with anger. I felt his hand touch the base of my neck, gently massaging it. trying to calm me down.

"Curly! Listen to him! Let go of his arm! You're hurting Dwayle!" JC tried. "Look at his face Justin, there's something wrong!

A moment after JC tried to persuade Justin to let go of my arm, Justin did. When he let go I felt arms around me, arms that made me feel save. I started to shiver all over my body. I had made a vow to never let myself be physically handled like that but Justin wasn't a complete stranger. He was one of Katie's bosses. I couldn't hit him. I couldn't get him to stop. I started shaking with anger. Jayce held me tighter and said soothing words to me. After a while I started to calm down. My gaze focused and I saw Justin, JC, Chris and Joey staring at me, wide eyed.

"You've called my brother arrogant Justin. He could have easily beat the shit out of you when you forced him but he didn't. I know that he loves Katie too much to jeopardize her career. Any other guys would have ended up in the hospital with at least a broken bone. He didn't harm you physically and by doing so he let himself be drawn into a very dark place. Please keep it in mind before you judge him again."

"Listen, man! I..." Justin began.

"Save the words Justin, the two of you both made mistakes, I think it will be better if we let things cool down a bit." Jayce said, leading me away from the scene.

"Maybe it was a bad idea to come hear for the week. I think we should go and...," Lance started to say..

"There is no need for you guys to go," I interrupted Lance. "I'm sorry of I acted like a jerk, but there is no need for you guys to go on my account. I will just keep my distance. There is a lot to do here without us running into each other 24/7."

"Are you sure about this? I mean, you guys are here to spend some time with your family obviously and I feel like our being here will sour things up a little," Chris said with concern.

"Well, it's probably been a long drive for you guys. Why don't you stay the night at the cabin and decide tomorrow?" Cameron asked?

"I think that's a good idea," Lance said looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay Dwayle?" he asked.

"I'll be fine, Lance. I'm going to take a shower and have a short nap. See you guys later!"

I walked towards our cabin. I turned around once and saw Justin's eyes boring into me. I felt a slight shiver going down my spine. I walked into the cabin straight to the showers. I turned the water as hot as I could take it and stood under the hot stream trying to wash away my emotions. After I finished my shower I went to my room and put on some boxers. I sat on my bed and started meditating. Whenever I am stressed I meditate, pulling my mind back to it's strongest. I let all of the things that happened today wash over me, assigning every emotion a place in my mind. When I finished sorting out my emotions and dealing with them I concentrated on pulling my mind together. After I finished my session I was so exhausted I fell asleep. When I woke up the sun had already set. I sat up in bed, my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. I had felt his presence when I started to wake up. I could feel his apprehension at being in my room.

"What can I do for you Josh? I asked, looking in his direction.

I know this has taken me longer then expected to post, but I finally found time to finish the chapter. I still have to start on chapter 4. If you have any comments, be it nice ones or nasty ones, send them to

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