Meeting Daddy

By moc.oohay@terajretsam

Published on May 15, 2010


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit submission in a Daddy/boy relationship between adult males, including watersports, scat, and other graphic scenes of sex. It contains no truth, partial truth, or half truth, only fantasy. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. If such content is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, please leave now and read no further. This story is the property of the author only. Please do not copy or reprint without permission from the author. If you wish to contact the author for comments, please do so at . They are always welcome.

Meeting Daddy

Jack blinked open his eyes, moved around, stretched, and then felt the pounding in his head.

"Oh, man," he thought to himself. "Where am I? What happened?"

Slowly, Jack brought himself out of the stupor, again stretched and slid his hand down beneath the covers along his chest only to feel smooth skin where hair had been last night. Jack's eyes opened wide with the realization his body was shaved smooth. He felt something around his waist. Looking under the covers he saw his shaved body and below that a superhero diaper fastened around him. Jack's eyes rolled open and back as he dropped his head back onto the pillow. He closed his eyes and began to remember the details of the night before.

"It wasn't a dream after all," he thought to himself and then smiled.

Jack was 46. He had a moderately hairy chest and belly and at 5'8 and 190 lbs, he had a bit of meat on his build. Not paunchy, but a few pounds heavier than he would have liked. Dark eyes, dark hair and a boyish smile captured his farm-boy looks. He had been chatting with Harry for the past several months, amazed at how much they had in common, even physically. The night before had revealed just how much they had in common. Harry was 63, stood just under 5'7" and carried a body mass of 220 lbs, a bulk of it in his well developed belly. Moderately hairy chest, slightly furry belly and a full, grey beard framed his dark eyes and farmer looks. After they had met online, they had started chatting almost daily and had agreed to meet for a drink, dinner and to see where things took from there. Jack hadn't even imagined what would take place. Harry had though.

The evening had started off with meeting at the restaurant. Jack had been sitting at the bar, waiting for Harry to arrive. Nervous, he sipped his beer cautiously, watching the door as it opened and closed each time someone entered. He picked up the coaster and tapped it across the bar top nervously. He smiled to himself.

"Man, why am I so nervous about meeting this guy?" he thought to himself. Then he recalled their conversations. Harry was looking for a man to be his boy, his son. Jack was looking to for a man to be his Daddy. Tonight they were going to find out. Jack picked up his glass and took a long draw of his beer. He swallowed and felt the cool liquid flow down his throat. The door opened. Jack looked up and saw Harry walk in the door. He smiled, raised his hand in a wave. Seeing Jack waving from the bar, Harry stepped through the door, letting it close behind him. He walked around the corner of the bar towards Jack. He stopped at the stool next to Jack, watching as he twirled his stool around to face him.

"Hello, Jack," greeted Harry as he stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet you in person, son."

Jack extended his own hand and took the firm grip in a locked hand shake.

"Yes, it is, Sir," smiled Jack. "Sit down. Would you like something?"

"Beer is fine," replied Harry, sliding onto the empty stool beside Jack. He twirled his stool around, sliding his knees against Jack's as he did. He slowed his movement just enough for them both to feel the physical contact. Harry smiled at Jack and then placed his hands on the bar. Jack motioned to the bartender to bring two more beers and then turned to Harry. The two chatted as the bartender brought over the two glasses, setting one down in front of each man.

"Cheers," toasted Harry as he clinked his glass against Jack's. The two men sipped their beers, talked about their day and about finally getting the chance to meet in person. They continued to chat until the bartender informed them that their table was ready. Jack pulled out his wallet, and pulled out some cash. He handed it to the bartender, telling him to keep the change. Picking up their glasses, they walked towards their table.

Dinner had gone well. They had continued their conversation, discovering more and more how much they had in common, even in knowing common people. It was while Harry was telling Jack about his first sexual experience with a girl in his old neighborhood, Jack paused. It was the same neighborhood in which his mother had grown up.

"What was the girl's name," interrupted Jack.

"Shirley," Harry smiled. Always remember her. I moved to another part of the city shortly after that first time. Never saw her again but always remember.

Jack swallowed. He looked at Harry.

"Harry, my mother's name was Shirley. I never knew my father. She got pregnant when she was 16."

Harry looked at Jack and smiled.

"Jack, I know. I figured this out sometime ago when you first told me about your background. I'm not just any Daddy. I'm your real Daddy."

Jack had been stunned at first, realizing that the man he had been discussing Daddy/boy sexual relationships was, in fact, his real father. He picked up his glass and drained the beer in one long gulp.

Harry smiled. "Waiter, another round here, please, and add a shot for my son."

"Does this make a difference, Jack?" asked Harry.

Jack thought for a moment. He looked at Harry.

"No," he said. "No, it doesn't."

The waiter set down another beer and a shot of bourbon in front of Jack.

"Okay, then, why don't you drink those down and let's get out of here. Let's go back to my place, and we can get more acquainted as Dad and son, okay?"

"Okay," agreed Jack. He picked up the bourbon, lifted it to his lips, smelling the sweetness as he opened his mouth and gulped it down. He felt the fiery liquid slide down his throat. He picked up the beer and took a long drink. The coolness quenched the fire in his throat. He looked over at Harry.

"Like to play poker, Jack?" smiled Harry.

"Sure do," replied Jack as he finished the beer and wiped his mouth with his napkin. He threw it onto the table and leaned back. "Am pretty good at it, too, Dad."

Harry smiled.

"Then let's pay our tab here and head back to my place. I just live around the corner. Dinner is on me" Harry motioned to the waiter and settled up the bill. Harry led Jack through the restaurant and out the door. They walked down the street, turned the corner and entered the three story townhouse that had been converted into three separate apartments. Jack followed Harry up the stairs and into his apartment. Harry had shown Jack the layout; both had slipped out of their shoes and were now engaged in a competitive game of strip poker. Jack was down to his white briefs and socks. Harry was in his boxers and t-shirt. "Three kings," said Harry, laying his cards on the table. "Damn," exclaimed Jack. "Off with the socks, boy," demanded Harry, gesturing for them with his hand. Jack reached down and stripped off first one sock and then the other. He handed them to Harry who then tossed them onto the couch behind him along with the rest of Jack's clothes. "Your deal, son." Jack picked up the cards, shuffled and dealt out the cards. He picked up his hand, moved the cards around and stared at three Jacks, a ten and a nine. "I'll take two cards, boy," said Harry. Jack dealt his Dad two cards from the deck. He pulled the 10 and the 9 from his hand and tossed them on the pile. He picked up his first card. It was a 3. He picked up the second card. It was another 3. Jack tried not to smile. "So, son, what's your bet?" "These briefs, Sir," he replied. "I'll see those briefs and raise a t-shirt," responded Harry "I only have the briefs," said Jack. "Well, let's see, if I win, I get the briefs, and I get to shave that chest and belly hair off of you. Want to see what my boy would have looked like as a kid" Jack thought for a moment. He looked at his hand again. "Call," he replied. "What do you have, boy?" asked Harry. Jack lay down first one Jack, then another, then another, then another. They he lay down each 3. He smiled up at Harry. "Full house. Impressive, son, impressive. But not impressive enough." Harry spread his cards across the table revealing four Kings. "Give `em to me, Jack. And then let's head into the bedroom. We've got some shaving to do." Jack stood up and stripped out of his underwear. He handed them to Harry, suddenly feeling very self conscious from the alcohol and the fact he was now standing naked in front of the man he had just learned was his real father. He tried to hide his growing hard on. "Move those hands away, boy, and let your father take a look at you." Harry smiled as he looked at Jack standing their naked. He stood up, reached over and took Jack into his arms and kissed him hard on the mouth. He held Jack that way, making the kiss forceful, intense, an erotic interchange between the two of them. Harry released his grip on Jack's shoulders and pulled back. Jack felt himself almost swoon from the combination of alcohol and the kiss. He smiled at his father. "Let's go boy," said Harry, leading Jack into the bedroom. Harry led Jack back into the bedroom and had him lie down, spread-eagled, on his back. He placed a blindfold over Jack's eyes, so that he only had his other senses to make him aware of what his was going to happen. Jack lay on the bed, feeling and seeing the blackness around him but hearing Harry move around the room... Snap! Click! Brrrruuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Jack heard the unmistakable sound of barber clippers. He swallowed and tried not to tense. He new what was to come next. He took a slow intake of breath and then felt the clippers across his chest, removing the chest hair as it passed. He felt the hair fall away as the clippers moved around his pecs, under and around his nipples. Harry pulled Jack's right nipple tightly, holding it for a second, and another and another and then releasing it as he moved the barber sheers around it. The sheers moved down across Jack's stomach, down one line into his groin and up another line beside. He felt the sheers continue their path with one final move to each of his arm pits. Harry turned off the clippers. Jack continued to lie there, listening. He heard Harry place the clippers on the table and pick up something else. Jack then felt something cool, smooth slide across his chest and nipples. "Shaving cream," he realized. He knew what was to follow. He felt Harry's hand all over his body, from his neck to his balls, covering every inch in a layer of shaving cream. Jack felt the razor connect with his skin as his Harry slowly shaved every inch of Jack's chest, stomach, crotch and balls. "There you go," said Harry as he began to wipe Jack's body down with a towel. "You're as bare as the day you were born, well not quite, but probably since you were 13," laughed Harry. He reached over and removed the blindfold from Jack. Jack blinked open his eyes and then instinctively brought his hands up to his chest and stomach, running them down the bare, smooth skin. He felt his cock jump as his hand made contact with the bare flesh. "So, what else you care to lose to me tonight," asked Harry. "I'm game to find out, "smiled Jack from the bed. "Then let's go, boy." Jack slid off the bed, crossed in front of Harry and started to walk out the door.

"Hold on a second, son," said Harry. "Missed some. Bend over the bed here."

Jack turned back around and leaned over the bed, supporting himself with his arms, sticking his butt out towards Harry. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Harry again picked up the can of shaving cream, shook it and squirted out a generous mound. He felt the cool slickness coat his ass cheeks and ass crack. He saw Harry pick up the razor and then felt it slide across his ass cheeks. Harry spread open Jack's ass crack with one hand and slid the razor up, down, across and back, removing all visible hair. He set down the razor, picked up the towel and wiped the remaining shaving cream from Jack's butt. He smiled at the smooth bare skin. He slapped it.

"Okay, boy, now you're ready to lose some more," he said, standing up and pulling Jack up and around. They moved through the door and back into the front part of the apartment. They pulled out their chairs, sat down, and Harry picked up the cards.

"My deal, I believe," he said as he began to shuffle. "Now, what can you bet with now, boy?" he smiled over at Jack.

"What do you want, Dad?" asked Jack as he picked up the cards Harry dealt to him.

"Well for starters, how about sucking on the cock that made you then, boy," winked Harry.

Jack looked at his cards, four clubs and the Ace of diamonds.

"Then that's my opening bet, Sir," replied Jack as he folded his cards back together and held them in his hands. "And if I win this hand, you lose the short and the t-shirt, Dad."

Harry looked at his son. Then he looked at his hand. He had a pair of Kings and a pair of nines with a Jack kicker. He pulled up the Jack and tossed it on the table.

"Call. One card. Make it count."

Jack dealt Harry the card. He pulled the Ace from his hand and threw it on the table. He slowly picked up his card. Another club. Jack couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I guess you hit, boy," laughed Harry, throwing down his two pair and a 3.

Jack spread his flush across the table top and smiled.

"I'll take those shorts and that t-shirt, Father," he grinned.

Harry stripped the t-shirt off over his hand, exposing his chest and large belly. Jack felt his cock grow hard again, looking at the almost naked man. He watched as Harry stood up, grabbed the waistband of his boxers with both hands and then stopped. He moved over towards Jack.

"Would you like to do the honors, boy?" he asked.

Without saying a word but nodding his head up and down, Jack reached his hands up to either side of Harry's boxer shorts and slowly pulled them down, exposing a furry bush surrounding a thick, heavy cock and egg size balls. Jack licked his lips as he continued to slide the shorts down Harry's legs, never taking his eyes off the cock in front of him. Harry stepped out of the shorts and kicked them up into Jack's hands.

"There you go, son," said Harry. "Your deal."

Jack picked up the cards, shuffled and dealt out the hand. He looked at the pair of fives in his hand with the six, seven and eight. Two possibilities.

"Same bid as before, blow job," opened Jack as he tapped his cards on the table.

Harry looked at his hand, all diamonds.

"I'll see that blow job and raise you a piss drinking. I've got to pee, boy."

Jack looked at his again.

"Call. How many cards?"

"I'll stay," replied Harry.

Jack looked at his hand again. He pulled one of the fives and tossed it on the table. He picked up his card and slid it into his hand. He looked at it. It was a 10. The next five hands played out the same way. Jack had bet and lost to Harry a blow job, piss drinking, a fuck, and an ass eating. This was the last hand. Jack stared at the three deuces and two threes in his hand.

"Okay, boy. You lose this hand and your Dad's going to feed you from his asshole. You understand that, right?"

Jack looked at his hand again.

"Yes, call, Sir."

Harry laid his cards across the table. Four fours.

Jack looked at his father and put down his losing full house.

"Okay, boy," it's time for you to pay up.

Harry stood up and without another word walked toward the bedroom. Jack picked up his glass and downed the rest of his beer. He didn't drink often, but he had been nervous tonight, and the beer and shots had gone down too easily. As he put down the empty glass and pushed away from the table, he stood and followed Harry down the hallway. He knew the brain cells he was ravishing tonight would punish him tomorrow. Jack walked into the bedroom to find Harry sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread, cock getting harder every second as it rose towards the ceiling.

"Crawl over here, son, and kiss your maker's cock."

Jack dropped to his knees and crawled towards his Dad. He looked up for a moment into the eyes like his that stared back at him. He pursed his lips and kissed the top of Harry's cock. He parted his lips and let is slide into his mouth, across his tongue and into his throat. He slowly began to suck on Harry's cock, feeling it throb and grow fuller in his mouth. Jack continued to suck on his Daddy's cock, sliding his tongue up and down the shaft, tightening and then loosening the suction in his mouth, coating it with his saliva. His own cock pulsed and jutted forward, his balls full of cum and yearning to be released.

Harry placed his hands on either side of his son's head and began to slowly fuck his boy's mouth. He pushed all the way in, burying his son's nose into his crotch hair, hearing Jack slightly gag to keep the cock wedged down his throat. Harry withdrew slowly and then pushed back in. Over and over he thrust his cock in and out of Jack's mouth, building up to a climax. He held Jack's mouth in place and groaned as he shot a thick load of cum into his boy's mouth. Another rope followed and then another. Jack drank down his dad's juice, tasting his father's cum, knowing he had sprung from these same seeds. He gulped the cum as it shot from his Dad's cock.

Harry continued to fuck Jack's face, emptying his balls. Then he slowed down his pace and held his cock on Jack's tongue, head back towards his son's throat. He sighed and let loose a strong, hot stream of beer piss.

"Oh, yea, boy, suck down your Dad's cum and piss. Drain me boy," moaned Harry as he emptied his bladder into his boy's mouth.

Jack gulped down the piss, savoring the taste, knowing he was servicing not any Daddy but his own Daddy. His cock pulsed and oozed pre-cum.

Harry withdrew his cock from Jack's mouth. He stood up and moved around Jack and over to the closet. He opened the double doors, leaned in and pulled out a rim chair, legs about 14 inches from the ground. He reached back in, pulled out a towel, and threw it to Jack.

"Spread that out on the floor, Jack, and then lie down on it."

Jack grabbed the towel, turned around and spread the towel out onto the floor. He turned back, sat on the towel and then laid himself flat. He watched as Harry lifted the rim seat and set it directly over his face. Harry moved around to the front of the seat, straddled it for a moment and then sat down, his butt hole mere inches from Jack's nose and lips.

"Kiss your Dad's hole, boy, kiss it real good and then make love to it. And when you have it nice and wet and loose, Dad's going to feed you some hot food right from his hole."

"Yes, Sir," replied Jack as he brought his lips up to Harry's puckered hole and kissed it gently several times. Harry's ass and hole were surrounded with dark hair. Jack flicked out his tongue and began to lick his Dad's ass hole. He coated the hairs with his spit and then focused on the center rosebud. He licked it, flattened his tongue, slowly drug it across once, twice, and then again. He looked at it. It glistened pink in his saliva. He kissed the pucker again and watched as the ass lips slowly began to engorge. Jack brought his mouth to his Dad's hole, covering the lips with his mouth, sucked in, sliding his tongue around the thickening lips and opening. Jack's tongue pointed as he drove it up into Harry's shit hole. He pushed and prodded his tongue, feeling Harry's chute relax and begin to open. He licked his tongue again and again over the opening, feeling the ass lips continue to fatten and open.

"Boy, here are some poppers. You should take a hit because your about to get your first feeding from your Father. I want you to tongue it and suck it as it slides out. Think of it as a nice, thick brown cock sticking out of my asshole. Make love to it, boy. And then, you bite it off, chew it up and swallow it down. When you're finished with the first one, I'll give you another. Hear me, son?"

Jack paused and answered, "Yes, Sir." He then reached for the poppers Harry handed him. He unscrewed the cap, held the brown bottle to first one nostril and then the other. He inhaled and felt the euphoria move through his body, mixing with the deadening effects of the alcohol. Jack's head swam as he opened his mouth and flicked his tongue across Harry's ass hole. He felt it. Shit. Jack slid his tongue over the opening again and felt the thick log emerging from his Dad's ass. He opened his mouth wide, watching it snake down out of the ass in front of his face and into his open mouth. He closed his lips around it and began to suck up and down on the thick, brown turd hanging from Harry's hole. He swirled his tongue around it, moved his mouth up and down just like sucking on a big, brown cock. He sucked and then he felt the piece break off and fall into his mouth. He closed his mouth and began to suck and chew his father's shit. He felt the shit against his tongue, his teeth, tasting his father's insides. He swallowed. He felt himself gag, swallowed again. Then again. He chewed the rest and swallowed that. He opened his mouth and exhaled a pant and gasp for air.

"Good boy, Jack," praised his Dad, reaching down and patting Jack's belly. "Here's some more for you."

Harry pushed another large log out of his ass hole and into Jack's open mouth. Again, Jack caught the piece of shit and sucked on it, letting it fill his mouth, snake down his throat. He swallowed and a piece broke free and slid down into his stomach. Jack continued to suck in the shit tubing out of Harry's ass. Finally, the shit broke and fell into Jack's full mouth. He chewed, swallowed, chewed more, and swallowed more. He could feel his stomach filling with his Dad's waste.

"Very good, son, now lick Daddy's hole clean."

Jack chewed and swallowed the last bite and the pushed out his tongue to lick Harry's asshole clean of any remaining shit. Over and over he slid his tongue, sucking loose small pieces from the hair lining Harry's asshole. Finished, Jack let his head fall back onto the floor. He gasped for breath, feeling his full stomach, tasting his Dad's shit in his mouth.

"Very good, boy, very good. We're going to get along just fine. I think you should get out of that room you're leasing and move in here with me, boy. Let Daddy take care of you and have you take care of me."

"Oh, Dad, I would like that," replied Jack from beneath the rim chair. "I really would."

Harry stood up, lifted the rim chair and looked down at his sun, lying on the floor, face coated in brown. He smiled.

"Get up on the bed, boy. It's time your Dad claimed that ass."

Jack lifted himself up off the floor, stood and then moved towards the bed. He lay on his back as Harry instructed, spreading his legs open. Harry crawled onto the bed between Jack's legs. He reached forward and grabbed a loose piece of shit from Jack's chin. He rubbed it over his cock hard cock head and then told Jack to lift his legs.

"Open up for me, baby. Let Daddy inside you."

Jack lifted his legs, relaxed his sphincter muscle and felt his father push his cock head against the opening and then burst through. Jack had been fucked often before but this time was different. His breath caught in his throat as he felt his father slide his cock all the way up his ass, slamming his balls against his butt cheeks. Harry held Jack's legs in his hands and began to fuck him with hard, quick thrusts. He slammed in and out of Jack's asshole, feeling his boy's muscles relax and then tighten around him. They found a rhythm, Jack opening and clamping down, Harry sliding his cock in and out. Jack suddenly couldn't take it any longer. His long time engorged cock pulsed and shot first one then a second rope of cum into the air and onto his bare stomach. At the same time, Harry groaned, tightened slightly and unleashed his own load of cum into his son's ass. As each continued to shoot and drain their ball sacks, they stared into each other's eyes.

Jack slowed his breathing, feeling the orgasm smooth over him. He watched as Harry dipped his fingers down into the cum pooling on his stomach. He lifted the cum covered fingers to Jack's mouth. Jack opened his mouth and sucked Harry's fingers clean, never taking his eyes away from his father's own eyes. Then Jack felt a warmth and fullness in his asshole. He realized Harry was filling him with another round of piss.

"You're bred now with my own seed, son, and now take my piss up there as well."

Harry emptied his bladder into Jack's asshole, filling it with his hot liquid. Finished, he pulled out and sat backwards, letting Jack's legs fall back down to the bed. They both panted, starring at each other.

"Thank you, Dad," gasped Jack.

"Oh, thank you, son. We're going to be a very happy family here."

Harry scooted off the bed and walked over to the dresser. He opened a drawer and pulled out a something Jack couldn't see. Harry closed the drawer, turned and came back to the bed. Jack saw that his Dad was holding a diaper in his hands.

"You're going to wear this tonight, baby boy, in case you have an accident. I want you to keep Daddy's piss inside until tomorrow morning. Now, scoot down here further and lift up your legs so Daddy can diaper you.

Jack slid down towards the bottom of the bed. Face red in embarrassment, he raised his legs and his hips off the bed so that Harry could position the diaper beneath him. He lowered his legs once the diaper was in place. Harry pulled the front across Jack's cock and balls and fastened first one side in place and then the other. He looked at Jack and smiled.

"Nice, boy. Don't forget your place now. You're my boy."

"Yes, Dad, I am, and I will never forget it," quickly replied Jack.

"Good boy. Now, let's scoot under these covers and get some sleep."

Harry pulled back the covers and had Jack crawl beneath them. He crawled in next to his son, and cradled him in his arms.

"Suck on my nipples, son. Dad likes that."

Jack settled his head in the crook of his Dad's arm and turned his head to suck on his Dad' thick nipple. He sucked it slowly into his mouth, nursing on it as he felt the exhaustion of the fucking, the sex, the orgasm and booze take over his body.

"God, I'm going to hate my head in the morning," he thought. "But I'm sure glad about meeting Daddy."

Jack closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Jack blinked open his eyes, moved around, stretched, and then felt the pounding in his head.

"Oh, man," he thought to himself. "Where am I? What happened?"

Slowly, Jack brought himself out of the stupor, again stretched and slid his hand down beneath the covers along his chest only to feel smooth skin where hair had been last night. Jack's eyes opened wide with the realization his body was shaved smooth. He felt something around his waist. Looking under the covers he saw his shaved body and below that a superhero diaper fastened around him. Jack's eyes rolled open and back as he dropped his head back onto the pillow. He closed his eyes and began to remember the details of the night before.

"It wasn't a dream after all," he thought to himself and then smiled.

Next: Chapter 2

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