Meeting Love

By HeatherRose Linda

Published on Feb 7, 2006


Disclaimer: The following story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. I am just a fan with what I hope is a good imagination.

If you have suggestions or thoughts, let me know.

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Chapter 19

We stood there, staring at each other. We were both a little nervous, neither one ready to make the first move. Lance started to move his right hand, but quickly pulled it back to his body. I went to take a step, but again could not do it.

"This is silly. Why are we so nervous? It's not like this is our first time being together," Lance said.

"You're right. We are being silly."

Together we walked towards one another. Meeting in the middle of the room, Lance placed his hands around my torso, pulled himself close to me, and rested his head on my chest. I put my arms around him and gave him a quick squeeze. His lips were surrounding my nipple, and his tongue was flicking my nipple ring. I moved my head down to where his shoulder met his neck and started sucking at that ridge. The more he played with my nipple the harder my cock got.

"Ry, I think we need to move this to the bedroom."

I stopped sucking so that I could nod my head, yes. Together we walked to the bedroom, where I had everything ready for us.

"Oh Ry, this is so beautiful, I love the rose petals. And I see that you have some new toys for us to play with," he said grinning.

"I thought you would enjoy it."

We had only recently started experimenting with toys. We had started with a vibrator that I've had forever, but we were both interested in expanding our horizons.

"Lay down on your stomach," I said.

I grabbed a bottle of massage oil, and started to massage Lance's shoulders. I slowly worked my way down to his thighs, then back up to his ass. When I finished the massage, I took some medium sized anal beads out of the box. Mike had already made sure everything was out of its packaging, ready to use. I grabbed a bottle of Wet and I worked at lubing Lance's hole. I then did the same to the beads. I inserted them slowly into Lance and once they were fully in, I pushed him to flip over. I then starting working his dick, first with my hand and then my mouth. Lance just kept groaning. I brought him almost to orgasm, but pulled off just in time. I then pushed his cock all the way into my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed, and started to pull the anal beads out. Between both stimulations Lance started to cum. I pulled back a little, so I could taste his cum and swallowed.

"Jamie, I love you so much," I said as I pulled myself up next to him.

His tongue darted out and licked up some of his cum that I had missed.

"I love you too Ry, the things you can do to me. . . God. I am so worn out, but I want to make you feel good too."

"It's okay, why don't we rest for a bit, and then we can play some more."

"If that's what you want."

"It is. Right now I just want you to curl up in my arms and sleep."

Lance did exactly what I had asked, and we fell asleep. Many times that night we would wake and make love. That first night as a married couple was all about exploration.

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was after eleven in the morning. I turned around and watched Lance sleeping. He is so beautiful; the late morning sun was making his hair glow. He looked like the angel he is. My stomach started grumbling, so I decided to get out of bed and order room service. I got a fruit platter for myself, and figuring that Lance would probably wake up soon, I also ordered French toast and a pot of coffee. I didn't want to take a shower and accidentally wake up Lance, so I just brushed my teeth. Taking advantage of the quiet time, I set up my laptop and signed into my blog. It had been a long time since I had updated it, actually the last time I logged in was the day that my life changed, the day I met Lance.

'Hey readers. Sorry I've left you out of the loop for so long. Things have changed dramatically in my life. Last you heard I was finally going to meet James, my online friend. Well, not only did I meet him, but we fell in love and after a whirlwind romance better than any romance novel you could ever read, we got married yesterday afternoon. I love James with all my heart, and he feels the same about me. We had a beautiful ceremony in a gazebo by the water, and a party that totally rocked. Only our immediate families and closest friends were there. I liked the fact that we kept it low key. Who needs all that hoop-la? Even though I had asked for no presents, my best friends still got me stuff. Apparently James got a few presents from them too, because we now have the same silk boxers with matching robes in two different colors.

'I want to apologize to those of you who have sent me e-mails. I have been lax in replying. I have been focusing so much on getting the wedding together that I haven't been paying attention to the outside world. Just ask Bora (aka misstk); she'll tell you how awful I've been at work. I promise that I'll respond to everyone soon.'

I logged out of the blog and started checking my e-mail when I heard a knock at the door. I got up, threw on my robe and answered the door. It was the room service attendant, with breakfast. I signed the check and brought the food to the dining table. I heard some movement in the bedroom, Lance was awake.

"Good Morning Angel, ready for breakfast?" I called out.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second, just need to wash up."


A few moments later Lance walked into the main room of the suite with nothing on. I immediately thought about all the things we did the night before, and my dick got hard.

"Um, Jamie, unless you put something on, and soon, we are not going to be eating breakfast."

He walked towards me and started playing with the waistband of my boxers. His lips brushed my shoulder and danced all over my chest, finally resting on mine. His tongue pushed its way through my lips and wrestled with my own.

When we finally broke apart, Lance said with a smirk, "Who says that I want food for breakfast?"

"Well I don't know about you, but I need sustenance after last night. I am starving."

"I'm hungry too, but I just want you so bad. Now that I have you, I can't get enough."

"Jamie, you're getting a little too corny. Go put on something, and let's eat breakfast. I have plans for this afternoon."

I walked over to the table and sat down.

"Oh, do you now?" Lance said following me.


"Planning on sharing?" He asked as he placed his arms around my shoulders and leaned in to kiss me.



"No, now go put at least some boxers on. I want to eat, then we'll shower and get dressed to go out."

"Well as long as we get to shower together."

"Jamie, go."

"I'm going, I'm going." He said moving towards the bedroom. "Damn my husband is cranky this morning," he continued under his breath.

"I heard that, and I am not cranky. I'm just anxious to be with out with my husband."

Lance was just about to walk into the bedroom when he turned around quickly.

"Out?" he asked in a small voice.

I ran over to him and enveloped him in a hug.

"I just meant being outside, not coming out. You don't need to worry about that."

"But Ry, I do want to be out, I'm just nervous. And with us having a marriage license. . ." he started to cry.

"Jamie, angel, it is like I told you before, the people that care about you know, and they are all that matter. The press will undoubtedly uncover the story, but we will deal with it if and when they do. I am not ashamed of loving you, and you are not ashamed of loving me. If some people don't like that we are both male, then that is their problem." I paused, and lifted his head to look into his eyes. "I love you with all my heart and soul. I am committed to you for the rest of our lives. I will stand by you no matter what happens."

"Ry, I love you too. I just wish things weren't so complicated."

"They are only as complicated as you make them be. We will overcome any roadblocks. I promise you."

"Okay, I'm okay. I'm just going to go throw on some shorts, and then we'll eat. Thanks for ordering my favorite."

He pecked me lightly on the cheek and walked into the bedroom. I know that he is not completely okay, but he will be in time. I just hope that we will have some time to ourselves before we get discovered.

We finally ate breakfast. Although Lance's had gotten a little cool, he ate it with gusto. We took a nice long shower together, but did not do anything other than cleanse our bodies. We were both a little sore and worn out from the previous night. After we got dressed, we packed up our stuff and checked out of the hotel.

I was surprised that none of our friends had stuck around to harass us about our wedding night. I guess some people are more mature than I gave them credit for. Lance and I packed up the Durango, which I still haven't figured out what to do with considering I have a brand new Range Rover sitting in my driveway.

I was driving towards the highway when I said, "We're going to make a quick stop at home, and then we are going out."

"Are you going to tell me what we are doing?"

"I'm thinking about it," I said smiling.

"Well think harder, and make a decision already. I'm nervous knowing that you hold all the cards."

I was a little surprised at that statement.

"Well it's not like you have to go or anything. I just thought that you would enjoy hanging out with me. We haven't had a lot of time to spend in the same place you know."

"Oh, Ry, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm just anxious and a little nervous. You understand don't you?"

"Jamie, be serious, of course I do. I was just a little taken aback by your statement."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it that way. I'm just really curious."

"I know you are. You'll see soon enough, I want to surprise you. You have given me so many great surprises lately."

"Okay, I'll chill. I'm just going to turn on the radio, and sing along while we drive home."

I turned to him. "Is that supposed to be threatening? I love the way you sing."

"You won't when I try to hit high notes," he said smirking. Oh that adorable face, I just had to kiss him. I leaned over while still going seventy on the highway, and gave him a quick peck.

Of course the first song that was on the radio was beneficial to me, it was Al Green's "I'm so Tired of Being Alone."

"No fair," Lance screamed. It just happened to be one of the songs he sang during the movie he was in "On the Line."

"I know you know this one."

"Yeah, I do, that's why it's not fair. I can actually sing this one in my range."

"I guess luck is on my side today love."

"I guess it is. I'm so happy that the words don't apply to me anymore."

"Me too." I pulled into our driveway. "Let's bring the stuff in the house, and then we'll head out."

"Okay sweetie."

We brought our suitcases into the house and I threw a wash into the machine. Lance put our presents in their proper places, taking care to hide our new toys.

"You ready hun?" I called from the laundry room.

"Yup, just waiting for you."

"I'll be there in a second. Are you wearing comfortable shoes?" I asked as I walked up from the basement and down the hallway.

"Yeah, I have my Doc's on. Are we going to be doing a lot of walking?"

"Yup. Button up, and make sure you have your hat and gloves."

"I guess this means we're going to be outside."

"We are." I put on my parka, gloves and hat, and made sure I had my camera. "You are finally going to take the T and we are going to explore Boston, we are playing tourist."

"No way, that is totally cool."

"I thought you'd like it. Hopefully we'll be relatively safe from the public. I mean it's not like we're in New York or LA, and you aren't Justin."

He smacked my shoulder. "I should withhold sex or something for that comment."

"Sweetheart, you wouldn't do that, because then you'd suffer just as much as me."

"You're right."

"Let's go. Time's a wasting."

Together they walked the three blocks to the T, and waited for a train to take them to downtown Boston. Lance was thrilled that he could finally be just like everyone else. He really didn't need to worry about being spotted. True, their big reunion tour was a huge success, but just like I had said he wasn't the most popular one, and we weren't in a place where there are tons of groupies always looking to find celebrities.

"This is so cool," he said when we got onto the packed subway.

"Sweetie, I said we could play tourist, not be tourists."

"I know, but this is my first time. I have a right to be excited."

"You have a right to be excited if you could find a seat."

"Stop being so negative. This was your idea."

"You're right, I'm sorry Jamie." I wanted to kiss him, but I was afraid to in public. But Lance being who he is was totally willing to kiss me in public, with his newfound courage in being out. His lips brushed mine in the softest caress, before he pushed them hard against mine. We kissed for a few minutes when a little girl came up to us and tugged on Lance's coat sleeve.

"Are you Lance from 'NSYNC?"

Oh shit, here it comes. What are we going to do, being outed by a child. Forget the media, forget the older fans, this girl couldn't have been more than five.

"Yes I am, are you a fan?"

"Yes, I love your CD's. Why were you kissing that man?"

Where are this little girl's parents? Didn't they ever teach her not to talk to strangers?

"That man is my husband. Do you know what that is?" Lance asked.

"My daddies are husbands." Thank god, this girl has gay parents. That makes things a little easier.

"Are your daddies here?"

I looked up and saw a couple holding hands looking down at the girl. They both had huge grins on their faces.

"Yup, that is my daddy," she said pointing to the man on the left with dark hair, "and that is my papa," pointing to the man on the right, who had blonde hair.

The man on the left spoke first, "I'm sorry if she's bothering you. She just loves 'NSYNC."

"It's not a problem; I always love to meet our fans."

"Is it true?" the man on the right asked.

"Yeah, we got married yesterday," I said.

"Oh, wow. We shouldn't be disturbing you on your honeymoon then," said the blonde.

"No worries. Like I said, we always like to meet fans. Sweetie," Lance said to the little girl, "would you like an autograph?"

"Can I really have one? That would be wicked cool."

"Actually, all the guys are here in town, if you give me a way to send it to you, I'd be happy to get something to you from all of us," Lance said.


"Honey, that's not nice," the dark haired one said. "By the way, I'm Kyle Olsen and this is my husband Scott and our daughter Ally."

"It's very nice to meet you all," Lance said. "Obviously, I'm Lance and this is my husband HeathRiley."

"HeathRiley? Do you work at that hotel on Long Avenue?" Scott asked.

"Uh, yeah I do," I said.

"There couldn't be more than one person in this world with that name. I'm one of your direct bill accounts. I work in the student activities department for Fisch University."

"No way, you're that Scott Olsen? We talk every week. It's great to finally meet you in person. How come you never come to the key client party?"

"It's always on a night that Kyle or I have class, we're both working on our masters. Someone has to stay at home with Ally."

We continued to talk shop, while Lance and Kyle started up a conversation. When I heard the announcement for Park Street, I told Lance that we were getting off at the next stop.

"We are too," said Kyle. "Where are you headed?"

"I was thinking of walking up to the State House, and then down to Filene's Basement."

"Sounds like fun," Scott said. "We're doing a little shopping ourselves, and then heading to Durgin Park for lunch."

"I love Durgin Park, their ribs are the best," I said. "That's where I was planning on taking Jamie for lunch."

"Why don't you join us? As long as you don't mind having lunch with a five year old," Scott said. "It would be our treat, a wedding present."

Lance looked at me hopefully, I nodded my head yes. "You don't have to do that, but we'd love to have lunch with you," Lance said.

We made plans to meet at the restaurant at one o'clock. I took the time that we had before hand to show Lance some of the sights in the area, making sure to have lots of time for shopping. Lance and I also made a few phone calls. We invited the guys of 'NSYNC to meet us for lunch, and called the restaurant to reserve a table.

Lance was absolutely amazed at Filene's Basement. I went a little overboard shopping, but at those prices who wouldn't. I got some new stuff for work, clothes for all my nieces and nephew, including my newest niece Leyton. Lance also got a lot of stuff, including a pair of matching suitcases to carry everything in.

We met back up with the Olsen family for lunch.

Next: Chapter 20: Joey and Drew 1

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