Milo and Other Grains

By Ben Joseph

Published on Aug 8, 2011


To all that have been following this story I apologize for the lateness of this chapter, life's been good, but incredibly hectic.

Thank you to all those that have emailed me, your words of encouragement have been overwhelming. Always feel free to contact me at to comment or what not.

This story is fictional, if your not supposed to read this story then don't. Author retains the rights for further distribution of story.

Part 6

"Milo, time to get up," Grandpa awakens me. It's Saturday.

"What Grandpa? It's Saturday I'm off the clock."

"I know I was just wondering if you wanted any of these pancakes before I feed them to the pigs."

I jump out of bed at the word pancakes, and maybe a little because I'm going to hang out with Glen today. I make my way downstairs and devour at least six pancakes and then I clean up the kitchen. I take my time washing the dishes and stand there thinking to myself.

Grandpa is outside and I make my way to the screen door to see what he is doing. He looks up to the sky and seems to curse at it while throwing his hands up in the air. Then he sinks to his knees shaking as he pours his hands in the sandy red soil. I go back upstairs and try to get ready. I step into the shower and try to keep it all together but after seeing my grandpa like that my heartbreaks for him and for myself. No matter how many times I try to rationalize it or try to focus on the present, she is always there. I can't let her go, it's impossible.

I head downstairs and Grandpa comes inside and sits reading the paper. I'm watching the twenty four hour news cycle with a perverse apathy waiting for Glen to show up. I finally hear his truck pull up. I jump up and so does Grandpa.

"What's Glen doing here, its Saturday?" Grandpa states while peering narrow eyed out the window.

"Oh we're hanging out today, didn't I tell you that?"

"No, you didn't but go ahead, I got the farm handled," "And when are you going to be back,"

"Well I was thinking I could stay at Glen's house tonight, I half state and ask."

My Grandpa chuckles, and gets up to go to the kitchen, "Well I guess, just don't get into any trouble,"

I state, "I know Grandpa," and I run out to greet Glen before he gets to the porch.

"Hey Glen, let's ride cowboy."

"Okay, just let me say hi to Gramps." He turns to head for the house and I grab his arm.

"No need. Besides Gramps isn't in a good mood." That's not the case but I know that if we go back inside Glen will have a forty five minute conversation that will turn into lunch and the rest of the afternoon hanging around the farm.

"Alright, let's get going."

I climb in Glen's truck and we start down the road.

I ask, "So what are we going to be up to today?"

"I don't know I thought we could head over to Lacey's house, I have to meet up with her brother for a hot second."

"What?" I respond while tilting my head, I have no idea what the fuck a "hot second" means, and am thinking that it will probably last for more than a second. Going over to Lacey's house has always turned into an ordeal for me. The first time I went over to her house was with Stacy. It was two months ago, we were getting some wine coolers for her, so she could celebrate her 16th birthday. It took two hours before Lacey's brother returned from the store, and he came back with a half bottle of vodka, three mike's hard lemonades and four budlights. I don't think he came from any store, more like he sojourned into his aunt's trailer and rummaged around the refrigerator for whatever he could find. But what the hell we got pretty fucked up and all was good. The second time I went to Lacey's house was with Atticus. He got obliterated and I spent the night. I got into a shitload of trouble for not telling my mom where I was or when I would get back, but that's all in the past. So now I'm thinking, is the third time the charm?

Glen asks, "You don't mind do you?"

"No, of course not," and we continue on our journey. We eventually pull into her driveway and walk in. The house is conspicuously devoid of furniture.

"Hey Lacey what's up?" as soon as I say this she runs up to me.

"Milo, I love you," "Oh my Gawd." She hugs me and pulls a bean bag chair into her kitchen, apparently the seat of honor. "So Milo, I have been waiting for you, I know things have obviously been psychotic for you, sit down and have a drink."

I sit, and Lacey is making me a shot.

"Okay, so what's up Lacey?"

"Don't ask, my mom's in Mexico I have this house to myself and I have been out of my mind for the past month. And the fucking hat kids have been driving me insane," She states that last sentence with this speech like quality trying to make it reverberate through the walls, and her statement seems to work, four guys in the grade above me and the grade below Lacey come from upstairs racing through the kitchen and head outside.

"So I guess those were the "hat kids.""

"Yes," "I don't know how the fuck they get in here, but it's like I'm running a fucking youth hostel in this house sometimes."

"Shit, Lacey, why don't you just lock the door." I state and smile.

"Yeah, I wish it was that easy, they would probably just find their way in through the windows, no need to place barriers in the way of inevitability."

I laugh, "And why do you call them the "hat kids?"

Lacey laughs and states, "You know I really don't know, I think they all used to wear those beanie caps and the name just stuck." Glen leaves the room muttering about how he has to go somewhere for a minute. I ask Lacey, "So, when are we going to ditch these losers and move on to greatness?"

Lacey laughs and responds, "Ha, so you presume we become great. I like your style betch." "I personally surmise we never are great, we only hold what is fast at hand and then we act our part."

I state, "True, true, what are you?" And why haven't I had more conversations with you?"

Lacey laughs and offers me another shot. I take it and we walk outside. "Milo, I really don't know what you and Glen had planned but you guys should hang out here tonight"

"Yeah sounds like fun, Glen's my ride so he's the one you have to convince not me" Lacey and I head to her backyard and attempt to start a fire.

"Here, set the wood like a teepee, this was how my brother taught me," Lacey is trying to rearrange the half burnt wood and we are collecting empty beer boxes to try to get this thing going.

I ask, "So, Lacey, where is all your furniture,"

"Ah, that's a long story,"

"Well I think we have all night, so start from the top." I sit down on the grass while Lacey is still messing with the fire, she places more boxes in the fire which seem to burn hot but not set any kind of sustainable blaze.

Lacey gives up on the fire and then sits next to me, "well things are kind of fucked up for me, my mom is trying to half ass sell this house, her job has her down in Mexico, she's trying to refit a factory down there to make plastic parts for air conditioners. She works for Progressive plastics, the factory off I-44, they're gonna move their operations down to Mexico and it's her job to make the transition smooth, and then she'll move down there permanently as assistant plant manager."

"So what, she's selling her furniture for the move?" I ask.

"Not exactly, my brother keeps taking my mom's furniture to my dad's house. They aren't together anymore, my dad works at that same factory and he is pretty salty about not having a job soon, so he's using my brother as some kind of proxy to exact revenge on my mom because of her willingness to take American jobs ... and... well, why am I telling you all this?"

"Drama, Lacey" "wow, that's a lot to take in."

Lacey laughs, "what is it about you, Milo, I feel like I can tell you anything, yet I really don't know anything about you." We sit in silence for a minute and then Lacey gets up to get us another shot, and she comes back with a bottle.

"So Milo, I know things have to be hard for you and your grandpa, I want to let you know how much your mom meant to me. I had her as teacher and I would always go to her for advice. I had her when my parents were getting a divorce, I hated both my mom and dad, I refused to talk to them about anything, I would go to your mom and cry my eyes out, and she would just sit there and stroke my hair and tell me that it would eventually be okay. I never forgot that. Your mom was always there for me when I needed her. "

I don't say anything I just sit and listen, about to cry at one point and smiling at the next, I love that my mom influenced so many people, I keep hearing little stories here and there about my mom helping someone out. I don't say anything for awhile and Lacey gets a concerned look on her face, "Oh god Milo, I'm sorry, I don't mean to get you down, I shouldn't have said anything,"

I interrupt her apology, "Lacey, it's alright, I love when I hear stories about my mom like that. I mean I miss her like crazy and if I dwell on her being gone I'm a total wreck, but it's kind of like when I hear from people who she influenced, it's like a little piece of her comes back to me"

"Oh thank god, I would hate to be the bitch that ruins the party being a downer, but I know it must be hard,"

"Yes,yes it is" I state.

"Well okay then, I am going to pour us a shot and put some music on,"

I watch her scurrying around plugging an old radio into an extension cord running into her house and then ask her, "Lacey, I think I can trust you, right?"

She responds, "woo, I hope, I just told you my life story, I hope you can trust me."

"Lacey, do you know if Glen is gay?" She gives me a blank stare, and then tilts her head, "Why do you want to know?"

"Lacey, don't act like you don't know, I'm gay, this town isn't that good at keeping secrets, I just want to know if I have a chance, I know Glen hangs around here, I know you two are pretty good friends, what's his deal?"

Lacey pauses and looks at the ground, "I can't believe I'm actually going to tell you this Milo, really, I have never told anyone this. Fuck," she pauses again, "Alright, I don't know if Glen is gay, we're young, and things happen, and people experiment."

"Okay, So . . ."

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying this," "I had a party about a year ago, it was late, I mean really late, and everyone was drunk and passed out, I got up and had to use the bathroom, I was walking through the hallway and I saw Glen, and he was sorta engaged in something . . . he was giving head to one of my brother's friends." " I don't want to say he's gay per se, I mean that could just mean he's open to experiences."

"Really, oh my god, I knew it," I state with satisfaction.

"Milo, okay, you can't say anything!" "I can't believe I just told you that, fuck" "Glen is an awesome guy, you can't tell anyone." "His family ain't like yours, his dad is a huge prick, promise me you won't say anything," Lacey looks at me pleadingly.

"Lacey, I would never do that," I think to myself about the possibilities with me and Glen, fuck this is the best news I've gotten in weeks. I should have known, I should have been more perceptive. Glen is perfect. I know that Stacy told me he was gay, but Stacy says that about everybody. Now I have some kind of first person proof.

Lacey seems distraught, her face becomes pale, and she turns to me, "Milo, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Lacey, you have nothing to worry about; I would never want to hurt Glen ever."

Her demeanor softens and she offers me another shot as the sun begins to set. The fire pit begins to glow and the wood begins to crackle with no effort on our part. We hear two car doors slam and me and Lacey get up to greet whoever is arriving. I walk around the house and up the driveway; Glen is approaching us along with Lacey's older brother.

"Hey, Glen, where in the hell did you go" I ask jokingly.

"I was out procuring this," Glen states while showing me a half drunk bottle of Jim Beam.

"My god you and Atticus must think alike, you both drink Jim Beam," I state, kind of wishing that I wouldn't have even bought up Atticus at all, but Glen doesn't seem fazed.

Glen kind of smirks and says, "Yeah, me and Atticus definitely had a few swings at drinking Jim Beam til the early morning hours around here, Lacey knows."

Lacey gives us this sour look and says, "Yes I do know, I thought I'd be too drunk to remember, but every time I see a bottle of that stuff I still think of me hugging a toilet," "Never again, I wasn't built for whiskey."

Lacey's brother says, "See ya'll later I gotta get to Jesse's house." And he leaves.

Lacey, me and Glen sit by the fire and bullshit a little only to be interrupted by the hat kids. They are so insane and so full of energy. They greet Lacey and Glen but look at me indifferently. Lacey introduces us even though I know their names and presumably they know mine. "Milo, this is Seth, Mitchell, Grayson and Toby," They all give there perfunctory, "what's up," and they offer us a joint to smoke, maybe some kind of payment to Lacey for the use of her house. Lacey lights it up and I look to Glen. I don't know if this is the reason he stated I shouldn't hang out with Atticus, so I wait and see his reaction. He takes the joint from Lacey and starts smoking and then he passes it to me. Wow I didn't know Glen smokes. I take the joint and try to smoke it coughing like crazy, like I always do, and Lacey and Glen are chuckling at me like I'm the newbie.

We sit around the fire, just staring into it and passing the joint around, mostly in silence and then Glen interrupts, "So what are we going to do tonight?"

Lacey sort of scratches her head and says that most of her friends are at some kind of party in Dunaway, the next town over, so she hasn't got any plans. And Glen's eyes brighten up, "Hey let's go to Indigo lake,"

Lacey gets this huge smile, "Fuck yeah, I haven't been there all summer."

They both look at me, "Hey, I have no idea where in the fuck Indigo lake is." I state, and that seems to get them more excited.

"What," They say in unison.

Lacey is rolling her eyes and she asks me with shock, "What, you've never been to Indigo lake? I can't believe you've never been to Indigo lake"

They keep saying Indigo lake, like the more times I hear it, It'll somehow refresh my memory. "No, I have never even heard about it.

Glen smiles and looks to Lacey, "Well I guess we don't have much of a choice then,"

Lacey runs inside her house and Glen starts jumping around like a madman still shocked that I haven't been to this place let alone heard about it, and he's going insane while detailing how much fun we're going to have.

Lacey reemerges wearing her bathing suit and carrying a beach bag, she takes Glen's bottle of Jim Beam and puts it in her bag, then she proceeds to tell us everything she brought, going over some kind of mental list she must have for herself. "Okay, I brought two flashlights, my bottle of tequila, two limes, a knife, my salt shaker, three towels, three shot glasses, some mosquito repellant, three joints from the hat kids, and my cell phone. That's everything, right?"

Glen laughs and states, "That's more than I would have remembered, get on in my truck, I think we're ready."

Lacey runs ahead and I turn to Glen, "I don't have anything to swim in,"

Glen laughs, "That's alright, just swim in your underwear,"

I sheepishly look at him and state, "I'm not wearing any,"

Glen sort of blushes and says, "I guess we're skinny dipping then,"

We all barrel in Glen's truck and head down the road, after about ten minutes I ask, "so where is this place,"

"Like a mile or two," they both state. After five more miles they start to tell me in whispers to be quiet, Glen turns his lights off and we slowly roll into a small trailer park. They keep shushing me, but I think it's ridiculous considering the rumbling of Glen's truck engine. Finally we park and we slowly get out of the truck and start walking, at first on a trail, and then on a railroad track all the while with me asking questions and Glen and Lacey trying to keep me quiet. We get to a trail up a slight hill and Glen first grabs Lacey's hand and helps her up and then he reaches down and I outstretch my arm. I grab his hand and I swear I can feel his heartbeat, the whole night stops in my head. I look at him in the dark, I see his shadowy outline and he says to me, "Here, I've got you," he lifts me up and I finally see it, Indigo lake. The half moon dimly lights this hidden paradise. Lacey is already racing towards the water and she jumps in.

Glen leads me closer, his smile is amazing. "Come on jump in," he states while stripping off all of his clothes. His back is facing me and the last thing I see is him taking his boxers off and his glowing white ass as he jumps in the dark purple water. I follow his lead and begin stripping and then I jump in. The water feels amazing; it's incredibly warm and surprisingly clear.

Lacey is splashing around and swimming in circles, she is splashing around and laughing her ass off, "see Milo, this place is fucking awesome,"

I start swimming towards Lacey and I respond, "Yes, Lacey this place is pretty amazing, and how didn't I know about it,"

She just laughs and continues swimming, "Well now that you know about this place we can come back here all the time," After swimming for awhile, Lacey heads to the shore and gets out here personal bar from her beach bag and makes three shots of her tequila, "Come on boys come get these shots,"

Glen starts to swim to the shore, but I stop him, "Fuck that Lacey we're naked, I'm not getting out of this water until you throw that bathing suit off,"

Lacey laughs, "Fuck you . . . well, I'm a lot of things but one thing I'm not, is scared." Lacey immediately takes her swimsuit off and me and Glen swim toward Lacey. I watch Glen first swim to the shore, I'm behind him, I see his strong shoulders surface, streaming off the water that then slowly trails down his back in the moonlight, and next I see that pale white ass of his treading further onto land, his muscular legs rhythmically pulsing, advancing toward Lacey, And I am way too hard to get out of the water. "Come on Milo," Lacey is beckoning me to join them. I swim around some more and finally manage to stop thinking about a naked Glen and I step on shore and sit next to Lacey who gives me a shot and then another and passes me a joint, I'm thinking to myself, fuck, she really knows how to party, and if I want to be alive tomorrow I better slow down. Glen must be thinking the same thing because he starts refusing the shots too. I impress myself by not looking at Glen, I know if I do I'll have a raging hard on, so I just sort of look out towards the lake. We all jump back into the water but now we just wade near the shore. It really is absolutely amazing out here. We all look up at the sky and Glen starts to point out the stars and constellations.

"Look right there guys, its Orion,"

I try to see where he is pointing, "Where is it?" Glen swims closer and points to the sky, "Right there," he has his arm in front of me and his shoulder touches the side of my face. Fuck, I'm even getting hard because of that, I am way too horny for my own good. Soon Glen is rifling through more constellations and stars, "That's the seven sisters right over there; it's that little faded cluster of stars,"

I look at Glen and ask with shock, "Glen how do you know all this? The only star I know is the North Star" I point up to the brightest object in the sky, and Glen starts to laugh,

"Actually that's mars,"

"Dammit, I really don't know anything about the night sky; I just like looking up at it."

Glen smiles and states, "Well, that's all you really need to know, back when my Grandma used to live with us, we used to go outside for hours and look up at the stars, she'd ask me about what I thought the stars looked like. I'd make up my own constellations and name `em and afterwards she'd tell me what they really was." Glen has a look of joy and sadness on his face and my heart breaks for him, I must get that same look when I think about my mom. That kind of joy, reliving all the times we had in my mind, and being hit with the pain of knowing that I'd never get to feel that same way again.

It must only be around midnight but Lacey looks like she isn't going to make it for much longer, she's back on the shore smoking a cigarette and her head keeps bobbing up and down as she's fighting her body to keep awake and finally she curls up into her towel while using another for a pillow and then she's out like a light. Glen calls out for her but all we hear is some indistinct moaning.

Glen gets out of the water and retrieves another joint from Lacey's bag while making sure she's okay and then he heads back to the water where I'm wading. I thank god that he doesn't ask me to get out of the water because I'm completely hard again. Glen looks so good in the moonlight with his muscular arms and chest and his ridiculously defined tan line where his waist starts. His pale skin glows and on the way back to the water I try not to look but I can't help myself, his dick looks like it's in a spotlight, it looks half hard swinging back and forth as he walks to the water. He gets in careful to not let the joint or the lighter get wet and he sits down in the swallow part of the lake. I come closer and he lights the joint and we pass it back and forth, me continuing to cough and Glen continuing to laugh and smirk at me. He has to like me at least a little bit. I just don't know how to make the first move though. We finish smoking and Glen throws the lighter back to where Lacey is sleeping and he grabs me and plunges me into the water and then he swims off and I try to keep up but he's swimming really fast, finally he stops and I grab his head and dunk him in the water and then we begin splashing each other like crazy. He dives under the water and I look around wondering what he's up to. Then I hear him surface behind me and before I can turn around he has my arms pinned to my side, I feel his dick graze my ass and then he states, "Okay, no more splashing me or else I'm not going to give you your arms back,"

I'm sort of in a daze, this feels too good, my dick is again hard, but this time it's definitely warranted.

I manage to get free of his grasp and dive into the water, I swim deeper, I feel the warm water transitioning into a cold, dark, subterranean paradise, I linger there, feeling any arousal I have give way to some kind of peace and clarity. I don't really know what's going on, I like Atticus, I've fooled around with him, I thought I was in love with him, and now I'm feeling the same way about Glen. I don't know where this is heading. I open my eyes and see the light of a prism moon. Then I feel the shock of arms winding around me tight and pulling me up towards the bright surface.

"Glen, Glen, I'm alright, gosh," I nearly yell as we surface.

"What the fuck, Milo," Glen has a look of shock, "I thought you were going to drown," "God, don't scare me like that," his face softens a little and I start to laugh, and he gets a sort of smirk. "Man, Milo, that's just fucked up, the last thing I need is you dying on me, I mean fuck, I know I'll be out of job for sure then, and in this economy, shit."

"Oh fuck you Glen, if that's all you'd be worried about then I'm hanging around the wrong people."

Glen laughs and says, "Well I guess I'd miss that cute ass of yours too."

I smile and tell him, "Sure, shut the hell up," and give him a little splash. Then he swims closer and as we tread the water our legs begin grazing past one another and then he puts his hand out and moves my bangs out of my eyes and leans in and kisses me and then immediately begins to swim back to shore. I follow him back to the shallows and I try to grab him and kiss him again but he stops me.

"I'm sorry Milo, I shouldn't of done that."

I'm in kind of shock and then I feel like shit, "What Glen, why not, I really like you, are you going to tell me that that didn't feel right."

Glen looks away from me, and then looks back, "of course that felt right, it's just that, fuck, you're fifteen Milo, and I'm going to be nineteen in three weeks. It just ain't right, fuck it's probably against the law."

"Does it look like I care Glen, I need you, I need this, I'm dying here. Looking at you, knowing how fucking awesome you are, do you know I've had a crush on you since the first day I started working on my Grandpa's farm, and now knowing you're like me. I can't stand not kissing you right now."

Glen grabs me and pulls me into him kissing hard. We're making out and I take me hands and trail them underwater holding onto that white ass, I feel his dick growing on the side of my leg and he is grinding into me and I start to grind into him too. I let go of him and prop myself up on a grassy outcropping near the shore, and Glen joins me, I flip Glen over onto his back begin licking his nuts first and then upward toward the base of his dick and then up his shaft pausing as I meet his head, his breathing gets heavier, I bring his head into my mouth tasting his salty sticky sweet precum. I take him further inside me feeling his dick at the back of my mouth and then I swallow him into my throat, my eyes are closed, my hands explore his chest and stomach, he is breathing even heavier slightly gasping for air now, he tries to retreat and whispers to me that he is about to cum but I continue. He quickly pulls himself out and grabs me, pulling me up toward him and kisses me, then he grabs for my waist, I'm straddling him and he takes hold of my ass and takes me into his mouth, he keeps pulling me into him and I begin to get the idea and I start to thrust in and out of his mouth slowly at first and then faster and faster, I feel as though I can't last much longer and I pull out. We begin making out more holding onto each other. I grab his dick and he grabs mine jerking and humping and kissing and then I explode, my toes curl I grip him harder my whole body constricts and shudders and he cums right after me. We continue kissing and clutching onto one another out of breathe. I roll off of him partially into the shallow water getting my breathing and heart rate back to normal. I stare up at the moon and then I turn to him.

"That was fucking awesome," I say to him.

He has this huge smile on his face and says to me, "Man, Milo I don't know why I waited so long to kiss you, especially when we could have been doing this all summer."

I laugh a little, "Well, we probably would fall a little behind on the work."

Glen reaches over and softly caresses my face and hair, then moves me onto my side and places himself behind me and holds onto me tight while whispering into my ear, "Man, I can't think I ever had a better night then this in my life,"

"I can't think of any better night myself," We lay there forever. Glen is just holding onto me like he never wants to let go and I don't want him to stop. This feels sort of like what I felt with Atticus, but this is deeper. I'm really falling in love. Glen is so sweet, and nice and kind, and I know he'd never hit me.

I jump back in the water and Glen joins me. We swim and intermittingly stop to find one another and kiss. I drape my arms around Glen's shoulders, "So Glen, how do you feel about sneaking around on the farm. If my Grandpa finds you defiling me, he might be pretty angry," I state laughing. I'm just joking around but Glen's face gets a little pale and his eyes widen and he sighs a little and starts to smirk.

"Milo I can't believe we're doing this, I could get into some trouble I think, not only with your grandpa but with the law too. Good thing I can't get ya pregnant," he laughs and grabs a hold of my ass.

"Well I guess we'll just be careful then. If we get the urge then we'll have to jump up into the loft of the barn. Grandpa hasn't climbed that ladder in years."

Glen chuckles and states, "For that plan to work I'm gonna need to gag you so ya don't moan so loud,"

I playfully smack Glen and we splash around for a minutes before heading for the shore. Glen checks Lacey's phone and it's nearly five o'clock in the morning. It's still dark out but it won't be for long. We dry off, gather everything and wake Lacey up after about ten minutes of shaking her and calling her name. We walk to the truck making sure to not make any loud noises. We get to the truck and drive off towards town, Lacey is back asleep and I sit closer to Glen who grabs my leg and squeezes it. We really don't say much to each other on the ride home, we both feel incredibly tired. I fall asleep after swimming even if its noon and I'm sober, so this experience has me straining to keep my eyes open. We get to Lacey's house. Glen carries Lacey inside and we all go to her room sharing her queen sized bed and quickly falling asleep.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed : )

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