Mirror Glass

By Talon James

Published on Sep 8, 2011


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and contains homosexual acts so if you don't like that then don't read it. MORE IMPORTANTLY, this story is one I wrote after being inspired by Comicality's AMAZING story Gone From the Daylight. If you haven't read it i suggest you Do So ASAP. It takes place in his universe I used some of his ideas and characters. I only hope I can do his work of art some justice.

Note: I found myself with all these ideas about what life was like for other characters in that world and a whole bunch of what if situations and I just started writing. This story was intended for The Blood Bank but I cant seem to find it anymore so I'm uploading it here. I have not read any of the stories in The Blood Bank so I don't know if anyone had any of the same thoughts as me.

*In this life friendship is a rarity and love is just a fairytale made for humans. The fact is that all of us are boogie men. I mean look at what we are... blood thirsty monsters."

Mirror Glass 3 : Hunted

At that moment I didn't know what to say because somewhere deep inside I knew he was right. When I was human I thought one of the toughest things to do was make it to work on time, make time for my family and friends, and figure out what I wanted to be "when I grew up". I remember fearing rejection and how scared I was to give my heart away, each time I did I did so on a whim daring myself to make the ultimate leap. But this was a much different world. My time in darkness has taught me that all the problems I thought were problems in my human life were nothing. At least when I was human dating around was easy because being human was easy. I miss the days when it was easy to weed out the bad guy from the good guys. Flaws like selfishness, conceitedness, and arrogance; were easy to pick up on. If a guy just didn't do it for me that was okay because there were plenty more fish in the sea. But now I wish a few select personality flaws were all I had to worry about.

I don't know what it is about us humans and vampires but power doesn't sit well with us. We crave it and as soon as we get it we hold on to it all the while trying to get more. It corrupts us. Power is one thing that can turn an angel into a devil. The worst part is that all the change from human to vampire does is feed that darker part of our nature we always try to resist. When were humans we do everything we can to deny that we are capable of the feats which come so easy to us now as vampires. We would watch the news and hear about horrendous crimes and murders and gasp, thinking how could someone be so malicious? All the while keeping the animal with us all at bay. The truth is the people who sit in their homes shaking their head watching the six o'clock news are no different than the ones committing the crimes. Calling someone else evil doesn't make you any holier, just like wearing clothes and acting civilized doesn't makes you any less of an animal. The point is we are all capable of great evil as humans and as vampires most of us give into that darkness and don't look back. With each dark act we commit we lose a piece of ourselves; our humanity. Its some vampires like myself, last saving grace that we try to hold onto as we stain our souls red with blood.

If Helix was right that at the end of the day we are all monsters than how long could I hold out for? Sure ive killed, I have too in order to stay alive but I only ever hunt the scum on the bottom of the barrel. But is even that okay? Could there come a time when that changes? A time when I kill indiscriminately because if being alone is where it starts then I'm in trouble because I've been alone for sometime... I don't have a family or best friends to watch my back. No, that's not completely true... I had someone I could call a friend once. And now because of me, because I got him involved he's dead. I'm all by myself now and I know I will do anything to survive! I have a purpose, a mission and I'm going to see it through. I have to live in the daylight at least for one more day. If I don't get that than who knows pretty soon I could end up like the vampires I despise... a true killer.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I was called back to the world of the living, this time I was the one staring off into space. Helix moved himself closer to me. I couldn't tell if it was the heat from the fire making me hot or if it was how close our bodies were.

"Its just that even though a part of me admits your right another part of me wont accept it. If what you say it true then I should have been transformed into a monster a long time ago but im not. I wont give in, I Wont let this power corrupt me. Yes, most of our kind act like demons but some of us don't. Some of us don't want to lose ourselves in the chaos and instead choose to fight an internal battle everyday. Don't we get some credit for that? Don't we earn a pat on the back and a gold star for the day? It would be so easy for me to let loose and murder, HELL! I would probably enjoy it too! It takes nothing to let yourself become a creature of pain and pleasure but it takes so much more to be one of compassion and humility. If there was ever proof of hope existing in the world wouldn't this be it?"

I was desperately hoping he would agree with me. He had already been through so much. If someone like him could agree with me than that would have to prove me right. I may have talked a big game a minute ago but that's all it was, talk. I needed him to validate my feelings. For so long I've been on my own, my thoughts have been mine and mine alone. So I didn't know if my thoughts were even rational ones. For all I knew they could just be optimistic hopeless ramblings of a lost soul. And a part of me wanted to save him. I was hoping that my words could reach him. I know how cliché and ridiculous it sounds but tonight I shared things with someone I never even dared to say out loud and to my surprise the flow wasn't only in one direction. I missed connections and moments like this. I forgot what it was like to really open yourself up. I guess after I crossed over I seen heart felt moments like this as a humans need not a vampires. He said he was protecting me and after seeing his face as he let pieces of himself go tonight, I believe him. Why would he lie about trying to save me? He's a hunter, what could he possibly have to gain by toying with me now?

He didn't say he agreed with me or disagreed with me, he just remained silent. For right now I took it as a mini victory because if he had such a pessimistic view of life he would have no reserves about telling me I was wrong. So his silence came as a reminder that even this life in darkness wasn't without its dim rays of light.

"You said that unfortunately I got you as my executioner but you also said it was also fortunate...what did you mean by that?" Up until now Helix exuded an aura of confidence. When he talked he did so matter of factly and even when he moved himself so close to me that we were only inches apart, he held no constraint. But for the fist time since I opened my eyes to find him holding me did he lose some of his oh so precious cool and falter. He pulled away and straightened up his back. While running his hands through is hair he gave out a long sigh.

"That first night after I was assigned to you I read up on you, studied your background and your picture. I must have looked at that picture a thousand times. I kept telling myself the only reason I was studying it as hard as I was was to make to make sure that if I needed to I could pick you out of a crowd I easily could but... I knew that wasn't the reason why. The first time I saw you you were walking out of a shelter. You had just finished bathing after a night of feeding. When I saw you I..."

He looked from my eyes to floor and wouldn't look back up to meet me. My heart was pounding at a crazy speed while my mouth went dry. I needed to hear where he was going with this. I needed to hear him finish. I could feel the blush creep into my cheeks. "Go on, when you saw me what?" I felt my lip quiver in anticipation. My body began to tense and stir.

"When I saw you I thought that you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen."

Thank GOD I'm Immortal because if I wasn't this is when I definitely would of DIED! Here I was sitting a foot away from the most dangerous, beautiful, bad boy the vampire world had ever seen as he poured his heart out to me and I couldn't think up one Damn thing to say or do! I know you can be tongue tied but can you also be body tied? I had to check myself to make sure I wasn't drooling, I wouldn't want to ruin his perfect image of me!! I know it sounds shallow but right now I really don't give a Damn!

I don't know how long we had been each others company since I awoke but im sure it wasn't long enough to justify what was happening between us. I kept trying to remind myself that this was the same man who had been chasing me for months! Who I Thought was trying to kill me! But no matter how much chastising I did It just wouldn't sink in. It was like having your parents tell you they hate your boyfriend and you should break up with him. Your not actually going to listen to them. If anything it just makes you want them more. And if he had been protecting me it would all make sense. All my close encounter where I thought I was getting lucky and barely escaping, were actually him letting me go but then why did I need all the cuts and bruises then? That part still didn't make any sense to me.

"I learned to turn my emotions off a long time ago. I thought like my body, my heart was dead, I was wrong. In all my years as a hunter I have never once failed to complete a mission. You were the first. . . I knew I couldn't kill you so I had to make sure I kept coming up with good excuses. I don't know how much you know about us hunters but when were assigned a job most of the time were not given a deadline. Its just understood that the mission be done in a timely manner. Tonight I had a fellow hunter of the Elders follow me. He didn't know I knew he was there. My inaction caught his eye. He and I have been working together for many years now so it was no surprise he would get suspicious when I wasn't acting like myself. He cut me a lot of slack at first because were friends but even he nor the Elders could turn a blind eye any longer when I just happened to keep "loosing track" of you. I really did everything I could think of to keep everyone's attention fixated somewhere else. For a while I told them my team that I had to study you to know the extent of your powers because anyone with common sense knows you never just jump blindly into a confrontation with out knowing exactly what cards the other player holds. I even tried to persuade the Elders that having you serve them would strengthen them. I reasoned that if your extra was the reason they wanted you dead then that would mean you were a threat. And threats only become threats when they cant be controlled. But that only bought us a little time because soon after another devastating attack happened and the Elders deemed it to high a risk. This is when the time of the Crisis began and I had no choice but to hunt you down."

"Wait, STOP!" this didn't make any sense. Why did he say the Elders were after me? Because of my extra? I...I thought it was because... "You were sent after me because of my extra? So it hasn't been because of what Ive been doing?"

Helix looked confused, again he shifted his sitting position. "What you've been doing...? No, you and others like you are being picked off one by one because your extra has been deemed to destructive."

My head was being filled with so many thoughts and questions. This whole time I thought I knew why they were hunting me. I thought it was because of what I was trying to do. I had no idea it was because of something as small as my abilities! "Helix, Please you have to explain this to me! Start from the beginning, why am I one of the Elders Most Wanted?"

He began to look around the room almost like he had to make sure no one was there to listen in. This only worried me more. What could have him acting so paranoid? When he started to speak again his tone was barely above a whisper. "Do you believe the vampire scriptures about the prophesied vampire mimic?"

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