Mlb Playoffs

By ACD x

Published on Oct 14, 2013


MLB playoffs 2013 (part 7)

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

(Photo aids at the end.)

ALDS - A's vs. Tigers - Oakland, CA

A bet was a bet. And although Josh Reddick may have been an...unconventional guy, the 26-year-old right fielder for the Oakland A's was true to his Georgia roots, a gentleman at heart. So when he left the Coliseum for the last time in 2013 and found the Tigers shortstop Jose Iglesias waiting for him by his car, an evil grin on his face and waving a pair of clippers and a can of shaving cream, Reddick just dropped his head in submission. "All right," he said. "Let's go back to my place."

It had been too cocky a bet, Josh knew that. He'd made it the last time the A's were in Detroit, back in late August, when it was already pretty clear that both Oakland and Detroit were going to the playoffs. Josh and Jose had come up through the minors together when they were both in the Red Sox organization, back when Josh was still as clean-cut as Jose still was today. The Cuban shortstop took one look at his old buddy's wild beard, long and scraggly, the pride of Oakland's free-spirited fans, and shook his head. You wanna make me shave it, you're gonna have to knock me outta the playoffs, Josh had said. Jose had grinned at that. Done.

And even though the 23-year-old rookie had a very quiet series, there wasn't much room for argument that he'd won the bet. Which was how Josh Reddick found himself in his top-floor condo in San Francisco, shirtless in his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his shoulders with a Cuban shortstop cutting huge chunks of thick, sandy blond hair from his chin.

Josh had offered to do it himself, but Jose pronounced that dangerous and, with another grin, said it'd be much more fun if he did it anyway. Reddick sighed and rolled his eyes but allowed Iglesias to step in behind him and start chopping. "You be careful where you put those things," he warned, wincing as he watched Jose cut a big piece right off the middle of his chin.

"Oh, don' worry, man, I got the magic touch," Jose answered with a smile and a wink. And touch he did -- holding onto Josh's muscular shoulder to balance himself as he slid the clippers under Josh's jaw, pressing a hand against Josh's chest as he ran them up the outfielder's neck, even holding one side of Josh's face steady in his hand as he trimmed the other. It was probably more contact than was strictly necessary for this kind of trim, but Josh was letting the kid have his fun.

Finally, the worst of it was gone and Josh was staring into the mirror at what seemed like a different person's face, with random tufts of blond hair and stubble left behind. He shook his head. "You, my friend, missed your calling as a barber."

"Oh shut up," Jose objected, "I'm not finished yet." And indeed the Tigers shortstop was already grabbing the shaving cream.

"Oh no," Josh cut in, putting a hand out to stop Jose from spraying the foam into his hand. "I can take it from here."

"No way, bro. I wanna make sure it's ALL gone." He sprayed himself a nice dollop of shaving cream, and came around to face his friend. Jose didn't meet Josh's eyes as he lathered the foam onto his face but he proceeded slowly, deliberately. The shortstop's fingers on Josh's cheek and jaw made his skin tingle a little -- not only had it been a while since his face had felt such direct contact, but Josh was far from used to having another person -- another guy -- doing it for him. Josh couldn't help looking at Jose's eyes, trying to see if this was as awkward for him as it was for Josh, but the other ballplayer never met his gaze, focused on his work.

Jose turned back and grabbed Josh's razor. Josh grabbed his wrist, forcing Jose to look at him. "If you cut me..."

Iglesias just grinned. "You're too tense, man," he said, wrapping his other hand around Josh's arm, brushing his thumb lightly over the muscle of his forearm. "I'll take care of you." He wiggled his arm free and put the razor to Josh's cheek. Jose had run the blade under hot water, and it actually felt really fucking good crossing Josh's skin. His face hadn't had this kind of touch in months, and the slow, careful attention Jose was giving to the shave was removing all of Josh's doubts. He let his eyes close as his buddy kept running the razor over his stubbled cheek, cutting away the last of the scraggly beard that had defined him the whole season, and taking some of the pain and disappointment of how that season had ended tonight along with it.

Reddick felt a pause in the smooth rhythm of the shave and opened his eyes. Jose Iglesias was looking directly at him. The kid seemed to startle a little and averted his eyes, immediately pressing the razor back to Josh's sharp jawline. He wasn't flustered for long and the next stroke was smooth, finishing off the last of the stubble on Josh's left side, but Josh couldn't help letting an inkling of doubt sneak into his mind about just what the fuck was going on here.

It didn't help when Jose finished with Josh's chin and lower lip and wet his fingers, wiping the last of the shaving cream away from the corner of Josh's lips. Or when Jose put his hand to Josh's clean-shaven left cheek to steady him as he set to work on the right. Josh's eyes closed again. "Mmh. Feels good." Why the fuck had he just said that?

"Good," he heard Jose answer. The kid's voice was soft and intense, thick with something Josh had never heard in his voice before, but when Josh's eyes opened a crack this time, Iglesias' eyes were already turned away.

The shortstop kept going, gentle but efficient. Josh laughed inside; you'd think the kid was a professional. He almost said so, but what came out instead as Jose's fingers brushed over his neck was a soft, urgent groan. Josh's cheeks reddened, and he didn't dare open his eyes this time. But if Jose had heard it, he didn't react. He was already pulling the razor one final time over Josh's cheek.

"Finished." Iglesias grabbed a towel and shoved it playfully in Reddick's face. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Josh wiped his face dry. When he lowered the towel, his old teammate was looking at him with another weird look.

"What?" Josh Reddick smiled nervously. On his clean-shaven face, the smile looked almost innocent.

"Nothin'. look a lot better like this." Jose smiled too, taking the towel from him. "Now," he said, shoving the other towel off Josh's shoulders, "you want me to take care of the rest?"

Reddick's brow furrowed. "Rest?"

Jose rolled his eyes, then looked pointedly down at Josh's chest. It was nothing like his beard, but there were a few patches of chestnut-colored hair on Josh's pecs, right at the middle, lying in the deep groove between the two muscles of the outfielder's chest. "Oh." He was about to say no, that he didn't need Jose Iglesias to shave his chest for him, but Jose was already lifting the razor again and had this look in his eyes that suddenly Josh Reddick didn't want to refuse. His voice cracked. "Uh--um...yeah. Yeah, sure."

Jose smiled. "Good," he said again, then set to work. He put a tiny bit of shaving cream over the patch of hair. Then, placing one hand on Josh's pec to hold the skin tight, he ran the razor over it. The blade was cool now, and if anything, the skin on his chest was even more sensitive. Josh's nipples hardened instantly. And Jose's hand on his chest wasn't helping, especially when he eased it around to hold Josh steady right beneath his underarm. By the time Jose finished and wiped Josh's smooth, muscular chest clean, the outfielder felt his heart beating harder and even thought he felt his dick start to stir beneath his yellow shorts with the A's logo stitched in green at the bottom.

"This too?" Jose pointed the razor at the thin trail of hair down from Josh's stomach to the waistband of those shorts. There wasn't much, just a narrow line of brown hair in the narrow space between each column of tightly defined abdominals. Josh breathed in sharply, then just nodded. Jose got to his knees and dutifully lathered him up again, taking his time as his fingers ran over Josh Reddick's tight stomach. The razor followed as before, leaving Josh's abs smooth and leaving Josh himself breathing hard and staring down at his friend.

"And...what about..." Jose let a single finger curl around the waistband of Josh's shorts and tugged it down an inch or two, enough to reveal the tight inward curve of Josh's hips and a few tufts of brown hair.

"May...maybe we should finish later," the outfielder breathed. Josh Reddick was suddenly, painfully aware that his cock was aching hard and straining beautifully into his shorts, a full 8.5-inch tent tugging the mesh fabric out and up. He didn't dare look down.

"I don' know, Josh," came Jose's voice. The sound of his name forced Reddick's eyes down, and he was suddenly looking both at the warm, needful eyes staring out from Jose Iglesias' pretty face, and the thick, hungry 7.5 inches of MLB dick throbbing into the rookie's own loose shorts. "I think maybe you want me to finish right now." It wasn't just lust and hunger in the 23-year-old kid's eyes now -- it was confidence. And it was turning Josh Reddick on.

Without waiting for a reply, Jose hooked his thumbs into Josh's shorts and tugged them slowly down. The head of Josh's steel-hard dick ran agonizingly over the fabric as the shorts sank to his knees until suddenly it popped loose and Reddick's thick, gorgeous cock rose up hard and free into the air. " got a hot dick," Jose muttered. And without another word, Jose Iglesias leaned in and wrapped his lips around Josh Reddick's cock, licking and sucking at the broad crown before sinking lower, taking Reddick's cock deeper into his throat.

Josh was breathing hard and heavy as he felt the handsome caramel-skinned shortstop massage his hard length of dick. The young A's outfielder had never had a blow job like this before -- obviously never from a guy, let alone from another hard-bodied major-leaguer, but also never this fucking intense, never had he felt someone suck his dick with such hunger for that thick, throbbing erection. Jose wanted Josh Reddick's hard dick, and he made it known with the quick, deep strokes of his tongue and lips up and down Josh's powerful 8.5 inches.

Reddick was already gasping in pleasure at each swipe of Jose's tongue across the sensitive underside of his cockhead, and he grasped the shortstop's broad shoulders to hold himself steady. His newly smooth torso jerked and flexed, the muscular plates of Reddick's chest and stomach now fully exposed as he twisted and clenched his upper body, the definition of each abdominal clear beneath his cream-colored skin. As Jose's capable infielder's hands snuck back to grip the twin round bulges of Josh Reddick's ass, Reddick's mouth dropped open and he clutched Iglesias' shoulders tighter, driving his dick further down his buddy's throat. "Fuck yeah..." Josh groaned.

In another condo across the city, a few other Oakland Athletics were a bit further along in working out the frustrations of the end of their season.

"Unghh...fuck me!" Jarrod Parker groaned, grasping his hard 7-inch cock. Pre-come already leaked freely down the thick shaft of the 24-year-old pitcher's dick. He lifted his head, looking down across his taut body to the absurdly hard major-league cock rising up firm and proud from the trim thatch of brown hair. "Yeah...fuck me, Josh..."

Josh Donaldson grinned at his teammate's begging. He bit his lower lip as he fucked Jarrod harder, letting the young hurler feel the full 8-inch length of his cock. At 27, standing an imposing 6-foot, 220, the third baseman had come late to the joys of jock fucking, and Josh still spent most nights fucking his girlfriend. But on nights like this, when he knew that only his teammates could really understand where he was coming from, when they had all experienced something so tough together, Josh Donaldson would only be satisfied fucking muscular MLB jock ass.

Josh's cock was hard as iron as he pumped it steadily in and out of Jarrod Parker's ass; his hands moved roughly over Jarrod's tight stomach and hips. Donaldson wasn't a gentle fuck, as his teammate could testify from the deep, firm thrusts Josh was delivering. "Fuck, keep going, bro."

"Yeah, you like that big fucker inside you?" Josh taunted. He was feeling the three tequila shots they'd all taken right when they got back to Jarrod's place. The A's third baseman hadn't wasted any time after the last one, slamming down his glass then turning and kissing Jarrod Parker hard, shoving his hand into his teammate's sweatpants to grope his rapidly hardening cock, letting Jarrod pull off his muscle-hugging green and gray A's warmup shirt, exposing the lines and swells of hard muscle beneath, then dropped his own jeans. Parker had instantly driven his own hand into Josh Donaldson's boxer briefs, feeling out the length of Josh's already rock-hard dick as he wrestled tongues with his buddy. It hadn't taken long for Josh to get Jarrod on the bed with his legs spread and his tight hole slick with lube. "Fuck, you're nice and tight, Parker." Josh felt the young pitcher's ass clench around his prick, massaging his dick as Josh fucked him.

"You sure you don't wanna get in on this, kid?" Donaldson called. He turned to look at Sonny Gray, the A's starter that night, who'd come back with them and taken the shots with them but now sat in a chair across Jarrod's room just watching his two teammates fuck on the bed. Now Sonny Gray had grown up in conservative Tennessee but he'd discovered ever since he arrived at Vanderbilt that he was more into his fellow ballplayers' tightly muscled bodies and hard jock dicks than anything the sorority girls could offer, and when he made the bigs he didn't hesitate to discreetly search out the guys who also thought it could be fun to spend a night on a long road trip getting fucked by your own right fielder. Even now, the 23-year-old rookie couldn't help enjoying the show as Josh Donaldson drove a particularly deep thrust into his pitcher and Jarrod Parker moaned softly, his fingers gripping Josh's powerful stomach. Sonny felt his own cock ache into his green A's shorts, his head swimming with tequila and lust. It was actually a really nice dick, almost 9 inches and swollen thick and full with Sonny Gray's arousal.

But he'd had a hell of a rough night -- losing the game that lost his team the season, even if it was a little unfair to compare himself to Justin Verlander. And breaking his thumb on a hard line drive just added injury to insult...not to mention made the logistics of this kind of postgame activity more challenging. He looked down at his well-padded finger and rolled his eyes as he gently ran his other hand over his massive tent.

"Nah, man," the rookie answered. "You guys keep goin'."

"No?" Josh said, looking over his younger teammate's dick as it throbbed into his shorts. "Maybe just down this hard dick Parker's got here? Fuck knows it needs the attention." He grabbed Jarrod's dick and squeezed it hard, making Parker growl a soft "Fuck..." as more pre-come poured from the slit. "Or maybe I could switch things up and fuck your tight rookie ass? You must be pretty fuckin' tense."

Sonny smiled. "That's...uh...nice of you. I guess." He gripped his dick a little tighter; his resistance was fading. "But I'm just not that into it right now."

"C'mon, kid. You gotta nut and bad." Sonny Gray didn't argue, still running his fingers over the massive tent in his dark green shorts. "Tell you what..." With Jarrod Parker still impaled on his hard prick, Donaldson spun himself so his back was to Sonny, then drove Parker deeper into the bed, making the kid moan, and turned his own ass up high enough so that his perfectly untouched asshole came into view. Sonny Gray's heart beat a little harder. "If it'll get you up outta that chair, why don'tcha come over and just fuck me?"

"Fuck..." Jarrod breathed in surprise. Sonny's dick throbbed even harder into his shorts. "You don't wanna make that offer, man," he said quietly.

"I wouldn'ta done it if I didn't want to," Josh said, "Now get the fuck over here 'fore I change my mind." Sonny Gray paused just a moment, biting his lip and staring at that cherry jock hole, then jerked up, shoving down his shorts. The 23-year-old's dick rose up like a tentpole, thick from the base all 9 inches up to the wide mushroom head, one fat vein snaking down the underside. Fuck, he was even harder than he'd thought; he'd barely touched himself but his dick was already leaking, the crown reddish-purple and his balls hanging heavy with cream. I fuckin' need this tonight, he suddenly realized.

The rookie crawled on the bed. He put a hand to Josh's back, then ran it slowly down to the third baseman's waist. Sonny breathed in deep, feeling the tight curve of Josh Donaldson's hips, the muscular power of his upper body. The pitcher pulled off his gray t-shirt and put the other hand on Josh's other side, feeling the 220-pound muscle jock's hips rock forward and back as he fucked his other teammate. "You sure you're cool with this, dude?"

"Yeah, bro," Josh breathed. "Just...take it slow." Truth was, Josh Donaldson had been wondering for almost a year what it'd be like to feel one of his hot and hung teammates deep inside him, to look up to see Sonny or Jarrod bearing down on him instead of looking down to see one of those guys twitch and jerk as Josh fucked him. He'd even imagined what it'd be like with guys he'd never fucked around with -- to feel Eric Sogard, the hot nerd jock in glasses, sliding his dick inside Josh; to sit on big Nate Freiman's huge cock, watching the tall rookie's face contort in pleasure as Josh lowered himself onto that thick shaft; or to look up at Josh Reddick's bearded face as the hot outfielder fucked him hard. Yeah...he was ready to give it a go.

He felt Sonny's hand between his legs and sucked in a breath. "'s cold," he whispered.

Sonny leaned in, suddenly hungry, desperate to fuck Josh, desperate to slide inside that tight, never-fucked hole. "Gonna get a lot hotter soon."

"Oohhh fuck...fuck!" Sonny Gray breathed slowly as he drove two inches inside Josh Donaldson's ass. He couldn't believe how fucking tight his teammate was, and he literally had to hold himself back so he didn't come before he was all the way inside. Josh was happy for the break, too -- for his part, he couldn't believe how fucking thick Sonny's cock felt. Just when he was thinking maybe he should have started with a smaller dude, the impatient rookie drove his dick further inside him.

"Fuck...oh Jesus, go slow, buddy."

" slow," the hung pitcher grunted, punctuating the second word with another drive forward. "God, you're so fuckin' tight. Feels fuckin' amazing." And as uncomfortable as it was, Josh was still turned on as fuck thinking about the fact that the rookie's huge dick was actually inside him. His own cock hadn't gone down an inch inside Parker, though the expert fucker was no longer fucking for the moment and had gone totally still, just feeling Sonny Gray push deeper.

"He takin' it, man?" Jarrod called back. He was getting off just on watching Josh Donaldson's face, twisted in pain and pleasure as he felt a thick, hard cock slide inside him for the first time.

"Yeah, bud," Sonny said, peeking over Josh's shoulder with a smile at his teammate. "Like a champ." Jarrod saw Sonny's hands slip up from Josh's waist to palm Josh's pecs, playing with the third baseman's nipples. "Fact, I think our boy's just...about...ready to--"

"Unngghh fuck!" Josh moaned as he felt Sonny Gray's dickhead grind against his prostate. His dick suddenly throbbed again and Jarrod groaned deeply as he felt Josh thrust deep inside him too. "OH fuck!" The rookie pitcher's dick pulled back, then sank deep again. "Oh my God, fuck, that feels...fuck..." And again. "That feels..." Josh was fucking Jarrod Parker hard again now. "That feels...fuckin' amazing, dude."

"Fuck..." Jarrod groaned. His own cock pumped out another thick dollop of pre-come. He watched as Josh's muscular body began to shake not just with the steady rocking of his own fuck-rhythm, but also the strong, needful fucking of Sonny Gray. "You doin' ok, buddy?" Parker knew from experience how good it felt to have the young stud pitcher fucking him deep, but he couldn't read the look on Josh's face. Veins now snaked across Josh's tattooed forearms, and a thick one crossed each of Josh's thick biceps, as they strained with the effort of fucking Jarrod while his own cherry ass got long-dicked by his own teammate. But Josh quickly nodded in response.

"Still feels...fuckin' amazing," he grunted. Josh's tongue licked across his lower lip and he breathed shallowly as Gray's dick found new and deeper parts of his hole. "Kid's fuckin' much fuckin' dick inside me." He clenched his eyes. "Gonna come..."

Jarrod Parker was already there. Seeing Josh Donaldson, teammate who fucked around with them sometimes but who he still thought of as basically straight, not to mention a guy whose 220-pound build and closely-shorn mohawk exuded masculine confidence, getting fucked for the first time, all while still pumping his own 8-inch dick deep into Jarrod, just drove the young pitcher over the edge. He groaned as he came, his dick firing cream all over his own tight pecs and stomach.

That sight helped drive Josh himself to climax, and the newly tricked-out top jock stared right into Jarrod's eyes as he felt Sonny Gray's cock hit his nut one more time. "Awwhhh fuck..." Josh growled in ecstasy, his entire body taut, arms and shoulders bulging, abs clenched, lips half open, as his teammate fucked a load out of him. Josh came hard, the shots of MLB jock come soaking Parker's insides, firing so hard out of Josh's steel-hard cock that the pitcher could actually feel them hit the tight walls of his hole.

Moments later, Josh felt exactly the same thing. Sonny Gray's youthful face tightened, his sweat-slick blond hair matted against his forehead, as he came suddenly into Josh Donaldson's previously unseeded hole. Sonny breathed out in short, sharp bursts as he kept fucking Josh hard even as he pumped shot after shot of hot rookie jizz up from his heavy balls through all 9 inches of his gorgeous cock to land inches deep in Josh's new pro-jock cunt.

After that there was a long moment of silence, filled only by heavy breathing from three exhausted Oakland A's. Then came Josh's low voice: "Boys...I think we're gonna have to do that again."

Back across town, Josh Reddick was thinking much the same thing as he watched himself in the bathroom mirror, relentlessly fucking Jose Iglesias against the counter.

No sooner had the tightly-muscled Tiger shortstop's tongue and lips had gotten Josh so fucking hard and wet he couldn't believe he hadn't already unloaded his balls into the handsome Cuban's throat, than Iglesias had pulled off suddenly and stood, peeling off his own tight t-shirt. Reddick felt his eyes trail unbidden over Iglesias' firmly-muscled body, arms, chest, stomach all tightly defined and layered with muscle.

"Fuck," Reddick breathed, "you look...fuck." Jose had just grinned that fucking sexy grin, making Josh's dick throb even harder.

"Thanks," the shortstop had said. "You look...pretty 'fuck' yourself." Then he'd just leaned in and kissed Josh Reddick hard. And Josh, who loved kissing women but had never thought once about how one of his teammates' lips might feel, had returned the kiss easily, loving the feel of Jose's pretty but powerful lips on his, his lips and chin and cheeks still tingling from the feeling of direct contact without Josh's beard in the way. As they kissed, Jose's hand ran gently over Josh Reddick's cock, just enough to keep the A's outfielder right on the fucking edge. He'd been a little shocked to feel the straight jock's hands appear at his own waist as the kiss deepened, Reddick's hands sliding tentatively over Iglesias' ripped stomach, as if to see just how it felt to touch another baseball player's tight-muscled midsection, then sank down, pulling Jose's shorts along, till Reddick's fingers were curling around Jose's own leaking-hard cock. Jose had felt Josh's breath quicken as he felt a guy's hard dick for the first time between his fingers...but Josh didn't pull away. Jose was about to pursue that budding interest when he felt Josh's other hand on his tight ass, his fingers moving toward his tight entrance. Figuring it'd be easier to start there, he'd broken the kiss, given Josh another grin, and turned around.

Which was how Josh Reddick ended up in his own bathroom, desperately fucking his major-league shortstop buddy. Jose's ass felt fucking incredible around his ultra-hard dick -- tight, warm, hungry for him. The kid knew how to take a cock, no doubt about that, and what's more, as Jose's low groans rose into growling pleas to Josh to fuck him harder, he really seemed to be enjoying it. It was enough to make Josh wonder...

Then Jose's ass was clenching tighter around Josh's cock and the handsome infielder's hands clutched the edge of the counter as he came, his cock firing like a cannon, soaking Josh's mirror. "Oh...oh, fuck...sorry..." Jose groaned even as he kept coming, another shot nailing the faucet.

"It's fine, it's fine," Josh breathed as he kept fucking Jose hard. Jesus. Seeing this stud ballplayer, a guy he'd played with forever and never imagined would want Josh like this, spraying his load all over just from Josh fucking him, then looking up to see himself again in the come-streaked mirror, shaved clean, chest and arms and stomach pronounced under his smooth skin, totally consumed with fucking his own buddy...fuck. It drove Josh right to the top. Reddick grabbed Jose's tight body around the waist, clutching the kid's abs, and came, his cock pumping the biggest load he'd ever shot deep into Jose Iglesias' ass.

A minute later, Josh still hadn't caught his breath, and his dick was still rock-hard inside Jose. "That...that was..."

"Don' worry about it," Jose said, still barely holding himself up off the counter. "I've wanted to do that...for so long."

Reddick's cock swelled fuller inside him -- the thought that Iglesias had been out there wishing to get fucked by Josh Reddick was almost too much. "Buddy...I think it ain't gonna be the last time." (Reddick w/beard) (Reddick clean) (Iglesias) (Iglesias) (Parker) (Parker) (Donaldson) (Donaldson - left) (Gray) (Gray) (Sogard)

Next: Chapter 8

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