Motorhome Slaveboy

By T Baron

Published on Jun 8, 2003


Motorhome Slaveboy (c) 2003 by All Rights Reserved

******************************************** WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!

If you are under 18 years of age, offended by stories which depict sex between boys or boys and men or live in a jurisdiction where reading/possessing such materials is illegal exit now.

This story is a work of fiction; no resemblance to anyone living or dead is intended. Since this is fiction the characters engage in unprotected sex - I hope that anyone reading this story will not take that to mean that they should do the same.

If you like this and want to hear more let me know -- questions and constructive criticism will be acknowledged -- flames will be ignored.


The roadside rest area was truly an oasis in the middle of nowhere. There hadn't been any real signs of life for miles across the desolate countryside except for the double ribbon of concrete and the cars, trucks and buses as they sped along to and from somewhere else. The small clump of trees and green grass surrounding the low brick building housing restrooms and a few vending machines looked completely out of place on the barren mesa that seemed to stretch on forever. When I pulled in I saw only one other vehicle in the parking lot but it was only after I had scrutinized the place carefully that I saw the people sitting at a table in the shade at the very back of the rest area. After years of driving a big rig I had gotten into the habit of checking out a place before I got out and those habits have stuck with me even now that I'm no longer working.

I parked my Motorhome right where I'd have parked an eighteen-wheeler and got out to stretch my legs.

The settlement of my parent's estate had given me enough that I didn't need to work so I had traded in my big rig for a thirty-foot Motorhome and set out to actually see the country I had been whizzing through for so many years. I'd seen many signs for interesting places along the road in the past, only now I could stop and visit them.

As I exited the restroom, I looked again at the group of people at the table - there were five of them - it looked like a family group, two adults and three kids, all boys. The oldest one was sitting a bit apart from the others and appeared to be crying.

Someone once told me I should just mind my own business and I'd stay out of trouble - good advice, but when did I ever take any of that? As I approached this small group I realized that the father was reading aloud from the bible and everyone except the crying youth had their hands folded in front of them and their heads bowed in prayer.

"Would you care to join us in prayer, brother?" the father asked as I came near.

"Thank you for the invitation," I replied, "but I came over to see if there was a problem as it was obvious that one of your number was crying very hard."

"And well he should be, the little Sodomite. It is for his immortal soul that we are offering up our prayers - and look at him, he can't even offer his own voice in support." The man reached over and cuffed the back of the crying youth's head. "He doesn't repent his sins and only cries from the strapping he got when he was caught."

"What is it he did?" I asked.

The father stood up, "Step aside with me and I'll tell you - I don't want to repeat it in front of my wife and other children."

I followed him away from the rest of the family and in so doing noted that thy crying youth's hands were tied behind him with duct tape.

As I started to ask about that the father began, "Our car was overheating so we pulled in here to allow it to cool off and then add some water. After we had been here about a hour I noticed he," he pointed to the crying boy, "was missing. I finally found him, on his knees - not in prayer - in the restroom orally servicing a truck driver and playing with himself at the same time."

"When I came in the trucker fled and by the time I had dragged this sodomite out the truck was out on the highway - he got away from me, but he still has the Lord to recon with."

I looked again at the sobbing teen.

"He's a sorry sight, isn't he?" the father asked, misreading my interest. "And now I guess I'm going to have to risk his contaminating my other children as I can't just abandon him here, as much as I would like to.

"I'm taking up a new ministry in Tulsa and I surely can't allow the likes of him to visit his sinful ways on the unsuspecting members of my new flock."

I was more concerned about subjecting them to him if the truth be told, but for once in my life I left a few thoughts unvoiced as I tried to figure out what to do.

"Why are his hands tied?" I asked.

"He couldn't keep from playing with himself, even after bringing shame onto his whole family. He'll stay that way until I find somewhere I can completely disown him."

"I'm headed to Los Angeles," I said, somewhat surprised as I didn't know where I was actually going. "I guess I could take him there for you - there are many more of his kind there."

"You don't fear corruption from in a trip that long? You are a God fearing man, I presume."

I wanted nothing to do with any God I had to fear, but I said, "Indeed, but I have a much larger vehicle than yours and I'm sure I can handle him as there is no one else to contaminate."

"Keep his hands tied and there is very little he can do. I'll give you the roll of tape in case you need more before you get to Los Angeles. God Bless you for taking this blight off my hands."

We returned to the table and the father grabbed the young man's arm, pulling him to his feet. It was the first time I had a really good look at him - he stood about 5'7" and appeared to be around 16. His brown hair was cut short and except for the eyes, puffy from crying, his face was lovely.

"This man is going to take you away so you can't spread your filthy ways to your brothers. I do hereby disown you and never want to see you or hear your name again. I deny that you were ever a part of my family and demand that you never call yourself by my family name again."

He took a piece of paper from his wife, who was now sobbing herself, her head bowed.

"This is his birth certificate, his father should be listed as Satan. Please take it and him, I never want to see either again."

I was seething with rage on the inside and if there had been a way I could have done it I would have taken the other two boys as well - no child should be kept around this raging bigot.

"Pastor, walk with us to my vehicle," I said as I led the still crying boy away from his family.

He nodded and continued to push the boy in the back toward my Motorhome. When we arrived, I opened the door and guided the boy inside.

"If you'll wait right here for a minute I'll give you something you may want." I closed the inside door, leaving the reverend outside.

"We don't have much time kid," I said as I started removing the tape from his wrists. "I want you to strip out of those clothes as fast as you can and then go all the way to the rear and sit down."

"But I'll be naked," he protested.

"So what? Do you want to stay with him?" I pointed outside.

"No," he said and kicked off his shoes as I finished releasing his hands.

"Now snap to it," I said as he set new records for teenaged boys getting undressed.

When I had all his clothes and he was sitting in the back I gout out a plastic bag, put the clothing in it and opened the door.

"Here Reverend, these are the things he was wearing, now he has nothing from you."

"What will he wear? I can't have you spending good money on the likes of him."

"Don't worry, I have some old things I was going to throw away that will fit him. Certainly he doesn't deserve more than rags."

He took the bag of clothing. "Bless you my son for taking my burden as your own." He walked back toward the table.

Within moments I had my Motorhome back on the highway, leaving the Reverend and the rest of his family far behind. I felt sorry for the two boys who were still with him, but what could I do?

"Come on up here," I said to the naked boy still sitting in the back.

"I-I'm naked," he said, "isn't there something I can use to cover myself?"

"Just get up here, we're high enough cars can't see in and from what I've heard you don't have any problems with truckers."

He came to the front, I pointed to the companion seat and he sat down.

"Now buckle up, we don't need to be stopped just because you weren't wearing a seat belt."

He did as he was told.

"Now, what is your full name?"

"Joshua Jeremiah Johnson, IV.

"Taken from the bible?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Is your father really a preacher?"

"Yes, Sir, and so are most of my uncles, as well as all my grandfathers as far back as there are records."

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen, but I'll be seventeen next month."

I nodded and paused to think a bit before asking any more questions.

"Were you doing what he said in the men's room?"

"Y-yes, Sir," he said, his lips starting to quiver.

"Let's not have any more tears - I think you've tried enough for now."

He fought back the tears and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. I pointed out some tissues and he used a couple.

"Tell me what happened."

"The man - the trucker - came into the restroom and stood at the urinal next to mine. When I looked over he had a huge cock pumping out urine by the gallon, or so it seemed. My knees felt weak."

"So you've done this before?"

He gazed sheepishly toward the floor. "Yes, several times. I know it is a sin, but I enjoy it."

I looked over at him. "It isn't a sin unless you want it to be one. Sins are only in the mind of those who think that way."

He looked up at me wide-eyed, "But-"

"No buts - I can see you need to be deprogrammed from things you've been told in the past. Now tell me about your home life."

"My father wanted me to enter the ministry, just like him, most of my schooling has been at home with him or my mother as the teacher. My little brothers have been allowed to go to public school in the past, but now they are going to stay home too, to avoid the evils of the godless public schools."

"What about what happened in the restroom?"

"I've always been more interested in other guys than in girls. There was a truck stop near where we lived and I started hanging around there after I heard rumors of what sometimes happened to young guys there - hoping that it was true and that I would be one of the lucky ones.

"I told father I was passing out religious tracts so that the truckers could find Jesus, but all I wanted was to see their bodies as they came from the showers and hopefully to suck their cocks.

"It didn't take long before I had a number of 'regulars' who I did every time they hit town - some in the restroom and others in their sleepers.

"Some of them liked to watch me jack-off as I gave them a blow-job, others didn't and when that happened I'd have to wait until everyone was asleep and do it quietly in bed.

"One night my father caught me and spent the rest of the night telling how I was going to hell if I kept 'pleasuring' myself.

"After that night when I went to bed he would tie my hands to the bed posts so that I couldn't touch myself at night.

"A couple night later my twin brothers came to me after everyone else was asleep and said they would jack me off if I gave them both a blow-job. Just the thought made me hard, so I agreed.

"From that night on each of them would climb up on my chest and fuck my face and then one of them would jack me off. This lasted until we left for Tulsa two days ago. The last two nights I've spend on a cot in my parent's room with my hands taped behind me. That's why he had that roll of tape he gave you handy."

That was quite a story, and from the sound of things his little brothers were not going to have a good time of it for very long either.

"Okay, it sounds like you need some changes in you life. Let's start at the beginning - your name - do you like it?"

"I hate it and he said he was disowning me and didn't want me to use his name any more."

"Fine. Now let's find a new one."

"Can I actually do that?" he asked, showing a bit of excitement about something for the first time.

"Sure can, like I said, we're going to rebuild you from the very beginning and what came before your name?"

"Okay, what name can I use?"

"Any one you like."

"What about your name, can I use that? I don't even know what it is."

"And we'll keep it that way until you've found one for yourself. This is something you need to decide for yourself, without my help."

He sat there for a few minutes giving this a lot of thought as we continued up the highway, moving farther and farther away from his old life.

"Remember, I reminded him, whatever you decide upon will probably stick with you for the rest of your life - changing isn't too difficult at your age, but once you're an adult it is a whole other thing."

Finally, he said, "How about David Prince?"

"What about a middle name?" I asked.

"Larry. David Larry Prince. I think I like that. And people can call me Dave." He gave me a little grin.

"Any particular reason for that name?"

"Not really, I just like the sound of it."

"Okay," I said, "then David Larry Prince you shall be. Now you have to remember to answer to that and not to your old name."

"As far as I'm concerned he's dead," he said with firm conviction.

I pulled off the highway and into an RV park. "Just sit tight while I go register, we're going to stay here for a day or two."

"Like I'm going to be going anywhere stark naked in broad daylight," he said with a grin.

It felt good to know he was starting to relax a bit - he'd been through a lot lately.

After I got us set up in a spot way at the rear, away from everyone else, I made up a bite to eat and then resumed our serious conversation.

"Okay David Larry Prince, what am I going to do with you? Basically you were given to me like a stray kitten that otherwise would have been left by the side of the road or put to sleep. What had your father said he was going to do?"

"At first he just wanted to tie me to a tree and leave only mother reminded him that would be illegal and he could go to jail. So, they were going to take me into a city and just leave me, reporting me a thief and runaway - that way they wouldn't have to take me back. Of course, that also meant he couldn't give me the whipping he wanted to give me because it would leave too many marks - I guess I was a bit lucky that way.

"Then, before he could do anything else you came along and took me off his hands. Now I guess I should ask what you're going to do with me? Also when do I get something to wear?"

He was getting bolder all the time; perhaps it was time to take him down a peg or two.

"I haven't decided what I'm going to do with you, a lot of that depends on you and how well you do as you're told. As for clothing, as long as you're inside here you don't need any and I like looking at you naked. Also there is that fact that naked boys don't go very far on their own."

"You still haven't told me your name - since you're obviously planning on keeping me around for a little while what do I call you?"

"Fair enough, my name is Cole Masters - in public you will call me 'Sir' and in private you will call me 'Master,' at least until you have earned the right to address me more informally."

"Does that mean I'm your slave?"

"Well, your father gave you to me, didn't he?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Master."

"That's better. Now the only humans who are property to be given away are slaves, right?"

"Yes, Master."

"So, that must mean that you're a slave, he did give me your birth certificate which is like a title isn't it?"

"Yes, Master."

"And you're calling me 'Master,' aren't you?"

"Yes, Master."

"So, all of that makes you my slave, right?"

"Uh - yes, Master."

I turned to a drawer beside my chair and pulled out a wide, black leather collar with silver rings spaced around it.

"You were wanting something to wear, well let's start with this - all slaves need to wear a collar."

The boy was a bit worried, but without being told, he came and kneeled beside my chair. I wrapped the collar around his neck and fastened it with a small padlock.

"Now you are officially my slaveboy, David Larry Prince, that collar is not to be removed except by me. It is the only thing you will wear when we are in private and it is the only thing that could be said to Delong to you. In the next couple of days I'll have a metal tag made with your name engraved on it which I will attach so that it will be obviously yours."

"Thank you, Master," he said as he remained next to my chair.

"I think things are going to work out just fine," I said, running my hand thought his hair.

David followed me to the rear of the coach and into my bedroom. As I undressed, he watched closely, running his eyes over each newly exposed area of flesh until I was standing there in just my briefs.

Now I'm not anyone's idea of a Greek God, but for my age, 50, I don't look too bad. I still try to keep somewhat in shape and at 5'10" and 165 lbs. I'm doing okay. There is some grey in my hair and a bit on my chest, but most guys think it makes me look mature, not old.

"These you're going to have to take off yourself," I told him as he stood there staring at me.

He dropped to his knees in front of me and reached for the waistband on my briefs.

I knocked his hands away, "No hands - use then again and I'll tie them behind you."

He looked at me quizzically for a moment and then approached again, this time grabbing the elastic with his teeth and pulling downward. After a couple of tries, he got the idea and in short order my briefs were resting around my ankles where I could just step out of them.

He reached with his tongue toward my rapidly stiffening cock - I held him off. "Only when you've been told that you've earned it. For now just lick my balls and keep your hands away from yourself without permission or you will be cuffed."

I lay back on the bed and he began licking and sucking on my balls.

"Now you may lick the cockshaft."

He started licking up and down my rock-hard fuckpole, even running his tongue across the tip but not taking it into his mouth, just as I had told him.

After several minutes of licking I grasped his head, pointed his open mouth at my shiny cock and slowly lowered his hot moist mouth onto my waiting prick.

He required no guidance from me as he slowly bobbed his head up and down my rigid member, washing round and round with his tongue while allowing his teeth to ever so lightly rub against the sensitive skin right behind the glans on my 71/2 inch diamond cutter.

I knew it wasn't going to be very long before I shot my load and there was another hold on his body I wanted to deposit my jism into. I pulled his head up, off my cock, and I could see the disappointment that I hadn't allowed him his reward for his efforts.

"Have you ever been fucked?" I asked him.

"No, Master, I've always been afraid of the pain."

"Well, it does hurt some, but then it feels just wonderful." The Look on his face said he wasn't that sure. "And since I'm the Master and you're the slave now is the time."

I laid him up on the bed on his back, pulling his legs up until his knees were near his ears. Next, I had him grab his knees with his arms so as to hold his legs up, presenting me with his cherry rosebud.

I squirted K-Y into his crack, concentrating on the anus, and then started working a single finger in and out. At first, he grimaced a bit, but as he relaxed his grin returned. I added a second digit, stretching the sphincter slightly while working more of the slippery ointment into his virgin bowels.

David winced a bit as I added still a third finger to the anal probe, so I added another squirt of K-Y and slowly massaged his prostate. In short order he was ready for the main event.

I pulled my fingers out from his clutching hole and quickly lubed up my rigid lovepole. As I rubbed the tip of the mushroom-shaped cockhead against his tight opening, I could feel his anus quiver in anticipation of the invasion yet to come.

"Relax," I said, "pretend you are trying to take a shit."

He followed my advice and my slippery invader worked its way inside until his sphincter snapped shut around my glans, capturing my cockhead inside him where none had gone before. I waited a bit to allow him to become accustomed to my pole and then slowly began sliding myself forward until my entire 71/2 inches were inside and my pubic patch was rubbing against his ass cheeks.

Once fully inside I held position for a bit, savoring the warm tightness I felt, knowing I was now somewhere no man had ever gone before. As I started to withdraw his anal muscles tried to hold me inside him, when I was back to where only my cockhead was inside I reversed course once again, driving my spike back into him, harder and faster until my loins slapped against his buttocks. Now I kept up a constant motion, in and out, driving deep and then almost pulling freed, listening to the slap as out bodies met in an ever more rapid rhythm.

Finally, I reached the point of no return and began to fire blast after blast of hot jism into his no longer virgin asshole. At the same time, my constant battering of his prostate had driven him over the edge, firing gobs of hot boy-cum into his own face and onto his chest.

Our simultaneous eruptions left both of us spent - my softening member slowly withdrew from his battered asshole as a small trickle of my cum ran out and down his asscrack.

I laid down next to him, allowing him to release his legs and lay down flat as well. Both of us were breathing hard from our orgasms and felt weak and tired.

"I think we need a shower before we go to sleep," I said, pulling a couple of towels from a cabinet.

"This thing has a shower?" he asked in surprise.

"Well, yes it does, only we are going to use the public shower across the road. Come on before you drip all over the bed." Cum was still running down his face and chest as he lie there.

"Like this? Outside in public?" he asked, a worried look on his face.

"It isn't a problem - this is a gay RV park and only gay men can come back here. That's why I stay here."

I grabbed my shower things and together we headed into the night. It was a warm summer evening and the sky was a blanket of stars.

The shower building was a single story brick affair with toilets at one end and a large communal shower at the other. Shower heads were placed about three feet apart with a second showerhead about three and a half feet off the floor. Each showerhead had its own controls - it was lovely and there had been some spectacular orgies in there in the past.

The shower room was empty when we entered, so we took a spot in the rear corner.

"What about my collar, will the water hurt the leather?" he asked.

"It has been sealed against short term exposure to water so that isn't a problem," I assured him.

We lathered each other up, paying particular attention to each other's crotch. I reminded him that he was never to touch himself without my permission and he was very careful not to.

As we were rinsing off another guy entered the shower leading a second, smaller guy by a leash that was attached to the guy's crotch, when they entered the lighted shower area we could see that it was another Master with his slave, only the slave was rather heavy steel restraint.

He wore a wide steel collar that prevented almost all head movement. His hands were chained behind him and he feet were chained together with just a little bit of slack so that he could only take very small steps. Small chains ran from both his wrists and the chain between his ankles to a harness strapped around his balls. His leash was also connected there, if he tried to take much of a step, move his hands or stands fully erect; it pulled down painfully on his nuts.

The Master stood his slave in front of a couple of the showerheads and turned on only the cold water. The ball gag stuffed into his mouth muffled the slave's yelp from the cold, but it still drew a vicious slap across his ass from his Master.

David started to say something, but I motioned to him to just keep quiet and watch.

The Master took a rough rag and a stiff brush, quickly lathered up the slave, and then rinsed him off with more cold water. Then leaving the shivering boy standing there to drip-dry, he proceeded to take a leisurely hot shower for himself.

After drying himself, he led his slave back out of the shower room without any acknowledgement that we were even there.

Before David could say anything I said, "I know that Master, he always treats his slaves like that. If they don't like it they leave him."

"But how could that boy leave all chained up like that?"

"He always has a 'safeword' or signal which the slave can use to be set free. Of course, if he uses it he is set free forever, there is no going back, so using it is something not to be taken lightly."

"What's my 'safeword,' Master?"

"You don't have one."

"Why, Sir?"

"A boy like that gave himself to his Master, or at least to some Master, if he has been traded or sold."

"Traded or sold? Without his okay?"

"Well, he can always use his 'safeword' if he doesn't like things."

"Okay, but what about me?"

"You were given to me by your father and if I were to turn you free you wouldn't have anywhere to go or even any clothing."

"So I really am your slave, completely."

"If you really want to be released I won't hold you, but - remember, release is permanent - there is go coming back, ever. I wouldn't turn you out naked either, but that does not mean that I'd give you more than just enough to cover your body."

He thought about all of this for a couple minutes as we dried off and returned to my Motorhome.

"I guess I really don't need a 'safeword'," he said, "there's nowhere else for me to go and I think I like it with you, Master."

"Fine, and since you've been a good boy tonight I'll allow you to sleep in the bed with me."

"Which side, Master?" he asked, pulling the covers back and climbing onto the double bed.

"Against the wall," I pointed, "and there just one little thing left to do." I pulled out a length of chain from the head of the bed and locked it to his collar.

"What's that for, Master?"

"Just to remind you that you're still a slave and can't just do whatever you want to do. Now will you be able to go all night without playing with yourself, or do I have to tie your hands?"

"I won't touch myself without your permission, Master, I promise. It has been two years since I've been allowed to sleep without my hands being tied and I've never slept naked before. It feels great." He kissed my cheek.

"You may have to kiss some other cheeks, too," I said.

"Whatever you want, Master. I'm your slave to use however you want."

The perfect reply - I wrapped an arm around his tender young body and in moments we were both asleep.

To be continued???

If you would like to read more about Cole Masters and his boy David let me know and I'll report further on their adventures.

Next: Chapter 2

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