Muscle God Gets Faggot

By moc.oohay@573770002llib

Published on Aug 9, 2007


I am entering a house as ordered by the phone call I received and suddenly a rag is put over my mouth and taped on making sure I could not remove it then a hood is placed over my head and laced up with no holes but the noise to breath thru I suddenly go dark think what the fuck "my dick is hard as steel the hole time" when I awoke my dick is still hard and I am lying naked roped to a table with my ass in the air and a monster dildo working its way in and out of my ass as my dick fights to get hard in a chastity belt that was strapped on my nipples hurt form the clamps and rope pulling them from by body at a 90 degree angle from my self when suddenly a patch in the hood is removed and the rag is removed allowing the master to my hungry mouth he starts to face fuck me with his 9 inch thick as a beer can dick little did I know there were 10 others in line behind him waiting there turn to face fuck the new toy I lay there for days being used as a toy/urinal for the weekend party I was to attend but found a new position in life as this man and his friends sex toy and urinal and I am loving every min of it the pain in my nipples and cock is heaven to me the only thought in my slave mind is when can I see the cocks I am servicing to worship them right suddenly the monster dildo is removed and replaced by a fist "damn that thing opened my enough to allow a full fist in one move"

I have never taken a fist before and I am loving it the feel of a long hard arm working its way up my ass while I am being face fucked while fisted I am in total slave bliss suddenly my nipples are released and I am flipped on my stomach still with fist and cock where they belong. my hands are cuffed behind the table as I feel a hot burning feeling on my chest and ass I try to yell and move but and held down then a stinging feeling on my nipples like needles the front plate of the chastity belt is removed and my cock is given the same treat ment searing pain and needles I am in total pain and pleasure at once. The pain was short lived as the hood was removed and I saw a god 6'6" 195 ripped muscle god looking at me with a red hot iron poker in his hand with a symbol on the end. He was dressed in full body red rubber suit so skin tight I saw his muscles thru it the only skin I say was his massive nine inch cock and balls hanging thru a hole in the suite and his very handsome face with a evil look on it as he placed the poker on my cheek and I felts and saw and smelled burning flesh as he seared his mark in my skin forever "your mine now bitch boy" he said as he placed the poker down and grabbed my head of hair and proceeded to shave it off with a cut throat razor. with in mins I was bald and he was not done moving down my body he removed every hair even my eyebrows Saying what a worthless faggot pig I was and how much work I would need to please him finally, needless to say I was so horny I was about to shot in the device so strongly holding my cock out of reach I wanted him so bad.

Once the God Master had reached my groin another man wearing similar rubber appeared and released my cock from prison only to tie it further by sliding a cord thru the new pa the Master had given me was allowed to watch as the Master thought a boy would be more humiliated have to watch his last proof of manhood being taken from him as I continued to watch I saw the new additives the rubber god had bestowed on his pig I looked down to see the biggest nipple rings I have ever seen sticking up and a burn covering my left chest it was my Masters symbol further down Sir started to lace the cord from my cock head to a pulley in the roof winching it further up my ass was lifted from the table and tied off to a hook in the wall there I was either fall down and damage my cock or stay in a very strained position when my master say the look in my eyes he had mercy and gave me a choice either a 10 in dildo about as thick as a beer can or a 12 in dildo as thick as a two liter bottle I could not speak I was concentrating on not ripping my cock head off so he choose for me he set the massive 12 inch under my ass and shoved setting the base under me for support at least it took the pressure off my cock and master went back to work shaving my manhood away as I watched. As soon as he was done with my groin he had a very sadistic smile and said "did you really think I would let a faggot pig like you have any gratification" as he was saying this the other rubber god was fitting me with a different type of belt the dildo was removed and the cord untied the belt consisted of three parts a hard steel tube curved at such and angle I would have no chance of getting a hard on I was fitted and the pa was pad locked to the end of the tube. The next parts where the front and back plates looking like a jock strap the tube was pushed as hard as he could between my legs and attached by a clicking noise to two rubber straps on the back side the front was fitted and the clicking noise was heard again this time three on both sides and between my legs. "Now that you are all jocked out we can start your work outs and training, and by the way slut that belt wont come off its magnetically sealed and will be welled closed in a few days"

I awoke the next morning with a painful feeling in my groin what happened I was in my apartment in my bed was that a dream? I asked my self I started to feel my way down my body my nipples hurt and my chest and face hurt like hell I looked down and saw the nipple rings I was scared and pulled my sheets off to reveal a steel jock strap I was really scared now I jumped out of bed and tried to pull the belt off to no avail I started to panic I went in to the bathroom to see why my face hurt to see a weird symbol burned in to my face and chest just above my left nipple and left check under my eye I was totally freaked out when I noticed a rather large package sitting on my bed

"Why did I not see this when I woke" I made my way over to the package to find a note onto saying to open first faggot pig

To faggot pig

I bet your little pig mind has not come to a conclusion yet so here it is faggot. I have given you the greatest gift a pig like yourself can have a muscle god for a Master as you are an overweight pig I will no doubt I will have a thought time with you to expedite this I have removed all traces of bad things from your home all porno, food, clothes, furniture, and all personal items that do not belong in a pigs life have been removed and sold to benefit your new master as is your employment has been terminated and all bills will be turned off at the end of the month when you will be moved into your new cage in my dungeon as my pain pig you now you are. As for the chastity belt you will be welded in to it the moment you step thru my door on the 1st you will never achieve another hard on as long as you live. In the package you will find your new uniform you will wear it 24/7 only opening to use the bathroom in your shower you will find attachments to clean your self now

open the package and put on item in the correct order or else

Bye for now pig

Muscle god Master

I opened the package to revel a large number of rubber and leather items on the top was a rather large butt plug about 6 inches long and five inches around at widest part, next was a tube of lube when I heard my phone ring the answering machine picked it up "when did I get a answering machine" "pig you will no longer answer your phone pigs don't use electronics now put on the uniform or else I can watch you 24/7 thru the cameras I have installed by for now pig" dame I though cant hide now I was resigned to be a pig slave I started to lube up the plug and I worked in feeling very full now I looked in the box to see the next item was a neck entry full body rubber suite with feet and gloves I wanted to look thru the box to see and sure enough there was more full length rubber gloves and socks I started with them not hearing any thing from the speaker I assumed I was in the right have the gloves and socks on I started with the entering thru the neck it was very tight I though I had a second skin on I noticed I had only one zip over the ass to use the rest room next in the box was a eye noise and mouth rubber hood and a high steel collar about 3 inches high and about 3 lbs in weight. I herd the speaker again pig put the hood on and tuck the end into the suite put the collar on and use the lock I have the key with me and will flush it as soon as you move in pig" I did as I was told and the hood was just as tight as the rest making sure to tuck in the ends. I picked up the collar feeling the weight in my hands and wrapped it around my neck looking In the box I found the lock and I was a very large master lock about half a pound itself well here I am faced with the last piece of my enslavement I clicked the lock I wanted to be owned and obey my master with all my hart

Well here I am totally encased in rubber chastitised and plugged waiting for more orders. "Pig you may have a drink of water from your bowl and be in front of the TV in one min NOW!" I ran from the bedroom not wanting to upset him I started to walk when I herd "CRAWL PIG" I dropped to all fours and started to move from my room to the kitchen as I moved in to the living room I noticed all my furniture is gone a large dog bed was in its place and my plasma TV was replaced with a large bulky older model I continued to the kitchen and found two dog bowls on the floor and the fridge was padlocked shut and all the cabinets where empty I took a drink and continued to back to the living room "good job pig now you will lay in the dog bed and watch a little video I have made for you think of it as orientation for slave. Then the TV started and on the screen appeared his godly body started taking me thru my day to day routine when I wake up I have to say a prayer to my god master thanking him for being my master, next I have to give me an enema twice, take a shower using the sprayer to get in the rubber then to return to pig mode I am only allowed to crawl around and only allowed on my feet during my three hours of working out appearing on the TV every morning the rubber will help with weight loss. Next was to introduce me to the helper from the other night he will stop by every day to put me thru my paces and feed me my daily meal only allowed to eat once a day extreme diet. I will have one hour of free time before my eight pm bed time.

This tape lasted two hours when I herd the front door open and a man dressed in all leather stepped thru the door "what did you not learn from the tape pig get over here and worship your visitors dumb ass" "sorry sir I forgot my place I managed to say before being slapped with what felt like a hammer across the face knocking me to further to the floor "pigs don't talk faggot boy" I got to my knees and started to lick his rubber boots with all my hart receiving a swift kick to my ribs for my efforts cringing from the pain the man made him self at home sitting in the one chair that was left saying "come here boy" sitting down he took off his leather coat to revel hard pecks and a six pack hidden beneath a skin tight rubber tee I saw him unzip his leather pants and whip out the second largest cock I have ever seen besides my god masters about 8 inches longs and thick as a beer can "come on pig do what you are here for in life" I crawled over and stared to suck on his cock he was half hard starting to grow in my mouth "hold still boy" I started to feel a warm liquid in my mouth he was peeing in me "swallow boy" I did as told and swallowed as much as I could he stopped after a few mins and I continued to suck he was rock hard and grabbed both sides of my rubber head and started to slam him self in to my mouth till he cam buckets of cum it was very tasty a bit sweet and salty at the same time. "that's it boy swallow your dessert" he pushed me off and zipped up walking over to the fridge he unlocked and reached in and grabbed the only thing In there a single pitcher of what looked like sludge he poured the liquid into the empty bowl it was thick green and lumpy I could smell it across the room. "get over here pig, this is your only food for the mouth you get a bowl full every day that's it you must eat it all before I leave and I will leave in five mins what ever Is left in the bowl will be washed away in the sink and you will do with out till tomorrow." I went over to the bowl and forced my head down into it I tasted like vomit but knew I had to eat it all I did not want to go hungry even thou I would be hungry my tomorrow morning.

Before I knew it he took my bowl up and was washing it out next he snap a leash to my steel collar and was dragging me to my new treadmill "ok pig this is your only time on your feet during the day I will be back later in the day to untie you faggot" I was put on the treadmill I stood and leather wrist shackles where place on me and tied by bungee cords to the frame of the device he placed a blind fold on my and set the treadmill so I could not see for how long or how fast I was placed on next I herd the door slam there I was full rubber blind locked to a treadmill for however long the sadistic man wanted and I loved it my cock hurt so much I wanted to cum so bad I knew before long I would be nothing but a cum starved pain pig.

I was left there for what seemed like hours running then walking then running over and over he must have set it on random. Suddenly the machine stopped and I herd his voice "pig done running, good pig" I was untied but the blind fold was left on I was hot sweaty and in pain, but he did not care. "come on pig we have work to do" the man lead me thru the apartment to my second bedroom I used for storage my blind fold was removed and I just stood there in amazement my god master had turned it into a mini gym you will work out with me every day for 5 hrs till you look like me in appearance but that's all. He lead me thru the routine consisting of 5 sets of ten on all of the equipment from bench presses to squat thrusts I was still in pain but he add more pain to my body as with each new machine I was put thru even more my suite had unknown pockets and holes as he attached nipple clamps to me and at each station they where attached to the weights every time I did a rep they where pulled very hard thru the short cords I was given

With the squat thrusts I was given a stool between my legs with a 12 inch dildo attached every time I went down I fucked my self harder and harder with me nipples still clamed for the hole five hrs my new piercing where hurting like hell by the time we where thru I next I was to cool down with bending and stretching and pushup where I had to blow him off while I was doing the push ups I was not allowed to stop till he came in my mouth.

After the workout I was close to 7 ok I was to have a free time now "ok pig boy its time for your time just a few rules boy no talking, standing, or touching of any thing electronic. You got that pig boy" I nodded my head in agreement and set off for the bathroom "I had to shit like crazy" I hurt all over and stunk to high heaven I made my way over when I herd "what the fuck do you think you are doing pig animals don't us toilets you are only allowed the use of this room in the mornings under your gods approval "damn I cant use the rest room" he dragged me to the out side balcony where I saw an old metal bucket and some wet naps "if you need to shit or piss you are only allowed to use this boy during the day with me what do you have do shit or piss "both I said" SMACK another swift hit to the face "don't talk boy" he slowly removed my plug and unzipped my suit I stood on my haunches as I did not want to up set him again "that's it boy now do your business and make it quick" I stated to shit and piss hopefully hitting the bucket I am sure he would tell me if I did not after I was thru I was back on all fours he cleaned me up with the wet naps and roughly shoved the plug back in zipping me up and padlocking me shut "just so you don't try that during the night boy see you tomorrow boy" so there I was left to my new status for the rest of the night I made my way to the bed and crawled in pulling the sheets up and falling asleep still horny as hell and could not do a thing about it god I loved it.

The following weeks went by pretty much the same way every morning I gave my self two enemas followed by a wash off with warm soapy water and rinse to clean out the rubber, then on to all fours my knees have became use to it and I no longer hurt any more form the crawling around, the workouts never changed including the bondage workouts the only change was my butt plug was in creased in size every week no I can a 24 inch dildo with no problems the man who trains me finally told me who he is he is the god masters personal trainer and number one sub human under him he is responsible for keeping all slaves in the masters kennel in top physical condition at all times. Over the next few weeks I dropped a lot of weight I guess I can no fit in to a 32 where I was in a 48 only a month ago the rubber suit is a little baggy now Sir said over the phone one night the rubber is only for training after I move in to the cage I would be kept naked except for my chastity belt, Sir believes that a slave with a dick is more eager to please than one with out that's why all his slaves have a belt except for number one who earned release of course master would not say what he did to earn it I wish I knew dame I have not cum in over 4 weeks.

Well the day is here said number one after 4 weeks of training and suffering I was moving in with god master I lost a total of 100 lbs in a week thanks to the work outs and diet I was weighted before I was packed up all the items in the apartment where put into a packing crate and my bed was set of fire in the ally number one though no one would want it after such a revolting pig slept in it for so long. When it was my turn to leave I was told to lay flat on a back board and was strapped down from ankles to forehead a large penis gag was strapped in place and blinders put on the board started to move and was set down a few feet away in what I could feel was a long box, "this is going to be along ride pig good luck boy" with those words the butt plug in my ass started to hum and a new feature of my chastity belt was activated it started to hum also I was so horny it felt great I thought I was going to cum there with out a hard on

The last time I went to masters house it took me only an hour but I was keep in the box for what seemed like days with out food or water hearing and feeling it slam here and there I found out later it was only 12 hrs I was taken to masters new ranch in Texas where he had over 100 acres and was starting an S&M ranch for wealth perverts I was to be the main pain pig there for master and the guest more for the master thou.

After arriving and unpacking I was lead to a large room with drains in the floor where my god master was there and unlocked my collar to removed and the rubber was cut off "finally freedom from the rubber I looked down to see a forest of hair my eyes were covered in hair from my head and you could see hair growing out from underneath my chastity belt "tisk tisk that wont do I guess you get one last hard on pig enjoy it will be your last" god master raised another key and with in seconds the front two pieces fell to the floor and my dick was pulled from the tube I finally saw what had burned my so much that first night master had branded me just above my cock where it met my abs "my god I had a six pack fro the first time ever" my cock was as hard a steel and there was no getting it down after a few moments a couple of rubber slave appeared and started to apply a smelly cream all over from head to toe It started to burn like fire I started to scream and was told to shut up after some time a rubber slave appeared with a high pressure hose and blasted me with ice cold water my cock shrank and was limp before my eyes my hair was falling off leaving none even my eye lashes where gone "that was a special cream boy I permit removes hair killing the root you are now a hairless pain pig boy enjoy" after saying that the chastity belt was reinstalled this time a spit welder appeared and welded the sides and bottom together I was never gona get any now next a new lighter collar was brought in and place around my neck stainless steel with rings on all sides it to was welded shut a long with ankle and wrist shackles welded Into place I was released and assumed by position on the floor I instantly started in on master booted feet wishing I could do more with out permission he kicked me off and said "maybe later number 69" that number was on the ankle and wrist shackles I guess that's my number here 69 I loved It because he gave it to me.

"Show him his new home I will come see it later"

I was flipped over and a four corner chain was attached to my wrist and angles allowing only crawling I shuffled along the rough floor till we came to the kennel I was lead to a stall that looked like it was for a horse I was lifted off the ground and placed on a cold steel table my restraints where locked in place "not moving now" and a arm was moved in behind me with what I guess was a rather large dildo that was raped in my hole with no lube at all I started to scream a large cock gag was locked on and a full leather hood was laced on only having noise holes to breath nipple clamps where attached and strung up above me tight If I moved an inch pain would course thru me just then the dildo started to move in and out and vibrate violently my nipples started to ach, "good nigh pig sleep tight" I was in for a long night if this is how I was to sleep now I was in trouble on my knees with a dildo and nipple clamps causing pain after what seemed like hours I finally fell asleep from sheer exhaustion in to a fit full sleep.

I awoke several hours later to the same feeling of a dildo fucking my ass but this time the gag was removed and a real cock was fucking my face with eager the cock cam in my mouth and then finished off by pissing in and on my face and body I was let down off the table a leash was attached to the collar I was half dragged half walked to a new station it was like a exam chair but backwards I was placed ass up on the chair my ass sticking in air I was chained to the chair and herd a buzzing sound then more pain I knew this feeling I was getting a tattoo I started to speak when the gag was place in again to shut me up. The tattooing went on for servile mins afterward I was shown a mirror with my ass they had tattooed things on me it read "SLAVE WHORE FUCK AT WILL" above my ass below my ass was written "PISS WHORE USE AT WILL" then they opened my ass apart and saw a bulls eye tattooed around my hole in big red lines circling my anus I was marked as the ranched fuck pig next I was flipped over and I began again this time on my chest and face and above my chastity belt reading on my face above and below my lips "CUM AND PISS WHORE" on my forehead was written "PROPERTY OF GOD MASTER" god was the branding not enough on the chest was written "PIG NIPPLES TOURTER PLEASE" and above the belt was tattooed "NO ACCESS PIG WHORES DON'T CUM" I was tattooed and pierced and branded I was completely owned now "don't worry that's it don't want to mess with that back then we wont see the whip marks" showing me a bull whip with a three inch metal tip

After the tattoo session I was dragged away to the main house and prepped for the main master of the house tied on to a fuck horse with my now colorful ass in the air I herd his leather boots enter the room and next felt the sting of hand on raw skin as he slapped my raw ass "good boy you are starting to look decent" he walked forward and saw that his dick was hard he grabbed some thing from a near by table it was a devious looking rubber condom with what looked like rubber spikes all along the length "this is gona hurt pig but you will like it because this is the only way you will get your masters cock boy" with that I was rammed in my ass with no lube I started to scream and holler "please take it out it hurts master" SLAP SLAP SLAP three sharp belts across my back as he continued to rape me I was in total pain and he was loving it. Even thou I was in total pain I could feel my cock trying in vein to get hard in its prison. "Let's make this more interesting" I could just make out over my own screaming and with that the belt started vibrates I could not believe it in total pain and pleasure at the same time. This went on for hours at the end I was bleeding from the ass Masters Cock was coved in blood and there was more coming from my back where I was whipped.

After the rape whipping I was left on the bench when a new slave joined my and I was cared for "that is the worst it may get from Master pig he likes to show his new slaves who is in charge" I was surprised this slave talked he told me he is the number two slave and he was a doctor before that so he is in charge of keeping pigs and dogs and other slaves in good health so he is going to be very busy in the coming weeks due to the guest staying on the ranch and I could expect to be seeing him a lot I was the hot item at the moment and was in high demand.

End of part one

Next: Chapter 2

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