Mutant on the Rise

By Ryan C

Published on Nov 26, 2008


Disclaimer* I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

This story takes place in my own universe, not at all related to the movies. Any comments, suggestions, or anything of the like, please feel free to email me at

Chapter 2: The Meeting

Driving up the country road, I glanced behind me, trying to think of what had happened. I couldn't recall anything. I don't know if maybe my mind hadn't processed it all yet, or what. I had heard that sometimes when things happen, sometimes your mind just reacts and then it interprets the information later. After the height of adrenaline has settled, the brain slowly begins to process the mass amount of information it just encountered. I don't know if its true, but I do know it started happening to me. My brain began to fill in the things my memory had lost; realizing and putting the pieces of the days past events into place. Had I really destroyed everything? What had I done? Was it even me who had done those horrible things? Bodies strewn across the foyer, thankfully none of them were the kids that had attended the school. If I had murdered those people, my friends, I don't think I could have lived with myself had any of them been children. But then again, could I live with the fact that I had caused the death of so many friends?

Finally reaching my destination at the cabin, I got out the car and looked around. The cabin was the only place, outside of the mansion; I could come and think peacefully. Beautiful bushes and landscaping laced the foundation and gave the cabin a warm welcoming tone. The cabin itself stood two stories tall, although it was only a one floor cabin. I had built the cabin myself. Constructed it from the trees that had been in the clearing and where the backyard now was. The backyard had a beautiful garden and had a walkway that led to the cliff. I had picked the site based upon the view from that cliff which overlooked the mansion. As I approached the doorway I decided not to actually go in but instead I walked out onto the cliff. Up here I could see the destruction of the place I had called home for so long, now laced with billows of smoke coming out of parts of the once beautiful place. Flashes continued to go through my mind; bits and pieces of the battle.

Mystique then charged at me in a disguise that mirrored my own image. She looked like me, but she didn't have my power. With a simple thought I focused the air around her and stopped her motion. I could feel her fear, taste it on the tip of my tongue; she had never encountered anyone quite like me, she had never encountered me before, but she knew of me, knew of my power, and yet she still dared. With a subconscious thought, she stayed in place and I focused my attention instead on Wolverine that was now charging at me from behind.

"I told Ice to take care of you, but I guess I'll have to take care of you both. Pity fools," a sneer smile slowly spreading across my face. "Don't you realize you can't stop me? I won't stop till I find him," I said peacefully, stopping the Wolverine just as I had Mystique. He grunted against the sudden change in his momentum but he knew it was useless. There was no way to get around the invisible force that held him in place.

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!!" I yelled, my voice surprising myself.

Another flash went by:

Pyro stood in front of me, fire blazing in the palm of his hands.

"You'll never find him, Psy, get over it. He's dead, and you know it. There's no way to bring him back now. It's all your fault." Throwing a fireball at me, but I dodged it easily.

"No it's not, and he's not dead. I can feel him. And it has nothing to do with a psychic ability, it's just a feeling that you have for someone you love as completely as I do. Maybe you would know a thing or two about it if you could actually think of someone other than yourself, you selfish bastard!" I said with a calm that was beginning to break, the air vibrating around me as I was trying to keep my emotions under control.

"What do you know? You arrogant little prick!" He shouted, obviously my last statement striking a chord within the fire mutant. He then lifted his hands up and through a huge spiral of fire towards me. There was no way I could dodge it this time, the pillars of flame coming towards me. I let go of my calm resolve, let my control finally release, and I lifted my hands.

<Earth to Sebastian,> Jean spoke telepathically, bringing me out of a sleep I hadn't known I had been taking.

"Sorry, hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. Are we here?" I said groggily

"Yes, we just landed not a moment ago, time to go meet the Professor."

"What about my bags?"

"They will be taken up later; what's more important is that you meet the professor. Come along now." And I followed Jean out of the jet. It appeared that we had landed in some form of hangar. Ororo stayed behind in the jet to do the post-flight check. Walking behind Jean, I followed her to the far corner and into an elevator. As I rode up, a feeling of anxiousness crept upon me. Thoughts began to flood my mind. Wondering what kind of powers I would have, what life would be like at this place? No one would know who I was. Being alone. Again.

We came out of the elevator and began walking down a halfway, which at the end had two double doors. All along the hallway, there were other doors, assuming to either hold classrooms, or something of that matter. Several students, I had taken notice, were walking around in the hall, coming in and out of the rooms. One student in particular was easy to pay attention to. He stood out from the rest being six feet tall. He wore his dark blonde hair in an unruly fashion, the hair seeming to a have a mind of its own. His dark blue shirt complimented his tan skin and blue eyes, and hugged his torso so that his muscles were clearly defined. He wore dark denim jeans and fit very well, but not too snug. He radiated a sense of self confidence, border lining on arrogance. As he walked past, I felt an itch in the back of my mind, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Before I could begin to determine this itch, the boy had passed and we were almost to the double doors, which I assumed was the professor's office.

"Well if you'll step inside Sebastian, the professor with speak with you." Jean said, opening the door for me without actually touching the door. It was something I would have to get used to, the blatant use of power to do such trivial and small things.

<It's ok, you'll get use to it,> Jean's voice filling my mind as she noticed my hesitation.

I looked back at her and gave her a smile, and walked into the office to await my fate. As I entered I looked around at my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the big mahogany desk that stood against the back center of the room. Continuing to look around the room, the walls were decorated with dark hardwood that matched the desk. The hardwood only went from the baseboard to a little less than halfway on the wall. The other top half was painted a crème color, to balance out the dark wood. Along the left and far back walls were nothing but windows, laced with beautiful crème color curtains that contrasted the dark wood of the walls and desk. Looking towards the right wall was a bookshelf that covered the whole wall; I had never seen so many books before, except in a library. Reading was amazing, you could escape the reality of any situation and within a sentence one could leave this world behind and become a part of another, at least for a few moments. As my attention came back around to the center of the room, I noticed that there was no one in the room but myself; noting that the professor must be off somewhere, I decided to sit in one of the two armchairs that were in front of the desk. While I sat, again the thought of being here slowly began to register, reality taking a slow creeping hold. I reminded myself, however, that I was bound to discover more than I thought I would.

<Hello Sebastian, my apologies for keeping you waiting, I had a student that required some advice on a personal matter.>

The sudden speech had startled me but I was certain I hadn't actually heard it. Turning around in my chair, an older gentleman in a wheel chair had entered the room. Deducing who this person was was easy. I began standing immediately.

<Please, remaining sitting, no need to get up on my account. I am Charles Xavier, headmaster of this school.> He wheeled himself around to the other side of the desk.

"Thank you professor, for giving me this great opportunity to attend your school," I said in a respectful manner a little startled to still be hearing things in my head instead of being spoken out loud. It was going to definitely take some getting used to.

"The pleasure is all mine, there is nothing more satisfying to the human soul, than to pass on one's knowledge onto another. Since the being of time, species have passed on to the next generation the knowledge needed in order to survive. Humans have taken each piece of knowledge, used it, and added to it. And now, the next chapter of human evolution is upon us. How was your ride over to the school?"

"It was great, but excuse me for being a little forward, I can't help but thinking that it was a little over the top. I mean, a private jet, a little over the top don't you think? Or do you pick up every student like that?"

"It was a necessary precaution that had to be taken in order to ensure your safety. Although I don't want any alarm to come, but there is another group of mutants, that during your course of studies here at the School, that want others to join in order to bring humanity to the next generation, the mutant generation, by any means necessary." The professor told me with a solemn, distant look on his face.

"Any means necessary?" I said with a fear of what the answer would be, and what it had to do with me

"Yes, their plan is to have mutants reign supreme, and to accomplish that task they will fight over it, not to the point of mass genocide, I don't believe they're leader would go that far, but then again, it's not out of the scope. But enough of this, on to what you're truly here for, and that is to discover and harness your new found ability. First though, let me ask you what you think your power is."

Ignoring the change of subject abruptly, I answered "Well, I'm sure you know of the situation that happened at my parent's house?"

"That would be correct."

"Well then I would have to guess that my powers lie somewhere dealing with fire, or heat maybe?" I meant logically it seemed right. The fireball had somehow appeared in my hand out of no where.

"That's a fair assumption; would you like to know for sure?

"Yeah!" I said enthusiastically

"First I'm going to have to do a psychic scan of your brain, and I can only do that with your permission Sebastian,"

"Will it feel weird?"

"It can be a little startling at first, but I promise that I will only look for what your ability is, and nothing more. I will not pry into your memories, or make you doing anything you don't want to. If at all you feel uncomfortable with the proceedings, you can immediately tell me to stop and I will withdraw the scan. Are you ready?" The professor said as he wheeled his chair around next to my own.

"Yeah." I was honestly a bit nervous, but my enthusiasm was more than nervous.

"Ok just relax and clear your mind. It will make the process much easier." With that I relaxed in the chair. He placed his hands on either side of my temples. Suddenly I felt a strange presence, the only way to explain it, is sometimes when you feel like someone is behind you and you turn around and no one's there, that's how it felt. The professor, sensing my uneasiness, asked if everything was ok.

<Sebastian, I'm in your mind now, you should be able to feel my presence, just let me know if you want me to withdraw>

<No, I'm ok. You can continue professor>

It seemed like it took a little length of time, but within seconds the professor let go of my temples, and wheeled back around the desk. I wasn't sure if I should say anything so I waited for the professor to speak. Once he finished writing something down, he looked up at me and saw the concerned look on my face.

"Nothing to fear, Sebastian, everything turned out fine. From what I could tell from the basic scan, we would have to conduct some more tests to be certain it appears that your power lies in the area of telekinesis and telepathy. How much power is in each I cannot tell, again more tests would have to be done in order to determine, but at least now we know for sure. What do you think?"

"I think its pretty cool; just don't really understand how I controlled it but whatever."

"Control will come in time. Now that you know your power, we can teach you to control it, use it to its fullest potential. You'll be instructed by some of the teachers here, as well as myself, that is if you want to." The professor asked.

"Well it is the reason I decided to come, if I have these powers, I don't want them to go all haywire on me." I said having a chuckle at the end

"Definitely do no want that happening. I've already prepared a small schedule for you in advance, look it over, and you will see that your first `class' is with me on Monday. In it will discuss the basics, judging to see what you can do with your powers. Now if you'd like you can settled in dinner will be ready in a few hours."

"Thank you professor," I said as I stood. The double doors of the professor office opened again, and someone very familiar walked in. The six foot tall guy I had seen earlier walked in. He had changed his simple blue shirt and traded it for a green collared shirt that fit just as well as the one he had previously been wearing.

"Ah Erik, thank you for coming by, if you'd be so kind as to show Sebastian to his room and assist him in getting settled in. As I said to Sebastian, dinner will be ready in a couple hours. After getting settled in, give him a tour of the grounds would you. Introduce him to students, and have him get to know his new home."

"Sure thing professor," He turned to me and put his hand out for a greeting, "Hi I'm Erik, I saw you earlier with Dr. Grey, nice to meet you." He flashed a warm smile and I clasped his hand, giving it a shake.

"I'm Sebastian," I said returning his smile with one of my own. We turned away from the professor and started towards the double doors, me following Erik. As I did I turned back around and thanked the professor once again for his hospitality and allowing me to stay here. As Erik and I were walking down the hall toward the foyer and a beautiful grand staircase, I said to Erik, "Guess I'm the new guy around here."

"Oh you'll get to know this place pretty fast; it's so comforting, you definitely be calling it home in no time." He said, again giving me a warm smile.

Home, a word that was so familiar yet so foreign. Erik and I walked up the grand staircase, toward my new home.

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