My First Year with Kevin

By Brew Maxwell

Published on Sep 7, 2000


The following is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men, and anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must exit the story now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive for the enjoyment of its readers. It may not be posted or distributed by any other medium without the written permission of its author.

My other works in the Nifty Archive include Unusual Christmas and Nick's Adventures, both in bisexual/high school, First Mate and Twin Spin in gay/incest, The Dancer and Call-Boy Journal in gay/encounters, and From Slave to Houseboy in gay/authoritarian.

E-mail comments are always welcome.

My First Year With Kevin

Chapter 15

The football season was finally over on December 10th. Kevin's team won the state championship in Division C, which is for the smallest schools in the state, but it was still a state championship. Our life changed when that occurred.

Always before, Kevin would have practice or a game, and I wouldn't see him until five o'clock or later. We often made love when he got home, especially if he was really sweaty and nasty. For some reason his musk when he had been sweating drove me wild. After football was over, there was only one week of school left, and we both had our first semester finals. We both studied pretty hard for them, and, when they were over on Friday, December 17th, we celebrated.

Frank and Denis were busy, so Kevin and I went out to dinner.

"You haven't said much about Todd lately," he said, as the waiter left to get our drinks.

"I see him every day, usually. He's okay."

"You think he's shooting pool tonight?"

"Probably. Why?"

"Well, I kind of like him, and I wouldn't mind getting together with him to hang out."

"You want me to call him?"

"Yeah," Kevin said. "Give him a buzz."

I pulled out my cell phone and called Todd's cell phone number. He answered after two rings.

"Hey, Todd. It's Matt. Matt Smythe.... Good, man. Whatcha up to tonight? ... I figured as much. Listen, you want to get together? ... Me and Kevin.... Okay. That sounds good. We'll see you there."

"So, what's up," Kevin asked.

"Todd said he's supposed to meet Jonathan at eleven o'clock at a bar on Rampart Street. Someplace called The Big Easy. You know where that is?"

"More or less. I've never been there, but I've passed it a million times. Cool. We'll meet up with old Todd and Jonathan."

The rest of the meal we talked about the holidays. Kevin said he had major shopping to do, and I admitted I did, too. We made shopping lists on pieces of paper we borrowed from a waiter. It wasn't terribly long, but it would keep us each busy a day or two. We had the time, though, so it wasn't a problem.

"What about your mom and step-dad," Kevin asked when he looked at my list. "No presents for them?"

My heart sank when he asked that question. I didn't say anything for a few minutes. Instead, I took a sip of my drink and lit a cigarette.

"Tell me what to do, Babe. I don't fucking know," I said

"It's just up to you, man. You know the situation. I don't."

"Well, the situation is that my family consists of you, Denis, and Frank, as far as I'm concerned. They did kick me out, and all."

"You haven't heard from your mom since you moved here, have you?"

"No, I haven't. And I haven't written or called her, either."

"Have you even thought much about them?"

"Truthfully, no. I thought about my mom on her birthday in October, but I didn't call or send a card or anything. I didn't get a card from her on my birthday, either."

"Well, I can understand how you feel."

"Can you really, Kevin? How can you?"

" 'Cause I know you?"

"Yeah, you do, dude. You know me better than anybody."

"Well, I think you should send her a gift. Or I should. That may be it, man. I send her a gift to say thanks for giving you to me. I'm going to do it."

"I dare you, dude."

"You're fucking on, man."

After dinner, we went to The Big Easy on Rampart Street. It was a gay bar, of course, and we had fun dancing and shooting pool and drinking. Jonathan and Todd were attired in regular clothes that time, and nobody had an orgasm, as far as I knew. Nothing was weird, Jonathan didn't order Todd around or anything, and there was no hint of any master-slave stuff. It was just a night out with two friends at a bar.

The next day Kevin and I started our Christmas shopping. We went to a couple of malls and bought quite a bit of stuff. We both had everything wrapped at a gift-wrapping kiosk that had been set up by some charity home for kids, and they did a fantastic job. I have never been good at gift wrapping, and I was sure Kevin had never even tried it. We went to a jewelry store, and Kevin bought an Omega chain and a slide of sapphires and diamonds. He had them wrap it, and we took it to Federal Express after he had written a beautiful note to go with it. He basically said he knew he had once known her and that she and his mother had been good friends. He said he missed his own mom and that I missed her. He said he loved me, and he thanked her for making me possible for him. He did that on Saturday, December 18th. On Monday, December 20th, he got a phone call from my mom. It came in on his cell phone, but he let me listen in on it.


"Yes. This is Kevin. Who's this?"

"It's Tonya. Matt's mother."

"Oh, hi. Oh, it's so good to talk to you. Do you remember me?"

"Kevin, how could I ever forget the son of my best friend. Of course, I remember you. But you must be a young man by now, like my Matt."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be nineteen in May. I guess that's a young man. Or an old boy. Whichever you prefer."

She laughed. I could tell from her tone of voice she really liked Kevin, even though she barely knew him.

"You're cute. I like that in an old boy."

"Thanks. Do you want to talk to Matt?"

"Very much. But do you think he'll talk to me?"

I shook my head "no."

"Er, he's not exactly here right now. I mean, he's in the house, but he's downstairs somewhere. I really don't know where he is."

"Well, I want to thank you for that gift you sent. I opened it as soon as it arrived, and I just had to talk to you."

"Well, you're welcome."

"That was awfully sweet of you." Pause. "How is my baby?"

"He's great," Kevin said. "You know he and I are lovers, don't you?"

There was a long pause. "I didn't know, but I'm glad. I'm happy for both of you."

"Matt has some doubts about that," Kevin said.

"Well, he shouldn't have, as far as I'm concerned. His step-father and I have very different opinions about gay people. I understand, I think, but his step-father doesn't."

"Well, we're here, and we're queer. That's the way it is, Tonya."

"I know, Kevin, and I respect that." Pause. "Do you think there's any way you and Matt can come out to San Diego during the holidays?"

I shook my head no. No way was I going out there.

"Let me get back to you on that, Tonya. I don't know if Matt would want to do that or not. Okay?"

"Okay," she said. "But please try to convince him you guys should come out. Please. I want to see him so badly."

"Okay, well let me get back to you, okay? Give me your number."

She gave Kevin her cell phone number, not the household number. He wrote it down, but I knew it by heart. They exchanged pleasantries, she thanked him again for the gift, and they hung up.

"Whoooooa," I said, after he had hung up. "I'm not believing that shit."

"What? The invitation?"

"Exactly. What do you think?"

"I think I've always heard of the San Diego Zoo, and this is a chance to go see it."

I laughed when he said that.

"Seriously, I got the impression your mom isn't nearly the homophobe your step-father is. I think we could make it work. Besides, with me there, you'll have support against him. And, if it comes to it, I'll kick his fucking ass."

I laughed when Kevin said that, but I knew he meant it and could do it. I really wanted to see my mom again, but I also wanted to see what Denis and Frank thought about it.

We talked about that at dinner that night. Kevin brought it up and told about what he had done and what the phone conversation had been about.

"She wants us to go out there during the holidays," Kevin said. "What do y'all think?"

There was a kind of awkward pause. Finally Denis broke the silence.

"Well, she is your mother, Matt. And I know from the soles of my feet that she loves you."

"Yeah, but she just stood back while what's-his-name kicked my ass out."

"His name is Morris, as you well know, and, if he hadn't kicked you out, you would never have come here to be with us. And you and Kevin would never have fallen in love. Think of it that way," Denis said.

"What do you think, Frank," Kevin asked.

"Well, I've known Tonya at least half my life, or longer. And I know she is a very good person. I also know she loves Matt. But, I think that if you guys decide to go, it should be on your terms, not theirs."

"What do you mean," Kevin asked.

"Well, no separate rooms, for example. You're lovers, and you should share a room, if that's what you want. And smoking. I gather that was a big deal with them, right, Matt?"

"With him. Not with Mom," Matt said.

"Do they ever have friends over who smoke in the house," Frank asked.

"Sure. All the time."

"Well, then, I think you should demand the right to smoke in the house, if you want to. My point is, Tonya has invited you guys out there, warts, wrinkles, and cigarette butts. If she didn't want you as you are, she should never have invited you. Plus, you both have unlimited credit card accounts. Get yourselves a fucking hotel room if things get too hot to handle."

"So you guys think we should do it," I asked.

"Let's put it this way. Denis and I are leaving the day after Christmas for New York and who-knows-where from there. You two aren't invited. You can stay here, work out, jerk off, watch MTV, play video games, and do whatever the hell you want to. But the week after Christmas is made for vacations, and I think both of you have earned a trip. Do what you want to do."

Damn, I thought. They were both encouraging that trip. As I looked at Kevin, I knew he wanted to go.

"Thanks, Dads," I said. "You've been a big help to me."

"Yeah, thanks," Kevin said. I knew he knew I had made up my mind to go, and I also knew he was glad I had.

The party on December 23rd was spectacular. Kevin and I looked only too cool in our tuxes. He's completely and totally handsome anyway, and, dressed up like that, he looked like a model. In fact, I thought modeling might be a good career for him.

Christmas Eve was great, with visits to about a dozen friends' houses (friends of Denis and Frank, or course, not of us), and then we went to the midnight service at church. That was the first time I had been to "our" church, and I was impressed. Christmas day was fantastic. We got up around nine o'clock. Kevin and I took a shower together and made love, and then we went downstairs in just our briefs. Frank and Denis weren't up yet, so we made coffee, heated up the pastry the houseboys had left us, and just kind of hung out. Kevin read the paper, of course, but I turned the TV set to MTV and watched it for awhile.

We weren't down long before Frank and Denis came out. They were fully dressed, and I felt a little embarrassed.

"Let's go get dressed," I said to Kevin.

"Why," Frank asked. "Kevin has been in just his underwear every Christmas morning of his life. It's not exactly like we haven't seen 'the goods.'"

I laughed. "You've got a point there, Frank," I said.

"Come on. Let's say the prayer and give out the presents," Kevin said.

The prayer, I thought? What is this?

The four of us joined hands to pray. Frank said the prayer, which was beautiful. He prayed for the poor, the hungry, for those for whom Christmas is not a holiday. Then he prayed for Kevin and me and for him and Denis, that our trips would be safe. He concluded, "Lord, just as you gave yourself to us, on that first Christmas, as a sign of your love for humankind, grant us the grace to see these gifts from one another as signs of the love we have for each other. In Jesus' name we pray."

We all said "Amen." I had never experienced anything like that before, and I was really moved by it.

The routine was that Kevin and I distributed the gifts. Then we went around the room, each opening one in turn. There was no mad scramble to see who could open his gifts first; everyone took pleasure in the reaction of the other.

It took us about two hours to open all the gifts. Frank and Denis really piled it on us boys. We each had like ten gifts from each of them, and Kevin and I had a bunch of gifts for each other, as well. They ranged from Bic lighters to cashmere blazers to deeds to land in the rainforest of Guatemala. We gave them all sorts of shirts, ties, power boxes to replace their jumper cables, and all kinds of stuff. There were lots of books, computer games and programs, and tubes of KY jelly, which broke everyone up.

After we opened our gifts, Kevin made Bloody Marys for everyone, and he got busy with brunch. The houseboys had made a sausage, egg, cheese, and bread casserole for brunch, and Kevin opened a couple of jars of fruit to go with it. He put some croissants in the oven to heat. After our second round of Bloody Marys, we were ready for brunch.

The meal was delicious, and we were through by one o'clock. We hung around the house, looking at our gifts, reading books and magazines we had gotten, listening to CD's. I think everybody was asleep by three o'clock, but we were awake again by five. That night six of Frank and Denis' closest friends were coming over for dinner-red beans and rice, pork roast, a salad, and dessert. I was surprised that their closest friends were two married couples and a gay couple, who were also their law partners. Kevin and I had put on jeans and shirts and shoes by then, but all six people uuh'd and ahh's over Kevin and me. We had Christmas crackers, a la England, and the evening was a great success.

We went to bed by midnight Christmas night. We were all tired from a busy day. The next morning Kevin and I got up at seven to take Frank and Denis to the airport for their flight to New York. Our flight to San Diego wasn't until three that afternoon, so we went home. We went home, farted around watching TV and going for a swim, and we took off again for the airport at one o'clock.

Next: Chapter 16

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