My Funky Avatar

By iaSoN MiNK

Published on Jul 5, 2005


Hey guys, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful feedback I'd been receiving. Here's the next installment. I hope you like it.

This is a work of gay erotic fiction. All similarities in real life including the band are unintentional and purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:



Almost 6:00 pm. My nerves are going overdrive. I have been checking myself in the mirror in my room trying to look as best as I could.

"Hey, cut it out," Samantha said, "You've been doing that for the last 30 minutes. It's beginning to irritate me."

I almost forgot she was with me, helping me pick out clothes as always. I turned to my friend who patted my shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Ryan. You'd rock his world. Everything will be perfect."

"No," I said, my hands clammy and sweaty. "Everything is mysterious. I don't even know where we'll go. I can't believe I agreed to this."

"It's too late to turn back, you know," Sam told me as she fixed my tie. "Besides, it would be a new experience for you, so you might as well enjoy."

"How can you be so supportive about this?" I asked her. "I'm dating another guy and you seem to be ecstatic. Aren't you concerned that I might be gay?"

"Ryan," she replied, "you're an adult now, and I think you're responsible for your own actions. If I can't have Adam for myself, I could be happy knowing that my best friend had him."

"I wonder what Lawrence would do if he heard that," I trailed off before the door bell rang. Sam stopped me, whispering that I should stay in my room, and went to answer it. My heart was racing. I just saw Adam yesterday but I was excited to see him again.

My best friend entered my room with a brilliant smile on her face. Her puppy eyes were squinting with energy but her movement was normal. When the door was closed she began jumping like a madman.

"Oh my God," Sam squealed, trying to keep her voice down and fanning her face with her hands. She was hyper-ventilating. "It's real. He's here. He's so hot, Ryan. He's adorable. Before you go, ask him to sing for us, please."

I walked out of my room with Sam hiding behind me, like a child frightened of a mascot in the mall. Adam stood up when he saw me. Damn, he looked so edible. I never knew he would be that gorgeous wearing formal attire. With his features, he could turn any straight guy gay. Unfortunately, he picked me, and I was no exception. His mere presence made my legs wobbly and my thoughts incoherent.

"Wow," he said appreciatively. I blushed like a schoolgirl. "Ryan, you're so handsome."

"Thanks," I said, looking down. I was too embarrassed to meet him eye to eye. "You look great, too. Shall we go?"

Adam gave me a nod of approval. Samantha nudged my back with her elbow, reminding me to tell him her request. An evil grin spread on my face. It was payback time.

"Adam," I told him as I got closer. "Sam here wants you to sing something for her before we leave. You see, she has this big crush on you and she would be extremely happy if you could grant her wish."

He had an inquisitive expression on his face at first and then let out a sigh and said, "Sure." He was used to this. Sam, on the other hand, was trembling, as I expected. It was priceless to see my best friend so vulnerable. I knew she would get back at me after our date but for now, I was clearly the winner.

Adam closed his eyes and transformed in front of our eyes. His confident, sensual personality was multiplied hundredfold, as if he was performing on stage for a major concert. He sang the chorus of one of our favorite songs in their new album and when he was finished, Sam and I stared at Adam, astonished. His singing voice was cool and raspy, and when he hit high notes I felt goose bumps all over my body. In the duration of his number his brooding eyes were fixed on me, and I was frozen in disbelief.

He really cared for me. He would chase me to the ends of the earth if he had to. What did I do to deserve his attention? I absolutely had no idea. Resist him, my mind was always telling me, but those eyes that seem to be watching me all the time can hypnotize me to do things against my will.

"That was wonderful," Sam and I said simultaneously. We looked at one another and shared a good laugh. Adam, who was blushing at our comment, joined us, too, and mentioned that we had to go.

"Have fun, you two," my best friend told me as she went to my side. She had her face near mine and said, "Don't do anything stupid to ruin this, Ryan. By the way, I'll have my revenge someday, and remember what they say about payback being a bitch. Call me later, stud."

"Ok," I said as she went close to Adam and whispered something in his ear. She had this evil glint in her eyes and I saw that my date was amused at our unusual friendship, convincing me he would go with her plan. Damn, even Adam is yielding to her wicked charms. She kissed him goodbye and walked out on me before I could say anything about it. I almost laughed, knowing she believed I would be jealous with what she did. I could hear her jumping with joy across the street.

Then again, it was just the two of us, and an awkward silence surrounded us. I turned off the lights and locked my door. He never said a word as he reached for my hand and took me outside. There was electricity in his touch. I held his hand tight, and he smiled at me saying a brief, "Thank you."

"We haven't even left yet," I sarcastically said. "I'll remind you again of our deal. If anything goes public, it's over."

He was silent, but I guessed he understood. We approached his car, which was just a Civic, parked on the other side of the street. I had watched on TV he was an avid car collector, so I thought he chose this car so that he would not attract onlookers. I was kind of expecting a limousine to pick us up, but certainly that would create some fuss here, since this is not an upscale part of the city.

He opened the passenger door for me, which I found very lame. He was planning to impress me all night, eh? He smiled timidly as I entered his car and sat down, and once again I was getting excited. How can he do that? I mean, with just a smile I go to the other extreme from hating him to liking him. His hand was on the door and I noticed he was shaking. If he were as nervous as I am, could he drive well?

"Quite uneasy, huh?" I said to him when he sat down on the driver's seat and closed the door. The car started to move. Our date has officially begun. "I bet this is your first time, just like mine."

"I have dated girls before," he said, not in a bragging way, though. "It's because I'm with you. I am always thinking whether or not my actions would disappoint you. I want to prove I'm worthy."

"What if I dump you?" I asked playfully.

He took it wrong. His hands gripped the stirring wheel very tight, and his expression was unreadable. I guessed we did not know each other, at all. I thought he was going to punch me and do whatever he wanted so I closed my eyes. I was surprised when all he did was let out a sigh.

"You won't," he answered with finality. His dark eyes told me he was not joking. I was supposed to get mad at him for saying that, but I didn't. I was out of words. I found his aggression very masculine, and it turned me on. Not that I'm submissive, but his way of breaking my defenses and forcing himself into my life is new to me, and somehow he won points for that because nobody has done that before. And for the first time, someone is paying attention to my inconspicuous life, and that mattered to me very much.

The trip to our destination was uneventful, except for the occasional glances I threw at Adam. Every time I did that, he was looking at me, and that made me wonder if he was driving or staring at me the whole time. There were no words uttered, but both of us found the silence enjoyable. Once in a while he would brush his leg against mine, and the warmth I felt at the contact made me feel at home. I was safe with him.

"We're here," Adam told me as he put his hand on my shoulder. I could not believe I had fallen asleep. I don't know how long I had been dozing off, and my sense of time can not be trusted as of the moment. "I apologize for being a boring companion. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Don't say that. I was tired, that's all," I said. "I had a long weekend."

"OK," he replied, unsure of what I meant with that remark. There was a hint of a smile when he came up to me and said, "I liked watching you sleep. You were really cute. It was difficult to resist my urge to hug you."

"Oh shut up," I said, remembering he said those lines when I was at his hotel room. I must have a funny look on my face when I sleep, I thought, and that made me uncomfortable.

When I stepped outside, everything was pitch black except for the lit candles on top of a table, our dinner already prepared. I heard the gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore and there was sand under my feet, so I concluded we were on a beach. There was also soft music playing from God knows where and soon enough he took my hand and asked if I could dance with him.

I was about to say no when I realized I was out in the middle of nowhere alone with Adam. He could kill me here and no one would be able to find out, so I just agreed with his plans. He put his strong hands around my waist and pulled me into an embrace, and I was submerged in his manly scent. Having nowhere to go, I placed my arms around his broad shoulders. Trying my best to be a good dancer, at which I failed miserably, I was nonetheless beginning to feel at ease by his side. As the minutes passed, I unconsciously leaned my head against his chest, my nose nuzzled with his neck, and I could hear the beating of the singer's heart. It was fast but steady, and it had a calming effect on me.

"What makes you think I'd hurt you?" he asked, at one point. It was as if he could read my mind. The place was very dark so I assumed he could not notice the nervous expression on my face. I was taken aback I stepped on his foot. If he was in pain, I could not tell. All I knew was we stopped dancing and made our way to the table, with his question remaining unanswered.

The food was delicious. If there was one passion I had in my life, it was to eat. Fortunately, I don't gain weight even if I was a voracious eater. I was very enthusiastic to learn about the dishes and I asked Adam about them in between our meal. He was happy to answer, just to break the silence, though I could see he still wanted my reaction to his earlier question. So to get rid of that cute pout he had for fifteen minutes now, I decided to close that issue once and for all.

"Are there still people around?" I asked, knowing he could not prepare the dinner by himself. If there were, I thought, they did a good job hiding from me.

"No," he said, "they left before we arrived, and they will return after we leave. I wanted to be alone with you."

"Well, that's what frightened me," I told him, looking at the flames on the candles instead of Adam. "I thought that if it's just the two of us here, you could do anything you wanted with me, but don't get any crazy ideas."

He laughed. I smiled. For the first time that night, the tension had finally disappeared. But that moment was short-lived, because he took my hand in his, and peered into my eyes. I was on edge once again. Without words, he was sending me messages just by his gaze and his touch. He was playing with me, asking me to guess what was running on his mind.

"You... like... me," I stammered, hoping I would not get embarrassed because I made that up. He gave me a wide grin in response. Then he held my hand tighter. I was surprised when it hit me at last. "Oh my God, you really like me."

"What's there not to like? You're easy to get along with," he stated. "The list goes on and on. You're kind, you're witty, you're funny, and you're hot. But most of all, you are my soul mate."

"And don't forget I'm hard to get, so stop hitting on me," I said. He was telling me about that soul mate thing again. This time I was determined to get a serious explanation for all of this. "I'm not planning to get laid on my first date."

"I'm not sure about that," he said teasingly. His dark, brooding eyes told me he was up to something mischievous.

He stood up and went by my side. I was waiting what he would do next and was stunned when he lifted me up and planted a long, passionate kiss on my lips. I could not believe he was that strong. He did not care if we had just eaten, but I did. Amazingly, his breath did not stink and I did not even taste a hint of the food we've eaten. Instead, I gave in when I inhaled his unique Adam scent. He hugged me as we kissed and I could feel his raging boner pressed against mine. I managed to pull away at a safe distance, indecisive of what to say. I was deeply troubled because my resolve was breaking under his stare.

"I'm yours," he said with a triumphant smile. "and you're mine."

To be continued...


Any comments, suggestions, and reactions (not necessarily violent) you have in mind? This is my first post and I would like to hear from you. Just contact me at:

Next: Chapter 5

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